Architecture Portfolio Carlos Valencia

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Architecture Portfolio

Carlos M. Valencia V. Architecture Portfolio 2009 - 2022.

AboutMe MSc. Architect with 9 year of professional experience, time in which I had been involved in several projects, build and conceptual. My professional development in the field of architecture as employee of a studio or as a freelancer has been mainly related to the architecture design and the direction of projects from initial stage to constructive processes. As a complement of my Architect degree I had accomplished with honors a Master Degree in Sustainable Architecture and MultiScale Projects, training me to be able to manage projects in a Regional, Urban and Architectonic scale, also applying sustainable methodologies and technologies

[+39] 3289798130



2003-2009 Architect Degree Bachelor of Scince Universidad Santo Tomas - Bucaramanga, Colombia

Master of Science in Architecture Degree Sustainable Architecture and Multi-Scale Projects. Politecnico di Milano - Milano, Italy- Cum Laude Honors

V. Molineria San Nicoló 5B, Piacenza, Italy

Technical Skills

ArchiCAD (Graphisoft)

Name (s):

Carlos Manuel

Surname (s):

Valencia Villamizar


26st April 1987 (34)



Born City:


Work Expirience


2019-2022 Architect Designer (Current Position) DK Architekten (Architecture Studio) Munich/ Germany


Architect Designer 2018-2019 Alepreda (Architecture Studio) New York-USA/ Milan- Italy

Junior Architect / Design Department Director 2013-2015 Artlantis Studio Conaring ltda.(Architecture/Construction Company) (Rendering Engine) Colombia 2012-2013 Junior Architect / Designer Prada Arquitectos (Architecture Studio)- B/manga-Co-



Native Language English Excellent Competence German Intermediate Level Italian Advance Competence


Awards •

Winner - Public Competition Educational Building in Ibague -Colombia. “La Ceibita” Megacolegio.

Winner - Public Competition Educational Building in Santa Marta-Colombia. “Buréche School” Megacolegio.

Autodesk AutoCAD Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign



Urban Design Multiscale Architecture Design Educational Architecture Design Sustainable Methods & Technologies Project Managment & Development of Competitions Technical Drawings Arts Performance Space Design

Issuu User name/carlos.valencia.

Microsoft Office Suit

User name/ carlos m. valencia

Carlos M. Valencia V. A R C H I T E C T

Architecture Work Selection 2009-2022



Content Map



Professional Projects

Academic Projects Competitions Projects

La Ceibita School-Educational Building


Santander Theater Renovation


La Quinta Shopping Mall Extension


Gomez-Prada Countryside House


Calzavellia-Historical Building Renovation


Suchdol: Multi-Family Building


Revitalizing the Industrual River Channel


A Waterfront Rediscovery Urban Strategy


Tiny Homes Community Ideas Competition


The LineScape - Sustainable construction projects and Next Generation visions Competition.


LaCeibita/AntonioNariñoSchool-EducationalBuilding Ibague, Colombia / 2009-2012 Work Team: Archs. Gustavo Bautista, Manuel Padilla, Jairo Grimaldos

The project is based in the development of an educational building for the sector La Ceibita located at the outside of the city of Ibague, in an area of future urban expansion. The project aims to supply adequate spaces for different academic activities and also be use as a space for cultural and sports activities for the nearby neighborhood given a dynamic function to the community. The Building is supposed to host 3000 students, divided in tree academic stages (kindergarten, Primary and Secondary school). Based on this the strategy for the project was focus in the develop of invisible limits that provided Independence to the different academic stages, placing tree different open spaces shaped in triangles shapes surrounded by classrooms buildings that create the necessary encloser and physical limit to organize the appro-


Composition Strategy


Basic Design Shape Shape Relating Three Main Spaces Composition of Open Spaces

Final Composition encloser to the open spaces by Buildings





Composition Strategy


Masterplan-GroundFloor 11

Santander Theater Renovation

Bucaramanga, Colombia / 2013-In Process Prada Arquitectos - Collaboration and Direction by Arch. Miguel Prada The Santander theater was build in 1932 as the first building dedicated to the performance of cultural and artistic activities in the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia. The lack of cultural activities promoted in the city create that the use was dedicated to diverse events until in 2001 was officially closed due the bad state of the building plus the low economic profit that the building was producing to the owner company. A complete demolition was proposed, but in 2008 the municipality purchased the property with the goal of bringing the theater 12

Ground Floor Plan Intervention Area

The project initially was commissioned to the architect Alvaro Tobon, who proposed the complete demolition of the interior, to improve the spaces and host more people and better performances spaces. After the first proposal the project was assigned to Prada Architects, firm in which i was in charge of the project development under the direction of Architect Miguel Prada. The exterior design of the building was decided to be maintained as originally was, and the interior proposal for the performance uses was improved slightly with respect to the initial proposal, and the development was focus to the interior design of complementary spaces Photographyofthetheaterin1950



The interior and architecture design of Meeting areas, Main access zone, Circulations, Services Area, Cafeteria & restaurant, and final performances interior design were the elements to intervene. This way based in the use of two materials (Wood and black granite) plus the careful lighting proposal, the interior of the building obtained a sober, elegant and modern atmosphere.e c but in 2008 th Bucaramanga makes the purchase of the property and Section C-C


Memorial Space in meeting interior area


Main Access Hall space

Current Constructive Process


La Quinta Shopping Mall Extension

Bucaramanga, Colombia / 2013-2017 Prada Arquitectos - Collaboration and Direction by Arch. Miguel Prada La Quinta Shopping Mall is a leader shopping center of great importance in the commercial sector of city. Located in privileged urban area, the building offer multiple functions so the citizens can spend an comfortable visit. The mall already had an expansion in which a 5 stories building was add to the original one, but with the increases of the commercial activities in the sector the offer of comfortable spaces for meeting and eating in the interior of the complex, was decided to make and architectural intervention proposing a new level dedicated to mix uses. The new proposal includes a new story and a new roof replacement an existing mobile dome over the main atrium in order to increase the height and renew the internal image of the building. 16


External Proposal Design As an initial stage the building was structurally analysis to be sure that the existing concrete structure was strength enough to maintain the new expansion. The studies gave as a result that the current structure needs to be reinforced by using new metal structures added to the building facade, elements that were not consider for the expansion, but that were completely necessary. Due to this structural design it was necessary to create a new external design for the building, adapting the external supports to new volumes and shapes, giving as a result a more integral intervention with a building completely renovated. The new story was planned as an open space in which the space for meeting have the main rolled and some pavilions dedicated to some specific food brands were placed in the periphery of the meeting areas, so the clients always have the a felling of openness related to the new light design of the new ceiling over the atrium and the views to the exterior. 17

Interior View - Lighting Design

The new interiors offers comfortable spaces increasing their character by the materiality and the lighting design, based in warm effect lighting for the inner meeting areas and a specific main ceiling design, that in the day provides of controlled natural light and at night creates a dynamic view from different angles using vertical elements in a geometrical pattern that provides an elegant and unifying effect. 18



Gomez-Prada Countryside House Los Santos, Colombia /2015-2016 Collaboration with Arch. Bernardo Gomez Ramirez The house was planned for Bernardo Gomez as a recreational and rest family space in which the members could have a place to breakout from the city-life and enjoy of open areas in natural conditions and at the same time be able to enjoy of all the comforts needed to spend long periods of time of its required. In collaboration with the owner and director of the project, the idea of taking advantage of the variety of natural elements presents in the site aims to conceive spaces always open to the landscape view, and with easy contact with the nature. The contact with the nature as a composition principle provoke the division of the building in two zones (social and private zone)each of them in contact with nature and the landscape in different ways. The interior spaces were provided of indoor vegetation and the social was designed to be a continuous space with the exterior. 20

General Ground Floor


Section C3-C3

To Integrate the private zone of the house to the social dynamics without losing it´s intimacy and serenity, it was decided to organized the area inspired by a traditional Spanish Model in which the interior of the buildings were designed around a empty square void or courtyard and surrounded of by the circulation. This model it is representative of all the constructions made in Colombia on the Spanish colonial times from XVI century, and it is culturally appreciated as traditional house configuration.

External Views




Calzavellia - Historical Building Renova Brescia, Italy /2017-2018 Alepreda Architecture Studio - New York In collaboration and direction by: Alessandro Preda The Intervention consist in the interior renovation of an historical 16th century building aiming to generate new habitable spaces in two different stories (one new apartment in each story). The design addresses a number of structural issues and reconfigures the layout of the building giving as final result two completely different strategies for the apartments design, achieving the comfortable spaces and respect for the original character of the building. With two different configurations the apartment PL01 transforms the space into a large, loft-like studio with a mezzanine, and PL02 is an open space articulated by middle-high walls that define the areas inside. 24




ConstructioninProgress.Currentimages oftheproject´sstage.

Palazzo Calzavellia

The design strategy leaves the majority of ceiling plane uninterrupted, recreating the scale of the original space: once the palace living room, it was subsequently divided into small rooms. Formally, the bathroom and mezzanine volumes are expressed as inserted objects within the historical fabric. The material palette reinforces such distinction: sheetrock and wood veneer millwork for the new insertions; exposed brick and venetian stucco for the existing walls. 25


Apartment PL02 - Floor Plan AparmentPL02:

ConstructioninProgress.Currentimagesofthestageofthe project. Twopartial-heightwalls,oneroundandonerectangular,neatlydefinethebedroom,kitchenanddiningprogramswhilemaintaininganopencirculationandlight-filled environment.Thissolutionmaximizesthelivingspacebuildableareasaccordingtotheair/lightratioprescribedintheItalianbuildingcode.Thematerialpaletteuses primarilywood,sheetrockandvenetianstuccoatselectlocations.Someofthehistoricalfabric,suchasthebrickwallsandwoodbeams,willberestoredandleftexposed. 27

Suchdol: Multi-Family Building

Prague, Czech Republic / 2018 Alepreda Architecture Studio - New York In collaboration and direction by: Alessandro Preda Ground-up multi-family building with three apartments including a penthouse duplex with a large terrace. The site overlooks a park and is situated in a zone of transition between single family homes and larger multi-family buildings. The volume composition, divided into two, addresses both scales. One of the volumes is rotated to maximize park views and southern light exposure while at the same time maintaining unobstructed views of the park from the street intersection. The sculptural sky-lit public staircase creates a dramatic entrance while reconciling the geometries; in other words, the staircase allows the apartments’ interior layout to be orthogonal, despite the volume rotation. 28

Ground Floor

First Floor

Second Floor

Penth House Floor

Suchdol Building propose a dynamic solution for independent apartments each one occupying one floor. The size of the apartments and their different configuration open the possibility for diverse interior design solutions. This stage was one of my direct task in this project; the interior design ideas as well as complete all the Architecture design need for the process of approval for the municipality and for the further construction of the building. Having the responsibility to go deep in details to offer a better quality for the spaces and the design the building. The project currently is waiting for the final approval by Prague Municipality. AerialView+SiteLocation


Revitalazing the industrial River Canal Paris, France / 2016 Work Team: Jana Nikolovska, Aida Alipoor

The project was based in an analysis of the state of the public spaces in Paris, it was found that currently the city host several open areas in privileged sectors with any specific use, mainly because they are the consecuency of the change of economical uses mainly related to the industrial activities. In this way was found several spaces with great potentialities to become urban spaces dedicated to the people use. Along the Canal De L´ource in the north-est area of Pantin, was study a big brownfield open space part of the canal river bank in a neglected satate and that historically host a medium scale river trading system based in the arriving of boats to this area and the storage of goods in the main building of the area to be later on spread arround the city. The new times replaced this industrial use for a new residential use arround the sector creating a discontinuity in the use of this specific river bank. 30

The new proposal for this area is based in the idea of using this space as connection for the residential side of the canal with new developments at the other side of the bank. In this way the public space becomes in a transitional area that connects and offer public uses to the community without losing the identity of the historical industrial use.

Urban Masterplan

Railways landscape Use


Phytodepuration Pond

Personal Pavillion


Humidifier Cloud Area River Bank View

Strategy Diagram


Urban Section 1

Urban Section 2

Proposal Sketch To accomplished an integral physical and perceptual connection, the strategy was based in the a morphologic reading of the existing building, which possess an empty space or a “cut” that divide the building in two volumes. This division creates a Framed View that relates the industrial side from the residential side in an visual way. The Conceptual Cut of the building was replied to organized the site and create links, some of them by bridges and some others by placing an architectonic element that provides a similar Framed View, able to maintain the identity of the place and the visual relation.

Personal Pavillion Space


A Waterfront Rediscovery Urban Strategy Cartagena, Colombia / 2017 Politecnico di Milano Master´s Thesis - Cum laude project.

The city of Cartagena had an extremely dependency relationship with the sea, element that had provided richness, development possibilities, transport and character to the town from times of the Spanish Colony. The bay in specific had been the door of the city to the world, the place for some of the most historical memories that had built a cultural heritage identity, that is in risk of disappearing. Based in this scenario the project aims to Recovery and make and Urban Intervention of one of the Waterfronts in the internal Bay of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. With the objective of improving the actual situation and urban connections of this seafront and the area around it, it will create an oportunity to increase the city dynamics and the historical values of the city. The project pretends also the possibility to provide an urban strategy to be apply in other waterfronts in the urban area as an actor to benefit less developed sectors. 34

Internal Urban Contrast -SpanishColonialCityCenter -Touristic & Business City -NeglectecCity-PortSeafronts Due to the vertical strong vehicular connections and the urban limites related to the industrial uses along the waterfront, the project is decided to act in the opposite direction, base in the intention of generate a horizontal a horizontal development that involved all the sector instead of just a intervention in the sea-



Proposal: Urban Strategies DiverseActionsandScales=IntegralProposal

With the masterplan design proposal the project achieve the integration of the different scales of intervention, working as a System that provided a new relation with the waterfront by all the community and the city center. 3 Diverse Urban Strategy Methods to create a positive and realistic effect in the Area. Each Strategy used is proposed for specific scales of the urban dynamics.


Aerial view

Urban Materplan

Aerial view

Proposal Sketch 37

Section C3-C3

ExternalView-HistoryMuseum&Memorial A contemporary fortress for the city history


BlockInternalSpaceview 38

Accupuncture Intervention 1


City History Museum & Memorial

An Space dedicated to Promote and Protect the History Of the City, providing a relation between the citizens and the cultural memory. Belongness and appropriation of the local community that will host a Landmark based in the Colonial Spanish Fortreses. The fortress is reinvented to become in a building that protects the memory of a poppulation.

Accupuncture Intervention 2 Block Regeneration+ Urban Permeability

To improve the area and the conditions of the local community, the permeability strategy provides new spaces, inter-connections and dynamics inside the neighborhood. This add to the reuse of neglected Industrial buildings brings City-Life to the community at the interior of the blocks. 39

Tiny Homes Community Ideas Competition

Raleigh, North Carolina- United States of America (USA) / 2015 Work Team: archs. Ana Lordi, Ana Carolina Restrepo The goal of the competition was to create ideas on a new typology for urban housing, in this case focusing the effort in the development of a twelve unit community of tiny homes to help address the problem of homelessness in urban centers This design competition is generated by the presence and increasing of homelessness throughout the nation. There is a pressing need in cities like Raleigh for affordable housing to serve people without a stable dwelling place. Tiny home communities cannot eliminate poverty or homelessness, but they can create a more lively, caring, and diverse city. The goal was to generate innovative tiny home communities that can repair and enliven the social fabric, the urban city context and help people in the transition out of homelessness. 40


CommunityGrowthDiagram To Increase the use of the site for the free use of the living community, was decided to unify the Tiny Homes in a modulo composed of four tiny homes each on of two stories. That way the use of the land it is more efficient and it is more easy to replied this typology in diverse and different sites. The main module have a Main Core, that host all the Basic Services, Pipelines, Gas, and Electrical Connections; so the Houses Units can connect to it and progressively grow the community.


Unit Design Concept

La Quinta Shopping Mall Extension Bucaramanga, Colombia

The Houses Design took in consideration the potential use of this spaces as a productive medium for the occupants to generate some income, that can help them to go out of the homelessness state. In that order was decided that the living modules will have two specific uses for a person: the ground level as a Working Space (Trading, Workshop, Small Store), and the Upper Level will use as a Sleeping Space (Individual or couple room space). The other spaces needed for the regular residential activities will be placed in the main core module, creating shared spaces in the first floor as the Common Kitchen and Common Eating Area, and in the second floor this core will host independent Bathrooms for each House, completing the Living Module Unit in a more efficient way. In addition to the Work spaces, the proposal master-plan provides an inner courtyard due to the location of the Tiny Homes, giving this open space to the creation of urban gardens that can provide some food or supplies to sell. 42

Tiny Homes Facade

Internal Garden View


Bioshelter Building

TheLineScape-SustainableconstructionprojectsandNextGeneration visions Competition. Piacenza- Italy / 2017 Work Team: Annyi Junco, Maddalena Gatti, Laura Avarello, Sebastian Moreno, Gabrielle Asselta Linescape is a design strategy to integrate 3 different landscapes (city landscape, riversite landscape, rural landscape) joining and using them in a efficient way. It is proposed a Pilot Project that can be reproduced and adapted in cities with same characteristics, having a river as the soul of the proposal due to its condition as an area in between the urban and the rural landscape providing of fertile soil and transport. There is a need for changing the techniques of cultivation to provide enough supplies for the future population using less natural resources and letting more space for wild areas increasing the biodiversity. The intention is to create a system which use a Bioshelter as densify system of cultivation with a pedagogical and didactic public space, taking in consideration wild areas to increase the quality of the urban life. 44



The Proposal use a linear system of transportation, production and social activities to increase and qualify a landscape area based on the agriculture activities.

The Bioshelter self- sustainable and main productive element, offered internal controlled atmospheres and conditions to increase and mantain the production of different food.

Aerial View 46




LineScape View (Storage Building) 47

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