Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries 2202 Main Mall Vancouver BC, Canada V6T 1Z4 Phone 604 822 2731 Fax 604 822 8934
25 September 2017
Vancouver, September 25th, 2017
Noelia del Carmen Valderrama Bhraunxs Student – Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Ciudad Universitaria - UNMSM, Cercado de Lima, Peru Dear Noelia, I am pleased to invite you to visit the Global Oceans Modelling Lab at the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries of the University of British Columbia for a three-month internship starting on January 3rd, 2018 and ending on March 31st, 2018. During this internship, you will work closely with one of my PhD students (Santiago de la Puente Jeri), assisting him with his research. He is attempting to build and link an ecosystem model of the Peruvian segment of the Humboldt current with the value chains that result from harvesting marine resources in Peru. The objective of this exercise is to use those models to assess the performance of various, potentially conflicting fishing policies; by using ecological, social and economic indicators for the whole socio-ecological system. We look forward to seeing you at UBC in January.
Sincerely, Villy Christensen cn=Villy Christensen, o=The University of British Columbia, ou=Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, email=v.christensen@oceans.ub, c=CA 2017.09.25 11:56:50 -08'00'
Villy Christensen Professor