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Welcome to this edition of the independent Essex and Southend-on-Sea Care Services Directory, which contains information for adults looking for care or support within the county, whether they are paying for care themselves or receiving support from their council.

Staying as independent as possible is important to everybody. This Directory contains information about the care and support services available to enable you to do this when remaining at home, moving into a housing with care scheme, or within a care home or care home with nursing.

If you feel you need support to remain independent, first look to your community. There’s a host of organisations and voluntary services that could help you.

If you think you need more formal care and support, arrange an assessment with your local adult social care department to establish your specific needs. This is free, irrespective of your income, and available to all those who appear to need care and support. More details are provided on page 14. The assessment will determine whether you are eligible for financial support via a Personal Budget, which may allow you to buy in your own support and take control of your situation.

Alternatively, your circumstances may mean you are classed as a ‘self-funder’, with the means to pay for your care. This is discussed on page 22 for those paying for care at home and page 62 for those paying for residential care.

Support or care to remain living in your own home may be the option that best suits your circumstances. Ideas to make life easier at home start on page 7 and a list of local home care providers begins on page 29.

If you are unable to remain at home, you may want to consider a housing with care scheme (see page 53) or residential care. Comprehensive lists of care homes and care homes with nursing in the area start on page 69. There’s also important information about care decisions, including finding care in another county, making a comment or complaint about a service and how solicitors can help you.

Essex County Council Adult Social Care

Tel: 0345 603 7630 Email: socialcaredirect@essex.gov.uk Web: www.essex.gov.uk/topic/adult-social-


Southend-on-Sea City Council Adult Social Care

Tel: 01702 215008 Email: council@southend.gov.uk Web: www.southend.gov.uk/social-care

Advisers and contributors

Alzheimer’s Society Essex – Leanne Dovey and Kathy Cohen Essex Care Association South Essex Care and Health Association

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