Winter 2014
Information For Unpaid Carers In East Sussex
D Loo o You Somk Afte eon r e?
East Sussex
CareLine Magazine
Know Your Rights 6
Respite for Healthcare 10
Carer’s Groups
Contents From The Editor 4 The Care Act 2014 10
Keeping Warm This Winter
Financial Help & Tips to Keep Your Energy Bills Down
12 - 14
Care for the carers Our Services
6 2 Contents
Mental Health 15
Update from the Carers’ Forums
Carers’ Groups
Know Your Rights
Carers’ Groups
Your Wellbeing Toolkit WRAP
Courses for Carers 22 Contents 3
From The Editor David Thompson
Care for the Carers
Welcome to the first edition of the new carers magazine for East Sussex. Funded by the NHS and East Sussex County Council, and produced by Care for the Carers on behalf of all services to carers. Careline is a quarterly publication bringing practial advice and information to all unpaid carers in East Sussex. You might have noticed that it’s still called CareLine, we haven’t settled on a new name yet. We are exploring possible new names with carers and partner organisations, and will launch this in the new year! The new layout and more pages will allow us to include more information from our partner organisations who support carers. (See back of magazine for organisations). Please do let us know your thoughts on this new addition - we want it to be as useful and information rich as possible.
4 From The Editor
Each month our mailing list for the magazine grows, however, we are limited on the number of copies that we are able to produce and more importantly post. Please can I ask that if you have email and are happy to recieve the magazine online, could you let us know ( email ) so that we can update your subscription. This will help us to be able to continue sending the magazines to those carers who are unable to recieve it any other way. Our contact details are also on the the back cover, so if you wish to update your address, contribute an article or add your name to the mailing list, please get in touch. It’s with mixed feelings that I write my final message as the editor of CareLine - I have now left Care for the Carers and started a new job in the big smoke!
We would like to say thank you and farewell to Francesca Middleton, Sarah Lock and Laura Dean, who have also moved on to pastures new we wish them every future happiness. I will never forget my time at Care for the Carers, it has been such a rewarding experience. I sincerely hope that the Care Act, which comes in as law in the new year, will be a positive step towards making things better for carers. I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope you enjoy reading this edition,
David Thompson Editor
Keeping Warm This Winter
Cold homes have a significant impact on people’s health. One of the best ways to keep yourself well during winter is to stay warm.
winter can become very expensive, and for some this may be a cost you just cannot afford. There is help available and you may be able to claim financial and practical help with heating your home.
Find out more
Winter Fuel Payment
Keeping warm over the winter months can help prevent colds, flu or more serious health conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression.
A Winter Fuel Payment of between £100 and £300 is available if you were born on or before July 5 1952.
Alternatively call the Energy Saving Advice Service on 0300 123 1234 (9am-8pm Mon-Fri and 10am-2pm Sat). Operated by the Energy Saving Trust, this service can advise on what help is available to save on your energy bills.
The chances of these problems are higher if you’re vulnerable to cold-related illnesses, more than 65, can’t afford heating, have a long term health condition or if you’re disabled.
If you’re receiving certain benefits you may be able to receive a Cold Weather Payment for each week that the average temperature in your local area is at or below freezing. You don’t need to apply for this - if you qualify it will be automatically added to your benefit payment.
Cold weather benefits Heating your home in the
Cold Weather Payment
For more information on cold weather benefits, Carers UK have a really useful section on their website that can be found at
The government have also produced a ‘Keep Warm Keep Well’ leaflet which is filled with really useful information. Visit winterhealth to download your copy. Alternatively contact Care for the Carers on 01323 738390 and they will be happy to provide you with a printed copy.
Financial 5
Care for the carers services Carers Centre for East Sussex
Gateway We provide a gateway to information and support for carers, partner organisations and the public. When you contact us, you’ll have an initial conversation with a Support Worker - usually on the same day. Carers needing a longer discussion or more specialist support can book a face-toface meeting, or a longer telephone appointment. We refer on to all the organisations featured in this magazine, as well as providing services ourselves.
Information Reliable information is crucial when managing a caring role - we provide a wide range of resources: • • • •
Factsheets and leaflets Carers pack Online carers’ hub: www. Call into the Eastbourne Carers Centre & browse
6 Carers Centre
the resource library or use the computer Carers’ magazine - sign up to receive this magazine every quarter (by email, or by post for those who don’t have internet access) Social media - Twitter (@care4thecarers) & Facebook
Support & Advice Our team of Support Workers are here to talk over your particular circumstances and to help you plan your next steps. We can talk face-to-face, over the telephone or online, and provide emotional support and non-legal advice specific to your own caring role. We also work with GPs, health professionals and social workers, especially when a caring role is at risk of breaking down. If your caring role means that you are struggling to attend your own medical appointments,
we can help you to apply for a Healthcare Appointment Grant to pay for replacement care.
“Time to Talk” Life can change when you become a carer - many carers put their own needs last, and many experience family and friends slipping away. Our volunteer counsellors provide up to 12 one-toone sessions, and volunteer peer mentors provide companionship to carers who feel isolated and want someone by their side as they take steps to develop new friends and interests.
Groups & Activities Carers’ Information & Advice Groups are tailored to carers accessing support for the first time. Available for up to a year, monthly groups support you to build your ‘caring toolkit’, learning from Support Workers, specialist guest
speakers and meeting other carers. Informal Carers Groups are a chance to get together with other carers for a chat, friendship and a break from caring. A range of training & development opportunities are available, with a new course launching in 2015. The course will include topics such as Healthy Eating, Manual Handling and First Aid. If you are interested in taking part, please do get in touch.
Carers Voices Carers Voices influences the services and policy that matter to local carers. Members represent carers at their local Carers Voices Group, their GP surgery’s Patient Participation Group, by getting involved in online debates or attending the Carers’ Forums (see pages 8 - 9). We are actively recruiting new carer representatives and would love to hear from you if you are interested in speaking up for carers. Training is available and travel costs are reimbursed. In addition, we assist Carers Voices members to apply for a grant for replacement care costs where relevant. •
Care for the Carers are currently recruiting for a range of volunteer positions. Please get in touch if you would like to get involved.
Carers Card
Call us on 01323 738390 or email 9-5 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday 8-8 on Mondays and Fridays
Support Scheme (CRESS)
Care for the Carers is • Get savings and delighted to announce discounts at retail the launch of the Carers and leisure venues Card. Funded by ESCC across East Sussex and the NHS, this new - a directory of multi-use card builds on businesses taking existing services: the part is available at Carers Emergency Alert Card, CRESS and the Carers Discount Card. All three services have If you already have any now come together to of these cards - don’t form the Carers Card, worry, you can continue so that you no longer to use your existing have to carry more card: than one card. You can access the card and • Carry the card in set up a CRESS backup your wallet to notify plan through Care for emergency services the Carers. that you are a carer We are also recruiting • Notify the new businesses - why emergency services not show your support that you have a for carers by joining the backup care plan scheme? through the Carers Respite Emergency
Volunteers also play a vital role in helping us to provide these services.
Carers Centre 7
Carers’ Forum
Know Your Rights
What does the Care Act 2014 mean for carers?
and celebrated the increased recognition that carers are experiencing, both locally and nationally.
This November carers heard about the new Care Act 2014 and what it could mean to them when it comes into power in April 2015. At each carers’ forum in Hailsham, Plumpton Green and Bexhill, carers discussed the need for good information to help them navigate the maze of services, support and entitlements,. In addition, they considered what changes the Care Act could bring to them locally.
“Carers own recognition of need is really important.”
Jennifer Twist, CEO at Care for the Carers opened each forum, welcoming local carers and introducing the focus of Carers Rights and the Care Act 2014. She talked about the ways in which carers can get involved in shaping the information available to them
8 Have Your Say
The forums included presentations from Jacqui Finn the South East Regional Manager for national charity, Carers Trust, Tamsin Peart Strategic Commissioning Manager (Carers) for ESCC and Elizabeth Mackie, Community Liaison Manager with Healthwatch East Sussex. Speakers helped to provide a national and local perspective in regards to the impact of the Care Act so far and provided the forum with a picture of how services may change for
them after April 2015. Carers who attended highlighted several common concerns and issues: •
There is either too much information available and the carer is often left feeling overwhelmed...
...or there isn’t any information available until “crisis point” has been reached.
The health service (GP, Hospital etc.) is often the first contact carers have, but you have to know what information to ask for before you can receive it. This doesn’t help. “The best place for this information would be GP’s.”
The majority of carers would direct another carer to a local charity such as
Care for the Carers, Age Concern or British Red Cross for information, advice and support. A marketplace of information Local organisations such as Southdown Housing, Association of Carers, Autism Sussex, Improving Carers Experience and Alzheimer’s Association formed a ‘marketplace’ of information, with representatives on hand to discuss the services and support they can offer carers locally. Carers took the time at lunch to visit the marketplace and utilised the time available to exchange their experiences with other carers. The consensus amongst all three forums was that carers welcomed the new Care Act and the strengthened rights it will bring next year, but were apprehensive about how the changes would be funded. They called for clear information and for adequate Government funding to deliver the commitments made in the Act. You can find more details on the new Care Act on page 8. Your Feedback At each forum, carers were asked to answer the following questions. Here are some of their answers – do you agree? Why not let us know your answers?
When you first became a carer, where did you find out about the support and services you and the person/s you care for are entitled to? • • • • •
Carers Groups and other carers WRAP course Care for the Carers GP/Hospital Age Concern
“The clinical and social care pathways were lengthy and acted as a barrier”
If you met a new carer today, where would you direct them to find out about the services and support they could receive? • • • • • •
Care for the Carers GP Citizens Advice Bureau East Sussex Disability Association Age Concern Alzheimer’s Society
“Care for the Carers has been fantastic, as are other condition specific organisations like Alzheimer’s society”
Now that you have more of an idea as to how the Care Act 2014 is going to affect the services you receive after April 2015, how do you feel about the support you may need in the future and how that will be met?
“Target GP’s and Practice Managers for information. Ensure they are informed.” “Get more help from the third sector” “Local mentors to help new carers” “These days people over 70 are looking after people in their 90s to 100s when they often need help themselves but the Government does not seem to take this fact in.” “Want consistency of service provision and personnel over time” “What happens when money runs out if selffunding?” “Future - I hope it does identify more carers; those who don’t recognise themselves as a carer or those with means who believe they won’t qualify for any help support.” If you would like to find out more about the carers’ forums or would like to have your say on what was discussed please contact Rachel Hesterbanks, Involvment Officer at Care for the Carers on 01323 738390 or email
Have Your Say 9
Have Your Say
The Care Act 2014 The Care Act 2014 is the biggest change to adult health and social care law in more than 60 years. It reforms the law relating to the care and support of adults and their carers, by bringing together a huge number of existing laws, and introducing some new duties to local authorities. This means there is now a single tool covering the legal arrangements for all people who require social care as well as their carers, local authorities, service providers and the wider population. The Care Act 2014 aims to ensure that an individual’s wellbeing is at the heart of health and social care services. Some of its key elements include: •
Providing county-wide information and advice about care and support services to help people make the best choices.
10 Have Your Say
Giving carers the same rights and support as the people they care for.
A lifetime cap on care costs (£72,000 for people 65 and over), and monitoring an individual’s progress towards the cap.
Although most of the duties will come into force in April 2015, the cap on care costs will not come into effect until April 2016.
The Care Act in East Sussex Much of the Care Act reflects and builds on existing policy and practice from the last few years. However, some areas are completely new and will require a lot of preparation to implement. Getting this right will mean we have to work in partnership with clients, carers and our partner organisations in the independent and
voluntary sectors. For more information, carers can contact Care for the Carers: 01323 738390 / www. or visit the Carers UK website: http://www. to download the Carers Rights guide. In addition, visit www. careact or email careact@
Your Wellbeing Toolkit “Sometimes we just get on with life unaware of choices. WRAP enables you to explore choices and options and thereby improve our lives and those we care for.” Molly and Lucy from Coastal Wellbeing are pleased to announce that they will be continuing to deliver free WRAP - Wellness Recovery Action Plan - courses to Carers across East Sussex for the next three years! Molly said: “All too often our needs and wellbeing can be the last thing on the ‘to do’ list!
But let me ask you this: How are YOU?” Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities? Would you like the opportunity to explore what you need for your own wellbeing? Would you like to meet with other carers in a supportive, confidential environment and have some fun along the way? A 6-week WRAP group offers carers the opportunity to explore safe and simple tools that can be used to maintain your wellbeing and support you when you are facing challenges. WRAP groups are offered by Coastal Wellbeing in a variety of locations throughout East Sussex and are free of charge. For those who juggle caring responsibilities and work,
there will also be a group running outside of normal working hours. “Molly and Lucy showed us ways to think outside the box” “A special place to be” If you would like to book a place on a course or find out more about WRAP, whatever your caring situation, please contact us. Telephone Molly on 07507 734 370 or Lucy on 07598 323 254 Alternatively, email molly@ or www.coastalwellbeing.
Health 11
Your Health Matters Far too often carers put the health and wellbeing of the person (or people) they care for first, and forget to look after themselves, even though we all know that keeping fit and well is so important. In this issue we won’t mention diets and exercise, it’s the holiday season after all! Instead we’d like to take a look at healthcare appointments - such as visiting your GP or going to the dentist.
more enjoyable? Can you afford the cost of additional respite? The list goes on... Help is available... The Association of Carers offer free respite to carers who need to attend regular healthcare appointments. East Sussex County Council will also cover the cost of respite for carers to attend healthcare appointments for carers who pay for care themselves as well as carers who have services arranged by Adult Social Care. The council have also extended this offer to include training.
It’s easy to understand why many carers can find it difficult to make the time to attend healthcare appointments, there’s just so Read more opposite... much to consider - especially if you’re unable to leave the Also, don’t forget to let your person you care for on their GP know that you’re a carer own. Can a family member - they should have a carers cover for you? Should you register and be able to offer re-arrange your respite? But you some flexibilty with wouldn’t you rather use this appointments. time for something a little
12 Respite
Volu nt Respite Se A service to help carers who attend regular healthcare appointments Do you have a long-term health condition such as diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, depression, anxiety, stress and need regular check-ups? Do you have a visual or sensory impairment? Do you need a course of treatment? If you answered yes to any of the above and find it difficult to attend your own healthcare appointments because you can’t leave the person you care for - then the free respite service from the Association of Carers may be able to help. The Association of Carers has a team of volunteers who are available to spend up to four hours with the person you look after while you attend your appointment with your GP, Nurse, Hospital Consultant, Dentist etc...
lu nteer te Service Their volunteers are police checked and receive an induction, however, they are not able to provide personal care. Therefore, the person you look after needs to be able to use the toilet by themselves or have their continence managed, for example, with a catheter, or pads etc. A minimum of two weeks’ notice needs to be given, so that a staff member from the Association of Carers can visit your home to find out about your circumstances and identify a suitable volunteer. The more notice you are able to give, the more likely they will be able to find a volunteer. For more information, or if you would like to volunteer to help provide this service, please contact a member of the team at the Association of Carers. Call 0300 330 9498, email info@associationofcarers. or visit their website www.associationofcarers.
Healthcare Appointment Respite Free respite for carers for healthcare appointments from Adult Social Care East Sussex County Council are able to help carers to attend their own healthcare appointments by covering the cost of additional respite. If you pay for care yourself, or if you have no care provision in place: Funding to cover the cost of additional respite care is available for carers who have no care provision in place or who pay for care themselves. You can apply for funding to meet the cost of respite care for the following: • Healthcare appointments such as visiting the GP, dentist, outpatients’ appointments or for treatment such as physiotherapy, or counselling
you in your caring role such as dementia training or Moving and Handling For more information, or to request this funding please contact Care for the Carers on 01323 738390 or email If you already have home care or home based respite arranged by Adult Social Care: If you already have care arranged by Adult Social Care, you can ask your provider to arrange for a care worker to look after the person you care for – Adult Social Care will cover the cost of the respite care in these circumstances. If you want to use this service you should contact your care provider in good time to allow them to arrange the replacement care. Please make sure you tell them as soon as possible if your appointment is changed or cancelled.
• Training or courses to help
Respite 13
Finding Time for Yourself
“…you’ll never know how happy I am that you came here and how many things I’ve achieved since. You have given me the confidence to ask for help.” Fantastic support for carers from the British Red Cross Are you looking after someone around the clock with not a minute to spare for yourself? The British Red Cross Carers’ Support service was set up to cater for people just like you. They are here to assist unpaid carers, both practically and emotionally, to allow you to take some time for yourselves, whilst knowing your loved ones are in the hands of someone you can trust. This is a FREE service running across the whole of East
14 Respite
Sussex funded and approved by East Sussex County Council. What does the service entail? Volunteers from a wide variety of backgrounds have joined this scheme, bringing with them a range of skills and a shared enthusiasm to help those around them. Their volunteers help with a range of activities including providing a befriending and sitting service, assistance with shopping, transport, walking the dog, meal preparation, light housework and companionship. We aim to tailor activities to the needs of each individual, offering the
service for 2 hours a week for a period of 6 weeks to help people get back on their feet. The British Red Cross are here to help people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are, and we know that just a few hours of respite a week can make a real difference to someone’s day-to-day life. How do I access this service? In order to access this service simply call 0800 0280 831 and they will put you in touch with our local office and local volunteers in your area.
Mental Health
Improving Carers Experience FREE information course for carers of someone with a mental health issue ‘Improving Carers’ Experience’ (ICE) supports family and friends of people experiencing mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders etc... Trying to help someone with these conditions is complicated and often exhausting. Not only does the family struggle to understand what is happening to the person, they also have to get to know a whole new system, new professionals, medications and treatments. It can be hard to understand what is going on especially when you are not sure what you can do or how best to help.
ICE offers a free information course that provides useful facts and allows you to consider the best ways to support them and also look after yourself. You can meet others in similar situations. They are currently planning on running a course in Eastbourne and one in Hastings in the New Year - with one being held on Saturdays. It is difficult to commit time when you are busy and stressed, but this course is valuable in helping you reduce the pressure you are under. If you think it might be helpful or if you would like further information please call Jane on 07483133543 or email
“This has helped me feel less isolated and more supported. I would have liked to attend a course like this much earlier on in my son’s illness as I feel it would have made a big difference to my ability to cope with it.”
Mental Health 15
Raise Your Voice
Music Project for People Living with Dementia
Raise Your Voice is an operatic music project designed for people living with dementia and their carers. It is run by Glyndebourne’s Education Department in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society, the Royal Academy of Music, the Cluny Centre Lewes, and local volunteers. This unique and special project has been running since 2008 with the next sessions staring Wednesday 14th January 2015. Raise Your Voice sessions are a welcoming and friendly place for people with dementia and their carers - you can be creative
16 Dementia
and enjoy spending time together as part of a bigger group. Sessions always include lots of singing, some drama, art and craft, and possibly even movement/dance - as well as time to chat over tea or coffee. Specific details The year is divided up into four terms (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter) of five sessions, each including an opera theme and some wellknown music. For the first three terms, meetings are fortnightly on
Wednesdays at the Cluny Centre in Lewes. During November, for the fourth term they are at Glyndebourne on Thursdays for five weeks running. Who is Raise Your Voice for? The Project is intended for people with diagnosed dementia, accompanied by a family member or carer, living in Lewes and the surrounding area. Carers are asked that to attend consistently alongside the person they are supporting as they are an important part of the project.
Who will be there?
Master Jane Haughton and pianist Nancy Cooley (a member of the Glyndebourne Education team), attend every January-October Chorus session in Lewes. In addition, an Alzheimer’s Society worker comes to most sessions; there are three volunteers to meet, greet and support the project
At the Glyndebourne Sessions in November, the team is joined by our Director Freya Wynn-Jones and musicians Julian West and Sam Glazer.
of staff in the Glyndebourne Education Department on 01273 812321, or email him at education@glyndebourne. com.
If you would like to know more about the project with a view to joining, please contact Chris Stones or any member
East Sussex Dementia Support Service
Singing For The Brain The Alzheimer’s Society presents Singing for the Brain service - a singing group for people with dementia and their carers. Singing is not only an enjoyable activity, it is also a way for people with dementia, along with their carers, to express themselves and socialise with others in a fun and supportive group. Hidden in the fun are activities which build on the well-known preserved memory for song and music in the brain. Even when many memories are hard to retrieve, music is
especially easy to recall. Singing for the Brain is designed to enhance wellbeing and bring fun and confidence to lives affected by memory problems. For anyone wishing to find out further information on where these sessions are being held, please contact Maria Lanigan, Alzheimer’s Society East Sussex, on 01424 773687.
The Alzheimer’s Society has carer support workers who provide a unique service for people with a diagnosis of dementia, their carers and their family. They are part of a broader pathway for dementia support provided by the Society. They provide follow-on services from the Society’s Dementia Adviser service for people with newly diagnosed dementia (where this service is available), including intense case management support for people with dementia and their families with more complex needs. They can also refer and signpost to other Society services as required. Contact the Alzheimer’s Society East Sussex, on 01424 773687 for more information.
Dementia 17
January ‘15 Carers’ Groups
Battle 27/01/15 14:00 -16:00
Netherfield 27/01/15 10:00 - 12:00
Bexhill 21/01/15 14:00-16:00 22/01/15 10:00 - 12:00
Ore 13/01/15 10:00 - 12:00
Brighton 15/01/15 19:00 - 21:00
There are lots of different carers’ groups that meet across the county, organised by the different organisations who help to make up this magazine. Across these two pages you can find out when your local group meets - the information is grouped by area and is in date order. Also, accompanying each date is a key which is there to help you identify the type of group for you.
Crowborough 28/01/15 14:00 -16:00 06/01/15 10:00 - 12:00
Info & Advice Informal meetings with guest speakers and carer advisors to answer your questions
Specialist groups Dementia Book Club Mental Health Acquired Brain Injury Learning Disability
For more information including location and organisation please see the Carers’ Groups Directory (p. 20).
18 Carers' Groups
Pevensey & Westham 21/01/15 10:00 - 12:00 Plumpton 13/01/15 10:00 - 12:00
09/01/15 14:00 - 16:00 Eastbourne 07/01/15 19:30 - 21:30 19/01/15 10:00 - 12:00 28/01/15 14:00 - 16:00
Groups for all carers Cuppa & Chat Come along anytime for a cup of tea and a chat
Peacehaven 20/01/15 10:00 - 12:00
Forest Row
Rye & Winchelsea 28/01/15 10:00 - 12:00 Seaford 13/01/15 14:00 -16:00 14/01/15 10:00 - 12:00 Uckfield 23/01/15 10:00 - 12:00
16/01/15 13:00 - 15:00 Hastings & St Leonards 26/01/15 14:00 -16:00 31/01/15 10:00 - 12:00
Hailsham 21/01/15 14:00 -16:00 21/01/15 19:00 - 21:00
Heathfield 12/01/15 14:00 - 16:00 Langney 22/01/15 10:00 - 12:00 08/01/15 10:30 - 12:00
Wadhurst 13/01/15 10:00 - 12:00
February ‘15
March ‘15
Battle 24/02/15 14:00 -16:00
Ore 10/02/15 10:00 - 12:00
Battle 24/03/15 14:00 -16:00
Ore 10/03/15 10:00 - 12:00
Bexhill 18/02/15 14:00 -16:00 26/02/15 10:00 - 12:00
Peacehaven 17/02/15 10:00 - 12:00
Bexhill 18/03/15 14:00 -16:00 26/03/15 10:00 - 13:00
Peacehaven 17/03/15 10:00 - 12:00
Brighton 19/02/15 19:00 - 21:00 Crowborough 25/02/15 14:00 -16:00 03/02/15 10:00 - 12:00 13/02/15 14:00 - 16:00 Eastbourne 04/02/15 19:30 - 21:30 16/02/15 10:00 - 12:00 25/02/15 14:00 - 16:00 Forest Row 20/02/15 13:00 - 15:00 Hastings & St Leonards 05/02/15 10:30 - 12:30 06/02/15 10:00 - 12:00 23/02/15 14:00 -16:00 28/02/15 10:00 - 12:00
Pevensey and Westham 18/02/15 10:00 - 12:00 Plumpton 10/02/15 10:00 - 12:00 Rye & Winchelsea 25/02/15 10:00 - 12:00 Seaford 10/02/15 14:00 -16:00 11/02/15 10:00 - 12:00 Uckfield 27/02/15 10:00 - 12:00 Wadhurst 10/02/15 10:00 - 12:00 Ringmer 03/02/15 10:00 - 12:00
Brighton 19/03/15 19:00 - 21:00 Crowborough 25/03/15 14:00 -16:00 03/03/15 10:00 - 12:00 13/03/15 14:00 - 16:00 Eastbourne 04/03/15 19:30 - 21:30 25/03/15 14:00 - 16:00 16/03/15 10:00 - 12:00 Forest Row 20/03/15 13:00 - 15:00 Hailsham & Herstmonceux 05/03/15 10:00 - 12:00 18/03/15 14:00 -16:00 18/03/15 19:00 - 21:00
Hailsham & Herstmonceux 05/02/15 10:00 - 12:00 18/02/15 14:00 -16:00 18/02/15 19:00 - 21:00
Hastings &St. Leonards 23/03/15 14:00 -16:00 05/03/15 10:30 - 12:30 06/03/15 10:00 - 12:00 28/03/15 10:00 - 12:00
Heathfield 19/02/15 14:00 - 16:00
Heathfield 19/03/15 14:00 - 16:00
Langney 26/02/15 10:00 - 12:00
Langney 26/03/15 10:00 - 12:00
12/02/15 10:30 - 12:00
12/03/15 10:30 - 12:00
Netherfield 24/02/15 10:00 - 12:00
Netherfield 24/03/15 10:00 - 12:00
Pevensey & Westham 18/03/15 10:00 - 12:00 Plumpton 10/03/15 10:00 - 12:00 Rye & Winchelsea 25/03/15 10:00 - 12:00 Seaford 10/03/15 14:00 -16:00 11/03/15 10:00 - 12:00 Uckfield 20/03/15 10:00 - 12:00 Wadhurst 10/03/15 10:00 - 12:00 Ringmer 03/03/15 10:00 - 12:00
Carers' Groups 19
Carers’ Groups
Directory Info & Advice Care for the Carers’ Information and Advice groups are regular meetings for all carers, facilitated by Carer Support Workers. Each group meeting follows a the same basic format - the first half of the meeting gives you time to have a cuppa and a chat with other carers, and in the second half a guest speaker will join the meeting, bringing with them useful information and advice. Following each group meeting, the Carer Support Worker will also be available should you wish to discuss any worries or concerns. Bexhill Centenary House, 21 Holliers Hill, Bexhill, TN40 2DH Crowborough The Lounge, United Church, Croft Road, Crowborough, TN6 1HA
20 Carers' Groups
Here you can find out about your local carers’ groups, which organsation they are run by and where they meet. To find out when a group meets please check out the Carers’ Group Calendar on pages 18-19. If you would like to find out more about any of the carers’ groups details please contact Care for the Carers who will be happy to advise.
Eastbourne The Russell Centre, Royal Voluntary Service, The Russell Centre, 24 Hyde Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4SX Forest Row Forest Row Community Centre (The Garden Room), Hartfield Road, Forest Row,RH18 5DZ Hailsham & Herstmonceux Herstmonceux Village Hall Hailsham Road, Herstmonceux, BN27 4JX Heathfield Heathfield Community Health Centre (Ian Price Room), Sheepsetting Lane, Heathfield, TN21 0XG Netherfield Netherfield Village Hall, Netherfield Way, Netherfield, TN33 9PZ Langney St Barnabas United Church Hall, King Fisher Drive, Langney, Eastbourne, BN23 7RA Ore Ore Community Centre 455 Old London Road, Ore Village, Hastings, TN35 5BH Peacehaven The Rendezvous, The House Project, 168 South Coast Road, Peacehaven, BN10 8JH Pevensey & Westham Church Bailey Court (The Lounge), Montague Way, Westham, Pevensey, BN24 5NB
Plumpton Plumpton Village Hall, 1 West Gate, Plumpton Green, BN7 3BQ Rye & Winchelsea Rye & Winchelsea Memorial Hospital, Peasmarsh Road, Rye, TN31 7UD Seaford Seaford House (The Lounge), Seaford House, Crouch Lane, Seaford, BN25 1PW Uckfield The Luxford Centre (The Tyler Room), Library Way, Uckfield, TN22 1AR Wadhurst Carillon Cottage (The Lounge) High Street, Wadhurst, TN5 6AA
Cuppa & Chat These are informal support groups and carers are welcome to pop along any time between 10am and 12pm for a cuppa and a chat. St Leonards Pinehurst Holistic Health Centre, 3 Avondale Road, St Leonards on Sea, TN38 0SA
Care for the Carers
Alzheimer’s Society
Headway Hurstwood Park
Telephone 01323 738390
Telephone 01424 773687
Telephone 01825 724323
Mental Health
If you look after someone with a mental health issue, these specialist groups from Care for the Carers have tailored information and advice just for you.
The Alzheimer’s Society’s Carer Support Groups meet regularly across the county. Group meetings provide a safe, friendly environment - where you can be yourself and talk about dementia comfortably with others who find themselves in similar situations.
Eastbourne Brightview, 6 Saffrons Road, Eastbourne, BN21 1DG Hastings & St Leonards Carisbrooke House, Stockleigh Road, St Leonards TN38 0JP
Learning Disability Come along to your local family carers coffee morning run by Care for the Carers - pop in any time from 10:30am - 12:30pm for a cuppa and a chat Crowborough The Lounge, United Church, Croft Road, Crowborough, TN6 1HA Eastbourne Kings Centre, 27 Edison Road, Eastbourne, BN23 6PT St Leonards Conquest Day Centre Chichester Road, St Leonards on Sea, TN38 9BG
Battle Alzheimer’s Society Battle office, Beckett House, Mitre Way, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 0AS Bexhill The Old Bank Chambers, Buckhurst Road, Bexhill on Sea, TN40 1QF Crowborough Horder Centre, St John’s Road, Crowborough TN6 1XP Eastbourne Milton Grange, Milton Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 1SL Hailsham Fleur de Lys Meeting Room, Inglenook Market Street, Hailsham, BN27 2AE Hastings St Barnabas Church, Hoads Wood Road, Hastings, TN34 2BA Lewes Phoenix Day Centre, 26 Malling Street, Lewes, BN7 2RD
Aquired Brain Injury These Headway Hurstwood Park support group meetings aim to provide carers with the opportunity to meet other people in similar situations. You can obtain and exchange information and support from facilitators, speakers and each other in a relaxed and informal setting. Brighton Montague House, Montague Place, Brighton, BN2 1JE Eastbourne East Sussex Disability Association, 1 Faraday Close, Hampden Park, BN22 9BH Hailsham Diplocks Hall, The Diplocks, Hailsham, BN27 3JY
Book Club An opportunity to share your love of literature with other carers. Langney St Barnabas United Church Hall, King Fisher Drive, Langney, Eastbourne, BN23 7RA
Carers' Groups 21
Supporting carers with employment, training, education or volunteering in East Sussex Ambitions is a free service, funded for three years through the East Sussex Commissioning Grants Prospectus, to address the vocational needs of Carers across the county. This is a new service for East Sussex, the aim of which is to work with adult carers to support their vocational aspirations - whether that be in training and education, entering or maintaining employment, or volunteering. As well as helping to pursue vocational aspirations, Ambitions can also provide support to keep an existing job, or to regain a balance between working and caring responsibilities. In recognition of the potential number of people that could benefit from this service, Ambitions intend to offer levels of support ranging from telephone advice and guidance, to group work and individual case working. Southdown’s vocational specialist, Paul Turk, has a wealth of knowledge relating to education and training opportunities. In addition, he has many years experience in supporting clients back into work and identifying and sourcing volunteering opportunities. Referrals to the Ambitions service can be made directly by individuals or by organisations on behalf of individuals. For more information call Paul Turk on 07805 811186, email or visit www.
22 Employment
Courses for Carers On the calendar opposite you can find upcoming course dates for carers in East Sussex. Please note that some of the courses listed take place over a number of weeks and the dates shown are the start and end of each course. Courses that have been confirmed include CrISP 1 - a programme for carers looking after someone with dementia -which has a follow-up course CrISP 2 later in the year. There are mental health workshops from Improving Carers Experience( you can read more about their other project on page 10), and a one off event from Headway Hurstwood Park for carers of someone with an acquired brain injury. Also included are the upcoming dates for two 6 week WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Planning) courses, you can read more about these on page 13. If you have any questions regarding Courses for Carers please contact Care for the Carers on 01323 738390.
January ‘15
February ‘15
24/01/14 Diagnoses and Treatments 10am-3pm, St Leonards on Sea Mental Health
03/02/15 - 10/03/15 CrISP 1 Peacehaven
14/01/14 - 25/02/14 6 Week WRAP Course Wednesdays, 10:30am - 1:30pm, Bexhill Health 29/01/14 Headway focus on Communication 10:30am, Newick Acquired Brain Injury
Dementia 05/02/15 - 12/03/15 CrISP 1 Battle Dementia 07/02/14 How the system works and getting the best from it 10am-3pm St Leonards on Sea Mental Health 10/02/14 - 17/03/14 6 Week WRAP Course Tuesdays, 10:00am - 12:30pm, Eastbourne Health
CrISP 1 Developed by the Alzheimer’s Society, the Carer Information and Support Programme (CrISP) is designed to educate carers and families on dementia. The programme will help you cope with day-to-day life and assist you in planning for the future. For more information please contact Maria Lanigan, Alzheimer’s Society East Sussex office 01424 773687.
Mental HealthWorkshops These workshops are for anyone supporting someone
with a mental health problem - with a particular focus on anxiety, depression, bi-polar, schizophrenia and personality disorders etc. All sessions are from 10am3pm at Carisbrooke House, Stockleigh Road, St Leonards on Sea TN38 0ES. For further information or to book a place 01273 617100 or
Headway focus on Communication On Thursday 29th January 2015 at 10.30am at Headway Hurstwood Park in Newick;
21/02/14 Everyday issues and dealing with crises 10am-3pm St Leonards on Sea Mental Health 09/02/15 - 16/03/15 CrISP 1 Heathfield Dementia
March ‘15 07/03/14 Keeping them well and keeping you going 10am-3pm St Leonards on Sea Mental Health 19/03/15 - 23/04/15 CrISP 1 Hastings Dementia
Nick Behn, an experienced Speech Therapist from City University London (who is researching ‘Communication with people who have an Acquired Brain Injury’), will be presenting his research. This will include a range of strategies to support communication and goal setting for Carers. Headway will also provide activities to support those who are cared for throughout the morning. For more information call Trudy Mayes, Headway Hurstwood Park Counselling and Carers Services Manager on 01825 724323 or email trudy.mayes@headway-hp.
Courses for Carers 23
Supporting Carers in East Sussex
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