Demo functional resume

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PAYDIRT PETE 555 Name of Your Street El Paso, TX 79900

(915) 747-0000


Seeking an ABC position with XYZ Company, which will enable me to apply my research and analytical skills.


The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Biology Expected graduation date: 05/20xx Overall GPA: 3.2/4.0 Major GPA: 3.85/4.0


Technical  Computer Programs:

Leadership  Memberships:  

Scholarships: Honors:

Windows XP; Apple - MAC; Diagnostix 2.0; BMCASE; Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point; and Adobe Photoshop. UTEP Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology; National Women’s Fraternity, Alpha Xi Delta Iota Eta Chapter. Texas Grant; UTEP Undergraduate Scholarship. Liberal Arts Dean List; Fall 20xx, Spring 20xx, Fall 20xx and Spring 20xx.

Communication  Informed students of the consequences of making poor decisions through formal and informal presentations and advising.  Explained good decision-making process to assist with appropriate outcomes.  Informed parents regarding children’s daily activities and problems to keep parents of children in childcare current with relevant information. Organization  Planned and organized facilities, presentations, and activities for a statewide conference for more than 1000 people.  Resolved schedule conflicts by coordinating work times and activity assignments. PROJECTS

Community Conflict Resolution: Researched public policy to understand the role of policies in enhancing or detracting from community dynamics. Analyzed relevant models and research findings generated by both case studies and comparative methods. Policy Analysis: Research focused on assessing quality of parent-child relationships as they pertain to child abuse. Policy debates are concerned with the role of formal and informal support systems for parent and child and parent-child interactions in terms of contact, exchange, assistance, support, and relationship quality. Researched existing policies, interviewed parents, social workers, and legislators. Analyzed qualitative and quantitative data. Wrote a 45 page report on results.

If you’d like a one-on-one review, please stop by our office M-F from 8:00am – 4:30pm. For electronic revisions, send to:

University Career Center | Union West Building Rm. 103 | (915) 747-5640 | |



Note: the list below are words in present-tense (meaning you are currently working). If you are no longer at a given position, please be sure to change the action words to past-tense.

Research skills Clarify Collect Critique Diagnose Evaluate Examine Extract Identify Inspect Interpret Interview Investigate Organize Review Summarize Survey Systematize Technical Skills Assemble Built Calculate Compute Design Devise Engineer Fabricate Maintain Operate Overhaul Program Remodel Repair Solve Train Upgrade Teaching skills Adapt Advise Coach Communicate Coordinate Develop Enable

Encourage Evaluate Explain Facilitate Guide Inform Initiate Instruct Persuade Stimulate Financial skills Administer Allocate Analyze Appraise Audit Balance Budget Calculate Compute Develop Forecast Manage Market Plan Project Research Management skills Administer Analyze Assign Attain Chair Contract Consolidate Coordinate Delegate Develop Direct Evaluate Execute Improve

Communication skills Address Arbitrate Arrange Author Correspond Develop Direct Draft Edit Enlist Formulate Influence Interpret Lecture Mediate Moderate Motivate Negotiate Persuade Promote Publicize Reconcile Recruit Spoke Translate Clerical/detailed skills Approve Arrange Catalogue Classify Collect Compile Dispatch Execute Generate Implement Inspect Monitor Operate Organize Process

Purchase Record Retrieve Screen Specify Systematize Tabulate Validate Creative skills Act Conceptualize Create Design Develop Direct Establish Fashion Found Illustrate Institute Integrate Introduce Invent Originate Perform Plan Revitalize Shape Helping skills Assess Assist Clarify Coach Counsel Demonstrate Diagnose Educate Expedite Facilitate Familiarize Guide Refer Rehabilitate Represent

University Career Center | Union West Building Rm. 103 | (915) 747-5640 | | RV: 04/15

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