a reality. The NCA promotes the care sector by lobbying politicians for the benefit of residents, members and staff. NCA lobbies for equal, fair and consistent support of residents whether you are in an independent or publicly owned care home. The NCA works with the statutory authorities to negotiate economic levels of fees from the Government and local authorities.
NCA also works with the Care Quality Commission, the local councils and NHS to raise standards and encourage training and development of staff. Nottinghamshire Care Association Ltd Tel: 01384 637116 • Email: enquiries@nca.care Web: www.nca.care
Helping you to stay independent Services developed in partnership with the voluntary sector In Nottinghamshire, there are various voluntary and community organisations that offer preventative care services. These are a vital form of support and help to maintain independence and social inclusion, and delay or avoid the need for more statutory interventions.
• support schemes to help people being discharged from hospital; • support for carers; and • handyperson schemes.
Examples include: • day services, lunch clubs and social groups; • befriending, visiting and telephone contact services;
Day care centres Many people can feel lonely or isolated without an opportunity to fill their days with meaningful activities. Research has shown that one way to alleviate loneliness and promote wellbeing and independence is to provide regular social contact and a focus for activities. Day care centres give people the chance to change their routine, meet new people, take up an activity or receive specialist services such as chiropody or hairdressing. There is a wide variety
around the county, catering for older people and people with mental health conditions, learning disabilities and dementia. Centres can be as important for carers as those attending, as they allow for a regular break from caring. To find out more about what is available locally, visit www.nottshelpyourself.org.uk and type ‘Day centres’ into the search box.
Visit www.carechoices.co.uk for further assistance with your search for care