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Gizelle Riley
Gizelle Riley is a Jamaican-born communications strategistand copywriter Gizelle Riley{for kickass brands. She's also the author of the personal brand storytelling guide MASTER YOUR MESSAGE LIKE A BOSS BABE and creator of the #DigitalBOSSBABE podcast. With over a decade working in media and communications, shehelps executives and entrepreneurs from startups to Fortune500 companies impact the masses with stories that matter. Gizelle's work has been featured in major internationalpublications including Thrive Global, the Huffington Post,Caribbean POSH magazine, Richard Branson's Virgin.com, andmany more. When she's not helping clients stand out in a noisy digitalworld, you can find this Jesus lovin' Netflix junkie having dancebattles at home with her husband Kevin and sugar dumplin'son Gabe. Want to know more? Check out www.gizelleriley.com