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Reflectors of Holiness Session receive academic degrees and certificates
On June 9, Cadets of the Reflectors of Holiness Session received their academic diplomas during the 100th Commencement Ceremony at the College for Officer Training (CFOT) at Crestmont in Rancho Palos Verdes, California.
The Western Territory Staff Band performed as cadets entered the ceremony, saluting their session flag before taking a seat.
Training Principal Major Nigel Cross then entered the stage to welcome attendees.
Cross introduced the territorial leaders involved: Territorial Commander Commissioner Douglas Riley, Territorial President of Women’s Ministries Commissioner Colleen Riley, Training Principal Major Nigel Cross, Director of Education and Continuing Education Major Stacy Cross, Chief Secretary Colonel Eddie Vincent, Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries
Colonel Genevera Vincent, and special guests, Zimbabwean officers serving in the International Headquarters (IHQ) Administration Department, Lt. Colonels Bishow and Pamela Samhika.
Cross also welcomed others in attendance, thanking Board of Governance members, retired commissioners, CFOT faculty and employees—before leading the congregation in singing, “All Creatures of our God and King.”
Assistant Training Principal
Major Amy Reardon began the opening prayer after thanking those in attendance and congratulating the Reflectors of Holiness Session.
After a prayer, Colonel Eddie Vincent recognized the Board of Governance and introduced the Board Chair Dr. David Nystrom.
“Dr. Nystrom has been on the Board of Governance for over 10 years and brings superb leadership and guidance,” said Vincent, thanking him for his dedication. “It has been a real privilege to work with people who have such expertise and specialize in areas of leadership, contributing to the overall success and guidance in our training program.”
Nystrom greeted the crowd and read from 1 Samuel 3:1-11 before the introduction of Cadet Michael Alan Mott.
Representing the Reflectors of Holiness Session, Mott shared his journey, including how each cadet is now equipped with a toolbox of knowledge and skills needed to fulfill their upcoming roles spiritually, professionally and administratively.
As a former jet engine me - chanic in the military, Mott related his prior experience to his new role in officership, explaining that each person can manage difficult tasks when they’re given the tools and guidance needed for success.
“Now we enter a new chapter in our journey,” he said. “The pages are blank and ready to be written with God as our guide. We look to the future with hope and eagerness to serve others, and bring with us our CFOT toolboxes that will serve us well in the field.”
After drawing from 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Mott said, “Just as the Air Force equipped me to be a jet mechanic, CFOT has equipped us to be ministers to build God’s kingdom.”
The cadets were called onto stage by name to receive their academic degrees and certificates from Commissioner Douglas Riley.
Following encouragement and recognition from the audience, the Reflectors of Holiness Session took their seats before Riley welcomed Zimbabwean officer Lt. Col. Dr. Bishow Samhika to the stage to deliver the commencement address.
The Samhikas served in corps appointments for 12 years before serving at THQ-SALT College of Africa, a school of 10, 000 students, Riley said. In 2011, they were appointed to the Mozambique Territory and served as divisional leaders for three years before returning to IHQ-SALT for another six years.
Today, with a doctorate in Religious Studies, Samhika serves at IHQ, supporting the training of Salvation Army ifficers worldwide.
Pamela Samhika holds a Bachelor of Theology and is an administration officer who supports officers moving to and leaving IHQ.
“Both share a passion for educating for the kingdom of God through the development of competent, confident and Christlike officers who should stand the test of time in the 21st century and beyond,” Riley said.
Samhika spoke to the cadets and encouraged them to follow God's agenda while leading with confidence and strength in their upcoming appointments.
“Jesus Christ needs you to take action, nothing must distract you from that temple, we are a movement and we must move forward,” he said.
In closing, Commissioner Colleen Riley led the hymn, "Crown Him With Many Crowns," and Stacy Cross offered the closing prayer and benediction. NFC