Cornwall Care Services Directory 2015/16

Page 1



Care Services Directory

> Home support

> Specialist care

> Care homes

> Useful contacts

The independent guide to choosing and paying for care

Cornwall Care is an independent Cornish charity providing care across the county. We have 16 care and nursing homes throughout Cornwall. We understand that thinking about and finding care can be difficult and we are here to help guide you. Our experienced staff and care teams can support you by providing information about all kinds of care as well as practical help. We listen to you carefully to assess your particular situation and identify your needs. Provide practical advice and possible solutions about all aspects of your care. Help you to ensure you are claiming all the financial benefits, allowances and a support you are entitled to. Help you map out your care and support plan for now and the future.

Cornwall Care Admiral


Admiral Nurses are available to support families throughout the dementia journey. They provide family carers with the tools and skills to best understand the condition, as well as emotional and psychological support through periods of transition. Phone number 01872 261787

Let us help and care for you, call today...

01872 261787

OUR HOMES Callington - Chyvarhas Tel: 01579 383104

Liskeard - Pengover Tel: 01579 343397

Camborne - Blackwood Tel: 01209 713498

Newquay - Penberthy Tel: 01637 873845

When it comes to what makes Cornwall Care so special and

Camborne St.Martin’s Redruth Green of different-from others, the answer is our focus on- The the quality Tel: 01209 713512 Tel: 01209 215250 care in a safe and welcoming place where you will feel cared for and you will enjoy living. Carbis Baysomewhere - Headlands St. Austell - Trevarna Let us help and care for you, call todayTel: 01872 261787 Tel: 01736 795769 01726 75066

Carbis Bay - Trewartha Tel: 01736 797183

St. Austell - Woodland Tel: 01726 72903

Falmouth - Trevern Tel: 01326 312833

Truro - Mountford Tel: 01872 274097

Helston - Trengrouse Tel: 01326 573382

Truro - Redannick Tel: 01872 276889

Launceston - Cedar Grange Tel: 01566 773049

Wadebridge - St. Breock Tel: 01208 812246

Cornwall Care Because we’re individuals

Cornwall Care House . Truro Business Park . Truro . TR4 9NY Tel: 01872 261787 Reg Charity No. 1053486

Contents Introduction 4 How to use this Directory

A message from Cornwall Council


Where do I start? 6 First steps and assessments

Helping you to stay independent 7 Local services, information and support

Making life easier in the home


Solutions, equipment and aids to help

Services for carers 21 Assessment, benefits and guidance

Care in your own home 23 How it can help

Living with dementia at home

24 Important information 51

Family support, respite and services

Further help and information

Paying for care in your home 31 Residential care in Cornwall Understanding your options

Comprehensive listings by region

Home care providers 33 Useful local contacts A comprehensive list of local agencies

Housing with care 38 The different models available

55 71

Useful national contacts




Specialist services 38 Disability care, End of Life Care and advocacy

Essential checklists

Care homes 43

Home care Care homes Residential dementia care

Types of homes and activities explained

30 44 47

Dementia in care homes 45 Best practice care and support

Paying for residential care 48 Understanding the system

All the listings in this publication of care homes, care homes with nursing and home care providers are supplied by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Care Choices Ltd cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions.

To obtain extra copies of this Directory, free of charge, call Care Choices on 01223 207770.

Alternative formats

This Directory is available electronically at where there is a Browsealoud option for those requiring the information in spoken word.

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Introduction Welcome to this edition of the independent Cornwall Care Services Directory, which contains information for adults looking for care or support within the county, whether you are paying for it yourself or receiving support from the council.

Personal Budget, which allows you to buy in your own support and take control of your situation. Often called ‘personalisation’, this model of social care puts you at the centre of the process and is discussed on page 6.

Staying as independent as possible is important to everybody. This Directory contains information about the care and support services available to enable you to do this when remaining at home, moving into a housing scheme with care when you need to, or within a care home or care home with nursing environment.

Alternatively, your circumstances may mean you are classed as a ‘self-funder’, with the means to pay for your care. This is discussed on page 31 for those paying for care at home and page 48 for those paying for residential care. You will find information on any benefits available to you explained on page 22.

Your first step to accessing services is to arrange an assessment with the Education, Health and Social Care Department of Cornwall Council to establish your specific needs. This is free, irrespective of your income, available to all and discussed on page 6. It will lead to determining if you are eligible for some financial support via a

Support or care to remain living in your own home may be the option that suits your circumstances best. What you can do to make life easier at home, what is available and how you can access it are explained on pages 15 to 20. A list of local home care providers who can help begins on page 33. Useful checklists featuring questions to ask providers are included in this edition. The home care checklist is on page 30, another addressing care homes is on page 44 while one covering residential dementia care is on page 47. Comprehensive lists of care homes and care homes with nursing in Cornwall start on page 55. Important information about care decisions, including finding care in another county, making a comment or complaint about a service and how solicitors can help you starts on page 51.

As Publisher of this Directory, Care Choices’ website: allows you to search by postcode or region for care homes, care homes with nursing, home care, supported living (learning disability only) and housing with care providers that meet your requirements across the country. Your search can then be saved and emailed to others. You can also view an electronic version of this


Directory on the site and have it read to you by using the ‘Browsealoud’ function. Further help and information from this Directory’s free helpline can be accessed by calling 0800 389 2077. Whatever your care needs, this Directory, our helpline and website will be able to point you in the best direction, however you would like care information presented.

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

The new Care Act You may have heard about the new Care Act which came into effect in April 2015. It’s a piece of legislation aimed at making positive changes to the way care and support is provided for adults and carers and creates a single law for adult care and support. It introduces duties and responsibilities on councils to ensure that wellbeing, dignity and choice are at the heart of health and social care and represents the biggest change to adult social care in over 60 years. For the first time, carers will be recognised in law in the same way as those they care for, and more carers will be able to have an assessment of their support needs. People paying for their own care will have a right to an assessment as well. Anyone at risk of abuse will be even better protected as the Act puts Adult Safeguarding Boards on a statutory footing.

The Act will mean that a wider range of good quality services gives you more control and help you to make more personalised choices over your care, resulting in even better care that works for you. It is designed to ensure that people receive services that prevent their care needs from becoming more serious, or delay the impact of their needs; can get the information and advice they need to make good decisions about care and support and have a range of high-quality care providers to choose from. The Act also introduces a number of significant changes to how care is charged for, who has to contribute, and a cap on how much people will have to pay towards their care, however these don’t come into effect until April 2016. The website has useful factsheets explaining the changes, type in ‘Care Act’ for further information.

A message from Cornwall Council Cornwall Council’s Education, Health and Social Care Directorate has responsibility for providing social care to adults in Cornwall, as well as providing children’s social care, schools, and the Public Health service. We help adults with eligible social care needs find care and support so they can live as independently as possible in their own homes. These may be older people, people with physical disabilities or learning disabilities and mental health service users. We also provide support for carers who look after relatives or friends who can’t manage on their own.

• supporting your family and friends to care for you.

Social care support includes:

• advice, information and money matters;

• making sure you eat well and look after yourself;

• staying safe;

• help with day-to-day living;

• housing and care homes.

• ensuring your emotional well-being and mental health are good; and

In many cases, we work with organisations in

You can also use the online Cornwall Community Directory (www.communitydirectory.cornwall. to find help from community and voluntary groups. The Directory covers things like: • support at home; • leisure activities; • getting around; • health and well-being; • work, learning and volunteering;

• caring for someone; and

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the community, or health colleagues, to support people to live as independently as they wish to. The Care Act will have an impact on the services we provide and the way those services are delivered and charged for. This is still being established as this Directory is being prepared, and staff are being trained to work within the new

legislation. For more information on the Care Act, see page 5 or go to Education, Health and Social Care County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY Tel: 0300 123 4131

Where do I start? The way councils provide services to eligible adults and their carers is called ‘personalisation’. This term is used to describe a number of ways in which eligible adults can receive a mixture of local authority and government money in order to pay for the care services they need without direct council involvement.

• as a mixture of the above.

People receive an assessment of their needs and finances by social workers who will also involve and consider the needs of carers. If eligible for support from the council you can be allocated a ‘Personal Budget’.

The key to accessing all this begins with an assessment of your care needs and your financial circumstances by the council.

The term ‘Personal Budget’ describes the amount of money that will fund your care and support costs. It is calculated by assessing your needs. It is spent in line with a support plan that has been agreed by both you and the council. It can be either a full or a partial contribution to such costs. You may also choose to pay for additional support on top of the budget. Any eventual contractual agreement for services is between you and your care provider, not the council.


placed with a third party (provider) and accessed by you in direct negotiation with the provider; or

Personal Budgets cannot currently be used for paying for residential care. Speak with the council about how they offer Personal Budgets.

Your assessment You have a legal right to an assessment of your care needs and finances. Councils are required to carry out an assessment where it can reasonably be assumed that the person requesting the assessment is likely to have care needs regardless of whether you access their services. The assessment (which is free) will consider your personal circumstances such as: • how you can best be supported to live as independently as possible;

A Personal Budget may be taken by an eligible person:

• your home and how you are coping in it;

• in the form of a direct (cash) payment, held directly by you or where you lack capacity, by a ‘suitable person’;

• your diet;

• by way of an ‘account’ held and managed by the council in line with your wishes, for example to pay for community care services which are commissioned by the council, or as an account

• your financial status and any benefits you may be claiming.

• your emotional well-being; • any health and medical treatments you need; and

You will need to contact the Education, Health

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

and Social Care Department, who are responsible for this process on 0300 123 4131. Once Education, Health and Social Care has an understanding of your care and financial needs, the next stage is to determine what services you are eligible for and who will pay for them. Information on paying for care can be found on page 31 if you are receiving home care and page 48 if you are moving into a care home. If you have been admitted to hospital and either you, your family, your carers or the ward staff think you need care on discharge they may refer you to the discharge team for an assessment. The team is multi-professional, made up of social workers, carers’ officers, mental health workers and housing officers.

Assessments from hospital Your assessment will take place on the ward

and a plan of care developed with you and your family or carer to facilitate your discharge. Whatever services you need on discharge, Education, Health and Social Care will work with you, your family and carers to either restart services already in place prior to admission or provide the appropriate service for discharge. Sometimes interim care packages are set up to facilitate your discharge home and will be reassessed by a community social worker within four to six weeks. Education, Health and Social Care do not normally arrange for people to go into residential care straight from hospital as this needs to be a considered option and arrangements planned, but if you need a care home, Education, Health and Social Care will ask their brokerage team to identify appropriate homes for you and your family to view. If your home of choice has no vacancies then sometimes an interim placement may be appropriate until you can move to your permanent home.

Helping you to stay independent Services developed in partnership with the voluntary sector Education, Health and Social Care works with and funds voluntary and community organisations to supply preventative care services. These are a vital form of support for many thousands of vulnerable people across the county and help to maintain independence, social inclusion, and delay or avoid the need for more statutory interventions. Examples include: • day services, lunch clubs and social groups; • befriending, visiting and telephone contact services; • support schemes to help people being discharged from hospital; • support for carers;

• respite care; • advocacy, information and advice; and • handyperson schemes.

Short Term Enablement and Planning service (STEPs) STEPs is one of the Education, Health and Social Care services run by Cornwall Council and works with vulnerable adults over 18 years old, who may be elderly, have physical or sensory impairment, or have a learning disability or mental health needs. The service can support you for a limited period of time, following some sort of health or social care crisis at home, where some temporary support at home may be required, or when you are returning home from hospital and need some extra support or re-enablement.

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STEPs aims to produce better outcomes for people through enablement, working with other health professionals if necessary to help you regain maximum independence. The service can only be accessed once you have had an assessment. To arrange for this to happen you need to contact the Access and Assessment Team on 0300 123 4131. Where full independence is not possible, you will have a review before the service ends and the service will work with others to help draw up a longer term support plan that will meet any ongoing care needs you may have. You would then move from STEPs to another ongoing care/ support arrangement. Depending on your length of time with the service and your financial circumstances, you may be required to pay for, or contribute to, the costs of the support provided. You can get more advice by calling 0300 123 4121 and asking for the Assessments (Charging) Team.

NHS Continuing Healthcare NHS Continuing Healthcare is care provided over an extended period of time, to a person aged 18 or over, to meet physical or mental health needs that have arisen as a result of disability, accident or illness. A person who needs continuing care may receive services from the local authority or from the NHS. NHS Continuing Healthcare is a package of continuing care that is arranged and funded solely by the NHS. This is free of charge, wherever it is delivered. NHS Continuing Healthcare support may be provided in a nursing or residential care home or in a person’s own home. People eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare funding will have been assessed by health and social care assessors to have a ‘primary health need’ and are likely to have complex medical needs and substantial or intense on-going care needs.


National guidance says that the assessment for NHS Continuing Healthcare should be ‘person-centred’. This means that the person being assessed should be fully involved in the assessment process. They should be kept informed, and have their views about their own needs and support taken into account. As a carer, you should also be consulted where appropriate. It’s a good idea to make it clear that you would like to participate fully in the assessment process. A decision about eligibility should usually be made within 28 days of a referral for assessment being made to the local NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

Personal health budgets A personal health budget is an amount of money to support a person’s identified health and well-being needs, planned and agreed between the person and their local NHS team. The aim is to enable people with long-term conditions and disabilities to have greater choice, flexibility and control over the health care and support they receive. The budgets are already available for people who are eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare. Patients have had the ‘right to have’ a personal health budget since October 2014.

Intermediate care This aims to give recovery and rehabilitation support to help older people regain their independence when they come out of hospital or, just as importantly, prevent them going unnecessarily into hospital. Reducing the strain on hospitals and their therapy resources, intermediate care means older people may not have to move into residential care permanently (at least in the short-term) or stay longer than desirable in hospital. Intermediate care can be provided in your own home or in a care home, depending on local policy and your specific needs. It can be provided by care staff, occupational therapy and physiotherapy,

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

with additional support provided by the local GP surgery, social workers and community nurses. This combined resource helps older people to regain their independence and feel confident in their ability to manage for themselves with any necessary additional support. Intermediate care, including any care home fees where relevant, is provided by the NHS and is free. It is usually limited to a maximum of six weeks. Age UK Cornwall’s Home Support service can help with domestic tasks such as cleaning and shopping, or by simply staying with someone to allow their carer to go out. Tel: 01872 266 388 Email: British Red Cross also provides a help at home service. Lighterage Hill, Newham, Cornwall TR1 2XR Tel: 01872 272878 Royal Voluntary Service Cornwall and Devon can tailor support to your individual needs, including community transport services to keep you mobile. Tel: 0845 600 5885 Email: cornwalldevonhub@

Day care centres Many older people can feel lonely or isolated without an opportunity to fill their days with meaningful activities. Research has shown that one way to alleviate loneliness and promote wellbeing and independence is to provide regular social contact and a focus for activities. Day care centres give people the chance to have a change to their routine, meet new people, take up an activity or receive specialist services such as chiropody or hairdressing. There is a wide variety around the county, catering for older

people, people with mental health conditions, learning disabilities, physical disabilities and dementia. Transport to and from centres can be arranged through Education, Health and Social Care or Age UK. Centres can be as important for carers as those attending as they allow for a regular break from caring. Attendance may be free, although transport and meals must usually be paid for. If you are eligible, you may be able to have a Personal Budget (discussed on page 6) to arrange your own services. Many services are free, provided by volunteers often working for charities. Others are offered by individuals and small businesses, finding imaginative ways to deliver new services to older people, and in some cases, to replace services that used to be provided by local authorities.

Age UK day centres Age UK Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly Boscawen House, Chapel Hill, Truro TR1 3BN Tel: 01872 266388 Age UK Falmouth Day Centre Killigrew Street, Falmouth TR11 3PQ Tel: 01326 316 880 Age UK Newquay Day Centre Crantock Street, Newquay TR7 1JR Tel: 01637 876150 Age UK St John’s Church Hall 20a Bodmin Road, St Austell PL25 5AE Tel: 01726 76806 Age UK Truro Day Centre Kemps Close, St Clement Street, Truro TR1 1EQ Tel: 01872 279279

Other day centres Athelstan Daycare Respite Priory Road, Bodmin PL31 2AE Tel: 01208 72713

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Caradon Day Centre The Coach House, Trevillis House, Lodge Hill, Liskeard PL14 4EN Tel: 01579 347651 Carleen Community Church Care Centre Daycare Wheal Vor, Carleen, Helston TR13 9NP Tel: 01736 763604 Carol Spinks Homecare Offices Room 6, 12-14 Fore Street, Saltash PL12 6JL Tel: 01752 844832

Wadebridge Concern for the Aged Southern Way, Wadebridge PL27 7BX Tel: 01208 812392 Westgate Centre 28a Westgate Street, Launceston PL15 7AE Tel: 01566 777344

Learning disability day centres

Drym Valley Centre (Learning disability) Higher Drym Farm, Praze, Camborne TR14 0NU Tel: 01736 850707

Bellair Day Centre Daycare Bellair Health Office, Alverton Road, Penzance TR18 4TA Tel: 01736 72583

Duchy College - West Cornwall Centre West Cornwall Centre, Camborne TR14 0AB Tel: 01209 722100

Blantyre Centre Daycare St Austell, Cornwall PL25 5HJ Tel: 01726 72583

Frank Johns Centre Daycare (Dementia) 56-58 Queensway, Bodriggy, Hayle TR27 4NL Tel: 01736 754545

Gables Day Care Activity Centre Newquay Road, Goonhavern TR7 9QD Tel: 01872 571030

Memory Matters Activity Day Club Daycare The Scout Hut, Lostwithiel PL22 0AS Tel: 01208 871683 Mountford Daycare Cyril Road, Truro TR1 3TB Tel: 01872 274097 Pengarth Day Centre Morrab Gardens, Penzance TR18 4DA Tel: 01736 364307 Reflections Parkhenver, West End, Redruth TR15 3AA Tel: 01209 215790 or 01209 218004 St Mary’s Haven Day Care Centre St Mary’s Haven, St Mary’s Street, Penzance TR18 2DH Tel: 01736 331982


Trelil Court Day Resource Centre Market Square, Bodmin PL31 2JW Tel: 01208 76899

Holifeld Farm Project Daycare Gweek TR12 6UL Tel: 01326 221017 John Daniel Centre Madron Road, Heamoor, Penzance TR20 8TP Tel: 01736 368531 Kehelland Horticultural Centre Daycare (Learning disability/physical disability) Kehelland, Camborne TR14 0DD Tel: 01209 718975 Launceston Day Centre 15 Newport Industrial Estate, Launceston PL15 8EX Tel: 01566 776422 Lowena Hostel Lowena, Mitchell Hill, Truro TR1 1JX Tel: 01872 270013

Torcare Ltd Daycare Vicarage Road, Torpoint PL11 2BW Tel: 01752 813677

Morley Tamblyn Lodge Lodge Hill, Liskeard PL14 4EN Tel: 01579 345858

Tregarne (St Austell) North Street, St Austell PL25 5QE Tel: 01726 72429

Murdoch and Trevithick Lower Cardrew Lane, Redruth TR15 1LZ Tel: 01209 218139 or 215552

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Penwith Respite Care Ltd 38 Polweath Road, Penzance TR18 3PN Tel: 01736 330638 Priory Centre Pound Lane, Bodmin PL31 2BT Tel: 01208 73623 Tregarne Hostel Daycare (Mental Health) North Street, St Austell PL25 5QE Tel: 01726 72429

Mental Health day centres These are only accessed via referral from a GP or CMHT Anchor Project 106 Killigrew Street, Falmouth TR11 3PT Tel: 01326 315822 Boundervean 6 Pendarves Road, Camborne TR14 7QE Tel: 01209 613006 Fountain House 1 Eastbourne Road, St Austell PL25 4SZ Tel: 01726 70982 Richmond House Tolver Place, Tolver Road, Penzance TR18 2AB Roswyth 4 Cheltenham Place, Newquay TR7 1BA Tel: 01637 873122 Stepping Stones 5 Ferris Town, Truro TR1 3JG Tel: 01872 241783

Appleby Lodge 157 Launceston Road, Kelly Bray, Callington PL17 8DU Tel: 01579 383979 Ar-Lyn Residential Home Vicarage Lane, Lelant, St Ives TR26 3JZ Tel: 01736 753330 Beech Lawn Nursing and Residential Home Higher Lux Street, Liskeard PL14 3JX Tel: 01579 346460 Bonaer Nursing Home Station Hill, Hayle TR27 4NG Tel: 01736 752090 Bowden-Derra Park - Garden House Bowden-Derra Park, Polyphant, Launceston PL15 7PU Tel: 01566 880340 Brake Manor, The Bodmin Road, St Austell PL25 5AG Tel: 01726 61518 Caprera 61 Truro Road, St Austell PL25 5JG Tel: 01726 72956 Chy Byghan Sunny Corner Lane, Sennen, Penzance TR19 7AX Tel: 01736 871459 Clovelly 18 St Michaels Road, Newquay TR7 1RA Tel: 01637 876668

Physical disabilities centres

Cornwallis Nursing Home Trewidden Road, St Ives TR26 2BX Tel: 01736 796856

Echo Centre (Liskeard) Barras Place, Liskeard PL14 6AY Tel: 01579 347836

Coombe House Coombe Lane, Lamellion, Liskeard PL14 4JU Tel: 01579 346819

Tremorvah Industries Threemilestone Industrial Estate, Truro TR4 9LD Tel: 01872 324340

Collamere Nursing Home 52 Grenville Road, Lostwithiel PL22 0RA Tel: 01208 872810

Cornwall care homes offering day care

Eirenikon Park Bossiney Road, Tintagel PL34 0AE Tel: 01840 770252

Antron Manor Antron Hill, Mabe Burnthouse, Penryn TR10 9HH Tel: 01326 376570

Elmsleigh Care Home St Andrew’s Road, Par PL24 2LX Tel: 01726 812277

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Eldon House Downgate, Upton Cross, Liskeard PL14 5AJ Tel: 01579 362686

Longview Care Home Rosehill, Goonhavern, Truro TR4 9PX Tel: 01872 573378

Elmslea Care 34 Dunheved Road, Launceston PL15 9JQ Tel: 01566 777661

Manse, The 15 Cargoll Road, St Newlyn East, Newquay TR8 5LB Tel: 01872 510844

Eventide Home Castle Villa, 14 Castle Street, Liskeard PL14 3AU Tel: 01579 342676 Eventide Home 22 Downs View, Bude EX23 8RQ Tel: 01288 352602 Fairfield Country Rest Home Launcells, Bude EX23 9NH Tel: 01288 381241 Fernleigh House Albaston, Gunnislake PL18 9AJ Tel: 01822 832926 Godolphin House Care Home Godolphin House, 42 Godolphin Road, Helston TR13 8QF Tel: 01326 572609


Mount Pleasant House Pentalek Road, Camborne TR14 7RQ Tel: 01209 716424 Mount Pleasant Rosemundy, St Agnes TR5 0UD Tel: 01872 553165 North Hill Nursing Home 7 North Hill Park, St Austell PL25 4BJ Tel: 01726 72647 Old Manor House, The 6 Regent Terrace, Penzance TR18 4DW Tel: 01736 363742 Old Roselyon Manor Nursing Home Old Roselyon, Par PL24 2LN Tel: 01726 814297

Harbour House Penberthy Road, Portreath, Redruth TR16 4LW Tel: 01209 843276

Old Vicarage, The Antony, Torpoint PL11 3AQ Tel: 01752 812384

Highpoint Lodge 69 Molesworth Street, Wadebridge PL27 7DS Tel: 01208 814525

Penmeneth House 16 Penpol Avenue, Hayle TR27 4NQ Tel: 01736 752359

Hillsborough Southern Road, Callington PL17 7ER Tel: 01579 383138

Pendarves 25 Pendarves Road, Camborne TR14 7QF Tel: 01209 714576

Highermead Care Home College Road, Camelford PL32 9TL Tel: 01840 212528

Pendrea House 14 Westheath Avenue, Bodmin PL31 1QH Tel: 01208 74338

Hollybush 45 Glamis Road, Newquay TR7 2RY Tel: 01637 874148

Perran Bay Home St Piran’s Road, Perranporth TR6 0BH Tel: 01872 572275

King Charles Court Marlborough Road, Falmouth TR11 3LR Tel: 01326 311155

Pentree Lodge 63 Pentire Avenue, Newquay TR7 1PD Tel: 01637 878437

Little Trefewha Trefewha, Praze-an-Beeble, Camborne TR14 0JZ Tel: 01209 831566

Polventon House High Street, St Keverne, Helston TR12 6NS Tel: 01326 280734

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Roseacre St Winnolls, Polbathic, Torpoint PL11 3DX Tel: 01503 230256

St Theresa’s Care Centre St Therese Close, Callington PL17 7QF Tel: 01579 383488

Rosehill House Residential Home Middleway, St Blazey, Par PL24 2LB Tel: 01726 812424

Tamar House Nursing Home 175 Old Ferry Road, Saltash PL12 6BN Tel: 01752 843579

Roscarrack House Bickland Water Road, Falmouth TR11 4SB Tel: 01326 312498

Torpoint Nursing Centre Vicarage Road, Torpoint PL11 2BW Tel: 01752 813677

Rowan House 4 Lower Port View, Saltash PL12 4BY Tel: 01752 843843

Trefula House Nursing Home Trefula, St Day, Redruth TR16 5ET Tel: 01209 820215

Rowans, The 31 Goonown, St Agnes TR5 0UY Tel: 01872 552147

Tregenna House Nursing Home Pendarves Road, Camborne TR14 7QG Tel: 01209 713040

Springfield House North Hill, Launceston PL15 7PQ Tel: 01566 782361

Tregolls Manor Tregolls Road, Truro TR1 1XQ Tel: 01872 223330

St Anthony’s Residential Home Station Road, Liskeard PL14 4BY Tel: 01579 342308

Trewartha House Carbis Bay, St Ives TR26 2TQ Tel: 01736 797183

St Clair House 32 Basset Road, Camborne TR14 8SL Tel: 01209 713273

White House, The 40 Castle Hill, Bodmin PL31 2DU Tel: 01208 72310

St Margaret’s Nursing Home Mylords Road, Fraddon, St Columb TR9 6LX Tel: 01726 861497/09

Wentworth 59 South Street, St Austell PL25 5BN Tel: 01726 72941

St Petroc’s House Care Home Stonehaven (Healthcare) Ltd, St Nicholas Street, Bodmin PL31 1AG Tel: 01208 76152

Windmill Court Care Home St Minver, Wadebridge PL27 6RD Tel: 01208 612220

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Meals on Wheels Depending on where you live, you may be able to receive meals delivered to your home. Run by a mixture of national and small local companies and charitable organisations, sourcing suppliers can be done by word of mouth or using the internet – your local library may be able to help here. Education, Health and Social Care can advise as well, call 0300 123 4131, or check Cornwall Community Directory for services in your area at

Adapting your home To enable you to remain in your own home for as long as you would like ensuring that your home is safe, secure and warm is the starting point. Some forward planning to ensure that the garden doesn’t become a burden is sensible. If you are

not planning to move, think about adaptations that would make life easier now and later on. Of course, these things can be daunting, especially if it’s a case of having to bring in someone to do jobs you used to happily take on yourself. But there are reliable tradespeople to be found – ask around. And there are also non-profit organisations known as Home Improvement Agencies that work specifically for older people and can tackle, or help you tackle, most kinds of home maintenance, repairs and adaptations.

Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs) HIAs are local not-for-profit organisations funded and supported by local and central Government. They pride themselves in working professionally and sensitively with older and disabled homeowners, providing advice, support and assistance to help them repair, improve, maintain or adapt their home to meet their changing needs. Most HIAs provide three main services: • information and advice on repairs or adaptations you may be considering. This usually entails a visit to your home, and is often free; • a ‘handyperson service’ for small jobs and repairs. Typically the HIA will employ its own handypersons, and charge you an hourly rate for their services; and • a ‘home adaptations service’ for more major works. The HIA will work with you to specify the adaptations needed, and they will normally offer to get estimates from one or more of their regular contractor. Subject to your acceptance, the HIA will then offer to manage the works contract for you for an agreed fee. HIAs may also be helpful if you are not sure you can afford the home repairs or adaptations you need. They can advise on your eligibility for any grants and, if necessary, put you in touch with an Independent Financial Adviser. For further information and contact details about local HIAs, visit


This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Making life easier in the home In the living room

Plug with handle

Chair raisers

Easi-reach BYRO N

WHAT YOU WHAT IS DIFFICULT HAVE TO DO FOR YOU Get in and • Standing up from out of chairs sitting is difficult

SIMPLE SOLUTIONS • Block of foam in chair base • Buy a new chair – get professional help to make sure the height is right • Regular gentle exercise • Get up regularly, to keep mobile

COMPLEX SOLUTIONS • Ready made chair raisers if your chair is low

MORE COMPLEX SOLUTIONS • Buy electric riser chair

• Remove window opener • Install extractor fan • Install new windows

• Environmental controls

• Change switches • Fit timer switch

• Move heating controls

• Install new or additional heating system

Switch lights • Can’t reach switch on and off • Switch is difficult to use

• Light switch toggle • Socket extension • Handi-plugs

• Move light switches • Environmental controls • Replace light switches

Keep warm

• Affording the fuel • Carrying the fuel • Control heating

• Replace the fire

• Get a grant • Change to a cheaper heating system

Watch TV

• Hearing the sound of the TV

• Insulate your home • Ask for a winter fuel payment • Use a trolley – if you can safely lift the fuel into the trolley • Use subtitles

• See GP

• Get a room loop • Request an assessment for a hearing aid

Open and close windows

• Can’t reach • Move furniture out of the windows way • Not secure to leave • Gadget to open/close windows open window

Control heating

• Can’t reach controls for fire or heating

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In the bedroom

Easy grip scissors

Pillow raisers


Pill dispenser

Bed raisers

WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO Get in and out of bed

WHAT IS DIFFICULT FOR YOU • Standing up from sitting on the bed • Difficult to move from wheelchair to bed • Bed is hard to reach • Bed is too soft

SIMPLE SOLUTIONS • Move bed/furniture • Leg lifter • Raise bed • Learn new techniques for moving safely

COMPLEX SOLUTIONS • Fit grab rails • Buy a new bed mattress • Transfer board

Sit up in bed, turn or roll over

• Bed is too soft • Bedding is too heavy • Nothing to lean on

• Change bedding • Learn new techniques for moving safely

• Buy a bed cradle • Buy a bed ladder • Bed lever • Pillow raiser • Change mattress

Keep warm in bed

• Checking the safety of • Contact n (see key below) your electric blanket for further information • Difficult to reach all • Contact n (see key below) • Buy simple gadgets: of your body long handled shoe for further information horn; elastic shoe laces; • Learn new techniques dressing stick; button for dressing hook; stocking aids • Buy clothes with different fastenings

Get dressed

Cut your nails Take your tablets

Read the time

• Can’t reach feet • Easy grip scissors • Hard to hold scissors • Opening bottles • Ask pharmacist for an easy to open bottle • Remembering to take • Keep a note when you tablets have taken a tablet

• See a podiatrist

• See the clock to tell the time

• Buy a clock that ‘speaks’

• Buy a clock with larger numbers

MORE COMPLEX SOLUTIONS • Hospital bed • Buy an electric adjustable bed • Mobile hoist • Ceiling track hoist • Buy a specialised mattress • Drop-down rail • Monkey pole

• Consider care in your own home

• Get a pill dispenser with • Ask someone to days and times marked prompt you

Cornwall Council’s Access and Assessment Team: 0300 123 4131


This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

In the kitchen

Pan handle holder Teapot tipper

Chopping board with spikes Perching stool Liquid level indicator

WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO Reach cupboards

Use taps and switches

Cutting, chopping, preparing and cooking food

Move around the kitchen Eat and drink

Laundry and ironing

Large handled cutlery

WHAT IS DIFFICULT FOR YOU • Cupboards are too high or low • Cupboards are too deep • Cupboard doors are too heavy • Taps or switches are too awkward • Can’t reach taps or switches

SIMPLE SOLUTIONS • Re-arrange things in cupboards/on surfaces • Buy Easi-Reacher or Handi-Reacher

COMPLEX MORE COMPLEX SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS • Alter spring in door • Lower or raise closers cupboards

• Fit tap turners

• Change switches • Raise or reposition taps • Fit lever taps or new taps

• Work surface too high or low • Hard to grip packets or jars • Hard to grip knife • Pans or kettles too heavy to lift • Not enough space

• Sit at a table • Range of kitchen gadgets available: knife with a thick handle; chopping board with spikes; pan handle holder; teapot tipper; lid gripper. • Re-organise furniture

• Food processor • Change height of • Perching/high stool work surface • Make space under • Buy a trolley work surface for knees when sitting

• Cutlery is hard to grip • Food/plate keeps slipping • Can’t carry food to table • Can’t lift cup • Washing machine is too high or too low • Putting up ironing board

• Large handled cutlery • Buy a trolley • Non-slip mat • Lightweight insulated cup • Use a cup with two handles • Wall-fixed ironing board • Raise/lower washing machine

• Review mobility equipment used

• Alter kitchen

• Adaptation to kitchen

• Change washing machine or iron

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In the bathroom

Shower board Grab rail

Raised toilet seat

Tap turners

Toilet seat and support frame

Long-handled sponges

WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO Wash hands, face and body

Have a bath

WHAT IS DIFFICULT FOR YOU • Turning the taps • Standing at the basin • Basin is too low or too high • Can’t reach all parts of the body • Turning the taps • Stepping into the bath • Risk of slipping in the bath • Getting up out of the bath • Difficulty washing your back

SIMPLE SOLUTIONS • Tap turners • Long-handled sponge • Flannel strap • Contact n (see key below) for further information • Strip wash • Non-slip mat in bath • Tap turners • Buy a long-handled sponge • Half-step

• Floor is slippery • Room is too cold • Difficulty in drying body Use the toilet • Toilet is too high or too low • Difficult to clean yourself • Flush lever is awkward • Toilet is hard to get to

• Heat bathroom • Non-slip mat • Towelling gown • Raised toilet seat • Combined toilet seat and support frame • Flush lever extension • Contact n (see key below) for further information

Clean teeth

• Toothbrush gripper

Dry yourself

• Gripping the toothbrush • Standing at the basin Have a shower • Difficult to stand for long in the shower • Shower too high • Shower controls are awkward • Shower is slippery • Not enough room to move

• Strip wash • Non-slip mats • Half-step

COMPLEX SOLUTIONS • Lever taps or new taps • Stool

MORE COMPLEX SOLUTIONS • Raise or lower basin • Showers

• Grab rails • Bath board • Bath seat • Lever taps or new taps

• Bath lift • Mobile hoist • Ceiling track hoist • Replace bath with shower • Convert bathroom to a wet room • Consider care in your own home • Hot air body dryer

• Change floor covering • Buy a commode • Buy a portable urinal • Grab rails

• Specialist toilet • Alter position of toilet • Request shortterm loan of commode

• Electric toothbrush • Stool • Shower board • Shower chair or stool • Replace shower controls

Cornwall Council’s Access and Assessment Team: 0300 123 4131


This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Special equipment There is a range of equipment available to make life easier and to improve safety and independence in the home, such as stair rails, raised toilet seats, shower stools etc. These simple items are often referred to as ‘Simple Aids for Daily Living’. Cornwall Council has partnered with the national charity Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) to provide a quick and easy to use, online guided advice service called AskSARA which can help anyone who finds that they have difficulties with everyday tasks. Visit to learn more about possible solutions and see page 20.

Useful contacts Action for Blind People A national charity with local reach. The Exeter team has deep roots in the local community, which helps to meet the needs of blind and partially-sighted service users. Suite 1, Chiltern House, 2 Sigford Road, Exeter EX2 8NL Tel: 01392 458060 Web: Action on Hearing Loss Unit 27, HQ Business Centre, 237 Union Street, Plymouth PL1 3HQ Tel: 01752 228657 Textphone: 01752 604862 Email: heartohelp.Devon&Cornwall@ Action on Hearing Loss Shop Tel: 0333 014 4525 Web: Cornwall Blind Association (CBA) Telephone support, befriending, advocacy and counselling schemes. Tel: 01872 261110 Web:

Cornwall Mobility Centre Services offered encompass assessments, information and advice for paediatric mobility and transportation, daily living equipment, driving and wheelchairs, all of which are carried out by professional staff. North Buildings, Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro TR1 3LJ Tel: 01872 254920 Web: Disability Cornwall A user-led, disabled people’s organisation providing a range of services to empower, assist and facilitate independent living and when necessary, act as a representative voice for disabled people, their families and carers. Units 1G and H Guildford Road Industrial Estate, Guildford Road, Hayle, Cornwall TR27 4QZ Tel: 01736 756655 Email: Web: Disability Information and Advice Line Disability Information and Advice Line (DIAL) service can help you to source any equipment needs you may have. Tel: 01736 759500 Hearing Loss Cornwall (previously Cornwall Deaf Association) Supports deaf and hard of hearing people in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. 3 Walsingham Place, Truro TR1 2RP Tel: 01872 225868 Textphone: 01872 263664 Web: Tremorvah Industries Endeavour to match the best mobility equipment to people’s needs and aspirations. Unit 8, Threemilestone Industrial Estate, Truro TR4 9LD Tel: 01872 324340 Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 4.30pm; Friday 8:30am to 4.00pm Web:

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Electronic aids for hire


The Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) This is a national charity providing impartial advice, information and training on independent living.

Telecare is equipment that can detect falls, inactivity, smoke, flooding, gas or extreme temperatures in the home. Sensors, which are placed in the home, are triggered, and an alert is received either by trained operators at a 24-hour call centre, or directly by a relative or carer. Telecare can allow users to remain independent and relatives and carers are reassured, safe in the knowledge that should an incident occur, they will know about it. Some devices can also help monitor particular health conditions and reduce the need for hospital admission.

Simple electronic aids can be borrowed from them for free for up to two weeks including: gadgets which remind you of things you need to do; safety alarms and sensors; magnifiers and telephones with big buttons. A small deposit is required. DLF factsheets provide general advice on topics such as features to look for when choosing a wide range of items of daily living equipment. These can be viewed and downloaded from the website: Helpline: 0300 999 0004 AskSARA Part of the Disabled Living Foundation, AskSARA is an easy-to-use, award-winning online self-help guide that is particularly useful if you are not sure what practical items might help you. Web:

Telecare can help restore confidence for people who feel vulnerable in their own homes for a variety of reasons – that could be because of living alone, frailty or the need to summon help in an emergency. It could also be as a short-term measure during a period of convalescence. Telecare can seldom replace care and assistance from people – it usually enables existing care and support to respond more effectively and can sustain carers in their role. Telecare can only be used where there are sufficient carers or care support available to respond quickly when an alarm is raised.

Tel: 01726 884402

• Providing live in and community care by kind and loving staff in most areas of Cornwall to anyone needing a helping hand with personal care and domestic services • We also provide supported living to people with mental health and learning disabilities • All staff are trained to NVQ 2/3 • Care packages Taylormade to meet your requirements • Registered with the Care Quality Commission Unit 2A Grampound Road Ind Est, Grampound Road, Truro TR2 4TB


This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Services for carers Who is a carer?

For further information and contact details You are local a carer if you regularly look after, help about HIAs, visit or support someone who wouldn’t be able to manage everyday life without your help. You don’t have to be living with the person, and the help you give doesn’t have to be physical. You may be caring for a partner, another relative, a friend or a neighbour. For example, it may be someone who: • is an older person (over 60); • is living with dementia; • has a physical disability, learning disability, or a mental-health condition; • has sight, hearing or communication difficulties; • has a long-term health condition; or • has a drug or alcohol misuse issue. You may be helping them with: • personal care, such as washing and dressing; • going to the toilet, or dealing with incontinence; • eating or feeding, and taking medicines; • getting about at home or outside; • practical help at home, keeping them company; or • emotional support or communicating.

Having a carer’s assessment If you provide, or intend to provide, regular unpaid support to someone who could not manage without your support, the law says you have a right to have your own needs assessed, even if the person you care for has refused support services or an assessment of their own needs. This assessment, called a ‘carer’s assessment’, gives you the chance to tell us what you need as a carer, and to find out what support might be available to help you. The carer’s assessment is an essential first step in getting the support you may need. It looks at: • the care you provide and how your caring responsibilities affect your life; • any support you are getting now and what else you think would help you; and • what you would like your support to achieve. The assessment can also give you lots of information about other services that might help

you, and other ideas for supporting you in your caring role. Your carer’s assessment will show if you qualify for support services from Education, Health and Social Care.

Carers’ Personal Budgets The carer’s Personal Budget is a single payment that you can use towards the cost of something specific that will support you in your caring role. For example, you could use it for leisure activities, education or training, improving your own health or well-being, or just to take a short break from caring. When Education, Health and Social Care consider a carer’s Personal Budget, they give priority to situations where there is a significant risk of the carer not being able to continue providing care if they do not get some support. The amount you could get will depend on your needs identified by your carer’s assessment. You will not pay tax on the money and it will not affect any benefits you get. You cannot use the payment to buy personal care for the person you care for, such as help to wash, dress or use the toilet. You cannot use it to pay for goods or services you have already bought, or for everyday living costs such as food, heating, lighting, Council Tax, rent or mortgage payments.

Respite at home The home-based respite service gives carers a break from their caring responsibilities. A care worker would come in to look after the person you care for, so you can have some time to yourself. The breaks could be regular or just when you need them. Respite at home is considered to be a service for the person you care for. If they have a Personal Budget for their own needs (see page 6) they could use that money to pay for it. A financial assessment of the person being cared for will confirm whether they need to pay towards the cost of this service.

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When Education, Health and Social Care talk to you about your needs (at the carer’s assessment), they will look at whether they can offer this service.

Benefits you may be entitled to If you care for someone for at least 35 hours a week (and you are over 16) you may be entitled to Carer’s Allowance. This can be payable if the person you care for is receiving Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Constant Attendance Allowance (paid with Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit or a War Pension). The Carer’s Allowance rate for 2015 is £62.10 a week. This figure may change over the life of this Directory. However, you cannot claim it if you are in full-time education or employment, and it can affect other benefits or pensions you receive. If you are over 65 you may qualify for Carer’s Premium. This can entitle you to an increased amount of income-related benefits (such as Pension Credit, Council Tax Benefit and Housing Benefit). Carer’s Credit is a National Insurance credit which will let carers build up qualifying years for the basic State Pension and additional State Pension. This means that there will be no gaps in your National Insurance record if you have to take on caring responsibilities.

The Cornwall Community Volunteer Services Carer Support Worker Service Provides services to carers of an adult (18 to 65) with a mental health condition. Tel: 01209 718844 (office). Web: Origo supports older carers (70+) of someone with a learning disability. Tel: 01872 274586. There is a Dementia Carers Support Worker who supports carers in the west of Cornwall who are looking after a person with dementia. To contact the worker, please telephone Education, Health and Social Care on 01872 324716. Carer emergency card scheme Education, Health and Social Care, in conjunction with Lifeline, run an innovative, free scheme to ensure that alternative plans can be put into place in the event of a carer having an emergency, leaving them unable to carry out their caring role. Carers carry a card with emergency contact details, and if an emergency arises, they can call the number on the back of the card. Cornwall Lifeline, answering the call, will then put into place the agreed emergency plan to support the person being cared for.

There are a number of local voluntary organisations providing information, advice and support to carers.

The service is free, and in many instances the emergency contact who is called by Lifeline is a neighbour, friend or family member. However, a paid carer can be obtained if necessary - the important thing is that the carer doesn’t have to make a host of calls themselves to try and sort out some backup if things go wrong. This gives people the peace of mind that in the event of an emergency, procedures are in place to look after the person being cared for.

Cornwall Carers Service The Carers Support Service provides support to carers of older people and people with a physical or learning disability and parents of disabled

For more information, call Tremorvah Industries on 01872 324340 or apply for a card online using the Emergency Carer’s Card application form at

You may be able to get Carer’s Credit if: • you provide care for one or more disabled person(s) for a total of 20 hours or more each week; and • you are not already getting Carer’s Allowance.


children. Tel: 01872 266383. Web:

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Care in your own home For many people it is important to stay in their own, familiarinformation surroundingsand near to friends For further contact details and family. the same time, retaining your about localAtHIAs, visit independence may also be very important to you but that can also mean you need a little extra help. Some carefully chosen home care (sometimes known as ‘domiciliary care’) can often be the perfect solution to getting a little help whilst retaining a good level of personal freedom.

Why choose home care? Reasons for choosing home care can vary. Sometimes after a stay in hospital, someone might find they need some help whilst they recuperate. Others can find that a long-term condition or disability means they can no longer cope and they need a little bit of help. How you access that home care can also vary. After a stay in hospital someone may carry out an assessment of your situation to see if home care will benefit you. You and your family will be fully involved in looking at what will suit you best.

that can enable them to stay in their own home. Some agencies will provide ‘live-in’ care, where a care worker will stay with you at home to support you throughout the day and night.

Finding the right support As Publisher of this Directory, Care Choices’ website: allows you to search by postcode or region for care homes, care homes with nursing and home care providers that meet your requirements across the country. Your search can then be saved and emailed to others. Alternatively, this Directory’s free helpline provides an independent information and help service encompassing care services and accommodation. A personalised report can be generated for callers providing details of all care homes that meet their criteria.

Alternatively, you or those close to you might notice changes in your ability to manage the day to day things you normally cope with easily, like preparing meals or looking after yourself. If this happens, Education, Health and Social Care is a good first step towards finding help. Councils have a duty to carry out a community care assessment for anyone who might need help, which is very useful for all your subsequent decision-making. It will equip you with information that will be invaluable in finding the right help.

How home care can help you The level of home care provided can be tailored to meet your needs – from a visit once a day to a much greater amount of help. Home care agencies can help with personal care such as washing and dressing. You might be surprised to learn that even those with quite significant and debilitating medical conditions can get a level of skilled personal care

One call to the freephone number 0800 389 2077 will enable the service to build a profile of exactly what type of care you’re looking for, while taking into account your personal needs and interests. The Care Quality Commission ( is responsible for checking that any care provided meets essential standards of quality and safety. Further information is on page 53. There is a professional body, the United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA), which requires its members to comply with a code of practice. This code includes a commitment to treat customers with dignity and respect and operate at a level

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above the legal minimum required in legislation.

• providing training and development for care workers;

Social care regulations do not apply to cleaners, handymen or gardeners. However, some home care agencies are increasingly providing staff who can help meet these needs too.

• managing workers’ pay, including compliance with the National Minimum Wage;

You might decide that you want to employ a personal assistant to provide your care privately or have a member of your family who can provide the level of care you need. However, the benefits of using a regulated agency include: • assessing your care needs and tailoring a plan to meet those needs; • advertising, interviewing and screening suitability of workers; • arranging necessary insurance cover;

• managing employment relationships, including sickness, absence and disciplinary matters; and • managing health and safety issues. Carefully chosen home care, with a good quality provider, is an excellent way to retain your freedom and independence, whilst getting the help you need to stay happy and safe. It can offer the opportunity to stay at home, in your own familiar surroundings, and to retain a quality of life you might have feared lost. For further information and help call this Directory’s independent helpline on 0800 389 2077.

Living with dementia at home Usually the initial point of contact to access care services for those with dementia is either their GP (for healthcare solutions) or Education, Health and Social Care (for most other services). If you are concerned about your persistent forgetfulness - or the memory difficulties of a friend or family member, it is important to consult a GP. He or she can undertake an initial examination and can then refer you to a memory clinic for further investigation. The various types of support available to you and your carer are likely to involve both NHS services, Education, Health and Social Care and voluntary agencies. Some examples of services and support to help people live as independently as possible with dementia include: • specialist day centres; • respite care or short breaks; • assistive technology and community alarms; • home care; • meals at home;


• community equipment; • extra care sheltered housing; and • carers’ support groups. There are some simple practical steps to help with memory problems: • use a diary and make lists to help you remember appointments; • keep your mind active by reading or doing crossword puzzles, Sudoku and other mind exercises; • get regular physical exercise; and • eat a healthy diet.

Family support If you know someone who is worried about their memory, encourage them to visit their GP. The more support you can give someone, the better life with dementia can be, especially in the early years. Too often people fear dementia and this causes

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

them to avoid those with the condition, making them feel isolated and stigmatised. With the right support, the person with dementia can live well with the condition and continue to do the things they enjoy for a number of years following diagnosis. Focus on the person’s abilities not their disabilities. Encourage them to continue with hobbies or interests whenever possible; a good understanding of dementia will enable you to communicate and support the person better. A person with dementia may require: • reassurance that they continue to be a valued member of the family/community and their voice is heard; • freedom from as much external stress as possible; and • appropriate and relevant activities to help stimulate recall and keep motivated for as long as possible. A person with dementia may exhibit behaviours you may find challenging; this may be due to a difficulty in communicating. If you can establish what this is, you can resolve their concerns more quickly. By putting yourself in their place you may begin to understand what they are trying to express and how they might be feeling.

Dementia Friends People with dementia sometimes need a helping hand to go about their daily lives and feel included in their local community. Dementia Friends is giving people an understanding of dementia and the small things they can do that can make a difference to people living with dementia - from helping someone find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia. Dementia Friends want to create a network of a million members across England by 2015. In October 2014, half this milestone was reached. See for further information.

Respite care Spouses, partners and relatives who care for

a person with dementia are entitled to an assessment and may require a break from their caring responsibilities. This is known as ‘respite care’ and may be a regular break of a few hours a week or a period of a few weeks. It may be planned or be required in an emergency. Regular respite care might involve the person with dementia attending a day centre or a care worker visiting the person’s home to enable the carer to have a break. If the relative caring for a person wishes to go on holiday or is unable to care because of illness or an emergency a period of respite care may be provided in a care home or a care worker may provide care in the person’s own home.

Care at home People with dementia often have problems in new environments and may function better and be more contented in the familiar surroundings of their own home. Care and support needs are assessed as explained on page 6 and a care plan is drawn up. The person with dementia participates in setting up this plan. If the person is unable to participate, family members can assist in planning care. The person with dementia will respond best to stable care staff who know them well. Continuity of care can be provided by either care agencies or carers employed directly by the person or his or her family. Staff can be employed if the person pays privately or receives a Direct Payment from Education, Health and Social Care to pay for care.

Specialist dementia day centres In the earlier stages of dementia, day care support can offer vital help. A good day care service will be able to offer a range of activities and support that will enable the person with dementia to retain skills and remain part of their local community. Specialist day centres for people with dementia should be organised and run with the needs of

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people with dementia in mind, aiming to build on their strengths and abilities. Activities will vary but may include outings, entertainment, personal care, meals, hairdressing and support for carers. Attendance at day centres can be offered from just a few hours a week to a number of days. Contact Education, Health and Social Care on 0300 123 4131 or your local Alzheimer’s Society office for more details, see ‘Useful local contacts’ on page 71.

Memory cafés There are memory cafés in most of the major towns in Cornwall, which provide an opportunity for people with memory problems and those who care for them to drop in for a chat and a coffee. They usually offer reminiscence-based activities and health and social care professionals are on hand to answer questions and offer advice in an informal setting. Bodmin Memory Café Berdekesa Court, Robartes Road, Bodmin PL31 1NB Contact: Kerry Banbury on 07771 980181 Open: Alternate Mondays, from 10.00am-12.00pm Bude Memory Café The Parkhouse Centre, Bude EX23 8LD Tel: 01288 356060 Co-ordinator: Kim Tresidder Open: Every 1st and 3rd Friday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Callington Memory Café The Council Chamber, Town Hall, Pannier Market, Fore Street, Callington PL17 7BD Tel: 01579 351 888/01579 382 705 Co-ordinator: Nick Ford/Rick Lumley Open: From 2.00pm to 4.00pm Saturday, fortnightly


Open: Every 2nd and 4th Saturday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Carnon Downs Memory Café Carnon Downs Village Hall, Carnon Downs TR3 6JQ Tel: 07795 590305 Contact: Teresa Sampson Open: Every 1st and 3rd Thursday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Crantock Memory Café Crantock Village Hall, Crantock TR8 5TR Tel: 01637 831347 Contact: Joan Open: Every 1st Monday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Downderry Memory Café The Zone, Downderry, Looe PL11 3JY Tel: 01503 250432 or 01503 250381 Co-ordinator: Penny or Heather Open: Alternate Thursdays, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Falmouth Memory Café Emmanuel Baptist Church, Western Terrace, Falmouth TR11 4QJ Tel: 0845 4753319 Co-ordinator: Bob Toops Open: Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Fowey Memory Café Fowey One Stop Shop, Caffa Mill House, 2 Passage Lane, Fowey PL23 1JS Tel: 0300 123 4111 Open: Every other Thursday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Helston Memory Café Hens Horn Court, Station Road, Helston TR13 8TY Tel: 07974 728435 Co-ordinator: Margaret Ford Open: Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Camborne Memory Café All Saints Church Community Centre, Church View Road, Tuckingmill, Camborne Contact: Alzheimer’s Society Tel: 01872 277963 Open: Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm

Isles of Scilly Memory Café Carn Gwavel, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly TR21 0NA Tel: 422148 or 422002 Co-ordinator: Jenny Open: Every Friday, from 2.00pm to 4.30pm

Camelford Memory Café Anvil Court, Anvil Court Road, Camelford PL32 9SD Tel: 07914 849632 Contact: Kay Colwell

Launceston Memory Café Launceston Sunday School Hall, Central Methodist Church, Launceston PL15 8BA

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Tel: 01566 774425 or 01566 779790 Co-ordinator: Cym Downing Open: Every other Saturday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Liskeard Memory Café Liskeard Methodist Church, Wesley House, Bay Tree Hill, Liskeard PL14 4BL Tel: 07787 096482 Open: 1st Friday of every month, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Lostwithiel Memory Café Lostwithiel Community Centre, Liddicoat Road, Lostwithiel PL22 0HE Tel: 01208 871196 Co-ordinator: Jo Hague Open: Every alternate Thursday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Mullion Memory Café Mullion Methodist Chapel, Mullion TR12 7EJ Tel: 01326 240709 Contact: Lillian Watson Open: Every 1st and 3rd Friday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Newquay Memory Café (St. Columb Minor) St. Columb Minor Church Hall, St. Columb Minor, Newquay TR7 3HE Tel: 07968 960694 Co-ordinator: Keith Dynan Open: Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Newquay St Michael’s Memory Café St Michael’s Church, St Michael’s Road, Newquay TR7 1QZ Tel: 01637 873463 Contact: Eileen Open: Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Padstow Memory Café St John’s Methodist Church, Church Lane, Padstow Open: Tuesdays, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm Pensilva Memory Café St John’s Church, Higher Road, Pensilva PL14 5NF Tel: 01579 362698 Co-ordinator: Carolyn Open: Every 4th Thursday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Penzance Memory Café Committee Room 1, Penzance One Stop Shop, Penzance TR18 3QW

Tel: 07974 728435 or 07851 111496 Co-ordinator: Margaret or Chris Open: Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Perranporth Memory Café St Michael’s Church Hall, St Michael’s Road, Perranporth TR6 0JX Tel: 01872 572050 Co-ordinator: Alan Open: Every 2nd Monday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Perranwell Memory Café Perranwell Village Hall, Perranwell TR3 7NJ Tel: 01872 864726 Contact: Sue Short Open: 2nd and 4th Tuesday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Polperro Memory Café The Methodist Church, Fore Street, Polperro PL13 2JJ Tel: 01503 272473 Co-ordinator: Pauline Ridd Open: Every 3rd Friday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Probus Memory Café Probus Village Hall, Fore Street, Probus TR2 4NB Tel: 01726 884598 Co-ordinator: Michael Durose Open: Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, from 2.30pm to 4.30pm Redruth Memory Café Redruth Community Centre, Foundry Row, Redruth TR15 2SP Tel: 01872 277963 Contact: Alzheimer’s Society Email: Open: Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm Saltash Memory Café Burraton Methodist Church, Liskeard Road, Saltash PL12 4RH Tel: 01872 277963 Contact: Alzheimer’s Society Email: Open: Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm St Austell Memory Café Cuddra WI Hall, Bucklers Lane, off Holmbush Road, St Austell PL25 3JN Tel: 01726 64734 Co-ordinator: Mike Open: Every 1st and 3rd Monday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm

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St Day Memory Café Parkhenver, West End, Redruth TR15 3AA Tel: 01209 215790 Contact: Angela Downing Open: Every other Tuesday, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm St German’s Memory Café St German’s Chapel, St German’s Tel: 01503 230404 Contact: Janet Hummerstone Open: Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Saltash Memory Café Burraton Methodist Church, Liskeard Road, Saltash PL12 4RH Tel: 01872 277963 Contact: Alzheimer’s Society Open: Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm St Ives Memory Café Memorial Hall, Trencrom Lane, Carbis Bay, St Ives TR26 2TA Tel: 07974 728435 or 07851 111496 Co-ordinator: Margaret or Chris Open: Every 1st and 3rd Thursday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm St Just Memory Café Royal British Legion, St Just Contact: Dawn on 01736 786043 or Joyce on 01736 786067 or Chris on 07851 111496 Open: Every 1st and 4th Tuesday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Truro Memory Café All Saints Church Hall, Highertown, Truro TR1 3LD Open: Every 2nd and 4th Friday, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm

Wadebridge Memory Café John Betjeman Centre, St. Breock School, Tremarren Road, Wadebridge Pl27 7XL Tel: 07551 395188 or visit Open: Every 2nd and 4th Saturday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Mid Cornwall Memory Cafés Carnon Downs Memory Café Carnon Downs Village Hall, Carnon Downs Contact: Teresa Sampson on 07795 590305 Open: Every 1st and 3rd Thursday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Falmouth Memory Café Emmanuel Baptist Church, Western Terrace, Falmouth Contact: Bob Toops on 0845 475 3319, or visit Open: Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Fowey Memory Café Fowey One Stop Shop, Caffa Mill House, 2 Passage Lane, Fowey Contact: Fowey Library on 0300 123 4111 Open: Every alternate Thursday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Lostwithiel Memory Café Lostwithiel Community Centre, Liddicoat Road, Lostwithiel PL22 0HE Contact: Jo Hague on 01208 871196 Open: Every alternate Thursday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Newquay Memory Café St. Columb Minor Church Hall, St. Columb Minor Contact: Keith Dynan on 07968 960 694 Open: 2nd and 4th Thursday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Newquay St Michaels Memory Café St Michaels Church, St Michaels Road, Newquay Contact: Eileen on 01637 873463 Open: Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Perranporth Memory Café St Michael’s Church Hall, St Michael’s Road, Perranporth Contact: Alan on 01872 572050 Open: Every 2nd Monday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm


This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Perranwell Memory Café Perranwell Village Hall, Perranwell Contact: Sue Short on 01872 864726 Open: Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Mullion Memory Café Mullion Methodist Chapel, Mullion Contact: Lillian Watson on 01326 240709 Open: Every 1st and 3rd Friday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Polperro Memory Café The Methodist Church, Fore Street, Polperro Contact: Pauline on 01503 272473 Open: Every 3rd Friday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Penzance Memory Café Committee Room 1, Penzance One Stop Shop, Penzance Contact: Margaret on 07974 728435 or Chris on 07851 111496 Open: Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Probus Memory Café Probus Village Hall Contact: Mike Durose Tel: 01726 884598 Open: Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, from 2.30pm to 4.30pm St Austell Memory Café Cuddra WI Hall, Bucklers Lane, off Holmbush Road, St Austell. Contact: Mike Tel: 01726 64734 Open: Every 1st and 3rd Monday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm St Day Memory Café Parkhenver, West End, Redruth Contact: Angela Downing Tel: 01209 215790 Open: Every other Tuesday, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm Truro Memory Café All Saints Church Hall, Highertown, Truro Open: Every 2nd and 4th Friday, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm

West Cornwall Memory Cafés Camborne Memory Café All Saints Church Community Centre, Church View Road, Tuckingmill, Camborne Contact: Alzheimer’s Society Tel: 01872 277963 Open: Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm Helston Memory Café Hens Horn Court, Station Road, Helston Contact: Margaret Tel: 07974 728435 Open: Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Isles of Scilly Memory Café Carn Gwavel, St Mary’s Contact: Jenny Tel: 01720 442663 Open: Every Wednesday and Friday, from 2.00pm to 4.30pm

Redruth Memory Café Community Centre, Foundry Row, Redruth Contact: Alzheimer’s Society 01872 277963 Open: Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm St Ives Memory Café Memorial Hall, Trencrom Lane, Carbis Bay Contact: Margaret on 07974 728435 or Chris on 07851 111496 Open: Every 1st and 3rd Thursday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm St Just Memory Café The Royal British Legion, St Just Contact: Dawn on 01736 786043, Joyce on 01736 786067 or Chris on 07851 111496 Open: Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Alzheimer’s Society This leading charity works to improve the quality of life of people affected by dementia. If you have concerns about Alzheimer’s disease or about any other form of dementia, Alzheimer’s Society National Dementia Helpline on 0300 222 1122 can provide information, support, guidance and signposting to other appropriate organisations. The Helpline is open from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and 10.00am to 4.00pm Saturday and Sunday.

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Home care agency checklist These questions may be useful when considering using the services of a home care (domiciliary) provider to help you build up a picture of how your care needs will be met in your own home. For care packages which have been arranged by Education, Health and Social Care, contracts and care plans will have

© 2015 Care Choices Ltd

been completed by your care manager and the agencies used will have been accredited to work for Education, Health and Social Care. People arranging and funding their own care either privately or through a Direct Payment or a Personal Budget are able to choose their own worker or care agency.

Agency 1



Agency 2



Agency 3



Agencies What experience does the agency have in your particular field of need? Can they supply references for you to check? 1 2 3 Home care agencies providing personal care, must be registered and inspected by the Care Quality Commission. Ask to see a copy of their registration certificate. How long has the agency been operating? 1 2 3 How many care workers would the agency assign to care for you and would you see the same one every day? If not, how does the staff rota operate and what happens if your care worker goes on holiday or is sick, will you be notified in advance that a different care worker will be attending? 1 2 3 How can you contact the agency in an emergency or outside office hours? 1 2 3 How hard or easy would it be to make a complaint and how are things then put right? 1 2 3 If this is a private contract ask for a copy of the agency’s contract terms and read these carefully with someone you


trust. Get as much help as you can going over it and ask any questions you may have before signing anything. The Citizens Advice Bureau or Age UK could help with this. Carers You should expect your personal preferences, dignity and privacy to be respected. Discuss this with the agency and ask how the most suitable care workers for your particular care are chosen. Can you talk to them before deciding? 1 2 3 Care workers should be fully trained or be in ongoing training. Ask the agency about their policies on this. You will have a care plan drawn up by the agency which the carers will work to. Ask how often this plan will be reviewed by the agency. Carers must be checked with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and have a criminal records disclosure – make sure this is the case. 1 2 3 Paying If your care needs do not meet Education, Health and Social Care’s eligibility criteria and have been arranged privately you should check carefully the fee rates charged and exactly what the payment you make covers. Comments, compliments and complaints If you would like to make a comment about the service you receive or are unhappy about any aspect of it, you can speak to your home care provider, the local authority, the Care Quality Commission or the Local Government Ombudsman. For more information, please see page 53.

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Paying for care in your home Councils provide upfront information on how much people can expect to pay and how charges are worked out. This information must be made available when a needs assessment is carried out and written confirmation of how the charge has been calculated must be provided after a financial assessment. If you have more than £23,250 in savings or capital you will have to pay the full cost. The value of your home is not counted when working out charges for non-residential care. If you have more than £23,250 you should tell Education, Health and Social Care when your savings are likely to fall below this amount.

services. For example, aftercare services provided under section 117 of the Mental Health Act are free of charge. If you are in need of care or support you may be eligible to claim Attendance Allowance (AA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP). AA and PIP are non-means tested benefits. This means that when you apply for this type of benefit your financial circumstances are not taken into account. Provided you have the need for care and support you can receive AA or PIP regardless of how much income or capital you have. AA is payable to people over the age of 65 and PIP for those aged 16 to 64. There are different rates that can be awarded, dependent on the level and type of help you need.

The council calculates charges in accordance with the Care and Support (Charging and Assessment of Resources) Regulations 2014 and the council’s Other ways to fund your care Charging Policy. This ensures people are only required and support to pay what they can afford, taking into account capital, income and expenditure. If you do not qualify for financial assistance from Education, Health and Social Care there are Your assessment looks at how much money you various ways in which you could consider paying have coming in, gives an allowance (set by the for care and support. It is important that you seek Government) for everyday living expenses and independent financial advice when considering makes allowance for disability-related expenditure. other funding options. There are independent Disability-related expenditure is the extra amount financial advisers that focus specifically on care you spend as a result of your disability or illness. The funding advice, often referred to as specialist care council can help you to identify these costs. They will fees advisers. They are regulated by the Financial also carry out a full benefit check to ensure you are Conduct Authority (FCA) and must stick to a code receiving your full benefit entitlement. of conduct and ethics and take shared responsibility for the suitability of any product they recommend. Figures mentioned here may change over the lifetime of this Directory. The Government has also set up the Money Advice Service which provides free and impartial Non-means tested care and support advice on a range of topics, go to or call them on Care provided by the NHS is free; for example 0300 500 5000 (normal call charges apply). services provided by a community or district nurse. Intermediate care, sometimes known as The Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA) ‘reablement’, is also free. This type of care is often aims to assist consumers and their families in provided to avoid hospital admission or given as finding trusted accredited financial advisers who support following hospital discharge. Reablement understand financial needs in later life. To find can be provided free for up to six weeks. If ongoing a SOLLA fully accredited independent financial care needs are identified at any time during this adviser a search is available on their website: www. period however, the ongoing service is no longer classed as reablement and becomes chargeable. Further information on paying for care can be Some people do not have to pay towards care found beginning on page 48.

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This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Home care providers A CARING TOUCH Truro Tel: 01872 278756 ALLIED HEALTHCARE Penzance Tel: 01707 254570



ANSOM HOME CARE LIMITED Bodmin Tel: 01208 368385 AVERLEA DOMICILIARY CARE St Austell Tel: 01726 66892 BLUEBIRD CARE Mid Cornwall Tel: 01872 276006 North Cornwall Tel: 01840 212184






CARERS BREAK COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY St Austell OP D PD LDA MH SI YA AD Tel: 01726 890828 CARESTA LTD Penzance Tel: 01736 333177 CAROL SPINKS HOMECARE Saltash Tel: 01752 844832



CELTIC CARE Falmouth Tel: 01326 377779


CHOICE CARE CORNWALL St Austell Tel: 01726 824367


COMFORT CARE (TRURO) LTD Truro Tel: 01872 272577 CORNWALL DCA Truro Tel: 01872 250150



D.O.V.E. PROJECT, THE Camborne Tel: 01209 612494 DUCHY CARE Newquay Tel: 01637 878637



EAST CORNWALL & PLYMOUTH DCA Callington Tel: 01579 559416




ELMS, THE Redruth Tel: 01209 310623


EUROPEAN LIFESTYLES (SOUTH WEST) LTD St Austell Tel: 01214 574400 FALCARE Falmouth Tel: 01326 317580



OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism Service User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Advertisers are highlighted

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My Choice...


Cornwall Care

Caring for people in their own home ALL ABOUT OUR STAFF All staff providing care are trained to an award winning standard, and receive thorough induction and evaluation before being allowed unsupervised contact with clients. All care staff receive specialist training in dementia care, through the Certificate in Dementia Care programme.


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we create a warm and supportive environment to help you carry on with your everyday life. We like to form close bonds with the people we care for which means that our services will be tailored to you and your needs. This flexible approach means that your care can evolve and adapt alongside you as your needs change.

OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism Service User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs

Cornwall Care

Advertisers are highlighted


Cornwall Care House . Truro Business Park . Truro . TR4 9NY

Tel: 01872 Charity No. on 1053486 This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 261787 2077 –Reg information choosing and paying for care

Home care providers continued FORGET-ME-NOT HOMECARE SERVICES St Austell Tel: 01726 772120


KERNOW HOME CARE LTD Penzance Tel: 01736 787080



KERRIER HOMECARE Redruth Tel: 01209 214762


GREENBANK CARE Liskeard Tel: 01579 347794

LANHYDROCK CARE Bodmin Tel: 01208 73904



GREEN LIGHT PERSONAL CARE Redruth Tel: 01209 200544 H F TRUST – CORNWALL DCA Wadebridge Tel: 01208 815614 H F TRUST – ST AUSTELL St Austell Tel: 01726 65366 HARBOUR HOME CARE Portreath Tel: 01209 843001





HARTLEY HOME CARE Camelford Tel: 01840 213294 HAYLE Hayle Tel: 01736 752187



HEART OF THE SOUTH CARE AGENCY LTD Truro Advert page 32 OP D PD LDA MH SI YA Tel: 01872 273559 HELP AT HOME CARE SERVICE Falmouth Tel: 01326 313342




LIVABILITY LIFESTYLE CHOICES SOUTH WEST Saltash Tel: 01752 841904 LIVE LIFE CARE LTD Truro Tel: 01872 561761




MINER’S COURT EXTRA CARE Redruth Tel: 01209 200226 MOORECARE HOME CARE Liskeard Tel: 01579 342256




MORWENNER CARE Bodmin Tel: 01208 74339



MSS CARE Helston Tel: 01326 281301


HOME INSTEAD SENIOR CARE Advert page 32 Truro OP D PD LDA MH SI YA Tel: 01872 224004

MY CHOICE St Columb Tel: 01872 261787

Advert page 34 OP D LDA MH SI

HILLCREST KERNOW Truro Tel: 01872 278807

OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism Service User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Advertisers are highlighted

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Home care providers continued NETWORK HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE St Austell Tel: 01726 21002 NEWCROSS HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS LTD Truro Tel: 01872 222525



NORTH HILL HOMECARE St Austell Tel: 01726 73912


NURSE PLUS & CARER PLUS UK LTD Advert page 32 Truro OP D LDA MH SI YA Tel: 01872 276444 NURSEFINDERS Truro Tel: 01872 270999 OASIS COMMUNITY CARE LTD Bodmin Tel: 01208 77159 OLD ROSELYON DOMICILIARY CARE AGENCY, THE Par Tel: 01726 814297 PENDEEN COMMUNITY CARE LTD Redruth Tel: 01209 313032





PHOENIX CARE CORNWALL LTD Penzance Tel: 01736 360197 PRC OUTREACH SERVICES Penzance Tel: 01736 360039

OP D PD MH SI Advert page 32 OP D PD LDA SI YA



PURPLE BALM TRURO BRANCH Truro Tel: 01872 272712


QURA BRAIN INJURY SERVICES Truro Tel: 01872 273613



REGAL CARE Saltash Tel: 01752 311625



RESTGARTH Polperro Tel: 01503 272016


PENDREA HOME CARE Bodmin Tel: 01208 77176

RESTGARTH CARE LIMITED Liskeard Tel: 01579 321758





PENTOWAN HOME CARE Newquay Tel: 01637 851790

ROWANS DOMICILIARY AGENCY St Agnes Tel: 01872 553295



OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism Service User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Advertisers are highlighted


This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Home care providers continued RV CARE SERVICES LTD Truro Tel: 01872 530222





TREWCARE LIMITED Falmouth Tel: 01326 375949

SCOPE INCLUSION SOUTH WEST Saltash Tel: 01752 840059



SOUTH WESTERN HOMECARE Helston Tel: 01736 761899


SPECTRUM DOMICILIARY CARE SERVICE Penryn Tel: 01326 371000 STAY AT HOME LIMITED Truro Tel: 01872 500052



ST MARGARET’S COMMUNITY CARE SERVICES LTD Fraddon OP Tel: 01726 862825 SUPPORTED LIVING St Austell Tel: 01726 891723 SUPPORTING YOU IN CORNWALL Camborne Tel: 07769 142006 TAYLORS OF GRAMPOUND LTD Truro Tel: 01726 884402 THYME CARE LTD Penzance Tel: 01736 369090


LDA MH YA Advert page 20 OP D PD MH SI YA


Advert outside back cover OP D PD MH SI YA AD









WHITE RIVER HOMECARE St Austell Tel: 07974 946497


TLC DOMICILIARY CARE AGENCY St Columb Major OP D PD LDA SI YA Tel: 01637 889140 TORCARE DOMICILIARY SERVICE Torpoint Tel: 01752 812384


OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism Service User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Advertisers are highlighted

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Housing with care Sheltered housing Sheltered (or retirement) housing is provided by local authority housing departments and housing associations for older people who would like to remain independent but prefer the added security and reassurance of a scheme manager and an alarm call service. It is available to rent or buy. A scheme manager is either based at the site or visits regularly. Many sheltered housing schemes also have communal lounges, laundry facilities, lifts, door entry systems and specially adapted facilities. National providers include: The Abbeyfield Society; Anchor Trust; The Guinness Trust and Hanover Housing. Local providers include: DCH (formerly Devon and Cornwall Housing); Coastline Housing; Penwith Housing Association and Ocean Housing.

However, to find out whether social housing may be a suitable option, please talk to the Housing Options Service on 0300 123 4161 or visit, or check Cornwall Community Directory for services in your area at

Extra care Extra care housing schemes allow older people with support and care needs to continue to live independently in a home of their own, with services available on site to help with personal care, domestic tasks and meals. One local example is Cornwall’s first purposebuilt, extra care housing scheme for older people at the former cottage hospital site in Liskeard. The scheme has a community lounge, dining area, kitchen, hairdressing facilities, hobbies room, activity zone, therapy rooms and garden.

Specialist services Learning disability The council’s service for people with learning disabilities and their families is a joint service with the Learning Disability Health Services of Cornwall Partnership Foundation Trust. It is known as Community and Support Services (CASS), and operates a number of day services, in both large and small venues and short break services. You can get help and advice on problems you may be experiencing with being listened to or understood; your education; keeping well; money and work; somewhere to live; things to do and helping others to care for you. Support can come from arts therapists; community nurses; dieticians; occupational therapists; physiotherapists; psychiatrists and psychologists; speech and language therapists and your doctor.


Teams will also help you get advice and support from advocacy services: the Department for Education; the Department for Work and Pensions; Jobcentre Plus; the Housing Department and the police. If you are a family carer they can also assess your needs and help you support the person you care for.

Supported Living ‘Supported Living’ is a term generally used to describe situations in which people (often disabled adults) usually rent their home, and their personal care or support is arranged separately. This means they can change their support without having to move, or move and take the same support with them. People have greater security of tenure, and can claim a wider range of welfare benefits than in a residential care home.

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Supported Living can be delivered in a range of settings, including individual flats or houses, clusters of self-contained flats on the same site, shared accommodation, and extra care housing. The individual, a private landlord, a housing association, a local authority or a charity may own the property. Supported Living refers to the way in which accommodation and support are organised, rather than the amount of support. This will be tailored to individual need and can include access to support 24-hours a day if assessed as necessary, although many people do not require this – particularly with the use of assistive technology such as telecare equipment (discussed further on page 20) that ensures an emergency response and helps keep people safe. Independent Living Service Team Cornwall Housing Ltd, Higher Trenant Road, Wadebridge PL27 6TW Tel: 0300 123 4161 Email:

Non-council support Scope Offers free, impartial and expert information, advice and support to disabled people and their families, 9.00am to 5.00pm weekdays. Tel: 01726 212706 Email: National Freephone advice line: 0808 800 3333 Email: Web: Supported Living Cornwall (The DOVE Project) Support a range of people with a variety of disabilities to live in their own communities. 1-5 Commercial Square, Camborne TR14 8DY Tel: 01209 612494 Email: Web: Many other services and support organisations exist for people with a learning disability. You can find out more on the Cornwall Community

Directory at

Mental health Your local Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) should be your first point of contact if you have mental health issues. The Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) are a communitybased assessment and treatment service for people with mental health conditions aged between 18 to 65 years. You can ask your GP to refer you or ask someone who knows you to contact the CMHT on your behalf. The teams include clinicians from a number of different professional backgrounds. These include mental health nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists and occupational therapists. There is increased demand for home care for people with mental health issues arising from greater use of Supported Living instead of care home placements. Like other specialist care services, this can be paid for (if you have been assessed as eligible) with a Personal Budget, discussed on page 6. Carrick CMHT Tel: 01872 221000 East and West Caradon CMHT Tel: 01579 373737 Kerrier CMHT Tel: 01209 881888 North Cornwall CMHT Tel: 01208 834300 Penwith CMHT Tel: 01736 571000 Restormel CMHT, Alexandra House and Newquay Hospital Tel: 01726 873377 To find out which CMHT covers the area in which you live, please contact Bodmin Hospital switchboard on 01208 251300.

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Useful contact West Cornwall MIND Support is offered to ensure all those who wish to attend activities are able to. This may be providing transport, access to funds or emotional and physical support. c/o Penta Health and Wellbeing Ltd 3 Race Court, Treswithian Downs Camborne TR14 0PU Tel: 01209 714550 Email: Web:

Physical disability If you have a physical disability or a long-term illness, Education, Health and Social Care and other organisations in the independent and notfor-profit sectors can provide a range of services to help you live as independently as possible. These include the Echo day centre in Liskeard. There are also services available to support someone who may be your carer. The Older People and Physical Disabilities (OPPD) teams assess and manage care services for older people and people with physical disabilities living in hospital, in care homes or in the wider community. Initial requests and referrals for adult social care services are handled by the Access Team, which

also provides information and advice to callers. Call Education, Health and Social Care on 0300 123 4131. OPPD’s Community Teams will then work with anyone needing more detailed assessment or care management. As with all support from Education, Health and Social Care, your needs must firstly be assessed (see page 6) to determine the best ways to support you; your carer can also have an assessment. You may wish to discuss your needs with your family doctor in the first instance. If eligible, support from Education, Health and Social Care includes: allocation of a Personal Budget (see page 6); occupational therapists; help with equipment and adaptations in your home; activities within the community; help at home, and with leaving hospital; short breaks; help if required to move into residential or nursing home care; and help for carers. If Education, Health and Social Care arranges a care home placement for you, you should check a number of points. What choice of home do you have and is this restricted by the amount of care you need? Is the provision in accordance with Care Quality Commission’s standards (see page 53)? Does the staff team in the home have good links with the local Education, Health and Social Care, Care Management Team? Benefit update Since April 2013, Disability Living Allowance for disabled people aged 16 to 64 was replaced by a new Personal Independence Payment. How much you’ll get depends on how your health condition or disability affects you. For further information, visit

Sensory services The Sensory Services team can provide information packs, advice and access to services as well as support from a network of national and local agencies for those who are blind or partially sighted or have a degree of sight loss.


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The team offers a service to people with a significant sight loss in both eyes that is not correctable with surgery or glasses. If your sight loss is not as severe as this, the team can give you advice about appropriate support available from other organisations. The support on offer includes:

Useful contacts Carers Rights Provides free and independent advocacy services for carers, with particular focus on carers of people with learning disabilities. Tel: 01872 274586 Web:

• lip reading or sign language; • communication support, including interpreters or voice-to-text; • specialist equipment, such as visual doorbells and alarms; • telephone equipment, such as text phones or amplified handsets; • training in independence skills to re-enable daily living, mobility and communication; and • registration following certification of visual impairment. If you care for someone with a sensory need the Sensory Services team can carry out an assessment of your needs as a carer to help you to continue to support them. Contact Education, Health and Social Care for further information on 0300 123 4131 or: Cornwall Blind Association (CBA) Telephone support, befriending, advocacy and counselling schemes. Tel: 01872 261110

Advocates can help Advocates can give advice, support and information to people of any age, helping them to voice their concerns and guiding them through difficult or challenging times. Consider using the services of an advocate if you feel unsure or concerned when you are faced with making an important decision about your care choices. They can be especially useful if you have a disability and you need to make your voice heard. Advocates are not there to tell you what to do or to make decisions for you, but to help you express your views and make your own decisions.

Cornwall Advocacy An independent organisation offering a variety of advocacy services to people who have a learning disability. Woodbine Farm Business Centre Truro Business Park, Truro TR3 6BW Tel: 01872 242478 Email: Web: Cornwall Community Mental Health Advocacy (SEAP) Provides a service for adults with mental health issues who are living in the community in Cornwall, except in the old district of Restormel. South of England Projects (SEAP) Tel: 0300 343 5706 Email: Cornwall People First Run by people with a learning disability, it runs projects to make things better for people with a learning disability and host events and meetings so that people can have their say. West Cornwall The Lescudjack Centre, Penmere Close Penzance TR18 3PE Tel: 01736 334857 Email: East Cornwall Workspace 9, Caradon Enterprise Annexe Liskeard Business Park, 5 Holman Road Liskeard PL14 3UT Tel: 01579 324156 Web:

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Devon and Cornwall ICAS (Independent Complaints Advocacy Service) This organisation will help you with any complaint about the NHS. First Floor, 17 Dean Street, Liskeard PL14 4AB Tel: 01579 345193 Email: Rural Community Advocacy For people whose current mental state is making it hard to deal with challenging situations who need support with communication. Tel: 01726 821445 Speak Up self-advocacy Run by and for people with learning disabilities. Tel: 0303 123 7013

The End of Life Care Strategy ‘How we care for the dying is an indicator of how we care for all sick and vulnerable people. It is a measure of society as a whole and it is a litmus test for health and social care services.’1 Although the subject of dying is often painful to contemplate and as a society we do not discuss death and dying openly, the way care professionals approach the process is incredibly important for the client, their family and carers. The Department of Health has published a Strategy for every organisation involved in providing end of life care. Each will be expected to adopt an overall coordination process, such as the Gold Standards Framework, whilst developing the best possible outcome for clients.

will be trained accordingly in assessing the needs of clients and carers. Programmes available include: The Gold Standards Framework (GSF) This can be used in various settings, for example hospitals, primary care and care homes, to improve the co-ordination and communication between different organisations involved in providing care for someone near the end of their life. ‘Preferred Priorities for Care’ (PPC) This document is an example of an Advance Statement and is designed to help people prepare for the future and gives them an opportunity to think about, talk about and write down their preferences and priorities for care at the end of life. Despite general reluctance to broach this sensitive area, it is worthwhile asking potential care providers their approach to end of life care and whether they are following national strategies for implementing best practice within their home. 1

‘End of Life Care Strategy - promoting high quality care for all adults at the end of life’ April 2008. Department of Health.

Those being cared for will have the opportunity to discuss their personal needs and preferences with professionals who will be supporting them. These will be recorded in an Advance Care Plan so that every supporting service will be aware of the client’s wishes. All health and social care staff must be trained in communication regarding end of life care and


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Useful websites – End of Life Care Compassionate Communities aims to: • help people develop the skills to address issues raised by end of life and other losses; and • be a helpful, empathetic ear. Dying Matters Set up by the National Council for Palliative Care (NCPC), the coalition aims to promote awareness of dying, death and bereavement. Website has a comprehensive support section.

NHS Local NHS Local has a section on end of life, including contact details for helpful organisations, suggestions of issues you may need to think about at end of life and videos people have sent in listing five things they want to do before they die. Marie Curie Cancer Care Provides free nursing care to cancer patients and those with other terminal illnesses in their own homes.

Care homes All care providers in the country must be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). All services are inspected by the CQC, who report on their findings. These inspection reports are available at the service or from the CQC ( There are two types of residential home: Care homes (personal care only) If you are reasonably active, but would like greater security and care, subject to a needs assessment, a care home offering only personal care may be the best option. Personal care includes bathing, feeding, dressing and help with moving but it must be paid for if your capital/savings exceed £23,250. This figure may change, check with Education, Health and Social Care after this date. See page 48 for more information on paying for your care in a care home.

home. You will be fully involved in planning your care needs. If a care home providing nursing care is the best solution for you, your social worker will give you information to help you find a home which meets your care requirements. The cost of the nursing care part of your fees is paid by the NHS to the home directly. The current amount is £112.00 per week for the lower rate and £154.14 per week for the higher rate. This figure may change, check with Education, Health and Social Care after April 2016. For further information on care homes and care homes with nursing, and how to find one to meet your needs, call this Directory’s independent helpline on 0800 389 2077.

Care homes with nursing If you think you may need nursing care in a home, you will need to be visited by a social worker or a care manager to work out what care you will need. This visit might be in your own home, or in hospital if you’ve been ill, or in a care

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Care homes checklist

© 2015 Care Choices Ltd

Home 1

Fees per week: £

Home 2

Fees per week: £

Home 3

Fees per week: £

First impressions

1 2 3

•W ere you met by someone when you first arrived at the care home? • Do staff seem warm, friendly and polite? • Do the residents seem happy, active and sociable? • Does the home feel homely and welcoming? • Is the home fresh, clean and comfortably furnished? 1 2 3

Fees • How much are the fees? (Insert fees above right.) • Do the fees cover all the services available? •U nder what circumstances will the fees alter – e.g. annually or according to increasing needs? • Is the notice to terminate the contract reasonable? • Can you see a table of the fees charged?


1 2 3

Transport • Is the home easy to get to for relatives and friends? •D oes the home provide its own transport? Can you see what sort?


1 2 3

• • • • • •


Are visitors welcome at all times? Is there somewhere to see them in private? May your visitors join you at meals? Can your visitors stay overnight? How much choice do you get about meals? Is the food varied and interesting? Can the home cater for your dietary needs? Ask to see a current menu to answer these questions. Can you have snacks or drinks any time of the day or night? Can you eat in your room?

Activities • • • •

•D oes the home have the right adaptations and equipment to meet your needs? • Are all areas accessible for wheelchair users? • Does the home have extra wheelchairs and walking aids? • I s there adequate provision for people with sight or hearing difficulties? What evidence is available that shows this? •A re there any rules and restrictions (e.g. going out, time of return etc.)? Can you see a copy of any literature pointing these out? • Can you choose when to get up and retire every day? •H ow are residents involved in decisions about life in the home? • I s there a telephone where you can make and take calls in private and comfort? •W ill someone post a letter for you?

• • • •


1 2 3

Life within the home

• Do the staff appear clean, cheerful and respectful? • Observe how the staff talk to residents. Are people treated with dignity as well as being treated in a friendly manner? • Are the staff formally trained? • Is there an adequate number of staff on duty day and night? What evidence is available to back this up?


• Are bedrooms single or shared? Is there a choice? •C an you decorate and re-arrange your room to suit yourself? • Can you bring your own furniture and TV? • Is there a call system for emergencies? • Are there enough electric sockets in your room? • Can you control the heating in your room? •C an you lock your room and is there a secure place for valuables? • Is there a separate dining room? Bar? •A re there toilet facilities within easy reach of the communal facilities? • Are there both showers and baths? •A re bathrooms adapted to help people in and out of the bath?


Or is there a post box nearby? Is there enough privacy given to residents? Is alcohol served or permitted? Are there smoking and non-smoking areas? What arrangements are there for religious observance? Can you handle your own money? If not, what arrangements are in place? • Does a hairdresser/chiropodist visit? • Are residents accompanied on visits to the GP or hospital? • • • • •

• • • •

Can you continue to pursue your hobbies and interests? What sorts of activities and entertainment are organised? Can you see a copy of the home’s current activities diary? Are outings and holidays arranged? How much do they cost? £............ £............ £............ Are escorts available if necessary? Is a library service available? Can you have your own flower bed or help in the garden? Can you stay in your own room if you want to?

Gardens 1 2 3

• • • •

1 2 3

1 2 3

1 2 3

1 2 3

1 2 3

Are the grounds and gardens attractive? Are all areas safe and accessible? Is there somewhere to sit? Are they quiet?

Contract terms

1 2 3

• Can you retain your own room if away? • Can you have a short-stay or trial period? • Ask to be given a statement of terms and conditions used by the home. • Are all procedures, such as complaints, clearly spelt-out? Where? Ask to see a copy.

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Activities/Engagement in care homes

and challenge to each day.

The word ‘activity’ can imply many different things but in the context of a care home it should mean everything a resident does from when they open their eyes in the morning until they go to sleep at night. Choosing what colour cardigan to wear can be an enjoyable activity to start the day. Watching your favourite TV programmes or listening to the birds sing might bring a smile. Attending an exercise class might make you feel better. All of these can be defined as ‘activities’. Above all they can provide a point of interest, fun

Lots of care homes now employ a dedicated Activity Coordinator. What they do and how varies from one home to another. In the best homes they are fully integrated into the staff team, play a key part in developing care plans and ensure that all staff appreciate the part they play in delivering high quality activity provision. Review the ‘Activities’ section of the care homes checklist adjacent for questions to consider asking potential providers.

Dementia in care homes Care homes and dementia According to the Alzheimer’s Society, one third of people with dementia live in a care home and at least two thirds of care home residents in the UK have dementia. Each person with dementia is a unique human being with individual emotional, physical and social needs and a set of hopes, aspirations and values. Meeting these needs with an individuallytailored programme enables the person to experience the best possible quality of life. Subsequently, a good care home will follow the concept of a person-centred approach to care for people with dementia. This means that the unique qualities and interests of each individual will be identified, understood and accounted for in any care planning. The person with dementia will have an assessment and an on-going personalised care plan, agreed across health and social care that identifies a named care coordinator and addresses their individual needs. They must also have the opportunity to discuss and make decisions, together with their carers, about the use of advance statements, advance

decisions to refuse treatment, Lasting Power of Attorney and Preferred Priorities of Care. For more information on these see page 51. It is important that care and support options are tailored to the needs of the individual. One size does not fit all. Some options can work well for one individual but prove to be stressful and unsuitable for another person. Make sure staff know the person you care for by providing life story books, telling staff about their likes and dislikes and providing belongings that bring comfort and have meaning for the person you care for. Within the home, much is down to the attitude and skills of the manager and the staff. Do they provide an environment that enables a person with dementia to exercise choice and personal preferences even in the later stages of the condition? Who is the person in charge of championing dementia care best practice in the home? Further questions to consider are included in the residential dementia care checklist on page 47.

Design and technology The design of a care home specialising in dementia needs to be based on small group continued on page 48

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Relax, Mum’s in great hands…

...24 hours a day, 7 days a week At Crantock Lodge, we really do care about our small number of private residents. If you’re looking for a place just like home with friends, things to do and caring staff, then look no further.

Call 01637 872112 about vacancies, for a brochure or just a chat. Or visit our website to view our video. Crantock Lodge Residential Home | Cornwall


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Residential dementia care checklist Things to look for in care homes specialising in dementia. Please use in conjunction with the care homes checklist on page 44. When you visit, spend some time looking around, talking to the manager, staff and residents. Look at several care homes and visit at different times, for example at the

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weekend and in the week. If possible go with the person you care for. First impressions count. Think about how you are greeted and the way staff relate to people with dementia. Most importantly, do not be afraid to ask questions. This is always the best way to get information.

Home 1



Home 2



Home 3



Residents The best indication of a good home is that the residents appear happy and responsive. Are there rummage boxes around the home to stimulate residents? 1 2 3 Access If the person with dementia needs or is likely to need equipment or adaptations you may want to check: There is adequate signage and cues for different parts of the home such as dining room and bathroom. 1 2 3 The home’s policy about locking external doors. 1 2 3 Bedrooms You may want to find out whether the person with dementia can have a single room and whether: Residents are encouraged to bring in some of their own furniture and possessions to increase familiarity. 1 2 3 Activities Residents should be stimulated without feeling stressed. Are reminiscence activities available? 1 2 3 Are residents able to compile memory boxes? 1 2 3

Do staff compile life story books including photographs and mementoes? 1 2 3 Staff It is important to note whether staff seem friendly and caring towards residents and whether they treat residents with respect. What training and experience in dementia care do they have? 1 2 3 Will the person with dementia have a member of staff particularly responsible for their care? 1 2 3 Is there a member of staff you can talk to about your own worries about the person with dementia? 1 2 3 Manager/head of home A manager who is caring as well as efficient can make all the difference to a home. Does the manager have a knowledge of dementia and can they deal with difficulties that may arise in an understanding way? 1 2 3 Is there a full assessment at home before a resident is admitted? 1 2 3

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continued from page 45

living, preferably with accommodation on one level and with opportunities to go in and out of the building within a safe environment. Plenty of natural light and an easy way of finding one’s way around the building and grounds are essential for minimising disorientation for residents.

Staff training Dementia-specific training is essential to ensure that care home staff have an understanding of how best to support and care for people with dementia. Ask to speak with the Dementia Champion and question the placement if the home does not have a specific Dementia Lead.

Paying for residential care Care funded by the council Do I qualify for local authority financial assistance? If you have been assessed as needing a care home place and your capital including savings is below £23,250 you may be entitled to financial support from your local authority. To find out more, contact Education, Health and Social Care on 0300 123 4131. If eligible and you have capital below £14,250 you will be entitled to maximum support contributing your income less £24.90 per week retained for personal expenses. If you have capital between £14,250 and £23,250 you must pay a capital tariff of £1 per week for each £250 between these two figures. Capital includes the value of your former home unless it’s occupied by your partner, or a relative who is aged over 60 years or incapacitated, or a child under 16 years who you maintain or a separated partner who is a lone parent. Do I have a choice of care home if the council is paying? Yes and it can even be in a different county.


The home you choose must be suitable for your assessed needs, comply with any terms and conditions set by the local authority and not cost any more than they would usually pay for someone with your needs. What if a home costs more than the local authority is prepared to pay? The local authority will allow a third party to top-up your fees as long as they are able to do so over the long term. You are not allowed to top up the fees yourself from capital below £23,250. For more information on third party payments see page 50. My partner needs care, how does this affect me financially? The local authority will take into account 50% of any joint savings therefore, to accelerate financial help, it is better to have separate single accounts meeting care costs paid from the account of the person in the care home.

Paying for your own residential care Self-funding If you are self-funding your care because you are

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not eligible for local authority funding there are other forms of financial assistance you may be entitled to. Will the local authority pay my fees whilst I am selling my former home? If, apart from your property, your other capital is below £23,250 the local authority should help with the costs during the first twelve weeks of permanent care. Beyond that period you may be entitled to request a deferred payment arrangement where the local authority may lend you the money to pay for your care charged against your property value, to be repaid either when the property is sold or after your death. Do I have to sell my property? No, the local authority may lend you the money to pay for your care charged against your property value. However, they could limit how much they will pay and it could adversely affect your welfare benefit entitlements. Speak to Education, Health and Social Care on 0300 123 4131 to find out more. Do I have to pay Council Tax on an empty property? If you move into a care home and your property is left empty then you should receive full exemption from Council Tax until it’s sold. Is there any financial help that is not means tested? Attendance Allowance is a non-means tested, non-taxable allowance paid at the lower rate of £55.10 for those needing care by day or night and, at a higher rate of £82.30 for those needing care

by day and night. Whether your stay is temporary or permanent, if you receive nursing care in a care home you may be entitled to an NHS Registered Nursing Care Contribution (RNCC), sometimes called Funded Nursing Care, towards the cost of your nursing care, paid directly to the home at £112.00 per week. If your needs are primarily health care needs, you may be entitled to full funding from your local Clinical Commissioning Group following an assessment under their continuing care eligibility criteria. This figure applies to England only. What happens if I move into a care home independently and run out of money? If you think that your capital including savings is going to reduce to £23,250 or below you should seek local authority assistance. It is better to make the council aware of the likelihood of this happening in advance of it occurring. Be aware that if the home you are in costs more than the local authority usually pays and won’t reduce its fees, you could be in the difficult position of either finding a source of top-up or seeking less expensive accommodation. If there is a likelihood of running out of money it’s important that you arrange an assessment of your care needs with Education, Health and Social Care to ensure they are aware of your situation. Also check if the care home owner can continue to accommodate you at the local authority’s funding rates or if they will require a third party top-up. What can I do to avoid this situation? There are ways of meeting care costs for as long

With so many providers to choose from, where do you start? can help.

developed by the publisher of this Directory

• • • • • • •

search care providers quickly and easily search by postcode/town and care type Information on standards of care links to the latest inspection reports extra information, photos and direct website links for hundreds of providers request a brochure checklists to take with you when you visit

Alternatively, call our friendly helpline team on 0800 389 2077 to talk to someone directly.

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as you need care whilst using up only part of your capital. For example, the use of Immediate Need Care Fee Payment Plans can contribute towards capping the cost and, as so many older people wish, enabling an inheritance to be left for the family.

with your needs, you will have the choice to ask someone else to make an additional payment.


If there is no-one available to supply the extra payment, you can ask the local authority to find you another placement at the rate they would normally expect to pay. If, however, you do decide to live in the more expensive home and you have someone who is able to make an additional payment for you, they will have to pay the difference between your local authority rate and the amount the home charges. This additional payment is often referred to as a ‘top-up’ or ‘third party contribution’.

Before you sign any contract prior to moving into a care home, the home should give you written details of all the charges it intends to make in its Statement of Purpose document. If there is anything that is not clear or which you do not understand, you should seek professional advice.

The law says that you are not allowed to make this additional payment yourself, except in limited circumstances. Therefore, the additional payment has to be made by someone else, for example, a family member or charity. This may change in April 2016.

Third party payments

Before anyone agrees to make additional payments on your behalf they should be aware that the amount could change, usually increase, once a year and they need to be confident that they can sustain the payments for as long as they are required. If the additional payments stop being paid for any reason, then you should seek help and advice via Education, Health and Social Care by calling 0300 123 4131.

The important thing is not to try to do it alone, always seek professional advice. Figures mentioned here may change over the lifetime of this Directory.

If you are eligible for local authority support and the home you choose costs more than the rate the local authority usually pays for someone

Once it has been established that someone is willing and able to make these payments they will be asked to sign an agreement to formalise the arrangement. Because the financing of care is a complex area it is advisable to contact the social worker who is arranging your placement with you or Education, Health and Social Care to ask for advice and individual guidance. If you are already a resident in a care home, and no third party agreement was required at the time you became a resident, the home may seek to introduce a third party payment at a later date. Also, if a change to your arrangements is made at your request or with your agreement, for example you move to a superior room, then an additional third party payment can become due.


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Important information This Directory’s helpline This Directory’s free helpline provides an independent information and help service encompassing care and accommodation. A personalised report can be generated for you providing details of all home care providers, care homes or care homes with nursing that meet your criteria. One call to the freephone number 0800 389 2077 will enable the service to build a profile of exactly what type of care you’re looking for, while taking into account your personal needs and interests.

How solicitors can help A solicitor can give you impartial advice about wills, making gifts, estate planning and Powers of Attorney. Some can also offer guidance on immediate and long-term care plans, ensuring (if applicable) the NHS has made the correct contribution to your fees. Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) allow you to appoint someone you trust to make decisions about your personal welfare, including healthcare and consent to medical treatment, and/or your property and financial affairs. An LPA is only valid once registered with the Office of the Public Guardian. It allows for a person of your choice to make decisions on your behalf at a time when you may be unable to. The Court of Protection can issue Orders directing the management of a person’s property and financial affairs if they are incapable of managing their own affairs should they not have a LPA. The Court procedure is presently very slow and the fees are quite expensive so preparing a LPA is always advisable, providing you have somebody sufficiently trustworthy to appoint as your attorney. An ‘advance directive’ allows you to communicate your wishes in respect of future medical treatment but it is not legally binding. You may instead wish to make a living will,

properly known as an ‘advance decision’ setting out treatment that you do not want to receive in specified circumstances, which would legally have to be followed, even if you die as a result. Any proposed gift out of your estate needs careful consideration of the benefits, risks and implications, particularly on any future liability for care costs or tax liability. If you don’t have your own solicitor, ask family or friends for their recommendations. Contact several firms, explain your situation and ask for an estimate of cost and an idea of time scales involved. Many firms will make home visits if necessary and will adapt their communications to meet your needs. It’s important to find a solicitor who specialises in this area of the law. The Citizen’s Advice Bureau offers an advice service and will be able to recommend solicitors in your area.

Charitable support The voluntary sector is made up of charitable, not-for-profit organisations. Charities help people of all ages, backgrounds, cultures, religions and ethnic origins, in many ways, often when the State cannot do so. If you or someone you know is struggling to meet the costs of care there may well be a charity which could provide some help without affecting benefit entitlements.

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Occupational benevolent funds The occupational benevolent sector excels in ‘communities of interest’. These include people wanting to live in a religious setting, or those looking for voluntary sector homes and housing with an ethos allowing them to share their lives with like-minded individuals. For example, a person who has spent their life as a professional may be seeking housing or care amongst other professional people. Another may have spent their working life in a motor factory and now wants to live amongst others with the same working background. Occupational benevolent funds make sure that their assistance will not affect any state benefits and they can often help people in difficulties to claim all the allowances to which they’re entitled. Older peoples’ Pension Credit will not be affected by a grant from a benevolent fund. Charities can’t help if what is required is already available on the National Health Service, or covered by state benefits or the local council’s social or other services, but they can often enhance basic provision. Some examples include: • Association of Charitable Organisations (ACO) The national UK umbrella body for trusts and foundations that give grants and welfare support to individuals in need. Tel: 0207 255 4480 Web: • Help Musicians UK Support for those who have worked or are working in the music profession. Tel: 0207 239 9100 Web: • Hospitality Action Offers assistance to all who work, or have worked within hospitality in the UK and who find themselves in crisis. Tel: 0203 004 5500; Grants: 0203 004 5507 Web: • The Book Trade Charity Practical, emotional and financial support to


anyone who works or has worked in the book trade, as well as their dependents. Tel: 01923 263128 Web: • The Printing Charity Assists those with a connection to the printing trade. Tel: 01293 542820 Web: • The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution Helps members of the farming community suffering hardship. Tel: 0300 303 7373 Web:

Comments, compliments and complaints If you use a home care agency or move into a care home you should feel able to complain about any aspect of your life which affects your happiness or comfort. This might be anything from the way you are treated by staff to the quality of the food you are served. You should also feel free to make comments and suggestions about possible improvements to your surroundings and the services provided. Making a complaint should not be made difficult for you and should not affect the standard of care that you receive whether in your own home or in a care home or care home with nursing. Care services are required under national essential standards of quality and safety to have a simple and easy to use complaints procedure. If you are concerned about the care that you, a friend or a relative are receiving, it makes sense to speak to the manager of the service about your concerns before you take any further action. The problem may be resolved quite easily once they are made aware of it. However, if you need to make a formal complaint, you should initially contact the registered owners of the service. They have a duty to respond to any complaints made. Visit for information about how to complain about council services.

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If your complaint is about a breach of regulations, contact your local office of the Care Quality Commission (see below for more information about the CQC). If your local authority has arranged and funded a place for you in a care home or has contributed to a home care service, another option is to complain to your social worker/care manager or the department’s designated complaints manager. If you have been unable to resolve your complaint you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman on 0300 061 0614 and ask them to assist you. The Local Government Ombudsman looks at complaints about councils and some other authorities and organisations, including adult social care providers (such as care homes and home care providers). It is a free service. Its job is to investigate complaints in a fair and independent way.

Inspecting and regulating care services All care providers must be registered under a system which brings adult social care, independent healthcare and the NHS under a single set of essential standards of quality and safety. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) registers, inspects and reviews all adult social care and healthcare services in England in the public, private and voluntary sectors. This includes care homes, care homes with nursing, home care agencies and NHS services, amongst others. Inspectors carry out a mixture of announced and unannounced inspections looking at the quality and safety of the care provided. They look at whether the service is: Safe; Effective; Caring; Responsive to people’s needs; and Well-led. Inspection teams are led by an experienced CQC manager and often include experts in their field. The team may also include professional or clinical staff; Experts by Experience; people who use services and carers.

Following an inspection, each care home and home care agency is given a report of how it rates against national essential standards of quality and safety. CQC has also started rating services as ‘Outstanding’, ‘Good’, ‘Requires Improvement’ and ‘Inadequate’. By March 2016, CQC expects to have rated every adult social care service in England. When considering care services, it’s always a good idea to check a service’s inspection report and rating on the Care Quality Commission’s comprehensive website: or ask the care provider you are considering for a copy of their latest inspection report. For any enquiries or to register a concern or a complaint, phone the CQC on: 03000 616161 or email: The Care Quality Commission, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA

Out-of-county care Did you know you can choose a care home outside your home county? You may want to be closer to friends, family members or you may want to relocate to another part of the country. If your care home place is state-funded, your home county local authority is still responsible for your care fees, even if you choose a care home in another region. The home you choose must be

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suitable for your assessed needs and comply with the terms and conditions set by the authority. The fees that your local authority will pay may vary. They may offer you the fees you would receive if you remained within the county, or they may offer you the fees that the local authority would pay in your chosen region.

• a paid carer or volunteer;

You must seek further advice before making your decision. If you’re self-funded, obviously you have freedom of choice.

• someone who deliberately exploits vulnerable people.

For information on care provision in Cornwall and other regions, contact this Directory’s helpline on freephone 0800 389 2077 with details of your requirements.

Protecting vulnerable adults Vulnerable adults may experience abuse, neglect and worse. A vulnerable adult is a person aged 18 years or over who may be unable to take care of themselves, or protect themselves from harm or from being exploited. What is adult abuse? Abuse is mistreatment by any other person or persons that violates a person’s human and civil rights. The abuse can vary from treating someone with disrespect in a way which significantly affects the person’s quality of life, to causing actual physical suffering. It can happen anywhere – at home, in a care home or a care home with nursing, a hospital, in the workplace, at a day centre or educational establishment, in supported housing or in the street. Forms of abuse could be physical, sexual, psychological, emotional or financial. It could also cover the issues of neglect and institutional abuse – where the abuse affects more than one person within an organisation and is not addressed by the service’s management. Who might be causing the abuse? The person who is responsible for the abuse may be known to the person abused and could be:


• a health worker, social care or other worker; • a relative, friend or neighbour; • another resident or service user; • an occasional visitor or someone who is providing a service; or

If you think someone is being abused call Cornwall Council’s Education, Health and Social Care Department on 0300 123 4131. Your concerns will be taken seriously and will receive prompt attention, advice and support. If the abuse is also a crime such as assault, racial harassment, rape or theft you should involve the police to prevent someone else from being abused. If the police are involved Education, Health and Social Care will work with them and with you to support you. If you are worried about contacting the police you can contact Education, Health and Social Care on 0300 123 4131 to talk things over first. If immediate action is needed dial 999. You can also: • contact the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on 03000 616161 if the vulnerable adult is living in a registered care home, care home with nursing or receiving home care services. • let a public service professional, such as a social worker, community nurse, GP, probation officer or district nurse know your concerns. They have responsibilities under the county’s adult protection procedure and can advise you about what to do next. The Disclosure and Barring Service There is a barring system for all those intending to work, or working with children and vulnerable adults. In 2012, the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA)

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

merged into the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). Requests for such checks must be made to the DBS.

CRB checks are now called DBS checks. The organisation will provide a joined up, seamless service combining the criminal records checking and barring functions. For disclosure information and services, visit the DBS homepage: Care home owners, home care agencies and employment agencies which supply care workers are required to request checks as part of a range of pre-employment checks, including disclosures

Care providers and suppliers of care workers are also required to refer workers to the DBS where, in their view, the individual has been guilty of misconduct that harmed or placed at risk of harm, a vulnerable adult. People who know they are confirmed on the list but seek employment in care positions will face criminal charges including possible imprisonment. It is also an offence for an employer or voluntary organisation knowingly to employ a barred person in a regulated activity role.

Residential care in Cornwall This Directory is divided into geographical areas listed on this map. Home care providers can be found on page 33.

West Cornwall


Central Cornwall


East Cornwall


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West Cornwall care homes ACORN PARK LODGE 22 Park Road, Redruth TR15 2JG Tel: 01209 698595


ALBANY HOUSE 129 Albany Road, Redruth TR15 2JB Tel: 01209 210526


ANTRON MANOR CARE HOME Antron Hill, Mabe Burnthouse, Penryn TR10 9HH Tel: 01326 376570 APPLEDOWN 15 Heather Lane, Canonstown, Hayle TR27 6NG Tel: 01736 740552 AR-LYN RESIDENTIAL HOME Vicarage Lane, Lelant, St Ives TR26 3JZ Tel: 01736 753330




CORNWALL CARE RESPITE SERVICES 38 Polweath Road, Treneere, Penzance TR18 3PN OP PD LDA MH SI YA Tel: 01736 330638 COURTLANDS CARE HOME Rosudgeon, Penzance TR20 9PN Tel: 01736 710476


CROSSROADS HOUSE CARE HOME Scorrier, Redruth TR16 5BP Tel: 01209 820551

DOWNES RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME, THE Foundry Hill, Hayle TR27 4HW Tel: 01736 754400

FAIRFIELD HOUSE Bridge, Portreath, Redruth TR16 4QG Tel: 01209 200544

BOSENCE FARM Bosence Road, Townshend, Hayle TR27 6AN Tel: 01736 850006

GARSEWEDNACK RESIDENTIAL HOME 132 Albany Road, Redruth TR15 2HZ Tel: 01209 215798

BREAGE HOUSE Breage, Helston TR13 9PW Tel: 01326 565805


CARRICK LODGE Belyars Lane, St Ives TR26 2BZ Tel: 01736 794353 CHY AN TOWANS 11 Upton Towans, Hayle TR27 5BJ Tel: 01736 754152 CHY BYGHAN RESIDENTIAL HOME Sunny Corner Lane, Sennen, Penzance TR19 7AX Tel: 01736 871459 CHYPONS RESIDENTIAL HOME Clifton Hill, Newlyn, Penzance TR18 5BU Tel: 01736 362492





COACH HOUSE, THE Newmill Road, Gulval, Penzance TR20 8UR OP PD LDA YA Tel: 01736 332133


FAIR VIEW Croft Mitchell, Troon, Camborne TR14 9JH Tel: 01209 831662

BLACKWOOD Advert inside front cover Roskear, Camborne TR14 8BA OP D PD MH Tel: 01209 713498



GODOLPHIN HOUSE CARE HOME 42 Godolphin Road, Helston TR13 8QF Tel: 01326 572609





GREEN, THE Drump Road, Redruth TR15 1LU Tel: 01209 215250 Advert inside front cover


HARBOUR HOUSE Penberthy Road, Portreath, Redruth TR16 4LW Tel: 01209 843276


HEADLANDS Headland Road, Carbis Bay, St Ives TR26 2NT Tel: 01736 795769 Advert inside front cover


HIGHDOWNS RESIDENTIAL HOME Highdowns, Blackrock, Camborne TR14 9PD Tel: 01209 832261


HILLCREST 2 Trefusis Road, Redruth TR15 2JH Tel: 01209 698595


Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Advertisers are highlighted


This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

West Cornwall care homes continued HUTHNANCE PARK Nancegollan, Helston TR13 0AZ Tel: 01209 200544

LITTLE TREFEWHA CARE HOME Praze-An-Beeble, Camborne TR14 0JZ Tel: 01209 831566 LOWENAC 2 Lowenac Gardens, Camborne TR14 7EX Tel: 01209 200544 LYNDHURST Hea Road, Heamoor, Penzance TR18 3HB Tel: 01736 331008


PINES, THE Poldory, Carharrack, Redruth TR16 5HS Tel: 01209 200544



PINE TREES CARE CENTRE 15 Horsepool Road, Connor Downs, Hayle TR27 5DZ Tel: 01736 753249



POLVENTON RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME St Keverne, Helston TR12 6NS OP D PD MH Tel: 01326 280734


RICHMOND HOUSE 31 Richmond Street, Heamoor, Penzance TR18 3ET Tel: 01736 331005


RIDGEWOOD 54 Mount Pleasant Road, Camborne TR14 7RJ Tel: 01209 710799



MOROVAHVIEW RESIDENTIAL HOME 1 Bar View Lane, Hayle TR27 4AJ Tel: 01736 753772 MOUNT PLEASANT HOUSE (CAMBORNE) Pentalek Road, Camborne TR14 7RQ Tel: 01209 716424 OLD MANOR HOUSE, THE 6 Regent Terrace, Penzance TR18 4DW Tel: 01736 363742



LANGHOLME Arwenack Avenue, Falmouth TR11 3LD Tel: 01326 314512

MENWINNION COUNTRY HOUSE Lamorna Valley, Penzance TR19 6BJ Tel: 01736 810233

PENMENETH HOUSE 16 Penpol Avenue, Hayle TR27 4NQ Tel: 01736 752359


PENDARVES RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME 25 Pendarves Road, Camborne TR14 7QF Tel: 01209 714576 PENLEE RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME 56 Morrab Road, Penzance TR18 4EP Tel: 01736 364102



ROSCARRACK HOUSE Bickland Water Road, Falmouth TR11 4SB Tel: 01326 312498


ROSE HOUSE Wheal Rose, Scorrier, Redruth TR16 5DF Tel: 01209 891090

PARC VRO RESIDENTIAL HOME Mawgan-in-Meneage, Mawgan, Helston TR12 6AY OP D MH Tel: 01326 221275 Advert page 57 PENDARVES 3 Pendarves Road, Camborne TR14 8QB Tel: 01209 610827

RIDGEWOOD LODGE 51 Roskear, Camborne TR14 8DQ Tel: 01209 714032





ROSEDENE HOUSE 22 Rosewarne, Camborne TR14 8BE Tel: 01209 714238


Parc Vro ‘A well established family run home set in beautiful country surroundings’ We are a small, friendly home with exceptional staff and home cooking, all facilities offered. Day Care and trial visits welcome. High standard of Dementia Care available. For a brochure and to arrange a visit please tel: 01326 REG. MAN Alison Stevenson.


Parc Vro, Mawgan, Helston TR12 6AY


Registered with CQC. Member of NCA.

Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Advertisers are highlighted

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West Cornwall care homes continued ROSEMERRYN 2a Cadogan Road, Camborne, Cornwall TR14 7RS LDA YA Tel: 01209 610210

STATION VILLA 18 Station Hill, Hayle TR27 4NG Tel: 01736 755251


ROSEWARNE Holman Park, Tehidy Road, Camborne TR14 8FD OP D PD LDA SI YA Tel: 01209 713729

TOLVERTH HOUSE Long Rock, Penzance TR20 8JQ Tel: 01736 710736


ROSEWARNE CARE Largiemore, 42 Tehidy Road, Camborne TR14 8LL Tel: 01209 712854


TREFUSIS 38 Trefusis Road, Redruth TR15 2JH Tel: 01209 219333



TRELAWNEY HOUSE Polladras, Breage, Helston TR13 9NT Tel: 01736 763334


SHELDON HOUSE NURSING HOME Sea View Road, Falmouth TR11 4EF Tel: 01326 313411 SILVERDALE 10 Trewirgie Road, Redruth TR15 2SP Tel: 01209 217585 ST CLAIR HOUSE 32 Basset Road, Camborne TR14 8SL Tel: 01209 713273 ST MARY’S HAVEN RESIDENTIAL St Mary’s Street, Penzance TR18 2DH Tel: 01736 367342 ST MARY’S HAVEN RESPITE St Mary’s Street, Penzance TR18 2DH Tel: 01736 367342





TREMETHICK HOUSE Meadowside, Redruth TR15 3AL Tel: 01209 215713


TREVEAN GARDENS, 22–25 Alverton Terrace, Penzance TR18 4JD Tel: 01736 361369 TREWITHEN Treslothan, Camborne TR14 9LP Tel: 01209 612151



WHITE HOUSE, THE 128 Dracaena Avenue, Falmouth TR11 2ER Tel: 01326 318318


St Michael’s Mount

Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs


This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

West Cornwall care homes with nursing BEECHES, THE 22 St George’s Road, Hayle TR27 4AH Tel: 01736 752725 Advert inside back cover


PONSANDANE Chyandour Terrace, Penzance TR18 3LT Tel: 01736 330063

BENONI NURSING HOME LTD 12 Carrallack Terrace, St Just, Penzance TR19 7LW OP D PD Tel: 01736 788433

PORTHGWARA NURSING HOME North Corner, Coverack, Helston TR12 6TG Tel: 01326 280307

BONAER CARE HOME 17 Station Hill, Hayle TR27 4NG Tel: 01736 752090

SHELDON HOUSE NURSING HOME Sea View Road, Falmouth TR11 4EF Tel: 01326 313411

CHYLIDN Valley Lane, Carnon Downs, Truro TR3 6LP Tel: 01872 863900 CORNWALLIS NURSING HOME Trewidden Road, St Ives TR26 2BX Tel: 01736 796856




FAIRHOLME Roskear, Camborne TR14 8DN Tel: 01209 714491 Advert below OP PD YA GLENCOE CARE HOME 23 Churchtown Road, Gwithian, Hayle TR27 5BX OP D PD LDA Tel: 01736 752216 KING CHARLES COURT Marlborough Road, Falmouth TR11 3LR Tel: 01326 311155 PENHELLIS NURSING HOME Cross Street, Helston TR13 8NQ Tel: 01326 565840



POLDHU Poldhu Cove, Mullion, Helston TR12 7JB Tel: 01326 240977


24 hour care provided by experienced qualified nurses in a warm and caring environment ◆ Short and long term placements ◆ ◆ Competitive fees ◆ ◆ Good home cooking with special diets catered for ◆ ◆ Regular visits from the chiropodist and hairdresser ◆ ◆ Excellent links within the community ◆ ROSKEAR, CAMBORNE, CORNWALL TR14 8DN






ST MARTIN’S St Martin’s Crescent, Camborne TR14 7HJ Tel: 01209 713512 Advert inside front cover OP D PD MH ST TERESA’S CARE HOME WITH NURSING Long Rock, Penzance TR20 9BJ Tel: 01736 710336


TREFULA HOUSE St Day, Redruth TR16 5ET Tel: 01209 820215


TREGENNA HOUSE Pendarves Road, Camborne TR14 7QG Tel: 01209 713040


TRENGROUSE Trengrouse Way, Helston TR13 8BA Tel: 01326 573382 Advert inside front cover TREVAYLOR MANOR Gulval, Penzance TR20 8UR Tel: 01736 350856



TREVERN 72 Melville Road, Falmouth TR11 4DD Tel: 01326 312833 Advert inside front cover OP D MH TREWARTHA Trewartha Estate, Carbis Bay, St Ives TR26 2TQ Tel: 01736 797183 Advert inside front cover


A countywide list of home care providers starts on page 33.

Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Advertisers are highlighted

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Longview Care Home







)RU D IUHH EURFKXUH RU WR ÀQG RXW how we can help, please call the home manager on: 01872 573378

Longview committed to caring

/RQJYLHZ &DUH +RPH 5RVHKLOO *RRQKDYHUQ 7UXUR &RUQZDOO 75 -; Longview Care Home, Rosehill, Goonhavern, Truro, Cornwall, TR4 9JX

Central Cornwall care homes AVERLEA RESIDENTIAL HOME Fore Street, Polgooth, St Austell PL26 7BP Tel: 01726 66892


BAWDEN MANOR FARM West Polperro, St Agnes TR5 0ST Tel: 01872 552237


BEACH, THE Alexandra Road, Newquay TR7 3NB Tel: 01326 371000


BIGWIG HOUSE Rhubarb Hill, Holywell Bay, Newquay TR8 5PT Tel: 01637 831220 BOS Y’N DRE 76 Bodmin Road, St Austell PL25 5AG Tel: 01726 74629


BRAKE MANOR, THE 97 Bodmin Road, St Austell PL25 5AG Tel: 01726 61518 Advert page 66 CAPRERA 61 Truro Road, St Austell PL25 5JG Tel: 01726 72956



CHY KOES Woodland Road, St Austell PL25 4RA Tel: 01726 76045 CLOVELLY HOUSE CARE HOME St Michael’s Road, Newquay TR7 1RA Tel: 01637 876668 COPPER BEECHES LODGE 52 Truro Road, St Austell PL25 5JJ Tel: 01726 74024 CRANTOCK LODGE RESIDENTIAL HOME 34 Bonython Road, Newquay TR7 3AN Tel: 01637 872112 Advert page 46 CRESCENT RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME, THE 1 Island Crescent, Newquay TR7 1DZ Tel: 01637 874493 CROSS KEYS 17 Church Road, Penryn TR10 8DA Tel: 01326 372979


EAST WHEAL ROSE St Newlyn East, Newquay TR8 5JD Tel: 01872 510750


GROVE, THE 181 Charlestown Road, Charlestown, St Austell PL25 3NP OP Tel: 01726 76481 HEIGHTLEA Old Falmouth Road, Truro TR1 2HN Tel: 01872 263344


HOLLIES, THE 1 Tremodrett Road, St Austell PL26 8JA Tel: 01726 890247


HOLLYBUSH RESIDENTIAL HOME 45 Glamis Road, Newquay TR7 2RY Tel: 01637 874148


ISMEER Trewollock Lane, Gorran Haven, St Austell PL26 6NT OP D Tel: 01726 843480 KERNOU RESIDENTIAL HOME West Cliff, Porthtowan, Truro TR4 8AE Tel: 01209 890386



KIMBERLEY COURT Kimberley Close, Crantock Street, Newquay TR7 1JG OP D Tel: 01637 850316


LILENA RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME 2 Quintrell Road, St Columb Minor, Newquay TR7 3DZ MH Tel: 01637 877662


LITTLECROFT Rhubarb Hill, Hollywell Bay, Newquay TR8 5PT Tel: 01637 830489



LONGVIEW CARE HOME LTD Rosehill, Goonhavern, Truro TR4 9JX Tel: 01872 573378 Advert page 60


LOWENA Mitchell Hill, Truro TR1 1JX Tel: 01872 270013


LOWENVA CARE Rescorla, St Austell PL26 8YT Tel: 01726 850823




Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Advertisers are highlighted

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Central Cornwall care homes continued MANSE, THE 15 Cargoll Road, St Newlyn East, Newquay TR8 5LB OP D Tel: 01872 510844

PHILIPHAUGH MANOR Station Road, St Columb Major TR9 6BX Tel: 01637 880520

MENNA HOUSE Menna, Grampound Road, Truro TR2 4HA Tel: 01726 883478

QUMRAN REST HOME 7 Trevose Avenue, Newquay TR7 1NJ Tel: 01637 876699


REDANNICK Redannick Lane, Truro TR1 2JP Tel: 01872 276889 Advert inside front cover


ROSEHILL HOUSE RESIDENTIAL HOME Middleway, St Blazey, Par PL24 2LB Tel: 01726 812424



MONTROSE BARN Rose-In-Vale, Mithian, St Agnes TR5 0QE Tel: 01872 553059


MOUNT PLEASANT CARE HOME (ST AGNES) 18 Rosemundy, St Agnes TR5 0UD Tel: 01872 553165 Advert page 62 MYRTLE COTTAGE 16 Fore Street, St Blazey PL24 2NJ Tel: 01726 813806




ROWANS RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME 31 Goonown, St Agnes TR5 0UY Tel: 01872 552147



SEPTEMBER LODGE Wheal Hope, Goonhaven, Truro TR4 9QJ Tel: 01872 571879


NAK CENTRE, THE Sundial House, Coosebean, Truro TR4 9EA Tel: 01872 241878

OCEAN HILL LODGE RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME 4/6 Trelawney Road, Newquay TR7 2DW OP D Tel: 01637 874595

SPRINGFIELD HOUSE Perrancoombe, Perranporth TR6 0JA Tel: 01872 573538


PENBERTHY Advert inside front cover 111 Mountwise, Newquay TR7 2BT OP D PD MH Tel: 01637 873845

ST ERME CAMPUS St Erme, Truro TR4 9BW Tel: 01872 264231


PENRICE HOUSE Porthpean, St Austell PL26 6AZ Tel: 01726 73067


ST GEORGE’S HOTEL CARE HOME St George’s Road, Truro TR1 3JE Tel: 01872 272554 Advert page 64


SUNNINGDALE HOUSE Boscawen Road, Perranporth TR6 0EP Tel: 01872 571151

PENROSE FARM Bodmin Road, Goonhavern, Truro TR4 9QF Tel: 01209 200544 PENTIRE 15 Pentire Crescent, Newquay TR7 1PU Tel: 01637 879589 PENTREE LODGE RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME 63/65 Pentire Avenue, Pentire, Newquay TR7 1PD Tel: 01637 877662 PERRAN BAY CARE HOME St Piran’s Road, Perranporth TR6 0BH Tel: 01872 572275




SUNNYDENE 5 Mill Hill, Lostwithiel PL22 0HB Tel: 01208 872602



TANGLEWOOD Coombe Road, Lanjeth, St Austell PL26 7TF Tel: 01726 71088


TARRANT HOUSE 2 Southview, Perrancombe, Perranporth TR6 0JB LDA YA Tel: 01872 572214


Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Advertisers are highlighted

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Central Cornwall care homes continued TRAMWAYS 39 Trebarwith Crescent, Newquay TR7 1DX Tel: 01637 874418


TRECARREL CARE HOME Castle Dore Road, Tywardreath PL24 2TR Tel: 01726 813588


TREGARNE North Street, St Austell PL25 5QE Tel: 01726 72429


TREGOLLS MANOR Tregolls Road, Truro TR1 1XQ Tel: 01872 223330

TRELAWNEY 34 Brookside, St Austell PL25 4HL Tel: 01726 69735


TRELOWEN 1 Blowing House Lane, St Austell PL25 5AT Tel: 01726 65366


TRESEDER HOUSE 111 Moresk Road, Truro TR1 1BP Tel: 01872 274172


TRESILLIAN RESIDENTIAL HOME 41 Eastcliffe Road, Par, PL24 2AJ Tel: 01726 814834



St George’s Hotel Care Home At St George’s you will feel at home, not in a home.

WHERE QUALITY OF LIFE IS IMPORTANT We have been caring for people since 1978. Visit us and talk to our residents.

 A lovely house with a caring and comfortable atmosphere  Private telephones & individual numbers in all rooms (no line rental charged, standard BT call charges apply)

 24-hour care

 Level walking ground to shops (5 mins)  Visiting hairdresser and chiropodist  Grade II listed building

St. George’s Road, Truro, Cornwall TR1 3JE  Owner: Mr R. Little  Contact: Mrs J. Coon – Manager F_BAR_8798 Cornwall Care Choices advert_184x108mm._Layout 1 05/03/2015 16:04 Page 1

Tel: 01872 272554

Feel right at home

with Barchester care homes

At Barchester we pride ourselves on independence, dignity and choice for the individuals we support. We look after people with a wide variety of needs. Our compassionate and caring staff make sure that everyone is treated as an individual and they have comfort, security and the best quality of life.

Nursing • Residential • Dementia • Respite If you would like a tour of one of our homes or just need some friendly advice, your local Barchester care home will be happy to help.

Kenwyn Newmills Lane, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3EB 01872 464 403

Kernow House Landlake Road, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 9HP 01566 461 160

Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs


This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Central Cornwall care homes continued TRESLEIGH Fore Street, Grampound Road, Truro TR2 4DU Tel: 01726 883431 WENTWORTH RESIDENTIAL HOME 59 South Street, St Austell PL25 5BN Tel: 01726 72941 Advert adjacent



WILLOWS, THE Halvarras Park, Playing Park, Truro TR3 6HE Tel: 01872 865588


WOODLAND Woodland Road, St Austell PL25 4RA Tel: 01726 72903 Advert inside front cover OP D MH

ZION HOUSE Higher Trevellas, St Agnes TR5 0XS Tel: 01872 552650


A family run residential home for the past 40 years. Close to St Austell town centre and it’s amenities, situated in an acre of gardens with lovely views looking down over the valley. Providing Long term Care & Respite Care.

59 South Street St Austell Cornwall PL25 5BN

01726 72941

WOODSIDE FARM HOUSE Edgecumbe Road, St Austell PL25 5SW Tel: 01726 77401


Central Cornwall care homes with nursing ALEXANDRA NURSING HOME 11 Alexandra Road, Porth, Newquay TR7 3ND Tel: 01637 877508 AMBERLEY HOUSE CARE HOME The Crescent, Truro TR1 3ES Tel: 01872 271921 CAPRERA 61 Truro Road, St Austell PL25 5JG Tel: 01726 729560



CARRICK 11 Carlyon Road, Playing Place, Truro TR3 6EU Tel: 01872 864657 CATHEDRAL VIEW HOUSE Kenwyn Church Road, Truro TR1 3DR Tel: 01872 222132 CLINTON HOUSE NURSING HOME 75 Truro Road, St Austell PL25 5JQ Tel: 01726 63663 Advert page 66 COLLAMERE NURSING HOME 52 Grenville Road, Lostwithiel PL22 0RA Tel: 01208 872810 Advert page 66






COWBRIDGE NURSING HOME Rose Hill, Lostwithiel PL22 0JW Tel: 01208 872227 ELMSLEIGH CARE HOME St Andrew’s Road, Par PL24 2LX Tel: 01726 812277

OP D MH Advert page 66 OP D PD MH SI YA AD

ESHCOL HOUSE NURSING HOME 12 Clifton Terrace, Portscatho, Truro TR2 5HR OP D PD MH Tel: 01872 580291 KENWYN Newmills Lane, Kenwyn Hill, Truro TR1 3EB Tel: 01872 464403 Advert page 64 OP D PD MH YA MOUNTFORD Cyril Road, Truro TR1 3TB Tel: 01872 274097

Advert inside front cover OP D PD MH

NEWQUAY NURSING AND RESIDENTIAL HOME 55-57 Pentire Avenue, Newquay TR7 1PD OP Tel: 01637 873314 NORTH HILL HOUSE 7 North Hill Park, St Austell PL25 4BJ Tel: 01726 72647


Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Advertisers are highlighted

Visit for further assistance with your search for care


“Support, thoughtfulness and care; I have them all”

At our care homes we deliver high quality care in a warm friendly environment that encourages dignity, privacy and independence. Our residents’ needs are at the forefront of how we work.

Brake Manor

Permanent & respite places are always avaliable throughout our group.

Collamere Nursing Home

The ultimate goal of the Morleigh Group is to make sure all of our service users are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve because after all we are Caring For Those Who Deserve The Best.

Elmsleigh Care Home

Bodmin Road, St. Austell, Cornwall T: 01726 61518

Clinton House Truro Road, St. Austell, Cornwall T: 01726 63663 Grenville Road, Lostwithiel, Cornwall T: 01208 872810 St Andrew’s Road, Par, Cornwall T: 01726 812277

St Theresa’s Care Centre St Therese Close, Callington, Cornwall T: 01579 383488

Tregertha Court Station Road, East Looe T: 01503 262014

For all bed enquirers please call: 0333 440 1250 or for more information, please visit

Central Cornwall care homes with nursing continued OLD ROSELYON MANOR NURSING HOME, THE Par PL24 2LN OP D PD Tel: 01726 814297

ST MARGARET’S NURSING HOME Mylords Road, Fraddon, St Columb TR9 6LX Tel: 01726 861497

ROSELAND CARE LTD 23 Fore Street, Tregony TR2 5PD Tel: 01872 530665

TREVARNA 4 Carlyon Road, St Austell PL25 4LD Tel: 01726 75066 Advert inside front cover OP D MH


SANSIGRA CARE HOME High Road, Zelah, Truro TR4 9HN Tel: 01872 540363



A countywide list of home care providers starts on page 33.

East Cornwall care homes APPLEBY LODGE Launceston Road, Kelly Bray, Callington PL17 7JE Tel: 01579 383979 ATLANTIS CARE HOME Polperro Road, Polperro PL13 2JP Tel: 01503 272243 BARNFIELD HOUSE 9/10 Barnfield Terrace, Liskeard PL14 4DT Tel: 01579 347617 BOISDALE HOUSE 78 North Road, Saltash PL12 6BE Tel: 01752 846822 BOWDEN-DERRA PARK Polyphant, Launceston PL15 7PU Tel: 01566 880340 CHY KERES Tregadillett, Launceston PL15 7EU Tel: 01566 779805







COOMBE HOUSE RESIDENTIAL HOME Lamellion, Liskeard PL14 4JU Tel: 01579 346819 CROMARTY HOUSE 11 Priory Road, Bodmin PL31 2AF Tel: 01208 78607


EIRENIKON PARK RESIDENTIAL HOME Bossiney Road, Tintagel PL34 0AE Tel: 01840 770252

ELMSLEA CARE HOME 34 Dunheved Road, Launceston PL15 9JQ Tel: 01566 777661


EVENTIDE RESIDENTIAL HOME LTD 22 Downs View, Bude EX23 8RQ Tel: 01288 352602


FAIRFIELD COUNTRY REST HOME Launcells, Bude EX23 9NH Tel: 01288 381241

CLANN HOUSE Clann Lane, Lanivet, Bodmin PL30 5HD Tel: 01208 831305

FERNLEIGH HOUSE Albaston, Gunnislake PL18 9AJ Tel: 01822 832926

CLUBWORTHY HOUSE Clubworthy, Launceston PL15 8NZ Tel: 01566 785435



ELDON HOUSE RESIDENTIAL HOME Downgate, Upton Cross, Liskeard PL14 5AJ OP D PD LDA MH SI YA AD Tel: 01579 362686

CHYVARHAS Advert inside front cover 22 Saltash Road, Callington PL17 7EF OP D PD LDA MH SI YA AD Tel: 01579 383104





GARDEN HOUSE Polyphant, Launceston PL15 7PU Tel: 01566 880340


Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Advertisers are highlighted

Visit for further assistance with your search for care


East Cornwall care homes continued HELEBRIDGE HOUSE Hele Road, Marhamchurch, Bude EX23 0JB Tel: 01288 361310


HIGHER KEASON CARE HOME Higher Keason Farm, St Ive, Liskeard PL14 3NE Tel: 01579 383137 HIGHERMEAD CARE HOME College Road, Camelford PL32 9TL Tel: 01840 212528


HIGHPOINT LODGE 69 Molesworth Street, Wadebridge PL27 7DS Tel: 01208 814525 HILLSBOROUGH RESIDENTIAL HOME Southern Road, Callington PL17 7ER Tel: 01579 383138




MANOR HOUSE Higher Tremar, Liskeard PL14 5HJ Tel: 01579 343534 MARRAY HOUSE 12/14 Essa Road, Saltash PL12 4ED Tel: 01752 844488

NEW WITHEVEN Jacobstow, Bude EX23 0BX Tel: 01566 781285

KILMAR HOUSE Higher Lux Street, Liskeard PL14 3JU Tel: 01579 343066

PENBOWNDER HOUSE Trebursye, Launceston PL15 7ES Tel: 01566 774752

KINGSTON HOUSE Miners Way, Liskeard PL14 3ET Tel: 01579 346993 LISKEARD EVENTIDE HOME 14 Castle Street, Liskeard PL14 3AU Tel: 01579 342676 Advert below





RNID ACTION ON HEARING LOSS 16 PENDEAN COURT Barras Cross, Liskeard PL14 6DZ Tel: 01579 340201


PENDREA HOUSE 14 Westheath Avenue, Bodmin PL31 1QH Tel: 01208 74338


LISKEARD EVENTIDE HOME The aim of the Home is to provide a warm, friendly atmosphere where Residents can retain their independence and privacy. Residents are encouraged to continue with their interests and activities, with the security of care from experienced well-trained staff. We also offer day-care and respite care to individuals over the age of 65 years.

Tel: 01579 342676 14 Castle Street, Liskeard, PL14 3AU

w w w. l i s ke a rd e ve n t i d e h o m e . c o . u k



OLD VICARAGE CARE HOME Antony, Torpoint PL11 3AQ Tel: 01752 812384 PEN INNEY HOUSE Lenwannick PL15 7QD Tel: 01566 782318

KINGSLEIGH HOUSE 15–17 Culver Road, Saltash PL12 4DP Tel: 01752 848913


MICHAEL BATT FOUNDATION (VALUED LIFE PROJECTS) - 13 LONGMEADOW ROAD 13 Longmeadow Road, Saltash PL12 6DW Tel: 01752 310531

KILKHAMPTON LODGE Kilkhmpton Road, Kilkhampton, Bude EX23 9PA LDA MH YA Tel: 01288 321129





PENGOVER Pengover Road, Liskeard PL14 3EN Tel: 01579 343397 Advert inside front cover OP D MH

Tre-Heights Residential Care Home Ltd > Residential Care (65+) > Respite Care > Convalescent Care > Physiotherapy > GP

> Close to local shops > Public transport > Gardens for residents > Pets by arrangement > Wheelchair access

Tel: 01208 863471 Email: Trebetherick, Wade bridge, Cornwall PL27 6SB

Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Advertisers are highlighted


This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

East Cornwall care homes continued PENLEA 13 Dunheved Road, Launceston PL15 9JE Tel: 01566 775943


PENMOUNT GRANGE Lanivet, Bodmin PL30 5JE Tel: 01208 831220


PORTE ROUGE CARE HOME Vicarage Road, Torpoint PL11 2EP Tel: 01752 814469


RED GABLES 59 Killerton Road, Bude EX23 8EW Tel: 01288 355250


RESTGARTH Langreek Lane, Polperro PL13 2PW Tel: 01503 272016 ROSEACRE St Winnolls, Polbathic, Torpoint PL11 3DX Tel: 01503 230256



ROSLYN HOUSE 68 Molesworth Street, Wadebridge PL27 7DS Tel: 01208 815489


ROWAN HOUSE RESIDENTIAL HOME 4 Lower Port View, Saltash PL12 4BY Tel: 01752 843843 OP D PD LDA MH SI YA AD SERPELLS MEADOW, 18 Polyphant, Launceston PL15 7PR Tel: 01566 880340


SPRINGFIELD HOUSE RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME North Hill, Launceston PL15 7PQ Tel: 01566 782361 OP D MH ST ANNE’S Plougastel Drive, Callington Road, Saltash PL12 6DJ Tel: 01752 847001 OP D ST ANNE’S RESIDENTIAL HOME Whitstone, Holsworthy, Devon EX22 6UA Tel: 01288 341355 ST ANTHONY’S RESIDENTIAL HOME LTD Station Road, Liskeard PL14 4BY Tel: 01579 342308



ST BREOCK Whiterock, Wadebridge PL27 7NN Tel: 01208 812246 Advert inside front cover OP D MH

ST BRIDGET’S CARE HOME 64 St Nicholas Street, Bodmin PL31 1AG Tel: 01208 78170


ST PETROC’S CARE HOME St Nicholas Street, Bodmin PL31 1AG Tel: 01208 761520


ST TEATH SITE Trehannick Road, St Teath, Bodmin PL30 3LG Tel: 01208 851462


STONEYBRIDGE COTTAGE Pengover Road, Liskeard PL14 3NH Tel: 01579 348774


TAMARA HOUSE Thanckes Close, Torpoint PL11 2RA Tel: 01752 813527


TRE-HEIGHTS RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME LTD Trebetherick, Wadebridge PL27 6SB Tel: 01208 863471 Advert page 68 TREGERTHA COURT CARE HOME Station Road, Looe PL13 1HN Tel: 01503 262014 Advert page 66 TREMANSE HOUSE CARE HOME 94 Fore Street, Bodmin PL31 2HR Tel: 01208 74717




TREVANION HOUSE HOLIDAYS LTD Trevanion Road, Wadebridge PL27 7PA Tel: 01208 814903


TREZELA HOUSE 23 Egloshayle Road, Wadebridge PL27 6AD OP D LDA MH YA Tel: 01208 813756 UDAL GARTH 2 North Road, Torpoint PL11 2DH Tel: 01752 815999


WHITE HOUSE CARE HOME, THE 40 Castle Street, Bodmin PL31 2DU Tel: 01208 72310 WOODLANDS Well Park Road, Drakewalls, Gunnislake PL18 9ED Tel: 01822 832451



Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Advertisers are highlighted

Visit for further assistance with your search for care


East Cornwall care homes with nursing ASHEBOROUGH HOUSE CARE CENTRE St Stephens, Saltash PL12 4AP Tel: 01752 845206 BEAUMONT COURT North Petherwin, Launceston PL15 8LR Tel: 01566 785350



PENGOVER Pengover Road, Liskeard PL14 3EN Tel: 01579 343397 Advert inside front cover OP D MH ROSEWOOD HOUSE Polyphant, Launceston PL15 7PU Tel: 01566 880340


BEECH LAWN NURSING AND RESIDENTIAL HOME 45 Higher Lux Street, Liskeard PL14 3JX OP D PD MH Tel: 01579 346460

ST THERESA’S NURSING HOME St Therese Close, Callington PL17 7QF Tel: 01579 383488 Advert page 66


BELMONT HOUSE NURSING HOME Love Lane, Bodmin PL31 2BL Tel: 01208 75057

TAMAR HOUSE NURSING HOME 175 Old Ferry Road, Saltash PL12 6BN Tel: 01752 843579



CARITATE NURSING HOME Laninval House, Treningle Hill, Bodmin PL30 5JU Tel: 01208 75628


TORPOINT NURSING CENTRE Vicarage Road, Torpoint PL11 2BW Tel: 01752 813677


CASTLE HILL HOUSE CARE HOME WITH NURSING Castle Street, Bodmin PL31 2DY OP D PD Tel: 01208 73802

TRELANA Poughill, Bude EX23 9EL Tel: 01288 354613

CEDAR GRANGE Advert inside front cover Cross Lanes, Lanstephen, Launceston PL15 8JN OP D PD MH Tel: 01566 773049

TREWISTON LODGE NURSING HOME St Minver, Wadebridge PL27 6PU Tel: 01208 863488

CHYVARHAS Advert inside front cover 22 Saltash Road, Callington PL17 7EF OP D PD LDA MH SI YA AD Tel: 01579 383104 ELMS CARE CENTRE, THE 108 Grenfell Avenue, Saltash PL12 4JE Tel: 01752 846335 HILLCREST HOUSE Barbican Road, East Looe PL13 1NN Tel: 01503 265151




TREZELA HOUSE 23 Egloshayle Road, Wadebridge PL27 6AD OP D LDA MH YA Tel: 01208 813756 WINDMILL COURT St Minver, Wadebridge PL27 6RD Tel: 01208 863831



KERNOW HOUSE Landlake Road, Launceston PL15 9HP Tel: 01566 461160 Advert page 64 MALVERN HOUSE 10 St Stephen’s Road, Saltash PL12 4BG Tel: 01752 842463 PENDRUCCOMBE HOUSE 23 Tavistock Road, Launceston PL15 9HF Tel: 01566 776800





Service OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism User Bands MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol or drugs Advertisers are highlighted


This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Useful local contacts

Advertisers are in bold

Age UK Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Aims to improve the lives of all older people by helping to solve problems and offering advice. Boscawen House, Chapel Hill, Truro TR1 3BN Tel: 01872 266388 Age UK national advice: 0800 169 6565 Web:

• health and well-being; • work, learning and volunteering; • advice, information and money matters; • staying safe; • caring for someone; and • housing and care homes. Web:

Alzheimer’s Society, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Works to improve the quality of life of people affected by dementia. Woodbine Farm Business Centre Threemilestone, Truro, Cornwall TR3 6BW Tel: 01872 277963 Email: Dementia Local Helpline: 01872 277963 Dementia Support Service: 01872 277963 National Helpline: 0300 222 1122 National Helpline is open from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and Saturday and Sunday 10.00am to 4.00pm. The service may be closed occasionally during these times for operational reasons or because of staff shortage. Callers speak to trained Helpline Advisers. Web:

Cornwall Mental Health A one stop shop for all mental health services in Cornwall, for public and professionals alike. Contains the Cornwall Mental Health Directory. Web:

Carers’ Break Service Information, support and services to carers, concerned family and friends. Community Centre, South Terrace, Camborne TR14 8SU Tel: 01209 614767 Citizens Advice Bureau Practical, reliable, up-to-date information on a wide range of topics. Cornwall-wide telephone Advice Centre: 0344 411 1444 Monday to Friday 10.00am to 4.00pm Cornwall Community Directory If you use adult social care, health care or other services, or if you fund your own support, or simply wish to find out more about what services and events are provided in your local community, you can find information and advice in a single website, covering: • support at home; • leisure activities; • getting around;

Cornwall Mobility Centre Specialist services and equipment for people throughout the South West Peninsula to help with independent mobility. Tehidy House, RCH (Treliske), Truro TR1 3LJ Tel: 01872 254920 Web: Cornwall Rural Community Council A Cornish charity that promotes the needs of rural communities and runs services for carers, people with mental health conditions, children and young people. 2 Prince’s Street, Truro TR1 2ES Tel: 01872 273952 Web: DIAL (Disability Information and Advice Line) Cornwall Pan-disability telephone support service. Guildford Road Industrial Estate, Hayle TR27 4QZ Tel: 01736 759500 Direct Payments Team Part of Education, Health and Social Care. Contact the Access and Assessment Team for specific advice about Direct Payments. Tel: 0300 123 4131 Disability Cornwall Aims to empower disabled people to achieve independence, choice and control. Units 1G and H, Guildford Road Industrial Estate Guildford Road, Hayle TR27 4QZ Tel: 01736 756655 Web:

Visit for further assistance with your search for care


Education, Health and Social Care Cornwall Council headquarters County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY Tel: 0300 123 4131 Email: Web: Enquiries about all Council services can be made at any of the One Stop Shops listed on page 73. Copies of this Directory are available from many of them as well. Enable in Cornwall Support for adults with disabilities. Tel: 01726 890711 Web: Hearing Loss Cornwall (previously Cornwall Deaf Association) Supports deaf and hard of hearing people in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. 3 Walsingham Place, Truro TR1 2RP Tel: 01872 225868 Textphone: 01872 263664 Web: Mental Health Carers’ Support Workers Provides support, information, advocacy and a listening ear and helps carers gain access to benefits and support groups. Community Centre, South Terrace Camborne TR14 8SU Tel: 01209 613456 Email: Outlook South West Offers a range of psychological therapies to people aged 16+ registered with a GP practice in Cornwall. They are free to access and include everything from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and traditional counselling services, to the latest evidence-based treatments. 2D Restormel Estate, Lostwithiel PL22 0HG Patient Line: 01208 871905 General enquiries: 01208 871414 Web: PALS (Patient Advice Liaison Service) For comments, compliments and complaints about NHS services. Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, Truro TR1 3LJ


Tel: 01872 252793 Email: Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust Main switchboard: 01872 250000 Web: Royal Cornwall Hospital Truro TR1 3LJ Tel: 01872 250000 St Michael’s Hospital Trelissick Road, Hayle TR27 4JA Tel: 01736 753234 West Cornwall Hospital St Clare Street, Penzance TR18 2PF Tel: 01736 874000 Self - Care in Cornwall An NHS website that provides a single portal of support and information to those with longterm conditions and healthcare professionals supporting them in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. Tel: 01726 627800 Web: Shared Lives South West A social care service that enables people with a learning disability or mental health issues, older people, parents with a learning disability and people with dementia to get support in the ordinary homes of its approved carers. Trewellard Farm, Wheal Rose, Scorrier, Redruth TR16 5DH Tel: 01209 891888 Email: Transport Access People (TAP) TAP is a subsidiary of Age UK Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly. Help to get around in Cornwall provided by a fleet of minibuses and over 260 volunteer drivers. Nominal charges apply to cover the volunteers’ fuel costs. Tel: 01872 223388 Tremorvah Industries Endeavour to match the best mobility equipment to people’s needs and aspirations. Unit 8, Threemilestone Industrial Estate Truro TR4 9LD Tel: 01872 324340 Opening hours: Monday to Thursday, 8:30am to 4:30pm and Friday, 8:30am to 4.00pm

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

One Stop Shops

Helston Isaac House, Tyacke Road TR13 8RR

One Stop Shops are located in major towns across Cornwall. Specialists will be able to advise you on all Council services, including how the Department of Education, Health and Social Care can help you with your search for care. Education, Health and Social Care have a dedicated referral team, who can be contacted on 0300 123 4131. General enquiries are also welcome by email at

Launceston Bounsalls Lane PL15 9AB

Bodmin Bodmin Library, Lower Bore Street PL31 2JX Bude The Library, The Wharf EX23 8LG Callington The Town Hall, New Road PL17 7BE Camborne Dolcoath Avenue TR14 8SX Camelford The Library, Town Hall, Market Place PL32 9PD Falmouth 34 Church Street TR11 3EF Fowey The Library, Caffa Mill House, 2 Passage Lane PL23 1JS Hayle The Library, Commercial Road TR27 4DE

Liskeard Luxstowe House, Greenbank Road PL14 3DZ Looe The Library, Millpool PL13 2AF Newquay Marcus Hill TR7 1AF Penryn Saracen House, Higher Market Street TR10 8HU Penzance St Clare TR18 3QW Redruth The Library, Clinton Road TR15 2QE St Austell 39 Penwinnick Road PL25 5DR St Ives The Library, Gabriel Street TR26 2LX Saltash The Library, Callington Road PL12 6DX Torpoint The Library, Fore Street PL11 2AG Truro Carrick House, Pydar Street TR1 1EB Wadebridge Higher Trenant Road PL27 6TW

Useful national contacts Action on Elder Abuse (AEA) Works to protect, and prevent the abuse of, vulnerable older adults. Helpline: 0808 808 8141 Email: Web: Age UK (the combined Age Concern and Help the Aged) National helpline: 0800 169 6565 Email: Web:

Association of Charity Officers A national umbrella body for benevolent charities. Tel: 01707 651777 Email: Web: British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) Committed to improving the quality of life for people with a learning disability. Tel: 0121 415 6960 Email: Web:

Visit for further assistance with your search for care


Care Choices’ helpline Free, independent information and help. Searchable care provision website. Tel: 0800 389 2077 Web: Care Quality Commission Independent regulator of care services in England. Tel: 03000 616161 Email: Web: Carers Trust Works to improve support, services and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring, unpaid, for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction issues. Tel: 0844 800 4361 Email: Web: Carers UK The voice of carers. Advice line: 0808 808 7777 Email: Web: Elderly Accommodation Counsel Help older people make informed choices about meeting their housing and care needs. Free advice line: 0800 377 7070 Email: Web: Friends of the Elderly A charity that supports older people who have a range of practical needs. Tel: 0207 730 8263 Email: Web: Independent Age Produce a wide range of guides and factsheets for older people, their families and carers. Advice line: 0800 319 6789 Email: Web:


National Activity Providers Association (NAPA) Promotes the importance of activities for older people. Tel: 0207 078 9375 Email: Web: Pension Service, The Provides information about pensions and other pensioner benefits. Web: POhWER An independent advocacy agency. Tel: 0300 456 2370 (charged at local rate) Email: Web: Registered Nursing Home Association (RNHA) Campaigns for high standards in nursing home care. Tel: 0121 451 1088 Email: Web: Relatives and Residents Association, The Exists for older people needing, or living in, residential care and the families and friends left behind. Advice line: 0207 359 8136 Email: Web: SANE Saneline: for advice on mental health issues. Tel: 0845 767 8000 between 6.00pm and 11.00pm (any day of the year). Web: Silver Line, The A 24-hour telephone befriending and advice line. Tel: 0800 470 8090 Web: United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA) Professional association of home care providers from the independent, voluntary, not-for-profit and statutory sectors. Helpline: 0208 288 5291 Email: Web:

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care


Advertisers are in bold

Home care providers

A A Caring Touch Allied Healthcare Ansom Home Care Limited Averlea Domiciliary Care

Hartley Home Care 33 33 33 33


Help at Home Care Service


H F Trust – Cornwall DCA


H F Trust – St Austell



Hillcrest Kernow


Home Instead Senior Care

C Calton House Ltd Carers Break Community Interest Company Caresta Ltd Carol Spinks Homecare Celtic Care Choice Care Cornwall Comfort Care (Truro) Ltd Cornwall DCA

33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33

33 33

E East Cornwall & Plymouth DCA Eirenikon Park Residential Home Elms, The European Lifestyles (South West) Ltd

33 33 33 33

F Falcare 33 Forget-Me-Not Homecare Services 35 Four Seasons Community Care 35

G Greenbank Care Green Light Personal Care

Harbour Home Care

Pendennis Domiciliary Care


Pendrea Home Care


Penhellis Community Care Ltd 36


Penwith Care Limited


Phoenix Care Cornwall Ltd



PRC Outreach Services


Premier Healthcare Solutions 36 35

Kerrier Homecare


L 35

Lifeways Community Care Limited 35

Proper Care (Cornwall) Ltd


Prospects for People with Learning Disabilities


Purple Balm Truro Branch


Q Qura Brain Injury Services



Livability Lifestyle Choices South West


Regal Care

Live Life Care Ltd


Restgarth 36



Restgarth Care Limited


Right Nurse Care Services


Rowans Domiciliary Agency

36 37

Mencap – East Cornwall Support Service


Miner’s Court Extra Care


RV Care Services Ltd

Moorecare Home Care


Morwenner Care



MSS Care


Scope Community Activities Cornwall 37

My Choice


Scope Inclusion South West


South Western Homecare


Spectrum Domiciliary Care Service


Stay at Home Limited


N Network Health and Social Care


Newcross Healthcare Solutions Ltd


North Hill Homecare


Nursefinders 36 Nurse Plus & Carer Plus UK Ltd


35 35



Old Roselyon Domiciliary Care Agency, The 36


Pendeen Community Care Ltd 36


Kernow Home Care Ltd

Lanhydrock Care


Pentowan Home Care


D D.O.V.E. Project, The Duchy Care

Hayle 35 Heart of the South Care Agency Ltd

B Bluebird Care Bowden-Derra Domiciliary Support Services


Oasis Community Care Ltd


St Margaret’s Community Care Services Ltd 37 Supported Living


Supporting You in Cornwall


T Taylors of Grampound Ltd


Thyme Care Ltd


TLC Domiciliary Care Agency


Visit for further assistance with your search for care


Advertisers are in bold

Home care providers continued Torcare Domiciliary Service 37 Trelawney Domiciliary Care Limited 37 37 TrewCare Limited




Westcountry Home Care T/A Alexandra’s 37

United Care Concepts Limited 37

West Cornwall Support Service 37

White River Homecare

Westcountry Home Care Bude 37

Victoria Community Care (Cornwall) Ltd

Westcountry Home Care Ltd



WestCountry Home Care T/A A & D Community Care 37


Care homes and care homes with nursing providers



Acorn Park Lodge 56 56 Albany House Alexandra Nursing Home 65 Amberley House Care Home 65 Antron Manor Care Home 56 67 Appleby Lodge Appledown 56 56 Ar-Lyn Residential Home Asheborough House 70 Care Centre Atlantis Care Home 67 61 Averlea Residential Home

Caprera 61, 65 Caritate Nursing Home 70 Carrick 65 Carrick Lodge 56 Castle Hill House Care Home 70 With Nursing Cathedral View House 65 Cedar Grange 70 56 Chy An Towans Chy Byghan Residential Home 56 Chy Keres 67 Chy Koes 61 Chylidn 59 Chypons Residential Home 56 Chyvarhas 67, 70 Clann House 67 Clinton House Nursing Home 65 Clovelly House Care Home 61 Clubworthy House 67 Coach House, The 56 Collamere Nursing Home 65 Coombe House Residential Home 67 Copper Beeches Lodge 61 Cornwall Care Respite Services 56 Cornwallis Nursing Home 59 Courtlands Care Home 56 Cowbridge Nursing Home 65 Crantock Lodge Residential Home 61 Crescent Residential Care Home, The 61

B Barnfield House 67 Bawden Manor Farm 61 Beach, The 61 Beaumont Court 70 59 Beeches, The Beech Lawn Nursing and Residential Home 70 Belmont House Nursing Home 70 Benoni Nursing Home Ltd 59 Bigwig House 61 Blackwood 56 Boisdale House 67 Bonaer Care Home 59 Bosence Farm 56 Bos Y’n Dre 61 Bowden-Derra Park 67 Brake Manor, The 61 Breage House 56


Cromarty House 67 Cross Keys 61 Crossroads House Care Home 56

D Downes Residential Care Home, The


E East Wheal Rose 61 Eirenikon Park Residential Home 67 Eldon House Residential Home 67 Elms Care Centre, The 70 Elmslea Care Home 67 Elmsleigh Care Home 65 Eshcol House Nursing Home 65 Eventide Residential Home Ltd 67

F Fairfield Country Rest Home 67 Fairfield House 56 Fairholme 59 Fair View 56 Fernleigh House 67

G Garden House Garsewednack Residential Home Glencoe Care Home Godolphin House Care Home Green, The Grove, The

67 56 59 56 56 61

This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

Advertisers are in bold

Care homes and care homes with nursing providers continued

H Harbour House 56 Headlands 56 Heightlea 61 Helebridge House 68 Highdowns Residential Home 56 Higher Keason Care Home 68 Highermead Care Home 68 Highpoint Lodge 68 Hillcrest 56 Hillcrest House 70 Hillsborough Residential Home 68 Hollies, The 61 Hollybush Residential Home 61 Huthnance Park 57

Menwinnion Country House 57 Michael Batt Foundation (Valued Life Projects) 13 Longmeadow Road 68 Montrose Barn 63 Morovahview Residential Home 57 Mountford 65 Mount Pleasant Care Home (St Agnes) 63 Mount Pleasant House (Camborne) 57 Myrtle Cottage 63

Ismeer 61



I Kenwyn 65 Kernou Residential Home 61 Kernow House 70 Kilkhampton Lodge 68 Kilmar House 68 Kimberley Court 61 King Charles Court 59 Kingsleigh House 68 Kingston House 68

L Langholme 57 Lilena Residential Care Home 61 Liskeard Eventide Home 68 Littlecroft 61 Little Trefewha Care Home 57 Longview Care Home Ltd 61 Lowena 61 Lowenac 57 Lowenva Care 61 Lyndhurst 57

M Malvern House Manor House Manse, The Marray House Menna House

70 68 63 68 63

Ocean Hill Lodge Residential Care Home Old Manor House, The Old Roselyon Manor Nursing Home, The Old Vicarage Care Home

Q Qumran Rest Home

N Nak Centre, The Newquay Nursing and Residential Home New Witheven North Hill House

Perran Bay Care Home 63 Philiphaugh Manor 63 Pines, The 57 Pine Trees Care Centre 57 Poldhu 59 Polventon Residential Care Home 57 Ponsandane 59 Porte Rouge Care Home 69 Porthgwara Nursing Home 59

63 65 68 65

63 57 67 68

P Parc Vro Residential Home 57 Penberthy 63 Penbownder House 68 Pendarves 57 Pendarves Residential Care Home 57 Pendrea House 68 Pendruccombe House 70 Pengover 68, 70 Penhellis Nursing Home 59 Pen Inney House 68 Penlea 69 Penlee Residential Care Home 57 Penmeneth House 57 Penmount Grange 69 Penrice House 63 Penrose Farm 63 Pentire 63 Pentree Lodge Residential Care Home 63


R Redannick 63 Red Gables 69 Restgarth 69 Richmond House 57 Ridgewood 57 Ridgewood Lodge 57 RNID Action on Hearing Loss 16 Pendean Court 68 Roscarrack House 57 Roseacre 69 Rosedene House 57 Rosehill House Residential Home 63 Rose House 57 Roseland Care Ltd 67 Rosemerryn 58 Rosewarne 58 Rosewarne Care 58 Rosewood House 70 Roslyn House 69 Rowan House Residential Home 69 Rowans Residential Care Home 63

S Sansigra Care Home 67 September Lodge 63 Serpells Meadow, 18 69 Sheldon House Nursing Home 58, 59 Silverdale 58 Springfield House 63 Springfield House Residential Care Home 69

Visit for further assistance with your search for care


Advertisers are in bold

Care homes and care homes with nursing providers continued St Anne’s 69 St Anne’s Residential Home 69 St Anthony’s Residential Home Ltd 69 St Breock 69 St Bridget’s Care Home 69 St Clair House 58 St Erme Campus 63 St George’s Hotel Care Home 63 St Margaret’s Nursing Home 67 St Martin’s 59 St Mary’s Haven Residential 58 St Mary’s Haven Respite 58 St Petroc’s Care Home 69 St Teath Site 69 St Teresa’s Care Home With Nursing 59 St Theresa’s Nursing Home 70 Station Villa 58 Stoneybridge Cottage 69 Sunningdale House 63 Sunnydene 63

T Tamara House


Tamar House Nursing Home 70 Tanglewood 63 Tarrant House 63 Tolverth House 58 Torpoint Nursing Centre 70 Tramways 64 Tre-Heights Residential Care Home Ltd 69 Trecarrel Care Home 64 Trefula House 59 Trefusis 58 Tregarne 64 Tregenna House 59 Tregertha Court Care Home 69 Tregolls Manor 64 Trelana 70 Trelawney 64 Trelawney House 58 Trelowen 64 Tremanse House Care Home 69 Tremethick House 58 Trengrouse 59 Treseder House 64 Tresillian Residential Home 64 Tresleigh 65

Trevanion House Holidays Ltd 69 Trevarna 67 Trevaylor Manor 59 Trevean Gardens, 22–25 58 Trevern 59 Trewartha 59 Trewiston Lodge Nursing Home 70 Trewithen 58 Trezela House 69, 70

U Udal Garth


W Wentworth Residential Home 65 White House Care Home, The 69 White House, The 58 Willows, The 65 Windmill Court 70 Woodland 65 Woodlands 69 Woodside Farm House 65

Z Zion House


Other advertisers Barchester 64 Care Choices website 32, 49 Cornwall Care Inside front cover & 34

Guinness Care & Support Morleigh Group Wiltshire Farm Foods

32 66 Outside back cover

Care Choices Limited has taken every care to ensure that the information contained in this Directory is accurate. The company cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions or if a home varies from the facilities listed either in an advertisement or the listings. Care Choices Limited does not endorse or support any particular institution included in the Directory. © 2015 Care Choices Limited. Care Choices Limited reserves all rights in the titles Care Choices and HOMES Directories and their design. Care Choices™ is a trademark of Care Choices Limited. ISBN 978-1-910362-46-4 Printed in England. Ref. No: 4001/Cornwall22/0515. Reproduction of any part of this publication in any form without the written permission of Care Choices Limited is prohibited. This publication is available free of charge from Cornwall Council and Cornwall Council’s One Stop Shops (see page 73). Published by: Care Choices Limited, Valley Court, Lower Road, Croydon, Nr Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 0HF. Tel: 01223 207770. Publisher: Robert Chamberlain. Director of Sales: David Werthmann. Head of Editorial: Emma Morriss. Editor: Alistair Robertson. Assistant Editor: Emma Cooper. National Sales Manager: Paul Leahy. Regional Team Manager: Russell Marsh. Senior Sales Executives: Debbie Feetham, Elaine Green, Rachel Joseph. Sales Executives: Steve Howett, Vanessa Ryder. Director of Creative Operations: Lisa Werthmann. Assistant Production Manager: Jamie Harvey. Designer: Holly Cornell. Creative Artworkers: Gemma Cook, Kathryn Regan. Distribution: David Mulry.


This Directory’s helpline 0800 389 2077 – information on choosing and paying for care

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