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Carers in East Sussex

provider can be contacted directly to arrange for a care worker to look after them while the carer is out, or to accompany the carer and the person being cared for to an appointment.

Please tell the provider as soon as possible if an appointment is changed or cancelled.

To find out more, use the following contact details.

East Sussex – Care for the Carers

Tel: 01323 738390 Email: info@cftc.org.uk Web: cftc.org.uk

Brighton & Hove – Carers Hub

Tel: 01273 977000 Email: info@carershub.co.uk Web: carershub.co.uk

Carers’ Card

The East Sussex Carers’ Card is free to all carers looking after someone in East Sussex. It enables carers to set up an emergency plan with the Carers’ Respite Emergency Support Scheme (CRESS), to include up to three people who could provide shortterm support in an emergency.

Carers can register their CRESS plan either by contacting Care for the Carers, via Adult Social Care as part of a carers’ assessment, or by completing the online form. Visit


Once registered, carers are given a card to carry with them which includes a 24/7 contact number to activate their plan at any time.

The East Sussex Carers’ Card also offers carers savings and discounts at a variety of retail and leisure venues in East Sussex. Businesses that take part in the scheme may display a Carers’ Card sticker in their window. A directory listing all the offers is available at cftc.org.uk

If you would like more information, or to apply for a Carers’ Card, contact Care for the Carers.

Care for the Carers

The independent carers’ centre for East Sussex supporting unpaid carers of all ages. It is the single point of access for local carer services and can help with:

• information, advice and guidance;

• help to access a range of support from other organisations, including a free accredited counselling service; and • hosting support groups and activities.

Getting in touch with services or connecting with other carers can help to reduce the isolation carers might experience in their role.

Care for the Carers

Tel: 01323 738390 • Text: 07860 077300 Email: info@cftc.org.uk • Web: cftc.org.uk

Young Carers

East Sussex Young Carers (ESYC) supports the most vulnerable young carers aged 5 to 18 who are responsible for caring for a family member with a long-term illness or disability, prioritising mental health or drug/alcohol misuse.

Tel: 0300 111 1110 Email: info@eastsussexyoungcarers.org.uk Web: eastsussexyoungcarers.org.uk Twitter: @imagocommunity

Carers do not require a needs assessment to access carers’ support. The East Sussex Adult Social Care leaflet ‘Do you look after someone?’ has more information and support available for carers in East Sussex. Visit eastsussex.gov.uk/factsheets

Amaze Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)

Amaze SENDIASS is for parents and young people living or going to school in East Sussex living with SEND. It can offer advice on anything to do with SEND, including education, health and social care. Visit amazesussex.org.uk

General help and information for carers can be found at carersuk.org/help-and-advice

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