Cabimas, November – December 2016, Year 1, Nº 1 DACAMITHAD, DACAMITHAD is a monthly magazine, published by the Doctors, belonging to the enrollment of the 3rd Semester of the Doctorate in Education, for the English Instrumental Seminar. Facilitator: Dra. María Isabel Núñez. Authors: Ing. Carla Leal MSc. Lcda. Gledys Arevalo MSc. Lcda. Thais Leal MSc. Lcda. Ademny Pacheco MSc. Lcda. Minerva Delgado MSc. Lcda. Dayana Torrealba MSc. Lcda. Yolimar Díaz MSc. Lcda. Solanger Rodríguez MSc. Lcdo. José Carrasquero MSc. Lcda. Judith Rodríguez MSc. Lcdo. Danilo Rincón MSc. Lcdo. Carlos Luzardo MSc. Lcda. Priscila Malavé MSc.
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Magazine DACAMITHAD, Year 1, Nº 1 – Cabimas, November - December of 2016
CONTENT Research Trials Innovative Culture In Pedagogical Practices, From The Perspective Of Latin American Thinking…………………………………………………………………………. Dayana Torrealba
The Educational Model Thought From A Philosophical Social View In Latin America…………………………………………………………………………………………. Minerva Delgado
The Reality Of The Use Of ICT In The Classrooms…………………………………… Carla Leal
Instructional Strategies For The Learning Of Geometry………………………… Ademny Pacheco
The Teaching Games And Their Importance As Teaching Strategies At The Secondary Level……………………………………………………………………………… Thais Leal
Perspectives Of The Learning Of Geography Of The Population In The Context Of The Pedagogy Of The Oprimido Of Pablo Freire………………….. Yolimar Diaz
The Teacher As An Academic Guardian To Achieve The Autonomy Of Learning In The University Student……………………………………………………….. Solanger Rodríguez
Implications Of The Theory Of Communicative Action Habermas Learning………………………………………………………………………………………………… . Gledys Arevalo
University Environmental Education From The Use Of Ict (A Contribution To Sustainability And Interculturality)…………………………………………………….. José Carrasquero
Indicators Of Management In Health Centers For Primary Care In The Municipality…………………………………………………………………………………………… Judith Rodríguez
Magazine DACAMITHAD, Year 1, Nº 1 – Cabimas, November - December of 2016
CONTENT Research Trials Occupational Hygiene And Safety Program As A Mechanism For The Development Of Social Responsibility……………………………………………………. Danilo Rincón
Education Management Of The University In The Vision: The School Teaching Method Paulo Freire………………………………………………………………… Carlos Luzardo
The Dialogue: Tool Imprescindible Within The Classroom Seen From The Perspective Of The Contributions To The Venezuelan Deduction Of Maestro Luis Beltran Prieto Figueroa……………………………………………………… Priscila Malave
INNOVATIVE CULTURE IN PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES, FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF LATIN AMERICAN THINKING. "Think Before You Work". *DAYANA. C TORREALBA. G Cabimas, Zulia, Venezuela “Moving towards a quality education for all is only possible through concrete innovations that take place in institutions and educational programs ...” UNESCO (2012). SUMMARY This essay aims to contribute to the generation of knowledge about the "Culture Of Innovation In Teaching Practices From The Perspective Of Latin American Thought"; through the investigation, generating knowledge from and to practice making critical reflection. Seeking to strengthen the capacities of both the teacher and practitioner, to promote and sustain educational change. Innovate articulates the training processes, action and knowledge generation, constituting a valuable reference for decision-making on educational policies and practices that help improve the quality of education without exclusions. The supported fonts are based on the criteria of some authors such as Carbonell (2001), Freire (2005), Imbernón (2006), Rimaris (2006), Coporossi (2011), Morales (2005), Randi, and Corno (2000) and the innovative culture arises, the nature of innovation in the classroom and educational innovation as a set of ideas through the thoughts of Simon Rodriguez, Simon Bolivar, Bethlehem San Juan and Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa; It regards it is analyzed. Finally reflect on the implementation of educational innovations and some indication as a final reflection conclusions are indicated. Keywords: Innovation, practice, pedagogy.
* Degree in Integral Education. Magister Scientiarum in Teaching for Higher Education. Doctorate in Education. Teacher attached to the Department of Teaching Practice and Pedagogical Sciences. Facilitator of Master's and Teacher Training Program. Socio-cultural advisor of the Community Service Student UNERMB Headquarters City Ojeda- Cabimas- Zulia-Venezuela. E-mail: Profdayanatorrealba@gmail.com Twiter: @avishagdj
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES BRUNR.R, J. (1997).”La educación, puerta de la cultura”. Madrid: Visor. CARBONELL, J. (2001). “La aventura de innovar”. El cambio en la escuela. Madrid: Morata. COPOROSSI, A (2011) “La Práctica Pedagógica en Entornos Innovadores de Aprendizaje”. Seminario Internacional. Monterrey Uruguay. CASALI, A. (2005). “Propuestas de Paulo Freire”. Caracas-Venezuela.
FREIRE, P (2005). “Pedagogía de la autonomía: Saberes necesarios para la práctica educativa”. 10. ed. México: Siglo XXI,. 139 p. GONZALEZ, A.P. Y COLS (2009). “Innovación didáctica” Medina y Mª.C.Domínguez (eds) Didáctica para profesionales de la educación. (pp.373-424). Madrid, España: Universitas. IMBERNON, F (2006). “Actualidad y nuevos retos de la formación permanente”. Revista Electronica de investigación educativa. I Vol. 8, Núm. 2. MINISTERIO DEL PODER POPULAR PARA LA EDUCACIÓN.(2007). “Currículo Nacional Bolivariano, Diseño Curricular del Sistema educativo Bolivariano”. Caracas- Venezuela. NORMAS PARA PRESENTACIÓN DE ARTÍCULOS ARBITRADOS, (2014). “Recepción de artículos científicos para su posible publicación”. Perspectivas: Revista de Historia, Geografía, Arte y Cultura de la Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt” ISSN 978-980-12-6373-9 Cabimas-Zulia. PORLÁN, A (1987). “El maestro como investigador en el aula: investigar para conocer, conocer para enseñar”. http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/oaiart?codigo=116680. RANDI, J. y CORNO. L. (2000). “Los profesores corno innovadores”. En Biddle. B: y Goodson; 1.La enseñanza y los profesores.. III.169-236. Madrid: Páidos. RIMARI ARIAS (2006) “La Innovación Educativa, instrumento de desarrollo”. Madrid: Visor. SEGUNDO PLAN SOCIALISTA DE DESARROLLO ECONÓMICO Y SOCIAL DE LA NACIÓN (2013-2019) , http://albaciudad.org/LeyPlanPatria/. Caracas-Venezuela.
THE EDUCATIONAL MODEL THOUGHT FROM A PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIAL VIEW IN LATIN AMERICA * MINERVA DELGADO Cabimas, Zulia, Venezuela "... It is necessary to look in depth, it is necessary to review the political models that exist today in our worlds, in our countries" (Hugo Chávez Frías 2005 Speech at the UN) SUMMARY This text presents the educational model thought from a philosophical social view in Latin America. Historical reality marked by the colonial invasion of the fifteenth century, which imposed a colonizing thought on the scheme of European imperial colonialism as the only form of civilized life in the territorial expansion of cultural domination. This essay seeks to awaken the social sensitivity, consciousness, of the existence of the human, premise of our 21st century. To rediscover ourselves with our original identity. The history of world development given from that first encounter, in the globalization of a planted culture, in the criteria of social inequality, since the native classes had no right to think, just assume the categories of the conqueror, look at our history, From a critical-reflexive position is to recognize the other and to see how throughout human history the knowledge has been maintained in categories of power, which respond to the influence of a border thinking, which prevails in our historical time and in our spaces Academics. Forming. The socio-historical-cultural scenario is the conscience of the peoples who speak their histories, languages, traditions and customs in their own words and our Latin America transits in that scenario. The notorious progress of modern-industrial society is given by scientific-technological revolutions in the light of development and globalization as a policy of hegemonic centers. Modernity is seen from the conquest, the experimental sciences, in the fractional knowledge of scientism and in the plots of the social sciences that invisibilize the cultural heterogeneity of the indigenous peoples in the social order, imposing models for the future generation, through their Educational policies. * Degree in Integral Education. Magister Scientiarum in Teaching for Higher Education. Doctorate in Education. Teacher attached to the Department of Teaching Practice and Pedagogical Sciences. Socio-cultural advisor of the Community Service Student UNERMB Headquarters City Ojeda- Cabimas- Zulia-Venezuela. E-mail: minervajdelgado@hotmail.com
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Damiani, L y Bolívar, O (2007). Compilación. Pensamiento Pedagógico Emancipador Latinoamericano. Editorial UVB. Primera edición. Caracas, Venezuela Freire, P (1970). Pedagogía del Oprimido. Editorial, Montevideo, Tierra Nueva, [Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI, Argentina Editores, 1972] Lander, Edgardo (Compilador) (2000). La colonialidad del saber: eurocentrismo y ciencias sociales Perspectivas latinoamericanas. Primera edición. Editorial CLACSO. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Maturana, H (1992). Emociones y Lenguaje en Educación y Políticas. Editorial CED. Quinta edición. Santiago de Chile, Chile. Méndez, J y Morán, L (2015). De la educación popular a la decolonización de la universidad. Editorial Consejo de Publicaciones de LUZ. Primera edición. Mérida, Venezuela. Mignolo, W (2009). La idea de América Latina (la derecha, la izquierda y la opción decolonial). Editorial CLACSO CyE Año I N° 2 Primer Semestre. Buenos Aire, Argentina. Quijano, A (1997). “Colonialidad del poder, cultura y conocimiento en América Latina”, en Anuario Mariateguiano, vol. IX, no.9. Lima, Perú. Santos, B. (2008). La Universidad En El Siglo XXI Para Una Reforma Democrática Y Emancipadora De La Universidad. Tercera edición. Editorial Centro Internacional Miranda. Caracas, Venezuela. BIBLIOGRAPHY LEGAL FRAMEWORK Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela (1999) Con la enmienda N°1 de Fecha 15 de Febrero de 2009. Ley orgánica de Educación de la república Bolivariana de Venezuela (Gaceta Oficial N°5929 Extraordinario) de Fecha 15 de Agosto de 2009 Ley del Plan de la Patria. Segundo Plan Socialista de Desarrollo Económico 2013- 2019. Publicado en Gaceta Oficial de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela N° 6.118 Extraordinario, 4 de diciembre del 2013.
THE REALITY OF THE USE OF ICT IN THE CLASSROOMS *CARLA VANESSA LEAL COVALEDA Cabimas, Zulia, Venezuela "One of the main objectives of education should be to expand the windows through which we see the world" (Arnold H. Glosow) SUMMARY The learning areas such as the classroom are spaces designed by the teacher in order to create the necessary conditions for the learning processes of the students who study the subject to occur. The teacher creates the necessary conditions so that the student can learn directly against the stimuli of the learning environment. At present, many of these spaces or areas are supported by the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in order to transcend the physical classroom and class time, enrich them with new pedagogical alternatives and provide students Meaningful experiences and better learning opportunities. Likewise, from the experience obtained, three fundamental aspects can be established, many of which exist in the area of learning: the main one will be the teacher, accompanied by students and ICTs. Initially it is important to make clear the meaning of ICTs; Should be understood as those tools based on digital technology that involve the computer and the Internet, and allow to store, process, retrieve, transmit and present massive amounts of information. They include the applications used by computers to facilitate and manage information (software, databases, multimedia, among others), as well as new technologies around the Internet (forums, chat, distribution lists and platforms for virtual education). According to Galvis (2004), ICTs have been used with three different objectives in learning environments: a) To support the transmission of messages to students through tutorials, exercises and informative websites. B) Support active learning through experimentation with study objects through process simulators, calculators, activity sets, competencies or roles, statistical data processing packages, browsers and productivity tools. C) Facilitate interaction to learn through collaborative network games, electronic messaging, e-mail, forums, video or audio conferences. In the same way, there are many theories according to authors where they establish conditions of the use of the tics in the classrooms. All this has in common the relevant role that is given to the teacher as designer and builder to the learning environment and, as such, who decides about the objectives, pedagogical strategies and ways of using and integrating the tics in them . * Computer Engineer. Magister Scientiarum in Telematics. Doctorate in Education. Professor attached to the Department of Community Service, Professional Internships and research and production. Pre-Grade Facilitator. Coordinator of Research and Production Engineering in System, Electrical and Electronics IPSM Headquarters City Ojeda- ZuliaVenezuela. E-mail: carlaleal20@gmail.com
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior (ANUIES) (2004). La educación superior virtual en América Latina y el Caribe. México. Biblioteca de la Educación Superior. Astolfi, J. (1997). Aprender en la Escuela. Santiago de Chile. Dolmen Estudios.
García (2001). La educación a distancia; de la teoría a la práctica. Ariel Educación. Barcelona. Henao, O. y Zapata, D. (2001). La Enseñanza Virtual en la Educación Superior. Bogotá. Instituto Colombiano para el Fomento de la Educación Superior. Joyce y Weil (1985). Modelos de Enseñanza. Madrid, Anaya. Rueda y Quintana (2007). Ellos Vienen con el Chip Incorporado. Aproximación a la Cultura Informática Escolar. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. 2da Edición. Colombia. Sehmelkes (1995). La Calidad educativa mira hacia afuera, en hacia una mejor calidad de nuestras escuelas. México Silvio, J (2006). Hacia una educación virtual de calidad, pero con equidad y pertinencia. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento. Vol. 3. No. 1 España. pp. 1-12. Fuente: dialnet. unirioja.es (Consultado el 22-05-2016). Tomas Khun (1975). Las Estructuras de las Revoluciones Científicas. México: Fondo cultural Económica. UNESCO (1998). Declaración Mundial sobre la Educación. Fuente: http://www.unesco.org/education/educprog/wche/declaration_spa.htm. (Consultado 24-05-2016)
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES FOR THE LEARNING OF GEOMETRY *ADEMNY PACHECO Cabimas, Zulia, Venezuela "Intelligence consists not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to apply knowledge in practice." Aristóteles SUMMARY The objective of the research was to determine the instructional strategies for learning the geometry of the Education Program of the Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt. The variable was supported by the authors Díaz and Hernández (2010), Díaz (2008), Johnson, Johnson and Holubec (2009), Martín (2006). Methodologically, the research was descriptive, with non-experimental, transectional, field design. The population was formed by 7 teachers. A questionnaire was designed, containing 32 items and 5 response alternatives. The validity of the instrument was determined through the expert judgment technique. For the reliability was used by the Cronbach coefficient, yielding a value of 0.86. It is concluded: there is a moderate level in the application of the coachtructural and postinstructional strategies, however, a high category the pre-installation, achieving to a certain extent that the student is guided in the construction of knowledge in geometry, based on the objectives, Diagrams and activation of previous knowledge. It is recommended, before starting to approach the programmatic content, the teacher should apply strategies to establish a connection with students, this will allow to maintain a climate where they feel identified with the content to be taught. Keywords: Instructional strategies, learning, geometry.
* Degree in Education, Mathematics and Physics. Magister Scientiarum in Teaching for Higher Education. Doctorate in Education. Teacher attached to the Education Program. Department of Mathematics and Physics UNERMB. Ojeda City Office. Socio-cultural advisor of the Student Community Service UNERMB. Cabimas Headquarters- Zulia - Venezuela. E-mail: ademnymarquez@gmail.com Twiter: @AdemnyM
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Alaña, D. (2010). Tecnología de información y comunicación como estrategia para el aprendizaje colaborativo. Trabajo especial de grado. Universidad Rafael Chacín. Maracaibo – Venezuela. Álvarez, T (2011). Estrategias para Facilitar el Aprendizaje desde una Perspectiva Andragógica en la Educación Superior. Trabajo especial de grado. Universidad Rafael Chacín. Maracaibo – Venezuela. Coll, R. (2008). Estrategias para el aprendizaje. México: McGraw - Hill.
Coll, R. y Bolea, A. (2008). La aventura de aprender. Madrid: Nancea Editores. Cuenca, N (2011). Estrategias para promover el aprendizaje significativo en ingles como lengua extranjera a través de la investigación acción como práctica transformadora. Trabajo especial de grado. Universidad Rafael Chacín. Maracaibo – Venezuela. Cuicas, H. y Suárez, J. (2008). Misión Alma Mater. Programa Nacional de Formación en Mecánica. Instituto Universitario de Tecnología de Cabimas. Cabimas – Zulia. Curtis, G. y Reigeluth, A. (2008). Enseñar a aprender: Introducción a la metacognición. España Madrid. Del Río, K. (2008). Estrategias y acción en la educación. Editorial McGraw Hill. México D.F. Díaz, F. (2008). Estrategias docentes para su aprendizaje significativo. México: McGraw - Hill. Díaz, F. y Hernández, G. (2005). 150 Maneras de incrementar la motivación en la clase. Argentina: Editorial Troquel. Faria, Y. (2011). Estrategias Creativas en la Enseñanza Universitaria. Una Investigación con Metodología Cualitativa. Trabajo especial de grado. Universidad Rafael Chacín. Maracaibo – Venezuela. Genovard, R. y Gotzens, E. (2008). El aprendizaje cooperativo y las estrategias sociales», en Aula de Innovación Educativa, nº 36, Barcelona.
THE TEACHING GAMES AND THEIR IMPORTANCE AS TEACHING STRATEGIES AT THE SECONDARY LEVEL *THAIS LEAL Cabimas, Zulia, Venezuela "The teacher who tries to teach without inspiring the student with the desire to learn is trying to forge a cold iron." Horace Mann SUMMARY This research had as fundamental purpose to analyze the importance that the didactic games have in the teaching of the mathematics in the students of the 7th Degree of the School Group City Ojeda. Under descriptive research, using a transectional field design; The study population consisted of thirty-two (32) subjects. The information was obtained by applying a questionnaire of 24 closed questions with four alternative answers, which was validated through expert judgment and reliability with the Crombach coefficient which yielded 0.94. After the data processing and analysis using descriptive statistics, the results showed that teachers do not use didactic games in the teaching-learning process. It is concluded that the didactic game allows the development of mathematical skills such as speculation or test procedures through behaviorism in the process of building strategies without fear of being wrong. In fact, it is necessary to emphasize that one of the interesting characteristics of the game is that you can start playing with little knowledge and if it presents a challenge when playing with practice, strategies that require new knowledge are being built.
Keywords: Didactic game, strategy, teaching, learning, mathematics.
* Degree in Education Mathematical and Physical Education. Magister Scientiarum in Mathematics Teaching Mention. Doctorate in Education. Teacher attached to the Education Program, Department of Mathematics and Physics UNERMB Headquarters City Ojeda. Socio-cultural Advisor of the Community Service Student UNERMB Headquarters City Ojeda- Cabimas- Zulia- Venezuela. E-mail: thais_leal_mata@hotmail.com
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Aguilera, P. (2006). Juegos de Ingenio. México. Volumen II. 2 da edición. Editorial Parragón S.A. Arnold, C., y Patzild, F. (2005). Los juegos de estrategia en el currículum de matemáticas. Madrid. Editorial Narcea, S. Barrera, C. (2006). Los juegos didácticos en la escuela básica. Volumen III. Barcelona. Editorial Labor.
Ballenera, P. (2006). La creatividad y sus implicaciones. La Habana Cuba. Editorial ACADEMIA. Balestrini, M. (2003). Introducción a la metodología. 2 daedición. Tomo I. Madrid. Editorial Santillana. Brito, F., y Meléndez, L. (2006) “Análisis de la aplicación de los juegos didácticos como estrategia de enseñanza”. Trabajo Especial de Grado. Butler. (2004). Juegos didácticos a través de la enseñanza de las materias básicas. Barcelona. Cabanellas, R. (2006). Juegos de ingenio y entretenimiento matemático. Madrid. Editorial Gedisa. Cabrera, M. (2007) Uso de los Juegos como Estrategia Pedagógica para la enseñanza de las Operaciones Aritméticas Básicas de Matemática en 6 toGrado. Trabajo Especial de Grado. Caillois, R. (2006). Juegos didácticos para realizar con niños de 3 a 8 años. Buenos Aires. Editorial Kapelusz. Castañeda, M. (2007). Juegos y pasatiempos para la enseñanza de la matemática. Madrid. Editorial Síntesis. Chávez, N. (2003). Metodología de la investigación educativa. 2 daedición. Barcelona. Editorial Limusa.
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PERSPECTIVES OF THE LEARNING OF GEOGRAPHY OF THE POPULATION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE PEDAGOGY OF THE OPRIMIDO OF PABLO FREIRE *YOLIMAR DÍAZ Cabimas, Zulia, Venezuela "If the nature of the human being is respected, the teaching of the contents can not be distanced from the moral formation of the student. To educate is, substantially, to form.." Pablo Freire SUMMARY In the present essay the perspectives of the learning of the geography of the population in the context of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed of Pablo Freire are established, in order to reflect or to use the knowledge in the solution of problems, reason why it is necessary the use Of linking the content with the context and with their previous knowledge for the purpose of managing or producing scientific knowledge through meaningful learning. As a conclusion, it is emphasized that in order to be scientifically competent and permeate the teaching practice with an emphasis on indisputable clarity, contextualization and coherence with South American reality, it is due in principle; To know the original thinking of the towns as indicated by José Carlos Mariátegui, Edgardo Lander, Boaventura de Sousa, Paulo Freire, Simón Rodríguez, among others. Keywords: Learning Perspective, Geography, Population, Pedagogy.
* Degree in Education Mention Social Sciences, Geography. Magister Scientiarum in Teaching for Higher Education. Doctorate in Education. Professor attached to the Department of Social Sciences. Researcher Level A2 (PEII), Member of the Editorial Committee of Perspectivas Magazine. Teacher Titular Exclusive Dedication. Student Community Service Tutor UNERMB Cabimas Zulia Headquarters. Venezuela. E-mail: yolimarcdiazq@gmail.com
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Bigott, L. (2010). Hacia una pedagogía de la desneocolonización. Editorial IPASME. Carcas Venezuela. Córdova, B. (1995). Hacia una sociología de lo vivido. Fondo editorial TROPYKOS UCV. Caracas Venezuela. Freire, P. (2008). Pedagogía del oprimido. Siglo XXI. México.
UNESCO (2014) Informe de Seguimiento de la Educación para todos (EPT) en el Mundo. París, Francia. Disponible en: www.unesco.org. Santiago, J. (2008) Situación actual de la enseñanza de la geografía de Venezuela. Revista Terra. Volumen 24, N° 63. Pp. 141-162. Documento en línea http://www2.scielo.org.ve/pdf/t/v24m36/art06.pdf
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THE TEACHER AS AN ACADEMIC GUARDIAN TO ACHIEVE THE AUTONOMY OF LEARNING IN THE UNIVERSITY STUDENT *SOLANGER RODRÍGUEZ Cabimas, Zulia, Venezuela "To teach is to enable the students, by promoting their curiosity and making it increasingly critical, produce knowledge in collaboration with the tutors” Pablo Freire SUMMARY The purpose of the study was to evaluate the teacher as an academic tutor to achieve the autonomy of learning in the university student in order to achieve a scientific work both independent and collaborative in the training process. On the other hand, the theoretical approaches are presented as: the teacher as academic tutor in the educational processes; The teacher as an academic tutor in the dynamising process of autonomy and the autonomy of learning in the university student as part of the path of support of the individual and group educator. As a conclusion, it was possible to determine that the teacher as academic tutor to achieve the autonomy of learning in the students, has a facilitating function for the integral formation as a discipline of the same, which will become more necessary to the extent that they reach levels Of cognitive development linked to learning to be, learning to do, learning to learn and learning to live together. Key words: Teacher, Academic Tutor, Autonomy, Learning, Student.
* Degree in Administration (UNERMB). M.Sc. In Human Resources Management (UNERMB). Doctorate in Education. Professor attached to the Administration Program, Mention Industrial Management, Taxation and Customs in the Chairs Research Methodology (PGI) and Research (PTA). Coordinator of Internship and Professional Practice (PGI PTA), Tutor of Professional Action Workshop I and II, Internships, Professional Practice and Community Service at UNERMB, Ojeda City Headquarters, Zulia-Venezuela State. Researcher PEII Level A-2. Co-Researcher at CIEPSEUNERMB. E-mail: solmarohen1975@gmail.com. Twitter: @solmarblanco
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Ayala, F. (2010) La función del profesor como asesor. Editorial Trillas, S.A. México. Flores, G., García, T., y Abreu, L. (2011) Modelo integrador de la tutoría. Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa. Vol. 11. Núm. 31. México. Freire, Paulo (2004) Pedagogía de la autonomía. Editorial Paz e Terra, S.A. Sao Paulo, Brasil.
UNESCO (2010) Declaración Mundial sobre la educación superior en el siglo XXI: Visión y Acción. Disponible en: www.unesco.org.
IMPLICATIONS OF THE THEORY OF COMMUNICATIVE ACTION HABERMAS LEARNING *GLEDYS ARÉVALO GARVETT Cabimas, Zulia, Venezuela "Wise men speak because they have something to say; The fools because they have to say something” Platón SUMMARY Based on the communicative rationality of understanding for the construction of elements that imbue meaning the learning process as a chance to learn to integrate theory and praxis and generate positions on knowledge and knowledge construction. "It is envisaged to know how the understanding that provides both objective world as intersubjectivity within the context of the action, based on communicative rationality of understanding to reach a rational consensus." (Habermas). Providing a specific space for reasonable doubt, using technology; according to ideology, as genuine legitimizing this process, creating alternative models of dialogic communication that genuine solution of the problems of their corresponding micro social environment; where the teacher plays a practical role with theoretical potential to provide extrapolated findings, product communicative actions depending on the feedback, to create a community of knowledge through critical awareness articulator of the three (3) "C “ active gold as legitimizing the act that reinforces learning. Keywords: Communicative Action, Learning Process, Common Code, Partners, Retroaction.
* Licenciada en Comunicación Social, Mención Desarrollo Comunal, egresada de la Universidad Católica “Cecilio Acosta” (UNICA). Magister Scienciariun en Docencia para la Educación Superior egresada de la Universidad Nacional Experimental "Rafael Maria Baralt" (UNERMB). Docente activa en las cátedras Metodología de la Investigación, Diseño de Proyecto de Investigación, Tesis I y Tesis II en la UNERMB sede San Francisco. Correo electrónico: gledysarevalogarvett@gmail.com
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Carr, W. (1999). Una teoría para la educación. Hacia una investigación educativa crítica. Madrid: Morata. Charlita, R. (1987). Ediciones Centauro.
Emperador, L. (2000). Comunicación, cultura y valores. Revista Calidad Empresarial. Edición N° 18. Editorial Nacional Corporación 2000, C.A. Caracas, Venezuela
Habermas, J. (1987). Teoría de la acción comunicativa, Racionalidad de la acción y racionalización social. Madrid: Taurus. Habermas, J. (1987). Teoría y praxis. Madrid: Técnos. Habermas, J. (1991). Escritos sobre moralidad y eticidad. Barcelona: Paidós. ICE-UAB. Kemmis, S. (1988). El currículum. Más allá de la teoría de la reproducción. Madrid: Morata.
UNIVERSITY ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION FROM THE USE OF ICT (A CONTRIBUTION TO SUSTAINABILITY AND INTERCULTURALITY) *´JOSÉ CARRASQUERO Cabimas, Zulia, Venezuela "By ignorance one descends to servitude, by education one ascends to freedom” Diego Luís Córdoba SUMMARY Sustainable and globalized environmental education is an interesting challenge that propitiates the search for the transformation of environmental reality based on new learning processes that involve the adequate use of information and communication technologies. It is also necessary to recognize the ancestral values and origin of the peoples of the world, as a foundation for interculturality. These processes contribute to the development of a more just, equitable, and environmentally friendly society. In this sense, university institutions should focus their efforts towards the search for a sustainable and diversified environmental education, finding in the new information and communication technologies the opportunity to connect the real world with the virtual platforms. The contributions of this document are essentially a stimulus for present and future generations, hence their orientation towards sustainability as a predominant element of the new ecological paradigm, of a postmodern and unavoidable interconnection between technology, reality, and the environment.
Keywords: Environmental education, sustainability, information and communication technologies.
* Degree in Administration, Mention Industrial Management. Magister Scientiarum in Teaching for Higher Education. Doctorate in Education. Teacher attached to the Administration Program. Adviser and jury qualifier in investigations related to the environmental area in the Postgraduate Program. Socio-cultural advisor of the Community Service Student UNERMB Headquarters City Ojeda- Cabimas- Zulia-Venezuela. E-mail: jcarvar70@hotmail.com
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela (1999). Gaceta Oficial de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela No 36.860,30 de Diciembre de 1999. Capítulo IX De los Derechos Ambientales. Artículo 128. Newsletter LACNro14 (2014). Las TIC como herramientas para la sustentabilidad ambiental, Vol. 14. Revista electrónica Newsletter. Extraído el 12 de Junio de 2016 desde http://www.cepal.org/socinfo/noticias/paginas/9/30389/newsletter14.pdf
Rifkin, J. (2002). La era del acceso. La revolución de la nueva economía. Argentina. Editorial Paidos ibérica Unesco, (2009). Organismos No Gubernamentales que trabajan en Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible y en Educación Ambiental en América Latina y el Caribe.
INDICATORS OF MANAGEMENT IN HEALTH CENTERS FOR PRIMARY CARE IN THE MUNICIPALITY *JUDITH RODRÍGUEZ Cabimas, Zulia, Venezuela "Health is the priority of every country, so according to the law Everyone has the right to access and receive Health services without discrimination of any kind” SUMMARY The main purpose of this research is to determine the performance indicators in health centers for primary care Cabimas municipality in Zulia State. The study was conducted based on the theoretical postulates of Beltran (2010), White (2009), Salcedo (2009), Colombo (2007), among others. The research is descriptive and quantitative, with a non-experimental and descriptive trans. The study population will consist of 32 health centers of primary care by applying the data collection instrument that controls personnel and leading the administrative management of each center as the center coordinator, administrator and administrative assistant. Being a total of 144 persons, of which 116 people belong to health centers and 28 larger people of Barrio Adentro clinics are run by Cuban doctors, responsible for coordinating office. The data collection technique used is direct observation with a questionnaire type instrument under the alternative scale design response, provided (S), almost always (CS), sometimes (AV), rarely (CN), never (N) consists of 110 items. That will be validated by (5) experts to estimate the reliability by Cronbach Alpha method of double alternative. The scale used is that of likert once applied the instrument and the data analyzed are expected to make their respective findings and recommendations. . Keyword: Performance indicators, health, primary care.
* Degree in Administration Master in Operation Management Studying Doctorate in Education at the National Experimental University Rafael Maria Baratl. Professor of the National Experimental University Rafael Maria Baratl. Phone: 04126413834, Email: judith28r@gmail.com
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Asociación Española de Contabilidad y Administración. (2008). “Indicadores de Gestión Para las Entidades Públicas”. Documento N° 16. Ortega ediciones Gráficas. España. Beltrán, Jesús. (2010).”Indicadores de gestión, herramienta para lograr la Competitividad”. 6 edición editorial 3R temas gerenciales Pérez, Carlos (2008) “curso de indicadores de gestión”. Artículo, Una Guía para su Definición. Editorial soporte, &CIA.LTDA:1-15
Cejudo, Guillermo. (2008), Los indicadores de gestión como herramienta, Cuarto Congreso Nacional de Transparencia, Aguascalientes. Colombo, Luis. (2007), Diseño de un sistema de indicadores de gestión para la dirección de investigaciones de la Contraloría General del estado Lara, Tesis de Especialización, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Lara. Chirinos, Rivero,Goyo, Méndez y Figueredo. (2008) indicadores de gestión para medir la eficiencia Hospitalaria /www.revistanegotiom.org.ve 10 (4) 50-63 (R2007; 11-A: 2008- 02). Sánchez Kriskovich (2008), Indicadores de gestión en salud en un hospital del con urbano bonaerense. Monografía, Curso Anual de Auditoría Médica del Hospital Alemán Revista de Salud Pública de México. Nº 6 Dic. 2008. Fidias G, Arias. (2008) "El Proyecto de Investigación, introducción a la metodología Científica". edt: Episteme, C.A. 5ta edición. Caracas, Venezuela. Hernández Sampieri, Roberto, (2009) "Metodología de la Investigación”. Editorial Mc. Graw Hill, 2da. Ed, México. EDICIÓN: 1º. EDITORIAL. Hurtado de B, Jacqueline. (2010) "Cómo Formular Objetivos de Investigación", ediciones Quirón, Sypal. 2da edición.Caracas. Pacheco, Juan; Castañeda, Widberto; Caicedo, Carlos (2008), Indicadores integrales de Gestión, McGraw-Hill, / Bogotá Colombia Pedraja, Francisco; Salinas, Javier; Salinas, María, (2008), “Los indicadores de gestión en el Sector Público”, Revista de Economía y Estadística,(2): 109-129.
OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE AND SAFETY PROGRAM AS A MECHANISM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL RESPONSABILITY *DANILO RINCÓN Cabimas, Zulia, Venezuela “True education is about getting the best of yourself. What other book can be studied better than that of Humanity?” Mahatma Gandhi SUMMARY The purpose of the study was to analyze occupational health and safety programs as a mechanism for the development of social responsibility employed by the Public Technology University Institutes of Zulia state. The research is framed within the analytical typology, with a non-experimental field transectional design. The population was made up of 20 managers and 134 administrative employees, applying a questionnaire containing 30 items and 5 response alternatives. The validity was made by expert judgment and the coefficient of Alpha Cronbach, yielding a result of 0.75. For reliability, we used the statistical technique of the two halves and Spearman-Brown, whose result is 0.91. Quantitative processing was used through descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency and variability). It concludes; There are significant differences in the responses issued by the sources of information where the directors indicate a high applicability of the programs of hygiene and occupational safety, specifically carrying out actions related to the types of programs, the elements to preserve the life of the worker, Environment of the worker and the environment conservation environment in general, carrying out actions of social responsibility both from the internal perspective. KeyWords: Occupational hygiene and safety, social responsibility, University Institutes
* Degree in Management Industrial Management Mention. Magister Scientiarum in Human Resources Management. Doctorate in Education. Professor attached to the Administration Program. Student Community Service Tutor UNERMB Cabimas Headquarters. E-mail: danilorincondq@hotmail.com
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Asfahl, R (2000). Seguridad Industrial y Salud, Editorial Prentice Hall, Cuarta Edición, México. Bruhher, D., Nelidor, M. (2005). Accidentes Industriales: Casos de riesgo y prevención. Editorial Ace. España. Caballero, E. y Cooper, J. (2003) Manual de (http://www.monografias.com/trabajos5/salocu/salocu.shtml)
Carneiro, M. (2004), La responsabilidad social corporativa interna: La nueva frontera de los recursos humanos. Esic Editorial. España Chávez N. (2001). Introducción a la investigación educativa. Maracaibo: Artes Gráficas Diaz, J. (2002). La Responsabilidad Social en las Empresas del Sector Industrial Dedicadas a Actividades de Fundición. Trabajo de grado. Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín, Maracaibo – Venezuela. Fernández, G (2005) Administración de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. Thomson Editores. España. French, R. (2007). Los accidentes y sus consecuencias. Editorial McGraw Hll. México, D.F. González, 2008). La gerencia y su responsabilidad social. Editorial McGraw Hll. México, D.F. González, T. (2000) La Responsabilidad Social de la empresa, Un Buen Negocio (http://www.monografias.com/trabajos13/bune/bune2.SHTML) Grimaldi, J y Simons, R (2005). Manual de Seguridad Industrial y Métodos de Trabajo. Ediciones PC Alfaomega. Quinta Edición. Bogotá. Ramírez, C. (2004) Manual de Seguridad Industrial. Editorial Limusa, S.A. México Reglamento de la Ley del Trabajo, (2000) Ediciones Juan Garay. Venezuela. Reglamento de las Condiciones de Higiene y Seguridad en el Trabajo (1973). Gaceta Oficial Nº. 1.631. Venezuela.
EDUCATION MANAGEMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY IN THE VISION: THE SCHOOL TEACHING METHOD PAULO FREIRE *CARLOS LUZARDO Cabimas, Zulia, Venezuela Education is to train the human being for permanent change and even for the eventual crisis resulting from the transition” Miguel Angel Escotet SUMMARY This trial evaluating the process should carry out the educational manager to achieve the transformation of the university to enable it to offer a service of academic excellence from the teaching method of Paulo Freire. The theoretical development was based on the approaches of authors such as: Arias (2012), Gento (2006), Pozner (2010), Gonzalez (2009), where it was possible to analyze the profile of the educational manager must have, the process towards exercise and the set of skills required for this, such as; leadership, decision-making and generating a climate of participation and teamwork in public universities, together with the methodological tools required to achieve this. In conclusion, it was noted that members of the educational community must not only understand the process of management but characterize the different levels in order to reconcile individual and social development of students to community development in academia itself.
Keywords: Education Management, Learning, Teaching University.
* Degree in Administration, Mention Industrial Management. Magister Scientiarum in Human Resources Management. National Experimental University "Rafael María Baralt". Administration Program. PEII-A2. Email: carlosluzardo86@gmail.com
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Freire, P. (2011). La escuela, método de enseñanza: Modelo de educación en la sociedad del conocimiento. Revista de Formación del Profesorado. González Lucini, Fernando (2001). La educación como tarea humanizadora, de la teoría pedagógica a la práctica educativa. Ediciones Anaya, Madrid. Gento Palacios, Samuel (1994). Participación en la gestión educativa. Editorial Santillana, Madrid.
Pozner. P. (2000). El directivo como gestor de los aprendizajes escolares, Buenos Aires.
THE DIALOGUE: TOOL IMPRESCINDIBLE WITHIN THE CLASSROOM SEEN FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE VENEZUELAN DEDUCTION OF MAESTRO LUIS BELTRAN PRIETO FIGUEROA. *PRICILA VILCHEZ Cabimas, Zulia, Venezuela "The truth of knowledge is by nature evident, but only becomes tangible when what you think, say and do are in harmony." Mahatma Gandhi SUMMARY Dialogue, emerges as a communicational condition that provides the authentic cognitive interaction of the arguments of propitious to for learning in the classroom. Allowing to strengthen, to prepare, to destine or to transfigure spaces in communication in which the knowledge coexists in different instances. The current communicational action has been restricted to the fact of informing, since the educational management, demands some work, orders, it turns instructions to be purely Fulfilled to their end, leaving aside the processes of human growth and development of the management of interpersonal relations and thus reducing the possibilities of interaction and integration of the actors, these being the bases to strengthen the integral learning of the inside Of the classroom context. It is important that in the teaching spaces, identical elements emerge in the participants and those in charge of accompanying learning moments so that codes and channels of their own can be created to dialogue assertively. A dynamic classroom is the ideal space for learning and can not be anchored in preserving only traditional goods and values, but promoting change, fostering progress, which is only realized by leveraging the elements of previous creations to create things New, new assets and values. Thus, appropriate dialogue becomes an essential tool in the classroom at any level, allowing the generation of new knowledge as well as the development of group and individual potentialities in search of the common good. “ Keywords: Dialogue, Interaction, Communication, Learning, Knowledge, Common Good. * Degree in Integral Education. Magister Scientiarum in Teaching for Higher Education. Doctorate in Education. Teacher attached to the Department of Teaching Practice and Pedagogical Sciences.UNERMB Headquarters Cabimas- Zulia-Venezuela. E-mail: priscila_malave@gmail.com
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Bohm, D. (2009). Sobre el diálogo. Editorial Kairos. Barcelona. Franco, A. (2002). Lenguaje, comunicación y cognición en el modelo Freire, P. (2011). La escuela, método de enseñanza: Modelo de educación en la sociedad del conocimiento. Revista de Formación del Profesorado. Garcés, Y. (2010) Comunicación asertiva y planificación del docente.
Gento Palacios, Samuel (1994). Participación en la gestión educativa. Editorial Santillana, Madrid. González Lucini, Fernando (2001). La educación como tarea humanizadora, de la teoría pedagógica a la práctica educativa. Ediciones Anaya, Madrid. Pozner. P. (2000). El directivo como gestor de los aprendizajes escolares, Buenos Aires. Prieto F. Luis B. (1990). El Estado y la Educación en América Latina. Cuarta Edición. Ediciones Monte Ávila. Prieto F. Luis B. (1990). Principios generales de la Educación. Segunda Edición. Ediciones Monte Ávila.
Group 1: A walk through Mathematics
Group 2: Christmas dinner
Group 3: Who wants to be Millionaire
English Instrumental Seminar Team
Year 1, Nº 1 – Cabimas, November - December of 2016
CONTENT Research Trials Innovative Culture In Pedagogical Practices, From The Perspective Of Latin American Innovative Culture In Pedagogical Practices, From The Perspective Of Latin American Thinking. Thinking. The Educational Model Thought From A Philosophical Social View In Latin América. The Educational Model Thought From A Philosophical Social View In Latin América. The Reality Of The Use Of ICT In The Classrooms. The Reality Of The Use Of ICT In The Classrooms. Instructional Strategies For The Learning Of Geometry. Instructional Strategies For The Learning Of Geometry. The Teaching Games And Their Importance As Teaching Strategies At The Secondary The Teaching Games And Their Importance As Teaching Strategies At The Secondary Level. Level. Perspectives Of The Learning Of Geography Of The Population In The Context Of The Perspectives OfOprimido The Learning Of Geography Pedagogy Of The Of Pablo Freire. Of The Population In The Context Of The Pedagogy Of The Oprimido Of Pablo Freire. The Teacher As An Academic Guardian To Achieve The Autonomy Of Learning In The The Teacher As An Academic Guardian To Achieve The Autonomy Of Learning In The University Student. University Student. Implications Of The Theory Of Communicative Action Habermas Learning. Implications Of The Theory Of Communicative Action Habermas Learning. University Environmental Education From The Use Of Ict (A Contribution To University And Environmental Education From The Use Of Ict (A Contribution To Sustainability Interculturality). Sustainability And Interculturality). Indicators Of Management In Health Centers For Primary Care In The Municipality. Indicators Of Management In Health Centers For Primary Care In The Municipality. Occupational Hygiene And Safety Program As A Mechanism For The Development Of Occupational Hygiene And Safety Program As A Mechanism For The Development Of Social Responsibility. Social Responsibility. Education Management Of The University In The Vision: The School Teaching Education Of The University In The Vision: The School Teaching Method PauloManagement Freire. Method Paulo Freire. The Dialogue: Tool Imprescindible Within The Classroom Seen From The Perspective Tool Imprescindible Within The Classroom Seen From The Perspective Of The TheDialogue: Contributions To The Venezuelan Deduction Of Maestro Luis Beltran Prieto Of The Contributions To The Venezuelan Deduction Of Maestro Luis Beltran Prieto Figueroa