A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens

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AA Christmas Christmas Carol Carol by Charles Dickens (1812(1812-1870) Revisited for children by Carla Aira Pictures by Dott. Giovanni Rossano


Hello, I am Phan, the phantom I am about 500 years old This is my castle. It is a very old castle


And this is my family. It is a big family

My father George

My mother Beatrix

My brother John

My little sister Sheila. She is a witch

A witch

…and this is me

This is my grandfather. His name is Christmas past. He is very famous

This is my uncle. He is famous too His name is Christmas Present

This is my cousin. Christmas-Yet-To-Come

And this is the story of my grand-father‌., my uncle‌. my cousin It is Christmas day, many, many years ago. Everybody is happy, good and generous. Only one man is alone. He is very old and rich. He is always alone because he is very selfish.

Now he is alone in his bed. But there is a ghost in his bedroom

Who are you? Why are you here?

The selfish man is terrified

I am the Ghost of Christmas Past. Look! There are the Christmas days of your past life. You are alone at school, with no friends because you are very selfish

And here you are at work, alone again, because you are very selfish

And now, on this Christmas day, you are still alone because you are selfish Go away, go away old, ugly ghost

I am the ghost of Christmas Present

After a few minutes‌. another ghost is in front of the selfish man

Who are you? Why are you here?

You are alone, sad and unhappy. You are with no friends because you are very selfish. This is your clerk's house. He is with his family: his wife, his daughter and his little son, Tiny Tim. He is very ill and there is no money for the doctor and the medicines in the family because you are a very stingy and selfish man. But they are together and their life is full of love.

Go away , go away You, ugly ghost!

A few minutes later‌. The old man is still in his bedroom. A lively little ghost is in front of him.

I am the ghost of Christmas-Yet-To-Come. Who are you? Why are you here?

What is that? Why is my Clerk there?

That is the tomb. Your clerk is here because Tiny Tim is dead. Tiny Tim is dead because you are a very stingy, selfish man. That’s another tomb. It is your tomb but there is no one there. You are alone in your death and in your life. You are a man too stingy and selfish.

Go away, go away , horrible ghost! Oh, what a dream! What a horrible dream! What a nightmare! I am here in bed and it is Christmas. Yes, it is Christmas day…and I am alone in my house.

No, I am no longer stingy and selfish. I am a generous man‌ I am good now. With my clerk and with the other people.

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