Within REACH Conference Edition December 2019v

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Within REACH -

CONFERENCE EDITION Volume 10│Issue 5│December 2019

Carilion Medical Center, 1906 Belleview Ave, Roanoke, VA 24014 http://chsweb.carilion.com/nursserv/NursW eb.html nursingresearch@carilionclinic.org (540)266 -6216

Be the change! Share the Journey! Pam Lindsey, MSN, RN - Carilion Magnet Program Director

This past October 28, staff from the Carilion Clinic Roanoke Campus attended the largest nursing conference in the US. The ANCC Magnet® Conference has an average attendance of 10,000+nurses representing 502 Magnet ® designated organizations and celebrating more than 100 recently new designated/ redesignated Magnet organizations. Carilion Clinic Roanoke Campus received our 4th designation award on the 1st day of this magnificent conference. While there, staff attended many sessions and would like to share what they learned with you in this special conference edition. This special conference edition provides abstracts, seminars, and take-aways from Carilion participants at the 2019 National Magnet Conference®, the Carilion Nursing Research Conference, and many more, so that you may also share in the experience! We hope that you enjoy reading this issue of Within REACH. Please let us know if it sparks ideas for you to improve patient care, if you would like to explore a practice change, or if you have ideas of your own to put into motion.

~ Pam

Carilion Clinic Roanoke Campus

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