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Short-term monitoring photos
Short-term monitoring photos (continued)
Short-term monitoring photos (continued)
Short-term monitoring photos (continued)
Short-term monitoring photos (continued)
4. Short-Term Monitoring (STM) – Trend Analysis
Four Short-Term monitoring sites were installed for the baseline in ‘year 0’ with an additional six sites added in ‘year 1’. The following section analyses the results of the ten STM sites comparing results for ‘year 2’ with ‘year 1’ and the four STM sites monitored in ‘year 0’.
Landscape Function Analysis
Short-Term Monitoring (STM) – Comparative Results
The tables above show the EHI for ‘year 2’, ‘year 1’ and ‘year 0’, along with an index for each of the ecosystem processes. The combination of indicators used for each ecosystem process can be found in Appendix A.
This data is then represented in respective bar graphs with a comparison based on 10 paddocks for years 1 and 2, and then with 4 paddocks for baseline.
2020 comparison with previous years – 10 paddock and 4 paddock
TOTAL Landbase
Context for Comparative Results
The context for monitoring of Cargo Road Wines on 10th March 2021 is recovery from significant drought and fire effects over the preceding year. The following rainfall data shows drought conditions in the general area over the preceding two years.
Average annual rainfall in the district for Cargo Road Wines is reported as 880 mm. Locally reported rainfall at the landbase for 2020 was 1104 mm compared with 2018 of 634 mm and 522 mm in 2019 In other words, rainfall for the two years associated with the baseline and ‘year 1’ monitoring was at least 246 mm below the longer-term average, while the drought recovery year of 2020 was 224 mm above the average and about twice that received in the previous two years.
Conclusions from Short-Term Monitoring Comparison
● From the comparison of ten short-term monitoring sites conducted on 10th March 2021 (year 2) with that from the previous year (year 1), it can be concluded that the health of ecosystem processes overall has improved.
● Most indicators in all monitored paddocks have improved or been maintained. The indicator that fell the most was litter incorporation, which could have been a result of previous dry years and the lack of produced litter. The other indicator was undesirable species which occurred in one paddock only.
● While there is some variation in EHI between paddocks, indicating potential for improvement, all paddocks scored well and all paddocks improved. The average EHI improvement across paddocks was 28 The paddock 2011 Riesling improved the most.
● In year 2, EHIs varied from +70 to +100, with a weighted average of +82.4, compared with +54.6 in year 1 and -15.3 in year 0.
● All four indexes of ecosystem health (water cycle, mineral cycle, energy flow and community dynamics) have improved from Year 1 (2020) to Year 2 (2021), after also improving from Year 0.
● Energy flow showed the strongest improvement of 17% points.
● Water cycle was mostly affected by the improvement in litter abundance, but also by the improvement in ground cover.
● Mineral cycle was also improved by litter abundance and ground cover, but offset a little by a reduction in litter incorporation. Living organisms also showed an improvement.
● Energy flow improved mostly because of vegetation cover and photosynthetic tissue (live canopy abundance), but also the reduction in bare ground
● Community dynamics improved with all the functional groups scoring better, especially warm season grasses, along with ground cover. Only undesirable species had a lower score, due to observations in South House paddock.
5. Ecological Outcome Verification - Trend
The following analysis shows whether a trend of improving ecological health has been observed on the landbase: Cargo Roads Wines. Robust identification of a trend must be based on like for like comparison. The following chart identifies this trend based on comparison of 4 STM sites from ‘year 0’ and 10 STM sites for ‘year 1’ and ‘year 2’ monitoring events. Future monitoring events will be carried out across 10 STM sites, and will be used for future identification of trend. The number of sites was initially limited to contain costs.
EHI Trend - Monitored Sites
The EHI trend graph shows that the trend of Ecological Health is continuing to improve, on a 10 paddock basis. Under the EOV monitoring protocol, an improving EHI result means that the enterprise operating on this landbase is eligible to use the EOV seal, subject to confirmation by the worldwide EOV Quality Assurance team (and guidelines for use of the seal). Based on the improving trend observed in ‘year 1’, Cargo Road Wines is eligible to use the EOV seal.
6. Site 2 Long-Term Monitoring (LTM2)
A second Long-Term monitoring site was installed and the following indicators were evaluated:
• Percentage of bare ground, litter and live canopy
• Botanical composition by species and functional groups
• Species richness and Shannon-Wiener Index (biodiversity indexes)
• Infiltration rate (mm/min)
• Haney Soil Health Score for measurement of soil microbial activity
A soil sample was sent to Environmental Analysis Laboratory (EAL) at Southern Cross University, for the Haney Soil Health Score and other tests
Summary of Long-Term Monitoring (LTM2) Results
LTM Monitoring Site
Photographic Post
Latitude: -33.2940324
Longitude: 148.97026305
Percentage of Cover by Functional Group
Vegetation Cover by Functional Groups