Information and advice There are lots of useful services and organisations that can help you remain independent and well. Sometimes it can be difficult to find information to help you decide what is best for you. The information in this Guide can help you discover what support there is to help you stay independent and what’s available in your local community. As well as this Guide, there is lots more information on the Norfolk Community Directory (see page 5). The following organisations can help you make the right choices for you. Age UK Norfolk An independent local charity with over 70 years of experience in providing information, advice and advocacy services to older people in Norfolk. Free, impartial advice can be given on a range of topics. Advice line: 0300 5001217 Email: Web: Al-Anon Family Groups Worried about someone’s drinking? Help and hope for families and friends of alcoholics. Helpline: 0800 0086811 (10.00am to 10.00pm). Email: Web: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) If you think you have a problem with drinking, AA is here to help. All services are confidential and free. Tel: 0800 9177650 Email: Web: General queries Tel: 01904 644026 (office hours). Email: Alzheimer’s Society Too many people face dementia alone. People with dementia, their carers, family and friends often tell us how difficult it is to find out who to turn to when faced with dementia. If you need information, advice or support, the Norfolk and Waveney dementia support service is here for you. Tel: 01603 763556
(Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm). Dementia Connect support line: 0333 1503456 Email: Web: Bridge Plus+, The Supports Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities and people from a migrant background, providing information, advice and advocacy services on issues including welfare benefits, housing and immigration status. Sackville Place, 44-48 Magdalen Street, Norwich NR3 1JU (by appointment only). Tel: 01603 617076 and 07717 220209 Email: Web: Carers Matter Norfolk (CMN) CMN supports unpaid carers of all ages caring for someone aged 18+. CMN provides a wide range of support, including advice and information, practical support, carers' assessments, access to a health and wellbeing fund, carers’ breaks and opportunities for carers to have their say on important issues. You can contact the CMN advice line or sign up using the online form on the website below. Tel: 0800 0831148 (Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 8.00pm; and Saturdays, 10.00am to 2.00pm). Email: Web: Facebook: @CarersMatterNorfolk Twitter: @CarersMatterNfk Caring Together Caring Together provides support and services for people with care needs in Norfolk. This includes care in their homes and enabling individuals to attend activities in the community, which also provides their carers with breaks. The organisation also delivers activities for young carers. Tel: 0345 2410954 Email: Web:
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