1 minute read



I remember a man hugging me and telling me Daddy loves me when I was very young. Then he disappeared. So when I was in relationships and my boyfriends disappeared I wasn't angry for long. It’s what men did I told myself. I had no other man around me. Women raised me: my mother, an aunt, and my grandmother. And they taught me everything about men. Men are dogs. Men only care about a woman's body. Men feel that women are bitches.


One day a woman offered me a lift. In her car was a book entitled What St Kitts Men Really Think about St. Kitts Women. I sucked my teeth. The woman told me not to judge the book by the title. She offered to lend me, and curiosity caused me to take it.

I contacted the writers and asked them to share my story because it could save a young woman from destruction. It’s a short book (so if you don’t like to read like me, you would like it) but it has left a long-lasting effect. Empty vessels make the most noise and the whistling and cat calling and dribbling over a woman's body from loud men was not how every man behaved. I started going to places outside my neighbourhood and dressing differently. I started loving me and smiled more.

My only wish is that more positive men in St. Kitts society would be more vocal to drown out the noise of the ignorant and negative men who plague our society.

From the Authors

This book is to empower the minds of women, so that they can LOVE and APPRECIATE themselves without the necessity of a MAN. So when men see you, they will RESPECT you and the BOND formed will be UNBREAKABLE.

The book is available:

E-book link: https://payhip.com/b/FzG37

Paperback link: https://payhip.com/b/dTmK8

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