Joyful Learning ANNUAL REPORT 2009–2010
LEARNING BY CAROL GOETZ, Associate Director of Development, Annual Report Editor
In Windows into Waldorf: An Introduction to Waldorf Education,
On our cover (clockwise): William, Zohar, and Spenser in eleventh-grade science lab. Photo by Sally MacDonald, Camphill Special School faculty.
David Mitchell writes that the Waldorf approach makes possible “an education that is joyful with a purpose.” Many of Camphill
Special School’s friends do not realize that our School is the only
7 Explorers 8 Eighth grade graduation a poignant rite
Waldorf school for children and youth with intellectual and develop-
Joyful learning begins in our kindergarten
of passage
enjoy the benefits of loving and imaginative teachers committed to
11 12 15
creating enthusiasm for learning as they present a developmentally
16 Most ambitious capital campaign in our
appropriate curriculum filled with history, language, art, drama,
19 Volunteer essentials 20 Greg & Annie Ambrose “pay it forward” 25 Fostering growth in children around
mental disabilities in North America. This means that our students
science, music, and…
joy! We hope our annual report will
provide you not only with information about our challenges and
achievements in 2009–2010, but also with a greater appreciation for the joyful learning that transpires within our schoolhouse, our homes, and our community each and every day.
An artist in our midst: transforming trash 2009–2010 sampler
Transition Program fills huge gap in services
history announced
the globe
26 Statement of Financial Activity 2009–2010 27 Our donors 30 Our School awarded two full accreditations 35 My brother
A MESSAGE FROM CRAIG L. ADAMS Dear Friends, It is my sincere pleasure to inform Camphill Special School’s hundreds of supporters that thanks to your generosity of heart and enduring confidence in our mission, 2009– 2010 was the most successful fundraising period in our nearly fifty-year history. Amidst continued economic uncertainty our family members and friends truly “stepped up to the plate” to help us exceed our Annual Village Fund goal and move us very close to achieving our largest capital campaign goal ever. I cannot adequately express my appreciation for these sustained and tangible expressions of love for Camphill Special School. Thank you. This year I also wish to thank you all for the honor of having led the School’s Board of Directors for the past six years. It has been both a privilege and a joy to lead a Board that has recognized and met the myriad challenges that are part of not only preserving the School, but also of helping it to strengthen and grow. Our recent accreditations by AWSNA and Middle States, our Sharing Life and Learning campaign to expand the Transition Program, and the continued success of our School of Curative Education and Social Therapy in training the future teachers and leaders of the Camphill Movement all are key examples of the School’s success. Camphill Special School is a place that nurtures and enriches my heart and spirit. Thank you for making it a part of your lives as well. Craig L. Adams Retiring President Board of Directors Craig will continue to serve our School as a member of the Board of Directors.
Guy Alma, Director of Development, presents Craig Adams with a gift from the School in recognition of Craig’s six years of service as President of our Board of Directors. “Craig’s tenure,” said Guy, “demonstrated the true meaning of leadership. Always a steady influence with an eye for the essential, Craig continually asked us to push towards a future that we determined for ourselves. We have learned to look ahead and chart our own course with resolve. Camphill Special School simply would not be the place it is today without having had Craig at the helm.”
Joyful learning begins in our kindergarten PHOTOGRAPHY BY Annika Duesberg
Our kindergarten is “inclusive�: it includes both typi-
outdoors decorate the classroom. In Last Child In
cally developing youngsters, such as the children
The Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit
of staff members or siblings of our older students,
Disorder, child advocacy expert and author Richard
and young children with special needs. In a home-
Louv writes that direct exposure to nature is essen-
like environment where things happen predictably,
tial for healthy childhood development. There is no
teacher Annika Duesberg engages the children in
nature-deficit at Camphill Special School! Nowhere
activities such as baking, painting, handwork, and
is this more evident than in our kindergarten, where
gardening. Meaningful stories and an abundance of
Annika ensures that all her young charges are outside
free play nurture young imaginations, toys are made
nearly every day.
of natural materials, and objects from the great
ExplorerS BY Elizabeth, 7th Grader
In Camphill Special School’s Waldorf curriculum, teachers present subject matter imaginatively and artistically,
From what I’ve learned so far about the Vikings from Scandinavia was that they were the very first explor-
beginning each day with an
ers. They traveled around the world to explore and
uninterrupted “main lesson”
discover the unknown. They often stole lots of food,
focusing on one subject.
animals and sometimes even people. Some of them were experts with ship building and sailing along the
A variety of activities are
ocean blue. Their materials were oak trees, animal
developed around this subject
hair and spruce roots.
and students make their own
One of the other vikings called Ingolf Arnson had
textbooks, referred to as
killed two men while in a fight, so because of that
main lesson books, which can
big incident all of the other Vikings banished him. He
contain stories, experiments,
took all of his possessions pluss his family and sailed to this new piece of land called Iceland where there’s
or poems and colorful
good green land for all of his animals to graze.
illustrations. A book is made
Leif Eriksson left with some other men to find and
for each main lesson block.
discover Vinland which is now called North America.
This is one of Elizabeth’s
The Chinese invented many different things such
main lesson books, created
as: silk, paper, porcelain, dominoes, wheelbarrows,
Yesterday I went on a field trip to Philadelphia for
saddles, kites, fans, compasses, spaghetti, tea, ice
a visit to China Town. First I saw the gate of China
cream, fireworks and sunglasses.
Town which was like an arch. The second thing was
Marco Polo was born into a very wealthy family in Venice Italy. His father and uncle were merchants who traveled the whole way to China for some silk. Then again in 1271, they set off with Marco Polo to
the beautiful temple (Chinese church) which was filled with many different kinds of meatels and precious jewels and gems. I needed to take off my shoes for I was upon holy ground.
Jerusalem in the Holy Land and then back to China.
The third thing I did was I went to fortune cookie fac-
When they arrived they got what the emperor asked
tory to discover how they were made. The forth thing
for which was the holy oil, but they couldn’t find one
was the Four Rivers restaurant where I had lunch. I
reprinted just as Elizabeth
hundred Christian men so they brought two monks
ate lo mein with meat and a side or oranges. Then
wrote it.
last but not least was the gift shop.
in Ginny Thimme’s class and
EigHth Grade Gradua A Poignant Rite of pass By Florie Seery, 8TH GRADER AlAsdair’s Mother / Photography By AlAsdAir’s Father, Marc Bryan-BRown
tion ssage
Because Camphill Special School is a Waldorf school, fully accredited by the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America, we believe that a child’s inner need for security is best met when a single teacher (with many helpers along the way!) accompanies the child through all eight grades of elementary school. This means that leaving eighth grade and entering high school truly is a tender—but highly exciting—transition.
Like every Camphill celebration, the eighth grade
learned how beautiful and good the earth is and it
graduation was an extraordinary experience. As a
was a call to action to everyone in that room to care
rite of passage it contained elements of graduations
for our planet. I shivered, realizing that every gradu-
across the country yet it was connected completely
ation across the country would be referencing the
to Camphill’s principles and values.
very same thing in the light of the disaster in our Gulf
As families gathered in the Blue Room at Karl Koenig Schoolhouse, we wondered if the graduates would be in caps and gowns accompanied by a record-
region. While our children were having a very singular experience at Camphill, they are part of the world at large.
ing of “Pomp and Circumstance.” No way; it was so much better and much more organic than that. The children processed in singing African songs, dancing African dances, and wearing African garments they had made in handwork class in honor of the African main lesson block they just had completed in their Waldorf curriculum. It was a beautiful sight and there was not a dry eye in the house. Three of the children who studied piano with Elsbeth performed beautifully. Teacher extraordinaire Becky Rutherford began the “thank yous” by building on the African theme: it takes a village to raise a child. Each student presented a rose to specialist teachers, staff members and coworkers, former teacher, and future
Franki’s mother Marlene presented Becky with a beautiful scrapbook and spoke eloquently about Becky’s exceptional teaching and our children’s progress in Becky’s class. It was emotional for all of us. In true Camphill fashion, a festive and fun lunch followed the ceremony. It is a day I always will remember, for it embodied everything great about our children and about Camphill Special School.
teacher. Becky explained that the children had
Michelle Obama, Mahatma Gandhi, and Abraham Lincoln all are figures Will has studied in his main lesson blocks.
AN ARTIST IN OUR MIDST: Transforming Trash By Ginny Thimme, Camphill Special School Faculty
paintings, sculptures— are visible everywhere at Camphill Special School. Children are surrounded by beauty, inside and outside of their classrooms and homes, and creative
Whilst studying the History of Art many years
and how he would work on making one figure over
ago, I was fascinated by the work of Kurt Schwit-
and over again until he got to a point of perfection
ters. Schwitters was part of the modern art move-
and/or peace. When I went to look at his artwork
ment known as Dadaism and he created much of
recently, I found eight different versions of Michelle
his artwork out of trash: bus tickets, wheels, wire,
Obama, the icon that he and much of America are
newsprint, old socks, broken pencils, etc. He roamed
struggling to define right now. I also found not only
the streets, picking up what had been discarded by
Gandhi and Lincoln, but Hamlet, Emerson, and
others and taking it home and turning it into art.
Thoreau, all figures that Will learned about in his
In my years at Camphill Special School, I have had
Visual art—drawings,
outlets abound.
main lesson blocks with his teacher, Peggy.
In Will’s case, the
the honor of living with Will (Class of 2010 and now
I realized looking at his work that Will not only is
a student in our Transition Program). Will, like many
transforming trash into art, he also is transforming
nourishment of his
Beaver Run students, spent many hours doing trash
all that he has learned here in school in his own
intellect in main lesson
and recycling chores. What sets Will apart from other
unique way.
students, however, is that he is an artist in the tradi-
blocks found fantastic
tion of Kurt Schwitters. He always is on the lookout
expression in his
for materials to be used in his art projects. Will finds
recycled sculpture.
most of his treasures in the recycling sheds and he specializes in three-dimensional art. Will’s favorite medium is soda cans, especially CocaCola cans (similar, in a way, to Andy Warhol’s soup cans). Like Warhol, Will’s art also features icons like Donald Trump, Abraham Lincoln, the Red Baron, Michelle Obama, Prince Charming, Mahatma Gandhi, and more. What impressed me when I lived with Will was how his work was continuously evolving and improving
2009--2010 Sampler
Students in ESY (Extended School Year) enjoy our pool, the beaches of NJ and DE, the Catskill Mountains, the Strasburg Railroad, and camping in Vermont
New coworkers arrive from all over the world
To paraphrase teacher Becky Rutherford, “the whole community, new ones and dear ones, gathers�
Snow* An all-school assembly celebrates the life, spirit, and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
More and more snow* (and terrific sledding) Seniors present their class play: The Epic of Gilgamesh (also to rave reviews)
Some more snow* Sophomores visit The Franklin Institute heart exhibit to complete a main lesson block in physiology
* In February alone East Nantmeal, where our main campus is located, recorded 62.8˝ of snow. The entire winter was the second snowiest on record at 86.6˝. (The snowiest winter in East Nantmeal was in 1898–1899.)
Third graders harvest potatoes, beans, squash, and corn that they planted in the spring
Transition Program students visit the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia
Eighth graders present Dickens’ A Christmas Carol to rave reviews
Ninth graders study physics, sending rockets high into the sky and imploding soda cans
First graders act out the story of Rumpelstiltskin in class and enjoy lots of time outdoors taking care of their strawberry patch in the garden
Piano, recorder, and vocal recitals fill two weekend afternoons in the Blue Room and eight seniors enjoy commencement ceremonies in Karl Koenig Schoolhouse
Transition Program fills huge gap in services In 2002, recognizing a serious scarcity of program-
contributing members of society while continuing
ming for our twelfth-grade graduates, Camphill
their academic and therapeutic work. Seven 2010
Special School piloted a program for college-age
graduates successfully transitioned to appropriate
students with cognitive and developmental disabil-
adult placements. Since the program began, 95%
ities, including autism. Offering specific and individu-
of our Transition Program graduates have made
alized programming in academics, life skills, and
successful transitions to such places as Devereaux,
vocational readiness, our Transition Program has
Brian’s House, Shepherd’s College, Four Winds, Taft
proved to be a huge success, preparing its gradu-
College, Heartbeet, High Spirits Community Farm,
ates for life beyond school.
and other Camphill communities in Pennsylvania,
This year seventeen young people participated in
California, Minnesota, and New York.
the program, learning special skills to become
Most Ambiti campaign in announced
Less than two weeks after the ceremonial groundbreaking, REAL groundbreaking was under way at Beaver Farm! Be sure to check our website at for more up-to-date photos of our progress.
ous capital our history By Guy Alma, Director of Development
Fiscal year 2009–2010 saw the announcement of the
Our new Education and Resource Center will provide
most ambitious capital campaign Camphill Special
space for educational and therapeutic programming,
School ever has undertaken in its nearly fifty-year
enhancing overall academic, vocational, and physical
history. The goal of Sharing Life and Learning:
A Campaign for Camphill Special School’s Transition
• Classroom and therapy spaces
Program is to raise $3 million to fund the construction of a new Student Residence and an education and resource center at Beaver Farm. Both new buildings will be “green” and state of the art. Project architects Tom Carnevale and Lauren Eustis
Stevie, Transition Program student, proudly displays his favorite new T-shirt.
• Pottery, candle making, textile, craft, and
honey-bottling workshops
• A cultural space for musical and dramatic
are confident our buildings would be eligible for
• Educational commercial kitchen for food
a New Construction LEED v2009 (Leadership in
processing and catering
Energy and Environmental Design) Silver designation. Geothermal heating and cooling, high-efficiency
Volunteers essential to campaign
insulation, grey-water reuse, low-flow plumbing, and
Camphill Special School could not have undertaken
Energy Star appliances are just a few of the reasons
its Sharing Life and Learning campaign without the
our new buildings will be environmentally sensitive.
help of a number of leadership volunteers:
(You can see details at
Honorary Campaign Chairs
The new Student Residence will be a de facto class-
The Honorable Jim Gerlach, Member, U.S. House of
room, facilitating additional development of a full
range of life skills: • Home life skills such as cooking, cleaning, laundry,
and social skills
• Community skills such as grocery shopping and
time and money management
The Honorable Joe Sestak, Member, U.S. House of Representatives
National Campaign Chairs William C. Herman, Esq., Rosenthal & Herman, P.C., and Ms. Elizabeth C. Herman, Parents of a
• Leisure skills, including community sports and
former student
Dr. Eric Maskin, 2007 Nobel Laureate in Economics,
visits to concerts, theatres, and museums
• Self-care skills
and Dr. Gayle Sawtelle, Parents of a former student
Newly elected 2010–2011 Board President Warren Gleicher and Camphill Special School foundress Ursel Pietzner wielded the shovel at the ceremonial groundbreaking in May.
Regional Campaign Chairs
National Campaign Committee Members
Later, in May 2010, Mr. Begelman attended our
Craig L. Adams, COO, PECO, An Exelon Company,
Ms. Toni Bowersox, Parent of a former Camphill
Camphill ProAm 2010 to announce that by virtue of
Pennsylvania Co-Chair
Special School student
the Foundation’s extraordinary $500,000 grant, the
Mr. Rick Moseley, Parent of a Camphill Special
Mr. Charles Lee and Eliza Carlson Lee, Ph.D.,
new Education and Resource Center at Beaver Farm
School student, Pennsylvania Co-Chair
Friends of Camphill Special School
Warren R. Gleicher, Esq., Olshan Grundman
Ms. Florence Seery, Parent of a Camphill Special
Rosenzweig & Wolosky LLP, and Ms. Amy
School student
Gleicher, Parents of a Camphill Special School
Ms. Lainey Moseley, Parent of a Camphill Special
Jane’s parents, Betsy and Bill Herman, longtime
School student
supporters of Camphill Special School and the
student, New York Chairs
Camphill Foundation $500,000 challenge grant highlight of our campaign
School student, New Jersey Co-Chairs Brian Epstein, Executive Vice President, Longitude/ Robby Len/Sirena, and Ms. Sandy Epstein, Parents of a Camphill Special School student, New Jersey Co-Chairs
Herman. Sarah Jane was a student at Beaver Run thirty years ago before her untimely death as a young adult. Also present for the announcement were Sarah
Leslie Meril, Vice President, First Service Williams, and Mr. Larry Meril, Parents of a Camphill Special
will be named in memory and honor of Sarah Jane
Camphill Foundation.
Progress through June 30, 2010 As of June 30, 2010, we were approaching the finish
In August 2009 Roger S. Begelman, President of
line, needing $280,000 more to reach $3 million.
the Camphill Foundation, announced the awarding
Learning that we had $280,000 yet to raise, an
of a $500,000 challenge grant to Camphill Special
anonymous donor in Philadelphia pledged to donate
School’s Sharing Life and Learning campaign—the
$140,000 to the Sharing Life and Learning campaign
largest in the Foundation’s history. Thanks to our
if we raise another $140,000. We will continue our
many friends, the challenge was realized and our
campaign until December 31, 2010, to achieve this
campaign surpassed its first million-dollar mark.
match and attain—and hopefully exceed!—our $3 million goal.
Residential Building #1
VolunteEr ESsentials
1,363 hours
720 hours
237 hours
274 hours
196 Volunteers
2,594 hours
This year’s groups* Boys Scouts led by Cole Richter, Eagle Scout Balfour Beatty Communities Camphill Special School Parents Girl Scouts led by Green Valleys Association Goldenberg Group Hampton Inn Muhlenberg College’s Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Vanguard
Volunteer Committees Parent Campaign for the Annual Village Fund Kim and Andy Elphick, Chairs Stephanie and Michael Boldin Amy Colannino Stephen Cummings Chip Davis Sandy and Brian Epstein Roz Heiko Amy McHugh Ruth Sill Grandparent Campaign for the Annual Village Fund Charlotte and Dean Toburen, Chairs Parents of Former Students Campaign for the Annual Village Fund Barbara Penna and Gary Goldsmith, Chairs Parent-Staff Group Kim Small, Chair Nearly sixty Vanguard employees worked awfully hard during United Way Day of Caring!
Julianne McLaughlin, pictured working with Victoria, is one of many volunteers who enrich our classrooms.
Greg & Annie Ambrose ‘Pay it Forward’ By Courtney Coffman, Development Officer
Over 300 people filled the historic Sunnybrook Ballroom at this year’s ProAm Tennis Ball.
“Camphill is not a school. It is a community. Even more so, it is a family. Our son Joey has been brought into
Major Cup Sponsors Bill and Betsy Herman The Ron Silknitter Foundation
that family,” Greg Ambrose shares. “It is natural for us to do whatever we can to help.” In May 2007 Greg and Annie Ambrose attended the Camphill ProAm Tennis Ball for the first time. When I met them at the event I knew they would be great committee members—and they were, for our ProAm 2008! They became Tennis Ball Chairs in 2009 and again in 2010. Under their leadership Camphill ProAm 2010 was the most successful in our history, raising more than $152,000. “Over the years our friends and family have become involved in the ProAm,” says Annie. “They love helping Joey’s school as much as we do.”
Greg and Annie Ambrose with their children, Becky and Joey. Greg and Annie chaired this year’s record-setting ProAm Tennis Ball that raised over $152,000 for Camphill Special School.
“Camphill’s philosophy of everyone in the community contributing to the best of their ability has really hit home for us. Why shouldn’t parents of students live by that philosophy, too?” Greg wonders. “Donating money is great, but the School needs more people’s time, too.” Recently Greg became even more deeply involved with the School as a member of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Board’s strategic planning committee. For Greg and Annie volunteering always is about how they can make a difference to the school that has embraced their son and their family. “We simply are paying it forward,” says Annie.
PECO, An Exelon Company and Mr. Ian Stone were the Presenting Sponsors of this year’s ProAm Tennis Tournament held at Tennis Addiction in Exton, PA.
Our Camphill ProAm 2010 Committee Greg and Annie Ambrose, Tennis Ball Chairs Anthony DeCecco, ProAm Tennis Tournament Chair Henry and Theresa Beekley Amy Colannino Lisa Dakdduk Paul Downs and Nancy Bea Miller Melissa Epps Brian and Sandy Epstein John and Tracy Gallagher Kyle Hawthorne Joe Heenan Carol Levin Lisa Linder Wasyl Manko Joe and Cookie Maranella Sherry Martin Caroline McCardell Amy McHugh Emily Smith Marie Thomas
Tennis Cup Sponsors Greg and Annie Ambrose Brandywine Valley Financial Services and Principal Funds Eagle Eye Associates Brian and Sandy Epstein Pat and Linda Marion Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McNeil Leslie and Larry Meril Paul Restall Company, Inc. Tennis Addiction Sports Club T.O. Epps & Associates, Inc. Wild Card Sponsors Bella Salon & Spa Calvin L. Smoker, Builder, Inc. Carnevale Eustis Architects, Inc. Changing Our World, Inc. Stephen J. Cummings DC Electric Inc. Delaney & Scott, P.C. Amy and Warren R. Gleicher Stephen and Carol Goetz Guerrisi Landscape Co., Inc. IEI Group, Ltd. Kevin McLaughlin Prizer’s Inc. Dr. John and Linda Schoonmaker Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP Therapy Source Inc.
Our Camphill ProAm 2010 Sponsors Presenting Sponsors PECO, An Exelon Company Mr. Ian Stone Ace Sponsors C. Erickson & Sons, Inc. David’s Bridal New Century Bank New Jersey Feed Laboratory
L to R: Fern Goldstein with husband Roger Begelman, President of the Camphill Foundation Board of Directors, and Betsy Herman, parent of a former Camphill student.
Camphill 2009 Challenge Camphill Benefit Concert In 2007 Rick Moseley, parent of fifth-grader Leta,
began the Camphill Challenge bike ride as a way for his friends in Philadelphia to see the school that means so
much to him and his family. No one could have guessed
L to R: Lainey and Jack Moseley, mother and brother of fifth grader Leta, with Director of Development Guy Alma and Jay Goldstein, President of Valley Green Bank, Founding Sponsor of the Camphill Challenge.
that just two short years later it would raise over $8,200
The thirteen Camphill communities and initiatives in North America
and that over 125 people would register to ride on
hosted a fabulous concert at Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York
October 18, 2009. Despite a rainy start the cyclists who
City on October 6, 2009. It was an incredible evening featuring
braved the uncooperative weather enjoyed scenic views
special guest Stephen Colbert and a variety of well-known profes-
of gorgeous autumn foliage along with historic homes,
sional musicians. Thanks to generous friends who sponsored and
horse farms, and all three Chester County Camphill
attended the event, Camphill Special School raised over $127,000.
communities. Our 2009 Camphill Challenge Committee
Stephen and Evelyn Colbert, Honorary Chairs
Rick Moseley, Chair
Robert Domergue
Ted Boinske
Bill and Betsy Herman
Toni Bowersox
Carol Levin and the Harry and Diane Levin Foundation
Melissa Epps
Leslie and Larry Meril
Kathy Levine
Bob and Ginny Swain
Our 2009 Camphill Challenge Sponsors
Concert Ticket Committee
Founding Sponsor
Iris and Sheldon Wyman, Honorary Chairs
Valley Green Bank
Brian and Sandy Epstein
Axle Media Sponsor L to R: Dan McCoubrey, Rick Moseley (Camphill Challenge founder and father of fifth grader Leta), and Ted Boinske (Challenge Committee member and father of seventh grader Jackson) bicycled in the rain!
Our Concert Benefit Committee
Allison and David Hunter Peter J. Korda Annette and Tom Laskaris
Spoke Sponsors
Eliza and Charlie Lee
Scott and Janice Fleming
Lisa Linder
T.O. Epps and Company
Kim Wentworth
Zukin Realty Water Station Sponsor GoAway Travel, Inc. Pedal Sponsors Douglas R. Eckard, Jr. Ron and Lucy Lyman
L to R: Lainey Moseley, Camphill Special School parent, with our Camphill Benefit Concert Honorary Chairs, Stephen and Evelyn Colbert.
Plein Air at Beaver Farm Proclaiming that “when artists come together with
love anything is possible,” over forty renowned artists descended on Beaver Farm to take part in the first-ever Plein Air at Beaver Farm in August. Organized by Nancy Bea Miller, artist and parent of tenth grader Henry, participants garnered inspiration from the unparalleled landscape and farm buildings, creating one-of-a-kind works of art that were sold at an exhibit and reception at The Rosenfeld Gallery in Old City Philadelphia on November 3, 2009. A portion of the sales benefited the Sharing Life and Learning capital campaign.
“When artists come together in love, anything is possible” said artist Giovanni Casadei at the first-ever Plein Air at Beaver Farm.
“Wall-o-Barn” by Jon Redmond
Jan Goeschel, Director of the School of CE & ST, in Thailand.
Fostering growth in children around the globe By Becky Rutherford, Teacher and School of Curative Education And Social Therapy Faculty Member
Closer to home we offered workshops at anthroposophical life-sharing communities in Québec and in
Becky Rutherford, School of CE & ST faculty member, offers a consultation in Thailand.
of Curative Education and Social Therapy is a community of learning rooted in the work of the Camphill Movement. It offers practice-integrated
Teaching barefoot while sitting on the floor is not the way faculty members of the Camphill School of Curative Education and Social Therapy typically give lectures. During Spring Break, however, Jan Goeschel and I kicked off our shoes and did just that. It might not be quite the custom in the West, but it is entirely in keeping with Thai culture. In Bangkok we lectured at Chulalongkorn University and presented a five-day workshop for teachers from Thailand and Singapore. Nor is conversing with staff in a thatched-roof and open-sided palapa while keeping an eye on the surrounding jungle the usual setting for a consultation. (Is it true that a boa constrictor ate the kindergarten’s chickens?) But last February we were asked to present a workshop on the Yucatán in Mexico.
The Camphill School
programs of studies leading to professional qualifications in Curative Education, Youth Guidance, and Social Therapy as At home in Glenmoore, PA, four students completed the fourth year of our School of CE & ST program and three more earned their B.A. in education with a fifth year of distance learning.
New England. As I write this, we anticipate teaching courses in Mexico, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and New Hampshire over the summer. The vibrancy and expertise of our faculty is gaining an international reputation. And here at home in Glenmoore, Pennsylvania, because our courses are recommended for college credit by the National Program on Noncollegiate Sponsored Instruction (PONSI) of the Board of Regents, University of the State of New York, coworker retention has improved greatly. This year four students completed the fourth year of our program and three more earned their B.A. in education with a fifth year of distance learning. No matter how far and wide our travels take us we always arrive at the same destination: a growing global community that seeks to guide and foster growth in children out of the insights of anthroposophy.
holistic approaches to supporting children, adolescents, and adults with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities. The Main Office and the Curative Education Program are located at Camphill Special School.
Statement of Financial Activity 2009–2010 Support & Revenue 84%
Program Services
Total Revenue
$5,678,338 413,239* 424,529 194,827 $6,710,933
Expenses 5%
Auto, Special Services & Misc. 245,723
Operating Costs
Program Cost
Residential Program Cost
1,643,967 653,900
Total Expenses
Net Revenue
$6,640,306 $70,627
* Denotes contributions made to the general operating fund. Because our annual report goes to press before our audit, the financial information presented here is subject to change. Our audit report is available upon request.
OUR DONORS Camphill Special School is able to exist and serve its students and their families thanks to the hundreds of people listed here. Space limits us to listing only gifts of $25 or more, and donors making only honorarium or memorial gifts to our general operating fund are listed in those categories. Donors who have made gifts to our Annual Village Fund, special events, or capital campaign between July 1, 2009, and June 30, 2010, are listed according to their cumulative fiscal year giving. While we have strived to ensure accuracy, unfortunately we sometimes make mistakes. Please call the Development Office at 610.469.9236 x131 to correct errors, omissions, or misspellings.
Angels Anonymous (1) Craig L. Adams Brian and Sandra Epstein * Bill and Betsy Herman Grant and Wendy Kvalheim Ian Stone Kim and Finn Wentworth
Guardians $10,000–$19,999 Ms. Angie Butler Amy and Warren R. Gleicher * Eric Maskin and Gayle Sawtelle Veronica and Michael Stubbs Benefactors $5,000–$9,999 Anonymous (2) Greg and Annie Ambrose * Bethany Asplundh Theresa and Hank Beekley ** William and Catherine Bucher * Evelyn and Stephen Colbert William T. Fitzmaurice Mr. and Mrs. Zoltan Fried Joe Harris *** Ute Heuser *** Marianne and Chuck LaKamp Carol Levin * Douglas Libby Ed and Lisa Maynard Daniel McLoughlin and Dr. Mary Rogevich
Leslie and Larry Meril * James and Kathleen Seery Alan and Suki Shapey * Bonnie and Brent Sheldon * Larry Stone Edward Strong and Laurel Durst Ted and Karen Walsh Reed and Bernadette Wilson Pillars $2,500–$4,999 Mr. and Mrs. James McConnell Clark Dennis and Amy Colannino * Luise Custer Chip and Cynthia Davis * Comte Jean-Marie Decazes Robert F. Domergue * Charles Dorego J. Anthony Downs and Jin-Kyung Kim Annika Duesberg *** Victor and Betty Gerstein Stephen and Carol Goetz *** David and Allison Hunter * Christine M. Huston Michael and Susan Innocenzo Elysabeth Kleinhans Pat and Linda Marion Ranney R. Moran Arnold S. Penner and Madaleine Berley Mr. and Mrs. Randy Porges Helen Ridenour and Morris Ems ** Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Ripper
Dr. John and Linda Schoonmaker ** Norbert Schultes *** Dean and Charlotte Toburen ** Ronnie and Pat Viera * Fiona Young and Ted Boinske * Champions $1,000–$2,499 Anonymous (5) Guy and Ani Alma *** Ray and Rose Ambrose ** Scott Asplundh Dan and Beth Bargabos * Mrs. Norene Benton Mr. Marc Berley Stephanie and Michael Boldin * Bob Bowersox Toni Bowersox Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bowles Peter W. Bradley Adrian Bryan-Brown and Joan Marcus Susan and Chris Bryan-Brown ** Sharon and Peter Bugelski Giovanni Casadei Steve and Leslie Connor Shea Cronley and Jeff Reed Stephen J. Cummings * Peter Egan and Margaret Yu Keith and Melissa Epps * Keith and Susan Epstein Margie Epstein ** Matthew Fassler and Amanda Greenfield
Carol Ann Feiler Tim and Linda Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence N. Friedland Tracy and John Gallagher * Jan Christopher Goeschel *** Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Granning Herbert and Rosemary Grove Van Beck and Paula Hall Mr. and Mrs. Jon Hanson Marc Hembrough Susan K. Jung Paul and Shirley Juniewicz S. Dillard and Adrienne Kirby Peter J. Korda * Sandra Kowalski Bryan and Kim Krause Charles and Kimberly Kupfer * Jeanette S. Lamb ** Annette Laskaris * Robert L. Lawrence Jill and Joseph Levy Peter A. Lobel Paul and Joanne Luksa Sharad Madison Manfred and Ingelore Maier *** Allan and Janet Mantel Lou and Kathy Martinelli Lynette and Manuel Mattke David and Maura May Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McNeil
Susan McPherson and Jack Shea, Jr. Mary E. Miller Nancy Bea Miller and Paul Downs * Ottavio and Rosita Missoni ** Willard Moore and Margaret Nelson Sarah L. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nobile Jack Nusbaum Mr. and Mrs. Peter Obre Aaron and Chrissie Packles Mike and Joanna Pietrafitta James and Beth Ava Porto Mr. Jeffrey Powers Chana M. Ringel Alison H. Rivin Andreas Schad *** Jerry Schwartz Jerry Seinfeld Sabine and Perry Sichler * Mark Sidle Joan Siegel Marc Silberberg and Barbara Julius Lewis duPont Smith Richard and Karen Spears Lori Spector and Max Lang Anne and Claus Sproll * Allan Starr, Esq. Bob and Ginny Swain Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Taylor Edith and Joe Tobin Alexandra Tyng
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Vanech Jay L. Wallberg David and Lisa Welsh Elizabeth Wilson Else and Bernie Wolf *** Kevin and Jacqueline Wyman Sheldon and Iris Wyman **
Sustainers $500–$999 Anonymous (6) Julie E. Aaron Christine M. Allen Mr. and Mrs. John Ambrose Eliza Drake Auth Robert Bauers ** Joseph I. Bishop Bob and Natalie Bogert ** Dan and Joanne Borgnis * Mary Ann Boyer and Chris Hall Carlyle and Suzanne Brakensiek Oskar and Adrienne Brecher Marc Bryan-Brown and Florie Seery * Anne Campbell Joseph and Marie Cirafesi ** Mr. Julian L. Cohn Victoria Contino Valerie Craig Ronald Csigo Jane and Bob Dean Daniel and Joann Domanski Paul DuSold Stephen G. Epstein Richard Farley Janet Faust *** Andy and Lisa Fidler * Scott and Janice Fleming ** Tim Folger and Wendy Weil Stephen and Laurene Frederick David and Lori Fuchs Frances Galante The Honorable Phyllis Gangel-Jacob and Mr. Bernard Jacob Joe and Beverly Gordon Ms. Margaret Greco Susan and Bill Grindal ** Michael A. Halvorsen Deborah M. Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Heller Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Herling Philip and Patricia Holland * Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Isaac Barbara James * Tricia L. Justin Henry Kahwaty and Molly Dooher Robert T. Kane
Victoria T. Kilburn Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Kramlich Mary and Steve Krick Jennifer Laconis * William Lane Tim and Nina Lannan Ellin C. Leder Tracey Leitman Norma and Fred Lipman John S. Livermore Ian and Mary MacKinnon Cindy Martin * Joanie and Bruce McCallum Kevin McLaughlin Mike and Gail Ondo *** Michael and Virginia O’Neil Mr. Franz Ostertag John and Mary Pellack Barbara Penna and Gary Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pires Marlene and Donald Pollock Cactus Raazi Leslie and Bill Rahling Jon Redmond Linda Ritter ** Mary Jane Roache Peter Robb and Marianne Hoffman Robb Sig and Doris Rutkowski ** Gilbert and Mary Jo Scott Caroline and Michael Seery Ari and Abby Segal * Fred and Barby Siegel Kathryn L. Simmelkjaer Pamela Sloan Terrence and Kim Small * Linda and Howard Strauss Joseph and Joan Sweeney Nancy Sylk Steven B. Tanger Jonathan and Leslie Taylor Mr. James Thomas Stuart Thompson Sylva E. Toyos John and Lynne Vassallo Bruce A. Waldman Mark Waldman Anne Walsh David N. Weinstein Andrew P. Wickey and Mary G. Notaro Mike Williams and Sue Delaney Scott Williams and Susan Braun Mr. Steven Wolfe Woods Family Ellen Lander Yeoman Cathy Zises
Advocates $250–$499 Anonymous (6) Mark and Adrianne Alden Lynn Azarchi and Steve Steinhauser Betsey A. Batchelor Mary Beekley * Rachel Berk Gail and James Biben Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bill Tom and Kristen Bissinger Julie Blank Ed Bronstein Mr. and Mrs. Michael Budin Dennis and Barbara Carr Perry and Judith Cartwright Christina Chang Susan Cheyenne Bill and Annemarie Cochrane Scott Conking Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cunningham Ken and Lisa Dakdduk Jennifer Dechant * Kim and Andrew Elphick * Peter Entin and Barbara Janowitz Evan Evans and Lynn Garner Thomas Fleming and Susan Riley Rev. Leonard Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Gary Freidman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friedman Mr. Robert Frome Robert and Dana Fuchs Linda V. Furst R. Bonnie Glaser Michaela and Bob Godshall *** Donald H. Green, D.D.S. Philip and Carol Greene Mr. and Mrs. Joel Handel Ellen and Jay Hass Deborah Hayes and Michael Finger * Sherri and Eric Helt Garth C. Herrick Marsha and Ed Hill Jack and Bunny Hoffinger Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphreys Andrea and Rüdiger Janisch *** Andrew and Stacy Jenkins * Sheila and Julia Johns Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kambourian Arlen Kane and Rick Negron Bill and Jodi Keller * Catherine Korda Jeffrey and Donna Lenobel Christof-Andreas and Norma Lindenberg *** Lisa and Matthew Linder * Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Linskens *
Elaine Lisle Lucy Lyman ** Lena Maiorano Perry and Elizabeth Mandarino Richard Marans Mary Matheis and Thomas Goodwin Bob and Amy McHugh * Valerie Miranda * Robert H. Moses, Esq. Tammy and Tony Mueller Michael and Ellen Mulroney Tom and Rita Nelson John and Mary Newton Jon and Kathi Nuffer Tom and Heather Nugent Frank and Carole Ortner Mr. and Mrs. Neil Parsoff William and Grayce Pearce ** John Perham and Christine Donohue * Ursel Pietzner *** Adam Psichos Roland, Dawn, and Cole Richter Dale O. Roberts Aina Roman Victor and Suzanne Rosenzweig Leo Schmidt and Melissa Bell David and Melanie Scott Beatrice and Michael Semo Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shumaker Deena and Barry Silberman Joan S. Silverman, Esq. Emily Minor Smith Thym Smith Howard and Gloria Soloway ** Joe and Joan Spiecker Rozanne and Stephen Spiecker * Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Spitzer Dr. Juergen Stolt William and Jennifer Sullivan Andy and Michelle Toburen Paula Toburen * Diana and Nick Viglianese Mr. F. Skiddy Von Stade Mary Walsh Jody Weaver and Michael Guerrisi * Glenn and Nancy Wenger Melissa and Miles Wilding Christina and Basil Williams Dick and Julie Williams Edward J. Williams ** Robin C. Young Supporters Anonymous (10) Florence Aaron
Angela P. Abelow Sonja and Tobias Adams *** James and Mary Allen ** Nancy Altman Seth and Sandra Bacon *** Aleksandr Barakhan Barbra Barker Randee Bates * Pete and Melinda Bauers Sandra and Robert Bauers John and Cass Beacham *** Robert and Barbara Beck Pamela and Michael Benton *** Nancy Benzel Ben and Gloria Berry ** Mark Bockrath Beth Ann Bogert * Paula C. Bradley Ms. Ava Jean Brumbaum Robert and Rugene Caldwell Carsten H. Callesen *** Sandi and Tom Cappa * Jason and Allison Carr Jay and Peggy Chiappa Kenneth and Linda Chipkin Craig and Courtney Coffman *** Jon Cohen and Jody Hill Susan Colacello William and Kathleen Coleman Kate Collier Paul Connors Rachel Constantine Kathleen Conway Danica Cordell-Reeh Lisa A. Cron Mary Cronin and John Esposito Bob Culbertson Letty Lee Dahme Kell and Katherine Damsgaard Cynthia Day Sally DeAngelo Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeCecco Anne and Don DiNapoli Betty A. Divine * Kevin J. Doherty Tony Downs ** Joanne Dresner Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Duym Douglas R. Eckard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Max Eisikovic Deanna and Larry Emerson John Ennis and Jo-Ann Osnoe Larry Epstein ** Andrew and Myra Fezza Mary Flagg
Laura Foley * Samuel Freeman Richard G. Fried, M.D. *** Carl Frischling Marie Furst Carole Gallagher Mike Gallagher Joseph Ganshaw Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Garber Francine and David Gargano Dr. Avraham Giannini Kathleen and Bruce Givner Rebecca Anne Goetz CDR. and Mrs. William H. Goetz Dr. Edward J. Grandt Dr. and Mrs. Martin Grant Carol Gray John Greene Dennis H. Greenstein Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Hagman Juanita Hall ** Joyce Hastings ** Barbara Hathaway Gillian A. Hee Phil Herschenfeld and Linda Kastan Carol Himes Joel S. Hirschtritt, Esq. Meng-Chun Ho *** Leon and Lillian Hochheiser Karen Hohmann David and Brenda Hollweger Dale and Linda Hood Sue Horne Michael and Ngila Howard Betty and Millard Jones Lee and Kathleen Jones Sally and Ramsey Joslin Michael-Salomon Jost * Luthian Joya Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kaplan Judge and Mrs. Bentley Kassal Joseph W. Kelly Christopher Kendall and Laura Battle Randi and Stanley Klimberg Grace L. Knowles Nicole Krutzke *** Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lang Camilla Lange Donald and Renata Largent * Caroline Law David Lee Michael Leighton Kathy Levine and Steve Taub Mr. and Mrs. Alan Levy Gary L. Lighter, D.M.D., and Robert M. Amante, D.M.D.
Murray A. Luftglass Barbara Lustig Sally MacDonald *** Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mandel Mrs. Miriam Marcus John and Stacey Marko * Beth McCorry * Joseph and Marian McDevitt John McDonald Carolyn E. Meadow Mr. and Mrs. Edward Megargee Mr. Pierre F. V. Merle Stephanie Merrett Tracy Mitchell and Blaze Makoid Rashidus and Belinda Mia Barbara J. Miedema Ed Mikalauskas and Laura Kuntz Gregory and Katie Miles * Jeffrey D. Miller Jonathan Miller Louis and Tamsin Monnoleto Newton and Louise Monschein Marilyn Moseley ** Ms. Regine Moulton Ann Mundorff Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Myer Alison and Zandy Nalle Monica Navarro Eileen A. Noonan William Norden Henry T. Petry Kathleen and Michael Pickar Michael and Pamela Powers Edward Pugsley, CPA Paul and Maimunah Querido Rev. Roddey Reid Joyce E. Reilly Ellen and Otto Rein Richard and Elise Resnik Haejin Rim * Jonathan Rivin Graham Robb Rogers Reunion Association Mr. Paul K. Rooney Timothy and Kathleen Rorick Nancy and Rudy Rosenberger ** Becky and Harry Rutherford *** Claus Rychlak Frank and Greta Salmons * Andrea Jean Sample Margo Pollins Schab Elizabeth Schero Suzanne Schireson John and Pat Schmitt Glenn Schunkewitz Tünde and Andreas Schuschke ***
Shirley P. Schwartz ** Joshua and Kim Scott Paul and Angela Siana Harold and Diana Siegal Roselyn and Stephen Silberstein Jack and Pat Silknitter Komilla S. Singh * Mr. and Mrs. John Small ** Peggy Smith Sue Smith and Wayne Zukin Giorgio Spanu and Nancy Olnick Ronald and Marion Stein Ralph Stettenbauer John and Jane Street Gary and Darlyne Strickler Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Swain Bill Tansey, Sr. Kelly A. Tansey Kerry Tansey Rebecca Thornburgh Shawna Timmons * Nancy T. Tornga Elaine Trent * Theresa and Randal Visintainer Dr. Donald and Millicent Waits James E. Walsh Shelly L. Washington Thomas Weil Victor and Diane Weingast Eric and Dina Winter Barbara F. Wolf ** Mr. John R. Woodman William and Velvalee Young ** Susan L. Zeig Mr. Adolph Zielke ** The Zukin Family Friends $25–$99 Anonymous (6) Lisa Aaron Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Adler Sarah Renee Anderson Archana Badrinath Linda Baker Carl A. Balestracci, Jr. Christine and Michael Bamberger Sarah Barr Dru Bates * Nancy M. Beacham Jeffrey and Robin Belack Bernice J. Berger *** Gregory Berlin Ira and Margaret Berman The Bieringer-Drake Family * Jeffrey W. Bloch William Earl Brecher
Cary and Gloria Breech Dave and Wendy Brewer Ken Brewer Joe and Alicia Brisbois Pamela Brown Yvette Brown Margy and Elliot Brownstein Tina Bruckner *** Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burgess Ella Burton Joseph A. Caroleo Larry Ceisler Steven Cherry Andy Cichanowsky Mimi Coleman and John Tower Karen Costello Nickeea Cox Beverly Cummings * Mary Cummins Paul Davis and Julie Deery Jeffrey Emil Diaz Jim DiGuiseppe Debbie and Keith Dorn Michelle Du Sold and Fredrick Ortega Ellen and Franklin Edwards ** Mary Eno and Dan Wagner T.O. and Elsie Epps ** Laura Kaderabek Eyring George and Victoria Ferreboeuf Shanlee Fisher Alan and Christine Fliesler Cheryl Fortunato Kathy Freeborn Robb Frees Todd Fritsche Maripat Gatter Betsy Gauthier Celine Gendron Joseph A. Goetz and Meghann Ellis John Goldsborough Maureen Gregory Brian Grenoble Steve and Bonnie Grizzell John Guild Doris and Bert Gurin ** Gary Hackenberg Judith Hagan James and Kathleen Halligan Ms. Catherine Harwood Christopher Hatch and Moira Mulroney David M. Hauptman Dr. Roz Heiko and Dr. David Horowitz * Thomas Heisey Janet L. Herman Carl Hirth Elaine and Harvey Holtz
Thomas S. Huestis Ariana Jostad-Laswell Missey Kalucki Mary S. Kaufmann John Kelly Margo Ketchum *** John and Christine Kiely Matt and Karin Kochis Ms. Carol Kolimago Trudy Korda ** Dottie and Don Koval Ms. Sylvia Kuran Robert Lane Scott and Jess Lang Susan Lanyon Janice Lear Eliza and Charles Lee Larry Leib Miriam Lockhart Joyce and Gerard LoDolce Dr. David and Maureen Lucchino Bill and Mary Ludford Mary Lou Lukens George and Shirley MacFarland ** David and Carol MacGregor Elliot Matlin Jean and Dan McCoubrey Robert McNamara Robert Menefee Helene and Steven Miletsky and Family Joan and Bob Minor Amber and Tim Moran Lainey Moseley * Rick Moseley * Corinne B. Moyle Jill Mullen Keith Munch Bernard Murphy and Szilvia Budai Maryann Muscella Tony and Kate Nasuti Kristen and David O’Brien Deborah O’Dell Minturn and Starr Osborne Erick and Bobbie Panger Scott Pappas David and Susan Pardys Michael Peroski John Pichola Barry and Jenny Pohorence Dr. Doris Purdom Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Quarmby Susan Ramey Andrew Rattner George and Melissa Reitnour Julie Rentz Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rivin
Antoinette C. Robbins Mark and Jessica Rochon Thomas and Rosa Rodriguez Lemuel Rogers The Rutkowski Family * Paul and Jeanette Scally Laura and Robert Schilare Gillian G. Schoemaker *** Sarah Schreck *** Joseph Sciarini Paul Scotese Arlin and Dalene Seasholtz ** Erin Sheehan Jim Simpson Joseph F. and Theresa E. Smith ** Fay Stanford Ms. Marie Stareck Brandon States Sara Callander Stephens Bonnie Sumerfield *** Dolores Swarm Irene Taylor Shirley and Robert Teets ** Paula and Sami Terrell Anna and Scott Thomas * Ryan Trachtenberg Brendan Tracy * Karen and Ernest Tracy Maureen Tracy *** Jacqueline Trettin Carla Tudor Richard and Kathleen Unger Tasha Verrico Ronald Wagner The Wang Family Daniel and Martha Watson Phyllis Weihs Linda and Harold Weinstock David Werfel’s Family David and Mary Wheeler *** Walter and Diana Wilcox Ms. Marilyn Williams D. Wolok David and Carolyn Woodall Connie Woodberry Kathy Zeleznick
Corporations and Organizations Beaver Design Group, Inc. Bella Salon and Spa Brandywine Valley Financial Services, LLC CALECO Calvin L. Smoker, Builder, Inc. Camphill Village Kimberton Hills Camphill Village U.S.A.
Camp Lee Mar Carnevale Eustis Architects, Inc. C. Erickson and Sons, Inc. CH&E Construction Changing Our World, Inc. Crestpoint CSI International, Inc. Customers 1st Bank David’s Bridal Inc. DC Electric Inc. Dean Design/Marketing Group, Inc. Delaney & Scott, P.C. Donna’s Cleaning Service, Inc. Eagle Eye Associates Farkouh, Furman & Faccio, LLP Fuerman & Fuerman, ODs Generocity Community Alliance, Inc. Gerstein Strauss & Rinaldi LLP Glenn E. Zimmerman Plumbing, Inc. GoAway Travel, Inc. * Guerrisi Landscape Company, Inc. * The Guided Tour, Inc. * The Hankin Group Hess Corporation Hickory House Nursing Home Hutton & Solomon LLP IEI Group, Ltd. International Furnishings and Design Association JT Mullen Company Inc. Kliegerman & Joseph LLP Leitner & Getz LLP Ludwig’s Market/Mom’s Pizza Management Planning, Inc. Marks Paneth & Shron, LLP Mana Products, Inc. Marsh Valentine & Donohoe LLP McAndrews Law Offices P.C. Melick-Tully & Associates, P.C. Michael P. Rudy CPA & Associates Mom’s Club of Phoenixville/East Pikeland New Jersey Feed Laboratory, Inc. North American Capital Corporation Norvin Partners LTD. Paul Restall Company, Inc. PECO, An Exelon Company The Pennsylvania Eurythmy Ensemble Philips Brothers Electrical Contractors, Inc. Principal Funds Prizers Inc. RETTEW Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco RSM McGladrey, Inc. Seitz Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.
Shanholt Glassman Klein Kramer & Co. S.J. Harrison & Co. Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP Superior Plus Energy Services Susquehanna Bank T.O. Epps & Associates ** Tennis Addiction Sports Club Therapy Source Inc. Triform Camphill Community Trojanov Insurance Agency LLC Valley Green Bank Weather Seal Services *** The Westover Companies Whole Foods Market Zukin Realty Funds and Foundations Anonymous (2) The Bloom Foundation Camphill Foundation Chapman Foundation Colbert Family Fund of Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Russell H. and Lana H. Crawford Charitable Trust
The Dearhaven Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey Emma Foundation Hollenbach Family Foundation, a Fund of the Chester County Community Foundation Jephson Educational Trust Landon Family Foundation Harry and Diane Levin Foundation The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation Inc. Logan Camphill Initiatives Fund of Camphill Village Copake Foundation, Inc. The Page and Otto Marx Jr. Foundation Joanne E. McCready Irrevocable Trust The MCJ Amelior Foundation The Rosen Family Foundation Siemens Caring Hands Foundation The Ron Silknitter Foundation Hoxie Harrison Smith Foundation E. Newbold and Margaret duPont Smith Foundation The Spira Family Foundation Rudolf Steiner Charitable Trust Fund of RSF Social Finance The Strauss Foundation, Inc. John Templeton Foundation
The Paula Vial Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund Wright-Cook Foundation Roy J. Zuckerberg Family Foundation Honorariums In honor of Stan and Bunny Averbach for their milestone birthdays Irv and Zipporah Segal ** In honor of Beth and Dan Bargabos Ben and Gloria Berry ** In honor of Eric Bargabos for his graduation Bill and Betty Bargabos ** In honor of Eric Bargabos Joseph W. Kelly In honor of Alexander Bauers Nate Bauers Pete and Melinda Bauers In honor of Beaver Farm Mary Flagg In honor of Joseph Bishop’s service on New Century Bank’s BD Customers 1st Bank In honor of Sofia Blackwood Daniel Blackwood *
Our School Awarded two full accreditations In 2009–2010 Camphill Special School was awarded a full seven-year term of accreditation by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools. As the only Waldorf school in North America for children and youth with special needs, our School also earned the same term of full accreditation from The Association of Waldorf Schools of North America. Members of both accreditation teams met with and interviewed representatives of all the School’s stakeholders, including teachers, students, parents, and administrators, as well as representatives of the Board of Directors. Team members also toured the School’s facilities, studied the School’s plan for school improvement and other
documents related to the School’s work, and observed teaching and learning in classrooms. To be accredited, a school must meet standards in each major area of its work and activity. These areas include the school’s philosophy, mission, objectives, governance and leadership, organizational design and staff, educational programs, learning media services and technology, student services, student life and activities, facilities, health and safety, finances, assessment of student learning, and strategic planning. Camphill Special School also is licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as an Approved Private School.
In honor of Jackson Boinski Nancy and Rudy Rosenberger ** In honor of Caroline Appleton Chester David William Chester In honor of Jessica Chorpening Susan Blumenfeld In honor of Courtney Coffman for graphic support The Pennsylvania Eurythmy Ensemble In honor of Amy Colannino MDS Inc. In honor of Amy and Andrew Colannino’s participation in the Camphill Challenge Dr. John and Linda Schoonmaker ** In honor of Chris Cronin Jack Cronin In honor of Chris Cronin for Christmas Mary Cronin and John Esposito In honor of Ryan Davis Stephen and Laurene Frederick In honor of Lauren deVilliers Ruth and Les deVilliers In honor of Shelby Dechant Bernard Schapers In honor of Charles Domergue Michael and Ngila Howard In honor of Henry Downs and his family J. Anthony Downs and Jin-Kyung Kim In honor of Andy Elphick Carol Ann Feiler Joyce Hastings ** In honor of Brandon Epstein Anonymous (5) Carla and Omar Adcock Dawn and Wayne Aiello Janice and Harold Albert Carole Allen Marguerite Aragona Barbara and Gary Arnold Diane and Michael Barber Anne and John Beystehner Anna and Dr. Ernest Bio Ruth and Steven Boda Barbara and Marcos Bognar Marcia and James Bonomo Keith and Patricia Bowman Janette Brannigan Barbara Bugay Faye and John Butler Anna and Stephen Cabot Sharon Candelo Jeanette and Philip Chanfrau, Jr. Helen and James Coleman Janet and James Cooney Janice and Roger Cullinane
Ken and Lisa Dakdduk Yvonne and Michael D’Alessandro LaTanya Damon Dolores Dennis Kathleen and Philip DePalma Kathryn and Peter DePalma Anne and Don DiNapoli Michele and John Dmytryk Sylvia and Randy Dotson Mary and Thomas Eikamp Sharon Ellis and Stephen Hatcher Camille and Joseph Emmett Debra and Lawrence Epner Keith and Susan Epstein Margie Epstein ** Patricia Evans Constance B. Feola Cathy A. Fitzgerald Janice and J. Patrick Fitzpatrick Joyce and Louis Flores Eva and Michael Fox Susan and Arthur Fox Sandra and Christopher Francioch Sally Fraser Rose and Edward Gehl Fran and Edmund Giancola Lucinda and Martin Glicksman Susan and William Green Caryl and Daniel Greenberg Mary and Robert Gustafson Angie Hage Sharon and Tom Harlan Carolyn and Edward Harley Linda Heune-Solomon Kathy and Warren Hodges Ina Hoffman Jeanne Hume Beatriz Inderbitzen Mary S. Kaufmann Joanne and Richard Kelley Kathleen Kennedy-Kelley and Paul Kelley Janet and John Kivi Karen Kopec Bonnie and Gary Kudwitt Jean and Donald Linzmeier Norma and Fred Lipman Barbara Lustig Dolores Macias Mary McCoy Barbara and Robert McGraw Nancy McGregor Kathy Merritt Denise Mikola Nancy Monte Alberta Morelli
Ronald and Susan Murray Janet and Thomas O’Hara, Jr. Kathleen Orme Louise Packard Janet Pair Nancy and Robert Pearson Anne S. Percelay Maurine Potter Susan and John Price, M.D. Mark and Jean Priskorn Maureen Quap Theresa and Dominick Regina Norma Ridgeway Joan Robson Thomas and Rosa Rodriguez Diane M. Rosa Vicki Samiotes JoEllen and Jeffrey Sandburg Nancy Shimko Marie and Gus Simos Catherine Smith Michele Snow Barbara and Stephen Strzepek Debbe and Patrick Sugrue Karen and Stephen Swierczek Lizbeth Taylor Valentina Ulitin Margret Van Flein Kimberlee and J. Stewart Van Horn Regina Wachholder Edwina Walsh and Nancy Lyon Mae and Jerry Warren Arlene and Glenn Webb Loretta and Michael Weingarten Angela and William Wereszczak Rebecca and John Yovich In honor of Brandon Epstein for his birthday Margie Epstein ** Thomas and Rosa Rodriguez In honor of Brandon Epstein for Christmas/Hannukah Lesa and Chatham Ross In honor of Brandon Epstein for his graduation Mike, Paula, Caitlin, and Michael Colarusso and family Lisa Dakdduk Sharon Ellis and Stephen Hatcher Mary S. Kaufmann Suzanne and Roy Ockun Barry and Jenny Pohorence In honor of Brandon Epstein and the class of 2010 Larry Epstein **
In honor of Brandon’s family—Sandy and Brian Epstein Margie Epstein ** In honor of Brian Epstein for his birthday Rosa Rodriguez ** In honor of Sandy Epstein for her birthday Lisa Dakdduk Margie Epstein ** In honor of Braden Fidler Anonymous (1) Cirafesi Family Dale and Linda Hood Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pires Diana and Nick Viglianese In honor of Dillon Freeman Samuel Freeman In honor of Naomi Fuerman Fuerman & Fuerman ODs In honor of Emily Gallagher William and Grayce Pearce ** In honor of Max Gleicher Donald and Francine Rebhun In honor of Beryl and Leonard Halpern Irv and Zipporah Segal ** In honor of Cynthia and Mark Halpern Irv and Zipporah Segal ** In honor of Aaron Herbert—Camphill Graduate James Herbert and Lynn Brandsma In honor of Bill and Betsy Herman Judge and Mrs. Bentley Kassal Jack Nusbaum In honor of Bill Herman Anonymous (1) Julie E. Aaron Peter W. Bradley Tricia L. Justin Aaron and Chrissie Packles Steven B. Tanger Anne Walsh David N. Weinstein Cathy W. Zises In honor of Sarah Jane, Betsy, and Bill Herman Roger S. Begelman and Fern Goldstein In honor of Nathan Hirth Carl Hirth Connie Woodberry In honor of Oliver Holland Lena Maiorano Myrna Lopez Squillini In honor of Ariel Horowitz for her 18th Birthday Anonymous (1)
In honor of Christine Huston’s service on New Century Bank’s BD Customers 1st Bank In honor of Anita Jost for her birthday Susan Ramey In honor of Peter Korda Marc Silberberg and Barbara Julius In honor of Samantha Korda Catherine Korda Tracey Leitman Jeffrey and Donna Lenobel In honor of Haley Laconis and Jennifer Ritter Laconis Linda Ritter ** In honor of Barbara Lustig Helen Megan In honor of Karen Goldenberg and Elliot Marcus for their 25th Wedding Anniversary Gloria and Robert Bernstein Elliot and Lori Braunstein Howard and Harriet Darvas Lillian and Martin Grant Andrea Lemer Eric and Ellen Marcus Mrs. Miriam Marcus Phyllis Marcus ** Barbara and Bill O’Hare William and Marilyn Paul Sheila and Barry Roche The Zerbian Family In honor of Dr. Eric Maskin Leon Levy Foundation In honor of Frances S. Mayhew for her 97th birthday Irv and Zipporah Segal ** In honor of Ellie McHugh Ben and Amy Shobaken In honor of Jesse Meril Gregory Casagrande Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Klimberg Kevin and Jacqueline Wyman In honor of Leta Moseley Anonymous (1) Ellen and Jay Hass In honor of the Moseley Family John Goldsborough In honor of Miriam and Coleman Nadler for their 50th Wedding Anniversary Irv and Zipporah Segal ** In honor of Marilyn and William Paul for their 50th Wedding Anniversary Phyllis Marcus ** In honor of Noah Ripper and Ray Ripper Carl Hirth
In honor of Becky Rutherford Nina and Neil Rovner In honor of Jack Rutkowski Jay and Patti Zubey In honor of Lydia Schulze Heide and Henry Ratliff In honor of Connor Small Mr. and Mrs. John Small ** In honor of Brian Spiecker Rozanne and Stephen Spiecker * In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Swain Susan Herold In honor of the therapists of Beaver Run Andrew and Esther Weintraub In honor of Ella Thomas Anna and Scott Thomas * In honor of Gerald S. Woods The Woods Family
Memorial Gifts In memory of Shakeya Blumenfeld Susan Blumenfeld In memory of Michael J. Boldin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Falci In memory of Dot Boyan Mrs. Miriam Lockhart In memory of Fannie Court Anonymous (1) In memory of Marilyn Csipkay Dr. and Mrs. Georgia Bill Stephen and Carol Goetz *** Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Ripper In memory of Ariel Dahlenberg Paula C. Bradley In memory of Kathleen J. DeCecco Friends of Tennis Addiction Sports Club In memory of Beth Domergue Sara Callander Stephens In memory of Jack Fineman Phyllis Marcus ** In memory of Janice Finkel Vivian S. Singer In memory of Sydney and Janice Finkel Lila Townsend In memory of John Gardner Betty and Millard Jones In memory of Sarah Jane Herman Anonymous (1) John Greene Judge and Mrs. Bentley Kassal Jack Nusbaum In memory of Morrie Huston Christine M. Huston In memory of Al Marshall Joseph Ganshaw
In memory of Elaine Meluso Art and JoAnn Lohsen Barbara Miedema David and Gail Wunsch In memory of Theresa McCardell Cheryl R. Rorke In memory of Allen Meril Ira and Nancy T. Benson Barry and Gail Bertiger Vincent Bruno Eric Fields Tori Franc Steven and Barbara Frimmer Stephen and Carol Goetz *** John and Peggy Guttilla Bruce Piekarsky Myrna Piekarsky James Walsh Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Kim and Finn Wentworth Ken Werner In memory of Shirley Rabb Irv and Zipporah Segal ** In memory of Anne Silknitter Elmer C. Pollock In memory of Tiffy Craig and Courtney Coffman *** In memory of Florence Warschoss Phyllis Marcus ** In memory of Anne and Raymond Weil Mildred and Norman Adler In memory of Denise Zacharias Anonymous (1) In memory of Beverly Zielke Vincent and Barbara O’Connor Matching Gift Contributors Amgen Foundation Asset Planning Services Bank of America Matching Gifts Chubb & Son Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Exelon Matching Gifts Program for Education FX Concepts GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program MDAdvantage Insurance Company of NJ MERCK Partnership For Giving SAP Matching Gift Program The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company LLC The Vanguard Group Foundation Verizon Foundation—Matching Incentive Program The William Penn Foundation The Williams Companies, Inc. Wyeth Matching Grants Program
Workplace Giving Programs Aetna Employee Giving Campaign AT&T United Way United Way of the Capital Area United Way of Chester County United Way EWAY United Way of the National Capital Area United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania United Way of York County In-Kind Donors Anonymous (1) ACAC Amani’s BYOB Greg and Annie Ambrose * Apricot Lane AR Woodstone Arden Theatre Co. Avalanche Salon & Spa Michael and Betsy Bacon Sarah Barr Michael Bartmann Kathryn Becker Theresa and Hank Beekley ** BENARI JEWELERS Ginny Bingham Blue Bell Country Club Bob Bowersox Toni Bowersox Anne and Rob Brigham Barbara Brigham Ed Bronstein Cabot Creamery Camphill Village Kimberton Hills CH&E Construction Marie C. Cirafesi ** Craig and Courtney Coffman *** Dennis and Amy Colannino * The Colbert Report Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Collins Country Porch Primitives/Martin’s Country Market Coventry Tea Room Restaurant Curious Parent Magazine Dean Design/Marketing Group, Inc. Devon Jewellery Shop Paul DuSold Dutch Wonderland Family Amusement Park The Eagle Gallery Eland Gallery Elite Hair Design Elmwood Park Zoo The Engraving & Awards Center John Ennis Keith and Melissa Epps *
Laura Kaderabek Eyring Scott and Janice Fleming ** Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freed Jennifer Fulton Frances Galante Tracy and John Gallagher * Amy and Warren R. Gleicher * Glenmorgan Bar and Grille in The Radnor Hotel Michaela Godshall *** and the Transition Program Fabric Workshop Rebecca Anne Goetz Fern Goldstein and Roger S. Begelman Elana Hagler Roz Heiko, Jewel Rose Design * Hershey Bears Hockey Club Elizabeth R. Higgins HomeCooked The Hotel Hershey Jennifer Hsieh Christine M. Huston The Inn at Canal Square Just-4-Fun DJ The Largent Family * Dr. and Mrs. Myungsook Lee Le Meridien Philadelphia Georganna Lenssen Kathy Levine Lionville Natural Pharmacy Elaine Lisle Longwood Gardens Ludwig’s Corner Hardware Ludwig’s Market/Mom’s Pizza Manhattan Theatre Club Jean Mateer-Gray The Media Theatre Mercurius MetroKids Magazine Nancy Bea Miller * Judith and Luca Missoni * Ms. Kitty Barker’s Pet Salon * Michael and Ellen Mulroney Carlton Noll and Marcia Amarnek *** People’s Light and Theatre Company Pepperidge Farm, Inc. Philadelphia Phillies The Philadelphia Zoo, America’s First Zoo Phoenix Cycles Barry and Jenny Pohorence The Primrose Inn (Cat, Phil, Chris, and Jack Cronin) Prosit Print Solutions Raven’s Claw Golf Club Red Robin Rivertown Magazine RoadID Colleen Robustelli
Aina Roman David and Melanie Scott Arlin and Dalene Seasholtz ** Seven Stars Inn Stuart Shils Singing Moon Farm (Hank Beekley Farm) Sly Fox Brewery Terrence and Kim Small * SportsWorks Spottery by Lynn Garner Darlyne Strickler Bob and Ginny Swain T.O. Epps & Associates ** Temple University Athletic Office David and Marie Thomas University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Valley Green Bank Village Optical Elizabeth von Isser—Creative Reflections Art Studio Wegman’s David and Mary Wheeler *** Whole Foods Market—Devon Katya Wieber Sandra and Robert Williams *** Elizabeth Wilson Windstream Communications Inc. Woodmere Art Museum Mr. and Mrs. Rich Yoegel Zachary’s Smile Unique Vintage Jewelry * Gifts and Pledges made to the Sharing Life and Learning Capital Campaign for the Transition Program at Beaver Farm through June 30, 2010 Anonymous (20) Florence Aaron Lisa Aaron Craig L. Adams Guy and Ani Alma *** Greg and Annie Ambrose * Ray and Rose Ambrose ** Lynn Azarchi and Steve Steinhauser Bethany Asplundh Scott Asplundh Eliza Drake Auth Seth and Sandra Bacon *** Dan and Beth Bargabos * Sarah Barr Betsey A. Batchelor Pete and Melinda Bauers Mary Beekley * Theresa and Hank Beekley *** Roger S. Begelman and Fern Goldstein
Mrs. Norene Benton Bernice J. Berger *** Mr. Marc Berley The Bieringer-Drake Family * Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bill Joseph I. Bishop Julie Blank Jeffrey W. Bloch Mr. David Bloom Mark Bockrath and Barbara Buckley Frank and Gail Boffa Bob and Natalie Bogert ** Stephanie and Michael Boldin * Dan and Joanne Borgnis * Bob Bowersox Toni Bowersox Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bowles Mary Ann Boyer and Chris Hall Carlyle and Suzanne Brakensiek Oskar and Adrienne Brecher Ed Bronstein Ms. Ava Jean Brumbaum Adrian Bryan-Brown and Joan Marcus Marc Bryan-Brown and Florie Seery * Susan and Chris Bryan-Brown ** William and Catherine Bucher * Anne Campbell Giovanni Casadei Christina Chang Joseph and Marie Cirafesi ** Craig and Courtney Coffman *** Dennis and Amy Colannino * William and Kathleen Coleman Steve and Leslie Connor Rachel Constantine Victoria Contino Kathleen Conway Danica Cordell-Reeh Valerie Craig Lisa A. Cron Shea Cronley and Jeff Reed Bob Culbertson Stephen J. Cummings * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cunningham Luise Custer Kell and Katherine Damsgaard Harriet and Howard Darvas Donald and Evalyn David Chip and Cynthia Davis * Cynthia Day Jane and Bob Dean Comte Jean-Marie Decazes Ellen Deer Kristine Deer Trine Deer Daniel and Joann Domanski
Robert F. Domergue * Joanne Dresner Michelle DuSold and Fredrick Ortega Paul DuSold Mr. and Mrs. Max Eisikovic Deanna and Larry Emerson Peter Entin and Barbara Janowitz Keith and Melissa Epps * Brian and Sandra Epstein * Larry Epstein ** Margie Epstein **
Frances Galante Tracy and John Gallagher * Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Garber Victor and Betty Gerstein Kathleen and Bruce Givner Amy and Warren R. Gleicher * Douglas and Linda Gober Michaela and Bob Godshall *** Jan Christopher Goeschel *** Stephen and Carol Goetz *** CDR. and Mrs. William H. Goetz
Laura Kaderabek Eyring Matthew Fassler and Amanda Greenfield Janet Faust *** Andy and Lisa Fidler * William T. Fitzmaurice Mary Flagg Thomas Fleming and Susan Riley Tim Folger and Wendy Weil Tim and Linda Frazier Rev. Leonard Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Gary Freidman Mr. and Mrs. Zoltan Fried Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence N. Friedland Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friedman Carl Frischling Mr. Robert Frome Robert and Dana Fuchs Linda V. Furst Marie Furst
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Goldman Karen Gordon and Frederick Cooper Dr. and Mrs. Martin Grant John and Barbara Graves Dennis H. Greenstein Susan and Bill Grindal ** Herbert and Rosemary Grove James and Kathleen Halligan Michael A. Halvorsen Deborah M. Hartnett Barbara Hathaway Deborah Hayes and Michael Finger * Gillian A. Hee Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Heller Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Herling Bill and Betsy Herman Mr. and Mrs. Howard Herman Garth C. Herrick Phil Herschenfeld and Linda Kastan
Leon and Lillian Hochheiser Jack and Bunny Hoffinger Sue Horne David and Allison Hunter * Christine M. Huston Michael and Susan Innocenzo Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Isaac Barbara James * Andrea and RĂźdiger Janisch ** Betty and Millard Jones Lee and Kathleen Jones Susan K. Jung Paul and Shirley Juniewicz Henry Kahwaty and Molly Dooher Christopher Kendall and Laura Battle Margo Ketchum *** Elysabeth Kleinhans Grace Knowles Jonathan Korein and Jane Abby Rovins Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Kramlich Charles and Kimberly Kupfer * Grant and Wendy Kvalheim Marianne and Chuck LaKamp William Lane Camilla Lange Tim and Nina Lannan Annette Laskaris * Caroline Law Robert L. Lawrence Ellin C. Leder David Lee Eliza and Charles Lee Larry Leib Mr. and Mrs. Alan Levy Gary L. Lighter, D.M.D., and Robert M. Amante, D.M.D. Christof-Andreas and Norma Lindenberg *** Norma and Fred Lipman Elaine Lisle John S. Livermore Peter A. Lobel Murray A. Luftglass Paul and Joanne Luksa Barbara Lustig Lucy Lyman David and Carol MacGregor Ian and Mary MacKinnon Sharad Madison Manfred and Ingelore Maier *** Tracy Mitchell and Blaze Makoid Allan and Janet Mantel Richard Marans John and Stacey Marko * Marianne and Joseph Marmora, Jr. Lou and Kathy Martinelli Eric Maskin and Gayle Sawtelle
Mary Matheis and Thomas Goodwin Elliot Matlin Lynette and Manuel Mattke David and Maura May Ed and Lisa Maynard Daniel McLoughlin and Dr. Mary Rogevich Carolyn E. Meadow Mr. and Mrs. Edward Megargee Leslie and Larry Meril * Mr. Pierre F. V. Merle Helene and Steven Miletsky and Family Martin Miletsky Mrs. Muriel Miletsky Randi Miletsky Jeffrey D. Miller Jonathan Miller Mary E. Miller Nancy Bea Miller and Paul Downs * Ranney R. Moran Lainey Moseley * Rick Moseley * Ann Mundorff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nicholson Steven Niemczyk Mike and Gail Ondo *** Michael and Virginia O’Neil Jo-Ann Osnoe and John Ennis Mr. Franz Ostertag Richard Oswald Arnold S. Penner and Madaleine Berley Ronald O. Perelman Mike and Joanna Pietrafitta Ursel Pietzner *** James and Beth Ava Porto Mr. Jeffrey Powers Adam Psichos Edward Pugsley, CPA Jon Redmond Chana M. Ringel Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Ripper Alison H. Rivin Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rivin Jonathan Rivin Mary Jane Roache Helen Ridenour and Morris Ems Dale O. Roberts Aina Roman Mr. Paul K. Rooney Timothy and Kathleen Rorick Victor and Suzanne Rosenzweig Stanley Roth Neil and Nina Rovner Sig and Doris Rutkowski ** Andrea Jean Sample Andreas Schad *** Mr. and Mrs. Dylan L. Schaffer
Suzanne Schireson Leo Schmidt and Melissa Bell John and Pat Schmitt Gillian G. Schoemaker *** Sarah Schreck *** Norbert Schultes *** Glenn Schunkewitz Caroline and Michael Seery James and Kathleen Seery Jerry Seinfeld Alan Shapey and Suki Han * Bonnie and Brent Sheldon * Mark Sidle Harold and Diana Siegal Fred and Barby Siegel Joan Siegel Joan S. Silverman, Esq. Pamela Sloan Terrence and Kim Small * Sue Smith and Wayne Zukin Karen and Richard Spears Lori Spector and Max Lang Anne and Claus Sproll * Fay Stanford Ms. Marie Stareck Allan Starr, Esq. Sara Callander Stephens Joan Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Stiefel Ian Stone Larry Stone Linda and Howard Strauss Edward Strong and Laurel Durst Veronica and Michael Stubbs Bob and Ginny Swain Joseph and Joan Sweeney Nancy Sylk Jonathan and Leslie Taylor Stuart Thompson Rebecca Thornburgh Edith and Joe Tobin Paula Toburen * Dean and Charlotte Toburen ** Lila Townsend Carla Tudor Alexandra Tyng Valley Green Bank John and Lynne Vassallo Ronnie and Pat Viera * Theresa and Randal Visintainer Amanda and Lawrence Vitale Bruce A. Waldman Mark Waldman Jay L. Wallberg James E. Walsh
Mary Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Watson Phyllis Weihs Linda and Harold Weinstock Glenn and Nancy Wenger Kim and Finn Wentworth David Werfel’s Family Andrew P. Wickey and Mary G. Notaro Walter and Diana Wilcox Mike Williams and Sue Delaney Elizabeth Wilson Reed and Bernadette Wilson Else and Bernie Wolf *** Mr. Steven Wolfe Mr. John R. Woodman Woods Family Kevin and Jacqueline Wyman Sheldon and Iris Wyman * Ellen Lander Yeoman Fiona Young and Ted Boinske * Susan L. Zeig Corporations and Organizations Asset Planning Services Camphill Village Kimberton Hills Carnevale Eustis Architects, Inc. Crestpoint CSI International, Inc. C. Erickson and Sons, Inc. Farkouh, Furman & Faccio, LLP Gerstein Strauss & Rinaldi LLP Hess Corporation Hutton & Solomon LLP IMAC JT Mullen Company Inc. Kliegerman & Joseph LLP Management Planning, Inc. Mana Products, Inc. Marks Paneth & Shron, LLP Marsh Valentine & Donohoe LLP Philips Brothers Electrical Contractors, Inc. Paul Restall Company, Inc. RETTEW RSM McGladrey, Inc. Shanholt Glassman Klein Kramer & Co. S.J. Harrison & Co. Triform Enterprises, Ltd. Whole Foods Market Funds and Foundations Anonymous (1) Camphill Foundation Russell H. and Lana H. Crawford Charitable Trust The Dearhaven Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey
The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation Inc. Logan Camphill Initiatives Fund of Camphill Village Copake Foundation, Inc. The Page and Otto Marx Jr. Foundation The Rosen Family Foundation The Spira Family Foundation Rudolf Steiner Charitable Trust Fund of RSF Social Finance The Strauss Foundation, Inc The Paula Vial Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund Wright-Cook Foundation Honorariums In honor of Sean Barnum Kathleen Conway* In honor of Jessica Bates Michael A. Halvorsen In honor of Taylor Bowersox Bob Bowersox Toni Bowersox Nancy Sylk In honor of Alasdair Bryan-Brown Anonymous (1) Laura Battle and Christopher Kendall Jeffrey W. Bloch Chris and Susan Bryan-Brown ** Matthew Fassler and Amanda Greenfield Herbert and Rosemary Grove Richard Marans David and Maura May Tracy Mitchell and Blaze Makoid Leo Schmidt and Melissa Bell In honor of Alasdair Bryan-Brown and Florie Seery Ann Mundorff In honor of Florie Seery and Marc Bryan-Brown James E. Walsh In honor of Florie, Marc, Angela, and Alasdair Bryan-Brown Tim and Nina Lannan In honor of Ryan Cummings Lee and Kathleen Jones In honor of Charles Domergue Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bowles Barbara M. Hathaway Michael and Veronica Stubbs In honor of Cassidy Hope Epps Keith and Melissa Epps * In honor of Brandon Epstein Margie Epstein ** Paul and Joanne Luksa In honor of Brandon Epstein and his family Sharad Madison
In honor of Brian Epstein for his birthday Margie Epstein ** In honor of Brandon Epstein for his graduation Gale and Steve Kohlhagen Reed and Bernadette Wilson In honor of Brian, Sandy, Brandon, & Kenya Epstein Barbara Lustig In honor of Julie Finger Deborah Hayes and Michael Finger * In honor of Michael Freeman Rev. Leonard Freeman In honor of Max Gleicher Harriet and Howard Darvas Hutton & Solomon LLP Martin Miletsky Mrs. Muriel Miletsky Randi Miletsky Steven and Helene Miletsky Linda and Harold Weinstock In honor of Warren R. Gleicher Farkouh, Furman & Faccio, LLP In honor of Bill Herman Lori Spector and Max Lang In honor of Bill and Betsy Herman Anonymous (1) Ms. Angela P. Abelow Joseph Caroleo Mimi Coleman and John Tower Pauline Dana-Sitzer Donald and Evalyn David Hon. Phyllis Gangel-Jacob and Mr. Bernard Jacob JT Mullen Company Inc. Allan and Janet Mantel Mr. and Mrs. Peter Obre Harold and Diana Siegal Ronald and Marion Stein Ian Stone Sylvia E. Toyos John and Lynne Vassallo Steven Wolfe In honor of Sarah Jane, Betsy, and Bill Herman Roger S. Begelman and Fern Goldstein In honor of Posie Huston Christine M. Huston In honor of Alexandria Laskaris Annette Laskaris * In honor of Elaine Lisle and Valerie Craig David and Carol MacGregor In honor of Jesse Meril Timothy and Kathleen Rorick
In honor of Leta Moseley Mary Ann Boyer and Chris Hall In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Swain Ed and Lisa Maynard In honor of Charles Tygiel Joanne Dresner Memorial Gifts In memory of Beth Domergue Sara Callander Stephens In memory of Sarah Jane Herman Anonymous (1) Ms. Angela P. Abelow Joseph Caroleo Mimi Coleman and John Tower Donald and Evalyn David Hon. Phyllis Gangel-Jacob and Mr. Bernard Jacob JT Mullen Company Inc. Allan and Janet Mantel Mr. and Mrs. Peter Obre Harold and Diana Siegal Pamela Sloan Ronald and Marion Stein Ian Stone Sylvia E. Toyos John and Lynne Vassallo Reed and Bernadette Wilson Steven Wolfe In memory of Morrie Huston Christine M. Huston In memory of Stanley James Margie Epstein ** In memory of Elaine Meluso Marianne and Joseph Marmora In memory of Laurie Meluso Marianne and Joseph Marmora In memory of Torsten Thimme Lynette and Manuel Mattke In memory of Jan Zuzalek The Bieringer-Drake Family * In-Kind Gifts Anstadt Printing Asplundh Tree Expert Co. Dean Design Marketing Group, Inc. *Parent **Grandparent ***Coworker or Staff
We close our annual report with a thoughtful and sensitive piece by Henry Swain, the eleven-year-old brother of Robert “Bar� Swain. Bar attended Camphill Special School for nine years and is a graduate of our Transition Program. His parents, Bob and Ginny Swain, have established High Spirit Community Farm in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, as a life-sharing community for Bar and other adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Bar also has a younger sister, Molly, a student at Boston University.
My Brother By Henry Swain
My brother is so very fun when we all go swimming Swimming, splashing, playing.
To create a place for him, and friends, Who had no place to go.
Other times it can be hard to live with him. He does not sleep well and he makes a great big mess.
He now works all day with a big green wheelbarrow.
He has moved from school to school, looking for a perfect match.
With a life and body like his
He found one called Beaver Run where others were like him
And I hope he has a very long time to live.
And he liked it a lot with a hand and a heart. He gave us all his love. We all felt it in one special part.
He is like the sun at times—happy and bright as can be
He did well, and worked all day in the barn,
He values most women, and pushes away the men.
Where horses, goats and chickens were abundant. From time to time he would come home for a week,
He has worked so very hard to live And I praise him now
And when he is not, that is OK with me.
When he hears the name Caroline, or Marsie, he shouts and smiles with glee.
And we were all exhausted.
His feet may be small, and his hair a big mess
But he was fine, and that was good, until he finally graduated.
But when it comes to him, I just smile and say,
We could not keep him at home forever,
That he is my brother and I love him lots,
But there was no place for him to go.
For the things he has done and the things he has not.
My parents and others had come together
1784 Fairview Road, Glenmoore, PA 19343 610.469.9236
Camphill Special School’s mission is to create wholeness for children and youth with developmental disabilities through education and therapy in extended family living so that they may be better understood and their disabilities moderated, that they may more fully unfold their potential, and that they more fully and meaningfully participate in life.
2009–2010 Board of Directors
Craig L. Adams, President / Warren R. Gleicher, Esq., Vice President Jeffrey Powers, CPA, Attorney, Treasurer / Claus Sproll, Secretary
Guy Alma / Brian Epstein / Jan Christopher Goeschel William C. Herman, Esq. / Eliza Carlson Lee, Ph.D. / Manfred Maier
Leslie Meril / Lainey Webb Moseley / Andreas Schad / Bernard Wolf Emeriti Ursel Pietzner / Raymond Ripper
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John awakens during an Extended School Year (ESY) camping trip.