Dementia Friendly Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland 2022

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Is it dementia? Symptoms and diagnosis Many people live well for a long time and have good memory; however, it isn’t unusual to notice some memory changes over time. It can be difficult to tell whether memory changes are actually a symptom of dementia or just what some like to call ‘senior moments.’ Arrange a follow-up appointment to cover social services, intervention therapies, and face-to-face peer support for both the person diagnosed with dementia and their carer.

At some point in their lives, most people have forgotten an appointment, lost their keys or had trouble putting a name to a face. However, if these occasions are becoming more frequent, or it is becoming increasingly difficult to recall certain things, they may be symptoms of an underlying condition, particularly if other changes are happening at the same time. According to Alzheimer’s Society, people with dementia experience the symptoms of the condition in different ways. However, common symptoms can include: • Memory lapses, such as struggling to remember recent events. • Difficulty taking in new information. • Losing the track of conversations or TV programmes. • Being unable to remember names, people or items.


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