July 4 Leader

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Your news this week: Chipman’s Spectacular Canada 150 Celebratory Fireworks - Page 2 Extraordinary religious celebrations in Mundare - Page 9 Vintage Day at UCHV - Page 10


Vol. 12, No. 36, Tuesday July 4, 2017 www.LamontLeader.com

Potpourri of Canada 150 activities throughout Lamont County

Team MSM roll to a first place finish.. MICHELLE PINON PHOTOS

Kassia Hammett, Town of Bruderheim CAO Patty Podoboronzy, Brud the Bear, and Jennifer Pook pose for a picture before the start of the parade on Queen Street. Linda and Kai St. Onge pose with their 16-month-old daughter Erika during Canada 150 celebrations in Andrew Sunday, July 2.

Andrew Mayor Heather Tait gets assistance with the singing of OĘźCanada. Shirley Fehr, 29 year resident of Andrew enjoys the festivities in the park.

Magician Ron Pearson wows his volunteer and the crowd during the Mundare Street Performers Festival. Below, the escape artist gets all wrapped up.

Arlan Maschmeyer accepts the toilet seat from Pat Lee as MSM Dump Tower won the first ever Outhouse Races in Bruderheim July 1.

This little fella loves his spider face painting creation in Mundare.

Wapiski Mahikan Powwow Dance Troupe at Elk Island National Park.

Fiddle player Andrew Zagrosh performs with Mundare Mayor Charlie Gargus during the street festival.

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