Caritas Europa annual report 2021

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annual report

a year in review 2021 In action for social justice and our common home

In action for social justice and our common home


04 A word from our President and Secretary General

08 Who we are

12 Strategic Framework

14 Humanitarian assistance

contents This report has received financial support from the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) strand of the European Social Fund Plus “ESF+”. Views and opinions expressed are those of Caritas Europa only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. For further information please consult: ESF+ direct (EaSI) | European Social Fund Plus (

16 Key highlights of 2021

18 Inclusive and just policies

22 Professional competencies and sustainable funding

26 Finances

Cover image credit: Armenuhi Mkhoyan



Our president

a word from our president

In action for social justice and our common home

Although these words are written in a moment of suffering and darkness in Europe, it is with sincere and heartfelt gratitude that I look back on the year 2021, and to the work that we

accomplished together. The Caritas network truly did contribute to the common good, with the

many and different gifts we have, learning from one another, and in a spirit of solidarity, respect and mutual support.

I carry with me the visits and encounters in Armenia, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia,

Germany, Hungary, Italy and Spain. Last but not least, I hold Ukraine in my heart, where I have

been twice. What I have seen in so many Caritas projects and facilities is strong and beautiful. It

is love in action, in the service of the people in the most vulnerable situations, highly professional and at the same time inspired by the Gospel. And I know this is true for our whole network. I have seen how through Caritas Europa we responded to the root causes of poverty and exclusion

in Europe and across the world, and promoted structural changes and increased awareness, always putting human dignity at the centre.

Since then, the war in Ukraine started. It has an immense impact on Europe and across the world. My prayer goes out for all the many people who are suffering so terribly from this war, and from war, disasters and conflict in so many other parts of the world. It is a prayer for peace.

I thank all Caritas employees and volunteers, and all people of good will, who work for justice and solidarity. The time of immense suffering is also a time in which the greatness of love is shown, the common strength of our network, Caritas Europa, but also the strength of solidarity of our global confederation, Caritas Internationalis.

“We need to develop the awareness that nowadays we are either all saved together or no one is

saved. Poverty, decadence and suffering in one part of the earth are a silent breeding ground for problems that will end up affecting the entire planet.” Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti 137

My sincere thanks to all within the Caritas family: colleagues within the Executive Board, all

member organisations and Caritas Europa secretariat staff for their incredible commitment and support. I also cordially thank our many partners, the European Bishops’ Conferences and all the

European organisations with which we work, faith-based or part of wider civil society. They are all essential for our mission and we are grateful for their work and friendship.

I thank all Caritas employees and volunteers, and all people of good will, who work for justice and solidarity.

Michael Landau President


Our secretary general

a word from our secretary general

In action for social justice and our common home

Maria Nyman Secretary General

Caritas stands with the people in the most vulnerable situations, allowing for their dignity to be upheld, and allowing for hope to emerge in the most challenging contexts. 2021 was a new and joyful beginning for Caritas Europa. We adopted our Strategic Framework 2021-2028, which gives us a firm basis on which to achieve our common mission as Caritas, ensuring that we truly respond to the needs of the people we serve through action at the

European level. Innovation, youth engagement and sustainable development are cornerstones

of our strategy and will be integrated into all dimensions of our work in the years ahead to allow us to succeed in our core mission: to fight the injustices which lead to poverty and the exclusion of people in the most marginalised and vulnerable situations.

In this report you will read about some of the highlights of the year. While there were a lot of

positive achievements, there were also numerous challenges. The year continued to be deeply marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, which severely impacted on the European region and the whole world, affecting the people that Caritas serves the most. The pandemic exacerbated

already existing inequalities, and the number of people living in or at risk of poverty increased,

as made clear by our European CARES! poverty report 2021. The Caritas network worked tirelessly to respond to the situation by assisting and providing services to people in need, as well as by presenting alternatives to address unfair structures and policies.

However, the year was also marked by many humanitarian emergencies. There were floodings, wildfires and conflict raging in the European region. By year end, the protracted crisis in Ukraine had escalated further and, as I write these lines, it has developed into a full-scale war, with

disastrous consequences for millions of people. Our response to these natural and man-made disasters will be, as always, Caritas: love.

Caritas stands with the people in the most vulnerable situations, allowing for their dignity to be upheld, and allowing for hope to emerge in the most challenging contexts.


Who we are

In action for social justice and our common home


As an active member of Brussels-based civil society, we can present a united voice on specific

issues with our partners and other networks. Caritas Europa holds a privileged partnership with:

regions, and through strategic partnerships and

working with people of all faiths to end poverty

organisations, civil society, social partners,

and promote the dignity of all. We make up

the European region of Caritas Internationalis, the global confederation that encompasses 162 national members and is the 2nd largest humanitarian organisation in the world. We

communion with Caritas Internationalis and its

annual report

EU Alliance for Investing in Children

ECRE – European Council on Refugees and Exiles

• • • • • • • •

CONCORD – European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development ERSO – European Reintegration Support Organisations European Policy Center

ELSiA - European Laudato Si’ Alliance

EPAM - European NGO Platform for Migration and Asylum

VOICE – Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies SDG Watch Europe

Social Platform

Social Services Europe (co-founder)

through inclusion, integration, integral human development and humanitarian response.

profits, should be at the heart of all policies.

actions within the Caritas Europa network, in

promote social and environmental justice

exclusion of people in the most marginalised

Our mission is to work through coordinated

Caritas Europa is a member of:

European Institutions and governments to

Rooted in Catholic Social Teaching, we

and vulnerable situations.

CIDSE – International Alliance of Catholic Development Agencies

COMECE – Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union

cooperation with church actors, faith-based

have a heartfelt commitment to fighting

the injustices which lead to poverty and the

Caritas Greece Caritas Hungary Caritas Iceland Caritas Ireland (Trócaire) Caritas Italy Caritas Kosovo Caritas Latvia Caritas Lithuania Caritas Luxembourg Caritas Macedonia Caritas Malta Caritas Moldova Caritas Monaco Caritas Montenegro Caritas Netherlands (Cordaid) Caritas Norway Caritas Poland Caritas Portugal Caritas Romania Caritas Russia Caritas Scotland (SCIAF) Caritas Serbia Caritas Slovakia Caritas Slovenia Caritas Spain Caritas Sweden Caritas Switzerland Caritas Turkey Caritas Ukraine Caritas SPES Ukraine

Credit: Caritas Europa

Caritas Europa is a Catholic network of 49

member organisations in 46 European countries

CCEE – Council of European Bishops’ Conferences

Caritas Albania Caritas Andorra Caritas Armenia Caritas Austria Caritas Azerbaijan Caritas Belarus Caritas Belgium Caritas Bosnia and Herzegovina Caritas Bulgaria Caritas Croatia Caritas Czech Republic Caritas Denmark Caritas England and Wales (CAFOD) Caritas England and Wales (CSAN) Caritas Estonia Caritas Finland Caritas France (Secours Catholique) Caritas Georgia Caritas Germany

who we are

believe that people and the environment, not We champion for a world where no one is

excluded and where everyone can flourish and participate meaningfully in society. Together,

we work for a future where Europe is united in

solidarity, a future where no one is left behind.

46 countries 49 members 09

caritas Who we are

In action for social justice and our common home

Caritas Europa Executive Board

Secretary General Maria Nyman

Secretary Godelive Kankindi


Msgr. Michael Landau - Caritas Austria Vice-President

Natalia Peiro - Caritas Spain

IT-support, accounting, cleaning (externalised)

Caritas France (Secours Catholique) Benoît-Xavier Loridon Caritas Norway

Martha Rubiano Skretteberg Caritas Scotland (SCIAF) Alistair Dutton

Caritas Slovakia

Erich Hulman succeeded by Juraj Barat Caritas Switzerland

Hugo Fasel, Peter Marbet

succeeded by Franziska Koller Caritas Sweden George Joseph

Caritas Ukraine

Tetiana Stawnychy Treasurer

Patrick Debucquois - Caritas Belgium Youth representative

Chantal Zimmermann - Caritas Switzerland Credit: Caritas Spain

Caritas Europa secretariat The Caritas Europa network is represented by a permanent secretariat in Brussels. Drawing from our member organisations’ wide and

exceptional grassroots experience, the Caritas Europa secretariat brings the voices of those

we serve to the European policy level, ensuring that policy decisions take the realities and

experiences of people living in the poorest

and most vulnerable situations into account to ensure a life in dignity for all.

Communications and Fundraising Director

Policy and Advocacy Director

International Cooperation & Humanitarian Director

Institutional Development Director


Shannon Pfohman

Silvia Sinibaldi

Marc Somers

Senior Communication

Senior Policy & Advocacy

Sonia De Voght

Peter Verhaeghe


Officer Social Policy

Communication Officer

Policy & Advocacy Officer Social Policy

Sebastian Temlett**

Lucy Anns



Susan Dabbous

Senior Policy & Advocacy Officer Migration & Asylum

Leïla Bodeux

Humanitarian &

Safeguarding Officer Charel Krieps

Senior Institutional

Dev. Officer Org. Dev. & Knowledge Mgnt. Miriam Pikaar

Policy & Advocacy Officer International Cooperation

Institutional Dev Officer Funding & Project Coordination

Luísa Fondello

Esther Bohé

Humanitarian Advocacy Officer

Fionnuala Flynn


Development Officer Youth Engagement

Agnieszka Zarzyńska

europa Representative (volunt.)

Budget & Compliance

Elisabeth Marie

Marco Carnesecchi

at the Council of Europe


* Communications and Fundraising Director Nancy McNally, February – June

** Communication Officer

Leticia Lozano, January – March



strategic framework

2021 – 2028

Strategic framework

Caritas Europa has a heartfelt commitment to fight poverty and social exclusion, and to promote true and integral human development, social justice and

sustainable social systems in Europe and throughout the world. We advocate for

and with people in need to transform society into a more just an inclusive place for

all. We aim to contribute together to building a world where the cry of the poor and the cry of the earth is listened to and responded to.

Strategic Orientations

1. Caritas Identity and Practice A unified yet diverse network, we respond to all in need through a culture of encounter.

2. Integral Human Development and Humanitarian Response

3. Inclusive and Just Policies

4. Professional Competencies and Sustainable Funding

Inclusive advocacy based on

lived experience, working to place people at the centre of European

A holistic, coherent and grassroots-


led approach to human

Sustainability and learning promote strong member

development and emergency

organisations and a strong


Crosscutting themes

Working structures


Innovation | Laudato Si’ | Youth engagement | Agenda 2030 on sustainable development

Communications and identity Committee

International cooperation and humanitarian Committee

Just policies Committee

Institutional development Committee



Youth engagement

High commitment

International cooperation

Human mobility

Task Forces

Safeguarding Task Force

Fair care Task Force

Innovation Task Force

Ad-hoc / Short term

Humanitarian & development Task Force

Social economy Task Force

ODSS Task Force

Committees Report to ExBo

4 year mandate

Give strategic guidance

Working Groups

Report to Committees 4 year mandate

Social policy


Permanent expertise

Report to initiating body Specific output

Communities of Practice

Report to Committee or Working Group Exist as long as agreed

Work on concrete topic

Migration & development CoP

Migrant integration and inclusion CoP

Roma inclusion CoP

Prison justice CoP

Organisational development CoP

Pool of Theologians

annual report


Humanitarian assistance

In action for social justice and our common home

Quick mobilisation and local networks are an essential part of

responding to emergencies. The Caritas Europa network is known for its well-established grassroots presence and can respond quickly

and efficiently as soon as a disaster or emergency occurs in Europe.

Humanitarian assistance

In addition, as part of our new Strategic Framework, Caritas Europa

has mainstreamed safeguarding of children and adults in vulnerable situations, both internally at the secretariat and externally with our members.

dignity in the midst of crisis Poland Belarus border

Western Balkans

In the summer of 2021, Poland

The Western Balkan region serves

Appointment of a Safeguarding Officer

of migrants attempting to cross

migrants coming from the Middle

environments for staff and

saw an increase in the number its eastern border with Belarus. Thousands of migrants were stranded between the two

countries, and humanitarian

organisations were unable to

access the area to help. Caritas

Poland had already been actively assisting migrants at the border for years and was proactive in providing emergency aid and setting up reception centres.

As Caritas Europa, we provided coordination assistance to

as a gateway to the EU for many

To ensure safe working

East and North Africa. In 2021,

those we serve, Caritas Europa

thousands of migrants travelling along the “Balkan route” were

blocked entry into the EU and had to stay in reception facilities in EU border countries. Local Caritas organisations stepped up to

provide basic needs and longterm support. As a network we

have, for many years, advocated for resettlement and safe

pathways for people on the move.

has appointed an internal

Safeguarding Officer. The role of the Safeguarding Officer

is to be the regional contact

point for safeguarding-related questions. Additionally, the

Officer participates in various

working structures of the network to communicate and support

safeguarding practices among member organisations.

Caritas Poland and increased

our advocacy actions calling on Poland to allow humanitarian

Credit: Klaus Schwertner

access to those stranded in the

no-man’s land along the border.

annual report


Key highlights of 2021 January


Launch of our new Strategic

Launch of our new “Caritas Europa



Festival 2021.

urging EU institutions to ensure

March Visit to migrant camps in Bosnia

and Herzegovina by President and humanitarian experts.

explained”1 video.

Framework for 2021 - 2028. Caritas Europa Innovation


The 3-year MIND (Migration.

Joint statement with COMECE


Development.) project came to

vaccine access for all.

an official end.


resettlement, calling to ensure

Final adoption of the European

borders of the EU.

Council following extensive joint

A Caritas Europa delegation in

Armenia to show solidarity and

support to those affected by the

conflict in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.


people can find safety within the --------------------------

Joint call with other faith-based

organisations for a patent waiver on COVID vaccines to ensure access for all people.

Safeguarding Learning Path.



Meeting of the Caritas “Pool of

Launch of 2021 Caritas CARES!

Theologians” to discuss Catholic

country reports on inclusive labour markers.



Statement on the situation of migrants along the Polish – Belarus border.


annual report


The Caritas Europa Consultative

Forum launching the new working structures.

-------------------------High-level conference to

recognise the role of social

services in response to and

recovery from the pandemic.

Child Guarantee by the European advocacy efforts.


Meeting with European Parliament President David Sassoli.

Adoption by the Regional Conference (Caritas Europa General Assembly) of a permanent Young Caritas Europa

representative in our Executive Board. --------------------------

Co-organisation and facilitation of a workshop at the European Social Economy Summit.


Launch of Caritas Europa’s

Social Teaching at the root of our

In action for social justice and our common home



Statement on refugee



Year in review


Global Caritas confederation

labour models, sustainable

campaign on integral ecology.


Launch of the Young Caritas

High-level webinar on inclusive growth and decent work.

Interview of our Policy and

Advocacy Director Shannon

Pfohman by BBC World about

migrants attempting to reach the UK from France.

celebrates 70-year anniversary and launches its Together We2

-------------------------Toolkit3 to help Caritas

organisations find tools and

inspiration for fostering youth engagement.




Inclusive and just policies

In action for social justice and our common home

Inclusive and just policies

leaving no one behind Drawing from our member organisations’ wide and exceptional grassroots experiences, the Caritas

Europa secretariat brings the voices of those we serve to the European policy level, making sure that policy decisions take the realities and experiences of people living in the poorest and most vulnerable situations into account to ensure a life in dignity for all.

For a truly social Europe The Caritas CARES! poverty reports

Child Guarantee advocacy

Advocacy on minimum wage

The Caritas CARES! poverty reports

The well-being of children is

essential for the well-being of

Even before the COVID-19

society. Caritas Europa was

people in Europe living in

are published every two years

focusing on a particular social

policy topic. They are the product of grassroots level findings by

Caritas member organisations. In 2021, 18 country reports were

finalised with a focus on inclusive labour markets in Europe. They

identified concrete challenges people in the most vulnerable situations face regarding

employment and how national and EU policies are addressing

those challenges. The findings of the reports are presented in the

Caritas CARES! European poverty

actively advocating since

2017 for the European Council to adopt the European Child

Guarantee Recommendation,

which it did in June 2021, taking an important step towards ensuring adequate care and protection

for children and families in the EU. We then advocated for a rapid

implementation of the Guarantee to ensure children living in

vulnerable situations have access to basic services, which was partly achieved.

pandemic, there were many precarious financial situations.

The pandemic exacerbated the

issue and has increased the risk of poverty even among those who are employed. Because of this,

Caritas Europa finds it essential to advocate for adequate minimum wages for all people in Europe.

During 2021, we stepped up our

advocacy efforts in this area and

through high-level meetings, joint actions and communications we ensured our messaging reached

policymakers at the highest level.

report, which brings together

the comparative research and findings in one publication.

annual report

Advocacy on the EU Social Economy Action Plan

Social economy is a vital aspect of our work as Caritas Europa.

We want to ensure that national

Creation of Social Rights Committee and Migration Committee at Council of Europe

economies involve those who are

Together with the other members

works for the good of people and

Council of Europe, the body

most in need, and that society

the environment, and not just for

profit. The European Commission launched the EU Social Economy Action Plan on 9 December

2021. Our advocacy efforts were

acknowledged by policymakers in their working documents,

which accompanied the Action

Plan, showing that our expertise is valued and incorporated into policy development. We will

continue to advocate for swift

and thorough implementation of

the Action Plan in the near future.

Credit: Klaus Schwertner

of the INGOs Conference of the

representing civil society, Caritas Europa proposed the creation of a Social Rights Committee and supported the creation

of a Migration Committee. The Social Rights Committee aims at promoting knowledge and

raising awareness among INGOs and their members at local level about the rights protected by the European Social Charter,

while the Migration Committee

focuses on the implementation of fundamental rights for migrants. The Committees work to gather the experiences from INGOs on

these areas towards preparing committee activities and the Conference positions, which

inform the other institutions of the Credit: European Parliament

Council of Europe.


Inclusive and just policies

In action for social justice and our common home

For a welcoming Europe Integration study Advocacy on visit migration

Afghanistan emergency

In line with building professional

Ensuring people have legal

After the Taliban takeover in

Caritas Europa organised a

a dignified life is a key concern

highlighted the need to

competencies in the network,

migration integration study visit to Copenhagen, Denmark at the end of 2021. The goal of the visit was to bring together Caritas members from across Europe to share

promising practices on migrant integration and inclusion. It was a chance for the members to

learn from each other and to visit

Caritas projects in Denmark. From these shared experiences, our

members could draw new ideas

and practices to use in their own contexts, to better support and welcome migrants.

channels to reach safety and of Caritas Europa’s advocacy

on migration. Throughout 2021,

we published policy papers and numerous statements on the

effects of COVID-19 on migrants in irregular situations and on

the EU Pact on Migration and

Asylum, calling for better rights for migrants. We also called

on Member States to support initiatives like community

sponsorship programmes, which foster welcoming communities and can help towards migrant integration.

Afghanistan, Caritas Europa

protect Afghans and to provide safe and legal pathways

to Europe for those fleeing conflict. We called on the

EU to protect those seeking safety in its borders and to cease the deportation of

migrants in irregular situations to Afghanistan. Many of our

concerns were noted and taken into consideration by Members of the European Parliament and European Commission

policymakers and received coverage by the media.

Appointing a new Humanitarian Advocacy Officer To better deliver on our new

Strategic Framework, Caritas

Europa appointed a Humanitarian Advocacy Officer in the last quarter of 2021. The Officer

supports humanitarian work done on an operational level through

advocacy on related EU policies and by mainstreaming the role of local actors in humanitarian response. The intersection

between humanitarian work and

development work, the so-called

Caritas Europa and Caritas Africa

of this position. Collaboration

collaboration and cooperation at

Nexus, is another key focal point between these two areas is vital for long-term and sustainable

solutions to humanitarian crises.

The quick development of a

COVID-19 vaccine was a major

success story of 2020. However, equal access to vaccines

throughout the world became

a challenge that needed to be addressed. With other faith-

based and civil society allies,

Caritas Europa advocated for Credit: Caritas Denmark

Advocacy on European Union – African Union relations


Vaccine equity

We also called on Member States to support initiatives like community sponsorship programmes, which foster welcoming communities and can help towards migrant integration.

Europe on the global scene

the EU to support the temporary COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver

continued to strengthen their

an advocacy level. The road to the AU-EU Summit was an opportunity to build on the expertise gained

through the intersection between our work on migration and

development. Through several webinars, joint position papers

and regional meetings, Caritas

Europa and Caritas Africa jointly

advocated for more recognition

of the positive role of migration in

countries of origin and destination. We called for a truly equal

EU-Africa partnership and for EU development policies to better

include the voices of grassroots civil society organisations.

at the World Trade Organisation.

A fairer and smoother transfer of technology would allow various countries around the world to produce vaccines, ensuring a

annual report

fairer and better distribution to all.


Professional competencies and sustainable funding

In action for social justice and our common home

Credit: Nicole Kantner

Professional competencies and sustainable funding

stronger members =

stronger network

Strong members mean a strong network, which is why the Caritas Europa network invests heavily in capacity-building and knowledge management.

Together, member organisations can learn from one another and share what they have learnt through

decades of grassroots experience. Combined with Credit: Krisztina Molnar

this is the need for effective fundraising strategies. All

within the scope of strengthening the network, Caritas Europa also promotes the role of youth both in our work and for the future of Europe.

annual report


Professional competencies and sustainable funding

In action for social justice and our common home

For the future of Europe Young Caritas Toolkit

who want to work for a better world, we created

Youth representation in the Caritas Europa Executive Board

with knowledge, methodologies and inspiration to

of Young Caritas was the appointment of a

As part of Caritas Europa’s move to engage youth

in our work and foster a new generation of people the Young Caritas Toolkit4. This Toolkit is a platform help Caritas member organisations promote youth engagement. It is targeted at youth professionals

and coordinators who work with young people and

who are responsible for accompanying them in their charity and social activism.

A further exciting development in the area

permanent youth representative in the Caritas

Europa Executive Board. This appointment followed from the decision to include the voices of young people in the decision-making bodies of Caritas Europa.

Learning together Grassroots Participation Learning Path

One of the many strengths of a broad and extensive network such as Caritas Europa’s is the wealth of

knowledge and expertise that can be exchanged and shared. To this end, we have developed learning paths on specific topics that allow participants to improve their skills and expertise through several focused workshops over a fixed period. The Grassroots Participation Learning Path, which has been running since 2019, came to an end in 2021 with two modules in March and October respectively. 11

member organisations took part, learning from each other’s grassroots experiences and best practices on working with the people we serve and share with. A particular focus was on finding innovative solutions for ensuring grassroots participation in Caritas organisations.

Exchanges on fundraising

Knowledge Management

The work of the Caritas Europa network relies on the

To build sustainable and efficient practices within

both private and institutional. For our member

knowledge can be kept and shared among member

generosity and support of donors and benefactors,

organisations, continuing the work they do in service to others requires effective, transparent and sustainable

fundraising strategies. Over 2021, several peer-to-peer exchange groups came together to share knowledge

on fundraising. A Financial Mobilisation Working Group was also launched to share and discuss fundraising

actions within the network. One of the first actions of this Working Group was to conduct a network-wide financial needs assessment.

annual report report annual

the network, Caritas Europa needs to make sure

organisations. Therefore, Knowledge Management is an essential part of our work. Over 2021, several Knowledge Management events took place, culminating in the Knowledge Management Forum in December. The Forum was a chance to exchange on tools and

Caritas Europa Innovation Festival 2021 Selected organisations The following Caritas Europa members were selected to present thier projects at the festival:

Caritas Armenia Caritas Austria Caritas Denmark Caritas England and Wales (CSAN) Caritas Greece Cartas Ireland (Trócaire)/Caritas Myanmar Caritas Italy Caritas Portugal Caritas Serbia Caritas Slovakia Caritas Spain

Building on innovation as a crosscutting theme in

our new Strategic Framework, the first ever Caritas Europa Innovation Festival6 was a chance to

celebrate the work of Caritas member organisations and to shine a light on the innovative approaches

and practices used in their daily work. The projects

were selected based on the context of the country they originate from. The aim of the Festival was to

show the diversity and commitment of our member organisations and to inspire others in their work. The

Festival took place virtually, with over 170 participants joining to hear about 12 innovative Caritas projects.

15 January 2021

processes in Knowledge Management, and to learn more about the Knowledge Management Portal5,

which helps member organisations develop and hone their own Knowledge Management processes.





Our finances

In action for social justice and our common home

Total income and expenses 2021

€2,004,719 €1,803,778

70+1893 50+40+73

our finances

Income 2021

Membership fees and other statutory income


EU funding operating grant


Fundraising (foundations/earmarked funding from members) Other EU funding (projects)



Total 100.00%

Expenses 2021



annual report



Work programme activities


Office related costs


Network fees (external services, depreciation)


Total 100.00%


Goodness, together with love, justice and solidarity, are not achieved once and for all; they have to be realized each day. Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, 2020

annual report

a year in review 2021

Rue de la Charité 43, 1210 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 (0)2 280 02 80 |

In action for social justice and our common home

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