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A Salvation Army officer is a fully ordained and trained evangelical minister of the gospel. Becoming a candidate for training is not like applying to a job; it can take years and requires a thorough vetting process. If God is calling you to a ministry of spiritual leadership and you have a passion for people, then Salvation Army officership may be for you.
• Soldier in a Salvation Army corps
• Involved in corps ministry
• Share interest in full-time ministry as an officer with Corps Officer Corps Officer assists with the next steps
Candidate meets with his or her Divisional Youth and Candidates' Secretary (DYCS) for an interview.
Candidate prepares a Preliminary Application that is turned into Territorial Headquarters along with the form from the DYCS interview.
Divisional Candidates Council meets to discuss the candidate and decide if they are approved.
If approved, the candidate will receive a preliminary letter of approval to formally apply for officership. Additionally, a Future Officers' Fellowship pin, access to the candidate portal and other information will be sent.
Candidates will have up to two years to complete this portion of the process—the Officership Application. Candidate will need to take pre-training classes, get transcripts, dental and physical exams, submit a video testimony, background check and psychological testing, among other aspects.
Once everything is submitted, the THQ Candidates department puts the candidate’s case together to present to the Territorial Candidates Council.
Acceptance of candidate.
Each Salvation Army officer is called by God for a unique ministry. Salvation Army officership encompasses many opportunities, including:
• Helping someone find a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
Providing meals for someone in need
• Giving comfort to someone after a natural disaster
Teaching a child to read
• Helping a teen or young adult discover God’s plan for their life
Leading worship
• Teaching a Sunday school class
• Helping people discover more about God
• Giving love unconditionally
For more information on Salvation Army officer candidcacy contact your local corps officer or visit usawestcandidates.org.
SEE MORE about the impact of The Salvation Army and how you can help Love Beyond today at caringmagazine.org.