Sept19 Leader

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Your news this week: Senior’s Award nominee - Page 6 New teacher in Andrew - Page 8 Harvest in full swing - Page 12 Opinion: Killing business - Page 4


Vol. 12, No. 47, Tuesday September 19, 2017

NOMINATIONS FOR ELECTION KERRY ANDERSON It was nomination day on Monday, with prospective municipal councillors and mayors putting their names up for the most basic of democratic rights - to be voted on for public office. As well, Ward 3 (Lamont County) of the Elk Island School Division is up for nominations for the position of school

trustee. The nominees want the jobs, but voters decide who will get the jobs. The term of four years for each position was implemented just prior to the 2013 elections, from the previous three years. Municipalities in all provinces in Canada now serve four year terms, though the three territories only serve

5 Councillor Positions up for election Cholak, Sheree Fedun, Herbert Hamaliuk, Kenneth Hamed, Osama Hennig, Jason

Leppeck, Gary Levicki, Sherry Lupul, Sheila Tait, Heather Van Vyfeyken, Johannus

3 Positions Godlien, Graham Maynard Langevin, Morris Nygren, Toni Palmer, Jim

Mayor, 1 Position Karl Hauch Leroy Maier

6 Councillor positions for election Bernadine Seewalt Garry Bottorff George Campbell Judy Schueler

Len Falardeau Patrick Crawford Patricia Lee

Mayor, 1 position Charles Gargus Michael Saric

Div. 1 Daniel Warawa, acclaimed Div. 2

Michael Burant George Kolmas Wayne Woldanski

Div. 3

David Diduck Robert Peyton

Div. 4

Roy Anaka Terry Levicki

Div. 5

Robert Malica Neil Woitas

Councillors, 4 positions Jamie Burghardt Cheryl Calinoiu Douglas Kleen

Jason Kowal Frank Rosypal Irene Talaga

Mayor Bill Skinner Acclaimed

6 Councillor positions for election Al Harvey Kirk Perrin Perry Koroluk Jody Foulds

Ellis Oberle Doug Pewarchuk Dave Taylor Gwen Wozny

Elk Island Public Schools was contacted for a list of nominees for Lamont County ward but did not respond to requests. It is known that Colleen Holowaychuk will be seeking re-election as she did contact the Lamont Leader prior to press deadline. Calls to EIPS were not returned prior to deadline.

two/three year terms. County reeve and village mayors are selected by the elected councillors. They conduct meetings but have no more voting power than each councillor. Alberta municipal elections will be held on Monday, Oct. 16, so the time is now to find out what issues each candi-

date supports, which they don’t, who you agree and disagree with, and who you choose to represent you for your individual municipality. Below are the unofficial names of candidates, though each has 24 hours (after press deadline) to withdraw their nominations as of noon Monday. Election day is Oct. 16, 2017.

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