May 27 Leader

Page 1

Your news this week: Community Crew clean up - Page 7 Mundare Drama Students - Page 8 Hope and Prayer - Page 9

Vol. 9, No. 31, Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Thieves trash Andrew Gas Bar


For the third time in four months the Andrew Gas Bar was vandalized. Thieves ransacked the main area as well as the office spraying the contents from the fire extinguisher throughout. The parking area and neighbouring highway were littered with chips and pop. Michelle Pinon Editor

For the third time in four months the Andrew Gas Bar was the target of thieves. This most recent break in during the early morning hours of May 22 was different in the sense that the vandals simply trashed the merchandise and office space before dousing it with chemicals from a fire extinguisher. “They tore the place apart,” stated the manager, who did not want to be publicly identified for fear of further repercussions or possible retalia-

tion by the hoodlums in the future. Since this could be a vindictive crime, the manager stated later that morning (after 10 a.m.) that they were waiting on members of the forensic unit from Edmonton to investigate on scene. Motorists, who came to fuel up or grab a coffee, were dismayed and shocked to see the gas station and pumps cordoned off with yellow police tape. Bags of chips and pop were littered throughout the parking lot and smashed out windows a reminder of the violent force used to break through the panes of glass in the windows.

Robert Peyton was also dismayed to hear of the crime. Peyton, a member and director with the Andrew-Willingdon-St. Michael Rural Crime Watch Association, said fellow members (210 in total) received a fan out earlier in the week from RCMP. Peyton said there are several challenges in regards to policing in the Two Hills RCMP Detachment area, with staffing being the main one. Peyton said the detachment has been short two officers over the past year and has been waiting more than six months for the detach-

ment commander to relocate to the area and officially take on their full-time duties. “We need a foot soldier with a car and a gun,” stated Peyton emphatically as visibility is a crucial means of deterring criminals. Peyton said he has lived in the area for more than 10 years, and there has not been a local RCMP detachment in operation; however, there is a satellite RCMP office (ironically located within metres of the gas station in question) that is available to officers for use of high speed internet. Continued on Page 6

2 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 27, 2014

“SMALL TOWN, BIG DREAMS” Congratulations to the 2014 Andrew Graduates!

Bryce Biron

Kaitlyn Bodnarek

Tristan Dubitz

Zachary Flasha

Adam Heasley

Luke Hennig

Brittany Kucey

Alexander MacDougall

Zachary Miller

Owen Serediak

Julie Wortel

Andrew Andrew Co-Op Co-op

Congratulations and Best Wishes to all of the Andrew Graduates of2014! 2013! Wishing all the Grads a job well done! Good Luck to you all! From the Andrukow Group

Congratulations Grads!

Congratulations theAndrew Andrew totothe 2014 Graduating Graduating Class Class of 2013!

Your efforts make our community proud and our future bright. Mayor, Council & Staff

Village of Andrew Way to go “Small Dreams” " The endTown, is butBig a beginning." CongratulationsAndrew 2014 Congratulations Grads! SchoolAndrew Graduates of 2013! From the staff 0f Andrew School

From the Andrew Hotel Flashbacz Gamez and Grillz Congrats Grads!


Best wishes for the best of futures. Congratulations Grads!

Nearly New Treasures

Edith’s Fine Flooring

5030 - 51 St. Andrew


Congratulations Graduates! Lamont County Council and Staff

Centree Townn Autobody 5102- 51 Ave, Andrew


Congratulations! 2014 Andrew Grads Best wishes on your future endeavors

Congratulations Andr ew Grads! Good luck in wher e ever your futur e takes you!

Staff and Management of Lamont Leader

Congratulations Andrew Grads

Wishing all our our grads a bright and happy future! Mallard’s Landing Cafe

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Your accomplishments make us very proud! Congratulations on your bright future!

Shear Reflections Hair Design

Andrew Grocery

5016 - 50 Ave. Andrew, 780-365-3993

(780) 365-3974

Sincere Congratulations! Best wishes to all our grads! 780-365-3885 Andrew

Colleen Holowaychuk Trustee-Vice Chair Elk Island Public School Lamont County Ward 780-722-5370

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 27, 2014 - 3


Grade 6 students from Lamont Elementary School recently received their graduation certificates for completing the DARE program from RCMP Cst. Sean Morris.

14th Annual Show ‘n’ Shine Presented by:

Sunday, June 1st, 2014 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. On Display: Main Street, • Muscle Cars • Hot Rods “Home Chipman, AB • Classic Cars of the General Admission - $2.00 KOCH • Antique Cars • Cool Trucks FORD Pancake Breakfast CUP” Concession

9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Proceeds to the Chipman Golden Seniors

11:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Proceeds to the Chipman Volunteer Fire Department

Perogy Dinner Chipman National Hall 12:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. Courtesy of the Chipman Historical Foundation Participant Information: • Registration Fee $10.00 • Registration 9:00 a.m. For more information call: Lionel: 780-363-3888 Alf: 780-363-2324 Email: Visit our Website: Please bring a non-perishable food donation to support our county Food Bank!

Together we can

reduce the risk of cancer in Alberta by up to 50% 14054CA0

What would you do if you had more time together? Learn more at

4 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Opinion Cultivating efforts pay off dividends My muscles are screaming out in protest to my weeding and landscaping efforts over the weekend. But my heart is very happy at the progress I made and it was a sheer joy to be able to work outside again sans jacket! Despite my age or the fact that I grew up in rural Alberta, I still marvel each and every year during the rebirth of spring. Seeing some of the early growth of crops in the area was wonderful and is surely a great sign of things to come. Cultivating new hope is so uplifting, and I would like to take my hat off to Lamont High School teacher Wayde Putnam and his wife Angela for their fundraising efforts to help a loved one suffering from a recent amputation, as well as the efforts of volunteer organizers and supporters of the recent Friends Fighting Cancer group who raised $4,000 during their annual barbecue in Lamont. I know there are also many other individuals and organizations doing their part to help out fellow community members in their own special way. Don’t forget to circle your calendar for June 14 when the Telus Ride For Dad in support of the fight against prostate cancer rolls through Andrew, Mundare and Lamont. More than 1,200 motorcyclists are expected to make stops in our local communities. More details of the event will be available in the next issue of the Lamont Leader.

From Where I Sit: For Another Day

By Hazel Anaka Roy attended a breakout session called Boost Your Marvelous Brain at the recent Alberta Seniors Housing Association conference. He brought home a handout and brochure from the Calgary Alzheimer Society. I love learning about brain function because I’ve grown very fond (and protective) of my own mind. That’s also why I’ve never understood those who willfully do things that can hurt that precious organ. Or hasten the decline that naturally comes with advancing

age. Or fail to take protective proactive measures to optimize its function. Think about those old ads showing a brain on drugs or scrambled after an accident. When I was a teenager an old wives’ tale insisted that 10,000 brain cells were lost each time a person got drunk. I have no idea if that was true then or now but I do know I wasn’t taking any chances. I didn’t think I could spare any. There are five factors within our control as we attempt to keep our brains healthy as long as possible. They don’t offer total protection against the onset of Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia. 1. Challenge your mind through games like Sudoku, crosswords, puzzles, and card games. Learn a new language, take a course, play a musical instrument. Use your non-dominant hand to perform tasks. 2. Manage the stress levels in your life by get-

ting sufficient sleep and nurturing your health and wellbeing with personal time devoted to relaxation. Spend time with friends, hobbies, entertainment. Don’t fight those things you can’t change, ask for and accept help, and laugh. 3.Take steps to socialize whether it’s with family, friends or strangers. Join a group, club or organization. Be both the host and the guest. Initiate conversations. I had two fun and funny talks with the Jamaican maid who cleaned our hotel room. She laughed easily and often and I was caught up in her story. She looked like a girl yet was fifty-eight years old. Good genes or good attitude? She made my day. 4. Know your (cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, weight) numbers and get them into the healthy range. Eat a well-balanced, portion controlled diet; limit alcohol consumption and see a doctor when

necessary. 5. Incorporate regular, do-able, reasonable activity into your life. Protect yourself against head injury and concussion. Wear a seatbelt when driving. Prevent tripping hazards, be vigilant with medications, install aids and improve balance and strength to prevent falls. Memory loss, disorientation, errors in judgement and a changed personality are some early indicators of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Difficulty communicating or doing abstract thinking, being moody, misplacing items and lacking initiative are others. So our assignment is clear: after a good night’s sleep take a daily walk with a friend while wearing a helmet, munching on celery and doing a Sudoku before volunteering later with a service club. That should stave off dementia for another day from where I sit! SUBMITTED PHOTO

The nineth annual Friends For Cancer barbecue, held recently in Lamont, was a great success. A total of $4,000 was raised for the Canadian Cancer Society and the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Canada. Students, staff, along with businesses and residents all came together to support the fundraiser, and organizers could not have been more pleased with the overall results.

5038 - 50 Avenue Box 1079, Lamont, AB, T0B 2R0 Phone 895-2780 - Fax 895-2705 Email: Published every Tuesday at Lamont, AB Serving the Communities of Andrew, Bruderheim, Chipman, Hilliard, Lamont, Mundare, RR4 Tofield, Star and St. Michael

Kerry Anderson Publisher

Michelle Pinon Editor

Marline Umrysh Jodie TracyDerksen Harding Advertising Sales/ Ad Sales Office Manager/ Composition Ad Composition

Jazmine Inkster Jodie Derksen Student Repoter Ad Sales

*Advertisements designed, set and produced by The Lamont Leader, as well as pictures, news, editorial content and other printed material are protected by copyright and may not be used without the written permission of the The Lamont Leader.

Subscription Rates: Local: $35.18 per year USA: $96.81 Overseas: $187.25 Call to find out about our ONLINE SUBSCRIPTIONS

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 27, 2014 - 5

Sculpture embodies the true nature of Ros Bowes Submitted by Lamont High School

"The nearest thing to immortality that any of us can hope to achieve is to stay alive in the memory of those who knew and loved us." Author unknown. In the courtyard of Lamont High School stands a sculpture. Thoughtfully created by Mr. Bruce Suffield, at the request of the 2012 grad class, it embodies Ms. Bowes' nature, a timeless dedication in a fitting place, at the school that she loved and where she worked tirelessly for many years in the school office. "Ros Bowes was an avid and accomplished quilter and gardener," says Mr. Suffield, and he intricately wove these elements into the memorial. "Key elements include her signature "R" encircled; her height of 5' 4"; chair backs (from the school) to simulate one of Ros' favourite flowers, the English Primrose; the use of rebar to simulate the stitching and patterns used in quilting; and a triangular shape to represent a draped quilt." Mr. Lonnie Hicks, former principal at LHS, remembers Ros "as one of the most sensitive, empathetic people I have ever known. She could observe students and colleagues as they made their way through their day at school. She could see joy and suffering on peoples' faces and in their behaviors, and her observations often led her to provide help to people who needed someone to talk to. I understood the true measure of her impact in the school and community. I will always remember her sense of humor, her wisdom, her integrity, and her courage." After reading this, many of us will pause and reflect on what a privilege it was to know Ros. To remember the person we lost. To think of the positive contributions she made to others' lives. To try to make similar contributions. If you find yourself

visiting your home town, your old alma mater, out for your daily walk, at the Public Library, or at a

school function, take a moment to visit in the courtyard.


The late Ros Bowes lives on in the hearts and minds of those fortunate enough to have been touched by her kindness and generosity towards others.


We cordially invited you to attend the

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS Estate of EARL HUBERT MCPHERSON who died on November 04, 2013. If you have a claim against this Estate, you must file your claim by June 10, 2014 and provide details of your claim With:



CITY LAW OFFICES #191, 10420 - 98 Avenue FORT SASKATCHEWAN, AB T8L 2N6 780-997-0444 (p) 780-997-0774 (f)

If you do not file by the date above, the Estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.

Annual General Meeting of the Lamont Health Care Centre Board Friday, June 20th, 2014 Rotunda, Morley Young Manor Commencing at 10:00 a.m. (Building Access at 54th Street North, next to the Covered Resident Parking Area. Public Parking along 54th Street) Refreshments will follow. Your attendance will be greatly appreciated.

Thank You!

What’s on your ___ MedList?

Certified Seed For Sale Wheat: CWRS - AC Stettler -excellent yield with better protein & grade retention than Superb Soft White - AC Andrew - excellent yield potential, in demand by ethanol industry Yellow Peas: CDC Meadow - Excellent standability & Yield 6-Row Feed Barley: Trochu - Great option for grain or forage

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If it’s on the list, it won’t be missed! We can help:

6 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Break in at Andrew gas station raises several concerns Continued from Page 1

Besides lack of physical resources, there is also the geographical coverage area that covers over 7,000 square miles, according to Peyton. Having only one officer

to service the territory means shower service. For example, if a crime is committed in the Andrew area, it could take up to an hour for an officer to arrive on scene. “People committing the crimes know that. That’s one of our difficulties.”

Andrew resident, business owner and village councillor Osama Hamed had the distinction of being the first patient admitted to the Strathcona Community Hospital during opening day on Wednesday, May 21st. The staff wanted a picture of him, and he in turn took a photograph of them as a momento to mark the coincidental occasion.

The other difficulty is the time it takes between the filing of a report to the time a fan out is made. “The problem is by the time it gets to us, it’s stale news,” adds Peyton. One of the ideas that has been discussed with the Village of Andrew, notes Peyton, is increased surveillance cameras in the downtown area of Andrew. The association has also discussed establishing a fan out system via the internet versus the telephone messaging system which is the current mode of operation used by police. Requests were made to

obtain details of the crime from the Two Hills RCMP Detachment, but were not forthcoming or available by press time.




Wednesday, May 28th at 6:30 pm EVERYONE WELCOME!

Contact Donna


For more information call 780-895-2780

Orthodox V Parishes All services start at 10:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted Sunday Divine Liturgy 10:00 am 780-895-2149

Thursday, May 29th, Skaro Holy Ascension Day Sunday, June 1st, Chipman Tone 6 - 6th Sun after Easter

Community Supper Friday, June 20th, 5:00pm - 7:00pm Everyone Welcome! AA Meetings Thursdays at 8:30 pm


Axle-weight restrictions revert to 90% summer axle weights on the majority of Strathcona County roads.

Thank you for protecting our roads. Further information: Transportation and Agriculture Services 780-417-7100 Enforcement Services 780-449-0170

Lamont Alliance Church 44 st. & 50 Ave. 780-895-2879 Pastor Ron Wurtz Sunday Service 10:00 am

Roman Catholic Church Cluster of Parishes of Our Lady of Angels

Fort Saskatchewan Roman Catholic Services

Lamont Auxiliary Hospital Saturday Evenings 4:00 pm Our Lady of Good Counsel - Skaro 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays 8:30 am St. Michael the Archangel - St. Michael 2nd and 4th Sundays 8:30 am For further information please call O.L.A. Fort Saskatchewan at 780-998-3288

Bethlehem Lutheran Church

Lamont Alliance Church is a Family Friendly place to be Sunday mornings. Come join us!

5008 - 50 St. Bruderheim 780-796-3543 Pastor Richard Williams

Youth group: Grades 6-12, Alpha for youth Vacation Bible School: Aug. 18 - Aug. 22 Men’s Breakfast last Saturday of the Month

Sunday Service 9:30 am Bruderheim, Ab.

Check out our website:

“Come as a guest, leave as a friend”

Visit our website

LAMONT UNITED CHURCH 5306 - 51 Ave., Lamont, AB 780-895-2145 Rev. Deborah Brill Sunday Worship time 11:15 a.m.

LIFTED May 26, 2014


Church h Calendar

ROAD BANS Or call the church for more information.

Bruderheim Moravian Church Welcomes You! 780-796-3775 Sunday Worship 10:30 am Sunday School 9:15 am. Classes for ages 3 - Adult Junior Youth: Wednesdays 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm kindergarten to grade 6 Grief Recovery Support Group meets Tuesdays 7:00 pm call to register Located at the 4-way stop in Bruderheim

Bethany Lutheran Church 20577 TWP 550 Fort.Sask. (7km East of Josephburg) 780-998-1874 Pastor Richard Williams Worship Service 11:00 am Sunday School 11:15 am

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 27, 2014 - 7

Shell’s community crew clean up and green up Lamont Health Care Centre’s healing garden Michelle Pinon Editor

The courtyard of the Lamont Health Care Centre (LHCC) was buzzing with activity Friday, May 23 as members of the Shell community crew were mowing, weeding, planting, trimming, and cleaning the lawn, flower beds, shrubs and retention ponds. Harold James, LHCC chief executive officer, board members Mae Adamyk and Linda Mills, along with local greenthumb Blanche Thomson were on hand for the event. Adamyk, said the meditative and healing garden, that was officially dedicated in 2011 was the vision of Dr. McGregor Alton and horticulturist Stan

Thomson, who helped bring the vision to life. Adamyk said there have been several local families and organizations who have made donations for the green space. “People from our board and community members bring flowers,” added Adamyk. “It was a great day and the team was able to help with spring cleaning and yard maintenance including weeding and mowing, building new planter boxes, cleaning out the pond and planting new trees and flowers,” stated Jessica Blackmore, Community Liason Officer with Shell Scotford. Blackmore went on to say, “Shell teams and departments take part in Days of Caring (United Way) every year and we continue to see the par-


Shell’s 10 member community crew, set to work early Thursday morning cleaning up the courtyard (Meditative and Healing Garden) at the Lamont Health Care as part of the company’s Day of Caring program. ticipation grow with more Days happening with more employees each year.” Blackmore added: “I think Wendy Konsorada, Environment Manager and Day of Caring planner for the Lamont Healing Garden said it best: “Friday was a great day to get out and do something for our community. It was great to see the progress through-

out the day, but the real joy came from seeing the hospital board, employees and residents peaking out the window and even coming out to see the garden take shape. You could see how grateful they were to have this work done. It’s great to be a part of a company that allows us to go out and support our communities.”



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8 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Bigfoot comedy ready to hit the stage at Mundare School


The cast and crew of BIg Foot are ready to put their talents on display. The Grade 7 and 8 drama students from Mundare School are participating in the third annual Dessert Theatre May 30th and are hoping for a great crowd of enthusiastic supporters to attend what is sure to be a most entertaining evening. Michelle Pinon Editor

Audience members of the upcoming performance of Bigfoot at Mundare School are guaranteed to get a belly full of delicious desserts and laughs on May 30th. Director Sian Vadnais says the play promises to be a lot of fun for both the actors and members of the audience this coming Friday evening. A quaint and rustic lodge somewhere in the Pacific Northwest is the

setting for this lighthearted and hilarious wilderness adventure. “Start with the motherdaughter team that built the ramshackle lodge, throw in a small town sheriff with delusions of grandeur and two local self-obsessed teens. Add a generous portion of money hungry business folks, an overeager television crew, and an obscure preservation group. Now throw in a grizzled trapper and his mute guide, and finally

add BIGFOOT to the mix and you’ve got the recipe for belly laughs that’ll leave you wanting seconds,” said Vadnais. Besides a fun-filled evening of entertainment, the event is a fundraiser for the school’s drama department. Members of the cast and crew, 17 strong, will be ready to roll out the production which is guaranteed to be a success. Vadnais is hoping for a great turnout as she

has her sights set on using some of the proceeds to purchase cordless stage mikes. The mikes are around $100 each, so the size of the audience will likely determine how many of the microphones she will be able to purchase. The other goal of the play is to help “Foster love of theatre in our kiddos, encourage accountability and responsibility for each role, team work and co-operation. It really does take a village

(ensemble cast) to make a show work.” Also, making the show the work are drama teacher Barb Bienvenue, who is acting as assistant director and colleague Grade 7/8 language arts teacher Sara Pieterse. Vadnais said it has been a challenge to find rehearsal space big enough to duplicate the actual set size, trying to co-ordinate the classes to get enough in-school rehearsal time...and trying to co-ordinate busy

after school times and extra rehearsal times in the process. Vadnais said a big thank you goes out to teacher Jason LaFrance for being very accomodating and flexible with his class schedule. Vadnais said tickets ($7.50 each) can be prepurchased until the end of May 28, and encourages folks to do that as soon as possible. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and the show will start at 7 p.m. sharp.



THE NORTH SASKATCHEWAN REGIONAL PLAN WILL BE DEVELOPED WITH YOUR INPUT. PLAN TO ATTEND AN UPCOMING CONSULTATION SESSION. The North Saskatchewan Region comprises a large and diverse area in central Alberta with mountains, rolling foothills and prairie parkland. What matters to Albertans living, working and playing within this region is important as we begin planning how to grow and sustain the economic, environmental and social outcomes for the region.

Come share your values, ideas and comments at the consultation session in your community. Learn more at

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 27, 2014 - 9

Hope fundraiser looking for angels of mercy Michelle Pinon Editor

Wayde Putnam has more than just a busy schedule. The Lamont High School science teacher is busy juggling the extra demands of helping out his father-inlaw Daniel Warren, who was recently diagnosed with gangrene and was forced to have his right leg below the knee amputated, along with a toe on his left foot. Mix in an 11-month-old boy Ethan, and other family commitments, alongside wife Angela, and it has become an extremely challenging time for him. But Putnam does not mind or complain, and says having the support of family, friends, staff and students, keeps him staying positive and alleviate the stress he faces. “It (the fundraiser) has been completely positive. Everyone wants to chip in wherever they can.” Putnam says he has to give full credit to his wife Angela, who set up the website page “When A Flower Blooms So Does Hope For Dan Warren.” Since Dan and his wife Linda have been deemed ineligible for disability and life insurance, and the fact he has no prospect of income for the foreseeable future, nor ability to pay for his prosthetic or any modifications to their home and vehicle, the couple face the prospect of losing everything. “They have also had to drain their savings and RRSP’s on multiple occasions to help pay for previous medical issues so they don’t have a nest egg any longer either to draw from.” While the outlook is grim, the good news since the health crisis began is that more than $6,000 has been raised to help out the Warrens via the website. Putnam’s spirit has been buoyed by the outpouring of support to date, and encourages anyone who hears their story and want to help out and reach out to them.

Both Wayde and Angela would like to extend a heart-felt thank you for the generosity of those people who have already decided to give

to the fundraiser, and say the website will remain up and running until early July.

Visit our website and see the highlights along with some pictures from this event.

Beaver Creek

Our Sponsors

Wayde Putnam, (right), a science teacher at Lamont High School, expressed his gratitude for the support of staff, students and community members.


Andrew Schmidt, Licensed and Insured Call to book for spraying season 2014


Elk Island Golf Course Lamont Catering Club Lamont Curling Club Lamont District Chamber of Commerce Lamont Elementary School Lamont Fire Department Lamont Fish & Game

Lamont Jr High School Lamont Light Up Committee Lamont Lions Club Lamont Playschool Price Automotive Town of Lamont Administration, Public Works & Recreation Town of Lamont Council and YOU the RESIDENTS that made this all possible.

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10- The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 27, 2014



TEACHER POSITION Starting September 2014 AVAILABLE Credentials Required Apply with resume to: Deadline to apply June 13, 2014

Online Readership When you put your Help Wanted ad in the Lamont Leader, you can also count on over 1,000 people checking it out online monthly. That’s in addition to the thousands who read the Lamont Leader in paper form.

Andrew Agricultural Society 2014 /-.0Summer !+%%")Employment %($',%"&*Opportunity ((')*+&#*, Andrew Societyinvites invites applications for2014 the Summer 2014 Summer AndrewAgricultural Agricultural Society applications for the Season Employment: Season Employment: POSITIONS ONE POSITIONS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: ONE DUTIES: Cleaning, Painting, Minor Repairs, Grass Cutting, DUTIES: Cleaning, Painting, Minor Repairs, Grass Cutting, Weed Weed Pulling.Pulling. Most duties will take place at the Andrew Arena and surrounding grounds. Most duties will take place at the Andrew Arena and surrounding grounds. QUALIFICATIONS: Must be 15 yrs of age as of June 1/14. QUALIFICATIONS: Must be 15 yrs of age as of June 1/14. Must beMust ablebe toable work withwith minimal to independently work independently minimalsupervision. supervision. Must beMust ablebe toable operate a lawnmower. to operate a lawnmower. TIME Approx.7 7weeks weeks @ hours 40 hours per week TIMEFRAME: FRAME: Approx. @ 40 per week Flexible work schedule. Flexible work schedule. WAGE: $15/HR. WAGE: $15/HR. APPLICATION CLOSING DATE: June 15, 2014

APPLICATION CLOSING DATE: June 15, 2014 Please send applications to: Andrew Agricultural Society Box 235 Andrew, Alberta T0B 0C0 Ph:780-699-4880 for more info.

LAMONT HEALTH CARE CENTRE TEMPORARY PART-TIME MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST Undetermined Length of Time 0.40 FTE (Days alternating Monday to Tuesday, Thursday to Friday) Qualifications to include: • Graduate of an accredited Medical Transcription program essential • Excellent knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology required • Excellent typing speed (65 wpm) with high degree of accuracy essential • Knowledge of Dragon 360 preferred Salary in accordance with AUPE – Support Staff Collective Agreement

Closing Date: Until a suitable candidate is found Forward resume to:

Teresa Klasen Health Information Supervisor Lamont Health Care Centre PO Box 479 5216 53 Street Lamont, AB T0B 2R0

Why do our ads work best in Lamont County? Simple Really: Circulation - when a newspaper delivers in an area whether or not they have news that relates to readers. Readership - When the paper is filled with local news of interest to local readers. You can be assurred that the Lamont Leader has READERSHIP not just circulation.


CAREGIVER-HOMEMAKER Require older lady or couple to live permanently in a new home in south Calgary and care for my mentally handicapped daughter. She is not physically handicapped but needs help to perform daily tasks such as dressing, showering, bathroom and table. She has a gentle disposition and attends a work program 6 hours a day, Monday to Friday to which she must be transported. You will be required to maintain a clean, comfortable loving home for her and yourself and be totally responsible for housework and all things necessary for a well run home. Renumeration paid monthly, but some cost sharing is expected. A Diploma, Degree ot PHD or experience in social work is not needed. A knowledge of motherhood and childcare plus a compassionate lovingnature with a large dose of common sense will do fine. Short listed applicants must provide a Police Security and a Vulnerable Persons Check, a current Driver’s Abstract, be a non-smoker and have own reliable transportation. One small house pet may be permitted.

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Mechanics Duties to include service, repair and set up of new and used farm equipment. Preference will be given to those who hold proper certification.

Sales People Seeking those who have a passion for the agriculture industry and who have a working knowledge about the equipment we carry. Our sales department requires those who are self-motivated, organized and possess a positive attitude.

Drivers Seeking committed drivers, who like a lot of hours for our hauling division. Successful applicant must have experience with large single axle truck and trailer (with air brakes), operating picker arm, be able to demonstrate proper rigging, and have oilfield tickets. Some evening and weekend work will be required based on a rotation. A clean driver’s abstract is a condition of hiring. Preference will be given to those who have the ability to contribute to our other divisions as well. Smith’s Hauling and Smiths Equipment Sales is a growing and busy agriculture equipment dealership and hot shot company in Lougheed, AB. We offer highly competitive wage, and an excellent benefits package. Interested applicants are invited to send their resumes along with references to: Smith’s Hauling Inc. Box 242 Lougheed, AB T0B 2V0 Or email to: No phone calls please. Only those selected for interview will be contacted.

Visit us at

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 27, 2014 - 11

Home Improvements

Business Directory 1” $40/month; 2” $80/month

Agriculture North Point Agronomy Ltd.

BRIAN FAGAN 780-271-7149

Electrical Matt Luyckfassel

Providing Independent Agronomic Services Soil Sampling • Truck Mounted Hydraulic Probe • Up to 24” depth •GPS positioning Fertility/Agronomic Recommendations

Exterior and Interior Renovations Basements, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Windows & Siding FREE ESTIMATES



For all your:

Please call for rates

needs call:

Margaret Roberts: (780) 365-3504

Tyler Graham P.Ag. (780)691-2981

Residential - Commercial - Industrial

House Cleaning

Happy Nest



House Cleaning Service Over 20 years experience

EST. 2006

Weekly, bi-weekly or occasional services.

Call today: 780-521-5000

Commercial • Residential • Industrial Chain Link • Ornamental

Rene Pedersen, Tofield AB. 780-919-0934

Licensed and insured. For your protection all of our service providers have passed a criminal and vulnerable sector check. • PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION GUARANTEED

Building Movers EDALTA BUILDING MOVERS LTD. HELP WANTED: Male Labourers • WE RAISE & MOVE ANY SIZE BUILDING • WE BUY & SELL TOO ! •Alberta Building Movers Assoc. Proud to be of service!

Box 358, Lamont, AB. Email:


Phone: 780-895-2031 Fax: 780-895-7764 Toll-Free: 1-866-895-2031




Kennels Pet Boarding Service

Cozy Critters


Phone 780-992-7990

Best Quality Granite, Design

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Where Dogs Play


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Day Care




Custom Machining, Manufacturing, Repair, Welding and Lite Fabrication

100% WOOD HEAT, no worries. Keep your family safe and warm with an OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE from Central Boiler. Call: TRIPLE E HEATING today. Phone: 780-918-3766 Website:

Open Mon.-Fri. 6:30 am to 6:00 pm Ages 12 months to 12 years Fully licensed-pre-accredited-subsidy accepted! 780-764-2272 5236 50 Street, Mundare

Our business ads are

Myles Faragini Owner/Operator

4217-51 Avenue, Vegreville, AB. TOLL FREE: 844-632-2054 CELL: 780-966-9191 WEBSITE:

Home Improvements Structural Foundation Repair •Wall Leaks• •Sump• •Weeping Tile•

Box 462, Hwy 15 Bruderheim, Alberta T0B-2R0

(780) 803-7156




Ser vices to: Industrial/commercial, Agricultural, 11222A-88th Ave Oil and gas and Fort Saskatchewan AB Transportation

more and more every week.

Call to have your business included. Lamont Leader 780-895-2780 Ask for Marline

12 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Business Directory

Real Estate

1” $40/month; 2” $80/month For all your real estate needs




KT Mechanical LTD

ENTERPRISES INC. Equipment rentals and sales Mini Batch Concrete

5004 50 Street, Mundare


Lamont, Alberta Commercial & Residential • Heating • Air Conditioning • Refrigeration

Phone: 292-2336 Fax: 895-2809 20 years experience!

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JMP Plumbing & Heating Ltd.

Quality Attachments at Quality Prices

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Sales and Rentals Grapples, Buckets, Forks, Augers, Trenchers, Specialty Attachments

CORY CHOLAK 780-850-4003 Lamont, Alberta

John Panek 780-999-2065 Box 84, Lamont, AB T0B 2R0



Proudly Serving Lamont County and surrounding area’s

MARCEL’S PAINTING LTD. Residential & Commercial Interior & Exterior Re-paint or New Jobs Farm Buildings Serving Lamont County and Surrounding Area

P: (780) 657-2440 C: (587) 280-2879

Free Estimates • • • • Senior Rates

Tree Services

Motor Vehicle Accidents, Fatal Accidents, Wills & More

TITAN TREE MOVING SERVICE Huge 82” 6 spade mover ensures high survivability and less babysitting

Elizabeth J. Tatchyn, B.A., LL.B BARRISTER & SOLICITOR

Lambert Love Owner

780-632-2700 Retail Sales Provincially Inspected Abattoir Gluten & MSG Free Product Cooked Meats for Special Events


By appointment only * Speaks Ukrainian * Lamont 780-895-2100 Edmonton: 780-425-5800

Real Estate

As Scene Photography

CALL 780-603-3437

at the Elk Island Insurance Agency

TITAN TREE SERVICES Tree moving & removal, trimming, pruning, brush & stump mulching. We haul away the debris!

CALL 780-603-3437

Trucking Trevor Schinkinger Trucking Ltd.

A ArTeam Realty

Independently owned and operated

and Graphic Design


Shannon Kowal Broker

Kevin Tychkowsky

PH: 780.720.6361 FAX: 780.922.8715 EMAIL: GSH50@SHAW.CA

Industrial tools and consumables

Office – 780-764-4007 Cell – 780-920-3076

Brochures, Web pages, Flyers and Business cards Contact: (780) 895-2871

"I live in Lamont County!" Mary Robinson

• Sand, Gravel & Top Soil • Loading & Hauling • Landscaping • Excavating • Demolition

Ph: 780-895-2349




Our business ads are gr

Cell: 780-220-5405

Box 412 Lamont, Alberta T0B-2R0

more and more every week. Call to have your business included.

Lamont Leader 780-895-2780 Ask for Marline

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 27, 2014 - 13

Blanket Alberta Ads take approximately 10 days to process

_____________________ AUCTIONS _____________________

BUSINESS OPPOTUNITIES _____________________

NEED TO ADVERTISE? Province wide classifieds. Reach over 1 million readers weekly. Only $269. + GST (based on 25 words or less). Call this newspaper NOW for details or call 1-800-282-6903 ext. 228. _____________________ MEIER GUN AUCTION. Saturday, June 7, 11 a.m., 6016 - 72A Ave., Edmonton. Over 150 guns - Handguns, rifles, shotguns, hunting and sporting equipment. To consign call 780-440-1860. _____________________ ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLE AUCTION. June 7, Namao Elementary School, 10 a.m. Car models, Coca-Cola, vintage soda shop/ice cream parlor, antique/vintage tools, furniture, much more. Details: 780903-9393. _____________________ UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE - Leroy Rasmuissen Estate. Friday, June 13 at 10 a.m., Nanton, Alberta. Tractors & shop equipment; www.theauctioncompany.c a. _____________________ REAL ESTATE & Farm Auction (Terry & Dianna Coverly, 780-525-2530). Sunday, June 8, 10:30 a.m., Grassland, Alberta. Farm equipment, boats, etc. Complete listings & photos on all auctions: Andruchow Auctions Ltd.; www.andruchowauctions.c om. _____________________ UNRESERVED METAL Fabricating Auction. Thursday, June 5, 11 a.m. Preview: Wednesday 10 5. CNC Plasma cutting, loaders, saws and ironworker, welding vehicles. A must view at: m. 780-922-6090. _____________________ AUTO PARTS _____________________

GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000. + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866668-6629. Website: _____________________ CAREER TRAINING _____________________

WRECKING AUTOTRUCKS. Parts to fit over 500 trucks. Lots of Dodge, GMC, Ford, imports. We ship anywhere. Lots of Dodge, diesel, 4x4 stuff. Trucks up to 3 tons. North-East Recyclers 780875-0270 (Lloydminster). _____________________

THERE IS STILL a huge demand for Canscribe Medical Transcription graduates. Medical Transcription is a great work-from-home career! Contact us today at 1800-466-1535; _____________________ EMPLOYMENT _____________________ FREIGHTLAND CARRIERS, a tri-axle air ride flatdeck carrier is looking for Owner/Operators to run Alberta only or 4 Western Provinces. Average gross $18 - 25,000/month. 1800-917-9021. Email: _____________________ HD LICENSED TECHNICIAN for several Alberta areas. Must have or willing to obtain CVIP licence. Please email or fax applications to: Carillion Canada Inc.; dlefsrud@carillionalberta.c a. Fax 780-336-2461. _____________________ AN ALBERTA OILFIELD company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 780-723-5051. _____________________ PUT YOUR EXPERIENCE to work - The job service for people aged 45 and over across Canada. Free for candidates. Register now at: or call toll free 1-855-2860306. _____________________ TRENCHUK LIVESTOCK HAULING requires Class 1 Drivers. Alberta wide work. Competitive wages. Call Michael at 780-656-0053, Smoky Lake. _____________________ JOURNALISTS, Graphic Artists, Marketing and more. Alberta's weekly newspapers are looking for people like you. Post

These blanket classified ads are produced through a joint agreement by The Community Press, Viking Weekly Review, Lamont Leader, Tofield Mercury and Alberta Weekly Newspaper Association (AWNA). These ads appear in all AWNA member papers (120 papers) for the cost of $269.00 (+gst) for the first 25 words, $8.00 per word over 25. To place a blanket classified, call a CARIBOU PUBLISHING representative at 780-385-6693 or email

your resume online. Free. Visit: _____________________ PCL ENERGY. Now hiring Journeyperson Pipefitters ($40+/hour) and Scaffolders ($38+/hour) for an industrial project in Vascoy, SK. LOA of $145/day worked, travel and bonuses paid! We offer competitive wages and benefits. Send resume t o : _____________________ EMPLOYERS CAN'T FIND the work-at-home Medical Transcriptionists they need in Canada! Get the training you need to fill these positions. Visit to start training for your work-athome career today! _____________________ TRENCHUK CATTLE CO. in Smoky Lake is looking for General Labourers with cattle skills. Class 1 Truck Drivers. Cat/Hoe Operators. $20 - $35/hour depending on experience. Mechanical skills an asset. Call Willy at 780-6560052 or fax resume to 780-656-3962. _____________________ WINCH TRACTOR OPERATORS. Must have experience operating a winch. To apply fax, email or drop off resume at the office. Phone 780-8426444. Fax 780-842-6581. Email: Mail: H&E Oilfield Services Ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave., Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7. For more employment information see our webpage: _____________________ FEED & SEED _____________________

wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. "On Farm Pickup" Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252. _____________________

PASKAL CATTLE COMPANY in Picture Butte area is looking for Feed Barley. Put more $ in your pocket. Sell direct to us. Please call Main Office for details. 403-372-5641. _____________________ FORAGE SEED for sale. Organic and conventional. Sweet Clover, Alfalfa, Red Clover, Smooth Brome, Meadow Brome, Crested Wheatgrass, Timothy, etc. Free delivery! Birch Rose Acres Ltd. 306-863-2900. _____________________ HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley,

MASSIVE TREE SALE. Hardy tree, shrub, and berry seedlings. Perfect for shelterbelts or landscaping. Full boxes as low as $1/tree. Bundles of 10 as low as $1.29/tree. Free shipping. Replacement guarantee. 1-866-873-3846 or _____________________ LIVESTOCK FOR SALE _____________________

FOR SALE _____________________ BEAUTIFUL SPRUCE TREES. 4 - 6 ft., $35 each. Machine planting; $10/tree (includes bark mulch and fertilizer). 20 tree minimum order. Delivery fee: $75 - $125/order. Quality guaranteed. 403-820-0961. _____________________ METAL ROOFING & SIDING. Very competitive prices! Largest colour selection in Western Canada. Available at over 25 Alberta Distribution Locations. 40 Year Warranty. Call 1-888-2638254. _____________________ DISCONNECTED PHONE? Phone Factory Home Phone Service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call Phone Factory today! 1-877-3362 2 7 4 ; _____________________ SAWMILLS from only $4,397. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & dvd: www.NorwoodSawmills.c om/400OT. 1-800-5666899 ext. 400OT. _____________________ EVERY WATER WELL on earth should have the patented "Kontinuous Shok" Chlorinator from Big Iron Drilling! Why? Save thousands of lives every year. Phone 1800-BIG-IRON. ________

FOR SALE. Simmeron Simmentals, fullblood full Fleckvieh yearling bulls, polled and horned, A.I. bloodlines, very quiet, muscled. Website: sim- Martin 780-913-7963. _____________________ MANUFACTURED HOMES _____________________ WESTERN CANADIAN Modular Homes Sales is now ordering custom homes for July deliveries. Only 4 show homes left for immediate delivery! We're only a click or call for the best pricing on the prairies! 1855-358-0108. _____________________ SHOWHOME SALE. Substantial savings to be had! Need room for whole new display! Visit Grandview Modular Red Deer to see the quality and craftsmanship that set us apart. 1-855-347-0417; www.grandviewmodular.c om; _____________________ PERSONALS _____________________ DISABILITY BENEFIT GROUP. Suffering from a disability? The Canadian Government wants to give you up to $40,000. For details check out our website: or call us today toll free 1-888-8754787. _____________________ TOP REAL PSYCHICS Live. Accurate readings 24/7. Call now 1-877-3423036; Mobile dial: # 4486; _____________________ DATING SERVICE. Long-term/short-term relationships. Free to try! 1877-297-9883. Live intimate conversation, Call #7878 or 1-888-534-6984. Live adult 1on1 Call 1866-311-9640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. 1-877-804-5381. (18+). _____________________ REAL ESTATE _____________________ DO YOU OWN real estate? I offer 1st & 2nd mortgages with no credit check. Get approved today. Call 1-866-4051228 or email: ELINOR LAKE RESORT. Lots selling at 25% off listed price, or 5% down on a rent to own lot with no interest over 5 years. 1877-623-3990; elinorlak- _____________________ SERVICES _____________________ DO YOU NEED to borrow money - Now? If you own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money - It's that simple. 1-877-486-2161. _____________________ GET BACK on track! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need money? We lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420; _____________________ CRIMINAL RECORD? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. (24 hour record check). Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-2281300/1-800-347-2540; www.accesslegalre _____________________ DROWNING IN DEBT? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation; or toll free 1-877-5563500. BBB rated A+. _____________________ BANK SAID NO? Bank on us! Equity Mortgages for purchases, debt consolidation, foreclosures, renovations. Bruised credit, self-employed, unemployed ok. Dave Fitzpatrick: 587-437-8437, Belmor Mortgage. _____________________ TRAVEL _____________________ CRIMINAL RECORD? Pardon Services Canada. Established 1989. Confidential, fast & affordable. A+BBB rating. RCMP accredited. Employment & travel freedom. Free consultation 18-NOW-PARDON (1-8669 7 2 - 7 3 6 6 ) ; _____________________ WANTED _____________________ FIREARMS. All types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed dealer. 1-866960-0045;

14 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Serving Beaver County & Area

Classified ads placed in any of the three publications will appear in all papers for ONE price of $10.75 for the first 25 words and .39¢ a word thereafter







Annual General Meeting of the Viking Community Foundation meeting Thursday June 12th, 7pm at the Viking Town Office. Open to anyone interested. 18-20c ________________________ 90TH BIRTHDAY FOR PAULINE (POLLY) KOLENOSKY COME & GO TEA SUNDAY JUNE 1, 2014 FROM 1PM TO 3:30PM AT THE VIKING SENIOR CENTRE, VIKING, AB NO GIFTS PLEASE CP 17-18c ________________________ Join us for a bridal shower for Shelby Vitek, bride elect of Chris Loomis on June 8 at 2 p.m. at the Viking Legion Hall. Everyone welcome. 18-19c ________________________ Please join us for a come and go bridal shower for Amanda Wakefield on May 31 at the Holy Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Viking from 2-4pm. Please bring your favourite recipe for the kitchen of the bride to be. 17-18c ________________________ Bridal shower for Amanda Beale, bride-elect of Ray Hill, Sunday June 8, 2014 at 2pm Viking United Church Everyone Welcome 18-19p ________________________ Bruce Cemetery Annual Clean up Monday, June 9 1:00 p.m. Meeting to follow. Bring a friend. 18-19p ________________________ Senior Supper Sunday June 8, 2014, at Viking Senior Centre at 6:00 p.m. To register please call Margaret at 780-336-3514 Entertainment by Bob Williams 18-19c ________________________ COWBOY CHURCH at Viking Auction Market, Jct. of Hwy. 36 and 26. Fri., May 30, at 7:30 p.m. All welcome, Call Terry at 780-3763599 or 780-336-2224. CP17-18 ________________________ VIKING FARMERS MARKET Regular market 2 - 4 p.m. every Thursday. New vendors welcome. For more info or to book a table call 780-592-2431. tfn ________________________ Cowboy Church: 10:30 am, Sunday, June 1 at Tofield Arena. Led by Doug Rawling & Wilderness Ranch Camp staff. Freewill offering for Wilderness Ranch Camp. TM18c

Spacious newly renovated one, two, and three bedroom apartments. Includes laminate flooring, ceramic tile, new appliances, cable, heat, and water. Rents starting at $600 with rental incentives on a one year lease. In Tofield 780-6623396. TM01tfnc ________________________ 5103 - 53 Ave., Tofield. 3 bedrooms, and 2 1/2 baths. $1,100/month for rent and $1,100 for D.D. Call Adam 780-267-9907. TM17-20p ________________________ Office space for rent in The Co-operators-Ritchie Agencies building (5103 – 50st) in Viking. For more info, please contact Todd at 780-336-4000 or 51tfnc ________________________ FOR RENT IN TOFIELD - 3 bedroom main floor suite of fourplex near library. $900 per month, $900 security deposit. Includes heat and water. No smoking, no pets. References required. Call 780-995-9339 TMtfn ________________________ Two bedroom townhouse for rent in Tofield July 1. Gas FP. vaulted ceilings. In floor heating. 5 appl. Attached 1 car garage. $1100 plus elec. call 780436-7909 TM18-19p ________________________ Approx 100 acres of pasture for rent by tender, NE11-5017-W4, 1 year term, fences to be maintained by the renter. E-mail tender to by June 7. Highest tender not necessarily accepted. TM18c ________________________

A give away. This nice well maintained 1975 20ft. M.H. on a one ton G.M.C. Class with only 79,000 miles. Over $10,000 was spent on it to bring it up to 95% government road worthy. It is ideal for hunting-fishing and snow-boarding as it has a 454 GMC motor. It has lots of power to pull a trailer with a boat or an ATV. It is on dual gas and propane at average of 75 cents a liter. We went twice to Yuma and Phoenix and Palm Springs in California with it trouble free. You do not need a R.V. park as it is very self-contained. It is equipped with 3 solar panels, big cat battery, 1,700 watt inverters for 110 volt power. It has a new toilet, shower, microwave, 2 way fridge, 3 burner stove with oven, roof air-conditoner, a new TV and DVD and much more. It also has 2" foam insulation underneath, for winter and summer. At 84 years of age my health says stay home. I would like to recover some of my expenses. I am asking $7,900 or best offer. Thanks. Phone at home: 1-780-4346938 or cell: 1-780-977-3060. Please leave a message if interested. TM18p ________________________

SAFETY STARTS HERE TRAINING CENTRE • First Aid - CPR AED (AB & BC) • Standard First Aid • Emergency First Aid • Child Care First Aid • HCP First Aid • H2S Alive (Enform) • Ground Disturbance (Global) • Confined Space Entry • CSTS • PST • TDG • WHMIS • Flagger Training Phone (780) 608-1434 ________________________ Clerical positions, labourer positions. Part-time/fulltime – wages $15 - $20/hr. Part-time/full-time Yard Manager – competitive salary. Beaver Hill Auctions – apply in person with resume 780-662-9384 doug@beaverhillauctions.c om TM17-20c ________________________ Waterfowl hunting guide in Tofield/Vegreville area. September and October 2014. Two positions available $5,200-$6,500/month. Some experience required. Evenings and weekends. Room and board provided. Contact Blaine Burns at Black Dog Outfitters 780203-2876 or, check it out at TM17-22p ________________________ St Michael Regional Landfill is looking for a part-time scale attendant. Must have computer experience $12.00 - $14.00 hr. Fax your resume to 780-796-2081 or e-mail 15-18LL ________________________ Air brake course May 28 in Bawlf. Class 1 and 3 driving courses since 1993. Visit or call 1-877-672-2131 CP16-18 ________________________ St Michael Regional Landfill has an opening for experienced full-time and part-time cat operator Landfill Training provided. Fax your resume to 780-7962081 or e-mail 15-18LL ________________________ Wanted Experienced Class 1 Drivers to work Full Time/Year Round and Locally. 5 days a week. Weekends off. Employer paid benefits package available. Call Richard at Hammers' Gravel Supplies Ltd. In Viking at 780-3363232 or cell 780-336-5030. 18-19c ________________________

Part time grader operator Call Darren at 780-336-5500 18-19c ________________________

You Name It, I Can Do It ! Phone Steve for a Free Estimate Today. Specializing in Drywall, Taping, Mudding, Installing Windows & Doors, Painting, Complete Basement and Main Floor Reno's, Additions, Siding and a lot more. Cell: 780-632-9352 or leave a message @ 780-6572066 14-21LL ________________________ Carpet and upholstery cleaning - residential and commercial. Truck mount unit, sewer back-up, and flood cleaning. Auto and RV cleaning. Call Glenn and Cindi Poyser, Fancy Shine Auto and Carpet Care at (780) 384-3087, Sedgewick. CPtfn ________________________ Straight Line Fencing is offering Livestock Liquid Feed Supplement available now, will deliver. We also inject bales. 32 percent protein. We also have lick tanks for sale. For more info call Mark Laskosky at 780-6882457 or 780-990-7659. 47tfn


FOR SALE Frigidaire fridge, like new $400. Frigidaire freezer 5 cu feet $150. Call: 780-662-3169 TM17-18p ________________________ 2008 Montana 5th Wheel Model 3465 Extremely good condition Asking $29,000 Call Doug at 780-336-2250 or 780-385-0282 16-19c ________________________ 1999 Mercury Sable approximately 248,000 km, needs some work. Asking $400 call: 780-662-4046 TM16-20p ________________________

Does your club have an event planned? Advertise in Classifieds

This cute 20x22 cottage could be yours for as little as $13,700 firm, no GST. The house is on solar power. It is completely winter and summer insulated; even the floor has 10 inches of insulation so it doesn't have to be set on a cement basement. The 6x6 timber and 6x6 blocking that it is sitting on now is all you need. The house has been all hand sanded and painted 2 years ago with new eve troughs. It has a bath tub, shower, sink, toilet, a $650 bed used for 3 weeks, kitchen table, chairs, and a TV entertainment center. There is also a 4ft. wide porch on 2 sides with wood railings. It was taken off for transporting. Transportation is available at a reasonable price per mile. It is heated by a propane heater. Newer windows. The cottage can be viewed at Joe's gravel pit, 14 km north of Tofield. For more information contact George Caouette at (780) 977-3060 or cell 780-4346938. Please leave a message. Thanks. TM18p



LIVESTOCK QUIET - 2 year Old & Yearling Black Angus Bulls. Black Baldie Bulls available. Semen Tested. 780-632-1104 or 780-632-1961. 9-22LL ________________________ Red and Black Angus yearling Heifer bulls $1800.00. Ed and Blaine Davidson, Lougheed, AB. Phone 780384-2354, 780-888-2123, Cell 780-888-7585 10TFN ________________________ Yearling unregistered Purebred Red Angus Bulls. Moderate birth weights, heifer and cow bulls available. Very quiet, have been pail fed. Semen tested and we will deliver. Will keep until needed. Call 780-3862127 or 780-385-0406. CP16-18p ________________________


8 acres, 3,760 sq. ft. on 2 floors, 7 miles southwest of Killam REDUCED $549,000, New oak floors up and new carpet down, 9 new appliances, bathroom fixtures, counter tops, and tile. Attached garage, 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 3 fireplaces, built-in vac, and more. Heated shop with office, barn, 4 stall storage shed, fenced for livestock. Call Marilyn & Jack O’Brien at 780-385-8686. CP07tfn ________________________ Acreage on Hwy 36 Viking 6.8ac with 2500 sq.ft. home with attached garage, 1400 sq.ft. rental second home, 48’x72’ steel shed, 36’x64’ quonset, single garage, pump house, coal boiler heat system. Call 780-3851531 or 780-385-5702. 18-23p ________________________

SERVICES Roy’s Handyman Services. Flooring, trim work, basement finishing, decks, fences, kitchen cabinet installs and carpentry work. 780-662-0146 or 780-2323097. TMTFN ________________________ Massage and Reflexology. 1 hour treatments. Marge 780-662-3066. TM23tfn

________________________ Accounting available in Tofield and surrrounding areas. Offering A/P, A/R, payroll and accounting services. Phone: 780-9108614 TM18-19p ________________________ Solid House Roofing Systems Ltd., re-roof, repair or new roof. Free estimates. Contact us for all your roofing needs. Locally owned and operated. Call: 780-6905145 TM16-19p

Continued Continuedon onPage Page15 12


Sell, Trade, Jobs, Garage Sales,

Notices, Coming Events,

Thank You


780•336•3422 TOFIELD MERCURY

780•662•4046 LAMONT LEADER


The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 27, 2014 - 15

Forecast of Fort Air Partnership up in the air Michelle Pinon Editor

MICHELLE PINON PHOTOS With the launch of the province’s new air monitoring agency, current air sheds, including the Fort Air Partnership, are facing an uncertain future despite the business as usual mantra.

A day before the official launch of the province’s new environmental agency, its Chief Executive Officer Brad Pickering stood before board members of the Fort Air Partnership and fellow guests at the annual general meeting and open house at the Dow Centennial Centre in Fort Saskatchewan on May 21 to unveil its plans. But exactly what those plans will mean for Fort Air Partnership and eight other air sheds in the province, was unclear. “I guess you could say everything is up in the air,” said Nadine Blaney, executive director of the Fort Air Partnership. Pickering told the audience that the Alberta

Classifieds Continued from page 14 11 Continued from Page

THANK YOU The family of Edna Roddick would like to thank their many friends and relatives for their kind expression of sympathy extended in the loss of our mother and grandmother. We were overwhelmed by the kindness of everyone who called, kept us well fed, sent cards, flowers or donations. A special thank you to Rev. Ken Flannagan for the lovely service, to Janet Nordstrom for playing the organ and to Carol McKie, for leading the hymns; also to Earl Kjelland and Jeanne Congdon for their professionalism. To Liz and Sandy, who gave the eulogy and to the pallbearers David, Sheri, Gail, John, Wendy and Ian, Grandma would have been so proud of you. Many thanks to the nurses and doctors who took such compassionate care of Edna. Last but not least, a huge thank you to staff and residents of Vialta Lodge. All your kindness and sympathy was greatly appreciated. George, Kaye and Families Bob, Pat and Families ________________________

TO GIVE AWAY Older mobile home 14'x76' c/w mud porch. For viewing phone: 780-663-3691 TM18-19p ________________________

WANTED Wanted Standing Hay, Cultivated and Pasture Land. Cash or Shares. Feel free to call for a quote 780497-1633. 14 tfnLL ________________________ Standing tame hay or slough hay for rent or lease. Call: 780-363-2449. 16-19LL

Brad Pickering

Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Agency (AEMERA), which he described as an arms length organization, became operational a month ago. Due to the persistent and rapid pace of development, especially in Fort McMurray and Athabasca areas, Pickering said there is a strong need for credible and environmental data to be readily available and accessible to support the decisions of law makers as well as meet the expectations of the public. Pickering said they need to be able to manage the cumulative effects of development on the environment in a clear and concise way that is “open, transparent, and scientifically credible to the outside world.” As to how AMERA will work together with Fort Air Partnership and the other air sheds throughout the province, that will have to be discussed by members of the AMERA board. “We will be working through how it works,” added Pickering, who said the board’s first meeting would be held the following day, May 22. In the short term, it will be the status quo, stated Pickering and in the longer term, a region-

al planning framework would be developed. He went on to say that we (AMERA) is committed to keeping you (Fort Air Partnership) informed and where possible engaged and involved. Fort SaskatchewanVegreville MLA Jacquie Fenske wondered how AMERA was going to influence the long term, and pointed out the progress the organization (Fort Air Partnership) has come since its inception and the trust that has been established with members of the public. While there is change on the horizon, Pickering told Fenske not to be fearful of it and that AMERA had no plans to disturb what its members had already accomplished in the past. In terms of funding and how this integrated system would work, Pickering reiterated AMERA is in its early days and there are a lot of issues and perspectives and details to be worked through. He hinted they would more than likely have to set up some type of distribution system in the future. So while there may be no easy answer, Pickering said ultimately any decision would have to be made by the government. Fort Saskatchewan Mayor Gale Katchur

wanted to know if AMERA’s plans would be incorporated into the land use plans in the Capital Region and Calgary? Pickering said all municipalities have their own land use plans, and AMERA’s plan would be incorporated into that once those regional plans were completed. Fort Air Partnership Chair Joy Wesley said AMERA is wanting increasing control over air monitoring in the province, wasn’t quite sure how a top down versus a bottom up system would work. Wesley described the Fort Air Partnership as a grassroots organization, and there are concerns in relation to autonomy, funding, data management, direct relationships with industry partners, etc. So while Pickering said everything is business as usual, Wesley wondered how the board is to make effective planning decisions in the future. Fort Air Vice Chair Keith Purves also expressed many of the same concerns as Wesley, and said the main thing is that they don’t loose the relationships they have built up over the past seven years as an independent organization.

Town council shows its appreciation

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Outstanding employees with the Town of Bruderheim were recently recognized by members of town council for their outstanding efforts and dedication. Those employees who were officially recognized included: Jim Reuther, (Public Works Supervisor), Bob Cote, (Director of Public Works), Sharron Sinclair, (Director of Finance), and Amber Tanner, (Equipment Operator). Mayor Karl Hauch, and fellow members of council: Shelley Ross, Dave McCormack, Wayne Olechow, George Campbell, Patricia Lee and Jillian Melnick were all on hand for the recent presentations.

16 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Subdivision and Development Appeal Board

Notice of Public Hearing Lamont County 5303-50 Ave Lamont, Alberta The following public hearing will be held on Tuesday June 10, 2014, at approximately 6 p.m. at the Council Chambers in the offices of Lamont County, in the Province of Alberta to hear submissions, written and oral, on the following:


1. To adopt the Highland Estates Area Structure Plan The purpose of the proposed bylaw is to adopt the Highland Estates Area Structure Plan which defines the lands uses, services, transportation and servicing framework for land comprised of approximately 97.05 ha (240 ac) of land, legally described as the North ½ of the SW ¼ 13-55-20-W4M and the SE ¼ 13-55-20-W4M. 2. The purpose of the Land Use Bylaw amendment is to re-designate the land legally described as the N ½ of the SW ¼ 13-55-20-W4M and the SE ¼ 13-55-20-W4M from A (Agriculture) District to CR (Country Residential) District. A copy of the proposed bylaws and documents available relating to these items may be inspected by the public during offices hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday at the Lamont County offices. Anyone wishing to make a presentation may do so at the hearing. Submissions can be made in writing to our office, and must be received no later than Wednesday June 4 at 4 p.m. to be included in the Council agenda. Submissions received after Wednesday June 4 will not be included in the Council agenda. If you submit written comments regarding these items, the information you provide may be made public subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Send all submissions to: Planning and Development Lamont County 5303 – 50 Avenue Lamont, Alberta Or email:

Babas and Borshch Ukrainian Festival Zabava 2014 Ticket Order Form Saturday, August 23, 2014 Andrew, AB Tickets will be mailed so please complete fully.

Seniors’ Week June 2-8

Name: ______________________________________ Address:_____________________________________ City: ________________________________________ Province: ___________ Postal Code: ______________ Phone: ______________________________________ Email:_______________________________________

Tickets are $50 per person payable by PayPal at: or by cheque payable to Babas & Borshch Ukrainian Festival

Seasonal Job Opportunity Lamont County Truckers Summer Gravel Haul Lamont County will be hiring seasonal truckers for summer gravel hauling. The registered truck owner must be a resident within Lamont County for a minimum of six months prior to haul. Due to safety concerns, end dumps and quad wagons will not be allowed for the summer haul. All eligible truckers must complete a gravel hauling truck registration form and submit the same to the Lamont County Public Works Office annually before the last working day in June. Please contact Gerald Thorowsky at 780-895-2547 if you have any questions.

Centennial Scholarship Program

Mail to: Babas & Borshch Ukrainian Festival Box 508 Andrew, AB T0B 0C0

Fred Penner LIVE! June 12, 2014 St. Michael Rec Center 6p.m. – 8:30p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

Andrew FCSS Seniors Appreciation Join Andrew FCSS on June 4 at 12 noon at the Rainbow Club for Seniors Appreciation! Call Elke Carr, Andrew FCSS director, at 780365-3885 for more information.

Join us for this FREE event including dinner, a brief presentation from our local Early Steps 2 Success coalition on how our kids are doing developmentally, and a special LIVE concert by Fred Penner! LIMITED SEATING! Lamont County urban and rural residents MUST register to attend by June 6th at 780-895-7751. Out-of-county residents may request seats AFTER June 1st.

Need money for post secondary? Apply TODAY for the Lamont County Centennial Scholarship Program! Eligibility Criteria: Resident of Lamont County graduating with a high school diploma, registered for first year post-secondary study. Two scholarships of $1000 will be awarded! Application deadline is August 31, 2014. For more information, call 780-895-2233

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