2 minute read

Living Well Smokefree (LWSF

Living Well Smokefree

Living Well Smokefree is a stop smoking service provided by North Yorkshire County Council. Living Well Smokefree has a team of experienced stop smoking advisers, currently offering remote support and interventions via telephone and video conferencing.

Interventions include behavioural and motivational support and access to stop smoking medications (Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Champix and E-cigarettes). Stop smoking support is also available through GPs and pharmacies that have signed up to deliver the service.

Eligibility criteria

All clients referred to the service will undergo an eligibility check against the following criteria: • Would like to stop smoking and receive support from the service.

• Is not receiving stop smoking support from another provider. • Is above the age of 12. • Is a tobacco smoker who resides in North

Yorkshire, works in North Yorkshire or is registered with a GP in North Yorkshire.

Any potential client who does not meet all these criteria will not be eligible to access Living Well Smokefree.

Why would you stop smoking?

Here is what can happen after your last cigarette: • 20 minutes after your last cigarette – your pulse returns to normal.

• Eight hours after your last cigarette – your oxygen levels are recovering and harmful carbon monoxide in your blood has halved. • 48 hours after your last cigarette – your body has flushed out all carbon monoxide and your lungs begin to clear out the waste. Also, your smell and taste improve. • 72 hours after your last cigarette – your breathing feels easier and you feel more energetic.

• Up to 12 weeks after your last cigarette – your blood is pumping to your heart and muscles better due to improved circulation.

• Three to nine months after your last cigarette – your lungs are working 10% better and you are coughing and wheezing less.

• One year after your last cigarette – your risk of a heart attack has halved compared to a smoker.

• Ten years after your last cigarette – your risk of death from lung cancer has halved too.

• 15 years after your last cigarette – your risk of heart attack is the same as somebody who has never smoked.

With the right support, you are three times as likely to stop smoking for good.

Referral process

If you would like to access the service, refer somebody else, assist somebody to self-refer, or you would like any further information about Living Well Smokefree, use the following contact details.

Living Well Smokefree

Tel: 01609 797272 Email: stop.smoking@northyorks.gov.uk Web:


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