Portfoli carles rubí

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Space and graphic design:

Carles Rubi

Architecture engineer:

Marc Gutiérrez


about me: Hey there! Welcome to my portfolio. My name is Carles RubĂ­, and I am a 21 years old design student in ELISAVA, specialized in interior design and service design. I consider myself to have a very funny, friendly, pensive and ironic personality. My skills as a deigner are in observation, analysis, communication and cretivity for solving problems. I am very interested in the means and creative processes. My strong points are responsibility, leadership, understanding and creativity. In the future, I would like to improve my English and acquire more knowledge in advertising and creative direction. My objectives are find a job that I love and have the opportunity for growth. In my projects I have used programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros and SketchUp. I like to use them creatively, communicatively and expresively.


Residence for the homeless manage by the “Fundació Arrels” This housing complex is aimed at people supervised by the “Fundació Arrels” . This foundation dealing with homeless people has remained many years in Barcelona. Our house aims to integrate these people into society through a system that inhabits the interior of our rooms in a freedom and interactivity way with the outside. The complex uses new technologies and strategies to be more efficient, sustainable and environmentally friendly. Aquest complex d’habitatges està dirigit a les persones tutelades per la Fundació Arrels. Aquesta fundació tracte amb persones sense sostre ni recursos que porten molts anys vivint a la ciutat de Barcelona. El nostre habitatge pretén integrar aquestes persones a la societat mitjançant un sistema que permet habitar a l’interior de les seves estances d’una forma lliure i molt interaccionada amb l’exterior. El complex utilitza les noves tecnologies i estratègies per ser més eficient, sostenible i ecològic.


83% men 38 years 302 euros revenue physical problems psychological low level of education

drugs alcoholism

51% spanish single 46% with children

Floor of the house

The module housing due to its versatility allows full interaction with the outside and inside. Moreover thanks to its compartments allows establishing relationships with others and encouraging social skills of these people.

Space and graphic design:

Carles Rubi

Architecture engineer:

Marc GutiĂŠrrez

Exterior vi

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Exterior view of the building photovoltaic ree ho s e

Scheme of ecological systems


“un món fliç” exhibition will make you open your eyes. _rts S_nt_ mònic_ Un món feliç” is a groundbreaking exhibition with the desire to become a device of claim and social criticism. The design wanted to represent the idea of building, hence, it has been used to settle the scaffolding. In addition to the design space, this project also tried to make the document the exhibition and the collection of different works to understand the work of “curators” and art directors. “Un mon feliç” és una exposició trencadora amb la voluntat de convertir-se en un dispositiu de reivindicació i critica social. En el seu disseny s’ha volgut representar la idea de construcció, per aquest motiu s’han utilitzat bastides i per conformar-la. A més a més del disseny de l’espai, aquest projecte també tractava de realitzar el document de l’exposició i el recull de les seves diferents obres per tal d’entendre la feina dels “curators” i dels directors d’art. Floor

The exhibition has a linear route, but it was distributed in the form of islands to make it lighter. The scaffolds are covered with fabric and lit with lightning typical machine shops or work. Plant the exhibition



Space and graphic design:

Carles Rubi Gerard MartĂ­nez Claudia Palma


r view


Interior view

Transversal section

colors square. for a more cheerful place. The square color is a critical project with urban architecture lost, gray and dull. The colors have the ability to communicate emotionally as well; Why not design and build a world with more color and life? La plaça cromàtica, és un projecte critic amb l’arquitectura urbana de perdre, grisa i apagada. Els colors tenen l’habilitat de comunicar-nos emocionalment, dons així, Perquè no dissenyem i construïm un món amb més color i vida?

Landscaping is an essential aspect of this project, as it provides natural colors from the trees complement the chromatic scale carried out in this area.

Space and graphic design:

Carles Rubi

View photomontage

View the maquette

ECORETAIL, The new ecological system for a display The Ecoretail is a product innovation conducted by PDV systems and exposure in a more ecological and sustainable in their different stages of life. Its common and easy folding system allows better storage and transportation interiors stores. This product is easy to produce, the common use of horses and functional use of a synthetic fabric like foam Eva. L’Ecoretail és un producte dut a terme per innovar en els sistemes de PDV i d’exposició d’una forma més ecològica i sostenible en les seves diferents fases de vida. El seu fàcil i comú sistema de plegament permet un millor transport i emmagatzematge en els interiors dels establiments. És un producte fàcil de produir, comú per la utilització de cavallets i funcional per l’ús d’un teixit sintètic com l’espuma d’Eva.

Logotype project

From the analysis of the product life cycle of life, and through an analysis VEA, the Ecoretail has become a more environmentally friendly exhibitors.

Product design:

Carles Rubi Gerard martĂ­nez graphic and render design:

Joan DivĂ­ns

View pho



Vista system

PILOT PROJECT ON A MICRO HOUSE STREET. by the Foundation Arrels. This project is totally experimental. It tries to put together a few items from a home quickly and easily build to inhabit the street. Thanks for making this “ tent “ we conducted a campaign criticizing various institutions and companies (La Caixa , el Liceu, Borsa de Barcelona, etc.). In addition we wanted to experience the feeling experienced by a homeless person. Aquest projecte és totalment experimental. Tracta de realitzar a partir d’uns pocs elements un habitatge fàcil i ràpid de construir per habitar al carrer. Gràcies a la fabricació d’aquesta “tenda” vam dur a terme una campanya critica contra diferents institucions i empreses (La Caixa, el Liceu, la Borsa de Barcelona, etc). A més més volíem experimentar l’experiència de sentir-se observat i observar la vida des de la perspectiva d’una persona sense sostre.

Thanks to this adventure brewing a real product, since the system devised for this project had many opportunities. Interior view of the tent

Space and graphic design:

Carles Rubi

Architecture engineer:

Marc GutiĂŠrrez

Exterior vi

ew of an


Exterior view of the beach in Barcelona

Residence for the homeless manage by the Foundation Arrels. Lorem i psum dolor sit amet, consectetur adi piscing elit. Sed at mattis nulla. Proin luctus lorem urna, et mollis lorem elementum sed. Nunc sodales fringilla fermentum. Aenean vulputate magna a dolor tincidunt, blandit volutpat turpis pharetra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas ac sapien sit amet arcu iaculis pellentesque eget gravida nibh. Mauris molestie vestibulum dui, a fermentum lacus. Vestibulum nec odio et arcu molestie aliquam eu ornare lacus. Integer tempus odio sed nunc ultrices, nec consectetur lorem placerat. Vestibulum viverra justo et sapien semper, nec commodo erat pellentesque. Aenean feugiat nec tortor vel vulputate. Fusce at laoreet eros.


83% Homes 38 anys 302 euros d’ingressos Problemes físics psicològics

tel: 628090222 web: www.carlesrubi.es baix nivell d’estudis e-mail: crubilopez@gmail.com drogodependència 08251 Barcelona


51% Espanyols dissenyador i creatiu Solters 46% amb fills

zztincidunt.blandit volutpat turpis pharetra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas ac sapien sit amet arcu iaculis pellentesque eget gravida nibh.

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