Live Well Oxfordshire Support and Care Guide for Adults 2021/22

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Health and wellbeing One You Modern life can sometimes make it hard to be healthy. But it’s never too late to improve your health – making small lifestyle changes such as eating well, drinking less alcohol, dealing with stress, can double your chances of being healthy at 70 and beyond. Our busy lives often mean that our own health is at the bottom of our list of priorities.

One You is here to remind you that your health matters. A good way to start is to take the free One You health quiz, ‘How Are You’. This provides personalised recommendations based on your results and directs you to tools and offers to help you take action where it’s most needed. Visit

Keeping healthy and fit Staying active Being regularly active helps to prevent diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Other benefits of staying active: • improves co-ordination, flexibility and muscle strength, which can help to reduce the risk of falls; • helps to ease depression and anxiety and improves sleep patterns; • helps to reduce high blood pressure; and • helps you maintain an ideal weight and can help with weight loss. Make activity part of your daily routine; once it’s a habit it’s easy to maintain and there are so many different ways to get active. Health walks are short, organised walks, led by trained volunteers from the local community. Health walks can improve both physical and mental health by offering a safe, friendly and supported environment where everyone can walk at their own pace. For more information on walking for health, visit There may be restrictions due to COVID-19 so please check with the organisers first. Generation Games is Oxfordshire’s activity network for the over 50s. This free service will create a

personal programme of activities for you, provide support and help to ensure your safety. For more information about signing up and Generation Games activities offered in your local area, visit If the classes are suspended due to COVID-19 restrictions, there are lots of exercise videos on the website. If you would like more information on fitness activities available across Oxfordshire, visit Whatever your fitness level, do what you can at home to stay as active as possible. NHS Health Checks The free NHS Health Check aims to help you lower your risk of developing common but often preventable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and some forms of dementia. The free check will be carried out by a healthcare assistant at your GP practice. You don’t have to wait to be invited but you do have to be eligible. If you are between 40 and 74, contact your GP practice to find out. The check will take around 20 to 30 minutes: • you will be asked some simple questions about your family history, whether you smoke and how much alcohol you drink; 

To find more information about care and support services visit


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