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Search for care in your area

With so many providers to choose from, where do you start?

• Find care providers quickly and easily

• Search by location and care need

• Information on care quality

• Links to inspection reports

• Additional information, photos and web links

• Brochure requests

Some care homes provide both residential and nursing care. These are known as ‘dual-registered’ homes. The advantage of these homes is that if your needs increase, you can continue to receive the right level of care without having to move to another home.

Out-of-county care homes

If you choose to move to a new local authority area and, before you move, you have been assessed as eligible for support from Gloucestershire County Council, please discuss this before you make any arrangements. Most local authorities will usually only pay care home fees that are the same as the fees that the local authority where you are moving to would pay.

If the care home that you would like to move to is more expensive than this, the council will offer you an alternative home at a fee that it will agree to pay, or you may have someone who could ‘top up’ the difference for you. For more information, see page 55.

If you are paying for your care yourself, you should contact the local authority in the area that you are moving to, so they can support you with advice. It’s important to find out about the support your new local authority could give you if, in the future, you need help to pay the care home fees.

Any support from the council with paying the cost of a care home will be means-tested. For more information, see page below. Alternatively, visit www.yourcircle.org.uk and search for ‘care home’, ‘paying for care’ or use the Information A-Z tab on the menu bar.

If you paid for your own care at the time that you moved, any help that you need in the future with paying for your care will need to come from the local authority in the area you moved to. Contact the Adult Social Care Helpdesk (see page 32) if you have care and support needs and are considering moving in or out of the county. Alternatively, visit www.gloucestershire.gov.uk

For information on care provision in other regions, visit www.carechoices.co.uk

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