an invitation to claim PIP instead of DLA will be issued if: • You report a change in your care or mobility needs. • A child on DLA is turning 16 (unless they are classed as terminally ill). • An existing DLA award is due to end. It is important to remember that there is no automatic transfer to PIP, it must be claimed. DLA claimants can choose to claim PIP if they believe that they may receive a higher award under PIP rules. Please note, however, that if an award is made at a lower rate, a claimant cannot choose to have their DLA instead. Claimants should seek independent advice before choosing to claim PIP instead of DLA. When you are selected for transfer, you will be contacted and told that you must make a claim for PIP, or your benefit will stop. You will have 28 days from the date on the notification letter in which to make your initial claim by telephone, and a further 28 days to complete your paper claim form and return it to the Department for Work and Pensions. Moving into a nursing home? You may be eligible for NHS Funded Nursing Care (FNC) Contribution, of £209.19 a week, depending on your assessed care and support needs. A registered nurse assessor employed by Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) will determine whether your care and support needs include registered nursing. If so, a contribution towards the cost of your care and
support will be made to your care home provider by us on behalf of the CCG. Please note that you will still have to make a financially assessed contribution towards other care and support costs, because the amount the CCG is responsible for will cover the registered nursing care element only. If you have made your own arrangements for residential care in a care home with nursing (self-funding), or have had arrangements made for you by us, but we have worked out that you will pay the full cost of your care, the amount you pay will be reduced by the NHS FNC contribution shown above, i.e. £209.19 per week. If you are being financially supported by us, your FNC contribution should not be taken into account in the financial assessment. Always seek advice If you are paying the full cost of your care and have savings, you should seek independent financial advice to maximise any investment returns. We also have a team of financial assessment staff and a Welfare Rights Team who are happy to assist with advice on benefits and the charging policy. For more information about what we will pay towards care costs, email: or call: 0344 8008020. Some of the figures mentioned here may change in April 2023. Check with us after this date for up-to-date information.
Advice if you are paying for your own care Paying the full cost of care yourself – being a ‘self-funder’ If you know that you will need to pay the full cost of your care, either in your own home or in a care home, and will arrange this yourself, you do not need to be assessed by us. You can still contact us at any point for advice and guidance, or to request a care and support assessment if you would like one.
If you are moving into residential care and you are funding your own care, you may be entitled to some of the following financial assistance and support. Twelve-week property disregard This applies if your: • Former home is included in your financial assessment.
Visit for further assistance with your search for care