Mirrors and lenses By: Ani, Pau, JosĂŠ and juan pablo
Real image: Image
which can be projected on a
Mirror Is
symmetric in the right- and left forwards,but is not in the up and down wards
A lens ď‚›A
lens is a piece of transparent material that is shaped so that it will refract light (or other waves) in a certain wave
Type of lenses
Convex lens ď‚› If you
hold a convex lens close to an object it appears bigger than it really is.
A convex lens works like a magnifying glass.
Concave lens ď‚› Is
thinner in the middle and thick at the outside, the light is bent outwards (opposite)
Mirrors and lenses
Thank’s for watching Ana Elena Cuevas and José Pesqueira 6th “A” 2012-2013