C.Y.A. VIBE (December - March '15)

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In his remarks, Minister Stephenson urged the new recruits that the C.Y.A. (S.V.G.) Committee was not an ordinary, civic group and that the opportunity should be used not only to sell

CARICOM Youth Ambassadors, Kishore Shallow and Shanika John, officially inducted new members to the CARICOM Youth Ambassadors’ (S.V.G.) Committee on Saturday 14th February, 2015.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines to the rest of the region, but to help in the Community in the humble spirit of servanthood. He also urged the members to be good ambassadors by reading and being active participants.

“Aspirations without action mean nothing.” The Committee Members were also challenged by Youth Officer at the Department of Youth Affairs, Mr. Philcol Jeffers to aspire, but noted that “aspirations without action mean nothing.” Ambassador Kishore Shallow took the opportunity to present the report of the 2013 – 2014 initiatives. He highlighted that the members of the Committee had

Attendees of the Initiation Ceremony

opportunities for self-development and community service by The Initiation Ceremony, which convened at the Paradise Beach Hotel’s Conference Room (Villa, St. Vincent and the

partaking in upcoming initiatives to be held in 2015. In a solemn moment, new and returning members cited the

Grenadines) at 5:00 p.m., was ennobled by the Minister of

Committee’s Pledge, in which promises to “use energies,

National Mobilization, Social Development, Family, Gender

talents and resources…take full advantage of every

Affairs, Persons with Disabilities and Youth, the Honourable

opportunity to enhance knowledge and understanding...” and

Frederick Stephenson. Additionally, Youth Officer, Mr.

“to work for the social and economic advancement of my


country and region…” were proudly declared.







Ambassadors’ (S.V.G.) Committee and Youth Ambassador (2011 – 2014), Miss Tamira Browne; SVG T.V. News, We

The twenty recruits were successful applicants of a month-

FM 99.9 and friends and well-wishers of the newly inducted

long recruitment procedure held in November 2014.

recruits and returning members, were in attendance.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTED On Saturday 10th January, 2015 the C.Y.A. (S.V.G.) Committee held its 15th General Meeting and 1st meeting for the 2014 – 2015 Committee Year. The assembling introduced the twelve (12) successful new applicants who presented themselves for service, as well as eight (8) returning members. In a vote-by-ballot, the members also selected the new executive body. Under the Ambassadorial leadership of Ambassadors Kishore Shallow and Shanika John, the CARICOM Youth Ambassadors’ (S.V.G.) Committee is as follows:

Youth Ambassadors Kishore Shallow and Shanika John expressed their full confidence in the team moving forward to address national and regional issues affecting youth.

NEVER AGAIN SLAVERY: C.Y.A. (S.V.G.) Committee hosts annual Movie Night

International Remembrance Day of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade is observed each year on March 25th and offers the opportunity to honour and remember those who suffered and died at the hands of the brutal slavery system. To commemorate this day, the C.Y.A’s Committee held a movie night ‘Never Again Slavery’, for the second consecutive year – an event open to the general public at the S.O.V. Lounge (Villa, St. Vincent). This year’s chosen movie was SELMA, a chronicle of Martin Luther King's campaign to secure equal voting rights via an ambitious march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965 – a more modern selection as opposed to last year’s chosen movie, 12 Years a Slave, based on the true story of Solomon Northup – a free black man living in the pre-Civil war United States who was abducted, sold into slavery, then battled not only to survive, but to preserve his dignity. Youth Ambassador, Kishore Shallow, thanked the patrons who supported Never Again Slavery, commenting that it was “an educational show.”

Ambassador Shallow attends ARMS TRADE TREATY MEETING Nine of fourteen CARICOM Member States have ratified the global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), which is intended to control the global trade-in-all conventional arms including the proliferation of small arms and light weapons. The Caribbean Coalition for the Reduction of Armed Violence and Development, representing thirteen civil society groups across the CARICOM, have continued to lobby governments for effective implementation of the ATT. Vice Dean of Information and Communication, CARICOM Youth Ambassadors’ Corps, and S.V.G. Youth Ambassador, Kishore Shallow, along with other Caribbean Civil Society from Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, attended the First Preparatory Meeting toward the First Conference of the State Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. The conference was held over two days, 23rd – 24th February 2015. Youth Ambassador Shallow stated that the representatives of the Caribbean civil society remain supportive of governments who are in discussion with other global leaders on their mandate to implement an A.T.T. that would save lives from gun violence and promote peace and security in our region.

Ambassador Shallow holds “A Better Use for Steel” placard

Imagine a Future FREE Of Gun Violence.

Representatives at Arms Trade Treaty meeting As State Parties discuss the rules of engagement for the first Conference of State Parties, civil society welcomes the intention of some States to maintain full participation of civil society organizations that support the object and purpose of the Treaty and have contributed positively to the ATT. Adapted from News Release dated 25th February, 2015 (Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago).

A message from the CARICOM Youth Ambassadors’ (S.V.G.) Committee


“Good role models are needed to make a positive impact on the younger generations.” Chelcia Ferdinand

CREATING POSITIVE ROLE MODELS Members, André Browne (Deputy Male CARICOM Youth

“We must take the opportunity to be good role models whenever possible.”

Ambassador) and Chelcia Ferdinand (Publications Officer),

André Browne

participated in a panel discussion on radio talk show Views

“The local media has a vital role in promoting the achievements of young people.”

On Sunday 8th February, 2015 C.Y.A. (S.V.G.) Committee

on Issues, aired on NBC Radio S.V.G.

Camille Crichton

The discussion was chaired by Youth Officer at the Department of Youth Affairs, Mr. Philcol Jeffers and Director of the Institute for Professional Development, Ms. Camille Crichton was also a panelist.

ROLE MODELS are instrumental in developing career

The topic, ‘Creating Positive Role Models for our Youth’,


was examined from social, psychological and economic

behaviours such as cheating, bullying and substance

perspectives. The panelists were treated to several calls


from the public who shared the view that in order for






Qualities of a Positive Role Model

children and adolescents to be successful, role models with positive ideologies are needed. It was also agreed that the media should play a more pivotal role by broadcasting more of the successes of youth on a national and regional level.

1. The ability to inspire others through passion which has the capacity to infect others; 2. Clear set of values: Young people admire those who act in ways to support their beliefs; 3. Commitment to community: Role models are other-focused and not self-focused; 4. Selflessness and acceptance of others; and, 5. Ability to persevere and to overcome obstacles.

Vice Dean/CARICOM Youth Ambassador appointed to Regional Marijuana Commission BLACK HISTORY MONTH is an annual celebration and


recognition of the many achievements of persons of the Black


descent over the years. Historians, actors, singers, writers,


athletes, politicians, students – men and women – are recognized


for their brilliant contributions. This year’s theme was “A Century

Youth Ambassadors’

of Black Life, History and Culture.” To commemorate this


celebration, the C.Y.A. (S.V.G.) Committee hosted a social media

Shallow, as of the

initiative dubbed the Caribbean Hall of Fame: A social media

Friday 20th March

presentation of the Caribbean’s greatest icons.

Ambassador Kishore Shallow



of and of





appointed to serve on the Regional Commission on Marijuana. The Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community has established the Regional Commission of Marijuana to give guidance to decisions to be made as it relates to the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. The members of the Regional Commission on Marijuana were selected from various fields and backgrounds including Law Enforcement; legal practitioners; medicine and allied health practitioners; health researchers; anthropology/sociology/culture; youth and education; Hosted on the Committee’s Facebook and Twitter pages from th


to 24


February 2015, the Committee members posted

faith-based organizations; NGOs and ethics. The timeframe for this Commission is no less than 18 months.

biographies and photos of Caribbean National Heroes,

Professor Rose Marie Belle-Antoine, Dean of Faculty of

entrepreneurs, singers, government officials and leaders, sports

Law, U.W.I. (St. Augustine) would serve as Chair of the

personalities and authors and poets. The public response to the

Regional Commission on Marijuana.

initiative was excellent and CARICOM nationals across the region took a walk down memory lane to honour great names – past and present.

orange your world In July 2012, the United Nations’ Secretary General’s campaign – “UNite to End Violence against Women” – resulted in the 25th of every month being declared as ORANGE DAY. The CARICOM Youth Ambassadors’ (S.V.G) Committee supports this venture each month!

International Women’s Day The C.Y.A. (S.V.G.) Committee also participated in activities which celebrated and highlighted International Women’s Day (#IWD2015), under the theme “Empower Women – Empowering Humanity” on March 8th, 2015. Throughout the day, Committee Members posted videos, messages and quick facts and statistics, in an effort to bring awareness to issues facing women in the region and around the world. Messages issued by the Secretary General of CARICOM, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque and the United Nation’s Women’s Executive Director, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka were publicly disseminated. Special recognition was also paid to outstanding women in the Caribbean region including Prime Ministers of Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, Hon. Portia Simpson and Kamla Persad-Bissessar. International Women's Day 2015 Message by SG of CARICOM, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque (Excerpt)

has an impact, not only on the lives of women and girls, but also

“…I applaud the Region’s progress as evidenced by

their families and communities. Statistics from country reports

new legislation with respect to the rights of women

indicate a troubling level of sexual abuse and human trafficking of the

and children; increased representation of women in

girl child while women continue to be the victims of domestic abuse...

government and leadership; attainment of higher

I join the voices across the Region in celebrating our women and girls,

levels of education; improved access to health care

those whom we have formally recognized and those many unsung

and reduction in child mortality. However, more

heroines who continue to develop our Caribbean Community. Let us

action needs to be taken with respect to gender

renew our commitment and energy as we map out the path for

equality in governance; to end wage discrimination;

empowering the women in our Region as an essential ingredient for

and to stop the continuing gender-based violence that

sustainable development and a vital element in building a Community for All.”

Ambassador featured BOSVG 2015 calendar


“Love is in the air but make wise choices.”

CARICOM Male Youth

This was the theme used on Friday 13th February, 2015 to


encourage the students of the North Union Secondary

Shallow, continues to be

School to make wise choices for the Valentine’s Season.


The CARICOM Youth Ambassadors’ (S.V.G.) Committee

positive involvement in

- represented by Miss Denisha Hector, Deputy Female

the Community within the

Youth Ambassador - counselled the students to first love

last two years. In another

themselves and in doing so, they will more likely subject

wave of positivity, the

themselves to rational decision-making.

Ambassador was featured

Ambassador Vincent

for and

St. the




in the Bank of St Vincent and the Grenadines’ 2015 calendar, as a leader in ‘The Promise of a Brighter Tomorrow’ – a highlight of the achievements of young Vincentians. Featured for the month of September, Ambassador Shallow’s credentials, including his academic qualifications, professional career, sporting accomplishments, and involvement in community development are featured. The Youth Ambassador said, “It was quite pleasing to be featured in the calendar. In a time when negativity is starring on the T.V., radio and in the Participants of the “Sex Can Wait” Advocacy Program Students of the North Union Secondary School

newspapers, it is quite important to promote these initiatives that would inform the young people that there are Vincentians right at home making positive strides - this could stimulate their minds, reminding them that all is not lost. In light of this, I express much credit to Managing Director, Derry Williams, Marketing executive, Omari France, and the rest of the team at BOSVG for their forward thinking, and for executing this initiative.” The other bright prospects featured in the calendar were Akley Olton, Jules Snagg, Laron Jones, Nikolas Sylvester, Petrus Gumbs, Richard John, Rodney Small, Shernicia MayersMoore, Bernadette Warren, Elleann Bailey, Delight Ollivierre, and the Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN). The CARICOM




commends the high achievers on their success.


Ambassador John: A Phenomenal Woman Karen Hinds is The Emerging Leader Mentor, the author of

Ambassador John at the Phenomenal Women’s Conference 2014

five business books and Founder and C.E.O. of Workplace Success Group - an international employee development firm

As a result of her hard work in 2014, Karen Hinds has asked

based in Connecticut, U.S.A. It has been referred to as a

Ambassador John to sit on the planning committee to help make


the conference a success, focusing on the teen aspect of the








Four years ago, Ms. Hinds had an idea to host a world-class

Ambassador John stated that she is looking forward to bringing

conference in her home island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

the Conference to life.

She envisioned a community of women locally and across the

Jamel Providence’s Five Steps to

globe, meeting not just to enjoy the warm sunshine, but to learn and grow personally and professionally - so she created Karen Hinds' Phenomenal Women’s Conference. Ambassador Shanika John represents what it is to be a


“Phenomenal Woman.” In 2014, Karen Hinds hosted her

Ambassadors’ (S.V.G.) Committee, Jamel Providence, has


outlined five steps one may make towards becoming a more






Conference in St Vincent and the Grenadines which is a two-







successful individual:

day event. The Conference brought together almost two hundred young ladies for the Teen Conference (ages thirteen to

1. Seek God

seventeen) and three hundred women (eighteen year and older)

The Bible says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His

for the Adult Women’s Program. Ambassador John at the time grabbed the opportunity to be a part of Karen Hinds' Phenomenal Women’s Conference’s “Care Team” and represented the C.Y.A. (S.V.G.) Committee as Public Relations Officer. Ambassador John displayed excellent leadership skills in 2014. She expressed that “the experience itself was life changing. I love working with young people and the Conference gave me an opportunity to build new friendships and make a difference in the lives of our young ladies.”

righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33 KJV). Therefore friends, God must be placed first in everything you do. Pray for wisdom, knowledge, understanding, courage, strength and a discerning heart; have FAITH in Him and He will see you through. The Bible also says, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5 NIV). “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed” (James 1:6 KJV).

Five Steps to Ambassador John attends (continued)

FEMME’s Investiture Ceremony

2. Make Sacrifices

CARICOM Youth Ambassador, Miss Shanika John,

I know this step will be the most challenging for many but it is

participated in the facilitation of an eight (8) week

very rewarding to make short term sacrifices for long term


goals. It is up to you the individual to think and evaluate

Entrepreneurship for Empowerment. On Saturday 7th

yourself on what else you need to sacrifice in order to stay

February, 2015 Ambassador John presented the Ranger

focus. “Make a sacrifice today for a better tomorrow.”

Guides of the No. 23 Unit with certificates for their




completion of the programme.

3. Proper Health and Nutrition

The Investiture Ceremony took place at Flowt Beach Bar in

It is of vital importance that you consume a balanced diet, get

Ratho Mill, St. Vincent. Several guiding officials including

enough rest and physically maintain yourself.

the President of the association, Ms. René Baptiste and Deputy Chairman of the Western Hemisphere Committee,

4. Dedication

Ms. Rochelle Forde, were in attendance.

With sacrifices being made, you have to now dedicate yourself towards studying and being focused. Do your best and never settle for less.

“Good, better, best Never let it rest Until your good is better, And your better is best!” 5. Be Confident Believe that with God all things are possible. Do not make

Ambassador John at FEMME’s Investiture Ceremony

peer pressure deter you and lower your self-esteem; stand strong, for God promised, “No weapon that is formed against

Ambassador John joined the officials in congratulating

thee shall prosper; every tongue that shall rise against thee in

the young ladies for their participation in the enriching

judgement thou shalt condemn” (Isaiah 54:17 KJV).

entrepreneurship programme. In her address, Ambassador

Opportunities come but once in a lifetime. You might miss a

John encouraged the young ladies to “use their skills

train and find it very difficult to get another; take the early

learned and developed during the training to develop


businesses to help generate an income for sustainable living.”

Jamel Providence jamelprovidence@live.com (784) 533-9541 (Cell) | 457-0052 (Home)

Do Caribbean Courts have jurisdiction over Facebook? Why do we need mature Cyber-Laws in the Caribbean?

What is being done to protect us?

Difficulty in establishing jurisdiction in the Caribbean does

As I am writing this piece, technology is evolving and we are

not protect you, the citizen of the Internet, as it also opens

slipping further and further behind in developing legislation to

you up to any jurisdiction. Your posts, data entry and

address cyber-crime and cyber-conduct. According to an e-

websites on the Internet are not private. They can be accessed

paper on the official blog of the Norman Manley Students’

by anyone, anywhere in the world, thus exposing you to be

Association, regional leaders came together in 2008 and

liable to many different laws. Without any specific clauses in

recognized the need for Caribbean Integration as it relates to

our law protecting you from being subject to the law of any

cyber-law. The Harmonization of ICT Policies, Legislation and

nation, or even subject to your own law, we are all very

Regulatory Frameworks in the Caribbean (HIPCAR) project

vulnerable. It is important to consider that many nations in

was thus born. According to the full report published by

the Caribbean cannot enjoy the same standards of socio-

the International Telecommunication Union, there were

economic development as others, due to absence of services

participants from Barbados, Grenada, Jamaica, Suriname,

such as money transfer via PayPal or even Western Union

Trinidad and Tobago, Belize and St. Vincent and the

Online. Some islands’ nationals are not allowed to receive

Grenadines, as well as representatives from Caribbean

money via these services due to the absence of or the weak

Community Secretariat (CARICOM). The e-paper asserts,

nature of legislation governing e-transactions. These

however, that HIPCAR ‘continues to be an assessment report’

companies cannot risk leaning on these fragile frameworks,

despite follow up sessions and has yet to effect change in the

which may see grave crimes such as money laundering

direction of harmonizing policy and legislation as it relates to

slipping through the cracks of antiquated legislation. Though


local interpretation may suffice for conviction of cybercrime in small local cases, local interpretation will not stand up


against global standards for e-commerce and cyber-law. While some islands have developed and established cyber-law This weak legislation can also harbour international cyber-

and even Electronic Misuse Acts, others are still leaning on old

criminals looking to hide behind weak laws and escape the

laws which in reality does not expressly grant their courts

jurisdiction of countries such as the United States. What if it

jurisdiction over its citizens’ internet activity on sites whose

the hackers behind the Sony attack decided to infiltrate

servers are outside of the Caribbean, and does not protect its


citizens from being victims of local cybercrime. The overall lack

subsequently leak everyone’s private information? How

of harmonization of policy and legislation coupled with the

would we go about convicting them? Can we be confident

absence of cyber-law in some islands, leave us, the Caribbean

that we can convict a hacker who pilfers monies

Region, very vulnerable to cybercrime. Consider sleeping with

electronically by infiltrating Caribbean banks’ servers and

all your windows, doors and gates open tonight, because that’s

whose lawyer may split the holes in applying laws written

Excerpt of “Do Courts have jurisdiction over Facebook?” essentially whatCaribbean we’re doing. by Janique-ka John, Co-founder of ThaDaily Geek.






for a more physical time wide open?

To view the complete document, please visit http://www.thadailygeek.com/caribbean-courts-jurisdiction-facebook/

International WORLD CANCER DAY 4th February, 2015

St. Vincent & the Grenadines’ NATIONAL HEROES’ DAY 14th March, 2015

International DAY OF HAPPINESS 20th March, 2015

International WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY 21st March, 2015


The CARICOM Youth Ambassadors (S.V.G.) and their Committee thank you for your continued support. Look out for our next issue!


Youth Affairs Department Rose Place Kingstown St. Vincent and the Grenadines E-mail: yadsvg@gmail.com | caricomyouthsvg@gmail.com Facebook: CARICOM Youth Ambassadors SVG Twitter: @cyasvg

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