Written and Illustrated by Carlos Gabriel Ruiz
In ancient times, the ninja ruled the lands of the Japan and the Far East. Working almost exclusively at night, the ninja were elite warriors who were highly skilled in the art of stealth, assassination and espionage. Because they were so secret and where never ever seen, the ninja became the stuff of myth, an urban legend, meant to keep the populace in line. The simple fact is that the ninja are no myth -- they exist. They are real and their business is the business of death.
But things are different now.
Times are tough: the economy is in the toilet, the dollar is weak, gas is expensive and corporations are laying employees off left and right.
What’s a lowly ninja with no college degree, let alone a high school diploma, going to do with his life when the going gets tough and the tough get fired?
His name is Ryu and his résumé consists of the trail of blood left behind from his katana.