2014 — 2017 Selected Works of Carissa The.
Reform 01 02 03 04 05
p. 008
Expunge Normalcy
p. 026
Donkey and Goat
p. 036
We No Speak Turista
p. 048
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
p. 074
Shaped Like Madness
06 07 08 09
p. 084
Penny's Cool Kids
p. 098
Sally & Gretchen
p. 114
Genesis Reaffirmed
p. 134
Collaborative Project
2014 — 2017 Selected Works of Carissa The.
For my family.
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Defining Reform
The Concept
The word reform is defined as the act the make changes into something in order to improve it. Difficulty Level/Criteria
Process Outcomes
Growing up, I have always been taught to always look ahead of myself and to never stop and be satisfied as there is always room for improvement. Hence, from early on, this lesson has become nothing short of a personal obsession. This portfolio is thus reflection of how my own obsession comes alive in my design and its reformation process. Showcasing my thought process along with the final execution of my design process. In the years I experienced being a student, there was a variety of explorations that I made in all of the work I did, discovering new skills as well as continually perfecting the ones I had.
Throughout the long process of making this book happen, there was always an element of discipline which is reflected on the layout format and contingency of the whole book.
Final Note From this portfolio, I hope to show my work in its best capacity.
00 x 10
00 005
Contents 01 02 03 04 05
p. 008
Expunge Normalcy
p. 026
Donkey and Goat
p. 036
We No Speak Turista
p. 048
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
p. 074
Shaped Like Madness
06 07 08 09
p. 084
Penny's Cool Kids
p. 098
Sally & Gretchen
p. 114
Genesis Reaffirmed
p. 134
Collaborative Project
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Expunge Normalcy
Project Expunge Normalcy
There is always different degrees of difficulties when creating a project, from beginning to end. Difficulty Level/Criteria
Course Name Typography Design 3
Objective The objective behind the project Expunge Normalcy, is to express the inner workings the human mind through a balanced visualization using both type and imagery.
Category Print & Typography
Concept The study of self expression, and of the raw inner world
Instructor Ariel Grey
Solution Using an erratic form of typography, coupled unusual imageries.
Semester Fall 2015
Project Outcomes To communicate and showcase the link between madness and beauty.
Expunge Normalcy
01 x 10
01 009
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Reformed Process
From beginning to end, there are several reformation happening throughout the working process. From changing the composition to something very deliberate to changing the typefaces, colors as well as visual aesthetic of the project. In the project Expunge Normalcy, the reform was made subtly and tediously, specifically in the erratic placement of the type & tonality of the imageries.
Process Outcomes
The final work and the process corresponds to one another, and through the process, the process outcomes showed just that, as could be seen in the balance of type and imageries in the final. Final Deliverables Each project consists of a set outcome, depending with its context. Book, Website and Poster
Expunge Normalcy
01 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Expunge Normalcy
01 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Expunge Normalcy
01 x 10
WHY/ Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Expunge Normalcy
01 x 10
U 017
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Expunge Normalcy
01 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Expunge Normalcy
01 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Expunge Normalcy
01 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Expunge Normalcy
01 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Donkey and Goat
Project Donkey and Goat
Course Name Packaging Design 3
There is always different degrees of difficulties when creating a project, from beginning to end.
Objective To successfully create a new design for donkey and goat winery, which will correspond to it's unique approach of wine making. Utilizing the idea behind a juxtaposition of new and old.
Difficulty Level/Criteria
Category Illustration & Packaging Design
Concept Alchemy & grunge hybrid of a donkey and a goat.
Project Outcomes To satisfy both the winery's need of a traditional and contemporary aspect.
Instructor Thomas McNulty
Solution Combining traditional pen and ink illustration with a moderately new grunge typeface.
Semester Fall 2015
Donkey and Goat
02 x 10
02 027
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Reformed Process
In the project Donkey and Goat, the reform process was more complicated. From changing the feel of the illustration several times, to finding the right typeface that will suit the grunge vibe that was the main concept for the redesign. Finding the balance between a more traditional attribute with a younger feel took the most the slowly tweak and reform throughout the process.
Process Outcomes
The process outcome showcased several different solutions, as the beginning was more traditional, the end outcome is a hybrid between what tradition is with a modern twist and turns. Final Deliverables Each project consists of a set outcome, depending with its context. Two lower priced wine design.
Donkey and Goat
02 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Donkey and Goat
02 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Donkey and Goat
02 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
We No Speak Turista
Project We No Speak Turista
Course Name Graphic Design 3
There is always different degrees of difficulties when creating a project, from beginning to end.
Objective To develop an app that satisfy the need for tourists who wants a full local immersion, experiencing not only the famous landmarks, but also local favorites in a foreign country.
Difficulty Level/Criteria
Category App Design
Concept Easing the frustrations of tourists when traveling.
Project Outcomes To concretely give a local experience through an easy to use app.
Instructor Anne Kitzmiller
Solution Using an easy to use interface and universally understood icons.
Semester Spring 2015
We No Speak Turista
03 x 10
03 037
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Reformed Process
The App Resor is based on the need of tourists who are not as well versed in the countries they are visiting as the locals are. The reformed process were mainly partaked in the user experience. Hence, the importance of recognizability of the icons used, as well as the layout design was of the most important. The process of finding the right sizing, weight and scale gave life to the project.
Process Outcomes
The outcome shows the simplicity of the concept. While the end product might look too simple and effortless, the process was far from it as the simplest things are sometimes the hardest. Final Deliverables Each project consists of a set outcome, depending with its context. Mobile Application Design.
We No Speak Turista
03 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
We No Speak Turista
03 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
We No Speak Turista
03 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
We No Speak Turista
03 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
We No Speak Turista
03 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
Project Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
Course Name Visual Systems 2
There is always different degrees of difficulties when creating a project, from beginning to end.
Objective Communicating how worry eater products work internally, playing off to the imagination of children, as well as bringing in a magical selling point.
Difficulty Level/Criteria
Category Illustration & Print
Concept Visualizing the process of how worries are being eaten away.
Project Outcomes To coherently express the uniqueness and individuality of the brand itself.
Instructor Eszter Clark
Solution DIssecting what happens inside the sorgenfressers in the process of eating our worries away.
Semester Spring 2016
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
04 x 10
04 049 015
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Reformed Process
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser is a project that has a whimsical concept attached to it, deriving from the product itself. The reform process was mainly focused in how to find the right balance to appeal to both children and adults alike. From this aspect, each of the book are illustrated minimally, using only two colors each. Composition wise, it was also reformed continuously to not look too chidish.
Process Outcomes
The outcome from the reform process could be seen in the way each of the booklets are arranged. Giving both a whimsical aspect as well as a more mature tonality in its aesthetic. Final Deliverables Each project consists of a set outcome, depending with its context. Three sets of books & Posters
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
04 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
04 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
04 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
05 6
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
04 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
04 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
04 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
04 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
04 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
04 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
04 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
04 x 10
07 1
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Oh Mein Sorgenfresser
04 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Shaped Like Madness
Project Shaped Like Madness
Course Name Motion Graphics 1
There is always different degrees of difficulties when creating a project, from beginning to end.
Objective To dissect the idea of madness and converge it into a short form animation, where the word itself is then abstracted into a variety of visual correlating with it.
Difficulty Level/Criteria
Category Art Direction, Motion Graphics.
Concept A world without color.
Instructor Colin Sebestyen
Solution To convey the word by subtle movements in the source art and a limited monochromatic palette.
Semester Summer 2016
Project Outcomes To successfully communicate the word madness solely through graphics.
Shaped Like Madness
05 x 10
05 075
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Reformed Process
The word madness has a very negative connotation attached to it, however, the essence of the project is thus to showcase another side of the word itself. Taking the concept of a world without color, the reformed process mainly attributed to how to showcase that concept. Experimenting with textural elements was key; as well as giving a subtle and impactful motion into the animation.
Process Outcomes
From the process, the complexity of the final work was achieved. Giving a depth into a project that technically has no color.
Final Deliverables Each project consists of a set outcome, depending with its context. Final Motion Animation
Shaped Like Madness
05 x 10
07 7
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Shaped Like Madness
05 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Shaped Like Madness
05 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Penny’s Cool Kids
Project Penny's Cool Kids
Course Name Packaging Design 3
There is always different degrees of difficulties when creating a project, from beginning to end.
Objective To sucessfully introduce a crossover home line from the brand Penny, that is known for their original skateboards, essentially an extension.
Difficulty Level/Criteria
Category Packaging Design
Concept Cool kids mixed with the feel of skateboarding sub-culture.
Project Outcomes To translate the aesthetic of Penny to a home line range smoothly.
Instructor Thomas McNulty
Solution Taking the inspiration from Penny's affinity to hire artists to create specialty items.
Semester Spring 2016
Penny's Cool Kids
06 x 10
06 085 015
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Reformed Process
The project Penny's Cool Kids was one of the most challenging, since the brand's look and feel is not what I was used to designing for. The reform process mainly was spent into tying together a street vibe in a more minimal way. The typeface choice was also reformed several times, making sure that it has both that funky element, yet at the same time still keeping a clean taste.
Process Outcomes
From the process, the final work was a mesh of both funky street styled inspiration, with a playful and legible design. Kraft textures and bold elements are utilized to cohesively tie the project. Final Deliverables Each project consists of a set outcome, depending with its context. Three sets of home packaging.
Penny's Cool Kids
06 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Penny's Cool Kids
06 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Penny's Cool Kids
06 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Penny's Cool Kids
06 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Penny's Cool Kids
06 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Penny's Cool Kids
06 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Sally & Gretchen
Project Sally & Gretchen
There is always different degrees of difficulties when creating a project, from beginning to end. Difficulty Level/Criteria
Course Name Graphic Design 2
Objective To create a product that will solve over-packing problems, the core audience targeted are female consumers, hence the art direction is specific.
Category Branding & Illustration
Concept Two alien best friends from outer space.
Project Outcomes To give relatability in a fun way, but at the same time still sells the product.
Instructor Thomas McNulty
Solution To utilize fun and humorous illustration that tells a relatable story of two friends.
Semester Fall 2014
Sally & Gretchen
07 x 10
07 099 015
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Reformed Process
Sally & Gretchen is a project that tested the limits of what I was capable of. It was the first project in which I began my first love affair with illustrator. The reform process took longer than other projects since I was still familiarizing myself with the digital tools. The character design was the defining aspect of the reform. It is Simple, yet fun and eye-catching was the main goal.
Process Outcomes
From the reform process, Sally & Gretchen was born. The design are highly stylized and whimsical, contrasting and also cohesive; the process of color exploration was crucial in the final outcome. Final Deliverables Each project consists of a set outcome, depending with its context. Storybook Direct Mail & Poster
Sally & Gretchen
07 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Sally & Gretchen
07 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Sally & Gretchen
07 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Sally & Gretchen
07 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Sally & Gretchen
07 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Sally & Gretchen
07 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Sally & Gretchen
07 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Genesis Reaffirmed
Project Genesis Reaffirmed
There is always different degrees of difficulties when creating a project, from beginning to end. Difficulty Level/Criteria
Course Name Typography Design 4
Objective To create a series of promotional items for a three day conference on the topic of human metamorphosis, meant to communicate the issue in a vivid and urgent manner.
Category Print & Typography
Concept Human metamorphosis and exigency.
Project Outcomes To successfully showcase the intent of the conference visually.
Instructor Ariel Grey
Solution Using visuals that has a glitch aesthetic paired with constrained type.
Semester Fall 2016
Genesis Reaffirmed
08 x 10
08 015 115
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Reformed Process
Genesis Reaffirmed is a project that entails a three day scientific conference. The reform process was mainly spent of dissecting the goal of the conference, it's aesthetic and general information. The typeface used for example, was also crucial since it has to promote both legibility and readability. The tonality of the images was also reformed several times, as the glitch concept formed.
Process Outcomes
The final outcome are all based on the reformed process. From the stylized glitch imageries, to the diction used in every headings and conference naming. Everything was cohesively set in the process. Final Deliverables Each project consists of a set outcome, depending with its context. Final Book, App and Poster
014 116
Genesis Reaffirmed
08 x 10
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Genesis Reaffirmed
08 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Genesis Reaffirmed
08 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Genesis Reaffirmed
08 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
014 124
Introduction Genesis Reaffirmed
00 08 x 10
015 125
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Genesis Reaffirmed
08 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Genesis Reaffirmed
08 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Genesis Reaffirmed
08 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Genesis Reaffirmed
08 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Collaborative Project
Project Collaborative Project
Course Name Packaging Design 4
There is always different degrees of difficulties when creating a project, from beginning to end.
Objective The objective behind the project to create a high end store, meaning one that has both a store brand and private labels that aims to actively compete and dominate the market.
Difficulty Level/Criteria
Category Packaging Design
Concept To merge quality with an aspect of responsibility and giving back.
Project Outcomes To successfully orchestrate a diverse and cohesive brand for the store.
014 134
Instructor Michael Osborne
Solution Attaching an aspect of giving back through the products, circling back to the word kinship.
Semester Fall 2016
Introduction Project Collaborative
00 09 x 10
09 015 135
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Brand Map
Store Labels
Kinship Home Essentials is a brand that focuses on practicality and sustainability. Delivering a product that not only enrich but also is conscious of the environment.
Kinship Kitchen Essentials is a brand of high quality kitchenware product, that is responsible in production, as well as being environmentally conscious.
Kinship Super foods is a brand which caters to bring a variety of healthy, and also delicious super-foods. Giving new perspective in defining clean eating.
Private Labels
Sweet Betty is a line of confectionery goods. Targeting mainly women, it's eye catching mascot is sure to satisfy both your cravings and aesthetics.
Pawsh is a brand that aims to deliver an absurd and outrageous products for your pets. Thus, with the concept of trust fund babies, this line aim to pamper your pets.
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Kepler Std ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ 123456789&$*()";?/
Kepler Std ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ 123456789&$*()";?/
Kepler Std ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ 123456789&$*()";?/
Neutra Text ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ 123456789&$*()";?/
Hoefler Text
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Kinship Store Brand
Project Kinship Store Brand
Course Name Packaging Design 4
There is always different degrees of difficulties when creating a project, from beginning to end.
Objective To create a brand that will actively compete with other big name brands out there selling high end products, utilizing the concept of sustainability and a clean aesthetic.
Difficulty Level/Criteria
Category Packaging Design
Concept Simple, to the point and hassle-free design.
Instructor Michael Osborne
Solution Attaching an aspect of giving back through the products, circling back to the word kinship.
Semester Fall 2016
Project Outcomes To showcase the product as it is, along with a no-waste packaging style.
014 138
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
014 140
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Trust Fund Babies
Project Trust Fund Babies
Course Name Packaging Design 4
There is always different degrees of difficulties when creating a project, from beginning to end.
Objective To express the look and feel of an overpriced pet line that speaks to the way people spoil and care for their pets, often overlooking the logical thing.
Difficulty Level/Criteria
Category Packaging Design
Concept Absurd pet line, where canned treats are priced like caviar.
Project Outcomes To fulfill the look and feel of a high end pet line with absurd pricing.
Instructor Michael Osborne
Solution Using mainly typography and inspired by specialty tailor shops.
Semester Fall 2016
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Hola, Sweet Betty
Project Hola, Sweet Betty
Course Name Packaging Design 4
There is always different degrees of difficulties when creating a project, from beginning to end.
Objective To make a pricey confectionery line that targets young trendy women, who likes their food not only to taste good but also is then aesthetically pleasing to look at.
Difficulty Level/Criteria
Category Packaging Design
Concept Trendy and sweet Betty, a mascot for the brand.
Instructor Michael Osborne
Solution To create a memorable mascot, thus, appealing to the aesthetic of the core audience with it.
Semester Fall 2016
Project Outcomes To successfully appeal towards the core audience of trendy young women.
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
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Collaborative Project
09 x 10
17 1
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17 2
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
17 3
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Collaborative Project
09 x 10
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Collaborative Project
09 x 10
17 7
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Collaborative Project
09 x 10
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Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Collaborative Project
09 x 10
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Thank you & Terima Kasih
Special Thanks
Papa & Mama Who has always supported me in all of my endeavors, pushing me to do better, but at the same time also lending a shoulder for me to cry on. I learned to always work hard early from you papa, and mama well, you believed in me when no one did. Thank you for always being there for me.
Many Thanks
To Peggy, Ali and Seen, you guys were my rock. To Nathania, my very own stress bestie, I wish we met sooner! I love you! To Maria, Tiffany & Alvie, thank you for always annoying me.
Cassia & Cavin My favorite humans. To Cassia, my little elf, I admire you more than anyone, but don't get too big headed. To my softie, Cavin, thank you for all the snacks.
To all my Instructors Mary Scott, Thomas McNulty, Michael Osborne, Eszter Clark and Colin Sebestyen. Thank you.
Thank You & Terima Kasih
00 x 10
00 187
Carissa The. Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/
Book Title Re·form | Rəˈfôrm/ Design Carissa The Photography Carissa The. Instructor Mary Scott Camera Canon EOS Rebel SL1 Printer Graphic Imagery
Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form digitally or physically without getting prior permission from Carissa The. Final Notes Photography used in any of the project that was not taken by Carissa The are credited accordingly in the projects.
Binding The Key Binding Typeface Suisse BP Intl Thanks Cassia & Cavin The.
Copyright & Credits
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