Life and Work
Theme statement: Many things will happen in life but the way you react to it is what matters  
In our life many things don't go our way. Things go wrong and we make
mistakes. Ounce thing happen they are done. The way we react to these things is what really matters in the end. I Remember one time when I was in 7th grade I had this group project . We were writing a essay for our project, when we were done writing it we started to edit it. That was when the computer started to act up. The computer shut down and did not save any of the work that I did. The essay was due the next day.We were about to give up but our teacher told us to our best and to get as much work done as possible before class ended. We
worked hard and did not give up and at the end of the we had the essay finished. If I had decided to give up and do nothing I would have not completed the essay. But even though things were not going our way we kept on trying.