WHY ? The lady next door 5 years bigger than me and already has 3 children. She cries every night. I hear her through the walls like if she was right next to me. I ask her sometimes when I see her outside, what's wrong is their anything I can do to help you she always responds to me with " I'm fine it's not a thing you should be worrying about". But I tell my mom and why does she cry ?. My mom always tells me that each person has their own reasons to cry and be sad
because that's part of life. On Sunday me and my cousins sitting outside like always eating marshmallows and the lady comes out crying and has blood on her hands and face I immediately went running inside my house calling my mom to come and help her my mom came outside she called the cops. The cops came and asked the lady what happened and all she said was "nothing is going on". The cops then left. I then went to sleep the next day I went outside and asked
her why she had told the cops that their was nothing wrong. She told me because she doesn't wants the cops to take her husband alway. She is telling me all of her life she's only 20 and has 3kids but her husband hits her. I told her to talk to my mom and that my mom would help her out. She was then talking to my mom and telling her that every night her husband hits her. My mom tells her to leave him if she's not happy, but she tells my mom that she loves her
husband to much to leave him. My mo. Talks to her and tells her that's if her husband really did love her he wouldn't hit her every night. Every night from then I hear her crying on the other side. One day I see her talking her stuff all out, I noticed that they were moving away. I hope that were ever she is she'll be okay and would leave her husband cuz he's not the correct person for her. If your not hAppy with someone just leave.