A Drama
tic Year ANNUAL REPORT 2010–2011
A Dramatic YEAR BY CAROL GOETZ, Associate Director of Development & Annual Report Editor
I remember clearly the first theatrical production I attended at Camphill Special School seven years ago. I was new to the school and had much to learn. I recall feeling so surprised that the children performing before me, the children “with special needs” that I didn’t know very well yet, could do such a fantastic job.
I’ve learned a lot since then. I no longer am astounded when our students produce Shakespearean theatre, puppet shows, or musicals. I no longer am astonished at concerts and piano recitals. I now know that much is expected of our students and that much is achieved by them. I now understand how talented our students are, and I know and care for so many of them that my heart is full when they leave us. You, our many friends reading this Annual Report, provide us with much drama as well!
You support us, you attend our events, and you make everything that happens here possible, whether it is eighth graders producing The Merchant of Venice or the completion of a $3 million dollar capital campaign and the construction of two fabulous new buildings at Beaver Farm. As you read on I hope you will feel enveloped with warm appreciation and an overwhelming sense of pride that you are a fundamental member of the Camphill Special School community. Thank you.
Table of Contents
Parents of children
Board President’s message
Theatre arts are sound pedagogy, therapeutic, and fun
Drama essential for “seminarists,” too
11 Most ambitious capital campaign in our history SUCCESSFUL 13 Friends of the Sharing Life and Learning campaign 16 A year in the life of a community 18 Derivatives of drama: 2011 RED Barn Ball and ProAm Tennis Tournament 20 Plein Air for Camphill 21 Collaboration and cooperation: The Camphill Challenge bike event 23 Preparing curative educators is education for life 24 Volunteer details 25 Statement of Financial Activity 2010–2011 26 Our donors
Photo on Page 3 by Mhairi Schad, twelveyear-old daughter of Beaver Farm house father Andreas Schad
Parents of Children with special needs are blessed. Their hearts grow every day larger, softer. There is no armor, no shell hard enough but it cracks and in comes the painful sun.
There is no forgetful cave of sleep for them, no loud gestures from mountaintops, no scaling trees, no surety but a growing, steady wakefulness, an attention to simple leaves and how they gently hold the morning light: holding and not breaking. Poem by Laura Davies Foley. Laura is the mother of Nina, a 2011 graduate of Camphill Special School. To read more about Laura and her work visit lauradaviesfoley.com.
A Message From
Warren R. Gleicher President, Board of Directors
Warren will continue to serve on our Board of Directors. Max now is a member of the Heartbeet community, a Camphill initiative in Hardwick, Vermont.
Dear Friends of Camphill Special School,
The past year truly has been a dramatic one, not only for Camphill Special School and its students, but as the parent of a graduating Camphill Special School senior, for me personally, too. It is not every year that our School can say that it has erected a new building. In fiscal year 2011, however, Camphill Special School opened TWO new buildings! Silver Maple, a student residence, and the Sarah Jane Herman Education and Resource Center are fantastic new additions created to better serve our Transition Program students at Beaver Farm. These new buildings were made possible only by the successful conclusion of our Sharing Life and Learning capital campaign. How did all this happen? People like you, reading this annual report, made it happen. Amidst a tumbling economy and worries about the future, Camphill Special School’s hundreds of friends cast votes of confidence in our community and our students by contributing and pledging nearly $3.1 million to our campaign. Thank you. In my own family, it has been a dramatic year as well. In June my wife Amy and I, together with our sons Jonathan and Adam, watched our son Max graduate from Camphill Special School’s twelfth grade. Max was only six years old when he came to live at “Beaver Run.” It was a leap of faith for which there are no words. We simply wanted a better life for Max than we could provide for him at home.
Twelve years later what we believed to be impossible had happened: Max had become a vital and valued member of a community and had been given opportunities that we never dreamed of. His education sensitively addressed his needs for twelve years, and his life has been richer than we ever imagined it could be. In a very concrete way, my family’s narrative is representative of so many other stories. Through the years you, our friend and supporter, have made Max’s life possible, as well as the lives of so many other children. Thank you. Of course, part of our annual report’s theme is that true drama is part of every
Max and Warren following Max’s performance in his senior play, Damn Yankees. year at Camphill Special School! I know you will enjoy reading about this very important part of our children’s curriculums and lives throughout our Annual Report. It has been an honor and a privilege to be President of Camphill Special School’s Board of Directors in 2010–2011. I look forward to sharing the future of this extraordinary school and community with you. Warren R. Gleicher, Esq. Retiring President Board of Directors
Amy and Warren Gleicher at this year’s RED Barn Ball.
Theatre arts are sound pedagogy, therapeutic, and fun
By Becky Rutherford, Beaver Run Teacher and Member of the School of Curative Education & Social Therapy Faculty
Fourteen major productions in one year is an ambitious schedule for the most seasoned of theatre companies. Yet when the dramas, comedies, musicals, pageants, and puppet shows staged in our 2010 – 2011 school year are counted, Camphill Special School coworkers, staff, and students accomplished that and more!
The school year began with an allcommunity outdoor Michaelmas pageant. Soon afterwards sophomores began rehearsals to present one of three traditional medieval dramas always presented during the Christmas season. Before vacation the junior class also presented A Canterbury Christmas, another medieval tale, complete with a boar’s head on a silver platter! In mid-winter we were refreshed during our Mardi Gras celebration by a hilarious
production of Peter Pan. The senior musical Damn Yankees, complete with singing and dancing, delighted audiences, and a community pageant unfolded before Easter as everyone took turns as actors or audience members. Before we said good-bye for the summer, the eighth graders offered Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice and fourth graders presented the rousing tale of Thor’s Hammer. No one will forget those fearsome giants!
Haley was an awfully cute pirate in our Mardi Gras production of Peter Pan.
Elizabeth gave a stellar performance as Antonio in the eighth grade rendition of The Merchant of Venice. Our school year began with an outdoor Michaelmas pageant.
The senior class hit it out of the park with their presentation of Damn Yankees.
Even in their wild costumes, Ariel and Willie didn’t frighten anyone in Peter Pan!
Theatre is part of community life in other forms, too. Parents and volunteers sew costumes, assist in building sets and props, and help with all sorts of lastminute tasks. In our School of Curative Education and Social Therapy, a professional training course preparing curative educators of the future, Tina Bruckner guides students in the creation, design, production, and presentation of an annual puppet show and Norma Lindenberg directs them in a major production each year. Robin Kaip, houseparent in Antanor and our land crew leader, has made a tradition of writing and producing an original work each year.
All these performances reflect what we know to be sound pedagogy, especially for children with special needs. Our teachers continually seek ways to engage students, and history, literature—and even math!— can become more accessible through theatre arts. Movement and memory skills, language arts, focusing, following directions, and the retention and integration of content all can be addressed through drama, whether in carefully planned productions or spontaneous classroom moments. Beyond strictly educational applications, we know that the use of drama can address deeper issues. It is a sad reality that society can lock people with special needs into limited identities, and children often are described solely in terms of their relationships with a disability. This is the opposite of the holistic approach at Camphill Special School. Participation in theatre offers children opportunities to discover, explore, and develop many aspects of their personalities that are unrelated to special needs. As Hamlet tells us, “The play’s the thing!”
(L-R) Robin Kaip and John Pelletier in The Appointment.
Drama essential for “seminarists,” too By Robin Kaip, “seminarist,” coworker, house father, and playwright
It has become a tradition, for me at least, to write and produce a play for our community each year. I don’t remember how it got started, but I know it’s going to happen again next year! This year it was my pleasure and honor to work with six wonderful coworkers on the production of The Appointment, my play about seven quirky individuals who find themselves in a doctor’s waiting room expecting to see the physician. As it turns out, they all have died and need to resolve something from their past life before they can “move on.” Fortunately, one of the characters is clairvoyant and may be able to point them in the right direction.
It always amazes me how we, as seminarists and coworkers at Camphill Special School, manage to find the time and space in our busy lives to create theatre. Because there is so much else that must be done, this almost feels like an impossible “extra” that we are trying to accomplish. But somehow when it does happen, it is the most rejuvenating and rewarding experience. It gives us the fuel to continue doing what we are doing. It is an outlet as well as a source of energy, especially if it touches people and gives them something to take home and think about.
Editor’s note: Robin has been a member of the Camphill Special School community since 2006. He is from Munich, Germany.
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A view of the great room in Silver Maple, the new student residence at Beaver Farm.
Most ambitious capital campaign in our history
By Guy Alma, Director of Development
No one can say that undertaking the largest capital campaign in the history of Camphill Special School during an economic downturn, riding a roller coaster of anxiety and gratitude as we asked old and new friends to support our biggest building project ever, and living through the eventual construction of two fantastic new buildings at Beaver Farm was anything but dramatic! Last year I announced our Sharing Life and Learning campaign to build a new student residence and an education and resource center at Beaver Farm, home of our Transition Program for eighteen- to twenty-one-year-old students. This year I am ecstatic to announce the successful completion of that campaign.
Our entire school community extends its genuine, heartfelt appreciation to the nearly 600 individuals, corporations, and foundations that contributed and pledged nearly $3.1 million in support of our need to expand and enhance our Transition Program. Thank you. Last year I wrote that an anonymous foundation challenged us to reach the finish line by promising a 100 percent match if we could raise $140,000 more. This year I can tell you that our many friends answered that challenge, contributed the $140,000 we needed, and we received the fantastic $140,000 grant to complete our campaign. Last year I shared with you several architectural renderings of our new buildings and a photograph of an excavator and a huge hole in the ground. This year I am elated to share photographs of beautiful and functional new
Rob Williams, a woodworker in Hudson, NY, and the son of Special Education IEP Program Coordinator Sandy Williams and her husband Robert, created the beautiful new sign at Beaver Farm.
Students in our Transition Program created colorful tiles for the backsplashes in the residence and education center kitchens.
As seen from our fields, this is a cow’s-eye view of the rear of the Sarah Jane Herman Education and Resource Center, a nearly 11,000 sq. ft. building.
Silver Maple was the name chosen for our new student residence.
Taylor, a student in our Transition Program, carefully handles tiles destined to form kitchen backsplashes in our new buildings.
buildings with you, buildings that are making a difference in the lives of our Transition Program students every day. After holding our RED Barn Ball at Beaver Farm on June 3 (see page 18) we were thrilled to move into our new student residence, Silver Maple. There were times, I confess, when I thought we never would make that move. There was so much rain and mud last summer! I knew we would finish, however, when we had our “topping off” ceremony in December.
Over the summer we also moved furniture and equipment into The Sarah Jane Herman Education and Resource Center, named in memory and honor of Sarah Jane Herman by the Camphill Foundation. Sarah Jane was a student at our school thirty years ago and, sadly, died as a young adult. Her parents, Bill and Betsy Herman, have supported our School and the Camphill Foundation in the years since then. The Center includes beautiful new classroom and therapy rooms; a
If by the time you read this Annual Report you have not visited Beaver Farm, please visit us soon. Simply contact our Development Office at 610.469.9236 x131 to arrange a time. We will welcome you warmly, for we truly and deeply appreciate you, our friends and supporters. commercial-grade kitchen; pottery and textile workshops; a honey-bottling room; and a magnificent concert/performing space.
Friends of the Sharing Life and Learning Campaign Pledges, gifts, and bequests from the following individuals, foundations, and corporations made possible the construction and furnishing of Silver Maple and The Sarah Jane Herman Education and Resource Center. Thank you all from the bottoms of our hearts. Individuals Anonymous (20) Florence Aaron Lisa Aaron Craig and April Adams Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Adler Guy and Ani Alma *** Greg and Annie Ambrose * Ray and Rose Ambrose ** Robert and Kathleen Armstrong Bethany Asplundh Scott Asplundh Eliav Assouline Margaret Austin Eliza and Tony Auth Beth Ava and James Porto Lynn Azarchi and Steve Steinhauser Seth and Sandra Bacon *** Dan and Beth Bargabos Sarah Barr Michael Bartmann Betsey A. Batchelor Pete and Melinda Bauers Martha Bedell Mary Beekley * Theresa and Hank Beekley ** Mrs. Norene Benton Bernice J. Berger *** Ms. Madaleine Berley
Mr. Marc Berley The Bieringer-Drake Family Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bill Richard Bird Joseph I. Bishop Julie Blank Jeffrey W. Bloch David and Whitney Bloom Susan Blumenfeld Mark Bockrath and Barbara Buckley Frank and Gail Boffa Adrian Bogart Bob and Natalie Bogert ** Stephanie and Michael Boldin Dan and Joanne Borgnis * Bob Bowersox * Toni Parisi Bowersox * Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bowles Mary Ann Boyer and Chris Hall Paula C. Bradley Carlyle and Suzanne Brakensiek Oskar and Adrienne Brecher William L. Bricker, Jr. Ed Bronstein Ms. Ava Jean Brumbaum Adrian Bryan-Brown and Joan Marcus Marc Bryan-Brown and Florie Seery *
Susan and Chris Bryan-Brown Bill and Catherine Bucher * Ms. Angie Butler Erin Byrne *** Anne Campbell Nan and Buddy Carter Giovanni Casadei Randy Chaffin Sue Chaffin Christina Chang Grace Chang Joseph and Marie Cirafesi ** Mr. and Mrs. James M. Clark Craig and Courtney Coffman *** Dennis and Amy Colannino * Mike, Paula, Caitlin, and Michael Colarusso William and Kathleen Coleman Steve and Leslie Connor Rachel Constantine Victoria Contino Kathleen Conway Danica Cordell-Reeh Valerie Craig Lisa A. Cron Shea Cronley and Jeff Reed Stephen J. Cummings * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cunningham Luise Custer
Kell and Katherine Damsgaard Harriet and Howard Darvas Donald and Evalyn David Chip and Cynthia Davis * Cynthia Day Jane and Bob Dean Marla Dean Comte. Jean-Marie Decazes Ellen Deer Kristine Deer Trine Deer Robert and Colleen Dillon Daniel DiLorenzo Masato and Stephanie DiLorenzo Daniel and Joann Domanski Richard and Elizabeth Dombrowski Robert F. Domergue * Lisa S. Donnell Liz Dow Paul Downs and Nancy Bea Miller * Joanne Dresner and Jerry Linsner Michelle DuSold and Fredrick Ortega Paul DuSold Beth Eagen Mr. and Mrs. Max Eisikovic Deanna and Larry Emerson John Ennis and Jo-Ann Osnoe
Peter Entin and Barbara Janowitz Keith and Melissa Epps * T.O. and Elsie Epps ** Brian and Sandy Epstein * Larry Epstein ** Margie Epstein ** Laura K. Eyring James R. Fairburn Jane S. Fairburn ** Matthew Fassler and Amanda Greenfield Janet Faust *** Andy and Lisa Fidler * Samuel Finger William T. Fitzmaurice Mary Flagg Thomas Fleming and Susan Riley Tim Folger and Wendy Weil Timothy and Linda Frazier Rev. Leonard Freeman Gary and Carol Freidman Mr. and Mrs. Zoltan Fried Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence N. Friedland Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friedman Adele and Carl Frischling Robert and LouAnn Frome Bob and Dana Fuchs Ms. Linda Furst Mrs. Marie Furst
Frances Galante Tertia Gale and Elan Leibner Tracy and John Gallagher * Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Garber Victor and Betty Gerstein Kathleen and Bruce Givner Amy and Warren R. Gleicher * Douglas and Linda Gober William Godfrey Michaela and Bob Godshall *** Jan Christopher Goeschel *** Stephen and Carol Goetz *** CDR. and Mrs. William H. Goetz Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Goldman Fern Goldstein and Roger S. Begelman Mr. Neil Goldstein Suzan Mellinger Goldstein Karen Gordon and Frederick Cooper Michael D. Granoff John and Sally Grant Dr. and Mrs. Martin Grant John and Barbara Graves Philip and Carol Greene Dennis H. Greenstein Susan M. Grindal ** Herbert and Rosemary Grove Alyce Grunt
Laura Guerra and Tucker McCrady Dr. Yoel and Eva Haller James and Kathleen Halligan Michael A. Halvorsen Rebecca Harmer Joe Harris *** Burr and Susan Harrison Jeff and Kim Harrow Deborah M. Hartnett Barbara Hathaway Gillian A. Hee Joe and Kathleen Heenan Sarah Helduser *** Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Heller Steven and Kristan Hericks Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Herling Bill and Betsy Herman Mr. and Mrs. Howard Herman Garth C. Herrick Phil Herschenfeld and Linda Kastan Leon and Lillian Hochheiser Jack and Bunny Hoffinger David and Brenda Hollweger Sue Horne Dari L. Horowitz Mary Beth Hughes David and Allison Hunter * Christine M. Huston Michael and Susan Innocenzo Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Isaac
Barbara James * Andrea and Rüdiger Janisch *** William Jeffries Betty and Millard Jones Lee and Kathleen Jones Susan K. Jung Paul and Shirley Juniewicz Henry Kahwaty and Molly Dooher Allan A. Kassenoff Maria and C. Peter Kauzmann Bill and Jodi Keller * Eurydice Kelley Christopher Kendall and Laura Battle Margo Ketchum and Joel Bartlett *** Elysabeth Kleinhans Grace Knowles Gale and Steve Kohlhagen Jonathan Korein and Jane Abby Rovins Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Kramlich Kim and Charlie Kupfer * Grant and Wendy Kvalheim Marianne and Chuck LaKamp Jeanette S. Lamb ** Ron and Joyce Landon Bill Lane Camilla Lange Tim and Nina Lannan Annette Laskaris Caroline Law Robert L. Lawrence Monique Lazard Ellin C. Leder David Lee Eliza and Charles Lee Larry Leib Carol Levin * Jessica Levin Mr. and Mrs. Alan Levy Stefanie Lieberman Gary L. Lighter, D.M.D. and Robert M. Amante, D.M.D. Paul Lind and Sarah Schluep Christof-Andreas and Norma Lindenberg *** Patrick and Stephanie Linskens * Norma and Fred Lipman Elaine Lisle
John S. Livermore Peter A. Lobel Mrs. Miriam Lockhart Murray A. Luftglass Paul and Joanne Luksa Barbara Lustig Lucy and Ron Lyman ** David and Carol MacGregor Ian and Mary MacKinnon Sharad Madison Manfred and Ingelore Maier *** Allan and Janet Mantel Richard Marans John and Stacey Marko * Marianne and Joseph Marmora, Jr. Pamela Maroney Wade and Lee Ann Martin Lou and Kathy Martinelli Eric Maskin and Gayle Sawtelle Mary Matheis and Thomas Goodwin Elliot Matlin Lynette and Manuel Mattke David and Maura May Larry and Pamela Mayewski Ed and Lisa Maynard John McCaffrey and Eileen Fraker Mary McCoy Daniel McLoughlin and Dr. Mary Rogevich Carolyn E. Meadow Mr. and Mrs. Edward Megargee Leslie Meril * Mr. Pierre F. V. Merle Marilyn Meyer Helene and Steven Miletsky and Family Martin Miletsky Mrs. Muriel Miletsky Randi Miletsky Barbara K. Miller Charles and Mary Miller Jeff and Lisa Miller Jeffrey D. Miller Jonathan Miller Ottavio and Rosita Missoni ** Tracy Mitchell and Blaze Makoid Ranney R. Moran
Lainey Moseley * Rick Moseley * Corinne B. Moyle Ann Mundorff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nicholson Steven Niemczyk Heather Nugent Jack H. Nusbaum Christopher O’Donnell Sandra Olinger Mike and Gail Ondo *** Michael and Virginia O’Neil Victoria O’Neill Franz J. Ostertag Richard Oswald Sarah and J. Knox Pannill Michele Parsons Kim Pelkey and David Bushnell John and Mary Pellack Margaret and David Pellack Arnold S. Penner and Madaleine Berley Ronald O. Perelman Mike and Joanna Pietrafitta Ursel Pietzner *** Mr. Jeffrey Powers Liz Price Adam Psichos Edward Pugsley, CPA John Reagan Jon Redmond Melody Reid George and Melissa Reitnour Odie Reyes Helen Ridenour and Morris Ems * Haejin and Yongoon Rim * Chana M. Ringel Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Ripper Alison H. Rivin Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rivin Jonathan Rivin Mary Jane Roache Dale O. Roberts Anne and Eric Rodgers * Aina Roman Paul K. Rooney Timothy and Kathleen Rorick Anita Rosenbloom Victor and Suzanne Rosenzweig
Neil and Nina Rovner Sig and Doris Rutkowski * Abbey Ryan Andrea Jean Sample Bernard Sarkissian Andreas Schad *** Mr. and Mrs. Dylan L. Schaffer Suzanne Schireson Leo Schmidt and Melissa Bell Nancy Schmidt Thomas Schmidt John and Pat Schmitt Gillian G. Schoemaker *** Sarah Schreck *** Norbert Schultes *** Glenn Schunkewitz Rick and Cindy Scott Carol and James Seery Caroline and Michael Seery James and Kathleen Seery Jerry Seinfeld Barbara J. Shaffer Alan Shapey * Bonnie and Brent Sheldon * Dr. and Mrs. Robert Shively Mark Sidle Harold and Diana Siegal Fred and Barby Siegel Joan Siegel Marc Silberberg and Barbara Julius Joan S. Silverman, Esq. Pamela Sloan Terrence and Kim Small * Dana and Kathy Smith Sue Smith and Wayne Zukin Douglas and Claire Solonick Marvin and Geri Soroken Karen and Richard Spears Lori Spector and Max Lang Anne and Claus Sproll * Fay Stanford Marie E. Stareck Allan Starr, Esq. Sara Callander Stephens Joan Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Stiefel Ian Stone Larry and Holly Stone Linda and Howard Strauss Edward Strong and Laurel Durst Veronica and Michael Stubbs
William and Jennifer Sullivan Bob and Ginny Swain Joseph and Joan Sweeney Nancy Sylk Peter and Marlene Tattle Jonathan and Leslie Taylor Ron Taylor and Rev. Bobbie Taylor Stuart Thompson Rebecca Thornburgh Edith and Joe Tobin Dean and Charlotte Toburen ** Paula Toburen * Lila Townsend Jean and Raymond Troubh Carla Tudor Roman Tybinko and Helen Mangelsdorf Alexandra Tyng Daniel and Lou Ann VanDeventer John and Lynne Vassallo Ronnie and Pat Viera Theresa and Randal Visintainer Amanda and Lawrence Vitale Bruce A. Waldman Mark Waldman Jay L. Wallberg James E. Walsh Mary Walsh Daniel and Martha Watson Phyllis Weihs Harold and Linda Weinstock Glenn and Nancy Wenger Kim and Finn Wentworth David Werfel’s Parents Pilar White David Wickard Andrew P. Wickey and Mary G. Notaro David Wiesner Walter and Diana Wilcox Mike Williams and Sue Delaney Sandra and Robert Williams *** Elizabeth Wilson Reed and Bernadette Wilson Else and Bernie Wolf *** Mr. Steven Wolfe Mr. John R. Woodman Woods Family
Jacqueline and Kevin Wyman Sheldon and Iris Wyman ** Ellen Lander Yeoman Fiona Young and Ted Boinske * Susan L. Zeig
Bequests The Estate of Ann L. Brigham The Estate of Eileen G. and P. William Marshall
Corporations and Organizations Anonymous A. H. Schreiber Co., Inc. C. Erickson and Sons, Inc. Carnevale Eustis Architects, Inc. Cedar Grove Swim Team CSI International, Inc. Customers Bank D.H. Funk & Sons LLC Farkouh, Furman & Faccio, LLP Gerstein Strauss & Rinaldi LLP Hess Corporation Hutton & Solomon LLP IEI Group, Ltd. IMAC JT Mullen Company Inc. Kimberton Whole Foods, Inc. Kliegerman & Joseph LLP Mana Products, Inc. Management Planning, Inc. Marks Paneth & Shron, LLP Marsh Valentine & Donohoe LLP North American Capital Corp. Paul Restall Company, Inc. Philips Brothers Electrical Contractors, Inc. RETTEW Rogers Reunion Association Rowland’s Auto Body, Inc. RSM McGladrey, Inc. Shanholt Glassman Klein Kramer & Co. S.J. Harrison & Co. Tennis Addiction Sports Club Triform Enterprises, Ltd.
Valley Green Bank Whole Foods Market
Funds and Foundations Anonymous (4) Camphill Foundation Camphill Village Kimberton Hills Russell H. and Lana H. Crawford Charitable Trust The Dearhaven Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation Inc. J. Murray Logan Camphill Initiatives Fund of Camphill Village Copake Foundation, Inc. The Page and Otto Marx Jr. Foundation The Thomas E. Noonan Family Foundation Phoenixville Community Health Foundation The Rosen Family Foundation Rudolf Steiner Charitable Trust of RSF Social Finance The Spira Family Foundation The Strauss Foundation, Inc. The Paula Vial Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund The Joseph LeRoy & Ann C. Warner Fund Wright-Cook Foundation Roy J. Zuckerberg Family Foundation
Honorariums In honor of the Alma Family Brian and Sandy Epstein * In honor of Sean Barnum Kathleen Conway In honor of Jessica Bates Michael A. Halvorsen In honor of Taylor Bowersox Robert Bowersox * Toni Parisi Bowersox * Nancy Sylk In honor of Alasdair Bryan-Brown Anonymous Laura Battle and Christopher Kendall Jeffrey W. Bloch Chris and Susan Bryan-Brown Matthew Fassler and Amanda Greenfield Herbert and Rosemary Grove Richard Marans David and Maura May Tracy Mitchell and Blaze Makoid Leo Schmidt and Melissa Bell In honor of Alasdair Bryan-Brown and Florie Seery Ann Mundorff In honor of Florie, Marc, Angela, and Alasdair Bryan-Brown Tim and Nina Lannan In honor of Marc Bryan-Brown Dr. Yoel I. Haller In honor of Marc Bryan-Brown and Florie Seery James E. Walsh
In honor of Ryan Cummings Lee and Kathleen Jones
In honor of Michael Freeman Rev. Leonard Freeman
In honor of Charles Domergue Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bowles Barbara M. Hathaway Michael and Veronica Stubbs
In honor of Max Gleicher Harriet and Howard Darvas Hutton & Solomon LLP Mrs. Muriel Miletsky Randi Miletsky Steven and Helene Miletsky Linda and Harold Weinstock
In honor of Andy Elphick Anonymous In honor of Cassidy Hope Epps Keith and Melissa Epps * In honor of Brandon Epstein Margie Epstein ** Ellin C. Leder Paul and Joanne Luksa Mary McCoy Marvin and Geri Soroken In honor of Brandon Epstein and his Family Sharad Madison In honor of Brandon Epstein for his Birthday Margie Epstein ** In honor of Brandon Epstein for his Graduation Gale and Steve Kohlhagen Reed and Bernadette Wilson In honor of Brian and Sandy Epstein’s Wedding Anniversary Margie Epstein ** In honor of Brian, Sandy, and Brandon for Best Wishes in 2011 Margie Epstein ** In honor of Brian, Sandy, Brandon, and Kenya Epstein Barbara Lustig
In honor of Erin Byrne Brian and Sandy Epstein *
In honor of Julie Finger Deborah Hayes and Michael Finger *
In honor of Sarah Chandler Robert and Kathleen Armstrong
In honor of Julie Finger for her 13th Birthday Grace Chang Suzan Mellinger Goldstein
In honor of Warren R. Gleicher, Esq. Farkouh, Furman & Faccio, LLP In honor of Carol Goetz Craig and April Adams Betsy and Bill Herman In honor of William C. Herman Anonymous (2) Lori Spector and Max Lang Jean and Raymond Troubh
In honor of Sarah Jane, Betsy, and Bill Herman Roger S. Begelman and Fern Goldstein In honor of Posie Huston Christine Huston In honor of Wesley “Wes” Keller Dr. and Mrs. William Keller * In honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly Robert and Kathleen Armstrong In honor of Bill Lane Brian and Sandy Epstein * In honor of Alexandria Laskaris Annette Laskaris * In honor of Elaine Lisle and Valerie Craig David and Carol MacGregor
In honor of William C. Herman for his Special Birthday Carol and Phil Greene Dari L. Horowitz
In honor of Elliot Marcus and Karen Goldenberg for their 25th Wedding Anniversary Linda Weinstock
In honor of Bill and Betsy Herman Anonymous Ms. Angela P. Abelow Theodore and Rhoda Adler Mimi Coleman and John Tower Joseph Caroleo Donald and Evalyn David Pauline Dana-Sitzer Hon. Phyllis Gangel-Jacob and Mr. Bernard Jacob JT Mullen Company Inc. Susan K. Jung Allan and Janet Mantel Jack H. Nusbaum Mr. and Mrs. Peter Obre Harold and Diana Siegal Fred and Barby Siegel Ronald and Marion Stein Ian Stone Sylvia E. Toyos John and Lynne Vassallo Steven Wolfe
In honor of Jesse Meril Timothy and Kathleen Rorick In honor of Leta Moseley Mary Ann Boyer and Chris Hall In honor of Emily Pellack John and Mary Pellack In honor of Charlotte Rodgers Robert and Kathleen Armstrong Margaret Austin Randy Chaffin Sue Chaffin Marla Dean Daniel DiLorenzo Masato and Stephanie DiLorenzo Richard and Elizabeth Dombrowski Lisa S. Donnell James R. Fairburn Jane Fairburn **
Mary Tertia Gale and Elan Leibner William C. Godfrey John and Sally Grant Steven and Kristan Hericks William Jeffries LeeAnn and Wade Martin Larry and Pamela Mayewski John McCaffrey and Eileen Fraker Marilyn Meyer Barbara K. Miller Jeffrey and Lisa Miller The Thomas E. Noonan Family Foundation The Pannill Family Melody Reid Don and June Rodgers Nancy Schmidt Dr. and Mrs. Robert Shively Douglas and Claire Solonick Peter and Marlene Tattle Ron Taylor and Rev. Bobbie Taylor Daniel and Lou Ann VanDeventer In honor of Charlotte Rodgers for her 18th Birthday Amma and Papa In honor of Charlotte Rodgers and her Family Nan and Buddy Carter Sandra Olinger John Reagan In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rodgers Robert and Kathleen Armstrong In honor of Andreas Schad Brian and Sandy Epstein * In honor of Bob and Ginny Swain Ed and Lisa Maynard
Memorial Gifts In memory of Fran Court Anonymous In memory of Stan and Vi Custer Luise Custer In memory of Beth Domergue Sara Callander Stephens In memory of Gustav Eitelgeorge Joseph and Marie Cirafesi ** In memory of Sarah Jane Herman Anonymous Ms. Angela P. Abelow Eliav Assouline Mimi Coleman and John Tower Joseph Caroleo Donald and Evalyn David Hon. Phyllis Gangel-Jacob and Mr. Bernard Jacob Carol and Phil Greene JT Mullen Company Inc. Susan K. Jung Allan and Janet Mantel Laura and Tucker McCrady Mr. and Mrs. Peter Obre Harold and Diana Siegal Pamela Sloan Ronald and Marion Stein Ian Stone Sylvia E. Toyos John and Lynne Vassallo Reed and Bernadette Wilson Steven Wolfe In memory of Morrison Coates Huston Christine M. Huston In memory of Stanley James Margie Epstein **
In honor of Charles Tygiel Joanne Dresner
In memory of Jeremy A. Leder Ellin C. Leder
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Danny VanDeventer Robert and Kathleen Armstrong
In memory of Elaine Meluso Marianne and Joseph Marmora
In memory of Laurie Meluso Marianne and Joseph Marmora In memory of Torsten Thimme Lynette and Manuel Mattke In memory of Rose and Gus Tygiel Luise Custer In memory of Jules Tygiel Luise Custer In memory of Jan Zuzalek The Bieringer-Drake Family
Matching Gift Contributors Asset Planning Services Bank of America Chubb & Son Exelon Goldman Sachs & Company Sanofi-Aventis The Vanguard Group Foundation
In-Kind Donors Anstadt Printing Asplundh Tree Expert Co. Bob Bowersox * The Brickman Group LTD. Dean Design/Marketing Group, Inc. Eagle Gallery Woody and Susan Goldberg Joe and Kathleen Heenan IEI Group, Ltd. Louis and Tamsin Monnoleto Ben Reina * Parent ** Grandparent *** Coworker or Staff
A Year in the Lif JULY
So many 90 degree plus days! Thank goodness we have a pool AND a creek.
Cold clear nights are perfect for studying astronomy as tenth graders observe Jupiter with a telescope.
Construction of two new buildings at Beaver Farm begins.
Transition Program students create tiles for the kitchens in the new buildings at Beaver Farm.
School days, school days ‌ and Michaelmas, too.
As the days grow longer, fourth graders tap maple trees and trim goat hooves. And Beulah has three piglets at Beaver Farm!
fe of a community OCTOBER
Kindergarteners pick apples and make applesauce while second graders act out the story of Saint George and the Dragon.
A winning twelfth grade team presents Damn Yankees as their senior play.
Eighth graders conquer the wilds of New Hampshire during their KROKA adventure.
A field trip to the Reading Public Museum concludes the ninth grade’s study of world mythology.
As part of their studies of the medieval age, eleventh graders produce and present A Canterbury Christmas.
Who knew geometry could be so much fun? Sixth graders learn to draw with compasses in main lesson.
Derivatives of Drama:
By Courtney Coffman, Events and Volunteer Manager
Drama is derived from the Greek word for “to do.” Well, we could not have had bigger or better “to dos” than this year’s RED Barn Ball and ProAm Tennis Tournament! An astonishing 375 people gathered at Beaver Farm on June 3rd to dine, dance, and bid under the big white tent. Thanks to the diligent efforts of our effervescent Steering Committee—led by parents Amy and Bob McHugh—and numerous other volunteers, including emcee and auctioneer Robin Young of NPR, the evening was a huge success, garnering over $144,000 to benefit students at Camphill.
and ProAm Tennis 18 Tournament
The following day featured an exhibition match between ProAm founder Anthony DeCecco and Camphill house parent and teacher Andreas Schuschke. In what could only be described as a theatrical display of sportsmanship, Anthony edged out Andreas to take the win. Anthony also staged the ProAm’s first-ever tennis clinic for children of all ages and abilities. Of course, the ProAm Tennis Tournament had its share of drama when for the second year the championship match came down to a tie-breaker.
Stevie knocks one over the net.
Camphill ProAm Steering Committee Chairs RED Barn Ball Amy and Bob McHugh ProAm Tennis Tournament Anthony DeCecco, Tennis Addiction Sports Club Sponsorship Committee Amy Colannino Program Committee Christine Donohue and John Perham Auction Committee Toni Bowersox and Melissa Epps Ambiance Committee Tracy Gallagher Greg and Annie Ambrose Kim Elphick Sandy Epstein Heidi Frayer Stacy Jenkins Karin Kochis Sandi Kowalski Lisa Linder
Wasyl Manko Cookie and Joe Maranella Cindy Martin Kelly O’Byrne Emily Smith Marie Thomas Tara Wood Fiona Young
Sponsors Presenting Sponsor PECO Ace Sponsors Anonymous CSI International, Inc. David’s Bridal Bill and Betsy Herman New Jersey Feed Laboratory Major Cup Sponsors CH&E Construction The Sams of the Eleventh Grade Tennis Cup Sponsors Greg and Annie Ambrose Brandywine Valley Financial Services and Principal Funds Eagle Eye Associates
Brian and Sandy Epstein Pat and Linda Marion Amy and Bob McHugh Paul Restall Company, Inc. Tennis Addiction Sports Club T.O. Epps & Associates, Inc. Fiona Young and Ted Boinske Wild Card Sponsors Arthur Hall Insurance Brown & Brown of Pennsylvania, Inc. Calvin L. Smoker, Builder, Inc. Carnevale Eustis Architects, Inc. Stephen J. Cummings DC Electric Inc. Delaney & Scott, P.C. DH Funk & Sons, LLC Amy and Warren R. Gleicher Stephen and Carol Goetz Mike Guerrisi/Brickman Group IEI Group Dr. Morris J. Kauffman Maura and Kevin McLaughlin Otto’s BMW Prestige Color Dr. John and Linda Schoonmaker Ari and Abby Segal
Eighth graders Jeremiah and Elizabeth enjoying the RED Barn Ball with their teacher, Ginny Thimme.
(L to R) Chip and Cindy Davis, Lynn Garner, and Evan Evans. Chip and Cindy are Camphill Special School parents and both Chip and Lynn are employed by David’s Bridal, an Ace Sponsor of the ProAm.
Anthony DeCecco (L) helps Aaron to reach the ball in our first-ever tennis clinic for children of all ages and abilities. Isa (pictured R) practices his forehand at the ProAm tennis clinic. We so appreciate all the “pros” and “ams” who come out to play!
Plein Air for Camphill
For the second year Plein Air for Camphill attracted over fifty talented artists to Beaver Run and Beaver Farm. There they created art inspired by the dramatic landscapes, vivid blue sky, distinctive architecture, and active livestock. The pieces created were displayed and sold at the highly respected Rosenfeld Gallery in Philadelphia, with a portion of the proceeds benefiting our Sharing Life and Learning campaign for Beaver Farm. The gallery exhibition and reception on October 5, 2010, buzzed as family and friends of Camphill Special School raised nearly $11,000 for the campaign.
Plein Air for Camphill Committee Nancy Bea Miller, Valerie Craig Carol Levin Founder and Chair Danielle Kulicke Kim Pelkey
Carol Peterson Alexandra Tyng
Artist Rachel Constantine painting en plein air at Beaver Run. Photo by Nancy Bea Miller, Plein Air for Camphill founder and Camphill Special School parent.
Collaboration and Cooperation: The Camphill Challenge bike event
People of all ages and abilities enjoyed blue skies and fall foliage at the fourth annual Camphill Challenge.
In the true spirit of Camphill, the three Chester County Camphill communities joined to host the fourth annual Camphill Challenge on October 17, 2010. It was a perfect autumn day that attracted nearly 300 bicyclists to ride. The camaraderie was palpable as supporters of Camphill Special School, Camphill Village Kimberton Hills, and Camphill Soltane joined together to pedal five, ten, thirty-five, or fifty mile routes through the rolling hillsides and superb autumn foliage. Together the communities raised nearly $30,000, with over $11,000 benefiting Camphill Special School.
Camphill Challenge Committee
2010 Camphill Challenge Sponsors
Rick Moseley, Founder Ted Boinske Toni Bowersox Melissa Epps Philip Holland Kathy Levine
Founding Sponsor Valley Green Bank
Water Station Sponsors GoAway Travel Trinity Benefit Advisors
Pedal Sponsors Michael Benton Gear Sponsor Ted Boinske Kimberton Whole Foods Bob Bowersox Toni Bowersox Spoke Sponsors Paul Downs Carnevale Eustis Architects, Inc. Larry Friedman Comcast Interactive Media Iris Jennings Scott and Janice Fleming Ron and Lucy Lyman Inno-Pak LLC Kathleen Newman T.O. Epps and Associates Maimunah and Paul Querido Kevin Scoles
In-Kind Sponsors Power Bar RoadID SAG Provider Phoenix Cycles
Morn Thongsom, from Thailand, helping children to experience the life and times of Mahatma Gandhi during her student teaching block.
Preparing Curative Educators is education for life By Becky Rutherford, Beaver Run Teacher and Member of the School of Curative Education & Social Therapy Faculty
Young volunteers come from all over the world to be part of our Camphill Special School community. Those who are accepted into The Camphill School of Curative Education and Social Therapy enter a rigorous five-year professional certification program that can lead to a Bachelor of Arts degree. During these busy years the “seminarists” are involved in every aspect of Camphill life, developing skills and confidence. Parallel to this learning-through-life path, the program offers a four-year college-level, comprehensive curriculum in holistic special education. This unique approach integrates academics, art, and experience. An ongoing expectation for self-reflection
also threads throughout all the courses. This can be the most challenging learning path of all. It is a hands-on, hearts-on, heads-on education! During the third year of study, a student teaching practicum provides a seminal experience. Working under the mentorship of a class teacher, the seminarist must prepare and teach a two-week main lesson block. This is a time for the seminarist to draw on resources acquired from life and learning, integrating practical skills and academic content. This typically results in a wonderful experience for the children, too, as the novelty of a new teacher and fresh ideas and activities makes for a very lively two weeks! The student teacher often initially records anxiety and self-doubt in his or her journal,
but by the end of the practicum exuberance and joyful enthusiasm is evident. Just who is teaching whom here? Many of our recent graduates have assumed highly responsible roles in our Camphill Special School community. Most complete a bachelor’s degree. Some go to other Camphill communities, or perhaps find other destinies altogether. But all of those who have participated, even for just one year, consider it a lifechanging experience and an education that endures for life.
Volunteer details
John Gallagher, Camphill Special School parent, directs a group of Vanguard “United Way Day of Caring” volunteers.
Volunteers Individuals
1,892 hours
183 hours
539 hours
295 hours
Brickman Group Muhlenberg College’s Chapters of Sigma Phi Epsilon and Delta Zeta Muhlenberg College’s Class Council 2013 Vanguard
(L to R) Chris Bauers and Steve Cummings, parent volunteers, assist with a project at Rainbow Hall.
TOTAL: 198
donated Volunteer Committees Parent Campaign for the Annual Village Fund Cindy Martin, Chair Grandparent Campaign for the Annual Village Fund Dalene and Arlin Seasholtz, Chairs
By Courtney Coffman, Events and Volunteer Manager
From painting swing sets…to tutoring students…to chairing successful fundraising campaigns and events…to ironing in a student residence…to stuffing envelopes…volunteers make a huge—dare we say dramatic?—difference in education and life at Camphill Special School.
Muhlenberg College’s Chapters of Sigma Phi Epsilon and Delta Zeta after a hard day’s volunteering clearing brush!
2,909 Alumni Parent Campaign for the Annual Village Fund Emily Minor Smith, Chair Staff Campaign for the Annual Village Fund Tamara Sheen, Chair Parent-Staff Group Kim Small, Chair
hours to Camphill Special School…
the most ever!
Thank you, each and every one of you.
Statement of Financial Activity 2010–2011
Administration/Marketing $419,932
Auto, Special Services, & Misc. $226,987
Development $173,044
Insurance $787,174
Maintenance $276,046
84% Contributions $414,641*
operating fund. Our auditors’ report is available upon request.
7% Program Services contributions *Denotes made to the general
Program Cost $1,823,498
4% Operating Costs $483,283
Support AND Revenue
3% Other
Depreciation $626,488
Residential Program Cost $682,767
Staff/Trainee $1,355,534
Total Revenue $6,943,850
Total Expenses
Net Revenue
Our Donors
The 2010 –2011 year was a dramatic one in Camphill Special School’s development office as well:
• 1,000+ donors made contributions to our Annual Village Fund • Annual Village Fund goal (for general operations) met and exceeded • Sharing Life and Learning Capital campaign completed • Capital campaign goal met and exceeded • 550+ donors made gifts or pledges to Sharing Life and Learning
Eric Hoffer wrote that “the hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.” At Camphill Special School we believe we have mastered that arithmetic. We count each and every one of the following individuals, foundations, and corporations as a great blessing to our School. Thank you. Friends who made contributions of $25 or more, between July 1, 2010, and June 30, 2011, to our Annual Village Fund, special events, or our capital campaign are listed according to their cumulative fiscal year giving. Donors who made
only honorarium or memorial gifts to the Annual Village Fund are listed in those categories alone. Friends who made gifts or pledges to the Sharing Life and Learning capital campaign also are listed separately on pages 13 –15. It is our intention to honor and appreciate those who make life at Camphill Special School possible. While we have strived for accuracy, we occasionally make mistakes. Please call the Development Office at 610.469.9236 x131 to correct errors, omissions, or misspellings.
Anonymous Craig and April Adams Brian and Sandy Epstein * Fern Goldstein and Roger S. Begelman Joe and Kathleen Heenan Grant and Wendy Kvalheim Carol Levin * Ottavio and Rosita Missoni **
Guardians $10,000 – $19,999 Anonymous David and Whitney Bloom Ms. Angie Butler Amy and Warren R. Gleicher * Bill and Betsy Herman Eric Maskin and Gayle Sawtelle James Rosenthal Rick and Cindy Scott
Benefactors $5,000 – $9,999 Greg and Annie Ambrose * Bethany Asplundh Theresa and Hank Beekley ** Mr. and Mrs. Zoltan Fried Stephen and Carol Goetz *** Nancy and Barry Lefkowitz * Ed and Lisa Maynard Alan Shapey * Larry and Holly Stone Edward Strong and Laurel Durst Reed and Bernadette Wilson
$2,500 – $4,999
Anonymous Guy and Ani Alma *** Toni Parisi Bowersox * Heidi Bowman * Marc Bryan-Brown and Florie Seery * Mr. and Mrs. James M. Clark Dennis and Amy Colannino * Stephen J. Cummings * Chip and Cynthia Davis * Helen Ridenour and Morris Ems ** Joe Harris *** Michael and Susan Innocenzo Elysabeth Kleinhans
Marianne and Chuck LaKamp Manfred and Ingelore Maier *** Pat and Linda Marion Bob and Amy McHugh * Daniel McLoughlin and Dr. Mary Rogevich Robert and Ilene Moses Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nicholson Terry Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Ripper Norbert Schultes *** Bonnie and Brent Sheldon *
$1,000 – $2,499
Anonymous (4) Mr. Marc Berley Stephanie and Michael Boldin Dan and Joanne Borgnis * Bob Bowersox * Adrian Bryan-Brown and Joan Marcus Bill and Catherine Bucher * Scott Conking and Tom Wall Steve and Leslie Connor Shea Cronley and Jeff Reed Joseph Dworetzky and Amy Banse Keith and Melissa Epps * Keith and Susan Epstein James R. Fairburn Janet Faust *** Andy and Lisa Fidler * Sergey Fradkov Timothy and Linda Frazier Tracy and John Gallagher * Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gleicher Douglas and Linda Gober Jan Christopher Goeschel *** Chris Hall and Mary Ann Boyer Van Beck and Paula Hall Marc and Kathleen Hembrough David and Allison Hunter * Barbara James * Robert T. Kane Peter J. Korda * Kim and Charlie Kupfer * Ron and Joyce Landon Roger Lange Jill and Joseph Levy Paul and Joanne Luksa Lou and Kathy Martinelli Charles and Mary Miller
Debbie Nickles and Dick Strayer John and Mary Pellack Arnold S. Penner and Madaleine Berley Mike and Joanna Pietrafitta Alison H. Rivin Ted Sann Andreas Schad *** Anna M. Schmidt *** Carol and James Seery Ari and Abby Segal * Sabine and Perry Sichler * Joan Siegel Terrence and Kim Small * Karen and Richard Spears Anne and Claus Sproll * Allan Starr, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Taylor Hillel Tobias, M.D., Ph.D., FACP Mr. and Mrs. Dean Vanech Frederick and Gail Wallert Fiona Young and Ted Boinske *
$500 – $999
Anonymous (2) Christine M. Allen Mr. and Mrs. John Ambrose Ray and Rose Ambrose ** Eliza and Tony Auth Dan and Beth Bargabos Michael Bartmann Robert Bauers ** Mr. and Mrs. Michael Becker Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bill Mark Bilski Adrian Bogart Carlyle and Suzanne Brakensiek William L. Bricker, Jr. Anne Campbell Dennis and Barbara Carr Michael Chapman Cindy and Jim Chiariello * Joseph and Marie Cirafesi ** Beverly Cummings * Paul Downs and Nancy Bea Miller * Patrick Doyle and Catherine Dodge Smith * Margie Epstein ** Evan Evans and Lynn Garner Carol Ann Feiler Samuel Finger
Mary Flagg Scott and Janice Fleming ** Kathleen and Bruce Givner Margaret C. Greco Susan M. Grindal ** Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Heller Sherri and Eric Helt Philip and Patricia Holland * Christine M. Huston Andrew and Stacy Jenkins * Morris J. Kauffman, D.D.S. Ken and Eileen Konz * William and Marjorie Kriebel Jennifer Laconis * Jeanette S. Lamb ** Bill Lane Ellin C. Leder Jessica Levin Lisa and Matthew Linder * Norma and Fred Lipman John S. Livermore Barbara Lustig Ian and Mary MacKinnon Pamela Maroney Diane Marshall Cindy Martin * Dennis and Rachel McGonigle Maura and Kevin McLaughlin Janet Moore Rick Moseley * Jennifer Nilsen Carlton Noll and Marcia Amarnek *** Caroline S. Opich Michele Parsons John Perham and Christine Donohue * Kathleen and Michael Pickar Ursel Pietzner *** Marlene and Donald Pollock Mr. Jeffrey Powers Liz Price Ellen and Otto Rein ** Haejin and Yongoon Rim * Linda Ritter ** Jonathan Rivin Dale O. Roberts Anne and Eric Rodgers * Don and June Rodgers ** Anita Rosenbloom
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Rosendale Dr. John and Linda Schoonmaker ** Jerry Schwartz Beatrice and Michael Semo Ben and Amy Shobaken Marc Silberberg and Barbara Julius Kimberly and Don Smith Lewis DuPont Smith ^ Douglas and Claire Solonick Linda and Howard Strauss Bob and Ginny Swain Mr. James Thomas Dean and Charlotte Toburen ** Paula Toburen * Chris and Amy Tormey Elaine Trent * John and Lynne Vassallo Ronnie and Pat Viera Alexander Vollkommer Jody Weaver and Michael Guerrisi * Mike Williams and Sue Delaney Richard and Julianne Williams Else and Bernie Wolf *** Mr. and Mrs. Rich Yoegel Robin C. Young Gail Youngs
Anonymous (4) Mildred and Norman Adler James R. Alderfer John Baker and Christiane Hertel * Sandra and Robert Bauers Michael and Pamela Benton *** Tom and Kristen Bissinger Bob and Natalie Bogert ** Shelley Burtt and Donald Meltzer Lois Buwalda Erin Byrne *** Perry and Judith Cartwright David William Chester Master Ethan Cirafesi Craig and Courtney Coffman *** Ms. Jennifer Dechant * Kevin J. Doherty Joanne Dresner and Jerry Linsner Paul DuSold Doug Eckard
Kim and Andy Elphick * Laura K. Eyring Bob and Pat Fetters Thomas Fleming and Susan Riley Rev. Leonard Freeman Gary and Carol Freidman Robert and LouAnn Frome Seth Ginsberg R. Bonnie Glaser Robyn B. Gorman Michael D. Granoff Donald H. Green, D.D.S. Laura Guerra and Tucker McCrady Mr. and Mrs. Joel Handel Marsha and Ed Hill Steven Holm and Debrah Lee Charatan Mary Beth Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphreys Sheila and Julia Johns Allan A. Kassenoff Bill and Jodi Keller * David and Melissa Kelly Mr. Thomas and Dr. Annette Lambeth *** Annette Laskaris Michael Leifer and Murray Leifer Stefanie Lieberman Christof-Andreas and Norma Lindenberg *** Elaine Lisle Lena Maiorano Elliot Marcus and Karen Goldenberg Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Marcus Valerie Miranda Willard Moore Tammy and Tony Mueller Michael and Ellen Mulroney Jon and Kathleen Nuffer Enita Nurkic Christopher O’Donnell William and Grayce Pearce ** Kim Pelkey and David Bushnell Michael and Lauren Pires Aina Roman Victor and Suzanne Rosenzweig Abbey Ryan Paul and Dianna Schmidt Drew and Anita Schwartz Gilbert and Mary Jo Scott
Jennifer and Doron Segal Mr. and Mrs. John Small ** Dana and Kathy Smith Anita Soares Elizabeth Somers ** William and Jennifer Sullivan Kelly Tansey and Jeremy Good Andy and Michelle Toburen Roman Tybinko and Helen Mangelsdorf Alexandra Tyng Elizabeth and Skiddy Von Stade David Wickard David Wiesner Melissa and Miles Wilding Mr. Steven Wolfe Sheldon and Iris Wyman **
$100 – $249
Anonymous (12) Johanna Allston Seth and Sandra Bacon *** John and Cass Beacham *** Nancy M. Beacham Katharine P. Beals and David K. Musto Martha Bedell Mary Beekley * Boris Benic Byron and Lillian Berlin ** Anne and John Beystehner Richard Bird Susan Blumenfeld Beth Ann Bogert * Paula C. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Michael Budin Sharon and Peter Bugelski Robert and Suzanne Butler Carsten H. Callesen *** Robin A. Carney Jackie Case and Mark Redding Sonni Chamberland Steven Cherry Susan Cheyenne Yvonne Chireau Jon Cohen and Jody Hill Kathleen Conway Bob Culbertson Kell and Katherine Damsgaard Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeCecco
Steve DelBusso Robert and Colleen Dillon Daniel and Joann Domanski Richard and Geraldine Donohue ** Beth Eagen T.O. and Elsie Epps ** Larry Epstein ** Jane S. Fairburn ** Suzie and Tony Falci Andrew and Myra Fezza Laura Foley * Stephanie Denise Frame Samuel and Annette Freeman Larry Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friedman Adele and Carl Frischling Frances Galante Carole Gallagher Francine and David Gargano Roger and Pat Garrett Ross Gerson Michaela and Bob Godshall *** Rebecca Anne Goetz CDR. and Mrs. William H. Goetz Mr. Neil Goldstein Irene Grace Steve and Bonnie Grizzell Timothy and Maureen Halpin Lillian and Sy Harrison Jeff and Kim Harrow Barbara Hathaway Gillian A. Hee Sarah Helduser *** Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Herling Garth C. Herrick Carol Himes Harold and Bonnie Himmelman Leon and Lillian Hochheiser Mitch and Anne Huber Thomas and Nedra Huestis Michael and Francine Jacoby Andrea and Rüdiger Janisch *** Nella Jenkins Iris Jennings Christopher and Leslie Jones Luthian Joya Eurydice Kelley Joe Kelly Margo Ketchum and Joel Bartlett *** Ronald Kim
Sam and Nicole Koury Sandra Kowalski Camilla Lange Andrew and Tammy Larosa Caroline Law Monique Lazard Mr. and Mrs. Alan Levy Gary L. Lighter, D.M.D. and Robert M. Amante, D.M.D. Paul Lind and Sarah Schluep Michael Lipstein David and Maureen Lucchino Bill and Mary Ludford Lucy and Ron Lyman ** John and Regina Mapes Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maranella Judy Marburger *** Phyllis Marcus ** Nancy Markins John and Stacey Marko * Marianne and Joseph Marmora, Jr. Ann Marshall Wade and Lee Ann Martin Elliot Matlin David and Lisa Mattioni Jean and Dan McCoubrey Richard E. McGuire Mr. John F. McKiernan Michael McLaughlin ** Steve and Joanne McNaughton Rashidus and Belinda Mia Jeff and Lisa Miller Jonathan Miller Luca and Judy Missoni * Newton and Louise Monschein Marilyn Moseley ** Kay L. Muehlberger * David and Monette Nappa Monica Navarro Thomas and Regina Neilssen Sheila and Carl Nessen Kathleen Newman Eileen A. Noonan Kristen and David O’Brien Mike and Gail Ondo *** Victoria O’Neill Franz J. Ostertag Jane Parkes Margaret and David Pellack Barbara Penna and Gary Goldsmith Henry T. Petry
Anna Marie Pizzi Edward Pugsley, CPA Paul and Maimunah Querido George and Melissa Reitnour Odie Reyes Graham Robb Peter Robb and Marianne Hoffman Rogers Reunion Association Nancy and Rudy Rosenberger ** Frank and Greta Salmons * Bernard Sarkissian Dale Saul Leo Schmidt and Melissa Bell Thomas Schmidt Tünde and Andreas Schuschke *** Irv and Zipporah B. Segal ** Steve Seide Joseph and Jane Shovlin Joan S. Silverman, Esq. Emily Minor Smith Samuel and Elizabeth Smith Howard and Gloria Soloway ** Joe and Joan Spiecker Rozanne and Stephen Spiecker * Fay Stanford Marie E. Stareck Ralph Stettenbauer Gary and Darlyne Strickler Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Swain Joseph and Joan Sweeney PJ and Amy Sylvester Sharon Taylor Rebecca Thornburgh Alice Toss ** Sylva E. Toyos Carla Tudor Theresa and Randal Visintainer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vollkommer ** Mark Waldman The Wang Family Shelly L. Washington Thomas F. Weil Glenn and Nancy Wenger David Werfel’s Parents David and Mary Wheeler *** Pilar White Christina and Basil Williams Dina and Eric Winter Barbara Wolf and Jerry Fine ** David and Carolyn Woodall Mr. John R. Woodman
Raymond and Jennifer Wynman Dave and Trudy Yannaccone ** Ellen Lander Yeoman William and Velvalee Young ** Mr. Adolph Zielke **
Anonymous (8) Florence Aaron Lynne Andersson Linda Baker Carl A. Balestracci, Jr. Dru Bates * Scott Beisel Jeffrey and Robin Belack Mrs. Norene Benton Bernice J. Berger *** Gregory Berlin Edythe T. Bernstein ** The Bieringer-Drake Family Al Bixler Leon and Mary Bixler William Earl Brecher Dave and Wendy Brewer Colin Brigham Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Brownstein Tina and Peter Bruckner *** Mark Bucci Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Burgess Christina Caparelli Constance S. Carlson Joseph A. Caroleo Colleen Christian and Courtland Schmidt Mary Anne and Bill Clausen ** Tiffany Clement Karol Collins John Cromwell Alan Curran Letty Lee Dahme Kathy Dailey Geralyn Dal Balcon Scott Dechant * Kristine DeMarco Dennis Devitis Larry Dodds Debbie and Keith Dorn Liz Dow Ellen and Franklin Edwards ** Michael Epps
Charlotte Fassett George and Victoria Ferreboeuf Shanlee Fisher Todd and Marcia Fleming Kathy Flores William Flynn Ashley Forsyth Barry Frankenfield Beth Fratantoni Frederick C. and Heidi V. Frayer * Joyce R. Fuerman Elizabeth Gaboriault Ricardo Garavito Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Garber Marjie Gill Joseph Goetz and Meghann Ellis Glenn and Margaret Gomba Karen Gordon and Frederick Cooper Edward and Bernice Gorka Hella Gradman and Seymour Buchine Alyce Grunt Rebecca Harmer Burr and Susan Harrison Joyce Hastings ** Ron Hess Carol A. Hill * Peggy Hirt *** Carl Hirth John M. Hoffman Robert Hogan David and Brenda Hollweger Elaine and Harvey Holtz David and Nancy Horne Sue Horne Dr. Roz Heiko and Dr. David Horowitz * Daniel L. Horwath Michael Johnson and Domenico DiMiceli Betty and Millard Jones Mary Ann Kaiser Jay and Dawn Karlyn Mary S. Kaufmann Richard and Barbara Kennedy Carol Kolimago Trudy Korda ** Jeff Krieger Charles Kruelle Linda J. Landell **
David Lee Larry Leib Kathy Levine and Steve Taub Cindy and Robert Lichtstein Patrick and Stephanie Linskens * Bradley Lloyd Joyce and Gerry LoDolce Connie Ludwig Sally MacDonald *** Jill Maher Mike Maher Maureen Maksimoski Mark Mango John McCaffrey and Eileen Fraker Anne-Marie McMahon and Regy Varghese * Frank McMahon Janet L. Miller Sarah Monte Tim, Amber, Maeve, and Cormac Moran Lainey Moseley * Corinne B. Moyle Alison and Zandy Nalle Tony and Kate Nasuti Scott Newcomer Heather Nugent Allan Paguio The Palleschi Family Marie Piccininni Viola Pitts Elmer C. Pollock Dr. Doris Purdom Bill and Leslie Rahling Claire Ream Peter Reed Chris Rider Lemuel Rogers Joel and Jody Rosenblatt Sanae Ross Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Saacks Louise Saruk Debra Sauerwald Janet Schucker Kevin Scoles David and Melanie Scott Arlin and Dalene Seasholtz ** Alex Seldin Barbara J. Shaffer Beth Shapiro Mark and Ginny Siegle
Jim Simpson Joseph F. and Theresa E. Smith ** William Spiegelberg Brandon States Bev Stuart Juniper Sundance Dolores C. Swarm Shirley and Robert Teets ** Anna and Scott Thomas * Lisa Kramer Torop Lila Townsend Maureen Tracy *** Marilyn Trosten ** Ann D. Trudell Rob and Tomomi Trudell Valentina Ulitin Joanne Vilaghy and Tom Buckner Ronald Wagner Gary Wessner Sandra and Robert Williams *** Albert Wong Connie Woodberry Philomela Wyble Thomas Yenchick Alyson Zarro Dean Zigoris Wayne Zukin and Sue Smith
Bequests The Estate of The Rev. Roddey Reid, Jr.
Corporations and Organizations Anonymous (2) A. H. Schreiber Co., Inc. Applied Testing & Geosciences, LLC Arthur Hall Insurance Brandywine Valley Financial Services, LLC The Brickman Group LTD Brown & Brown of PA, Inc. CALECO Calvin L. Smoker Builder, Inc. Camphill Village Kimberton Hills Carnevale Eustis Architects, Inc. C. Erickson and Sons, Inc. Cedar Grove Swim Team CH&E Construction
Champion Garage Management Corp. Comcast Interactive Media LLC Commonwealth Center for Anthroposophy CSI International, Inc. Customers Bank David’s Bridal, Inc. DC Electric, Inc. Dean Design/Marketing Group, Inc. D.H. Funk & Sons, LLC Delaney & Scott, P.C. Eagle Eye Associates Employees Association of Exelon Nuclear’s Limerick Generating Station The GST Group Horizon Services PA IEI Group, Ltd. Independence Advisors, LLC Inno-Pak LLC Jacques M. Levy & Co. LLP Kimberton Whole Foods, Inc. Lakestar Properties LLC Learning Allegro Management Planning, Inc. Marks Paneth & Shron, LLP Melick-Tully & Associates, P.C. MO Industries, LLC National Penn Bank New Jersey Feed Laboratory, Inc. North American Capital Corp. Optima Computer & Training Services, Inc. Organic Unlimited, Inc. Otto’s BMW Paul Restall Company, Inc. Paxson Lightning Rods, Inc. PECO Energy An Exelon Company Philips Brothers Electrical Contractors, Inc. PreDoC, Inc. Prestige Color Principal Funds RETTEW Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco Rowland’s Auto Body, Inc. Sacks Press & Lacher, P.C. Sataloff Transportation Consultants, Inc. Scotese Builders, LLC
Select Security Shanholt Glassman Klein Kramer & Co. S.J. Harrison & Co. Social Action and Missions Committee of Community Church of Cedar Grove Superior Plus Energy Services Tennis Addiction Sports Club Therapy Source, Inc. T.O. Epps & Associates, Inc. Valley Green Bank Vic’s Refrigeration & Appliance Service Weather Seal Services The Westover Companies The Xi Iota Chapter of Delta Zeta
The Paula Vial Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund The Joseph LeRoy & Ann C. Warner Fund Wright-Cook Foundation Roy J. Zuckerberg Family Foundation
Funds and Foundations
In honor of Taylor Boyd Bob and Dana Fuchs
Anonymous (2) The Ark Foundation Camphill Foundation Colbert Family Fund of Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina The Gettinger Family Foundation Hankin Foundation Hollenbach Family Foundation, a fund of the Chester County Community Foundation Jephson Educational Trust Landon Family Foundation The Page and Otto Marx Jr. Foundation The Thomas Noonan Family Foundation Phoenixville Community Health Foundation Quaker City Foundation The Rosen Family Foundation Siemens Caring Hands Foundation The Hoxie Harrison Smith Foundation E. Newbold & Margaret duPont Smith Foundation W. W. Smith Charitable Trust Rudolf Steiner Charitable Trust Fund of RSF Social Finance John Templeton Foundation
Honorariums In honor of Guy Alma Neil and Nina Rovner In honor of Isabella Bispham Natalie and Robert Bogert ** In honor of Jackson Boinski Independence Advisors, LLC Bob and Liz Kramer
In honor of Alasdair Bryan-Brown Beth Ava and James Porto In honor of Marc Bryan-Brown and Florie Seery for their good works and good life Anonymous In honor of Marc, Florie, and Alasdair Bryan-Brown Leo Schmidt and Melissa Bell In honor of Adam Colannino Rose and Tony DeLuca In honor of Chris Cronin Mary Cronin and John Esposito In honor of Ryan Davis Stephen and Laurene Frederick In honor of Sue Delaney— Celebration of Life Katherine Martinelli In honor of Delta Zeta Alexa Rosenberg In honor of Aurora DeLuca Photography Joshua Walker In honor of Nicholas Dobbs Anonymous
In honor of Henry Downs and his Family J. Anthony Downs and Jin-Kyung Kim In honor of Mark Egan Betty Schrohe In honor of Cassidy Epps Andrew, Tara, Mackenzie, and Luke Hanlon Carole and Frank Ortner In honor of Melissa Fleming Epps and her Family Jennifer Coccodrilli In honor of Brandon Epstein Anonymous Cora Alameda Gary and Barbara Arnold Patti and Jack Balch Jacqueline Belzman Sandra and Paul Bergelson Beverly Beyeler Joseph and Janice Biggs Nancy M. Bradley Karen Brody Anita Catlin Meisue Chou Brenda Couret Myrna David Alice Delvecchio John and Annette Devine Meredith Devine James and Jacqueline Ditmer Donna L. Fertel Natalie Fisherman Janice and J. Patrick Fitzpatrick Joyce Flores Marlene Frappia Rachel Friedman Patricia and Steven Garavaglia Joseph and Barbara Getz Douglas and Myra Gildenberg Richard and Carol Gilpin Daniel and Caryl Greenberg Lindsey Harkins Carolyn and Edward Harley Jacqueline Harris Susan and Harald Ilg Annette and Bernard Jacobs Gary and Bonnie Kudwitt
Miriam Ladrigan Marlene A. Leal Norma and Fred Lipman Gina D. Loveland Barbara Lustig Nancy L. McGregor K. Merritt Donna Montague Helen E. Naftali Linda A. Niro Statia and Michael O’Neill Martha Pastcan Betty P. Paul Cheryl and Andrew Plaine Donna and Eduardo Rabadan Gloria and Don Reed Rosalie and Herman Rosenbaum Jonathan Rudd and Maria Esposito Dara and Martin Shuhandler Ollie M. Smith Ruby A. Snyder Karen and Richard Spears Maureen Stephenson Roberta and Carl Swanson Arline S. Thomas Valentina Ulitin Edwina Walsh Mae and Jerry Warren Arlene and Glenn Webb Phyllis and Leon Weinstein Robin and John Worthington Kimberly Yukolis In honor of Brandon Epstein’s 20th Birthday Anonymous In honor of Brian Epstein Anne and Debbie Percelay In honor of Brian Epstein for his Birthday Kathy and Ernie Guiles In honor of Brian, Sandy, Brandon, and Kenya Epstein for Christmas Lesa Ross In honor of Brian and Sandy Epstein for their Birthdays Margie Epstein **
In honor of Keith Epstein for his Birthday Lesa Ross In honor of Larry Epstein for his 80th Birthday Lesa Ross In honor of Margie Epstein for her 75th Birthday Barbara Lustig In honor of Chris Fairbanks Helen Ridenour and Morris Ems ** In honor of Vickie Farber Zipporah and Irv Segal ** In honor of Janet Faust Steve and Carol Goetz *** In honor of Braden Fidler Master Ethan Cirafesi Andrew and Lisa Fidler * David Fusco Michael and Lauren B. Pires
In honor of Max Gleicher for his Graduation Anonymous Phyllis Marcus **
In honor of Karen and Elliot Marcus’ 25th Wedding Anniversary Linda Weinstock
In honor of Carol Goetz Jean and Roger Temple
In honor of Brendan, Julie, and Nadia Marzano Lauren Gauthier – Red Dirt Girl Photography
In honor of Aaron Herbert James Herbert and Lynn Brandsma In honor of William C. Herman Anonymous Lubna Abu-Osba Allan Bahn and Lori Pollan Adam Glazer Scott Litner Paul K. Rooney
In honor of Dr. Eric Maskin Betty W. Greenberg
In honor of William C. Herman on his 75th Birthday Stephen and Carol Goetz ***
In honor of Jesse Meril Gregory F. Casagrande Jacqueline and Kevin Wyman
In honor of Braden Fidler for his Birthday The Dean Family
In honor of Bill and Betsy Herman Judge and Mrs. Bentley Kassal Victoria T. Kilburn Pamela Sloan John A. Vassallo
In honor of Julie Finger for her 13th Birthday Samuel Finger
In honor of Sarah Jane, Betsy, and Bill Herman Linda and Howard Strauss
In honor of Elizabeth Flynn Shirley and Robert Teets **
In honor of Oliver Holland Ann D. Trudell
In honor of Victoria Francis Tom and Kimberly Francis *
In honor of the Holland Family Rob and Tomomi Trudell
In honor of Dillon Freeman Samuel and Annette Freeman
In honor of Marcus Jenkins and his Family Carol Guber
In honor of Emily Gallagher Carole Gallagher In honor of Emily Gallagher for her 8th Grade Graduation Anonymous In honor of Max Gleicher Lila Townsend In honor of Max Gleicher for his Birthday Phyllis Marcus **
In honor of Alan and Miriam Kane on becoming GreatGrandparents of Twin Girls Irv and Zipporah B. Segal ** In honor of John and Cheryl Lappetito Brian and Sandy Epstein * In honor of Allan Mantel Maria Lehman
In honor of Ellie McHugh Janet Schucker Steven M. Seide In honor of Seth Mendelow David N. Brenner
In honor of Leta Moseley Shantih Brando and Daniel Taylor Robert and Nancy Elfant Jeffrey and Jennifer Kolff Rob MacRae Akida Stephens Urban Athlete LLC In honor of Leta Moseley and her Family Kit Hall In honor of Jennifer Nilsen James J. Broussard In honor of Jenny and Barry Pohorence Brian and Sandy Epstein * In honor of Kathleen E. Rahling Elizabeth Somers In honor of Ray and Noah Ripper Thomas and Nedra Huestis In honor of Rudy Rosenberger for his 80th Birthday The Over the Hill Gang In honor of Melanie Sabra and Nicky Smith David Werfel’s parents
In honor of Zachary Segal for his 13th Birthday Margie and Scott Pfeffer and Family In honor of Brian Spiecker Joe and Joan Spiecker In honor of the Staff at Camphill Special School Regine Moulton Kay L. Muehlberger In honor of Charles Tygiel Joanne Dresner and Jerry Linsner In honor of John Vassallo Edward and Carol Sacks In honor of Alexander Vollkommer Robert Vollkommer *
Memorial Gifts In memory of Lee Ames Phyllis Marcus ** In memory of Geraldine Barry Kevin and Ginny Barry Pete and Melinda Bauers Henry and Virginia Chin Jack and Linda Chin Gertrude Dougherty Intensive Care Nursery Staff at Crozer Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Orlando In memory of Shakeya Blumenfeld Susan Blumenfeld In memory of Jacquie Brown’s brother Irv and Zipporah B. Segal ** In memory of Mrs. Fran Court Anonymous In memory of Beth Domergue Nancy T. Tornga In memory of Marie T. Fleming Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bill Kathy Dailey Christine Bowie Dove Antoinette Fisch
Stephen and Carol Goetz *** Lynne and Joe Goss D. P. Kingsley Viola Pitts In memory of Lillian Goldberg Richard and Mindy Goldstein In memory of Mimi Grimes Irv and Zipporah B. Segal ** In memory of Mollie and Lawrence Hauptman David M. Hauptman In memory of Sarah Jane Herman Ms. Linda Furst Mrs. Marie Furst Allan and Janet Mantel In memory of Edwin Liss Phyllis Marcus ** In memory of Theresa McCardell Cheryl R. Rorke In memory of the Meluso Family Anonymous In memory of Irene Ney Ernest and Gretel Posner In memory of Jane C. Pires and Janice Pires Miller Edmund M. Pires, Sr. In memory of James Rein Ellen and Otto Rein ** Paul Wernoch In memory of Shirley Schwartz Anonymous Leon and Mary Bixler Central Presbyterian Church Central Working Guild Jeffrey and Diane Coltrain Rebecca and Parry Desmond Regina Entorf Tracy and John Gallagher * Stephen and Carol Goetz *** Linda and Ken Gutshall Brian and Rosemary Hall Jeanne A. Hanache, M.D. Walter and Mary Alice Kottmeyer
Lachall, Cohen, & Sagnor Robert and Ann Latoff Order of the Eastern Star – Cressona Chapter #367 James and Ruth Patterson Peter Patukas George and Ellen Purcell Eileen Schafer Paul and Rae Schafer Janet Schucker Anita and Drew Schwartz Ben and Amy Shobaken Lois and Dick Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tranchitella Dr. and Mrs. Nenito P. Uy Eileen and Bob Walton Howie Wolf and Rose Pierro Mary E. Woodward In memory of Jennifer Shellow Irv and Zipporah B. Segal ** In memory of Harry Theis Lesa Ross In memory of Ernest Toss Robert McEnery Marie Piccininni Ann Stewart In memory of George Woods John and Pat Fiorella Miriam G. Flynn The GST Group Linda R. Keyek Janet Moore Boyd Mudra Janet C. Pyewell Peter and Barbara Ramsay Robert K. Smith Tracy Smith In memory of Barbara Yannaccone Charles and Linda Osiecki Dave and Trudy Yannaccone ** In memory of Beverly Young The Borgnis Family In memory of Denise Zacharias Francine and David Gargano
In memory of Beverly Zielke Anonymous
Matching Gift Contributors Aetna Foundation, Inc. Chubb & Son CIGNA Matching Gifts Program Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Exelon Matching Gifts for Education MDAdvantage Insurance Company of NJ MERCK Partnership for Giving Sanofi-Aventis SAP Matching Gift Program The Vanguard Group Foundation Verizon Foundation The Williams Companies, Inc.
Workplace Giving Programs Aetna Employee Giving Campaign America’s Charities AT&T United Way United Way of the Capital Area United Way of Central and Southeastern Connecticut United Way of Chester County United Way of Frederick County, Inc. United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania United Way TriState United Way of York County
In-Kind Donors Anonymous (6) ACAC Craig and April Adams Guy and Ani Alma *** Nancy Altman Greg and Annie Ambrose * American Girl American Helicopter Museum & Education Center Apricot Lane Boutique Art of Massage
Eliza and Tony Auth Susan Bankert Sarah Barr John and Cass Beacham *** Michael and Pam Benton *** Ned and Lisa Berry Marsha Bove Bob Bowersox * Toni Parisi Bowersox * Brandywine River Museum The Brickman Group LTD. Barbara Brigham Jennifer Burton Ann Cardonick Giovanni Casadei Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr. Chubb Group of Insurance Companies Marie Cirafesi ** Craig and Courtney Coffman *** Dennis and Amy Colannino* The Colbert Report Colonial Theatre Rachel Constantine Coventry Tea Room Restaurant Beverly Cummings * The Desmond Hotel Doc Magrogran’s Oyster House Dunlop Sports Group America Dutch Wonderland Eagle Center for Learning Elite Hair Design The Engraving & Awards Center John Ennis and Jo-Ann Osnoe Keith and Melissa Epps * Brian and Sandy Epstein * Exton Vision Center Laura K. Eyring Scott and Janice Fleming ** Leanna and Brenna Foster * Frances Galante Tracy and John Gallagher * Congressman Jim Gerlach Jan Christopher Goeschel *** Hairwaves HeartSine Technologies, Inc. Roz Heiko, Jewel Rose Designs * Heritage Renovation and Building Services Bill and Betsy Herman
Hershey Bears Hockey Club Elizabeth Higgins HomeCooked IEI Group, Ltd. Initial Designs, Ltd. Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant Andrew and Stacy Jenkins * Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin Johnson ** Jubilee Photography Just-4-Fun DJ Margo Ketchum and Joel Bartlett *** Barry Klarberg Sandra Kowalski Robin Langerhans *** Donald and Renata Largent * Monique Lazard Le Meridien Philadelphia Lehigh Valley Restaurant Group – Red Robin Kathy Levine and Steve Taub Lighttouch Photography Lionville Natural Pharmacy Elaine Lisle Lua Nail Bar The Ludwig Family and Stephanie’s House, Inc. Ludwig’s Corner Hardware Ludwig’s Market/Mom’s Pizza Manfred and Ingelore Maier Kathleen Malloy Tilda Mann Martial Arts Studio at Exton Martin’s Country Market Maureen’s Gallery Bob and Amy McHugh * The Media Theatre Donald Meltzer and Shelley Burtt Mercurius Nancy Bea Miller * Luca and Judy Missoni * Mitch’s Market Street Gym Dianne Morrow Kermit Moyer MsKittyBarker@verizon.net Jennifer Nilsen Opperman’s Corner Organics Paul Downs Cabinetmakers * The Peaceful Healer PECO Energy an
Exelon Company People’s Light and Theatre Company Pepperidge Farm, Inc. John Perham and Christine Donohue * The Philadelphia Phillies The Philadelphia Zoo, America’s First Zoo Phoenix Cycles Planet Beach Power Bar The Primrose Inn (Cat, Phil, Chris, and Jack Cronin) The Radnor Hotel Red Dirt Girl Photography Ben Reina Colleen Robustelli Salon 926 Debbie Schneider David and Melanie Scott Seven Stars Inn Singing Moon Farm Sly Fox Brewery Terrence and Kim Small * Emily Minor Smith and Sheryl Campbell Kim Smith Lorraine Smith StoveTopCover.com Bob and Ginny Swain Temple University Athletics Theraplay Inc. Rebecca Thornburgh T.O. Epps & Associates, Inc. ** Topiary Roman Tybinko and Helen Mangelsdorf Valley Green Bank Victory Brewing Company Village Optical Elizabeth von Isser–Creative Reflections Art Studio Wendell August Katya Wieber Sandra and Robert Williams *** Elizabeth Wilson Woodmere Art Museum Mr. and Mrs. Rich Yoegel Fiona Young and Ted Boinske *
* ** *** ^
Parent Grandparent Coworker or Staff Deceased
1784 Fairview Road, Glenmoore, PA 19343 610.469.9236 camphillspecialschool.org JOIN US ON FACEBOOK.
Camphill Special School’s mission is to create wholeness for children and youth with developmental disabilities through education and therapy in extended family living so that they may be better understood and their disabilities moderated, that they may more fully unfold their potential, and that they more fully and meaningfully participate in life.
2010 –2011 Board of Directors
Warren R. Gleicher, Esq., President Jeffrey Powers, CPA, Attorney, Treasurer Claus Sproll, Secretary Craig L. Adams Guy Alma Gregory Ambrose Brian Epstein Jan Christopher Goeschel
William C. Herman, Esq. Manfred Maier Jennifer Nilsen Andreas Schad Bernard Wolf
Ursel Pietzner Raymond Ripper