1 minute read
We are expanding our Digital Presence her latest donation has not been revealed. that her donation represents something bigger than a historic
What to expect...
A focus on digital. A focus on content. Reduced ad rates. Online distribution to our 47k email database, social platforms and 50k text database.
Over the last thirteen years, we have registered thousands of Caribbean people or people interested in Caribbean people, food and culture.
We are changing how we message to those people by creating different messages based on type of customer.
For example- you can read the lead article about Dr. Trisha Bailey on our facebook page, you can read it in the newspaper in print, online on our website and if you are a member of our email blast. However you can also listen or look at the video interview which captures so much more. Additionally, the instagram version of that interview will be broken into smaller segments with the major points broken out into individual pieces.
This takes our messaging to people in a way that they consume it.
Our team is here to guide you through this change. We ask you to support by advertising or subcribing as we continue to showcase the Caribbean community.

Guenet Gittens-Roberts Owner/Publisher/Editor