City of Stoke-on-Trent Care Services Directory 2014

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City of Stoke-on-Trent Care Services Directory 2014

Etruria BoneMill Museum

The comprehensive guide to choosing and paying for care • Home support • Housing options • Useful contacts • Care homes

In association with


That’s what we do for our residents every day Our care homes and nursing homes are unique and we're proud to offer consistently high standards of service and care. In a Four Seasons Health Care home, we consider the individual and ensure that the care they receive has been designed with them in mind, with the emphasis on enhancing their well being. We are able to provide a range of care options including residential, nursing and dementia care services for both long stay and short stay respite service users.

To arrange a visit, contact your local Four Seasons care home below, or go to for more information. Hilltop Manor Care Home High Lane, Chell, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST6 6JN T: 01782 828 480 E:

Tall Oaks Care Home Charles Street, Biddulph, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST8 6JB T: 01782 518 055 E:

Park Lane Care Home Park Lane, Knypersley, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST8 7BG T: 01782 522 061 E:

Pine Meadows Care Home Park Road, Leek, Staffordshire ST13 8XP T: 01538 392 520 E: Westfield Lodge Care Home Weston Coyney Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST3 6ES T: 01782 336 777 E:



4 What are my housing options?

Should I contact the council for help?

Getting out and about

4 How do I know if someone is being abused and what do I do? 4 Essential information 5 Listings 5 Home care providers 6 Care homes 7 Care homes with nursing

Being a carer

8 Index

Will I need ‘formal’ care? Will I have to pay? Who will arrange my care? Living at home

9 11 12 17 18 21 22

All the listings in this publication of care homes, care homes with nursing and home care providers are supplied by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and neither Stoke-on-Trent City Council nor Care Choices can be held liable for any errors or omissions. This Directory is available electronically at There is also a Browsealoud option for those requiring the information in spoken word.

To obtain extra copies of this Directory, free of charge, call Care Choices on 01223 206953.

Alternative formats

This Directory is available electronically at For those requiring the information in spoken word, there is also a Browsealoud option.

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Introduction If people start to find it difficult to be as independent as they used to be, they and their families/friends need to know about the community care and support services that are locally available and where they can go for advice and help. This Directory is an important source of this information for older people living in the Stoke-on-Trent area. There are many local organisations providing care and support services (eg the council, voluntary organisations, private care agencies, health services), and the information in this Directory will help you to begin to understand the different options available or advise where you can get more details. Many of the local organisations listed at the back of this Directory will also be able to help and to tell you about local services. If you, your family or friends can use the internet, then you can use the Staffordshire Cares website to find information and guidance. The website content covers the whole of Staffordshire but tailors the information to the reader’s location and there are different sections providing different types of guidance: • General information about help that is available and how to find it (main pages)

• Help to identify and choose the sort of help that you need (Me, Myself & I pages) • Lists of local services (Purple Pages) • Help to identify and choose equipment and services (My Choices pages) • Information about local care assistants (CareMatch pages) • Easy Read information about local services • British Sign Language information for people with hearing difficulties (BSL pages) Visit for more details. We hope that you find the Directory and Staffordshire Cares website helpful, however if you can’t find the information that you need then telephone 0800 561 0015 (Stoke-onTrent Adult Social Care Contact Centre). Alternatively, you can call this Directory’s free independent helpline on 0800 389 2077 for impartial advice on your care options or visit where you can search for care solutions locally and nationally.

Should I contact the council for help? Sometimes all that you need to stay independent and healthy is some general help with things around the house such as cleaning, preparing meals, gardening etc. As our local community and voluntary organisations are best placed to help you find this, it may not be necessary for you to ask the council for help. Also, simple pieces of equipment (such as hand rails, specialist kitchen equipment etc) can help you to stay independent again without the need to seek more formal care such as a

home care assistant. There is more information about this on page 7 and at However, if you feel that this level of support is no longer working for you (eg you are struggling with your personal care or ability to get out and about), you can ask for some professional help by calling the Adult Social Care Contact Centre on 0800 561 0015 (or ask someone to do this for you).

Will I need ‘formal’ care? People may need professional help to keep safe and well because they have developed an illness or disability, are frail, have family difficulties, or are just getting older and finding day to day life more difficult. To identify whether you need formal care to enable you to remain independent, a social worker can look at what you can and can’t do (as well as what you would like to be able to do) and advise you. Everyone is entitled to this ‘assessment’ (including carers)


and sometimes it will take place over the phone and sometimes face to face in your home. Depending on what your needs are (whether you are eligible to receive help from the council is based on criteria set by the Government), the council may then be able to make the necessary arrangements for you. If not (or if you prefer), you will be advised about the community/voluntary agencies and private organisations that can help you.

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Will I have to pay? There is no charge for the ‘assessment’ described on page 4 or for any advice that the council provides afterwards, but unfortunately formal care services are not free. However, it is very important to be aware that the council may be able to help with this. To determine whether the council can contribute to or pay in full for the formal care that you need, it is necessary to look at your ability to pay yourself. There are different rules for this depending on whether you need formal care in your home or whether you need some

form of residential care. If you want more information about this see or telephone the Adult Social Care Contact Centre on 0800 561 0015. If you are not eligible to receive assistance from the council then you can arrange any support that you need yourself, or you can ask a local organisation called A4e to help you (there may be a charge for this). A separate guide is available to help you with this (Practical Guide to Care) - available from the council or in GP waiting rooms.

Who will arrange my care? If the council contributes to or pays for your formal care they will also make the necessary arrangements for you to receive it. There are changes to the way they provide care and support to older people and people with disabilities, as

traditionally professionals made many of the decisions about the support that people could have and how this would be provided. As a result, people often had limited choice about the services they received - this has now changed.

Personalisation (the idea) Now, there is more emphasis on the individuals who receive support and help. This means that you will be involved every step of the way, allowing you to have more choice and control over your life and receive services

designed specifically around you. This is sometimes referred to as ‘Self-Directed Support.’ It recognises that some people can manage their support on their own whilst others need help - from family or friends or people who are paid to help.

Personal Budgets (your support) If you are eligible for social care assistance a social worker will complete an assessment to help you and the council understand what kind of support you need. The assessment will also help to identify the cost of your support. Once the assessment has been agreed a support plan will be written to set out how your needs are to be met. The plan needs to support you in a positive way so that your physical, mental and social wellbeing improves. This needs to be agreed before your support can be costed and chosen

(your Personal Budget). If you want to, you can take your Personal Budget as a cash payment (Direct Payment). You could even mix and match your support by taking part of your budget as a Direct Payment as well as using some of the Council’s traditional services. Your social worker will be able to explain all the options and can help you to decide how best to use your Personal Budget.

Direct Payments (money to buy your support) These are cash payments that you can receive instead of having traditional social care services. Having a Direct Payment allows you to have more control, allowing you to design the support you receive to meet your specific needs and to do so in more innovative and creative ways. Here are some examples of how you could use your Direct Payment:

• Pay someone (a Personal Assistant) to provide assistance on days and times that suit you. • You could access activities such as the theatre, swimming pool or a day out somewhere. • If you or your carer needs a rest you could pay to go on a short holiday. There are some restrictions to what Direct Payments >>

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Direct Payments (money to buy your support) continued >> can be spent on. These will be explained to you if you are eligible. Support and advice is available through a local organisation called A4e. However, if you would like more

information on any of the above please contact us by calling the Adult Social Care Contact Centre on 0800 561 0015 or emailing

Help after leaving hospital If you need some help following a spell in hospital, this can be arranged before you leave hospital so that you can be discharged safely and as quickly as possible. When you are ready to leave hospital you will be given some information and advice and you can ask for someone to help you (usually the health and social workers) to identify if you need support and if you do, what type of support you might need at home (this is called an ‘assessment’). Family members, carers or hospital representatives can also request an assessment for you but this will only take place if you agree. Help at home following a hospital stay can range from a care worker visiting your home or helping you to get out and about for a short time (this is known as a reablement

service and is free for up to six weeks), through to help from local voluntary organisations who can help with a variety of services such as laundry, shopping and domestic cleaning. The type and level of help that you need will be identified through the assessment that takes place with the health and social care workers. If you are the main carer for somebody who is leaving hospital you may also need help and support and this can be discussed (or assessed) at the same time if you wish. For further information please visit or call the Adult Social Care and Health Contact Centre on 0800 561 0015.

Living at home If you struggle with day to day tasks such as washing, dressing and cooking for example, there are useful aids, equipment, adaptations and home support available

to make things easier and to help you live safely and independently in your own home.

Equipment As well as simple gadgets and gizmos, there is a range of equipment that may help you, including ‘Telecare’ services such as the Lifeline community alarm pendant. This is a particularly useful service that can help to reassure individuals and their families that help is available in the event of a fall or illness. Other similar equipment includes detectors and alarms. Equipment such as grab rails, bath boards, or hoists can also make living at home easier for people, and it may be possible for this equipment to be loaned from the ‘Community Equipment Services’ in Stoke-on-Trent. All of this equipment can be seen and demonstrated at the Mobility Independent Living Centre at Trentham (open to visitors from 9am - 5pm on weekdays). Some things can also be purchased from here, however you may be entitled to receive some things free of charge depending on your circumstances and what you need. Alternatively, if you would like an assessment to see if


Telecare services or other equipment can help you, please call the Adult Social Care Contact Centre on 0800 561 0015. More information about equipment is available by visiting

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Adaptations Adaptations to your home (regardless of whether you own it yourself or rent) can make your day to day life easier and safer – for example you may be finding it difficult to climb the stairs so rather than needing to move house you could install a stair lift. The council can assess your circumstances and if appropriate make a recommendation that you receive a financial grant for this, or (if you are in rented accommodation) recommend to your landlord that certain changes are made.

The council can also make recommendations and support for you to be re-housed if your current home is unsuitable (if you are living in rented accommodation). Referrals can also be made to other agencies where necessary for example, the wheelchair clinic or to a physiotherapist. If you would like an assessment or more information about adaptations, then please call the Adult Social Care Contact Centre on 0800 561 0015.

Home care Sometimes it might be necessary to have care provided within your own home. This involves a care worker visiting you at home to help you with your personal needs such as washing yourself, getting dressed, using the toilet or preparing snacks and meals. Care in your home is the main way of making sure that you are safe after a stay in hospital or illness, and it will

help you to regain your independence and confidence. A care worker will work with you for a short time (usually 6 weeks) to help you regain your confidence and skills to live independently at home. More information is available at or by telephoning the Adult Social Care Contact Centre on 0800 561 0015.

Home maintenance and gardening If you are finding it hard to maintain, repair or adapt your home then Stoke-on-Trent Home Improvement Agency (Revival) may be able to help you. Revival provides a range of property repairs, adaptations, handyman, safety checks and other home related services. To find out if Revival can

help telephone 01782 749202. There are also lots of other private and community/ voluntary organisations that may be able to help with home maintenance and gardening – visit the service directory at for more information.

Getting out and about What things are there to do? Keeping active and socialising with others is a great way to keep healthy and independent - this doesn’t necessarily mean going to the gym or taking up a sport (although it may!) but can be as simple as doing the things that you have always done: • going to bingo; • shopping; • visiting friends; • going out for coffee or lunch; • going to community events; • joining an art/woodwork/singing group etc; • going to the theatre/cinema;

• visiting parks and gardens; • helping to walk the dogs at the local kennel; or • relaxation rooms/treatments/therapies. These are just examples of the many things that you might want to do and it is worth remembering that these are still available to you in many ways – for example you can arrange these yourself, with a group of friends or you could see if anything has already been organised, if you are eligible to receive help from the council (see pages 4 and 5). There are also more structured events for people who need assistance with personal care/eating/etc whilst away from their daily home arrangements. Often these are >>

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What things are there to do? continued >> arranged by local voluntary groups and include a visit from the chiropodist or hairdresser plus lunch/bingo etc. These all provide an excellent way to socialise, meet new friends and enjoy different surroundings and can help you from becoming isolated. They can also give your carer a

break and give them some time to themselves. Many of these activities are likely to exist fairly close to your home. Please visit for more information.

How can I get there? There are a number of ways to help you to get out and about in Stoke-on-Trent so that you can be independent and socialise with others. Bus pass – if you are over 65 or have certain disabilities you can have free bus travel in the UK (Monday to Friday: 9.30 to 23.00 and weekends/bank holidays: anytime) Disabled parking – if you have a severe and permanent

disability you may be entitled to a Blue Badge which enables you to park closer to where you want to be. If you qualify for council help then one of their transport schemes may be able to help you to get out and about. For information on these and other travel options please visit

Being a carer If you provide care or support for someone, eg a parent, child, partner, relative, friend or neighbour, then you are a carer. Carers can be any age and provide support without being paid. You may be supporting them because they cannot manage alone at home or in the community. This could be because they are elderly and frail, have a physical or mental illness, experience health problems, have a learning disability or they could have drug or alcohol problems. You may help them in a variety of ways, giving practical help with things like shopping, collecting medication, cooking and cleaning; providing personal care by helping them to get washed and dressed or use the toilet; helping with financial matters; giving emotional support; or helping them to get out and about. Looking after someone can be a positive experience but

it can also be challenging and exhausting, both physically and mentally. You may find yourself with very little time for yourself or to look after your own health and well-being. If you care or look after someone who is unable to manage on their own, then you are entitled to an assessment, where we may be able to offer you assistance and support (discussed on page 5). If you are eligible for social care services we can also offer you a Direct Payment which allows you to choose and purchase for yourself services that best meet your needs. For more information and advice about getting help if you are a carer, looking after someone in Stoke-on-Trent, please visit or or call the Adult Social Care Contact Centre on 0800 561 0015 (if you are a young carer (under 18 years of age) please call 01782 235422).

Emergency help The Carers Emergency Scheme is a scheme that provides assistance to a carer (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) in the event that a carer is involved in an accident or emergency. It is open to carers who have had either a joint community assessment or separate carer’s assessment (see above). It is free to join, and they can register via an application form available from Adult Social Care. The carer will receive an Emergency Card which shows the contact number and their own personal reference number. The carer must carry the card at all times and in


the event of an emergency the carer or person attending will phone the contact number on the card. The contact centre at the support agency will ask for the reference number and immediately initiate the emergency plan. The scheme offers reassurance and peace of mind to both the carer and the person cared for. If you would like to speak to someone about the scheme please call the Adult Social Care Contact Centre on 0800 561 0015.

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

What are my housing options? You may feel that you have exhausted all the options to remain living in your own home and that it is now the right time to look at moving into more purpose-based accommodation and support. You are advised to ask the

council to provide you with an assessment of your needs (see page 4) so that a professional social worker can help you to decide what the most appropriate option is for you. This section looks at the different housing options available.

Extra Care housing Extra Care housing enables you to live independently for as long as possible in self-contained accommodation. It provides a secure environment with care services available 24 hours a day in your own home - provided by a team of care workers. You have your own kitchen, bathroom, bedroom(s) and living room, but there are also communal facilities such as restaurants, hair salon and

other social opportunities. These can usually be either purchased, part-purchased or rented (with financial support usually being available to you depending on your circumstances). For further information, call the Adult Social Care Contact Centre on 0800 561 0015.

Sheltered (or retirement) housing Sheltered (or retirement) housing is suitable if you like living independently but want the reassurance of knowing that assistance is on hand if there is an emergency. In a sheltered (or retirement) housing scheme you live independently in a flat or bungalow built especially for older people within a larger complex, sometimes around a

garden or communal facility and linked to a central control centre for security. Some schemes have access to a resident or non-resident manager who provides support, advice and a link to services for older people. For further information, call the Adult Social Care Contact Centre on 0800 561 0015.

Care homes All care providers in the country must be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC inspect all care homes and report on their findings - these are available from the care home itself or the CQC (visit There are two types of care home: Care homes offering personal care only If you are reasonably active, but need greater security and care, a care home offering only personal care may be suitable. Most care homes provide you with your own bedroom, toilet and washing facilities, and can provide bathrooms with equipment to help you with bathing. Personal care includes help with bathing, feeding, and dressing, and help is available 24 hours a day. There are usually a range of social activities too for you to take part in. Care homes with nursing Care homes with nursing provide all the features of a care home plus 24 hour nursing support. >>

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Care homes checklist

© 2014 Care Choices Ltd

Home 1



Home 2



Home 3



First impressions • • • • •

1 2 3

• Are there smoking and non-smoking areas? • Are there arrangements for religious observance? • Can you handle your own money? If not, what arrangements are in place? • Does a hairdresser/chiropodist visit? • Are residents accompanied on visits to the GP or hospital?

1 2 3


Were you met when you first arrived? Do staff seem warm, friendly and polite? Do the residents seem happy, active and sociable? Does the home feel comfortable and welcoming? Is the home fresh, clean and well-furnished?

Fees • How much are the fees? • Do the fees cover all the services available? • Under what circumstances will the fees alter – e.g. annually or according to increasing needs? • Is the notice to terminate reasonable?


• Do the staff appear clean, cheerful and respectful? • Do the staff talk to residents and how do they talk to them? • Are the staff formally trained? • Is there an adequate number of staff on day and night? 1 2 3

• Is the home easy to get to for relatives and friends? • Does the home provide its own transport?


1 2 3

• Are bedrooms single or shared? Is there a choice? • Can you decorate and re-arrange your room to suit yourself? • Can you bring your own furniture and TV? • Is there a call system for emergencies? • Are there enough sockets in your room? • Can you control the heating in your room? • Can you lock your room and is there a secure place for valuables? • Is there a separate dining room? Bar? • Are there toilet facilities within easy reach of the communal facilities? • Are there both showers and baths? • Are bathrooms adapted to help people in and out of the bath?


• Are there any rules and restrictions (e.g. going out, time of return etc)? • Can you choose when to get up and retire every day? • How are residents involved in decisions about life in the home? • Is there a telephone where you can make and take calls in private and comfort? • Is alcohol served or permitted?


Visitors • • • •

1 2 3

Are visitors welcome at all times? Is there somewhere to see them in private? May your visitors join you at meals? Can your visitors stay overnight?


1 2 3

• Do you have a choice about meals? • Is the food varied and interesting? • Can the home cater for your dietary needs? • Can you have snacks or drinks any time of the day or night? • Can you eat in your room?


1 2 3

• Does the home have the right adaptations and equipment to meet your needs? • Are all areas accessible for wheelchair users? • Does the home have extra wheelchairs and walking aids? • Is there adequate provision for people with sight or hearing difficulties?

Life within the home

1 2 3

• Can you continue to pursue your hobbies and interests? • Are there organised activities and entertainment? • Are outings and holidays arranged? How much do they cost? £................... £................... £................... • Are escorts available if necessary? • Is a library service available? • Can you have your own flower bed or help in the garden? • Can you stay in your own room if you want to?


1 2 3

1 2 3

• • • •

Are the grounds/gardens attractive? Are all areas safe and accessible? Is there somewhere to sit? Are they quiet?

Contract terms • • • •

1 2 3

1 2 3

Can you retain your own room if away? Can you have a short-stay or trial period? Will you be given a statement of terms on admission? Are all procedures, such as complaints, clearly spelt-out?

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Care homes continued >> Paying for care homes There are a number of complicated rules about whether the council can fund your stay in a care home (with or without nursing). There is some brief information on page 5 about this, however this is too complicated to explain in this Directory and you should contact the council for more help about this. For more information about care homes both with and without nursing, see the listings starting on page 18 in this Directory, visit, or

How do I know if someone is being abused and what do I do? Who is a vulnerable adult? A vulnerable adult is someone aged 18 years or over, who is not able to care for or protect themselves from harm or exploitation. This might be due to their age, mental health, sensory loss or a physical or learning disability and therefore maybe eligible for social care services. Abuse can: • be an act which goes against your human rights; • be a single act or repeated acts; • happen in any relationship; • result in harm; or • take advantage of someone’s vulnerability. What kinds of abuse are there? There are six main types of abuse: • physical - for example, shaking, pinching, slapping, force-feeding, biting, improper administration or denial of medication;

Where can abuse happen? Abuse can happen in any setting and this could take place in someone’s own home, in a hospital or residential care home, in a day centre or in a public place. For further advice and information you can also visit How do I report abuse? If you have heard or seen something that worries you, or if you think someone is being abused, please tell us about it by calling the Adult Social Care Contact Centre on 0800 561 0015 or email If a crime is being committed or you are scared for somebody’s immediate safety then call 999 or in a nonemergency 101.

• psychological - for example, intimidating, rejection, threatening or ignoring; • financial - for example, the illegal or unauthorised use of a person’s property, money, pension book or other valuables and pressure in connection with wills; • sexual - for example, forcing a person to take part in any sexual activity without consent; • neglect - for example, where a person is deprived of food, heat, clothing, comfort or medication; and • discriminatory - including racist, sexist and other forms of harassment.

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Essential information Directory helpline This Directory’s free helpline run by Care Choices, provides independent information and help about care services and accommodation. A personalised list can be generated for you, providing details of all the care homes or housing

with care schemes that meets your specific criteria. Please telephone 0800 389 2077 with your requirements or visit Please note that this is an independent adviser not Stoke-on-Trent City Council.

Why your views are important The social care service is here to support the people of Stoke-on-Trent, and listening to complaints, comments and compliments is one way of trying to make sure that quality services that meet local needs are being provided. The council will listen and consider how things can be improved and making a comment or complaint will not disadvantage you in any way or place the services that you receive at risk. Who can make a complaint? You have a right to complain if you, a family member or someone close to you receives a social care service; has been refused a service; or has been affected by a plan or decision.

How can you tell the council what you think? We aim to solve any problems as quickly as possible. To help us do this it is best for you to contact the staff you have been dealing with or their manager. You can also contact the Complaints and Representations Officer at: Civic Centre, Glebe Street, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 1WB Tel: 01782 235921 or 01782 234259 Fax: 01782 232217 Minicom: 01782 236133 Email:

Healthwatch Stoke-on-Trent Healthwatch Stoke-on-Trent is the new consumer champion for health and social care in Stoke-on-Trent and gives people a powerful voice - making sure their views and experiences are heard by those who run, plan and

regulate health and social care services. Tel: 01782 683080 Email:

Useful contacts Below are details of local organisations that can provide services or information and advice. You can also visit the Staffordshire Cares website at This website is a partnership arrangement between Stoke-on-Trent City Council and Staffordshire County Council and can provide further advice and information to help you lead a healthier and more independent life.

A4e Direct Payments Unit 008, Stoke Business Village, Staffordshire University, 72 Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2AR Tel: 01782 442818 Email: Adult Social Care Contact Centre Tel: 0800 561 0015 Email: Website: Age UK North Staffordshire (Advert inside back cover) 83-85 Trinity Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 5NA Tel: 01782 286209 General enquiries Tel: 01782 204995 Information and advice Email: Website:


This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Useful contacts continued Approach Cauldon Chambers, 10 Stoke Road, Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2DP Tel: 01782 214999 Email: Website: Stoke Citizens Advice Bureau Advice House, Cheapside, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 1HL Tel: 08444 111 444 Website: Carers UK 20 Great Dover Street, London SE1 4LX Tel: 0808 808 7777 Website: Crossroads Staffordshire Clive Villa, 22 Cemetery Road Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2DL Tel: 01782 268391 Email: Website: Deaflinks Staffordshire The Ellis Centre, Wellesley Street, Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 4NF Tel: 01782 219161 01782 219161 - Voice only 01782 281125 - Text/Minicom 07977 552414 - 24 hour interpreting mobile (SMS or Voice) Email: Website: Disability Solutions North Staffordshire Medical Institute, Hartshill Road, Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 7NY Tel: 01782 638300 Website:

Douglas Macmillan Hospice Barlaston Road, Blurton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 3NZ Tel: 01782 344300 Email: Website: The Dove Service The Dudson Centre, Hope Street, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 5DD Tel: 01782 683155 Website: Headway North Staffordshire (Head Injuries Association) Headway House, Elder Road, Cobridge, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 2JE Tel: 01782 280952 Email: Website: Integrated Community Equipment Services Open 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays. Tel: 0845 450 5579 Mencap (Mid Staffordshire) 131-141 North Walls, Stafford, Staffordshire ST16 3AD Tel: 01785 244 270 Website: Mobility and Independent Living Centre Milhouse, Unit B3, Trentham Trade Park (off Stanley Matthews Way), Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 8GA Tel: 0845 330 1144 Email: North Staffordshire Carers Association (NSCA) Carers Centre, Fenn House, Duke Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 3NR Tel: 01782 793100 Website: Revival Tel: 01782 749202 Email:

With so many providers to choose from, where do you start? can help.

developed by the publisher of the City of Stoke-on-Trent Care Services Directory

• search care providers quickly and easily • search by postcode/town and care type • Information on standards of care • links to the latest inspection reports • extra information, photos and direct website links for hundreds of providers • request a brochure • checklists to take with you when you visit Alternatively, call our friendly helpline team on 0800 389 2077 to talk to someone directly.

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Shaping the future of care homes...

Hanford Court Residential & Dementia Care Home | Stoke On Trent

Hanford Court is a state of the art care home with spectacular views of the Trentham Estate. The home brings to Stoke On Trent elder care provision from a national company with an award winning reputation and offers hotel standard interiors and dining, a daily programme of therapeutic activities and the best in clinical care. Hanford Court also offers: Generously proportioned bedrooms with en-suite walk-in showers, toilet & flat screen TV • Restaurant standard food prepared daily • Vibrant lounges, comfortable quiet rooms & communal dining areas • Hair salon • Enclosed garden with raised beds • A Gardening Club where we grow and use our very own produce.

For further details call Manager Lorraine Ford today on 01782 645140

Watch our video at | email:

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This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

The Limes Residential Home

T: 01782 844855 E:

The Limes is located in the Fenton area of Stoke-on-Trent and well-situated for access to local amenities and transport, supporting the independence of those with care needs while delivering a professional and tailored service. The residence is ideal for people with mobility issues and also specialises in dementia care, being a pleasant environment that supports a relaxing lifestyle. All carers are highly-trained and experienced in delivering services that respect the individual, having access to excellent care resources and expertise. The home and all the bedrooms are decorated to the highest standards. All bedrooms have en-suite facilities including showers. The home also boasts a beautiful fully secure garden where residents can sit out and enjoy the outdoors in a safe environment.

Glebedale Road, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST4 3AP


Home Manager: Terrina Willshaw

? t r o p p u s r o e r for ca

hts? Want ort, funding and rig pp su ith w g in us ho independent ation on care, helpline offers you Need more inform e fre y’s or ct ire D is meone? Th nerate a support. We can ge to talk it over with so d an re ca r fo g in meet pects of look care schemes that ith w g in us ho information on all as or es hom o. with details of care and funding care to g sin oo ch personalised report on n io rmat you additional info your needs and send our 9 2077, will enable 38 00 08 r be m nu e phon you’re looking for re ca One call to the Free of pe ty t ha w a profile of exactly operators to build eds. according to your ne

Call 0800 389 2077 Visit for further assistance with your search for care


Ideal Care Homes in Stoke-on-Trent A great place to live! Ideal Care Homes offer the highest quality of personalised care in a contemporary and relaxed setting. Our professional highly trained staff are dedicated carers who take the time to listen and get to know our residents enabling them to provide individualised care. Our Stoke-on-Trent homes offer: • Residential and Dementia Care • Highly trained carers • State-of-the-art bedrooms equipped with en-suite facilities including showers • Flat screen TV, DVD player, mini fridge, telephone point and Wi-Fi in all bedrooms • Dining room, TV lounge and quiet lounge facilities • Contemporary on-site hairdressing facilities

For more information simply contact a member of our friendly team on: Chesterton Lodge Loomer Road, Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme ST5 7LB T: 01782 562 690 Park Hall Ubberly Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 0QS t: 01782 406920

The Cedars 73 Berwick Road, Holden Bridge Stoke-on-Trent t: 01782 216570

Home care providers Ana Nursing & Care Services Burslem OP D PD LDA MH SI YA Tel: 01782 833722

Golden Years Limited Longton Tel: 01782 599866

Apex Health + Social Care - Staffordshire Hanley OP D PD LDA MH SI YA AD Tel: 01782 269669

Grafton Road Stoke-on-Trent Tel: 0784 761 4590

AR1 Homecare Limited Tunstall Tel: 01782 818076

Grocott Centre Ltd at Heron Cross House, The Stoke-on-Trent OP D PD LDA MH SI YA Tel: 01782 324715


Bluebird Care (Stoke-on-Trent) Fenton Tel: 0786 650 6596


Care Homes Stoke Limited Tunstall OP D PD LDA MH SI AD Tel: 01782 577772 Care UK Learning Disabilities Staffordshire Ltd Stoke-on-Trent Tel: 0333 321 8275


CareTech Community Services Hanley DCA Hanley Advert inside back cover LDA Tel: 01782 208590 Castlerock Recruitment Group Limited Stoke Stoke-on-Trent OP Tel: 01782 365017



Haven Care & Support Ltd Longton Tel: 01782 377432 Helping Angels Ltd Stoke-on-Trent Tel: 01782 409690 Homestay Care Limited Tunstall Tel: 01782 814475




Human Support Group Ltd, The Stoke-on-Trent OP D PD LDA MH SI YA AD Tel: 01782 433130 Lifeways Community Care (Staffordshire) Longton OP D PD LDA MH SI Tel: 01782 598008

Creative Support Stoke-on-Trent (Learning Disabilities) Stoke-on-Trent OP D PD LDA YA Tel: 01782 660460

Marlborough Road Longton Tel: 0740 773 1247

Crossroads Care Staffordshire Shelton Advert outside back cover OP D PD LDA MH SI YA AD Tel: 01782 268391

Meadows Community Care, The Berryhill Tel: 01782 234035

Custom Care Stoke Stoke-on-Trent Tel: 01782 839023

Mears Care - Stoke Stoke-on-Trent Tel: 01782 590020


Daycare Domiciliary Services Longton Tel: 01782 343133


MSC Home Care Limited Stoke-on-Trent Tel: 01782 823338




OP D PD SI AD Advertisers are highlighted

Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Visit for further assistance with your search for care


Home care providers continued Prestige Nursing Staffordshire Stoke-on-Trent OP D PD LDA MH SI YA AD Tel: 01782 409170

Staffordshire Stoke-on-Trent Tel: 01782 366260

Quality Care (Staffordshire) Limited Stoke-on-Trent OP D MH SI YA Tel: 01782 816037

Staffordshire Community Care Limited Stoke-on-Trent OP D PD MH SI YA AD Tel: 01782 478477

Radis Community Care (Stoke-on-Trent) Stoke-on-Trent OP D PD LDA MH SI YA AD Tel: 01782 412200

Sydney Works Stoke-on-Trent Tel: 01782 450570

Rowan Village Meir Tel: 01782 316092

Wisdom Healthcare Limited Tunstall OP D PD LDA MH SI YA AD Tel: 01782 810595

Sevacare Stoke on Trent Basford Tel: 01782 622820



Yes4Care Longport Tel: 01782 826091




Care homes Abbots House 103 Abbots Road, Abbey Hulton, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 8DU Tel: 01782 234888 OP D

Cedars, The 73 Berwick Road, Holden Bridge, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 6EJ OP D Tel: 01782 216570 Advert page 16

Alison House Care Home Limited 7 Newton Street, Basford, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 6JN Tel: 01782 632698 OP D PD MH SI

Chiltern Retirement Home 23 Kingsfield Oval, Basford, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 6HN OP D Tel: 01782 711186

Beeches, The 665 Uttoxeter Road, Meir, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 5PZ Tel: 01782 310649

Chimes, The 6 St Christopher Avenue, Penkhull, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 5NA OP D PD MH SI Tel: 01782 744944


Blurton Road 134 Blurton Road, Blurton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 2DG Tel: 01782 336357 LDA YA Cambian - Trent Valley Road 121 Trent Valley Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 5HN Tel: 01782 410280 LDA MH YA Cauldon Place 1 Caledonia Road, Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2DG Tel: 01782 275760 OP LDA Cedars, The 2 Harding Road, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 3BQ LDA MH Tel: 01782 269739

Choices Housing Association Limited 1 William Street Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2JG OP PD LDA MH YA Tel: 01782 746361 Choices Housing Association Limited 150 Community Drive Smallthorne, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 1QF OP PD LDA MH SI YA Tel: 01782 839349 Choices Housing Association Limited 17 Norton Avenue Stanfields, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 7ER OP PD LDA SI YA Tel: 01782 819870 Advertisers are highlighted

Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs


This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Care homes continued Choices Housing Association Limited 2 Cowley way Bentilee, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 0RB Tel: 01782 596047 OP LDA SI YA Choices Housing Association Limited 535 High Lane Stanfields, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 7EP Tel: 01782 862134 OP D PD LDA MH YA Choices Housing Association Limited 63 Hoveringham Drive Berry Hill, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 9PS Tel: 01782 201766 OP PD LDA MH SI YA Claybourne Turnhurst Road, Chell, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 6LA Tel: 01782 790500


Collinson Court 56 Longton Road, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 8NA Tel: 01782 658156 LDA MH YA Creative Support - Robert Heath Street Robert Heath Street, Smallthorne, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 1LH Tel: 01782 834064 MH Dacre House 38 Church Lane, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 4QB Tel: 01743 465299


Derwent House 206-208 Lightwood Road, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 4JZ Tel: 01782 599844 LDA Dresden House Limited 81 Trentham Road, Dresden, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 4EE Tel: 01782 343477 OP D PD MH Duke Street 201 Duke Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 3BJ Tel: 01782 235640 PD LDA SI YA

Four Seasons 77 The Wood, Meir, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 6HR Tel: 01782 336670


Goldendale House 45 Plex Street, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 5JQ Tel: 01782 861308


Gorsefield Residential Home 306 High Lane, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 7EA Tel: 01782 577237


Graceland Care Limited 11 Clewlow Place, Adderley Green, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 5DA LDA Tel: 01782 593743 Hanford Court Care Home Bankhouse Road, Hanford, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 8EN OP D PD Tel: 01782 645140 Advert page 14 Hanford Manor 85 Church Lane, Hanford, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 4QD Tel: 01782 642144


Haversham House Limited Longton Road, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 8JD OP D MH Tel: 01782 643676 High Cross House 93 Blurton Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 2BS Tel: 01782 594696 Hilton House Hilton Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 6QZ Tel: 01782 861308



Hollies, The 9 Shirley Road, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 3PF PD LDA MH Tel: 01782 205064

Elm House 201 Waterloo Road, Cobridge, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 2HS Tel: 01782 201837 PD LDA MH SI

Holly Lodge Residential Home Limited Gaskell Road, Bucknall, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 9DW OP D PD MH SI YA Tel: 01782 303952

Fernlea 114 Sandon Road, Meir, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 7DF Tel: 01782 342822 OP PD LDA SI YA

Jasmine 125 Regent Road, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 3BL LDA MH Tel: 01782 280715 Advertisers are highlighted

Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Visit for further assistance with your search for care


Care homes continued Keswick House 210-212 Lightwood Road, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 4JZ Tel: 01782 336656 PD LDA

Regent Road 41 Regent Road, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 3BT Tel: 01782 263720

Lightwood Road, 216 Dresden, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 4JZ Tel: 01782 598422

Rosewood, The 202a Bagnall Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 7NE Tel: 01782 538496


Limes, The Glebedale Road, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 3AP Tel: 01782 844855 Advert page 15


Lindly House Care Home 241 Longton Road, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 8DQ OP D Tel: 01782 657541 Marrow House Forrister Street, Meir Hay, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 1SQ Tel: 01782 234903


Meadows, The Wrenbury Crescent, Berryhill, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 9JZ Tel: 01782 234750 OP D PD MH Mimosa 4 Shirley Road, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 4DT Tel: 01782 280838


New Lodge 971 Lightwood Road, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 7NE LDA Tel: 01782 388370 Olcote 142 High Lane, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 7BT Tel: 01782 766204 Park Hall Ubberly Road, Bentilee, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 0QS Tel: 01782 406920 Advert page 16



Paul Clarke Home Chatterley House, Chatterley Road, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 4PX Tel: 01782 834354 D PD LDA MH SI Poplars 123 Regent Road, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 3BL LDA MH Tel: 01782 209410



Royal Mencap Society - 30 Foster Court 30 Foster Court, Longton Hall Road, Blurton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 2HF Tel: 01782 593467


Royal Mencap Society - 55 Drubbery Lane 55 Drubbery Lane, Blurton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 4BH LDA Tel: 01782 311324 Rutland House Caledonia Road, Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2DN LDA YA Tel: 01782 263104 Rydal House 6 Spratslade Drive, Dresden, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 4DZ Tel: 01782 330854 LDA School Street, 15 15 School Street, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 5RE Tel: 01782 237932


Shamu 126 Regent Road, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 3AY Tel: 01782 284520 LDA MH Spratslade House Care Home Belgrave Avenue, Dresden, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 4EA Tel: 01782 311531


Strathmore House 27 Queens Park Avenue, Dresden, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 4AU Tel: 01782 595947 LDA YA Trentside manor Care Home Endon Road, Norton Green, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 8PA Tel: 01782 535402 OP D Villas, The 8 The Villas, West End, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 5AH Tel: 01782 847947


Advertisers are highlighted

Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs


This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Care homes continued Weston House 344 Weston Road, Weston Coyney, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 6HD MH Tel: 01782 343818 Weston Road, 202 202 Weston Road, Meir, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 6EE PD LDA SI Tel: 01782 342123

Weston Road, 209 209 Weston Road, Meir, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 6AT D PD LDA SI Tel: 01782 596056 Useful questions to ask providers can be found in the care homes checklist on page 10.

Care homes with nursing Amberley House Care Home 358 Ubberley Road, Bentilee, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 0QS OP D YA Tel: 01782 331200

New Milton Nursing Home Rear 1841 Leek Road, Milton, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 7AD OP D Tel: 01782 542573

Brindley Court Station Road, Longport, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 4ND Tel: 01782 828410

New Park House Chivelstone Grove, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 8HN OP D PD SI Tel: 01782 657664


Choices Housing Association Limited 60 Holdcroft Road Bucknall, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 8JL OP D PD LDA MH YA Tel: 01782 570323 Creative Support - Leonora Street 20 Leonora Street, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 3BS Tel: 01782 817655


Eldon House Care Services 69 Ricardo Street, Dresden, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 4EX OP D PD Tel: 01782 326620 Guardian Care Centre Longton Road, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 8FF OP D PD MH YA Tel: 01782 644800 Advert page 15 Heathside House Heathside Lane, Goldenhill, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 5QS OP D Tel: 01782 771911 Hilltop Manor Care Home High Lane, Chell, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 6JN Tel: 01782 828480 Advert inside front cover


Lawton Rise Care Home Heathside, Goldenhill, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 5QS Tel: 01782 773000


Newford Nursing Home Newford Crescent, Milton, Stoke-on-Trent ST2 7EQ OP PD Tel: 01782 545547 Old Vicarage Nursing Home, The 751-753 High Street, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 5RD Tel: 01782 785577


Richmond Mews 5 Richmond Terrace, Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 4ND LDA Tel: 01782 222311 Scotia Heights Scotia Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 4HA Tel: 01782 829100


Stadium Court Residential and Nursing Home Greyhound Way, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 3LL OP D Tel: 01782 207979 Westcroft Nursing Home Ltd 5 Harding Road, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 3BQ OP D PD Tel: 01782 284611 Westfield Lodge Weston Coyney Road, Weston Coyney, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 6ES Tel: 01782 336777 Advert inside front cover


Advertisers are highlighted

Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Visit for further assistance with your search for care


Index Abbots House 18 Alison House Care Home Limited 18 Amberley House Care Home 21 Ana Nursing & Care Services 17 Apex Health + Social Care - Staffordshire 17 AR1 Homecare Limited 17 Beeches, The 18 Bluebird Care (Stoke-on-Trent) 17 Blurton Road 18 Brindley Court 21 Cambian - Trent Valley Road 18 Care Homes Stoke Limited 17 Care UK Learning Disabilities Staffordshire Ltd 17 CareTech Community Services Hanley DCA 17 Castlerock Recruitment Group Limited Stoke 17 Cauldon Place 18 Cedars, The (Hanley) 18 Cedars, The (Holden Bridge) 18 Chiltern Retirement Home 18 Chimes, The 18 Choices Housing Association Limited 1 William Street 18 Choices Housing Association Limited 150 Community Drive 18 Choices Housing Association Limited 17 Norton Avenue 18 Choices Housing Association Limited 2 Cowley Way 19 Choices Housing Association Limited 535 High Lane 19 Choices Housing Association Limited 60 Holdcroft Road 21 Choices Housing Association Limited 63 Hoveringham Drive 19 Claybourne 19 Collinson Court 19 Creative Support - Leonora Street 21 Creative Support - Robert Heath Street 19 Creative Support Stoke-on-Trent (Learning Disabilities) 17 Crossroads Care Staffordshire 17

Advertisers are in bold

17 21 19 19 17 19 21 17 19 21 19 19 19 17 17 19 20 21 17 20 20 20 17 20 17 20

Mears Care - Stoke 17 Mimosa 20 MSC Home Care Limited 17 New Lodge 20 New Milton Nursing Home 21 New Park House 21 Newford Nursing Home 21 Olcote 20 Old Vicarage Nursing Home, The 21 Park Hall 20 Paul Clarke Home 20 Poplars 20 Prestige Nursing Staffordshire 18 Quality Care (Staffordshire) Limited 18 Radis Community Care (Stoke-on-Trent) 18 Regent Road 20 Richmond Mews 21 Rosewood, The 20 Rowan Village 18 Royal Mencap Society - 30 Foster Court 20 Royal Mencap Society - 55 Drubbery Lane 20 Rutland House 20 Rydal House 20 School Street, 15 20 Scotia Heights 21 Sevacare Stoke on Trent 18 Shamu 20 Spratslade House Care Home 20 Stadium Court Residential and Nursing Home 21 Staffordshire 18 Staffordshire Community Care Limited 18 Strathmore House 20 Sydney Works 18 Trentside Manor Care Home 20 Villas, The 20 Westcroft Nursing Home Ltd 21 Westfield Lodge 21 Weston House 21 Weston Road, 202 21 Weston Road, 209 21 Wisdom Healthcare Limited 18 Yes4Care 18

Chesterton Lodge 16 Four Seasons Health Care Advert inside front cover Garden Walk 15 Garden View 15 Guardian Care 15 Ideal Care Homes 16

Park Lane Care Home Advert inside front cover Pine Meadows Care Home Advert inside front cover Selwyn House 15 Tall Oaks Care Home Advert inside front cover

Custom Care Stoke Dacre House Daycare Domiciliary Services Derwent House Dresden House Limited Duke Street Eldon House Care Services Elm House Fernlea Four Seasons Golden Years Limited Goldendale House Gorsefield Residential Home Graceland Care Limited Grafton Road Grocott Centre Ltd at Heron Cross House, The Guardian Care Centre Hanford Court Care Home Hanford Manor Haven Care & Support Ltd Haversham House Limited Heathside House Helping Angels Ltd High Cross House Hilltop Manor Care Home Hilton House Hollies, The Holly Lodge Residential Home Limited Homestay Care Limited Human Support Group Ltd, The Jasmine Keswick House Lawton Rise Care Home Lifeways Community Care (Staffordshire) Lightwood Road, 216 Limes, The Lindly House Care Home Marlborough Road Marrow House Meadows Community Care, The Meadows, The

17 19 17 19 19 19 21 19 19 19 17 19 19 19 17

Other advertisers Age UK North Staffordshire Advert inside back cover Allied Healthcare 14 Avery Healthcare 14 Care Choices Helpline 15 Care Choices Website 13 CareTech Advert inside back cover

Care Choices Limited has taken every care to ensure that the information contained in this Directory is accurate. The company cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions or if a home varies from the facilities listed either in an advertisement or the indices. Care Choices Limited does not endorse or support any particular institution included in the Directory. © 2014 Care Choices Limited. Care Choices Limited reserves all rights in the titles Care Choices and HOMES Directories and their design. Care Choices™ is a trademark of Care Choices Limited. ISBN 978-1-909048-84-3 Printed in England. Ref. No: 4001/Stoke-on-Trent1/0214. Reproduction of any part of this publication in any form without the written permission of Care Choices Limited is prohibited. This publication is available free of charge from Stoke-on-Trent City Council.


Published by: Care Choices Limited, Valley Court, Lower Road, Croydon, Nr Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 0HF. Tel: 01223 207770. Publisher: Robert Chamberlain. Director of Sales: David Werthmann. Head of Editorial: Emma Morriss. Editor: Alistair Robertson. Regional Team Manager: Russell Marsh. Business Development Manager: Paul Leahy. Senior Sales Executives: Debbie Feetham, Elaine Green. Sales Executives: Donna Hall, Rachel Joseph, Vanessa Ryder. Director of Creative Operations: Lisa Werthmann. Assistant Production Manager: Jamie Harvey. Production Designer: Nick Cade. Creative Artworker: Holly Cornell.

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

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Crossroads Care Staffordshire is a specialist voluntary organisation providing support to carers, adults and children living with a disability to enable a carer to ‘take a break’ from their caring role and support those living with a disability in all aspects of their lives.

As a charity, we care for people, not profit.

We offer a full range of respite services to support carers and the people they care for including palliative care services, domestic homecare services, an emergency service, one to one and group activities. Crossroads Care Staffordshire is a leading provider of support for home carers and the people they care for in the region. Our care support staff love their work. They understand what carers, and those they care for, need and feel. They know the simple things that really matter, they do the hard jobs with a smile and they take pleasure in fitting into family life. We work Crossroads promotes, offers support and delivers high quality with over 600 individuals and their families, services for carers, adults andhelping children with a disability or carers to make a life of their own outside of caring. care needs. Crossroads Care Staffordshire is a specialist voluntary organisation providing support to carers, adults and children living with a disability to enable a carer to ‘take a break’ from their caring role and support those living with a disability in all aspects of their lives.

With over 17 years experience and employing over 130 trained professionals we provide the highest quality homecare service giving each carer the peace of mind to let someone else step into their shoes. It's no surprise then, that Crossroads Care staff build long and trusted relationships and more people turn to us for support than We offer a full range of respite services to to any other social care provider. Our support carers and the people they care approach is professional, friendly and for including palliative care services, confidential. So if you need support or domestic homecare services, an emergency advice, please do not hesitate to get in service, one to one and group activities. touch. Crossroads Care Staffordshire is a leading provider of support for home carers and the people they care for in the region. Our care support staff love their work. They understand what carers, and those they care for, need and feel. They know the simple things that really matter, they do the hard jobs with a smile and they take pleasure in fitting into family life. We work with over 600 individuals and their families, helping carers to make a life of their own outside of caring. With over 17 years experience and Clive Villa, 22130 Cemetery Road, Shelton, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 2DL. employing over trained professionals Telephone: 01782 268391 we provide the highest quality homecare service giving each carer the peace of mind to let someone else step into their shoes. It's no surprise then, that Crossroads

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