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Personal assistants in Bromley
Another option for those who are eligible for care and support is to arrange some of the care and support you need through services commissioned by Bromley Council and for you to have the remainder of the direct payment to use as you wish, as long as the service you buy supports your assessed needs.
It is important that any care or support that you purchase with your direct payment meets all of your assessed needs in the best way for you, and that the money is used lawfully.
What can I use it for?
If you receive a direct payment, you may choose to:
• employ someone directly – a personal assistant to help you in your everyday life. Bromley Council has commissioned Vibrance to help you with the process of employing and managing a personal assistant. For more information on personal assistants, see below;
• buy services from an independent or voluntary sector provider or
• purchase equipment to help you live more independently.
Getting help managing your personal budget or direct payment
If you are offered a personal budget or direct payment, you may be concerned about how to manage this and how to go about planning your own support.
Bromley Council works with a partner agency called Vibrance, which can give you specialist advice on managing your personal budget or direct payment and guidance and assistance in planning your support. Visit www.vibrance.org.uk , email bdp@vibrance.org.uk or call 020 8290 6639.
Prepaid cards are the preferred method for using your direct payment. Your personal budget, including your own assessed contribution, if any, is paid into your prepaid card account. The card is used like a debit card to pay for the support to meet your agreed needs. For more information about direct payments, visit
If you have a direct payment you may decide to employ a personal assistant. Bromley Council has commissioned Vibrance to keep a register of people interested in this work in order to help people with recruitment.
What could a personal assistant do for me? Personal assistants can help with a range of tasks, such as:
• personal care;
• getting dressed;
• cooking;
• taking you out;
• assisting with medical appointments and
• cleaning and housework.
Personal assistants do not take control, they help you to be independent and to remain in control of your everyday life.
If you want to employ someone who does not have experience of social care, Vibrance can give advice about appropriate training.
People report that the best personal assistant is someone who listens and uses common sense, as well as respecting and working in the way that someone chooses to live.
Vibrance will undertake referencing, check with the Disclosure and Barring Service, check eligibility to work, job descriptions and salaries. Suitable days and times are discussed with the person needing the support.
For more information about personal assistants, visit www.bromley.gov.uk/directpayments and select ‘Personal assistants’.