Tofield 4-H Beef & Multi Club 2025

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MONDAY APRIL 28, 2025 10:00 AM

TOFIELD ARENA SALE AT 4:00PM Ron Goeglein 1944

Message from General Leader

It’s hard to believe that 4-H is nearing the end of another year. It’s also hard to believe that Tofield 4-H Beef club is celebrating 80 years. As the saying goes “time flies when you’re having fun”. The year has flown by with a whirlwind of activities such as tire round up, turkey & ground beef Bingo, rubber mat fundraiser, hosting 3 levels of communications events, farm tour plus our monthly meetings. The 4-H members are now gearing up for the show and sale.

This year we have 21 members within the 3 projects of poultry, sheep and beef. They’re all diligently feeding, training and grooming their projects to finish out the year in April. I’d like to take this opportunity to invite you to the show & sale on April 28, 2025.

It’s going to look a little different this year. There will be a catered lunch between the female show in the morning and the market animal show in the afternoon. The sale will follow directly after the market animals show at 4:00 pm. There will be 4 sets of 3 market broilers, 3 market lambs and 9 steers on offer at our sale.

Thank you for taking the time to browse through our sales catalogue. I look forward to seeing you on April 28, supporting these young leaders of tomorrow as they showcase the hard work that they have put into their animals over the past 4-H year.


9:30 am- Judging class

10:00 am- Female show

12:30-1:30pm- Lunch served ($25.00- cash only-roast beef dinner)

1:30- Cleaver parade

1:45 pm- Market animal show

4:00 pm- Sale

Doug Finseth- Grand Female Trophy

Why should I buy 4-H Market Beef?

Our4-Hclubguidesourmemberstoselectqualitylivestock,maintainconsistentnutrition,health anddailycare.Thereisaneedtostartwithagoodanimalandmaximizeitspotentialsothatyouare leftwithqualityAlbertabeeftoconsume.

The4-Hprogramanditsmanysupportershavehelpedsendthousandsofouryouthawayto universities,colleges,andtradeschools.Theyhavereturnedtobecomeourbusinessleaders, agronomists,teachers,caregivers,farmers,mechanics,welders,andthelistgoeson.Onethingis forsurewhenyoupurchasea4-Hsteer,youarenotjustinvestinginachild’sfuture,butalsointhe futureofthisclub.

Josephine, Allan, Reed & Pauline Francis- 1945

Why should I buy 4-H Market Lamb ?

The4-Hmarketsheepprojectwasdevelopedtoeducatethe4-Hmembersaboutraising,fitting,showing andthesaleoftheiranimal.Thememberpresentsahigh-qualityfinishedproductforsale.Itisthe responsibilityofthemembertosearchforbuyersandtopromotetheiranimal.Weencourageour memberstoselectqualitylambsbornafterDecember15. Whenchoosingafinishedmarketlambyou wantonetobeheavybonedandbestrongonitspasterns.Open-shouldered, weak-topped,weak pasterned,steeprumpedlambsshouldbeavoided.Generally,alambthatwalksandstandswideisgoing tobeheaviermuscled.Thelambshouldhaveadeep,heavilymuscledlegandrump.Thethreelambs presentedtoyoutodayare4.5monthsofage.Theestimatedyieldis30-35poundsof edible,leancuts.

















Whenitcomestolamb,youhavemanychoicesastothetypeofcutyoucanget.Herearesome examplesofpopularlambcuts:

Shoulder:Thisfattycutcanbeleftontheboneandroasteduntilitfallsapart.Shouldercutscanalsobe dicedforstewsorcutintoshoulderchops.

RackofLamb:Thistrimmedrackcanberoastedwhole,carved,orcutintochopsforquick-cooking Loin:Alsoknownascannonorfilletoflamb,theloinistheeyeofthemeatfromtherackandissimilar tobeefT-Bone.It’saleanmeatthatcanbequick-cooked.


Leg:Thelegisthemostversatileofalllambcuts!It’sleanyetfattyenoughtoremainsucculentandcan beslowroastedforanamazingmediumraretreat! https://darcysmeatsca/collections/lamb

You can save $225.00 by purchasing a 4-H market lamb instead of buying it at a grocery store. Best of all you, know that it is home grown and you are supporting local youth.

Don Wood, Laurie Weatherill & John Moore- 1965

Why should I buy 4-H Market Poultry ?

The4-Hmarketpoultryprojectisorganizedtoprovideexperienceforyoungpeople intheselection,feeding,husbandry,sellingpoultry&eggsandexhibitingofpoultry. Handlingaliveanimal,watchingitgrowforseveralmonthsandexhibitingtheanimal hasvaluefarbeyondthemonetarygainwhichispossiblefromtheproject.Ourgoal istohavematchedtrioweightandcarcasswithaminimumweightofthreepounds andmaximumweightofsix-eightpounds. Ourpoultrymembersaren’tnecessarily choosingthebiggestbirdsbutratherthebestmatchedtriowiththe"right"meat proportion.Themembersaremarketingapenofthreebroilers.

Meatchickens,orbroilerchickens,arerapidlygrowinginpopularityasmany Americansdecidetolivemoreself-sufficientlifestyles.Meatbirdsareastraight forward,undemandinganimaltoraisefornutritiousandhealthymeat.Cornish Rocks(commercialbroilerchickens)willreachmarketweightin42days.

You can save $30.00

Dan Brown- 1980

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors & Buyers

Tofield Ag Society

Tofield IGA

Sware Family

Ray's Limousine

Fellowship Farms

Anchor B Ranch Inc

Cameron Farms

Hilltop Corral Cleaning

Spruyt Farms

HB Polled Herefords

J-S Farms

JSL Innovations

Economy Concrete

Stockyard Veterinary Services Ltd.

Schmidt Feedlot Inc

Tofield UFA Sharek Enterprises

BCR Farms

Ed Norton Memorial

Atco Gas

Lazuli Farms

Cloverview Farms

Nanninga Construction

Battle River Striping

Western Financial Group

Wetaskiwin Ready Mix

Burner Energy


Wye Knot Massage

Lorenz Team

Vebo Poultry Farms Ltd

Cody & Christina Nahirniak

Crooked Spruce Farms

Heiberg Farms

Maccan Family

Abbey's Barn

Ron & Shirley Goeglein

Warren & Terry Stauffer

Stevenson Family

Tofield NAPA

KS Holistic Health Ltd.

Braided Mane Hair Company

Beaver Ambulance Society

More Than Just Feed(Bullseye)

Sear’s Farms

Sturgeon Plumbing & Heating

Fellowship Farms

Lutz Cattle Company

Tofield Packers

Deereland Vegreville

Jody Lutz

BHD Tubular

JSL Innovations

Joe & Elaine Kauffman

Allan B Olson Auction

Danny Hooper Edibles

DMG Grain Farms

K3 Corn Maze

Terra Firma HDD

SMB Farms

Marlene Erikson

Keith Finseth- 1971
Nicole Finseth

There are a few options of how you can support members in our 4-H club :

1. You can attend the show and sale to place your own bid on a market project.

2. Don’t want to eat the steer? You can purchase a market steer at the sale. The member will ship the steer to Thorsby Auction and you will receive a cheque of the set floor price times the weight of the steer.

3. You could group together family, friends, business partners &/or neighbors to purchase a half of a steer each.

4. Your business or family can make a donation directly to our club for any denomination. All donations go directly towards activities, events or items to enhance learning for our members. (e-transfer:

5. Can't make it to the sale? We have you covered with our purchasing committee.

Please contact:

Seirre Spruyt

My name is Seirre Spruyt, yes like the phone. I get the joke "Hey Siri" all the time. I am a senior member of the Tofield 4-H Beef & Multi Club. I have been a part of this 4-H club for the past 9 years and this year is my final year of being a member. 4-H has taught me so many valuable skills that I will use in my life from being able to talk in front of crowds with confidence, to responsibility by taking care of my 4-H beef projects and leadership skills from serving as president and other executive positions in the club for numerous years. The 4-H program has also helped me to get a financial head start in saving money. I have invested and saved the money from each steer that I have sold. I invested in a heifer so that I can grow my herd of cattle, and the rest is saved for university so that I can become a registered nurse. I'm so thankful for the privilege of being in 4-H and all the valuable skills that I have obtained from being in the program

This is my final 4-H steer project, his name is Eddie. Eddie is a Simmental Angus cross. He has an excellent deep spring of rib and wide rump, where lots of quality cuts of meat come from. Eddie has a large appetite and has been gaining weight at a steady rate. He will be nicely finished for the sale. He is the perfect steer for your freezer with juicy, tender and well marbled cuts of meat. I hope you are able to attend the show and sale and see all the hard work that we've put into our projects.

Adele Greenwald

I’m 14 years old, in grade 8 and I am homeschooled This is my third year in 4-H and my last year as an intermediate member. This year I am vice president for our club. My lambs name is All Pink or Ali for short. She is a Suffolk lamb, raised and finished on lamb grower. She is a solid, well built lamb and I expect her to be 90 pounds for the sale. I also have my mature ewe from the last two years that I’ll be showing at our show and sale. Some of my interests outside of 4-H are snowboarding, hanging out with my family and rodeo. The money from the sale of this market lamb will be going towards building my sheep flock and my first vehicle.

Rayea Haugen

I have been in 4-H for 5 years. I am an intermediate member in the Tofield 4-H Beef and Multi Club. I have a 2 year old cow/calf pair and steer project. This year my steers name is Buck. Buck is a red and white Maine Anjou. I hope to see you at the show and sale.

Halla Spruyt

I am an Intermediate member of the Tofield 4-H Beef & Multi Club and this is my 5th year in 4-H. I am also the club secretary this year. I am 14 years old and in grade 8 at Cornerstone Christian Academy. I enjoy 4-H because of the skills I've gained in public speaking and judging and as well the animals. My favorite part of raising my 4-H animals is the bond that we develop during the 4-H year. I have a cow/calf pair, heifer and a steer project this year.

This is my steer, Bruno. He is a Simmental calf with some Angus influence. He is on a barley and silage diet. His average daily gain at the moment is 3.40 lbs a day. At this rate he should be roughly 1500 lbs at the time of the sale. Bruno is a big framed steer with lots of depth, width and is starting to thicken up. He is a meat machine and will have thick, juicy and well marbled cuts of meat. Bruno is my 3rd steer and already is my heaviest. I am excited for the show and sale to show off Bruno. Although I will be sad to see him go, the money that I will receive will be saved for post secondary education and some towards buying a truck when I'm 16.

Lindsey Bevan

I'm 21 years old, and this is my first year in 4-H. I love being a part of 4-H and helping to raise our chickens on the farm. I take great care of my birds to make sure they’re happy, healthy, and ready for your dinner table. These broiler chickens have been raised with love, and I’d be so proud if you took them home to enjoy a delicious meal. Thank you for supporting me and my 4-H journey!

Katie Knudsen

I am in my 4th year, I am a junior member of the Tofield 4-H Beef and Multi Club. This year my calf's name is Rooster. He is a Simmental Angus cross. I chose Rooster because he had a large frame, and red calves are my favorite. I hope to see you at this year's show and sale.

Simon Kolkman

I’m a 10 year old junior member, and in my second year of 4-H. My steer project this year is Tenderloin. When I’m not doing 4-H, I enjoy playing hockey, hunting, and dirt biking.

Chad Greenwald

I am 10 years old and I am homeschooled. This is my third year in 4-H, I am a junior member. I raise and show sheep and poultry projects. This year, I have a market lamb project available named Bugs Bunny. He is a Rideau X breed. I hope to have him weigh 90 pounds for our show and sale He is a strong and healthy lamb I also will be showing my yearling ewe, Lainey at our show and sale. I like to play outside lots, climb trees, and hike with my family. From the sale of my market lamb, I will put it towards my savings account, future farm expenses and to help build my own flock of sheep.

Harlow Milliken

Jase Haugen

I'm in grade 9, and this is my first year in 4-H as an intermediate member. I live on a quaint farm with a variety of different animals (including my brother). I joined 4-H because I love caring for animals and collecting exotically coloured birds. My goal is to make a good profit and put dinner on a families table.

I am a junior member in the Tofield 4-H Beef and Multi Club. This is my 3rd year in 4-H. This is my steer Ted. Ted is a Maine Anjou. I also have a heifer project. I hope to see you at the show and sale!

Chad Greenwald

I am 10 years old and I am homeschooled. This is my third year in 4-H, I am a junior member. I raise and show sheep and poultry projects. This year, I have a trio of market broilers available for sale at our show. These chicks were born March 3, 2025. They are Cornish Giants which grow fast. I also will show my laying hen at our show and sale this year. Raising poultry projects is a lot of fun to watch them grow from a tiny chick to a big chicken. I love to work with my animals on our farm and spend time with my family and be outside. The money I earn from selling my poultry project will go towards my savings account, and buying my own egg incubator to raise more chicks.

I am a junior member in the Tofield 4-H Beef and Multi Club. This is my 3rd year in 4-H. This is my steer Yeti. Yeti is an Angus and Simmental cross. I hope to see you at the show and sale!

Ember Haugen

Sophie Kolkman

I’m an intermediate member, in my second year of 4-H, and I am also the club reporter. Let me introduce you to my steer project, Butch. He has been fun to work with and I am excited to show him! Hope to see you at our show and sale!

Charlie Milliken

This is my 2nd year in 4-H, and I'm a proud junior member. I joined 4-H because I love raising chickens, ducks, and geese and I have so much fun hatching eggs in my incubator I take great care of my birds to make sure they're happy and healthy. If you’re looking for a delicious Sunday dinner, one of my birds would be perfect on your table raised with love and ready to make your meal amazing! Thank you for supporting me and my 4-H journey!

Bekka Spruyt

Let me introduce you to Buddy! He is full blood Simmental and is all black with a little bit of white on his nose. Even from a calf he was very friendly which is one of the reasons I chose him. He is a long, deep and well muscled steer which will give you some large ribeye steaks for your summer grilling.

My name is Bekka Spruyt. I am in grade 6 and I have been involved in 4-H since I was 6 years old as a cleaver and now I am a intermediate member. I started showing animals when I was 9 years old. I've spent lots of time with Buddy so he is ready for the 4-H show in April. I am excited to show him. I will be devastated to sell him but I plan to save some money and buy a heifer with what I receive from the sale of my market beef project.

I hope you will be able to attend this years show and sale and purchase some awesome farm raised Alberta Beef.

Azlynn Ames

I am 9 years old and I will be in grade 5 next year at École Claudette-Et-Denis-Tardif in Sherwood Park. This is my second year participating in 4-H and I really enjoy it. I enjoy raising a market auction sheep because it has taught me how to properly care for animals and to give them the best life possible. Outside of 4-H I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I am also interested in becoming an entrepreneur starting off with my small cotton candy business. I like to volunteer at the lodge in Tofield. They all seem very happy to see me and I enjoy hearing their stories about their lives.

I hope my sheep does well at the sale because I would like to reinvest in more sheep.

Thank you for attending our Show & Sale

Gail & Allan Gill, Don Wyllie, Gary & Faye Chomik

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