Your news this week: Cole Chudyk makes AAA team - 3 Fish and Game Awards - 8 Community leader passes - 18 Opinion: Social media problem - 4
Vol. 13, No. 14, Wednesday January 31, 2018
Heartland event gets high praise from Bruderheim mayor work at the plants and we’d like to be JOHN MATHER Bruderheim Mayor Karl Hauch more involved.” But he added, not knowing what the joined other regional partners at the annual stakeholders meeting of the costs of full membership could temper Alberta Industrial Heartland in the community’s final decision. Following the meeting a major Edmonton on Thursday, Jan. 25 at the announcement was made for developExpo Centre. Hauch was joined by regional part- ment in the area. Calgary-based Field Upgrading said ners Alanna Hnatiw from Sturgeon County, Redwater Mayor Mel Smith, it would like to construct a $100 million Strathcona Mayor Rod Frank, Fort demonstration plant in the Heartland Saskatchewan Mayor Gale Katchur, later this year to make low sulphur fuel and area MLAs Jessica Littlewood and for the shipping industry. The International Maritime Colin Piquette. “The meeting was great,” said Organization, working to reduce enviHauch. “I was really impressed with ronmental pollution from shipping speakers and in particular, the presen- traffic, has voted to reduce the sulphur tation by Newfoundland broadcaster content in ship fuel oil from 3.50 per cent to 0.50 per cent by Jan. 1, 2020. Rex Murphy.” But the company still has to arrange Hauch said Murphy related how he had been in Newfoundland when its financing for the project, which fishing industry collapsed and many includes up to $50 million from the Newfoundlanders came to Alberta provincial government. A spokesman for the company said finding work in the oil patch including the funding is critical because of the the Industrial Heartland. “Murphy is very passionate about new technologies involved in project, Alberta,” said Hauch. “He referred to it and that response from the government is expected within the month. as the ‘heart of Canada.’” Hauch is currently pushing for Bruderheim to get a full seat at the Industrial Heartland table. Joining Redwater and Gibbons as an associate member in the association doesn’t give the town voting rights, Hausch emphasized. “We’re the only community totally surrounded by the Heartland Association,” said Hauch. Broadcaster/writer Rex Murphy Alberta is the Heart of Canada “Many of our residents
We’re the only community totally surrounded by the Heartland Association... Many of our residents work at the plants and we’d like to be more involved. Karl Hauch
Bruderheim Mayor Karl Hauch
Storm blows in major blast of winter KERRY ANDERSON A winter storm smashed into Alberta including the Lamont County area Jan. 25 and 26 when over 25 cm of snow crippled travel and caused several accidents. Many residents had difficulty getting to work as high winds, blowing snow and a large amount of snowfall caused Lamont County residents to get out the snow shovels, blowers and
plows. After colder weather set in Jan. 26 the snowfall warnings ended and cold weather of -25 C. set in at night.