Create Your First Website-The Videos Many people fail miserably in their first attempts to create and publish a website. This usually is because they either do not have the correct steps to follow, do not take the time to master the skill sets, or simply to not put the process into action. Most online gurus either over complicate the process, make it appear to be way too simple, or are marketing to get you into their sales funnel, forcing you to keep purchasing and endless stream of products that they create. “Create Your First Website-The Videos” is different in that respect. Chris Farrell originally developed this as a paid video course for Internet marketing newbies to follow along and visually see the steps involved for creating a website to publish successfully online. This is an expanded version of “A Web Business Explained”, and is more detailed. This video course is now available for free to all members of the Chris Farrell Membership. You can get Create Your First Website-The Videos by joining Chris Farrell Membership at