MONDAY APRIL 28, 2025 10:00 AM
TOFIELD ARENA SALE AT 4:00PM Ron Goeglein 1944
Message from General Leader
It’s hard to believe that 4-H is nearing the end of another year. It’s also hard to believe that Tofield 4-H Beef club is celebrating 80 years. As the saying goes “time flies when you’re having fun”. The year has flown by with a whirlwind of activities such as tire round up, turkey & ground beef Bingo, rubber mat fundraiser, hosting 3 levels of communications events, farm tour plus our monthly meetings. The 4-H members are now gearing up for the show and sale.
This year we have 21 members within the 3 projects of poultry, sheep and beef. They’re all diligently feeding, training and grooming their projects to finish out the year in April. I’d like to take this opportunity to invite you to the show & sale on April 28, 2025.
It’s going to look a little different this year. There will be a catered lunch between the female show in the morning and the market animal show in the afternoon. The sale will follow directly after the market animals show at 4:00 pm. There will be 4 sets of 3 market broilers, 3 market lambs and 9 steers on offer at our sale.
Thank you for taking the time to browse through our sales catalogue. I look forward to seeing you on April 28, supporting these young leaders of tomorrow as they showcase the hard work that they have put into their animals over the past 4-H year.

9:30 am- Judging class
10:00 am- Female show
12:30-1:30pm- Lunch served ($25.00- cash only-roast beef dinner)
1:30- Cleaver parade
1:45 pm- Market animal show
4:00 pm- Sale

Why should I buy 4-H Market Beef?
Our4-Hclubguidesourmemberstoselectqualitylivestock,maintainconsistentnutrition,health anddailycare.Thereisaneedtostartwithagoodanimalandmaximizeitspotentialsothatyouare leftwithqualityAlbertabeeftoconsume.
The4-Hprogramanditsmanysupportershavehelpedsendthousandsofouryouthawayto universities,colleges,andtradeschools.Theyhavereturnedtobecomeourbusinessleaders, agronomists,teachers,caregivers,farmers,mechanics,welders,andthelistgoeson.Onethingis forsurewhenyoupurchasea4-Hsteer,youarenotjustinvestinginachild’sfuture,butalsointhe futureofthisclub.

Why should I buy 4-H Market Lamb ?
The4-Hmarketsheepprojectwasdevelopedtoeducatethe4-Hmembersaboutraising,fitting,showing andthesaleoftheiranimal.Thememberpresentsahigh-qualityfinishedproductforsale.Itisthe responsibilityofthemembertosearchforbuyersandtopromotetheiranimal.Weencourageour memberstoselectqualitylambsbornafterDecember15. Whenchoosingafinishedmarketlambyou wantonetobeheavybonedandbestrongonitspasterns.Open-shouldered, weak-topped,weak pasterned,steeprumpedlambsshouldbeavoided.Generally,alambthatwalksandstandswideisgoing tobeheaviermuscled.Thelambshouldhaveadeep,heavilymuscledlegandrump.Thethreelambs presentedtoyoutodayare4.5monthsofage.Theestimatedyieldis30-35poundsof edible,leancuts.


Whenitcomestolamb,youhavemanychoicesastothetypeofcutyoucanget.Herearesome examplesofpopularlambcuts:
Shoulder:Thisfattycutcanbeleftontheboneandroasteduntilitfallsapart.Shouldercutscanalsobe dicedforstewsorcutintoshoulderchops.
RackofLamb:Thistrimmedrackcanberoastedwhole,carved,orcutintochopsforquick-cooking Loin:Alsoknownascannonorfilletoflamb,theloinistheeyeofthemeatfromtherackandissimilar tobeefT-Bone.It’saleanmeatthatcanbequick-cooked.
Leg:Thelegisthemostversatileofalllambcuts!It’sleanyetfattyenoughtoremainsucculentandcan beslowroastedforanamazingmediumraretreat! https://darcysmeatsca/collections/lamb
You can save $225.00 by purchasing a 4-H market lamb instead of buying it at a grocery store. Best of all you, know that it is home grown and you are supporting local youth.
Why should I buy 4-H Market Poultry ?
The4-Hmarketpoultryprojectisorganizedtoprovideexperienceforyoungpeople intheselection,feeding,husbandry,sellingpoultry&eggsandexhibitingofpoultry. Handlingaliveanimal,watchingitgrowforseveralmonthsandexhibitingtheanimal hasvaluefarbeyondthemonetarygainwhichispossiblefromtheproject.Ourgoal istohavematchedtrioweightandcarcasswithaminimumweightofthreepounds andmaximumweightofsix-eightpounds. Ourpoultrymembersaren’tnecessarily choosingthebiggestbirdsbutratherthebestmatchedtriowiththe"right"meat proportion.Themembersaremarketingapenofthreebroilers.

Meatchickens,orbroilerchickens,arerapidlygrowinginpopularityasmany Americansdecidetolivemoreself-sufficientlifestyles.Meatbirdsareastraight forward,undemandinganimaltoraisefornutritiousandhealthymeat.Cornish Rocks(commercialbroilerchickens)willreachmarketweightin42days.
You can save $30.00

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors & Buyers

Tofield Ag Society
Tofield IGA
Sware Family
Ray's Limousine
Fellowship Farms
Anchor B Ranch Inc
Cameron Farms
Hilltop Corral Cleaning
Spruyt Farms
HB Polled Herefords
J-S Farms
JSL Innovations
Economy Concrete
Stockyard Veterinary Services Ltd.
Schmidt Feedlot Inc
Tofield UFA Sharek Enterprises
BCR Farms
Ed Norton Memorial
Atco Gas
Lazuli Farms
Cloverview Farms
Nanninga Construction
Battle River Striping
Western Financial Group
Wetaskiwin Ready Mix
Burner Energy
Wye Knot Massage
Lorenz Team
Vebo Poultry Farms Ltd
Cody & Christina Nahirniak
Crooked Spruce Farms
Heiberg Farms
Maccan Family
Abbey's Barn
Ron & Shirley Goeglein
Warren & Terry Stauffer
Stevenson Family
Tofield NAPA
KS Holistic Health Ltd.
Braided Mane Hair Company
Beaver Ambulance Society
More Than Just Feed(Bullseye)
Sear’s Farms
Sturgeon Plumbing & Heating
Fellowship Farms
Lutz Cattle Company
Tofield Packers
Deereland Vegreville
Jody Lutz
BHD Tubular
JSL Innovations
Joe & Elaine Kauffman
Allan B Olson Auction
Danny Hooper Edibles
DMG Grain Farms
K3 Corn Maze
Terra Firma HDD
SMB Farms
Marlene Erikson

There are a few options of how you can support members in our 4-H club :
1. You can attend the show and sale to place your own bid on a market project.
2. Don’t want to eat the steer? You can purchase a market steer at the sale. The member will ship the steer to Thorsby Auction and you will receive a cheque of the set floor price times the weight of the steer.
3. You could group together family, friends, business partners &/or neighbors to purchase a half of a steer each.
4. Your business or family can make a donation directly to our club for any denomination. All donations go directly towards activities, events or items to enhance learning for our members. (e-transfer: tofield4-hclub@gmail.com)
5. Can't make it to the sale? We have you covered with our purchasing committee.
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