Nola Farewell Letter

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ill, Tony willingly released me to fulfil my role, at great personal sacrifice to himself. He was my soulmate. When he died as a result of the Alzheimer’s that had robbed him of so much, I missed him enormously. The memories of loving support from each one of my colleagues along with other friends will never leave me. I’ve also been overwhelmed by your personal messages wishing me well as I retire. Thank you.


EXCITEMENT FOR THE FUTURE I know that the years ahead are going to be fruitful for CARE. As this new chapter opens, I’m so excited to imagine how Ross and the team will go on to serve the Lord through CARE’s distinctive ministry. I know you’ll join me in praying for God’s grace and blessing into the future. And I want to say that we couldn’t do this job without you! This is not an empty phrase but comes from my heart. It’s been wonderful to meet people face to face through our events, to respond to your letters and emails, to recognise all that you do on the ground that authenticates the mandate God has given CARE. We are eternally grateful for your financial giving and above all, your prayers.

October 2021

Nola outside CARE in her final days as CEO.

May God bless you,

GOD’S GOODNESS AND GRACE ‘Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night.’

Nola Leach

Philippians 2:14,15 (THE MESSAGE) I love this verse! It sums up for me what we‘re all called to do as Christians. A few weeks from now I shall be stepping down after 17 years of serving as CARE’s Chief Executive – I’m thrilled to be be passing on this responsibility to Ross Hendry. It all began when I became a volunteer in 1995, which in due course led to me managing CARE’s Caring Services department. There were many extraordinary stories of lives being changed as we supported hundreds of Christians who opened their homes and their hearts to people in need. I was then invited to become CEO in 2004 and I thank God for the incredible privilege of working alongside an amazing team, as well as all the wonderful people and churches who have supported CARE down the years.



CARE (Christian Action Research & Education) | Chief Executive Nola Leach | Chairman Rev Lyndon Bowring 53 Romney St, London, SW1P 3RF | 020 7233 0455 | | Charity No: 1066963 | Scottish Charity No: SC038911

It’s important to us that we aim for everything we do to be underpinned by prayer. And we’ve certainly seen God powerfully at work over the years! It’s not that everything went our way but looking back there have been significant successes – for example resisting all attempts to change the law on Physician Assisted Suicide; assisting Lord Morrow to pass outstanding

legislation dealing with human trafficking and exploitation in Northern Ireland, which then influenced the rest of the UK; campaigning for greater support for problem gamblers; and recognising the dangers of pornography – especially to children. I am so proud of our Public Policy Team for their dedication, professionalism and skill. I particularly pay tribute to Dr. Dan Boucher our Director of Parliamentary Affairs, a man of such principle fighting so diligently for truth against the odds.


Nola and CARE staff when she took her post.

PURSUING EXCELLENCE Looking beyond our public policy work, we’ve tried to take every opportunity to serve the Church. I’m delighted at how our communications team has forged ahead to up our game online, especially during the challenges of Covid-19. James Mildred, who leads them, shows such dedication to Christian truth and unstinting enthusiasm for all he does. Whether it’s providing resources and organising events to help Christians to understand and engage with important issues or offering young graduates the unique opportunity to join CARE’s Leadership Programme, we endeavour to pursue excellence and demonstrate the grace and truth of Christ in what we do. We often describe the Leadership Programme as ‘the jewel in CARE’s crown’. It’s been such a highlight to get to know the scores of young people who have passed through – some going on to significant positions of influence. I have been so impressed by the calibre of the many MPs and others we’ve been privileged to work with. Fiona Bruce MP for Congleton has become a close friend – what an inspiring woman of courage and commitment! Gary Streeter MP has been a huge encouragement to me – out there doing a great longhaul job of supporting Christian MPs across the parties. And I’m so grateful to have known Baroness Ilora Finlay who again and again has harnessed her passion to Lyndon and Nola together in early days as CEO. campaign for the vulnerable at the end of their lives, at great personal cost. She often phoned me as I supported my husband Tony through his illness. I could name many other outstanding politicians across the UK – it’s been a joy to support them especially in a culture that is often cynical about them.

Throughout its history, CARE has always been outward-looking. I love the fact that CARE doesn’t exist in a ‘silo’ but is always on the lookout to share with others for the good of the Kingdom. Over the years, groups in need of a helping hand to grow their ministry have been ‘adopted’ – whether that’s been pregnancy advice centres, education initiatives, fostering Nola with Chairman Lyndon Bowring and Chair of projects and even in its earliest days, Trustees, John O’Brien. Care for the Family! During my time as CEO, it’s been an honour to work alongside organisations that support victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation, pornography addiction and volunteers presenting RSE in schools. CARE’s ability to bring people together resulted in hosting a series of gatherings for Christian leaders across the denominations to discuss and pray together about the true nature of the gospel, and how it can make a greater impact on our world. Further afield, CARE has been instrumental in the growth of the European Leadership Forum, helping Christians to influence their cultures for God through its Policy and Society Network, along with personal mentoring.

GRATITUDE CARE has been blessed with really marvellous people down the years who’ve served as Trustees and I particularly thank God for John O’Brien, our Chair, who has led the Board with great faith and insight. He’s always been there for me with wise counsel and kindness. If only I had space to mention a whole host of colleagues and friends! But I must restrict myself to a few who stand out! I could not have done this job without Lyndon. His support right from the beginning, and his guidance, wise advice, godly perspective enriches me so much. Along with Celia, we have shared this work, and had such fun – as well as walking together through difficult times.

Tony and Nola at the CARE Staff Away Days.

I cannot leave out Tony. We were married for 49 years and shared so many adventures. His encouragement and support meant everything to me as I worked for CARE and even when he became so

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