United in Faith ... Building our Future JOHN HENRY NEWMAN CENTER AT SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE United in Faith • Building our Future
In chapter 8 of his Gospel, Matthew the evangelist gives the account of Jesus and His disciples being caught in the boat amidst a violent storm. Jesus slept while their boat was being swamped by wind and waves. “Lord save us! We are perishing,” exclaimed His disciples! Jesus questioned them, “Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?” Then with Divine authority, “he rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was great calm.” (Mt. 8: 23-27) This is just one of many examples where Jesus formed his earliest disciples, who were ordinary people filled with fear and uncertainty. Jesus taught them to fear not and surrender their trust to Him; He showed them the goodness of living selflessly; He manifested the beauty of Divine Love; and He empowered them to share the truth of His Gospel. Whether the storms of life are great or small, Jesus is the only source of true calm. While university life involves turbulent storms that often lead students away from Jesus who embodies Beauty, Goodness, and Truth, our purpose in campus ministry is the formation of ordinary young people into bold disciples who will proclaim the Lord and these transcendental realities of His Church.
• 80% of Catholics who leave the Church do so by age 23.
• Only 30% of adults who were raised Catholic remain actively practicing.
• Merely 3% of Catholic adults believe it is necessary to evangelize.
• Evangelize and disciple young adults and form them to do the same.
Since 1914, the Catholic Church has continuously ministered to students on this secular post-secondary campus, known as Southeast Missouri State University or SEMO. Almost 50 years later in 1962, Bishop Ignatius Strecker consecrated a small chapel under the patronage of St. Thomas Aquinas, which remains in use today. Now after much discussion and planning for desperately needed expansion of worship and ministry spaces, Bishop Rice desires to move from discussion to action. In many ways, the Church’s work in campus ministry is done behind enemy lines. Spiritual darkness permeates much of the college experience. The Presence of Christ in His Church is our HOPE.. it is where the Lord “shouts out his battle cry” and turns “darkness into light before them.” Beauty, Goodness, and Truth flow from proclamation of the Gospel and serve to “make crooked ways straight.” Currently, our campus ministry is situated very near the epicenter of campus…only the university landmark of terraces separates us from Academic Hall (the university’s primary icon). Our vibrant and growing community of faith operates from three separate structures situated on adjacent lots…we have two older, high-maintenance homes along with our 55+-year-old woefully undersized chapel. Despite our facility challenges, hundreds of students are served by the Newman Center on any given week of the school year. It is not uncommon, for instance, to see 20-30 friends sharing laughs and fellowship outside the chapel following our weekday Masses notwithstanding the lack of a suitable gathering area. Each week students gather for worship, social activities, scripture study and faith formation, yet the ministry is oftentimes constrained due to lack of space. An estimated 3,000 Catholics are enrolled at SEMO, and many outlets compete for their attention. What can we do to attract more students?
“The Lord goes forth like a hero, like a warrior he stirs up his ardor; he shouts out his battle cry, against his enemies he shows his might…I will lead the blind on their journey; by pathways unknown I will guide them. I will turn darkness into light before them, and make crooked ways straight.” Isaiah 42:13,16
The vision for elevating the Presence of the Church involves demolition of all three buildings followed by new construction of a beautiful multipurpose House of God where all functions of campus ministry and worship are housed under a single roof. Such a move will establish for Christ, an icon of the Gospel, reflecting the Church’s Beauty, Goodness, and Truth right at the heart of enemy territory.
Jesus said to his closest friends, “ You are the salt of the earth… You are the light of the world.” (Mt. 5:13-14) These words, spoken immediately after Jesus taught his disciples the Beatitudes, abridge the high call of discipleship. Disciples of Christ are to be “salt” and “light.” The fundamental purpose of the Newman Center is to form young Catholic leaders who will go against the tide of indifference and relativism. In formation, we take a holistic approach with an eye to the four pillars articulated by Pope Saint John Paul II: Spiritual, Intellectual, Human, and Pastoral. Well-formed Catholic students go out with a missionary spirit to serve in many capacities here on campus and within the broader faith community. These same students become leaders in parishes upon their graduation from SEMO. Parishes need—now and in years to follow—a steady source of young parishioners: educated, energetic, well formed, and fruit-bearing Catholic warriors. The college experience is a foundational period in life where young adults have freedom to set their own agenda. This crucially formative time, when we help college students to cultivate and prioritize a mature adult faith, sets the stage for lifelong discipleship. Our efforts with spirituality, faith formation, missionary service, and intentional discipleship are all done for a singular purpose: that students grow in personal and communal relationship with Jesus Christ…that they in turn become the “salt of the earth…the light of the world.” Our cause of formation is summarized beautifully by the words of Saint Paul to the Ephesians: “…to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we attain the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the extent of the full stature of Christ.” (Eph. 4:12-13) Vocations to the priesthood, religious life and sacramental marriage are often set in motion during these years of formation. A student’s communion with the Body of Christ informs vocational discernment, and the transition to wherever God is calling is seamless when students have Jesus set upon their heart.
“The Newman Center provided me with an opportunity to encounter Christ in a myriad of ways such as study of Sacred Scripture, Christian fellowship, global mission trips, and most importantly the Holy Eucharist, celebrated daily in the Chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas. These encounters with Christ led me to truly seek and know the will of God in my own life.” — Deacon Allen Kirchner Allen is a Newman Alumnus & Diocesan Seminarian, studying at Kenrick Seminary, ordained to the Transitional Diaconate on 5/31/19.
outcomes STUDENT
• Through Sacramental Matrimony, many Newman alums are giving witness to Christ’s love for His bride, the Church. • Students have gone on to graduate studies in theology. • Young women and men have entered religious life. • Many students have transitioned to missionary service in the Church (FOCUS, Family Missions, etc.). • Teaching alums are sharing faith in Catholic elementary and secondary schools. • Parish leadership, including the current Principal at St. Mary Cathedral Parish School. • Leaders of the regional Young Adult Faith Group (i.d.Cape). • Initiators of regional movements: Catholic Man Night and Catholic Woman Night. • Countless many who are faithfully practicing and sharing their faith in Christ where “we live, and move, and have our being.” (Acts 17:48)
Our ministry at Newman is about placing young adults on a faithful trajectory toward sainthood. The Church, traditional families, and the culture at-large are all beneficiaries of that mission. In many respects, the university campus is the final frontier where independent, young-adult souls make their most important life choice: to embrace God or not. Beauty, Goodness, and Truth are the transcendental realities of our Catholic Faith that have won such souls for the Lord Jesus over-and-over again down through the centuries. Our fervent hope is to build a sacred place where the Beauty, Goodness and Truth of Catholicism will capture hearts for the Lord Jesus in future generations… Hearts that will go on to bring the saving light of Christ into family and parish life for many years to come. The campaign goal is $4.5 million, which includes $300,000 for ongoing maintenance funding. The blessings we already have in hand include $365,000 in restricted funds that have accumulated over the years for a new chapel. Impassioned leaders in the community who have shared their valuable time and talent in bringing our proposed campaign to fruition also bless us. “The Lord goes forth like a hero, like a warrior he stirs up his ardor…” We invite you to prayerfully discern how you may be called to unite with us in His battle to win young hearts here on the campus of Southeast Missouri State University.
WEST ELEVATION Front of Main Level as viewed from Pacific Street
Most Loving Father, in every age you bestow Grace to awaken the hearts of new saints. We pray You to bless our efforts to build a house of ministry where your Holy Presence will inspire all to know, love, and serve You. May the Holy Spirit be our constant guide in leading your people into loving Communion with You. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
campaign prayer
Blessed John Henry Newman, pray for us. Saint Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.
Repurposed Stained Glass Windows already procured by Bishop Rice will be throughout the Sanctuary
Floor Plans
8,205 SF 2,978 SF 4,747 SF 480 SF 7,854 SF 1,053 SF 1,173 SF 18,285 SF
GROUND LEVEL Office and Meeting Space STORAGE
Total ground level floor Ground level open meeting space Ground level office space/student lounge areas Ground level kitchen Main level (chapel/gathering space/restrooms) Upper level (choir loft/overflow seating) Detached residential space (2 BR; 2 BA)
What kinds of activities/ministries will take place at the Newman Center? The Newman Center is a house of worship, formation, and campus ministry and this project will enable all activities to be situated under the same roof. During any given week, we host a wide variety of events, including bible studies, social gatherings, Knights of Columbus activities, RCIA meetings, etc. All of these efforts in ministry are built upon an active sacramental life, including daily Mass, frequent opportunities for reconciliation, and Eucharistic Adoration four times a week. FLOOR PLAN ESTIMATES (in square feet)
Worship and Guest Space
What accommodations and spaces are included in the building plan? The building plan is for 18,285 total square feet. The ground level floor, which will enter directly from the south (parking lot) side, is for all areas of campus ministry including, student lounge areas, meeting rooms, staff offices, kitchen, and rest rooms. A large open meeting space, adjoining the kitchen, is also situated on the ground floor. The main level is where the worship space is situated and will be accessed from the front/west (Pacific Street) side. An elevator from the ground level, as well as stairs, will also bring you to the first floor. Seating capacity for Mass will be 250 in the nave with clear lines of sight into a beautiful sanctuary. Overflow seating of about 45-50 will be in the upper level choir loft, which is accessible by stairs. The narthex will be a spacious entry/exit point for gathering before/after liturgy. A detached 2 BR/2 BA residence will be available for visiting speakers, retreat directors, etc.
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Who will benefit from the Newman Center? The Newman Center is here to serve the entire university community—students, faculty, and staff. Moreover, many from the broader Catholic community choose to participate in Mass and other activities offered here. Our 6pm Mass is the only Sunday evening Mass in the region and is a very popular opportunity for the greater faith community. Why not simply update the current structure? Insufficient seating capacity for Mass and poor structural design of our chapel and other structures will prohibit adequate expansion or updating. Accessibility to all structures is also an ongoing problem. Where will Mass be held and where will the college students go during construction? The Sunday, 11am Mass, which is most popular with university students, will be temporarily moved to the Rose Theatre on campus. We also have arrangements with the University for office and ministry accommodations, just one block south from our current location on Pacific Street. Daily weekday Masses will continue to be offered within our temporary office space. The Sunday 6pm and 8pm Masses will temporarily relocate to an offcampus site yet to be determined. How will the addition accommodate people with limited mobility? The Center will be fully accessible from the parking area as well as from the Pacific Street front entry and will include an interior elevator. Will there be more parking spaces? Yes, in cooperation with the university, the parking lot will be expanded.
How will the building be maintained and supported in the future? The campaign goal has been established to include an ongoing maintenance fund of $300,000. Additionally, with God’s Beauty, Goodness, and Truth manifested through the new worship space as well as the vibrant ministry on campus and beyond, we anticipate an increase of regular ongoing support from the faithful who will benefit from what God brings to the community through campus ministry. I thought the Annual Diocesan Fund Appeal (DDF) supported Catholic Campus Ministry? Why do you need to conduct this campaign? DDF provides approximately 40% of our budget needs for ongoing operations; however, the DDF funding does not support capital expenditures such as those contemplated by this campaign. Why are we having personal visits? Personal visits emphasize the personal nature of giving, allow for a thorough presentation of the need, give you the opportunity to ask your own questions, and allow visitors to express their enthusiasm for the project. In addition, personal visits place a greater emphasis on stewardship, allowing campaign volunteers to share their faith experience and trust in God. I dislike pledging. Why am I asked to make a pledge instead of a one-time gift? You can make a one-time gift. However, the success of the campaign rests largely on pledges that are payable over time, up to five years. In addition, by making a pledge, you may be able to donate more than would be otherwise possible in a one-time gift.
Why am I asked to consider a specific amount? Benefactors deserve to know what levels of support are necessary to raise $4.5 million. A gift amount is suggested for you to prayerfully consider because as Christian people we have an opportunity to return to the Lord according to the measure His Goodness has been bestowed upon us. No judgment is made on the level of gift you offer. The important thing is that your gift be prayerfully discerned, proportionate to your means, and reflect a spirit of sacrifice in thanksgiving to God. What if I choose not to give the amount requested? We know matters of giving are subject to priorities and your situation is unique unto itself. However, you are asked to prayerfully consider a specific gift. Whatever your response, it should be one of your choosing made in a spirit of sacrifice, and all gifts will be beneficial to the work of spreading the Gospel. I would like to pledge, but our budget is especially tight this year. How can I still participate? The campaign pledge period is structured over five years, and you can determine when you want to start payment of your pledge. Will my gift remain confidential? Yes! Unless you give permission otherwise, the only people who will have knowledge of pledge information are the volunteer, the campaign secretary, and the individual who records your gift. These individuals have been instructed to keep all donor information confidential.
“The Newman Center guides students to avoid common spiritual pitfalls of college life. Young adults find a welcoming community— a home away from home where holiness and discipleship are the norms! The Newman Center is the platform where students stand firm and confident in their Catholic identity and boldly evangelize by witnessing the faith with others! It is a place where God’s people encounter Jesus—His Beauty, Goodness, Truth, and His Love.” — Most Reverend Edward M. Rice
Bishop of the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau
SOUTH ELEVATION Ground Level and Main Level as viewed from the parking lot/Normal Avenue
SUGGESTED GIFT PLANS Your support of the John Henry Newman Center at Southeast Missouri State building campaign is of great importance. We invite you to consider a sacrificial pledge to our United in Faith…Building our Future campaign. Although we welcome gifts at levels and periods of time not listed here we kindly request that you prayerfully consider letting this be your guide in determining your level of support. Through our baptism, we have been called to be workers with Christ in His Church. Everything we have is a gift from God. It is only right that our gratitude for His generosity should be reflected in the gifts we give back to Him. The gospel story of the widow’s mite is a wonderful example of sacrifice. United in Faith… Building our Future seeks gifts of equal sacrifice, not equal amounts. We deeply appreciate every gift and sincerely thank all benefactors for their generosity. We invite all donors to make an initial payment of 10% at the time of their pledge. Please make all checks payable to: Newman Center - SEMO. All gifts are tax deductible and may be remitted monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
TOTAL PLEDGE $1,000,000
$750,000 $250,000 $100,000 $75,000 $50,000 $25,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $3,000 $1,500
$75,000 $25,000 $10,000 $7,500 $5,000 $2,500 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $300 $150
$135,000 $45,000 $18,000 $13,500 $9,000 $4,500 $2,700 $1,800 $900 $540 $270
$67,500 $22,500 $9,000 $6,750 $4,500 $2,250 $1,350 $900 $450 $270 $135
$33,750 $11,250 $4,500 $3,375 $2,250 $1,125 $675 $450 $225 $135 $68
$11,250 $3,750 $1,500 $1,125 $750 $375 $225 $150 $75 $45 $23
“I thank God that by His Grace I have found my second home here at the SEMO Newman Center! I have enjoyed amazing friendships of a lifetime." — Beth Ludwig, Current Newman Center Student
CHAPLAIN Reverend Patrick Nwokoye
Bob Basler Brad Burdick Jim & Susie Dufek Katie Fennewald Alison Ferrell Kelli Foster Maria Gates
Dale & Marsha Haskell Bob Janota Bill Kiel Lyn Mueller Tom Reinagel Paul R. Summers Kyle & Calli Thoma
“…to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we attain the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the extent of the full stature of Christ.” EPHESIANS 4:12-13 JOHN HENRY NEWMAN CENTER AT SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE United in Faith • Building our Future
512 North Pacific Street Cape Girardeau, MO • 63701 573-335-3899 • ccmin.org