Facts about CDB funding for Sustainable Energy

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Key Features

Description CLIMATE ACTION LINE OF CREDIT The European Investment Bank Climate Action Line of Credit (CALC) will finance capital infrastructure projects, which improve resilience to climate change or contribute to climate change mitigation.

Examples of Sustainable Energy Projects

Eligible Countries

Energy security is key to economic growth and environmental sustainability. The on loans for a portion Interest subsidy Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and ofhave thepartnered investment project cost global stakeholders to address the Region’s renewable energy For public and private sector (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) challenges, and accelerate theGrant-funded Caribbean’s progress climate risk and on Sustainable Development Goal 7: vulnerability assessments for eligible affordable and clean energy.

Street lighting retrofit projects – EE All CDB Borrowing Member Countries Building retrofit projects – EE Utility-scale renewable energy The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and global–stakeholders have partnered investments RE to address the Region’s energy security challenges andline toupgrades promote environmental Transmission – EE or RE projects.through the promotion of renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency sustainability

(EE). This also serve to accelerate the Caribbean’s progress on Sustainable Development Goal 7: affordable and clean energy.

SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN The Sustainable Energy for the Eastern Caribbean (SEEC) Programme is a multi-partner loan and grant facility. It is co-financed by CDB; the European Union-Caribbean Investment Facility (EU-CIF) and the United Kingdom Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) (formerly known as Department for International Development (DFID)). PA RTNERING FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN THE CARIBBEAN | Caribbean Development Bank

SEEC provides innovative financing to the public sector for investments in RE and EE, as well as technical assistance for institutional strengthening, capacity Description building and project support, including energy audits.

Total budget of up to EUR21 million Blended grant and loan (minimum 1:2 ratio) facility for public sector investments

Technical assistance grants for project development and capacity building Lines of credit and possible microfinance guarantee facility to support lending in private sector through Key FeaturesIntermediaries Financial

Energy efficiency building upgrades – EE Building integrated renewable energy – RE

EE/RE credit lines for small and medium enterprises

Examples of Sustainable Energy Projects

Antigua and Barbuda The Commonwealth of Dominica Grenada St. Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Eligible Countries


SUSTAINABLE ENERGY Bank FACILITY The European Investment Climate Action Line of Credit (CALC)Energy will finance capital The Sustainable Facility (SEF)infrastructure for the Eastern projects, which improve resilience change or Caribbean is a financing packageto ofclimate Inter-American contribute to climate change mitigation. Development Bank (IDB) loan; Global Environment Facility Trust Fund (GEF) grant; and Clean Technology Fund (CTF) contingently recoverable grant or loan resources, provided through the IDB to CDB (as executing agency). It fundsFOR technical SUSTAINABLE ENERGY THE assistance EASTERN and CARIBBEAN investments in RE and EE. The Sustainable Energy for the Eastern Caribbean (SEEC) SEF has three components: Programme is a multi-partner loan and grant facility. It 1. EE investments, is co-financed by CDB; the European Union-Caribbean 2. Regulatory framework, institutional strengthening Investment Facility (EU-CIF) and the United Kingdom and capacity building, and Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) 3. RE - intermittent and base-load. (formerly known as Department for International Most of the resources Development (DFID)). under SEF are for supporting geothermal energy (GE) development, mobilised under SEEC provides innovative financing to the public sector CDB’s GeoSMART Initiative. for investments in RE and EE, as well as technical assistance for institutional strengthening, capacity building and project support, including energy audits.

Interest subsidy on loans for a portion of the investment projectSEF: cost Resources available under For public private sector GEF grantsand in the amount of Grant-funded climate risk and and Barbuda, USD3 million for Antigua vulnerability assessments eligible Grenada, and St. Vincentfor and the projects. Grenadines Contingently recoverable grants or loans to support the exploratory stage of geothermal projects.million Loans Total budget ofenergy up to EUR21 can be made a Special Blended grantavailable and loanto(minimum Purpose pursued in the 1:2 ratio)Vehicle facility(SPV) for public sector context of a public-private partnership investments (PPP) arrangement Technical assistance grants for project development capacity building CDB loans to and SPVs, established as PPPs plant construction GELines for of credit and possibleand microfinance related infrastructure guarantee facility to support lending in private sector through Financial Intermediaries

Street lighting retrofit projects – EE Building retrofit projects – EE SEF/GEF resources for: Utility-scale renewable energy Capacity-strengthening interventions, investments RE for example,–workshops, training, Transmission line upgrades – EE or RE tools Legislative and regulatory reforms Studies to support RE and EE investments Energy building upgrades RE and efficiency EE investments – EE Building integrated SEF/CTF resources for:renewable energy – RE exploratory drilling Geothermal EE/RE credit lines for small and SEF/Loan for: mediumresources enterprises Geothermal plant construction Installation of infrastruture to support geothermal energy development

All CDB Borrowing Member Countries Antigua and Barbuda The Commonwealth of Dominica Grenada St. Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines Antigua and Barbuda The Commonwealth of Dominica Grenada St. Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines

SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FACILITY Resources available under SEF: The Sustainable Energy Facility (SEF) for the Eastern Caribbean is a financing package of Inter-American GEF grants in the amount of PARTNERING FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN THE CARIBBEAN | Caribbean Development Bank Development Bank (IDB) loan; Global Environment USD3 million for Antigua and Barbuda, Facility Trust Fund (GEF) grant; and Clean Technology Grenada, and St. Vincent and the Fund (CTF) contingently recoverable grant or loan

SEF/GEF resources for: Capacity-strengthening interventions, for example, workshops, training, tools

Antigua and Barbuda The Commonwealth of Dominica Grenada

SEEC provides innovative financing to the public sector for investments in RE and EE, as well as technical assistance for institutional strengthening, capacity Description building and project support, including energy audits.


of Credit (CALC) will finance capital infrastructure Sustainable Energy Facility (SEF) for Action the Eastern The European Investment Bank Climate Line projects, resilience to climate change or Caribbean is a improve financing package ofinfrastructure Inter-American of Credit which (CALC) will finance capital contribute to climate change mitigation. Development Bank (IDB) loan; Global Environment projects, which improve resilience to climate change or Facility Trust (GEF) grant; and Clean Technology contribute to Fund climate change mitigation. Fund (CTF) contingently recoverable grant or loan resources, provided through the IDB to CDB (as executing agency). It fundsFOR technical SUSTAINABLE ENERGY THE assistance EASTERN and CARIBBEAN investments in RE and EE. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN The Energy forFOR the Eastern Caribbean (SEEC) SEF Sustainable has three components: Programme is a multi-partner loan and grant facility. It The Energy for the Eastern Caribbean (SEEC) 1. EESustainable investments, is co-financed by CDB; the European Union-Caribbean Programme a multi-partner loan andstrengthening grant facility. It 2. Regulatoryis framework, institutional Investment Facility (EU-CIF) and the United Kingdom is co-financed by CDB; the European Union-Caribbean and capacity building, and Foreign Commonwealth andand Development Office (FCDO) Investment Facility (EU-CIF) the United Kingdom 3. RE - intermittent and base-load. (formerly known as Department for International Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Most of the resources under SEF are for supporting Development (DFID)). (formerly known as Department for International geothermal energy (GE) development, mobilised under Development (DFID)). SEEC innovative financing to the public sector CDB’sprovides GeoSMART Initiative. for investments in RE and EE, as welltoasthe technical SEEC provides innovative financing public sector assistance for institutional strengthening, capacity for investments in RE and EE, as well as technical building and support, including energy audits. assistance forproject institutional strengthening, capacity Description building and project support, including energy audits.


guarantee facility to support lending in private sector through Financial Key FeaturesIntermediaries

Key Features Interest subsidy on loans for a portion of the investment project costa portion Resources available Interest subsidy onunder loansSEF: for of investment project cost Forthe public and private sector GEF grants in the amount of USD3 million Antigua and Grant-funded climate risk and Barbuda, For public andfor private sector Grenada, and St. Vincent and the vulnerability assessments eligible Grant-funded climate riskfor and Grenadines projects. vulnerability assessments for eligible projects. Contingently recoverable grants or loans to support the exploratory stage of geothermal projects.million Loans Total budget ofenergy up to EUR21 can be made available to a Special Blended grantofand loan (minimum Total budget up to EUR21 Purpose Vehicle (SPV) pursuedmillion in the 1:2 ratio) facility for public sector Blendedofgrant and loan (minimum context a public-private partnership investments 1:2 ratio) facility for public sector (PPP) arrangement investments Technical assistance grants for project CDB loansassistance to and SPVs, established as development capacity Technical grants building for project PPPs for plant construction and GELines of credit and possible microfinance development and capacity building related infrastructure guarantee facility supportmicrofinance Lines of credit andtopossible lending in private sector through guarantee facility to support FinancialinIntermediaries lending private sector through Financial Intermediaries Key Features

Resources available under SEF: The CDB GeoSMART initiative was of designed to mobilise Resources already mobilised Caribbean is a financing package Inter-American GEF grants in theunder amount of include Resources available SEF: The Sustainable Energy Facility (SEF) AND for the EasternEFFICIENCY IN THE PARTNERING FORappropriate RENEWABLE ENERGY ENERGY CARIBBEAN | Caribbean Development Bank those available under SEF adequate and funding for investment and Development (IDB) loan; Global Environment USD3 million Caribbean is aBank financing package of Inter-American GEF grants in for theAntigua amountand of Barbuda, technical assistance to address the associated with Resources and mobilised underand the the Facility Trust Fund andrisks Clean Technology Grenada, St.Antigua Vincent Development Bank(GEF) (IDB) grant; loan; Global Environment USD3 million for and Barbuda, each stage of the GE project cycle. Geothermal Risk Mitigation Programme Fund (CTF) contingently recoverable grant or loan Grenadines Facility Trust Fund (GEF) grant; and Clean Technology Grenada, and St. Vincent and the for EC from EU-CIF resources, through the IDB to CDB Fund (CTF)provided contingently recoverable grant or(as loan Grenadines Contingently recoverable grants or executing funds technical resources,agency). providedItthrough the IDB assistance to CDB (asand FCDOtoparallel grant financing may loans support the exploratory Contingently recoverable grants stage or investments in RE and EE. technical assistance and executing agency). It funds be provided through CDB for Loans of geothermal energy projects. loans to support the exploratory stage investments in RE and EE. early-stage GEavailable project development SEF has three components: can be made to a Special of geothermal energy projects. Loans in four SEF countries 1. EEhas investments, Purpose Vehicle (SPV) pursued in the SEF three components: can be made available to a Special 2. framework, institutional strengthening context ofVehicle a public-private partnership Concessional resources under 1. Regulatory EE investments, Purpose (SPV) pursued in the and capacity building, andinstitutional strengthening (PPP) arrangement consideration include thosepartnership from IDB 2. Regulatory framework, context of a public-private 3. REcapacity - intermittent andand base-load. and the Green Climate Fund and building, (PPP) arrangement CDB loans to SPVs, established as 3. RE of - intermittent andunder base-load. Most the resources SEF are for supporting Partnerships with the Government of PPPs plant construction and GECDB for loans to SPVs, established as geothermal energy (GE) development, under Most of the resources under SEF are formobilised supporting New Zealand the Japan International related PPPs forinfrastructure plant construction and GECDB’s GeoSMART geothermal energy Initiative. (GE) development, mobilised under Cooperation Agency and the Republic of related infrastructure CDB’s GeoSMART Initiative. Italy

CANADIAN SUPPORT TO THE ENERGY SECTOR IN THE CARIBBEAN FUND Global Affairs Canada has established with CDB, CDB may use the funds to support: the Canadian Support to the Energy Sector in the Consultancy services for studies to Caribbean Fund (CSES-C) totalling CAD5 million. The improve legislative and regulatory CSES-C will support technical assistance projects that PARTNERING FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN THEframeworks CARIBBEAN | Caribbean Development Bank strengthen regulatory frameworks, build capacity and Training and|capacity-building PARTNERING ENERGY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN THE CARIBBEAN Caribbean Development Bank prepare EEFOR and RENEWABLE RE investment projects. interventions


Examples of Sustainable Energy Projects Examples of Sustainable Energy Projects Street lighting retrofit projects – EE Building retrofitretrofit projects – EE – EE SEF/GEF resources for: projects Street lighting Utility-scale renewable Capacity-strengthening interventions, Building retrofit projectsenergy – EE investments –workshops, RE for example,renewable training, Utility-scale energy tools Transmission investments –line RE upgrades – EE or RE Legislative and regulatory Transmission line upgradesreforms – EE or RE Studies to support RE and EE investments RE and efficiency EE investments Energy building upgrades –Energy EE efficiency building upgrades SEF/CTF for:renewable Building integrated – EE resources energy – RE Geothermal exploratory drilling Building integrated renewable energy – RE EE/RE credit lines for small and SEF/Loan resources for: medium enterprises EE/RE credit lines for small and Geothermal plant medium enterprisesconstruction Installation of infrastruture to support geothermal energy development

Examples of Sustainable Energy Projects SEF/GEF resources for: Surface studies (3Gs), and Capacity-strengthening SEF/GEF resources for:Socialinterventions, Environmental and Impact for example, workshops, training, Capacity-strengthening interventions, Assessment tools for example, workshops, training, Exploratory drilling tools Legislative and regulatory reforms Production drilling Studies to support RE and reforms EE Legislative and regulatory Steam systems and plant investments Studies to support RE and EE construction investments RE and EE investments Infrastructure such as transmission RE and EE investments lines, roads and bridges to support SEF/CTF resources for: GE development Geothermal exploratory drilling SEF/CTF resources for: Geothermal exploratory drilling SEF/Loan resources for: Geothermal plantfor: construction SEF/Loan resources Installation ofplant infrastruture to Geothermal construction support geothermal energyto Installation of infrastruture development support geothermal energy development Advisory services on the policy and legislative level Government consultancy support in technical and financial due diligence for project proposals Implementation support for national

Eligible Countries Eligible Countries All CDB Borrowing Member Countries Antigua Barbuda All CDB and Borrowing Member Countries of The Commonwealth Dominica Grenada St. Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines Antigua and Barbuda The Commonwealth Antigua and Barbudaof Dominica The Commonwealth of Grenada Dominica St. Kitts and Nevis Grenada Saint Lucia St. Kitts and Nevis St. Vincent Saint Lucia and the Grenadines St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Eligible Countries Antigua and Barbuda The Commonwealth of The Commonwealth Antigua and Barbudaof Dominica Dominica The Commonwealth of Grenada Grenada Dominica St. Kitts and Nevis St. Kitts and Nevis Grenada Saint Lucia Saint Lucia St. Vincent Kitts and Nevis St. and the St. Vincent Saint Lucia and the Grenadines Grenadines St. Vincent and the Grenadines

All CDB Borrowing Member Countries

Partnerships with the Government of New Zealand the Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Republic of Italy Key Features


Examples of Sustainable Energy Projects

Eligible Countries

CANADIAN SUPPORT ENERGY SECTOR IN THE CARIBBEAN FUND CLIMATE ACTION LINETO OFTHE CREDIT Global Affairs Investment Canada hasBank established CDB, The European Climatewith Action Line theCredit Canadian Support to the capital Energy infrastructure Sector in the of (CALC) will finance Caribbean Fundimprove (CSES-C) totallingtoCAD5 million. The projects, which resilience climate change or CSES-C will assistance projects that contribute to support climate technical change mitigation. strengthen regulatory frameworks, build capacity and prepare EE and RE investment projects.

Interest subsidy on loans for a portion CDB may use the funds to support: of the investment project cost to Consultancy services for studies improve andsector regulatory For publiclegislative and private frameworks climate risk and Grant-funded vulnerability for eligible Training and assessments capacity-building projects. interventions

Consultancies for RE and EE project development; for example, energy audits, feasibility studies Total budget of up to EUR21 million The Sustainable Energy for the Eastern Caribbean (SEEC) Programme is a multi-partner loan and grant facility. It Blended grant and loan (minimum is co-financed by CDB; the European Union-Caribbean 1:2 ratio) facility for public sector TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY IN THE CARIBBEAN Investment Facility (EU-CIF) and the United Kingdom investments Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) The GIZ-managed Technical Assistance Programme for Total budget of EUR grants 10.5 million Technical assistance for project (formerly known as Department for International Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean is supporting Donor funded technical assistance: development and capacity building Development CARIFORUM (DFID)). countries within the wider Caribbean EU Caribbean Sustainable Lines of credit and possible microfinance partnerships. The goal is to support implementation of the SEEC provides innovative financing to the public sector guarantee facility to support capacity Energy Roadmap assistance, CARICOM Energy Policy and the Caribbean Sustainable for investments in RE and EE, as well as technical lending in private sector through building, project development support, Energy Roadmap and Strategy as well as the various assistance for institutional strengthening, capacity Financial Intermediaries knowledge management, innovative national energy policies. building and project support, including energy audits. finance mechanisms



Short term expert pool for consultancy

Keysupport Features

Resources available under SEF: The Sustainable Energy Facility (SEF) for the Eastern GEOTHERMAL RISK MITIGATION PROGRAMME FOR THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN Caribbean is a financing package of Inter-American GEF grants in the amount of Development Bank loan; Global Environment The Geothermal Risk(IDB) Mitigation Programme for the Investment grant support early USD3 million for to Antigua and Barbuda, Facility Trust Fund (GEF) grant; and Clean Technology Eastern Caribbean is a package of grant financing supported stage GE drilling the highest Grenada, and St.(which Vincentis and the PARTNERING FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY grant AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN THE CARIBBEAN | Caribbean Development Bank Fund contingently or loan by the (CTF) European Union's recoverable Caribbean Investment Facility risk stage) Grenadines resources, through the IDB to (asthree (EU-CIF) toprovided support GE development in CDB at least Contingently recoverable or Technical Assistance grantgrants for capacity executing agency). It funds technical assistance and countries loans to support theinterconnection exploratory stage strengthening, and investments in RE and EE. of geothermal energy projects. Loans studies SEF has three components: can be made available to a Special 1. EE investments, Purpose Vehicle (SPV) pursued in the 2. Regulatory framework, institutional strengthening context of a public-private partnership and capacity building, and (PPP) arrangement 3. RE - intermittent and base-load. CDB loans to SPVs, established as Most of the resources under SEF are for supporting PPPs for plant construction and GEgeothermal energy (GE) development, mobilised under related infrastructure CDB’s GeoSMART Initiative.

Street lighting retrofit projects EE Advisory services on the policy –and legislative level projects – EE Building retrofit Government consultancyenergy support in Utility-scale renewable technical and– financial due diligence investments RE for project proposals Transmission line upgrades – EE or RE Implementation support for national energy action plans Renewable energy grid integration studies Energy efficiency building upgrades Workshops and training – EE

Building integrated renewable energy – RE Project development support EE/RE credit lines for small and Workshops and capacity-building medium enterprises initiatives Policy and strategy development, and implementation support

Antigua and Barbuda The Commonwealth of Dominica Grenada Members states of the St. Kitts and Nevis Caribbean Forum of the Saint Lucia Economic Partnership St. Vincent and the Agreement with the European Grenadines Union (CARIFORUM)

Support the development of Regional Energy Knowledge hub Finance consulting pool

Examples of Sustainable Energy Projects

SEF/GEF resources for: Capacity-strengthening interventions, Funding support for GE drilling for example, workshops, training, programme in St. Vincent and the tools Grenadines Legislative and regulatory reforms Studies to support RE and EE investments RE and EE investments SEF/CTF resources for: Geothermal exploratory drilling SEF/Loan resources for: Geothermal plant construction Installation of infrastruture to support geothermal energy development

Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency Unit, Caribbean Development Bank, P.O. Box 408, Wildey, St. Michael, Barbados BB11000 +1 (246) 539-1600 • reee@caribank.org • www.caribank.org PARTNERING FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN THE CARIBBEAN | Caribbean Development Bank

All All CDB CDB Borrowing Borrowing Member Member Countries Countries

Eligible Countries

Antigua and Barbuda The Commonwealth of The Commonwealth of Dominica Dominica Grenada Grenada St. Kitts and Nevis St. Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Lucia St. Vincent and the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Grenadines

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