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Postgraduate Education
As we approach the end of the academic year, for many of us graduation is becoming a real fear instead of a distant point somewhere over the horizon.
It’s hard to know what options are out there, especially for those of us considering staying on at uni. Postgraduate Education is the catch-all term for educational qualifications offered by universities after attaining a Bachelor’s degree.
Some people progress straight into postgraduate after their undergraduate degree and others pursue higher qualifications after they’re already established in their careers.
What are they?
Postgraduate courses are for people who want to continue their studies in higher education after they’ve graduated with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification. They are normally studied as postgraduate certificates and diplomas or Master’s degrees. A postgraduate course takes 1 year full-time and 2 years part-time. Postgraduate courses are designed to advance the knowledge attained at an undergraduate level.
The benefits of earning a postgraduate qualification are:Gaining specialised knowledgeBuilding on your current abilitiesDeveloping new skills

[All of which give you an edge in the workforce.]
Where to start?
When choosing a postgraduate course, make sure you know what you want to do. It is important to choose a course which suits your learning style.
Ask yourself what kind of course you want and what you expect to achieve at the end of it. Many Masters and diploma courses are linked to specific careers. Be sure to get as much information as possible. Course descriptions are useful, but your research should go beyond this. You can always return to uni to do one of these courses if it isn’t the best option for you right now, so there’s no need to rush into this commitment.
What courses are there?
Master’s degree Diploma & Certificates PhDs Integrated PhDs Professional Doctorates
MASTER’S DEGREEA Master’s degree is an academic degree
that takes place during postgraduate study. It is a level 7 qualification, above a Bachelor’s degree but below PhDs. A taught Master’s usually takes place over 1 or 2 years and involves the completion of a dissertation or project.
Some examples of Master’s degrees are a Master of Arts (MA), a Master of Business Administration (MBA), a Master of Engineering (MEng) or a Master of Science
Master’s degrees cost up to £7,392.
Postgraduate Diploma and Certificate
A diploma program can provide valuable specialised skills, knowledge and experiences and is generally less commitment than a degree. A postgraduate certificate can give you the eligibility to practice a particular profession and/or provides advanced skills in a specialisation.
It is earned after taking a series of courses in a particular subject. 1 to 2 years of full-time study is generally required to complete a postgraduate diploma and certificate. The average cost of a postgraduate diploma and certificate is around £5,000.
PhD It is the highest level of degree you can achieve. PhD students independently conduct significant and original research in a specific subject, before producing a publication-worthy thesis of 60,000-90,000 words in length. PhD qualifications are available in all subjects.
Integrated PhD
This 4-year qualification involves studying a one-year research Masters degree before progressing onto a 3-year PhD. Integrated PhDs are supported by the Government and British Council. This qualification involves a combination of taught materials, practical experience and advanced research. This allows you to learn subject-specific methodologies while building the transferable skills that will enable you to become a leader in your chosen profession.
Professional Doctorate
This type of doctorate includes a significant taught module and a smaller research project. They are often taken on a part-time basis and can last anywhere between 2 and 8 years.
They focus on a specific professional context and are designed primarily for current professionals in vocational sectors such as healthcare, teaching and education, and engineering and manufacturing. They’re structured so that they can be completed alongside working an existing job, and very attractive for those wishing to up-skill without making the financial commitment to leave work.

It will help you stand out from the crowd and show your commitment and dedication. Research degrees demonstrate your ability to think independently and work towards a goal, while taught courses highlight your ability to learn new skills and ideas.
A postgraduate course can further your skills and knowledge in your chosen sector. Employers value experience and trust postgraduate qualified applicants with greater responsibilities.
You might have studied law at undergraduate level, but want to swap the courtroom for the classroom on a permanent basis? You can use postgraduate study to transition into the academic side of your industry or another field altogether.
This will require some research, but this decision is more common than you might think.
If you’re starting a full or part-time master’s course, you could get a Postgraduate Master’s Loan, which can help with course fees and living costs. Master’s students can apply for a graduate loan of up to £10,000 from the Student Loans Company. Eligibility for this depends on your course, university and personal circumstances.
You’ll have to cover living expenses such as rent, food, transport, entertainment and more.
If you want to reduce the size of your loan, you could take on a course that makes it possible to work part-time to support yourself, or cut your living costs by moving in with a partner, family or friends.
You’ll have to start repaying your Postgraduate Masters loan at the start of the tax year either four years after the start of your course or after you leave your course, whichever comes first.
You’ll repay 6% of whatever you earn over the income threshold, which is £21,000 a year or £1,750 a month.
You’ll also have to pay any undergraduate student loans you have at the same time so make sure to weigh the benefits of postgraduate education against its costs.