Two killed in Waskatenau Bridge crash
Two people were killed Friday when a pick up lost control on an icy Waskatenau Bridge near the north end of Lamont County, and slammed into a tractor trailer.
Smoky Lake RCMP reported a pickup truck with two occupants drove over a patch of ice on the road, causing their vehicle to lose control and collide with an oncoming semi-truck on Secondary Highway 831.
The two occupants of the truck, a 54year-old male and a 51-year-old female, were declared deceased on scene.
RCMP did not release details about injuries to the semi-truck driver.
Traffic along Hwy. 831 south of Waskatenau was affected for several hours following the deadly crash while damaged guard rails were repaired.
The same day, Vinca Bridge just NW of Lamont County near Bruderheim was also the scene of a reported tragic accident.
Frosty, foggy weather was reported to be a factor for both accidents.

Two people were killed Friday, when their Ford Ranger hit ice and collided with a semi-trailer truck. Here the semi is hanging over the Waskatenau Bridge before being towed (left). Trevor Burn photo.
Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Suspicious person noted canvassing County properties seeking phoney census information
Road area. The County later pasted the Two Hills RCMP report on the County Facebook site. 2
A person who was canvassing rural houses in Lamont County completing census forms was identified by concerned residents via social media networks last week, and it was then reported by the Two Hills RCMP. The RCMP reported they had “received reports of a female individual, possibly Korean, 30’s, driving a white truck (make and model unknown) completing census forms for the County of Lamont.”
“We have confirmed the County of Lamont does not currently have anyone contracted to complete a census,” the release further stated.
Residents were asked to contact Two Hills RCMP if anyone matching the description came
BETWEEN THE BOARDS U18s on a roll, locals get shout-outs
It was another WILD weekend of minor hockey!
The U18 Wild were undefeated on the weekend.
They dominated St. Paul Canadiens, 16-1 on Friday night in Lamont. Goals were scored by Gage Brenton with 3 goals and 4 assists, Logan Jesso 2g and 5a, Matthew Iverson 1g and 5a, Xavier Storr 1g and 4a, Rowan Young 1g and 3a, Avery Klassen 1g and 3a, Kayden Winslow 3g, Shay Gushue 3a, Cameron Olechow 1g and 1a, Will Furey 1g, Ashton Strickland 1g, Kyran Belcourt 1g, Nicklas Mehlenbacher 1a and Chasen McClelland 1a.
U18’s second game of the weekend was another big win, 13-2, against Lloydminster. Goals were netted by Logan Jesso with 5 goals and 1 assist, Rowan Young 2g and 1a, Matthew Iverson 1g and 3a, Nicklas Mehlenbacher 3a, Avery Klassen 1g and 1a, Ashston Strickland 1g and 1a, Chasen McClelland 1g and 1a, Shay Gushue 2a, Bronson Trenaman 2a, Will Furey 1g, Kayden Winslow 1g and Cameron Olechow 1a.

U13 Wild played hard but had back-to-back loses. First game was a 10-2 loss against Mayerthorpe. Goal scorers were Jonas Wytrykush with 1 goal and 1 assist and Liam Shiach with 1 goal. They faced the Fort McMurray Junior Oil Barons on Sunday resulting in a 19-3 loss. Jonas Wytrykush had 2 goals and 1 assist and Sawyer Hanson had 1 goal. U11 Wild had a win and a tie over the weekend. They won 14-6 over the Hughenden Jets. Dylan Strumelak had
6 goals, Jaxon Calder 3g, Wyatt Klita 1g and 2a, Easton Yarosh 2g, Ellie Poirier 1g, Ryder Dagg 1a and Colbin King 1a. They tied their second game against Wainwright. Dylan Strumelak had 2 goals, Colbin King 1g and 2a, Wyatt Klita 2g, Jaxon Calder 1g and 1a, Ryder Dagg 1g, Edlore Johnson 1a, Easton Yarosh 1a, Jaxton Fertuck 1a and Carter Graham 1a.
This week’s Player Shout Out is not hockey related but involves some amazing local athletes.
First shout out to the Lamont High School Girls Volleyball team, who were undefeated this past weekend in Vegerville. The girls had seven straight wins and brought home the gold medal.
Second Player Shout Out is to Madden Cossey of Lamont County and the Sherwood Park Rams. Madden and the Rams football team were victorious in the U16 Morgan Tier 1 City Finals held in Edmonton. The Rams defeated the Edmonton Raiders 17-8, making them league champions. The Rams travel to Calgary next weekend for provincial semi-finals.
Check in next week for more Between the Boards excitement.
to their property requesting to complete census information.
Division Five Councillor Neil Woitas
CHINN (Best) Ida Marie
July 22, 1962October 26, 2024

It is with profound sadness we announce the passing of our beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, great aunt, Ida passed peacefully with family by her side. Ida is survived by her loving hus-
also posted on social media the woman had been seen asking lots of personal questions around the Midway
Town of Lamont Job Posting

Community Development Coordinator
Visit: https://www.lamont.ca/townhall/career-opportunities
Closing date for applications is November 29, 2024
band Armenius Chinn; son, Steven (Brandi) Chinn; daughter, Elizabeth (Scott) Tonsi; grandchildren, Cruz, Makala, Drake & Annalyn Chinn and Matthew & Luca Tonsi; sister, Margaret (Scott) Norman; nieces, Tiffany (Mark) Possberg, Avery and Julia; nephews, Shawn Mallet, Jonathan (Dani) Mallet and Louie as well a many extended family and friends. She is predeceased by her mother and father, Irene and Ronald Best and sister, Catherine McCafferty.

A Celebration of Ida’s Life will be held on Sunday, December 1, 2024 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Bruderheim Community Centre, 5014 - 49th (Queen) Street, Bruderheim, AB. Written Tributes may be made to www.riverviewfuneral.com First Memorial Funeral ServicesRiverview Chapel, Fort Saskatchewan, 780.998.9898

Madden Cossey, of Lamont County, holds the Tier 1 City Finals championship trophy. His Rams football team are heading to Calgary for the provincial semi-finals.
Virtual doctors now a reality at Mundare Pharmacy
Mundare IDA pharmacy has now adopted a modern way of helping with medical needs with their Telemedicine clinic.
Only active for a month it has already received a lot of interest.
In these days when trying to obtain a family doctor can be difficult, assistant pharmacist
Dawn Kowal said they already have over a dozen people using it. Available throughout the week, the pharmacy has a designated private room with a computer set up for a zoom meetings so you can talk with a virtual doctor who can discuss your symptoms organize prescription refills and lab requests.
Patients can also contact the doctors from the comfort of their own home computer. They do have to call the number first so an appointment can be arranged. Apparently BC has had this service available for a couple of years now.
2024 Winter Machinery & Feed Consignment Auction
Rimbey Sales Yard - Dec. 6th to Dec. 10th, 2024
Rimbey Office: (403) 843-2747
East Central Sales Yard - Dec. 6th to Dec. 9th, 2024 East Central Office: (780) 208-2503 Toll Free 1-855-783-0556

We are now accepting Listings for this Sale. Any items prelisted by November 8th will be included in our Sales Posters, Newspaper & Radio Advertising, Web Page, Social Media and extensive mailing lists. Selling equipment to all four Western Provinces and the Northern USA.
Already Listed 4 Quarters of Land
Due to winter conditions, we will be unable to accept Miscellaneous Items.
Whether you have one piece or a complete line of machinery give Allen a call at (403) 783-0556 or Aaron at (403) 913-9644 to discuss the best option for you to realize top dollars.
Allen B. Olson Auction Service Ltd.
Rimbey & Hwy #16 East/Rge Rd 185, Alberta - License No. 165690
Email: abolson@telusplanet.net - Website: www.allenolsonauction.com

Smith solidifies her grip on UCP with record support
Well it was a lot more than anyone had predicted.
Premier Danielle Smith got a 91.5 per cent approval rating when the results of the UCP leadership review came in.
When making her speech before the 6,000 faithful who gathered in Red Deer, she stressed the need for unity in the party.
“(We must) remain united as a party and a movement,” she said. “But let us not sink to the level of our opponents by attacking or vilifying one another, or breaking into factions and working with leftists to bring down our movement.”
Her success following the weekend should make the Federal Liberals and NDP sit up and take notice.
She just got one of the strongest mandates any party leader in Canada has received and you know she’ll continue to fight for Albertans over Ottawa’s intrusion into public affairs.
Even a lame duck prime minister like Justin Trudeau should recognize her review numbers give her a position of strength to negotiate with Ottawa.
Now the negative writers at the Tyee, a very left wing publication, stated Nov. 4, her win just means the UCP party is totally controlled by right wing extremists.
And mainstream media comparing her leadership win percentage against NDP leader Naheed Nenshi’s leadership vote (which was 86 per cent of the NDP voters) was “preposterous and a little sad.”
The author of this garbage piece went on to compare Smith with the leadership of Kim Jong Un who heads up the closed regime of North Korea.
Now that’s a pretty off-the-wall comment with nothing to support it.
During the Red Deer bun toss the UCP delegates passed all 35 resolutions that were presented to the party members.
These will now go to the government where they may eventually become a policy or a piece of legislation.
But not all of them will.

They are the messages from the grass roots of the governing party letting the Premier and her government know where their feelings lie.
Some of the resolutions which may have been off the wall will not see the light of day while others with merit may form government policy sometime in the future.
What Smith's leadership results show, however, is that she is in control of the UCP.
The Tyee further writes, “Readers may have seen suggestions in the media that now that Smith’s leadership review is successfully concluded, she will start to act more seriously. Don’t believe it. The extremists are going to continue to call the tune and, insomuch as she might disagree with them, Smith can be expected to continue to dance to it.”
I’ve got to disagree with this assessment.
Smith’s results mean she has the support of her cabinet and any knives that may have been waiting in the corridors of power to stab her in the back have been neutralized.
I do expect her to continue with a Conservative agenda, but given the results of the last election and weekend review results this is the path the majority of Albertans want.
The province wants a more libertarian

view when it comes to vaccine policy, land owner rights and gun restrictions.
They want someone with a strong voice to stand up and fight Ottawa.
Results from recent elections in B.C. and Saskatchewan show the Conservative movement still remains strong in the west.
Meanwhile, Nenshi has said he’s in no hurry to get a legislative seat and take his place as official opposition leader in the Legislature.
If he prolongs this, how long will his shadow cabinet continue to support him, if he’s not on the floor of the house guiding the battle as the captain of the ship?
It begs the question, when he received all those thousands of votes to overwhelm his competitors in the NDP leadership race, how many were anything more than one week party members?
Will they be around when the next election rolls around?
While the next election isn’t for another two-and-a-half years. In her speech Saturday morning, Smith mentioned the NDP just once.
“Alberta’s economy is booming, and we aren’t slowing down for any Liberals or New Democrats in Ottawa, or New Democrats here in Alberta for that matter,” she said.

Kerry Anderson Publisher John Mather Reporter Jana Semeniuk Reporter Crystal Moren

I’m back home from my Canmore retreat and very much enjoyed the mild weather and dry roads. Because I had big plans and much to work on, I only left my room once to go uptown. This time, I never even ate a meal out but subsisted on what I brought from home. The hotel has a complimentary car wash area that I used but because the lighting is so poor in that area, if you see my car, you may think someone from CNIB washed it for me. Nope, it was all me. This time, rather than buying some fuel in Canmore, I thought I’d try to make it to either Airdrie or Innisfail. When I ran that idea past Roy in our nightly phone call, he wondered out loud why I’d try that in winter. That was enough to put a doubt in my mind so I ended up swerving to the exit for
FROM WHERE I SIT: Be in the Know
the Stoney Nakoda Resort and Casino at the last minute to grab fuel there. There were two choices and not much action at either. For five cents less per litre I chose the station I suspect is run by a First Nations group and was back on the road in no time. And with no potential for roadside drama if my “kilometers to empty” calculations were wrong. Yay.
Even though I had my laptop and could have watched Netflix, I defaulted to the TV in the room and its cable offerings. That’s an eye-
opener for several reasons. Chiefly among them is the overload of commercials. If I saw one commercial for some miracle medicine, I saw hundreds along with the scary warnings about all the potential side effects including death. I truly don’t understand why there are commercials for prescription drugs. There you are sitting on the couch being bombarded by ads for pizza, snacks, cleaning products, life insurance, banking services---all of which you may have a legitimate need or desire for. Then suddenly, you
From the files of the Lamont Leader
Bruderheim’s Ray Hagen carves Red Willow walking sticks by hand
November 8, 2005 edition of the Lamont Leader
“I love the beauty of the wood, the imperfections in each piece I find,” said Ray Hagen. It started as a hobby when he was visiting Alberta’s many lakes and the 74 year old has now carved over 200 walking sticks of many shapes and sizes. He says Red Willow can be found all over Alberta, and once he finds the right piece he cures it over the winter. One 10 foot long stick he carved was submitted to the Guiness Book of World Records.
Lamont and Area

see a flurry of ads for a medical condition you have. Now what? Are you able to switch your meds and bypass the doctor to order these from the TV? Are you about to second guess your doctor who knows your specific condition, health status, and mitigating factors to fall for some actors demonstrating idyllic healing? It’s ludicrous.
I was also offended but not shocked that there are now commercials out there suggesting women need a ‘body’ deodorant. Clearly, it’s the latest attempt to
make women feel flawed, inferior, inadequate. Not pretty or young enough? Just buy this boatload of cosmetics, anti-aging products, surgical procedures and you too will be fit to be seen in public. Bulls#it. Is it any wonder, body dysphoria (a mental health condition in which a person feels they are fat, ugly, flawed) plagues most women to some degree? We need to become more cynical and shrewder as consumers and safeguard both our wallets and our minds.
I also watched a couple forgettable movies,

some series programs I’d forgotten about, and some US political commentary.
I did stop into the antique mall in Airdrie. Its clever name—Where in the World Did You Get That?---is almost reason enough to stop in. With 60 vendors and a wide variety of product lines, it’s a wonderful way to spend time and possibly some money. It tickles one’s memory as we encounter items from our past or are exposed to things we’ve never seen before. I always find something to bring home with me.
Getting home is always good even though there are umpteen things to do like unpacking and laundry. I still have a few flower pots to empty and some dead foliage to cut back so I hope the weatherman is right about a few more warm days. I have an incredibly busy couple of weeks ahead of me so there is no rest for the weary. Despite that, you can be sure I’ll be multi-tasking Tuesday November 5th so I can have one ear on the US election results. Because that outcome is bound to spill over into our lives, I need to be in the know, from where I sit.
, N O V 1 S T 5 - 7 P M A $20, 6-12 $10, 5< FREE CHECKOUTOURNEWFACEBOOKPAGE!! Everyone Welcome! AA Meetings Thursdays at 8:00 pm

Lamont Leader; Kerry, Michelle, Brennan & Garrett Anderson; Crystal & Hunter; Sylvia & Family; Aileen; John Mather; Jana Semeniuk & Family; Al Harvey & Family; Chuck & Andrea Varga; Albert & Florence Stelmach; Julian, Joannie & Kaitlyn Lopushinksy; Ray Letawsky; Patrica & Lawrence Hryniw; Chipman Hotel Staff; Tyson, Tristan & Tatum Jonker; Lincoln, Aspen & Cohen Jonker; Christmas Angel;
Diduck remains reeve of Lamont County
Lamont County held its annual organizational meeting Oct. 29 and David Diduck was returned as Reeve by acclamation and Deputy Reeve Daniel Warawa was returned to his position by acclamation.
Both terms will run from Oct, 29 to Oct. 20, 2025.
Councillor Neil Woitas will remain as chair of the Agricultural Services Board which also has the entire council as members.
Warawa will remain on the Centennial Scholarship Committee.
Council also made no changes to its other external committees and boards with Diduck remaining on the Alberta Industrial Heartland
At their annual organizational meeting, Oct. 21, Mayor Morris Langevin was acclaimed to his position for the final term of council before next fall’s municipal elections.
Deputy Mayor Shana McIntyre was also acclaimed to her position.
Council also decided to keep its councillors on all their existing boards and committees with the John S Batiuk Regional Water Commission Representative being McIntyre.
Morris Langevin remains on the St

committee, with Councillor Aaron Wick as the alternate.
Warawa will continue on as the presentative on the Alberta Hub with Councillor Roy Anaka as the alternate. Anaka and Wick will serve as representatives on the Beaver Hills Biosphere Reserve Association Board.
Wick will stay on the go East of Edmonton Regional Tourism Board.
Warawa remains on the John S. Batiuk Regional Water Commission with Wick serving as the alternate.
Anaka and Councillor Neil Woitas will serve on the Lamont County Housing Foundation.
Diduck and Warawa will both be representatives on the Lamont Public Library Board and
the Northern Lights Regional Library System Board.

Woitas remains as the council representative on the Northeast Region Community Awareness Response Committee Diduck and Warawa will stay on the St. Michael Regional Solid Waste Commission, while Anaka stays with the Willingdon Seed Cleaning Plant.
Warawa and Wick will serve on the Yellowhead Highway Association.
All positions on the various Intermunicipal Planning Commissions stayed the same as the previous year.
Christmas Hampers
The County of Lamont Food Bank is accepting CHRISTMAS HAMPER REQUESTS from Nov 12th to Dec 12th, 2024
Michael Regional Landfill Commission.
Councillor Trudy Smith will be the Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) rep, while McIntyres stays on the Lamont Housing Foundation.
Smith will stay on as the representative on the Lamont Regional Emergency Management Committee.

Please call (780) 619-6955 and leave a message to request a hamper. Hamper Date: Sunday, December 22, 2024.

HOLDEN LODGE is currently accepting resumes for the position of Head Cook
- Planning and monitoring menus, meals and inventory
- Daily food preparation
- Preparation of dinning room and meals
- Serving meals
- Prepare list and order groceries
- Purchase food within budget guidelines
- Ensure adherence to safe food handling practices
- Supervising kitchen staff
- Accept deliveries
- Collaborate organizing special events
- Acting manager when required
- Min. 2 years experience in a related cooking field
- Certificate in Food Safety and/or Food Related Courses
- Working within a budget
- Computer skills for ordering groceries
- Strong Leadership skills
- Responsible and caring individual who is comfortable working with seniors
This position is full time and is approximately 17 – 19 shifts per month, which includes every other weekend. Benefits are an option after probation period.
Please send/ fax or email your resume by November 15th, 2024
Maria Shihinski, Manager, Holden Lodge Box 370
Holden, AB, T0B 2C0
Phone: 780- 688-3817
Email: holdenlodge@mcsnet.ca
Fax: 780-688-2364
We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those chosen for an interview will be contacted.
Lamont County Reeve David Diduck
Bruderheim students start week with Pajama Pancake Day
Students at Bruderheim School were treated to a special pajama pancake breakfast on Nov. 4 courtesy of their parent council team, the local fire department and the local Lions Club.
Bruderheim Parent Council Chair AmberLynn O’Brien said more than 100 kids came through for a plate of pancakes and sausages before school on Monday morning, in addition to approximately six members of the Bruderheim Fire Dept. and school
staff members. “We only donated our time and the Lions donated the sausages and the Fire Dept. donated the pancakes. They cooked them at the station, put them in roasters and included individual syrups and butter,” she said, adding everyone who ‘came through the door’ was included in having breakfast.
O’Brien said the school pancake breakfast is especially meaningful for her as it brought back memories of her own time spent at
Bruderheim School as a child.
“I remember pancake breakfasts as a child at Bruderheim School from 1990 to 1997. My principal wore a Chef Boyardee hat in the gym dishing pancakes,” she said.
“The best part is watching my own kids go to school where me and my brother grew up. It’s the reason why I chose to stay out here to see them grow up where I grew up and go through the same classes I did.”
O’Brien said Bruderheim School’s new principal, Mrs. Buckly, was also on hand with plenty of smiles and support for the parent council. She said she feels lucky for the council to have such great support from the staff and principal.
“Mrs Buckley is really involved in all of it. We’re so lucky to have the support of her and the staff. It’s a great little community we’ve got,” said O’Brien.
The parent council aim to hold one

child/parent event each month and are looking forward to more movie nights and suggestions from other families.
“I would like people to come to the meetings to see what’s going on and what we’re doing,” said O’Brien.
“We’re a small village when we are working together. (For the kids) it’s not just about going to school and doing math. We are making memories. We try and get the kids to see that school is more than
work. This is what our fundraising money is for.”
Currently the parent council is made up of Chair O’Brien, Vice Chair Andy Styles, Secretary Tracey Innes, along with a few volunteers.
The group meets at Bruderheim School on the first Tues. of every month at 5:30 p.m. Anyone is welcome to come and babysitting is provided.

Two rows of tables were set up for the Bruderheim School Parent Council to dish out a breakfast of pancakes and sausages during their Pajama Pancake day on Nov. 4 at Bruderheim School. Photo: supplied

Join us at the Cenotaph @ 11 am.

Lunch to follow at the Community Centre Indoor Service November 11 @ 10:30 am
Community Hall - 10:00 am Lunch at the Community Hall following wreath laying at the Cenotaph.

we Forget

Service located at the Lamont Hall 4844 49 St. Refreshments to follow

Lamont County applies for eight STIP grants
Lamont County has learned from the County of Minburn that applying for more sometimes works in your favour.
Last year it was pointed out that the neighbouring county to the east had applied for a large number of Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Program (STIP) grants and then had received approval from the Province for them all.
So for 2025, Lamont will apply for eight STIP grants which are provided for the replacement of bridge infrastructure on local roads. The grant provides engineering and construction costs of up to 75 per cent.
Public Works director Darby Dietz told council Lamont County’s bridge file assets are regularly inspected and identified for priority maintenance and replacement.
He added the County’s bridge engineering consultant, WSP, had recommended replacement of the several bridge structures, based on their most current inspections.
A bridge culvert on Rge Rd. 175 south of Twp. Rd. 564 was one applied for. Council had previously authorized the use of a federal grant for this project with the remaining amount to come from reserves.
The project is currently in its design phase with construction next summer or fall. If it was to receive STIP funding, the project would be fully funded by grants, said Dietz.
The estimated cost of this project is $430,000.
The second project is a bridge culvert on Rge Road. 181 south of Highway 45. If approved Dietz said the engineered design and acquisition of necessary environmental permits and associated land would be completed in 2025, with construction to follow in 2026.
The cost is estimated to be $45,000.
Bridge file 74805 is located on Rge. Rd. 172 north of Twp. Rd. 542. Currently in design phase, the $395,000 if approved would be fully grant funded with construction scheduled for summer/fall 2025.
This bridge is located at Rge Rd. 184 north of Twp. Rd. 540 has a cost of $45,000. If approved, the engineered design and acquisition of necessary environmental permits and associated land would be completed in 2025, with construction to follow in 2026.
Another project is the bridge culvert at Rge Rd. 184 north of Twp. Rd. 540. The $40,000 project would see the engineered design and acquisition of necessary environmental permits and associated land would be completed in 2025, with construction to follow in 2026 if the funding is approved.
The County will also apply for funding for the bridge culvert at Rge Rd. 181 south of Highway 45. If approved, the $415,000 project the engineered design and acquisition of necessary environmental permits and associated land would be completed in 2025, with construction to follow in 2026.
Located on Rge Rd 184 north of Twp. Rd. 580 the $465,000 project would see the engineered design and acquisition of necessary environmental permits and associated land would be completed in 2025, with construction to follow in 2026.
On Township Road 562 east of Rge. Rd. 180. If approved, the engineered design and acquisition of necessary environmental permits and associated land would be completed in 2025, with construction to follow in 2026. Estimated cost of the project is $445,000.
Dietz added three projects identified for work in 2026/2027. Located on Range Road 181 south of Highway 45, this bridge culvert would have a cost of $415,000. If STIP funding is approved the engineered design and acquisition of necessary environmental permits and associated land would be completed in 2025, with construction to follow in 2026.
Another bridge culvert at Twp. Rd. 562 east of Rge. Rd. 180 would cost $445,000 if approved. The engineered design and acquisition of necessary environmental permits and associated land would be completed in 2025, with construction to follow in 2026.
The last project applied for would be located at Rge. Rd 163 south of Twp. Rd. 550 has a $405,000 price tag. If approved it would be the engineered design and acquisition of necessary environmental permits and associated land taking place in 2025, with construction to follow in 2026.
Dietz told council while the County could apply for all these projects there was no guarantee they all would be approved under the STIP funding
On Monday, November 11th
The Lamont Leader will be

Ad deadlines for the November 13th Lamont Leader will be Friday, November 8th @ noon.

Be prepared before the next power outage.
Realignment Auction for R Diamond Ranches
Sale Starts November 8th & Closes November 13th, 2024 - Thorhild County, AB
Directions: From the Junction of Hwy #63 & Hwy #661, 24 Kms West on Hwy #661, South Side of the Road. Blue Sign: 22523 Hwy 661

JD 6140R FWA Tractor
w/ Showing 5286 Hrs, IVT Trans, New
JD 640R FEL @ 5200 Hrs, Premium Cab, Rear 3pth Controls, 540/1000 PTO
3 pth, 3 Hyd, Joystick & 3rd Valve
JD 9100 4wd Tractor
w/ Showing 4097 Hrs, 3 Hyd, Case Return Line, Draw Bar, 12 Spd Stnd
Trans & 20.8R38 Duals
JD 4630 2wd Tractor
w/ Showing 4611 Hrs, 2 Hyd, 1000 PTO, New A/C Pump & 24.5x32 Rear Duetz Allis 9170 FWA Tractor
w/ Showing 6665 Hrs, Big 1000 PTO & 20.8x42 Rear Duals
MF 2775 2wd Tractor
w/ Showing 3263 Hrs, Perkins 640 Diesel Engine, 3 Hyd, 1000 PTO, 18.4x42 Duals
JD 333G Skid Steer w/ Showing 1551 Hrs, New Undercarriage, Tracks, Sprockets & Motor
Allis Chalmers 816 Rubber Tire Back Hoe
w/ Showing 3787 Hrs
MF 40B Rubber Tire Back Hoe
Cat 14E Grader w/ 3 Shank Ripper
Hurricane 26 3 pth Ditcher T
International 8600 T/A C&C Hi-Way Truck w/ Showing 349,979 Kms, Cummins, Eaton Fuller Auto, Air Ride, 8’x 14’ Deck, 1400 Gal Tank
Freightliner T/A Hi-Way Truck
w/ Cat Engine & 9 Spd Trans
2006 International 4300 S/A Vacuum Truck w/ Approx. 500,000 Kms, DT466 Engine & Allison Auto Trans
Ford F700 S/A Water Truck w/ Showing 99,833 Kms & 5 Spd Manual Trans
International 4900 S/A Gravel Truck w/ DT466 Engine, Eaton Fuller 8 Spd
Trans & 11’ Box
1980 GMC 7000 T/A Grain Truck
w/ Approx. 47,000 Kms, 427 Gas, 5&4
Trans, Chelsea PTO & Cascade 17’ Steel Box
GMC 6500 High Sierra S/A Grain Truck w/ Showing 84,872 Kms, V8 Gas, 5&4
Trans, 16’ Courtney Berg Steel Box
International Loadstar 1600 S/A Grain Truck w/ Showing 102,140 Kms, V8 Gas, 5&2 Trans, 16’ Wood Box
2008 Jet 38’ T/A Grain Trailer
w/ Dual Hopper & Spring Ride
48’ High Boy Trailer w/ Bale Rack
Featherlite 20’ T/A Stock Trailer
Diamond C 24’ Tilt Deck T/A Trailer T
Spra Coupe 4660 S/P Sprayer w/ Showing 1233 Engine Hrs, Perkins
Diesel, Hydrostatic Drive, JD 2630 GreenStar & 400 Gallon Tank
Flexi Coil 55 70’ P/T Sprayer w/ Wind Screens, 2400 Ltr Tank & Hyd Driven
Ezee On 24’ Offset Disc
Kello Bilt 225 15’ Offset Disc
Leons 4000 40’ Vibrashank Cultivator
Morris 40’ Vibrashank Cultivator
Wil-Rich 40’ Vibrashank Cultivator
Wil- Rich 28’ Vibrashank Cultivator
Morris L-225 Challenger II 25’ Vibrashank Cultivator
Case IH 24’ Vibrashank Cultivator
Morris 8900 35’ DT Cultivator
Wil-Rich 24’ DT Cultivator
Vicon CP2500 24’ DT Cultivator
International 22’ DT Chisel Plow
Case IH 5600 17’ DT Chisel Plow
3 pth Spring Tooth Cultivator
JD 9450 30’ Hoe Drill w/ 3- 10’ Sections, Factory Transport, Rubber Packers & Fertilizer/Seed
JD 3600 7 Bottom Plow
Flexi Coil System 80 56’ Harrows
30’ Bi-Fold Pasture Chain Harrows
Haul All Dual Hopper Drill Fill Farmking Seed Cleaner
JD 946 13’ HydroSwing MoCo
JD 560M Rd Baler w/ Approx. 13,500 Bales, Net & Twine, Monitor
JD 347 Sq Baler
Sitrex QR12 12 Wheel Hay Rake
Niemeyer Hay Tedder
JD 9870 STS Combine w/ Showing 2435 Engine Hrs, 1744 Thrashing Hrs, Crary Big Top Hopper Extension, JD 615 P/U Header & 520/85R42 Duals
JD 630F 30’ Hydraflex Straight Cut Header w/ Crop Dividers
Elmers Header Transport
MF 220XL 25’ Swather w/ Showing 1710 Hrs, Diesel, Hydrostatic Trans, Agco 25 Draper Header w/ UII P/U & Triple Delivery
Westfield MK100-51 10”x51’ Swing Auger
Westfield 70-46 7”x46’ PTO Auger
Westfield J201-41 Auger w/ Gas Engine Westfield MK80-51 Swing Auger
Sakundiak HD8-1600 PTO Auger
Sakundiak HD8-1200 Auger
Sakundiak HD8-1200 Auger
1st & 2nd Cut Silage Bales
Highline CFR 651 Bale Processor
3 pth Bale Unroller
Renn Crypit Roller Mill
Hi-Hog Cattle Squeeze
Arrow Alley Way (3 Sections w/ Tub)
Maternity Pen
Large Assortment of Wind Fences, Panels, Cattle Oilers, Feed Bunks, Bale Feeders, Calf Shelters, Water Boxes, Creep Feeders, Fence Line Feeders, Loading Chute
Water Tank w/ Stand on Skid
1965 Ford Mustang 2 Dr Car w/ Showing 4,906 Miles on 5 Digit Odometer & 289 Engine.
Pontiac Beaumont Car w/ Showing 94,560 Miles on 5 Digit Odometer
Lincoln Town Car Limo
2011 Forest River North Ridge 290RKD
29’ 5th Wheel Holiday Trailer
18’ Open Bow Boat w/ Eagle Fish Finder & Evinrude VRO Outboard Motor
Children's Play Center
Dynasty Spa 6 Person Hot Tub
Hold On Ice Fishing Shack
JD Z915B 60” Riding Lawn Mower
JD D140 48” Riding Lawn Mower
Ezee On Loader
International 2350 FEL
Ezee On Trail Type Post Pounder
United Farms P/T Grass Seeder
Farm King 87 1/2"(W) x 15 1/2"(L)
4 Wheel Wagon
JD AC3500 Hot Water Pressure Washer
Lincoln Welder
Accurate Hay Scale
Large Asst of Tractor Tires


Starky's Avian Taxidermy
Located near Rosalind. Specializing in birds. Only 4-6 month current turnaround time! starkysaviantaxidermy.com Instagram: @starkysaviantaxidermy
Contact Colin at: 780-938-9046 or at starkysaviantaxidermy@gmail.com
There will be no Remembrance Day ceremony in Galahad this year due to unforeseen circumstances.
Thank you Flagstaff County for the award we received at the Flagstaff Celebrates Success Gala. Also, thank you for the enjoyable evening. We would also like to thank all of our loyal and valued customers for their support.
Banjo Electric Ltd
The family of the late Gloria Wesley would like to thank the Doctors, Nurses and staff at the Daysland Hospital for the excellent care they gave our mother. Thanks to Fee & Sons Funeral Home for their compassion and kindness at this difficult time. Also thank you to Danial Dsouza, musician Carrie Bendfeld, and the Heisler CWL for preparing the lunch. Many thanks for the flowers, cards, donations and words of comfort in memory of our mother.
Gloria’s family, grandchildren, & great-grandchildren
In lieu of thank you cards, the family of Mildred Rokos would like to thank everyone for your support as we remembered our mother and grandmother. All undesignated monetary gifts have been directed to the Beaver Heritage & Agricultural Society.
Celebration of life for Ken Ninomiya on November 16/24
At the lougheed senior center from 2-4
Please join us for coffee and fellowship
Killam & District Health Care Foundation
Ham and Turkey Bingo November 21 at 6:30 p.m.
At the Killam Community Hall $20 Proxy Tickets. Purchase from Board Members, Crafty Creations, Guardian Drugs. Fun for the Whole Family!

Killam & District Health Care Foundation Online Auction 2024 watch on Facebook for our upcoming Online Auction Thrusday, November 14Tuesday, November 19
Raising Funds for: •Campus of Care
Development of a space designed for Patients, Residents, Families, and Friends to come together and enjoy a small town atmosphere. Where events will be held and services provided. Items can be registered with Shelly 780-385-5350 or Susan 780-385-1861 and dropped off the week of the Auction at Crafty Creations in Killam, Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Or you may contact one of the Board Members listed below with your donastion. Sharon Moser 780-3855566, Terri Rombough, Sharleen Chevraux, Pat MacKinnon, Norma Jean Bieleny, Mabel Thompson, Heather Chevraux
November 11, 2024
Arrive at Lougheed Community Hall on main street at 10:30 Ceremony with start at 10:45 Refreshments to follow at the Legion Hut next door.
Everyone Welcome
Large, non-smoking 2 Bedroom Apartment in Killam. Call Chuck 780-263-7290
2 Bedroom House For Rent Near Hardisty. Small older home 2 kms out of town. Includes fridge, stove, microwave, washer & dryer. Recent reno’s. Very reasonable rate for the right person or couple. Call or text (780) 699-3449 for details
3 bedroom house, with fenced yard located in Tofield. Available December 1st. Rent is $1350.00 per month plus utilities, damage deposit is $1350.00. No smoking, no pets. References required, 1 year lease. Phone 780-8871953
HARDISTY: 2 BR furnished house for rent available now. $1200 plus electricity. Call or text 780-717-6783
Single electric bed (head and feet adjustable). Like New. For more information call 780-385-2362
Christmas is Coming! Anybody in need of Christmas Lights, Brian has some for sale. They are mixed colours, some are flashing/blinkers. Will sell by length which would be $10 each. There are two strands that need bulb replacements. There is one that has a package with it. If interested, please call Brian at 780-678-0053.
Farm raised feeder and market hogs for sale. Daryl Hrehorets, 780-203-0533.
ALBERTA FEED GRAIN: Buying Oats, Barley, Wheat, Canola, Peas, Screenings, Mixed Grains. Dry, Wet, Heated, or Spring Thresh. Prompt Payment. In House Trucks, In House Excreta Cleaning. Vac Rental. 1-888483-8789.
JP’s Country Daycare is hiring. This daycare is a growing daycare located in Daysland Alberta. Looking for part time help for 2-3 times a week working 5 - 8 hrs shifts, to help support other staff members and help provide quality childcare for the community. Level 1 or 2 would be great, but willing to train applicants if they are a good fit. Please email resumes to jpcountrydaycare@gmail.com, subject "Help Wanted"
Duplex for Sale in Camrose. Located in the Stoney Creek Meadows adult living community. Approx. 1,083 sq. ft. with attached garage (428 sw. ft.). 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Call 780-678-5961 or 780-672-3021
Drywall Taping/Ceiling Texturing 40 years experience on the job, from commercial buildings to new homes to home renovations. No job too small.
Experienced Killam drywall taper/texturer here to help you with any job, big or small. Don't want to do it yourself? - Give me a call!
Flagstaff Taping & Texturing
Murray Cholowsky Call or text at 780-385-1251
Quality Residential and Commercial Interior Painting. Betty Tkaczyk 780-632-8749

Need to re-order:
•Company Forms?
•Business Cards? •Posters? •Bookmarks? •Magnets? •Score Cards? •Stamps? •Certificates? •Menus? •Receipts? •Letterhead? •Invitations? •Calendars? •And more! THE COMMUNITY PRESS 780-385-6693
production.cp@gmail.com WEEKLY REVIEW
TOFIELD MERCURY 780-662-4046
adsmercury@gmail.com LAMONT LEADER 780-895-2780 lmtleader@gmail.com
Medical Taxi Service
Personal Taxi Service to Edmonton and Back -$175 •Office Hours Mon-Fri 9-5 •Absolutely NO Hidden Fees •Escort to Reception/Waiting Room •Pick up and Drop off at your door •Top Notch Service! •Includes up to 4 Hour Wait •Locally Owned and Operated 587-987-7810
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PRIVATE MORTGAGE LENDER. All real estate types considered. No credit checks done. Deal direct with lender and get quick approval. Toll free 1-866405-1228; www.firstandsecondmortgages.ca.
Top 10 reasons to advertise in

Because if I want The Leader to cover my event or provide space for my event, I know they need revenue to pay for it! One hand washes the other. I never take without giving back.
I like the idea of having an independent news agency in our area, because I don’t want to just be fed propaganda from municipalities, police and school boards just to appease me!
For years there was no media in the Lamont County area, just leaching media from other areas covering events here only for advertising dollars and no vested interest.
I don’t just advertise with The Leader to make sales but also to fend off competition from other businesses in the area and from other towns and cities in the area too.
I know if I don’t advertise with The Leader, that my event will not be covered when it happens mostly because they don’t know about it, but also because I didn’t support them so why would I expect them to support me.
The Leader is a local business, employing local people, donating to local charities, and involved with local causes. Tech giants do nothing for my family, my neighbours or my community.
The Leader covers all of Lamont County. These are my friends and neighbours and we support one another.
I try to buy all my printing from The Leader, or at least get a quote. They are honest and good to deal with. When I have a problem they look after it for me from printing to advertising.
I budget a portion of my revenue to advertising with The Leader. It’s smart business to re-invest in promoting my business.
I see other successful businesses advertising in The Leader. Great minds think alike!
‘Fill the Tree’ helps fill empty bellies at Christmas

Leader expects donations to exceed last year’s $7,000
For nine years the end of October has marked the start of the “Fill the Tree” campaign at the Lamont Leader.
This is where staff and associates of the Leader, along with our dedicated readers are invited to fill the Christmas tree published in the Leader each week with donations of $5 or more with all the proceeds going to the County of Lamont Food Bank to help with their Christmas hamper campaign.
Last year, Leader Office Manager and graphic designer Crystal Moren said the campaign raised more than $7,000.
“That was almost double our previous high mark for donations,” said Moren.
“We sent in more after the New Year because many donations came in over the Christmas holiday.
“People from all walks of life come in to make donations,” she added. “We had one lady come in this morning to make
a donation.”
Moren said every week names of new donors are added to the tree and the final total is determined at the last edition of the paper for the year, just prior to Christmas.
The campaign runs for 10 weeks each year.
She said the Lamont Health Centre staff collect donations from their residents and bring them into the Leader office to make a donation on behalf of the residents.
County of Lamont Food Bank Director of Operations Jody Zachoda said requests for the Christmas Hampers will start being accepted beginning Nov. 12 and will continue to be accepted until Dec. 12.
Distribution of the hampers will take place Dec. 22 and people will be asked to call and get an appointment to pick up their hamper.
Packaging of the boxes for the hampers will take place Dec. 21.
Packaging of toys which go with the hampers will be sorted and

• 4712 51 St Lamont 5,800 sq ft shop with office and sales space. Shop was used for agricultural machinery repair. Price: $450,000
• W4-20-55-27-SE Plan 1023701 Block 1 Lot 1A Lamont County. 138.09 acres in the Lamont Heartland for industrial use. Located North of Highway 15 on Range Road 202. Price: $2,990,00
• HWY 834 between HWY 16 and TWP RD 530 Lamont County 19.48 acres with power and a holding tank. Nice building site. Price: $215,000.00

• 5317-50 Ave Andrew. An 18,000 sq. ft. manufacturing shop with office and storage space on 2.3 acres of land Price: $1,700,000
bagged up Dec. 21, added Zachoda.
She said they are planning to have 144 hampers which is up from the previous year. Last year they packaged about 130 hampers.
Year to date, food bank usage is also up.
Zachoda said September usage was up 2.8 per cent, setting a record and that pace held through October.
She said in October, 86 hampers were sent out serving 1,250 adults and 91 children. Clients are eligible for a hamper once a month
“Every little bit helps and every donation to your tree adds up to a lot of money when that tree is full and it makes a great dent in our budget,” said Zachoda.
She said the recent toy run in Bruderheim and Lamont brought in a lot of toys for the Christmas hampers and the Lamont Elementary School just had a lollipop fundraiser and made over $800 which will be used to buy toys for the hampers.
• W4-18-54-29-NE N 54466 A RR184 Village of Chipman 38.75 acres 25± acres in hay. Double car garage, power, septic, and well nice building site. Price: $289,900
• SW Part of NW –23 –53 –23 –W4 40.55 acres North of Highway 16 on Range Road 232 in proposed medium industrial zoning with CP rail line at the border of the property. Price: $7,200,000
• Parts of SW and SE -7-53-22-W4 located at Highway 21 and Lakeland drive 63.62 acres of development land with Highway 21 exposure. The property is within the Bremner and local Employment Area ACP with expected future use of industrial. Price: $5,100,000
• NW 1/4 -14-58-22-W4 and NE ¼ -14-58-22-W4 Plan 172-0793
Block 3 Lot 222 acres game farm with page wire 100 acres could be cultivated. 4 mile North of Redwater. Good HWY 28 access. Price: $690,000

Lauren Hill Steven Hill
Norman Hill
Lamont Leader Office Manager Crystal Moren looks over the artwork for the full page “Fill the Tree” ad to go into the Lamont Leader. The campaign runs until Christmas accepting donations for the County of Lamont Food Bank.

(Lamont, Alberta), Wednesday, November 6, 2024 -19

Community Services: Serving
(VISIT: lamontcounty.ca/community-programming for full posters and locations, or call 780-895-2233 for info./registration). Current CALC, FCSS & KFRN and seniors activities:
1. KFRN: Babysitter Course: Ages 11+ in Mundare on November 12. Registration and payment ($50) by Nov. 7 at noon. Contact Erin.B@lamontcounty.ca

2. At Home Alone: Ages 10+ in Andrew on November 12. Registration is required by Nov. 7 at https://signup.com/go/gchChAV (FREE).
3. Youth Centres in Bruderheim (Tuesdays), Chipman (Mondays), and Mundare (Thursdays) – contact Dayna.J@lamontcounty.ca for more information.
4. Parents and Tots: Bruderheim (Thursdays from 10-11 a.m. at Karol Maschmeyer Arena) and Mundare (Tuesdays from 9:15-10:15 a.m. at the Mundare Admin. Building) - contact Melissa.S@lamontcounty.ca for more info. (Note: programs follow the school calendar.)
5. Youth Coalition: for more info. on future opportunities, contact Erin.B@lamontcounty.ca
6. Meals in Motion: NOVEMBER Menu. Call Chrissy to order at 780-975-9592.
7. KFRN: Family Activity Night (Lamont): Nov. 20, 5:30-7 p.m. (no registration necessary).
8. CALC: My Journey…Who Am I? (register with Cheryl or Cody at 780-895-2233 x233/241 or Cheryl.B@lamontcounty.ca | Cody.O@lamontcounty.ca).
9. CALC: English Language Learning (register with Cheryl/Cody). 10. CALC: Kitchens Program (register with Cheryl/Cody).
11. CALC: Digital Skills for Seniors: Thursdays from 10-11 a.m. in Mundare & Andrew.
12. Snow Angels Program (volunteers needed): Contact Michelle.A@lamontcounty.ca or 780-895-2233x223, (honorarium for volunteers).
13. Fitness Fun for Older Adults: $10 per session. At Mundare Seniors Centre. Contact Michelle.A@lamontcounty.ca for information.
14. Yoga for Older Adults: $12 per session. At Lamont Arena Mtg. Room. Contact Michelle.A@lamontcounty.ca for information.
15. Lamont Light Up! 2024 – Join us on November 30, 2:30-4:30 p.m., at the Lamont County Admin. Building, for some paper crafting. We will be making Christmas cards and gift tags. No registration required.
16. Seniors’ Coffee: (Wed.) 10-11 a.m. at Andrew Lions Club, & (Thurs.) 10-11 a.m. at Mundare Seniors Centre. Join FCSS for coffee, conversation, snacks, and assistance with senior-related forms and programming. FCSS also offers Seniors Supports from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Mundare (Thursdays)michelle.a@lamontcounty.ca
17. Seniors Bus trips: $15 per person per round trip. November 21 and December 12. Call Helen at 780-895-7539 to reserve a spot (departs from Lamont Rec. Centre)
ces & progra

Access current monthly services & programs information scan the QR code (below) or for FCSS, CALC and KFRN on each of the services’ Facebook pages: | FCSS: FCSSlamontcountyregion | KFRN: groups/1922602184662497 | CALC: LamontCountyAdultLearns | For more info, scan the QR code or lamontcounty.ca/community-programming

The Sustainable CAP framework represents a cost-shared federal-provincial investment of $508 million over five years for programs and services for the agriculture and agri-food industry in Alberta and positions the industry for greater long-term success (lamontcounty.ca/departments/agriculturalprograms/environmental-programs).

Learn more about the seven (previously five) program themes: Emerging Opportunities; On-Farm Efficiency; On-Farm Value Added; Resiliency and Public Trust; Resilient Agricultural Landscape; Value-Added; and Water grant opportunities for the ag and agri-food sector.

Other Items of Interest
Coffee Talks – see lamontcounty.ca/coffeetalks. NOV. date planned for Division 5 coming soon.
Engineering studies, expression of interest tender, and content related to the proposed process water and intake can be accessed at lamontcounty.ca/ public-tenders & lamontcountynow.ca/about-us/area-profile/planning. More info./updates are published when/as applicable.
Business License Renewals Reminder: Reminder: business licenses issued in 2024 expire Dec. 31 can be renewed for 2025.
ASB Annual Photo Contest – submit your favourite photos before Nov. 22 to lamontcounty.ca/photo-contest. Win a prize!
Private Snow Removal reminder (and flags): a submitted Snowplow/Grading Agreement and Hazard Assessment/Inspection is required and should be completed by Nov. 15 (before the first major snowfall). See lamontcounty.ca/departments/public-works/roads/private-snow-removal
NOTE: All flag purchases or signup for Medically Fragile or Seniors service (for private snow removal), must be completed at the Public Works/Ag Services Building - 553004A Hwy 831 (and not at the Administration Building). As a reminder, per Bylaw 857.22 (Fees and Charges Bylaw –lamontcounty.ca/financial-services), the costs related to private snow removal are: Regular Flags – $125/each flag (per snowfall); Medical Flags –$100/year (a doctor’s letter is required); Senior (65+) Flags – $200/year. Flags can be purchased at the Lamont County Public Works Building. Call 780-895-2547, if you have any questions.
Sign up for regional (emergency) notifications by email/text/phone: lamontcounty.ca/alerts (Everbridge alerts/not the AB Emergency Alert system that interrupts your phone; rather, it is updates for local events/activities). Unpaid Taxes - A friendly reminder that an additional 10 per cent penalty is applied to any 2024 unpaid Lamont County taxes on Jan. 1, 2025. If your taxes are overdue, please submit your balance by Dec. 31 to avoid penalty.

Please Note – inFocus is also accessible online at: lamontcounty.ca/communications (for those wanting to view the weekly submission as full-sized PDF &to access hyperlinks).
Lamont County, Lamont, Bruderheim, Mundare, Andrew & Chipman
Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) - Reminder
The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Registration Renewal Reminder
See a monthly reminder list at: alberta.ca/vehicle-registration-expiry-date-chart.aspx

Community Programming

Next Agricultural Service Board (ASB) Meeting (December 12)
If your last name or company begins with the letters P or K; remember to get your registration renewed before the end of November!

This message is brought to you by the Elk Island Traffic Safety Partners.

Environmental Farm Plan
Reminder of the Importance of an Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) – including for CAP funding – Lamont County's EFP Tech, Amanda can assist you too! lamontcounty.ca/departments/agriculturalprograms/environmental-programs

Flaring – Did You Know?
When waste gas is ignited as a controlled burn in many oil operations and activities, this is called flaring. In fact, you may have noticed major flaring at sites around the province in the past few months. The practice is also used in many drilling and well locations across Lamont County, and is generally safer than venting gases into the atmosphere directly— including managing odours and airborne gas safety.
A benign burn of by-product material is typically converted to carbon dioxide and water vapour and prevents pressure build-up through combustion.
The next ASB meeting is scheduled for Dec. 12, at 9:00 a.m.
The public is welcome to attend at the Lamont County Administration Building or virtually through meeting link, accessible at: lamontcounty.ca/departments/agricultural-services/agendas-minutes-asb. To present or speak at a meeting, please contact Agricultural Services. Minutes and agendas are also available using the link above.

Reminder: Don’t Push Snow Piles Across Roads or Entranceways

While it may seem to be abnormal and damaging to the environment, flaring is actually a responsible and efficient way to dispose of waste gases. The controlled burn needs to follow Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) requirements and regulations to protect the public, the environment and for conservation. It is directed and managed by the AER to ensure safety and environmental protection—and more specifically, Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives and Guidelines—among the most stringent levels of safety and environmental protection. To ensure compliance, companies must apply for flaring license before a burn can commence, and sites are reviewed for compliance.
TIPP – Monthly Payments of Lamont County and Government Taxes (option)
Visit lamontcounty.ca/tipp to learn about monthly payment of property tax payments. This is an easy and convenient way to budget because it breaks the annual tax payment into 12 monthly payments; no rushing to get to the office on due date or penalties on balances, provided payments are not missed. Automatic pre-authorized withdrawal; if you aren’t previously signed up, sign up today for 2025!

Residents are reminded when plowing snow out of your driveway, please do not push the snow onto the public road or across the road into the ditch. Pushing snow across the road creates packed areas and slippery patches that are difficult to remove and can be dangerous to road traffic. Push snow to the right side of your driveway to ensure it does not get pushed back when the local road is plowed. It may also result in larger windrows or cause other clearing challenges. You can be fined for this dangerous and unsafe practice.
Also, as a reminder, please keep kids off snow piles near roadways for additional safety.
Cleanfarms, through the ‘Alberta Ag-Plastic. Recycle-It! pilot program is hosting ‘The Great Twine Round-Up’; a new province-wide twine collection contest with four cash prizes of $3,000 each, for the winners’ 4-H club or an Alberta-based agricultural charity of choice.
For more information and full contest rules, visit the contest webpage: greattwineroundup.ca
‘The Great Twine Round-Up’ is part of the ‘Alberta Ag Plastic. Recycle it!’ pilot program, through which Alberta farmers return used plastic baler twine and grain bags for recycling.
Last year, Cleanfarms recycled 673,000 kg of grain bags and 95,400 kg of twine through this pilot.
Learn more about this program: cleanfarms.ca/ alberta-ag-plastic-recycle-it-program-details/

Mental Health Support for Ag./Farmers and Families
Farmers typically don’t seek out help when they are struggling with their mental health, but help is available for those who:
- may feel like they should be able to handle any situation on their own, including emotional distress or personal struggles.
- may be worried that mental health professionals would not understand their needs due to the nature of their work as farmers (lack of Ag Culture competency).
- are production-focused and often don’t recognize the impact that prioritizing mental health can have on their farm & family.
An Alberta approach to farm mental health: https://www.agknow.ca/
Roadside Mulching Starts Soon

CAUTION: Roadside Mulching. Ag. Services will be working on roadside mulching starting in November; this goes to the end of March (2025). Signs are posted to enforce temporary road closures while work is completed and there are fines related to road closure. Watch for flying debris & obey all signs. If you enter a closed area, Lamont County will NOT be at fault for any damage to vehicles.

The next Regular Council Meeting is on Tuesday, November 12, starting at 9:00 a.m. The public is welcome to attend at the Lamont County Administration Building or virtually through the meeting link, accessible at: lamontcounty.ca/governance/agendas-minutes.
Lamont County
Cleanfarms Alberta – The Great Twine Round-Up Contest