Services Overview 2020 +32 2 4014830
Your partner in the battle for talent
We are Careers Internationalʟ ˚˟ˢ˕˔˟ ˘˫ˣ˘˥˧˦ ˜ˡ ˔˧˧˥˔˖˧˜ˡ˚ ˔ˡ˗ ˦˘˟˘˖˧˜ˡ˚ ˧ˢˣ ˧˔˟˘ˡ˧˦ʡ ˂˨˥ ˖ˢˠˣ˔ˡˬ ˗˘˟˜˩˘˥˦ ˨ˡˣ˔˥˔˟˟˘˟˘˗ ˥˘˦˨˟˧˦ ˧˛˔ˡ˞˦ ˧ˢ ˧˛˘ ˖ˢˠ˕˜ˡ˔˧˜ˢˡ ˢ˙ ˨ˡ˜ˤ˨˘ ˧˘˖˛ˡˢ˟ˢ˚ˬ ˔ˡ˗ ˢ˨˥ ˣ˔˦˦˜ˢˡ ˙ˢ˥ ˛˜˚˛ʠˤ˨˔˟˜˧ˬ ˥˘˖˥˨˜˧ˠ˘ˡ˧ʡ All our services are based on a very simple, yet
Quality over quantity, one-to-one contacts over
powerful idea: ˧ˢ Ёˡ˗ ˧˛˘ ˕˘˦˧ ˧˔˟˘ˡ˧˦ʟ ˬˢ˨ ˡ˘˘˗
one-to-many. That’s why all our candidates
a human approach. Sounds obvious, yet in a lot
have just one point-of-contact. That’s why we
of cases, the ‘human’ seems to have disappeared
familiarize ourselves with our customers before
from HR. Take job applications: top candidates
the start of the recruitment process. That’s why we
may not apply because they have no way of
deliver almost real-time responses.
getting answers to questions they may have. Once they have applied, they enter in the black
We are people dealing with people. We treat our
box of the online applicant tracking system and
candidates with ˥˘˦ˣ˘˖˧ ˔ˡ˗ ˧˥˔ˡ˦ˣ˔˥˘ˡ˖ˬ. We
have no idea what’s happening.
open their eyes to ˨ˡ˘˫ˣ˟ˢ˥˘˗ ˖˔˥˘˘˥ choices.
ˇ˛˘ ˥˘˦˨˟˧ʭ ˔ ˟˘˦˦ ˘˙Ё˖˜˘ˡ˧ ˥˘˖˥˨˜˧ˠ˘ˡ˧ ˦ˬ˦˧˘ˠʡ
We reach out to the best talents and build relationships with them and match them with our
That’s where we come in. At Careers International,
we put the ‘human’ back in human resources and create greater impact. Humanizing talent acquisition is our core business.
No hit-and-run but lasting relationships, also when it comes to our clients. +85% of our existing clients work with us again and again.
Content 01. Talent ˆˢ˨˥˖˜ˡ˚ 02. Jobinar ʛ˙ˢ˥ˠ˘˥˟ˬ ˢˡ˘˗˔ˬ˪˜˧˛ʜ 03. Afterwork Events 04. Top Women Tech 05. Talent Pipelines
01. Talent ˆˢ˨˥˖˜ˡ˚ Talent mapping, sourcing and attracting talent, interacting with candidates, screening CVs, interviewing candidates, logistical support to organise assessment days: count on Careers International to give you the support you need.
Whatever challenges you face in employer branding or recruitment, we build solutions that support you at every stage of your recruitment project.
We map talents and segment them into groups according to relevant criteria such as title, seniority or location.
TELEPHONE QUALIFICATIONS We make a short telephone call to check the candidate’s motivation for the job, their mobility and salary expectations.
VIDEO INTERVIEWS We do video interviews during which candidates answer questions on a thirdparty video platform.
SOURCING AND ATTRACTION We identify and contact relevant candidates online in order to generate applications. Careers International promotes your company and its vacancies among the target population through different channels. This may include (but is not limited to), academic institutions, Careers International’s databases, professional networks (LinkedIn, Xing, Experteer etc.) and thirdparty databases.
TELEPHONE INTERVIEWS We conduct a full 30-minute telephone interview, including written reports with our recommendations.
FOLLOW-UP BY YOU The best pre-selected candidates are then integrated into your own recruitment process.
GRADUATE AND FUTURE LEADERS PROGRAMMES We have developed unique expertise in hiring the best talents for graduate and future leader programmes in one or several countries. Thanks to our proven process, tailored to your needs, we bring you the right talent, in the right location, within the agreed delivery period.
online events ˦˨ˣˣˢ˥˧˘˗ ˕ˬ ˧˔˜˟ˢ˥ʠˠ˔˗˘ ˦ˢ˨˥˖˜ˡ˚ ʛ˙ˢ˥ˠ˘˥˟ˬ ˢˡ˘˗˔ˬ˪˜˧˛ʜ jobinar is a talent ˠ˔ˡ˔˚˘ˠ˘ˡ˧ ˣ˟˔˧˙ˢ˥ˠ ˧˛˔˧ ˕˥˜ˡ˚˦ ˖ˢˠˣ˔ˡ˜˘˦ ˔ˡ˗ ˣ˘ˢˣ˟˘ ˧ˢ˚˘˧˛˘˥ʡ We foster trust and know-how in an online environment where all parties engage in an open, authentic exchange. The result?
Through jobinar we attract talents that wouldn’t otherwise apply, allowing you to build a better and larger pool of candidates.
We activate ˨ˡ˧˔ˣˣ˘˗ ˧˔˟˘ˡ˧ We strongly believe that the lack of meaningful
For 4 years – through 200 online event-based recruiting projects – companies humanised their hiring process to attract passive jobseekers by bringing forward their teams and expertise. All over the world.
˝ˢ˕˜ˡ˔˥ ˜ˡ Ё˚˨˥˘˦ʝ Meaningful human engagement: 95% ˖˔ˡ˗˜˗˔˧˘˦ give us positive feedback
˛˨ˠ˔ˡ ˘ˡ˚˔˚˘ˠ˘ˡ˧ ˜ˡ ˧˛˘ Ё˥˦˧ ˦˧˔˚˘˦ ˢ˙ ˧˛˘ ˛˜˥˜ˡ˚
Impact on brand attractiveness: +35%
process limits the capacity of recruiters to attract
ˣ˔˥˧˜˖˜ˣ˔ˡ˧˦ ˢˡ ˔˩˘˥˔˚˘ would work for
passive and active jobseekers.
the client in question
Technology makes it impersonal and 95% of ˖ˢˠˣ˔ˡ˜˘˦ ˕˨˜˟˗ ˧˛˘˜˥ ˕˥˔ˡ˗ ˔˥ˢ˨ˡ˗ ˢˡ˘ʠ˦˜˭˘ʠЁ˧˦ʠ all corporate marketing and job postings. Therefore, companies struggle to hire the best talent on the market. Thanks to jobinar, companies activate talent that would otherwise not apply.
Increase of talent pools: +90% of new talent for clients (mainly passive jobseekers) Employer brand vs competition: +30% of participants would work for the client in question versus other recruiters in the same sector *Based on 200 projects
Better HR, empowered people.
03. AfterWork
Career Events AfterWork Career Events bring together your recruiters and up to 20 to 40 preselected individuals in the city where you are ˠˢ˦˧ ˟˜˞˘˟ˬ ˧ˢ Ёˡ˗ ˧˛˘ ˧˔˟˘ˡ˧ ˬˢ˨ ˡ˘˘˗ʡ ˌˢ˨ meet shortlisted professionals in a relaxed environment, identify the best and convince them to join your organisation.
ʻˢ˪ ˗ˢ˘˦ ˜˧ ˪ˢ˥˞ʲ MAPPING We use talent mapping to identify the most relevant city in order to reach out to the best possible talent pool.
Example of set up 18:00 - 18:30 Welcome drink
18:30 - 19:00 Company presentation
We identify and contact relevant candidates online in order to generate applications.
19:00 - 19:45 Examples of projects or other contentrich examples
19:45 - 20:30 Get together, including light snacks LOGISTICS We take the hassle out of the organisation. We identify the venue, negotiate the contract, send candidate invitations, set up the event and produce badges and programmes. We also send two representatives of Careers International to every event.
PRE-SELECTION We pre-select candidates via a telephone call and check their motivation for the job, the company and the job’s location.
04. Top Women Tech Meet 100+ female tech ˖˔ˡ˗˜˗˔˧˘˦ from across Europe ˜ˡ ˢˡ˘ ˗˔ˬ
Twice a year (in May and December), Careers International organizes in Brussels, capital of Europe, the most exclusive international recruitment event for women in tech.
ʼˡ˩˜˧˘ ˢˡ˟ˬʡ
You will meet handpicked candidates from 15 countries with up to 10 years of experience.
ˈˡ˜ˤ˨˘ ˖˔ˡ˗˜˗˔˧˘ʠ˖˘ˡ˧˥˜˖ ˘˫ˣ˘˥˜˘ˡ˖˘ʡ Attendees are sourced and selected through a personalised process (direct calls & travel support).
More than just a recruitment event. Top Women Tech is also a high-quality networking event. (for candidates) (for recruiters)
05. Talent Pipelines
ˊ˛ˬ ˕˨˜˟˗ ˔ ˧˔˟˘ˡ˧ ˣ˜ˣ˘˟˜ˡ˘ʲ Instead of reacting to new vacancies and reaching out to ˣ˘ˢˣ˟˘ ˬˢ˨ ˗ˢˡϞ˧ ˞ˡˢ˪ ˧ˢ Ё˟˟ ˧˛˘ immediate needs over and over again, the talent pipeline takes a long-term and relationshipcentric approach. You identify the most soughtafter candidates in your market and engage in a meaningful dialogue with them. They may not be looking to change jobs immediately but once they do, your company will be on their
˥˔˗˔˥ʡ ʴˡ˗ ˬˢ˨ ˕˘ˡ˘Ё˧ ˙˥ˢˠ ˔ large pool of relevant candidates when new vacancies arise. Careers International helps you ˧ˢ ˦˘˧ ˨ˣʟ Ё˟˟ ˔ˡ˗ ˠ˔ˡ˔˚˘ ˬˢ˨˥ talent pipelines. We make it easy to introduce your teams and their expertise to potential candidates through online or face-to-face events. You build mutually rewarding relationships with selected talents at all levels, from high-potentials to C-levels.
˄˨˔˟˜Ё˘˗ ˔ˡ˗ ˜ˡ˧˘˥˘˦˧˘˗ ˖˔ˡ˗˜˗˔˧˘˦ We help you to connect with relevant candidates through tailor-made
˦ˢ˨˥˖˜ˡ˚ʡ ˊ˘ ˔˦˦˘˦˦ ˧˛˘˜˥ ˖˔˥˘˘˥ ˘˫ˣ˘˖˧˔˧˜ˢˡ˦ ˧˛˥ˢ˨˚˛ ˧˘˟˘ˣ˛ˢˡ˘ ˤ˨˔˟˜Ё˖˔˧˜ˢˡ and we organise events with individuals you want to hire.
ˊ˘ ˗ˢ ˜˧ ˙ˢ˥ ˬˢ˨ʔ
Building and managing your own talent pipeline is complex, time-consuming, expensive and it may generate a disappointing short-term return on ˜ˡ˩˘˦˧ˠ˘ˡ˧ʡ ˊ˘ ˗ˢ ˜˧ ˔˟˟ ˙ˢ˥ ˬˢ˨ ˪˜˧˛ ˖˟˘˔˥˟ˬ ˗˘Ёˡ˘˗ ˞˘ˬ ˣ˘˥˙ˢ˥ˠ˔ˡ˖˘ indicators and a transparent fee structure. We make sure you get an increase in the quality of hires into your organisation and you get full control of the budget.
Better ˖˔ˡ˗˜˗˔˧˘˦ at a lower cost ˔ˡ˗ ˧˜ˠ˘ ˧ˢ hire
Awards winning
Our clients include +32 2 4014830