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Local authority contribution towards care in private sector care homes
resident, if you live in a care home that provides nursing care, you may be entitled to a non-means-tested NHS-Funded Nursing Care Contribution (FNC) of £209.19 per week as of April 2022, although subject to change from April 2023, towards the cost of your nursing care. This is usually paid directly to the home by the NHS and is used as part payment towards the overall fee.
NHS Continuing Healthcare
If you are eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC), you can receive the services you need in any setting, including your own home or in a care home. The NHS will pay if you need healthcare from a community nurse or a therapist as well as personal care to help you at home or in a care home or care home with nursing.
Whatever your circumstances:
• Your assessment will be made up of two elements, care and finances.
• If your partner still lives at home, they will not be means tested in relation to your fees. If you have a private pension, you may pass on 50% to your
partner at home and only half will be considered when you are assessed. However, you will need to consider the effect this would have on any benefit claims your partner makes after you move into care, as it may reduce their entitlement to other financial help. • A care home with nursing will generally be more expensive than a care home which offers personal care only.
Remember to seek benefits advice and consider claiming: • Universal Credit (if you are under pension age). • Pension Credit (if you are over pension age). • Attendance Allowance (if you are over 65). • Personal Independence Payment (if you are under 65).
For more information on paying for care if you own a property, please see our factsheets titled ‘Paying for residential care’ and ‘Deferred Payment Scheme’ at:
We appreciate that the current financial climate in the care sector is challenging. It is recognised that considerable pressure exists, both for those who purchase and those who provide care home placements.
Where we can assist with funding support, the fee rates that we might expect to pay for certain types of care are listed on page 45. Complex or variable needs are assessed individually and can attract additional funding.
Fees charged by some homes may be higher than we can pay for reasons other than complex or variable needs. It is important to appreciate that independent sector care homes can decide how much they charge for accommodation and care.
Funding arrangements can be complex so please seek advice via Call Derbyshire in addition to independent financial and legal advice. See page 9 for more information. Whilst we can offer help in negotiating a fee on your behalf, the care home can decide to change its charges from time to time, such as if you decide to move rooms or if your financial circumstances change.
If you are concerned about any potential future changes in the amount you may have to pay, particularly in relation to top-up fees, you should discuss this with your adult social care worker at the earliest opportunity.