Inhabitable Productive Land

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Thanisorn De vapalin Carlos Ochando Seva 1


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design


Thanisorn De vapalin Carlos Ochando Seva

Architectural Association School of Architecture Emergent Technologies and Design 2014-2016


Thanisorn De vapalin (M.Arch)

Carlos Ochando Seva (M.Arch) Contributor: Title:

Yohanes Arnold Tejasurya (M.Sc) Inhabitable Productive land


Master of Architecture


Michael Weinstock George Jeronimidis Evan Greenberg Manja Vande Worp



‘We certify that this piece of work is entirely our own and that any quotation or paraphrase from the published or unpublished work of others is duly acknowledged‘

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Our sincere gratitude for Michael and George for your feedback and guidance. We would like to thank Evan, Manja along with external tutors for their support and encouragement throughout our studies and this thesis. Lastly, we are profoundly grateful for our beloved families and friends, whose support ,believe and always beside us.




INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Acknowledgement Abstract


Agriculture expansion and Population Urban transition Metabolism Site Ambition


Industrialised Agriculture Greenhouse Passive greenhouse Mediterranean building typologies Almeria building type Integrated farming Plant categories Cultivation techniques Precedents Agrarian City Urban border Urban farming Markets effect on neighbourhood Public space


Computational techniques

Research Development Open space analysis Solar exposure on open space Solar exposure on site Greenhouse reflection Street width Street hierarchy

Design Development System application Design strategy Open public space distribution Network development Local condition Urban Strategy Rural Strategy Integration Strategy Covered space differentiation Covered public space Pattern creation Wind flow analysis Shading analysis Covered surface design Housing expansion in rural side Large patch strategy Small patch strategy Houses type generation Housing generation

Design Proposal Section Covered space

Conclusion and System overview

7 11 13 16 18 20 22 24 31 32 36 38 40 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 67 68 75 76 78 82 84 88 92 95 96 98 100 104 108 112 113 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 139 142 146

System overview

153 156



Bibliography & Webgraphy


ABSTRACT INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND is an architectural and urban approach for a solution to the existing lacks and problems in an urban transition area. This project, inspired by the rapidly growing world population and its subsequent food demand, proposed a system that combines the use of cultivation in greenhouses and public space in an attempt of combining these two distinct functions in an integrated system at a local scale. The integration of a productive area and public space at an architectural scale is the first challenge tackled for the creation of a connecting global system that is both producing food and hosting the consumers. Through this project, it is shown how introducing agriculture into urban fabric gives benefit to the city as well as the surroundings area are enrichened by the people activities.



INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

INTRODUCTION The increasingly rapid world population growth leads to an increase on the food demand and creating an extension of the area dedicated to agriculture. The rural zone is being expanded at the same time as cities are too. Up to the discovery of greenhouses system as an industrialized agriculture system, the traditional way to satisfy these two requirements had been through the reduction of forest surface. The innovation and research on plastic materials has had an incredible contribution to the permanence of this system as one of the most effective manners to produce food without being vulnerable and dependent of the site context. Agrarian cities that tend to integrate residential with agricultural uses at the same area has been an interesting topic of study in architecture for the 20th century. Almeria, south of Spain, with the largest concentration of greenhouses in Europe, produces millions of tones of products every year to feed a high percentage of European population. Furthermore, it means important benefits on site at a local and regional scales, not only reducing the transport and logistic issues but contributing to the development of the local economy creating jobs directly and indirectly.


Almeria Coast Source:

Agriculture expansion and Population | 1974


The world population is increasing rapidly. By the time this dissertation is being written, 7 billion people are already inhabiting the world. This fact will lead to the staggering impact, direct or in long term. Living space, food supply, fresh water supply, and energy resources are some of the necessities that will be in shortage condition. As the United Nations predicted, it is believed that the world population for the next 30 years will reach 10 billion people1. It means the problems that have been mentioned before will become cumulative matter if not treated immediately.

the farmers will have to provide 70% more food2. However most available farmland is already being farmed, and also the productivity is decreasing because of soil erosion and waste of water. A major ‘sustainable intensification’ of efficient agricultural production on existing farmland is necessary.

Figure 1.1, 1.2 El Ejido, Almeria chronograph Source: Google Earth

On the other side of the story, the emergence of greenhouses in Mediterranean basin, especially in south of Spain has grown fast. This is due to the increasing temperature during the past 30 years. The so-called “sea of plastic” arises to the question of the efficiency of single use land occupation, or the possibility to combine this practice with residential. While living in the urban area is already uncomfortable due to the hot arid climate, even more dramatic is the situation of housing surrounded by reflective plastic of greenhouse. This phenomenon will lead to the question: “How can we manage the land within a greenhouses expansion and urban growth?” The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimated that to meet the needs of 10 billion world population,


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

The UN also reported that climate change coupled with poor farming practices make the productivity of the world’s farmland decreasing, 25% of the farmland is now ‘highly degraded’ by soil erosion, water degradation, and biodiversity loss. Another 8% is moderately degraded, while 36% is stable degraded and only 10% is ranked as ‘improving’. In Western Europe, highly intensive agriculture has led to pollution of soil and aquifers and the resulting loss of biodiversity. 70% of freshwater in the world is used for growing food. However the population still need fresh water supply for their needs. Recycle and reuse water and rainwater become potential solution to look at. Freshwater resources around the world is becoming even scarcer and salinized, while groundwater becomes more polluted by agricultural runoff and other toxins. In consequence to that, irrigation technology system must become more efficient because most of the systems that perform now are below their capacity.

World Population Growth


World Population (Billion)





Source: http://thebritishgeographer.

4 3


2 1

1 0

World population growth



Figure 1.3






1974 1987 2000



World Agriculture Production (1015 kCal / year)

World Agriculture Production


10 9







Figure 1.4 World agriculture production


Source: http://thebritishgeographer.


3.7 3

1 0

2.2 0.8 1800




2000 2010 2020 2030 2040



Urban Transition | Figure 2.1 Almeria Site Map Source: Google Earth

Considering the necessity to define new categories for a better understanding of the city and its urban phenomena within a context of growing urban territories, it raises the question of defining the concept of “urban transition” as a new territorial category attached to multiple and dynamics meanings. Nowadays, although the meaning of ‘urban transition’ is still undefined, it is a topic of importance as much in the theoretical as in the practical ambit of the architecture and urbanism. Particularly in the cities of the Mediterranean basin, which have experienced a rapid growth in the last years, the limit or edge, which marks where the city ends and where the countryside starts, has reached a high level of complexity. Kevin Lynch states (1959): “Edges are the linear elements not used or considered as paths by observer. They are the boundaries between two phases, linear breaks in continuity: shores, railroad, cuts, development edges or walls. They are lateral references rather than coordinate axis.” 1 This phrase could be applied to American cities, but in the Mediterranean basin cases, this space of transition is no longer a linear element and has more than one dimension in space. Human settlements, as organisms that are not anchored to their forms, they grow and shrink at the same time. Therefore, the formation process has enlarged this space in some areas up to thousands of meters, creating an undefined space with no use, waiting to be either built up or redeveloped or left. Beyond those limits or area of transition. The adjacent urban area is affected. Since this zone is usually related to a single use, i.e. residential, and is next to the limit, it lacks of a good distribution of infrastructures, facilities and productive activities that would meet the population requirements. Subsequently, it creates social, environmental, economical and political problems caused by that lack of opportunities. 18

INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

For this dissertation, the approach to urban transition is similar to that one introduced by Barsky (2005) 2. He defines it as an inter phase between two geographical types, in this case these ones are referred to as urban areas and rural areas. This concept implies multiple dimensions that overtake those conventional ones from urbanism. Therefore it adds a vast complexity to the territorial planning. In this multidisciplinary work the transition will have several names such as “urban periphery”, “ Peri-urban area” or “urban transition”. The unidentified urban transition between urban and rural territory brings spatial quality issues, especially for cities located on Mediterranean coast. The rapid city growth that pushed the agricultural territory to outer part of the city and also speculators ambitions-based development of cities are some of the reason behind this abandoned territory. Bringing the agriculture back inside urban territory, could be one of the potential solution, create a symbiotic relation between two different functions. Other potential benefits that could be achieved include modulating mechanisms in a small scale which are able to manipulate the extreme macro climate, providing locally based food resources that will reduce fossil energy waste and also ecologically sustainable urban tissue. The proposed system in this dissertation will be tested within this space of contact and encounters. This area offers the possibility to overlay the desired conditions on current situations. The system will be focused then on a new patch that combines urban zones with productive land. It will also aim an appropriate distribution of networks that connects to the existing city as well as the self-sufficiency in terms of food and energy.

Figure 2.2 Barcelona Urban boarder. Ortophoto of south Barcelona outskirts. Source:Google Earth

Figure 2.3 Algiers urban boarder. Ortophoto of west Algiers outskirts. Source: Google Earth

Figure 2.4 Rabat urban border. Ortophoto of east Rabat outskirts. Source: Google Earth

Figure 2.5 Rome urban border. Ortophoto of south Rome outskirts. Source: Google Earth


Metabolism |

study of urban - agriculture settlement

Figure 3.1 Agricultural city by Kisho Kurokawa Source: http:// metteingvartsen. net/2011/09/giant-city/

Agricultural city

Metabolism movement

In Agricultural city project by architect Kisho Kurokawa, Metabolism derived the idea where natural growth is provided as a grid system. Each of the square units composed of several households autonomously, Clustering units together to creates a neighborhood. Residential unit multiply spontaneously without hierarchy as traditional rural settlement which has developed throughout history of Japanese. The method of this referred as metabolism.

Metabolism movement formed by a group of Japanese architects and planners in 1959. It has an idea of the city of the future inhabited by a high density characterized by large scale. With flexibility and transformable organic growth, the precursors of this movement believed in a deep influence of space and functionality on the society and culture of the future.

The project takes into account not only the bases of Metabolism movement, but through the study of the individual clustering cell with the concept of urban living quality and living in natural environment. The analysis of an environment greatly involved in the project which leave the configuration and management of open spaces, public circulation spaces, built up area.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Despite the sometimes otherworldly designs, the ideas took hold and continue to inspire architects today.

Figure 3.2 Agricultural city by Kisho Kurokawa Source: http:// metteingvartsen. net/2011/09/giant-city/

Biological Metabolism

Urban Metabolism

In any biological organism, there are flows and processes of energy and material throughout it. This metabolism develops with the organism’s morphology, emerging together through dynamic forces acting upon them in the conversion and movement of resources throughout the organism.1 All living forms must acquire energy and material from their environment, and transform matter within their bodies to construct their tissues, to grow, to reproduce and to survive.2 In an analogical manner the urban system needs resources to perform and grow.

The current question nowadays is indeed related to the fact that the needed resources are coming from outside. “The most densely populated regions in the world consume biological resources at more than twice the rate the ecological systems at these regions can regenerate. Currently, more than half of the fuel energy consumed in western areas is already imported from other places.3 These regions are no longer generating their requirements but are dependent of other regions’ production. Therefore, this increased demand limits its expansion. There are many indicators that suggest that the system is close to the threshold of capacity.4 The current architects, planners and developers’ interests might lead to the study and design of new urban patches that minimizes the external resources consumption. This new systems will be able to produce most of their own needs while hosting a sustainable development.


Almeria |

Driest city in Europe and largest Greenhouses expansion

Figure 4.1 Mediterranean area Source: Writers

Figure 4.2 Urban border in the city of Almeria Source: http://www. almeria_city_p5.php

Figure 4.3 Urban border in the city of Almeria Source: art/74372/bernhardlang-aerial-photo/

Located at southeast of Spain which has direct connection with provinces of Granada, Murcia, Almeria positioned in Mediterranean Sea basin that makes climate become subtropical desert arid. The total area of this province is 8,774km2 ,ranked 27th in Spain. Inhabited by 691,764 inhabitants in 2014 (ranked 23th in Spain) which mean its population density is 79.7/km2 for the province that slightly low dense city. An interesting fact which has been found by the census reports from IPCC and INE showed, Almeria is the only province in Spain that has increased number of population and economic whereas larger provinces like Madrid and Barcelona were having deflation caused by Europe global economic crisis. One of the reason is the geographical condition, Almeria is one of the most productive agricultural zones in Europe with more than 10,000ha of land cultivated commercially (greenhouses). Despite of this expand, These sea of plastic greenhouses along the sea side create the “Albedo effect” which make the temperature around Almeria decreased by 0.3°C per decade reaching a balance of virtually zero change since the temperature risen during the 1980s. These greenhouses industry are cultivated by immigrant workers, around 100,000 legal and illegal workers are believed to work in the facilities with their low wages and lack of rights are thought to help the businesses remain profitable. Almeria has very little amount of water resources due to its lowest rainfall and driest area in Europe with annual precipitation average which only 226mm (226litres/m2), make it lack of fresh water but it has the highest hours of sunshine 3050 hours/ year which make Almeria become home to Europe’s largest concentration of greenhouses expansion.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Figure 4.4 Emergent of Greenhouse Source:

Site selection

Figure 4.5

The area selected to experimented is the border area located between the city of Almeria and the agricultural sea of greenhouses. On the south side is the Mediterranean sea.

Selected Site

The site itself has no proper boundaries as the aim to eliminate the boundaries it self

Source: Google Earth

Empty area 1.48 km2



Ambition | Figure 5.1 Scenario with existing public space Source: Writers

Merging urban condition by introducing public amenities

Existing Scenario Urban area

Rural area

Site area: 4.1 km2= 100%

Site area: 5.2 km2= 100%

Existing public spaces: Existing public spaces: 0.2 km2= 4.8% 0.01 km2= 0.2%

Figure 5.2


Proposed Scenario

Scenario with identified empty space

Urban area

Rural area

Source: Writers

Site area: 4.1km2= 100%

Site area: 5.2 km2= 100%

Empty spaces: 0.65 km2= 16%

Empty spaces:

INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

0.83 km2= 16%

Urban side

Harvest Season

Figure 5.3

Rural side

October - June

Harvest season usage

5 oc to 27 oc

Source: Writers Cultivation area

Collection area

Housing for workers


Figure 5.4

No Harvest Season

No harvest season usage

July - September > 27 oc (Max 45 oc)

Public space

Public space

Tourist accommodation

Source: Writers


How can we improve city with agricultural context for both production efficiency and urban quality ?

The architectural approach deals with the idea of a seasonal character of the space. In other words, the same space should respond to very different requirements during harvest season and summer(no harvest season). Furthermore, we have two distinct areas. As during the harvest season, the temperature is no higher than 27 degrees, the optimum for growing in greenhouses, the new spaces in urban area will be spaces for production, requiring heat and sunlight. At the same time, the new spaces in the rural side will host houses and collection points for the current production.

For the non-harvest season, high tourist season and hottest in the year, the new spaces in the urban area will host shaded and ventilated public spaces, expanding the open one as the population temporarily increases. In the rural side, the previously occupied by few workers houses will be fully occupied by tourists and the collection point will be turned into shaded and ventilated tourist hotspot. The rest of the space will be treated as an open public space, with productive trees and urban landscape work for improving the space quality.



Isolate living living and working space


neighbourhood community multi-function space

agriculture community cultivating and green space

Travel to work outbound

less travel for workers

food to export to outside area

occasionally travel to rural area

regularly promoting physical/mental health

occasionally travel to city

not promoting biodiversity

promoting biodiversity

not promoting biodiversity

habitants optimizing their house

To use abandoned land before development

abandon land unopotimized



job opportunity for normal class less quality of area

unmodulated micro climate housing emerged without amenities



INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

creates job opportunity for every class increase the quality of area

modulating micro climate Attractor for emerged housing

job opportunity for labour class area for use as agriulture only

unmodulated micro climate land without amenities cause no inhabitants

Max. Temperature 34o

Guests registered (x1000)



54 30o

31o 28o




27o Optimum temperature for Greenhouse. *







10o 7o




18o 23.3







Source: Writers

24 18


No Harvest season Tourist season

Graph compared between Temperature and number of tourists in Almeria








Harvest season Jan

48 28o

36.6 28.3


16o 13o







Figure 5.5


12 6

Harvest season Oct





Figure 5.6 Urban growing and Agriculture land growing Source: http:// and the-greenhouses-ofalmeria.html



REFERENCIAS AL CASO DE BUENOS AIRES’. André Barsky. UB. 2005 P. 20 1. Thompson, D’Arcy. (1917,1961). ON GROWTH AND FORM. 2. Weinstock, Michael (2010). THE ARCHITECTURE OF EMERGENCE. 3. Ibid 4. Ibid


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

DOMAIN Domain devoted to the information needed to clarify and to able to develop further. Investigation the existed system which has been developed, the possibility to create a system that avoid to have the same mistake and collect the good part to develop furthermore.


Industrialised Agriculture | Figure 6.1 Greenhouse in Mexico Source: Google Earth

Products Comparison

Production in Mexico, Spain and Netherlands. Three of the most important cases of concentration of greenhouses are in the western part of Netherlands, the state of Puebla, in Mexico, and southern Mediterranean seaside of Spain, Almeria. In the case of Mexico, the infertile soil which the states of Puebla and Queretaro laid on makes farming unlikely to succeed1. On the other hand, the low rainfall regime and high temperatures are suitable for the installation of greenhouses. The mix of clay, sand and manure converts this arid soil into the appropriate one for most of crops. Nowadays, this type of industrialized agriculture occupies 2500 hectares.2

Figure 6.2 Greenhouse in Spain Source: Google Earth

Netherlands is the major exporter of flowers, plants and bulbs. The industrialized horticulture, distributed over 39000 hectares3, in the region of West land is focused towards the production of flowers and plants, rather than food. Nevertheless, this country production is number 3 in the world ranking of nutritional products exporters. They are the main exporter of potatoes. Its geographical good location and its soil make this fact possible. A mix of clay and sand is added to make the land more fertile and suitable for crops. The production costs are 3 times bigger than those in Almeria due to the use of heating systems. Since 1980’s the area of El Ejido, in Almeria, has developed the largest concentration of greenhouses in the world, over 42000 hectares. With the addition of imported clay, sand and manure to this land and the tariff-free exports within European union, this area has been intensively used for agriculture. Tomato is the most important product and it grows on more than 11000 hectares.

Figure 6.3 Greenhouse in Netherlands Source: Google Earth


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

01 Computer Category A Category B

01 Computer

Category C Category A

Category D

Category B

Category E

Category C

Category F

Category D

Category G

Category E

Category H

Category F

Category I

Category G

Category J

Category H Category I Category J

Fruit per citizen. Be Greenhouses production and export (ton).

Greenhouses area (ha.)

Fruit per citizen. Before and after export (kg/pax).

39,700 (ton). Greenhouses production and export





35,000 1,400,000

30,000 25,000





Figure 6.5 30





01 Computer SPAIN

0 0









20 Fruit per 40 citizen. Before and10after export20(kg/pax) 1.46








400,000 178,000165,000



30 302,200



800,000 600,000

200,000 3,600


120 851,000






60 Source: Writers




Production r





Greenhouses area (ha.) 160 70






80 1,400,000




1,600,000 90



Figure 6.4





Source: Writers MEXICOMEXICO


Category A Category B Category C Category D Category E Category F Category G Category H

Total weight (kg.)

Category I

Portions per plant

Category J

Portion weight (kg.) 16 Fruit per citizen. Before and after export (kg/pax). 0.40


0.35 80 1,600,000


0.25 60 1,200,000


40 800,000 30 600,000 20 400,000 10 200,000













16 1.40










8 0.60

















0.60 100 0.20


0.40 80 0.10





Figure 6.7 00.20












Production rate(

3.00 0.60 2.50 0.46


0.40 1.50 0.54

Are 0.80 0.70


0.60 0.50








0.20 0.10

0 0






Source: Writers





0.80 0.70


Production0 rate 40 (ton/ha)


Area per (kg.) plant (m2.) Total weight




49 2


0.80 120 Source: Writers 0.30


20 10





0 0


Greenhouses 1.20 160 0.50 production and export 0.46 (ton) 0.401.00 140 98.4

600 30



Figure 6.6 1.40 0.60


100 0.40 50

Total weight (kg.) Portions per plant


per citizen. Before and after export (kg/pax). Production rate (ton/ha). 89.3




40 20


Total we




80 0.20 40



160 80

120 60 0.60










140 70









0.20 50 1,000,000

16 Fruit



0.30 70 1,400,000




Greenhouses production and export (ton).

Area per plan

Portions per plant








Figure 6.8 Potatoes farming Source: http://www. foodiecrush. com/2013/09/potato-and-sausage-pizza/

Figure 6.9

Since the three previously compared cases don’t produce only edible products, but also plants and flowers. Furthermore, the main product of all of them is not the same, therefore is not possible to compare them solely in terms of production per area. Consequently, this research was focused on the production per area of their major product, getting surprising results from the two fruits, as shown in graphs and below. How much does a potato weight? The weight of a medium size potato1 is about 5 to 6.5 oz. which means between 0.14 and 0.18 kg. W A plant of potatoes usually has an average of 3 fruits by the time is harvested. Therefore, the product weights 3 times 0.18kg, i.e. 0.54 kg. How much does a potato plant occupy? According to some advices from BBC Gardener’s World magazine, one potato seed must be 30 cm. apart from the next one, and rows should not be closer than 60 cm. one to another.2

Tomatoes farming Source: https:// farmtek.wordpress. com/2012/07/17/ultimate-guide-to-growing-tomatoes/

How much does a tomato weight? The weight of a tomato is about 5 oz. which means between 0.14 kg. A tomato plant usually has an average of 10 fruits3 by the time is harvested. Therefore, the product weights 10 times4 0.14kg, i.e. 1.4 kg. How much does a tomato plant occupy? For a tomato plant to grow successfully, it should occupy on its own 5 squared feet, i.e. 0,46 m2.



















800,00040 600,00030 11,081

01 Computer


Category A


Category D SPAIN






Category C





Category B


1,000,000 50




1,200,000 60





178,000165,00 1.46





Category E Category F Category G Category H Category I Category J

Fruit per citizen. Before and after export (kg/pax). Greenhouses production and export 89.3 (ton).


Portion weight (kg.)

1,600,000 80


0.35 1,200,000 60

400,000 20 200,000 10



0.25 0.18

0.20 0.14



178,000165,000 3.9



0.25 40 80







1.40 1.20




0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20













8 6





Production rate(kg/m2.) 4.00



2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50






Figure 6.11







Total weight (kg.) Source: Writers








1.40 140


1.20 120


1.00 100


0.80 80


0.60 60


0.40 40


0.20 20








Figure 6.12 4.00


Portions per3.50 plant


3.00 Source: Writers



0.60 0.50


2.00 0.40

0.40 0.30

Figure 6.13


1.50 0.30 1.00







Area per plant (m ) 2



Source: Writers 0



Figure 6.14 Production rate (kg/m2)

3.50 3.00


1.60 160


0.40 3


Source: Writers

Total weight Area (kg.) per plant (m2.)

16 14



Total weight Portions(kg.) per plant 1.60

Portion weight (kg.)



Figure 6.10


6 49

0.10 10 20 0.05

Production Portionsrate per(ton/ha). plant Portion weight (kg.)


0.15 20 40

302,200 16.7

0.05 1.46

0.30 50 100

0.20 30 60





0.35 60 120


0.30 1,000,000 50

600,000 30


0.40 70 140

0.40 1,400,000 70

800,000 40

Fruit per citizen. Before and after export (kg/pax). 90

Source: Writers





Greenhouse |

In hot-arid climate

Figure 7.1 Reflection of sea of greenhouses in Almeria

sun short wave

Source: Writers

long wave infra-red heat could not pass

Ground absorb sun light

Direct radiation transmission for greenhouses with 10o roof with main axis at latitude 37o north Source: Castilla,2005

Direct Radiation Transmission (%)

Figure 7.2


There was a prediction say that greenhouse will play an important role in the Mediterranean climate environment as a means for sustainable crop intensification leading to optimization of water-use efficiency in an environment of water scarcity. However, using greenhouses in industrialized agriculture has already optimized product quality, safety and fulfilled market demand by the benefits of greenhouses effect.1

80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0

21 DEC


21 FEB

21 APR


Roof slope 10o


Solar Collection The main purpose of greenhouse is to collect solar energy. The greenhouse captures light through its walls and converts it to heat where it takes only a few minutes for light coming in for raise the greenhouse temperature to significantly higher than the outside similar to cars with closed windows. Also colour of material also significant where darker colour within the greenhouse helps to store heat and warmer the air inside.

Source: Castilla,2005

Direct Radiation Transmission (%)

Figure 7.3 Direct radiation transmission for greenhouses with 30o roof with main axis at latitude 37o north

80 75 70 65

Moreover, greenhouse usage improve the thermal energy release by heat up and cool down gently. Rather than high heat in the daytime and cold temperatures at night provides a suitable atmosphere for plants to grow.

60 55 50 0

21 DEC

21 FEB

21 APR

Roof slope 30o


By collecting light and converting it to heat, greenhouse stores thermal energy and releases that energy suitably for plants. It can help moderate temperature and produce a controlled environment for plants to flourish. Furthermore, greenhouse helps to protect undesirable weather and secure the plants from pest.

INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design


Figure 7.4 Mediterranean greenhouses Source: http://www.

Greenhouses Ventilation

Cooling effect

One of the most crucial element in greenhouse is ventilation. Successful greenhouse has either active or passive ventilation such as circulation fan, vent or even simple opening. Due to climatic zone,ventilation system of greenhouse may varies. With proper ventilation, plants could thrive prominently. Ventilation helps the regulation of temperature and humidity to the acceptable level for plants to grow. It also decrease the air flow that can harm the plants and prevent increasing of pest.

One of the last discoveries related to greenhouses has been the accidental breakthrough about its cooling effect. It has been observed that while in the whole Spanish seaside the average temperature has been increasing above the world average over years, in the case of the Almerian so-called ‘Sea of plastic’, the values have decreased 0.3 degrees per decade. Spanish scientific have linked this fact to the reflecting effect of the white plastic which cover the greenhouses. The polythene reflects the sunlight into the atmosphere as if it was a mirror, slowing down the warming of the surface.

By having proper ventilation system, Photosynthesis could be effectively done,important pollinators allow to access crops in greenhouse, improve plant respiration, and may enable important pollinators to access the greenhouse crops.

After analysing the temperatures in the 2 major stations, they shown how the values had fallen 0.9 degrees since 1980, when greenhouses expansion began. At the same time, in Murcia, Granada and Malaga, adjacent provinces, the increase has varied between 1 and 3 degrees. This study concluded that if the greenhouses have a cooling effect in Almeria changing global land use could have a really important role in global warming, much more than previously realized.


Passive Greenhouse |

In hot-arid climate

Figure 8.1 Greenhouses in Almeria Source: http://www. amusingplanet. com/2013/08/thegreenhouses-ofalmeria.html

Greenhouse in Mediterranean Basin While in adjacent areas the average temperature has been increasing above the world average over years, in the almeria so-called ‘Sea of plastic’, the values have decreased 0.3 degrees per decade. The polythene reflects the sunlight into the atmosphere, slowing down the warming of the surface. If the greenhouses have a cooling effect in Almeria, changing global land use could have a really important role in global warming, much more than previously realized. Greenhouse in Mediterranean basin area usually are very low cost structures with a little climate control such as porosity or windows for natural ventilation without any high technology device. By using local materials such as wood or Polyethylene plastic film, the local workers could possibly build the greenhouse by themselves without any help from experts where it allow the expansion of greenhouse by these costs of material and availability of installation expertise. However, there are important design problem with the current greenhouses; low radiation transmission, lack of good ventilation as a result of low ventilation surface area , inefficient ventilator designs and use low porosity insect screens. Good agriculture require good ventilation and light transmission, computer simulations show that in winter time, rising the roof slope to 45o can increase daily light transmission by almost 10% It is also recommended to build the greenhouse with an E-W orientation and with regard to ventilation, it is advisable to build the ventilators of the roof perpendicular to the prevailing winds to increase the air flow.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Although Newly design arch shaped multi-span greenhouses bring benefit to greenhouses such as low maintenance structure and continuation of farm, they are not free from drawbacks. Condensation which caused from round shape roof resulting dripping in humid and cold weather. By increasing the roof slope with pointed arches can relief the situation but it is not entirely solve the problem. While the popular of low cost plastic greenhouses expand , the glasshouse is limited in southern Europe countries. Mainly because the high costs which made glasshouses occupy less than 1 percent of total greenhouses area in country such as Spain. Glasshouses are excellent greenhouse structures Whereas if glasshouses are to be constructed in warmer area such as southern Europe, the ventilation must be improved. In such an area like Mediterranean basin, multilayer cover material are recommended since they allow addition of the positive properties of each of the components where it could block long-wave IR radiation so as to reduce heat loss. Also Diffuse films are preferred as they improved the uniformity of light. Ventilation reduction can be modulated by emphasis the ventilation surface as in concertina shaped screens where screens with a small diameter of thread is the key to improve the ventilation as they are more porous but still can prevent insects to go inside greenhouse. One thing to be considered is that Photo-selective or “Coloured“ screens has a possibility to protects against pests. Blue and Yellow colour is likely to reduce the risk of pest invasion than other colours.

Greenhouse System Comparison Figure 8.2 Greenhouses in Netherlands Source: http://www. history-of-the-greenhouse Figure 8.3 Greenhouses in Spain Source: http:// nealrockwellphoto. gallery/Industrial-Agriculture-Almeria-Spain/ G0000iXAuL2WFAoY

2-3 m

3-6 m

Active Greenhouse climate control

Passive Greenhouse climate control

High yields

Limited yields

Good quality almost year round

Good quality in limited period

Regular production

Irregular production

High costs

Low costs

One layer glass material

Multi layer plastic material

Fully transparent

Diffusive transparent

Valid in cold area

Valid in warm area

Require expert to construct

Not require expert to construct 39

Mediterranean building typologies | Figure 9.1 Serifos in Greece Source: https:// mathieuhelie. files.wordpress. com/2008/12/scarano4.jpg

Figure 9.2 . Mardin stone houses Source: https:// commons.wikimedia. org/wiki/File:Mardin_ stone_houses_02148. jpg

Mediterranean building typologies Traditional architecture is essential to be investigated and analyse as it is an collective knowledge through generation of designing. From earth material to concrete, people in different places learnt the idea throughout experimented where the benefits will be kept and the drawbacks of existed generation will be abandon for next generations. It is crucial step not to start from bottom but to gain the true generational design to run a genetic algorithm. The result were aimed to get directions for designer who understand Mediterranean condition and able to design further.

Figure 9.3 Alhambra city Source: Writers

As in Mediterranean, there are several types of building clusters. Take a look at building cluster from Greece, it showed that there are groups of building clustered around the shore area and as the shores are mountain, the buildings were built as step to get from below to the peak of the mountain while in Morocco, it can be noticed that most of the traditional buildings were made from earth material where it is convenient to get and provides a suitable thermal comfort where the building has less perforation or opening and has ventilation through series of building placed in unaligned grid. In Spain, probably the most famous Cerda’s building block in Barcelona has been widely took into consideration because of its emerged behaviour from the primitive block that is manageable to study and it is worth to investigated further to develop the system .


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Figure 9.4 The courtyard house Source: http://sd1ez3020z2uu9b.cloudfront.netimagecacheblog-photos2065.jpg

Roof Figure 9.5 Appearance of Patio house Source: Writers


Casa Patio (The courtyard house)

Floor area

Rooms arranged around a central open space, The courtyard house is the most houses in Andalusia as it provides light and air to the main living area. The main idea is that the house does not depend on the outside and create its own paradise. Inner and outer space are blurred by the intermediate area. There is no proper wall to divide the space but sometime with the use of loggia ,curtain or blinds. The patio can be covered by canvas or sail as it could prevent the exceed amount of sunlight. The heat of the sun causes the upper layer of air beneath the surface to rise. In the meantime, the cool air from loggia or gallery is replace the air that risen. The heritage of the design is from Roman and Islamic culture and has been established around Mediterranean area and especially Andalusia where this characteristic style of the building is still in force today.


Figure 9.6 The Roman house Source: la-casa-romana-architettura/


Figure 9.7 Appearance of Roman house Source: Writers


The Roman house There are two types of house differentiate by social classes which are the Domus and the Insulas with is single unit family house and multiple unit houses respectively. The shape of the Domus has been developed by climate and safety. There is almost no connection from outside to the house with entrance way could be the only connection. Patio is used to be define the structural space within the house. The orderly and symmetrically layout would be format for for the Domus type. This geometric order was to be deny by later topographical conditions. Uniformity of plot size would no longer existed. Some of the characteristics of Roman house still survived such as placing the room around courtyard and rooms that open to the street and used as shops.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Floor area

Figure 9.8 The Arabic house Source: http://www.


Figure 9.9 Appearance of Arabic house Source: Writers


The Arabic house The dividing line between public and private space is very marked for Muslims and the walls built around homes show this. As a consequence, public space hardly existed. Flow of liquid is the main concept of Arabic house where it drains from larger block of house. Like Roman house, the only area allocated to communicating with the exterior is the door. Air and light come from courtyard area.

Floor area

To deal with extremely hot arid condition, the Arabs built their houses with flat roofs. The use of sloped roof has an origin from the Roman and also to the rainfall in the particular area. Different from the Roman house where the layout usually rectangular or symmetrical, the Arab house adapted to the irregularities of the plots. The courtyard remain central but no longer symmetrical. However, the courtyard usually square,rectangular or trapezoid and the layout of the building started from this. The courtyard surrounded by walls with pillared gallery in between. While the Roman patio has pillar on all 4 sides, The Islamic is different because one of the walls is connected to the other house and there is no need for gallery. The rooms are oriented in north south position to letting in the winter sunshine but shading the area when there is sunshine in summer time. Less important area situated opposite wit the wall that orient West- East and the courtyard became the principal room in the house.


Figure 9.10 The Baroque house Source: http://www. otras-comunidades/ cordoba-ix/casa-delos-cueto.jpg Figure 9.11


Appearance of Patio house Source: Writers


The Mudejar, Renaissance, Baroque house From the need of privacy to preserving paradise within the house, traditional house slightly evolved during each period of time. The Roman and Arabic house initially have 1 storey, The Mudejar house was attempted to have 2 storey and maintain with only one courtyard facade. The gallery often accommodate opening on both floors. The Renaissance introduced doorway in front of the facade while in courtyard the used the most valuable material possible. The Baroque enhance the outer facade but decrease the importance of material in the courtyard Both style influenced the town appearance whereas front wall were set back and increasing the appearance of the doorway and the courtyard has more usage as carriage and sometimes the main entrance of the house was located at the courtyard also.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Floor area

Figure 9.12 19th-20th century house


Source: httpwww.homedsgn. com20130525casa-lc-by-art-arquitectos Figure 9.13 Appearance of Patio house Source: Writers


19th and 20th Century house Plot size nowadays became smaller due to the segregation. The use of land and layout remain unchanged where the replacement of wood and concrete to become iron seems to be the only changed. The composition of the facade derived from Neoclassic style.

Floor area

The multifamily building truly established in the 19th century as a form of residence. There were several sub type, home with multiple families inside, The gatehouse acting as a corridor completing the entrance of the plot, facilities such as toilet kitchen were shared. This type of building encourage considerable socializing not only by share facilities but also the courtyard which has been used to be a passage and leisure purposes. Passage way house is the other style of house where it occupied all area of the plot where it open to the streets with an entrance on each fronts. The courtyard serving as passage way. The first half of the 20th century continuing the same trend of sharing a house by multiple families resulting in overcrowding. The latest urban planning encourage the value of the traditional house and call for the preservation of courtyard house by both preserving the existing houses and also adapt the regulation for the new coming houses.

Conclusion Traditional architecture is essential to be investigated and analyse as it is an collective knowledge through generation of designing. From earth material to concrete, people in different places learnt the idea throughout experimented where the benefits will be kept and the drawbacks of existed generation will be abandon for next generations.

It is crucial step not to start from bottom but to gain the true generational design to run a genetic algorithm. The result were aimed to get directions for designer who understand Mediterranean condition and able to design further.


Almeria Building Types | Figure 10.1 Buildings in Almeria Source: Google Earth

Low rise building Storey: Window size : Material: Street width:

1-2 storeys Approx 0.8 x 0.8 cm Concrete, Brick, Earth 4-6 m

Existed in outskirts area of almeria city where it closed to greenhouses area. This type of building are mainly resident Car can still access to the area even the road is not wide.

Figure 10.2 Buildings in Almeria Source: Google Earth

Low-Medium rise building Storey: Window size : Material: Street width:

2-4 storeys Approx 0.9 x 0.9 cm Concrete, Brick 4-8 m

Majority in the area, Low-Medium rise building in almeria emerged in most part of the land because it could be closed to the main street and also benefit from variety of space inside.

Figure 10.3 Buildings in Almeria Source: Google Earth

Medium rise building Storey: Window size : Material: Street width:

4-5 storeys Approx 0.9 x 0.9 cm Concrete, Brick 6-12 m

Mostly in the main street and along the coast where working people needed to stay close to their workplaces. There is not much natural ventilation or sunlight to the units. Ground floor usually use for public amenities and most of the Medium rise building have courtyard behind as the typical Mediterranean building type.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Low construction greenhouses

Figure 10.4

Height: 2-3 m Structure material : Timber Material: Polypropylene Street width: 2-4 m

Almeria Greenhouses Source: Writers

Widely use in most part of the area. Local construction workers are able to fabricate with limited resources. Requires series of timber column inside approximately 2.5m distance between 2 columns. Two layers of building envelope for light transmitting purpose.

New developed greenhouses

Figure 10.5

Height: 3-4 m Structure material : Steel Material: Polypropylene Street width: 2-4 m

Modernized Greenhouses Source: Writers

With the same envelope material. Two layers of Polypropylene still in use. However, using steel structure makes the greenhouses span wider, more equally span and allow ventilation system to be integrated.

Figure 10.6

Collection points Storey: Height: Window : Material: Street width:

1 storey 4-6 m No Concrete, Brick 4-6 m

Collection storages Source: Google Earth

Collection buildings are used mainly to store products that need to wait for exporting. It requires only fundamental building construction but it still required more natural light or ventilation as there are people work inside.


Integrated farming | Figure 11.1 Solar field integrated with animal farm Source: http://www. IMG/798/302798/ primrose-solar-panels-sheep.JPG

Integrated farming is the farming management aims to deliver more sustainable agriculture. It can be applied to any farming system. Basically is to using many cultivation way in the restrict space or land. This can also referred to integration between plants farming and animal farming or even as picture above where there is a combination between sheep and solar farming where it has a symbiosis behavior that they cohabit the space for there own good. Integrated Farming is not based on a set of fixed parameters but on informed management processes. This knowledge-based flexibility of Integrated Farming includes attention to detail and managing all resources available. To cultivate with only one type of crop would be extremely harm to the farmer as if that crop dies in the case of fluctuation of the market or natural disaster, these farmer would not able to have any kind of crops to sell. Integrated farming requires skill in different types of activity such as raising pigs and poultry, crop and vegetable farming, growing grass and aquatic plants and farming of fish. Subsequently,if integrated farming has to be done on a large scale, a sufficient


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

number of people with the required skills have to work together. The organization of production brigades and communes appears to be very well suited for the adoption of the practice. As pointed out earlier, the main motivation for integrated farming is the all-round development of cultivation, where the economic benefits of individual operations do not figure very prominently. It appears that the introduction of integrated farming can play a major role in rural development in developing countries. However, the study group does not believe that the Chinese system can be transplanted as such to other countries. Species of fish, crops and livestock to be raised will have to be selected on the basis of local conditions and requirements. In most other developing countries the objectives of integrated farming will have to be heavily oriented to economic, social and nutritional benefits. Farmer cooperatives or other associations may have to be built up to meet the manpower requirements for economically viable units. Suitable pilot projects will have to be designed and implemented to test the systems and based on the results of such projects, further development will have to be planned.

Figure 11.2 Initial approach of integrated farming in Thailand Source: https:// site/048longlivetheking/phrarach-krniykic/ phra-rach-krniykickar-phlit-thangkarkestr

Figure 11.3 Multiple plants in one greenhouse area Source: http://www. wp-content/uploads/2014/12/SantaCruz-Farms_greenhouse-growing.jpg

In Architectural approach, the settlement can be integrated into the ecology of the site. To meet key human needs of different type of foods and shelter in a way that also enhances the natural environment. By understanding how biological systems work in nature and applying them to human settlement design, these principles can be harnessed for productive and biodiversity environments that are low-maintenance and self-perpetuating.


Plant Categories |

Plant size (small, medium, large, x-large)

Figure 12.1 Pepper plant Figure 12.2 Potato plant Figure 12.3 Green Onion plant

Figure 12.4 Cucumber plant Figure 12.5 Watermelon plant Figure 12.6 Aubergine plant Source : http://www.

Categorize of Plant Dimension Plant Small

0 - 0.6 m


0.7 - 1.3 m


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Height (m)

Harvest Time (days)

Temperature (oF)

Green Onion


30 - 40

30 - 40



45 - 60

40 - 45



50 - 75

65 - 75



50 - 70

60 - 80



65 - 90

65 - 90



90 - 120

70 - 90

Figure 12.7 Tomato plant Figure 12.8 Lemon tree Figure 12.9 Orange tree

Figure 12.10 Olive tree Figure 12.11 Palm tree Figure 12.12 Avocado tree Source : http:/www.

Categorize of Plant Dimension Plant Large

1.3 - 2.5 m


> 2.5m

Height (m)

Harvest Time (days)

Temperature (oF)



65 - 80

65 - 80



120 - 200

50 - 90



190 - 300

45 - 90

60 - 85


> 2.5

1 / year


> 2.5

all year

40 - 90


> 2.5

all year

45 - 90

e arg X-L arge m L diu l Me mal S

e arg X-L arge m L diu l Me mal S

Plants use their leaves to photosynthesis, as a consequence, the tall trees will considered to be the closest to the building as their bush could get more sun light than the shorter and will be placed gradually further from the building.

Figure 12.13 Manipulation of tree height Source: Writers


Cultivation Techniques |

To increase the production of plants

Soil Figure 13.1 Soil cultivation Source: http://

Fed by:

Nutrient and water

Start up :

Immediately after setting up

Nutrient cost :


Bed configuration: Depends on plants but need quite thick level Soil type required for particular plant Maintenance: Grow rate:

Soil need maintenance and seasoning flip Natural rate


Seasoning cultivation




Run off into surrounding ecosystem

Figure 13.2

Fed by:

Nutrient rich solution in water

Hydroponic cultivation

Start up :

Immediately after setting up

Nutrient cost :




Bed configuration: 6� trays Maintenance:

once everyday for electrical conductivity

Grow rate:

30-50% faster than soil plant


Can grow all year round




Close loop

Fed by:

Waste from fish

Start up :

1 month-2 month for fully develop system

Aquaponic Figure 13.3 Aquaponic cultivation Source: http://www.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Nutrient cost :


Bed configuration: 12� trays which efficient to grow Bacteria Need aquarium for fish Maintenance:

once a week to check ammonia & PH level once a month for nitrate level

Grow rate:

50-70% faster than soil plant


Can grow all year round




Close loop

Traditional Greenhouse 1.3 - 2.5 m

Hydroponic Greenhouse 0.5 - 1.2 m




1.0 m


0.6 m


1.2 m


0.6 m


0.7 m


1.0 m


0.6 m


1.2 m


0.6 m


0.7 m

Crop season Winter crops

Bed size


Level / Unit

0.15 m



Average temperature


Greenhouse type

216 plants/unit

Comparison between different cultivation techniques Source: Writers

Summer crops

Winter crops

Figure 13.4

0.15 m




432 plants/unit

Summer crops

While there are these kind of cultivation techniques risen and developed to tackle the farming and planting technique, In greenhouse agriculture, basic use for growing plants and trees is Soil but not on the ground but there is a tray to plants those crops. As that reason, it will not depends on type of soil on that particular area and it is easier to remove or relocated the tray planted without hard working. Also different tray can use different type of soil to grow different kind of crops while it need to be concerned that larger trees need a bigger tray and as the proposal where it needs large trees to give shading also in the summer season, larger tray or even unmovable tray will be introduced to grows these plants and also a possibility of urban landscape for public uses.

Figure 13.5 Traditional Greenhouse plant’s bed Source: http:// tw/graph/web_ structure/219/219_00. jpg


Precedents |

Agrarian City

Figure 14.1 Re planned City on Hilly Grounds. Showing the flexibility and adaptability of the settlement units Source: Ludwig Hilberseimer, The New City (Chicago: Paul Theobald, 1944)

Figure 14.2 A New Settlement Unit Source: Ludwig Hilberseimer, The New City (Chicago: Paul Theobald, 1944)

Urban Farming | Ludwig Karl Hilberseimer Ludwig Karl Hilberseimer (1885-1967) was a German architect and best known urban planner, most of his essays were under strong influence by Nietzsche’s work. He became very famous because of his urban and architectural productions in his 20’s and 30’s, during these times he was very critical to Expressionism and Capitalism. Hilberseimer was interested in theorizing modern architectural practice which responded to development of industrial technologies and the corresponding transformation of the individual in society. He was also influenced by a radically abstract and technological art and architecture. By 1915 his theories on scientific management were widely applied throughout the western world. In 1922 Hilberseimer participated in the international competition of the Chicago Tribune, he became the first European response to a specifically American brief, and also ties to the first ‘tall buildings’ of 19th century. Hilberseimer criticized the lack of order of American skyscrapers, its ornament and individuality.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Hilberseimer’ s idea of the city was based on an organization scheme of relations between parts, the communal block will replace the single house. The importance of the collectively in the block overcomes the individual. His model was conceived for a system with a strong central power. The city is the centre of that power, the city should be the base of the organization of large economic complexes into the nation state. At the larger scale, nation states should organize in larger units. Any individual expression is erased by order and rationality. Therefore High Rise City was a socialist city, which also Hilberseimer main interest because if the architecture icon was removed what remained behind is a diagrammatic organization scheme for the city. Activities in the High Rise City were organized vertically in it. Vertical and Horizontal circulation systems were going from home to work and thereby solving the commuting problems of centrality of the satellite city. In 1938 Mies van der Rohe invited Hilberseimer to Chicago, United States, later then he published The Decentralized City as a respond to the problems caused by industrial revolution. The first stage of industrialization was based on concentration of production and a separation between city and country, as second stage decentralization and diversification of production, both agricultural and industrial, and also closer relation between city and country. Basic settlement unit of Decentralized City contain production, agricultural, industrial, and living.

Figure 14.3 The City in the Landscape, 1944. Source: Ludwig Hilberseimer, The New City (Chicago: Paul Theobald, 1944)

Figure 14.4 Hochhausstadt Source: hilberseimer-hochhausstadt-1924.jpg

He also explained that the cities are not just the place to life but cities also need to serve life, they must be planned for living. Bringing agriculture into closer relation with city would contribute benefit solutions for social and economic problems. Connecting urban farming directly with the house is become one option for low density area, however when the population is denser such gardens might be grouped in the adjoining open area. This farming also could contribute to provide biomass, local based food products, reducing fossil pollution caused by transport therefore this plan also could avoid the costing problems.

Settlement units which have gardens and surrounding parks will bring the city into close relation with nature, in the end the city itself will becomes part of the productive lands. For example the one-storey dwelling will disappears among trees and farming land, a natural camouflage will appear as the result. In the end when we compare the High Rise City with Hilberseimer’ s Decentralized City, both have quite different approach, however they share similar principles they became one project in two different contexts.

Placing the farming area in the adjoining open area has essential advantages such as economy potential, become productive park system, reducing the cost of maintenance because the land will be cultivate by society. The extension of this farming area would be depend on conditions such as climate and culture in that particular area, also the number of people which the area need to provide. The farming area need to be enough to produce food supply for projection population, therefore to have additional agricultural land is necessary. Some particular concentration patch would have to receive their food demand from other farming areas.


Precedents |

Urban Border

Figure 15.1 , 15.2 TRANSAFRICAN1: “Trans-Border African Cities project”. Source: Sebastian Irarrázaval. 2014.

Figure 15.3 TRANSAFRICAN1: “Trans-Border African Cities project”. Source: Sebastian Irarrázaval. 2014.

Frontier Cities, Africa As the continent with the fastest growing population, this project presents a way to a more prosperous cultural and economic future, erasing old colonial borders and reintegrating the continent, yet recovering lost identities. The frontiers become attractive places for human settlements. Highly density urban patches are separated by rural stripes, creating strong and clear boundaries between neighbourhoods. This fact, beside the commercial pedestrian street, that every neighbourhood has, allows for a recovery of old identities and values, formerly erased by colonialism. These new settlements present a main transport axis and the maximum length of the urban stripes are dictated by human scale and ensure a maximum 20 minutes walk to reach the axis from every spot. From the main axis, water canals provide irrigation to the agricultural plots. The energy needed is provided from renewable sources that are inside huge infrastructures whose aspect remind of that of the old and harmful sources. These pieces become appealing public spaces instead. To deal with the extreme climate in these zones, the architectural solution proposes building morphologies inspired in the local crafts patterns with long perimeters which allow for double facade and cross ventilation. The vacant land left for agriculture is owned by state and developed on a concessions scheme, within an efficient network of connection with other cores. Projects like this for trans border cities in Africa blur a border like that between countries by using intelligent and efficient mechanisms, but at the same time it creates new borders between neighbourhoods at the city scale


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Figure 15.4 CUISINE PROJECT 1: “Implantation city. Cuisine project”. Source: Projective Architecture Office. 2013.

Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism, Shenzhen The differences in social classes, between rich and poor in the city of Shenzhen have created a segregated area, not only as a physical boundary but also as an intangible frontier. These proposals are to rethink urban phenomena and relationship between segregated spaces by revealing the facts and images behind them.

Figure 15.5 CUISINE PROJECT 1: “Implantation city. Cuisine project”. Source: Projective Architecture Office. 2013.

Cuisine Project uses cuisine as an important factor in the expression of local population and so it does with restaurants, which are a make up of the society. This project provides the different restaurant models with a frame made out of wood that allows for a flexible exchange area. Some urban villages of Shenzhen show vibrant streets with businesses that lead to disorder and lack of spatial quality due to competition and reduced exterior space. Market project looks for a new instrument to maintain the activity and vitality of a city but keeping it tidy and clean. It divides the street space into organic groups based on a overlaid gridded market. With a wide range of urban furniture it forms a varied and complex outer space that still looks uniform as a whole. These two projects are clear examples of urban acupuncture solutions for borders encountered in the city by exploiting small interventions in order to generate not only huge urban impact but also social changes.


Precedents |

Urban farming

Figure 16.1 Lufa greenhouse on top of t building Source: http://lufa. com/en/

Figure 16.2 Bird eye view of Lufa Rooftop farm Source: wiki/File:Lufa_Farms_ Aerial_view_of_Laval_ rooftop_greenhouse. jpg

Figure 16.3

Lufa Rooftop farm , Montreal

Inside Lufa’s model Source: http://lufa. com/en/

This particular system could provide different micro climate for different plants requirement using active system such as ventilation fan or heater. Lufa Farms uses other insects, certain naturally occurring bacteria, weed-free growing mediums, and rigid protocols for maintaining a clean, problem-free growing area avoid using dangerous chemical. Using specific growing medium, each plants could flourishes better associates with specific nutritions and modulation of light. Rainwater is captured and reuse in three out of four season even though Canada has not effected by water scarce. There are two reasons to do so: First, is to avoid over-burdening the city water supply and second, is to prevent nutrient-rich wastewater from entering the public water system, where it might contribute to high algae development or the overgrowth of other plants. Greenhouse on top of an urban structures could help to reduce the transportation cost, emission and money. The heating system absorbs heat from the sun and bring to the heaters. During night time, energy curtain are applied to reduce energy needs. climatic controlled rooftop helps to create a modulate temperature in both humidity hot in summer and freezing cold in winter. In conclusion, Lufa model could be beneficial to a company where they have free space on the rooftop but there is no interaction between local community. However, there is some idea of putting greenhouse on rooftop that can decrease the sun radiation effected to the building to continue investigation furthermore.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Figure 16.4 Urban farming Source: http://files. files/img/af4fcebe32. jpg

Figure 16.5 Urban farming Source: http://www. wp-content/uploads/2008/01/cuba. jpg

Organoponicos , Havanas Urban agricultural system that usually found in Havana, Cuba. It was invented when Cuba hit by food crisis during the lost access of cheaply oil from Russian being cut off. During that period the urban agriculture even not exist in the Havana, on the other hand the food demands need to be provide, as the president during that time Fidel Castro proclaimed all the land should be cultivated. This policy forced the people in Havana to produce their own food supply resources such as growing vegetables also raise animals.

Figure 16.6 Organoponicos farming with building behind the farm Source: https:// nightingaleestate.wordpress. com/2015/05/02/cuba-organoponicos/

A low-level concrete walls filled with organic matter and soil , with lines of drip irrigation laid on the surface of growing media was invented and named Organoponicos. Many new urban individual farmers are grown in every part of Havana which than called Parceleros emerged. Usually the unused old parking lots, abandon building sites turned to be Organoponicos. In fact more than 35,000 hectares of land is turn to urban agriculture site in Havana. With this method the city of Havana believed become self-sufficient that able to provide all the food demand for the residence. However the Havana city still need to import their basic staples such as (wheat, vegetables oils, rice, etc) because the limitation of the plant variety that could be grown in limited space urban agriculture.


Precedents |

Markets influence of 2 cities

Figure 16.1 Markets in Barcelona Source: http://lufa. com/en/ 14 Lesseps








13 sants





6 1




St. Antoni


Les Flors



St Caterina






Neigbourhood Population Market area(km2) area(m2) 1.La Dreta de L’eixample 2.1 43340 5474 2.El raval 1.1 47489 6430 3.La barceloneta 1.3 15104 5466 4.St. Pere, Sta. Caterina y la RIbera 1.1 22358 7524 5.El fort pienc 0.9 31494 17547 6.Esquerra de l’example 1.2 41717 7183 7.St. Antoni 0.8 38096 9721 8.El poble sec 4.6 40278 3362 9.Sants 1.1 40854 6816 10.Les corts 1.4 45984 4470 11.St. Gervasi-Galvany 1.7 46466 3429 12.Villa de Gracia 1.3 50448 1563 13.El camp de Grassot i Gracia nova 0.6 34043 8663 14.La salut 0.6 13166 1130

People/m2 of market 7.9 7.4 2.8 3.0 1.8 5.8 3.9 12.0 6.0 10.3 13.6 32.3 3.9 11.7



INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design


The study of the markets in the city of Barcelona is of interest due to their effect in the surrounding neighborhoods. It is one extraordinary case amongst all the other Mediterranean cities. The market of the neighborhood is not only a shopping place, but also a place where to gather with residents and spend time. These spaces are usually equipped with public squares to create that public meeting point. The relevant value from this study is the ratio people over market surface area. This average value,5.8 will be used for the design of the system developed in this book.

Figure 16.6

Khema Market

Prachacheun Mall


Jatujak Market

Market in Bangkok


Source: https:// nightingaleestate.wordpress. com/2015/05/02/cuba-organoponicos/


Jankasem Market Ari Market



Bangkhun sri Market




Tha prachan Tha chang

Wang lung Market

Pratunam Market


5 Yod Piman



Flower Market Tha prarungreung Market

Yaowarat Market Samyan Market



Saphan leung Market


Chamchuree square

Wongwian yai Market

10Silom Market 13 9km.

1.Bang sue 2.Jatujak 3.Dusit 4.Phyathai 5.Phra Nakhon 6.Promprab 7.Ratchathewi 8.Pratumwan 9.Samphanthawong 10.Bang ruk 11.Bangkok noi 12.Bangkok yai 13.Thon Buri

Neighbourhood Population Market area(m2) area(km2) 128,995 39666 11.5 160,366 118235 32.9 104,394 9787 10.7 72,203 4458 9.5 55,373 86405 5.5 49,280 12388 1.9 73,790 15011 7.1 51,557 75013 8.3 26,359 7516 1.4 46,472 42642 15.5 116,653 60258 11.9 70,003 11148 6.18 115,330 15405 8.55

People/m2 of market 3.3 1.4 10.7 16.2 0.6 4.0 4.9 0.7 3.5 1.1 1.9 6.3 7.5


The markets in Bangkok are not arranged within a pattern similar to those ones in Barcelona, but the public function of them is the same. In any neighborhood of Bangkok there is not only one main market where all the activity occur around of, there are usually more than one or two, occasionally very close to each other. Due to this reason and the fact that Barcelona is located at the same latitude as the studied site, the taken value to proceed with development is the Spanish city one.



Precedents |

public space

Figure 17.1 Market roof as the fifth wall Source: http:// en.wikiarquitectura. com/index.php/Santa_Catarina_Market Figure 17.2 Interior Source: http:// en.wikiarquitectura. com/index.php/Santa_Catarina_Market

Santa Caterina Market of Barcelona In the seek of a high quality public space within the mediterranean climate, the the sight is focused on squares that are attached to some public amenities or facilities, i.e. markets or educational spaces. Barcelona enjoys many of these spaces and its famous for being a city of neighbourhoods, where each neighbourhood has its own market that works as a public hub and place to stay. Regarding the case studied, the implementation of a new roof, that integrates the structure and extends beyond the perimeter of the original building is meant to confuse and mix with the old structures. The new cover plays an important role not only for the market but also, and more important, in planning the recovery of this previously degraded neighbourhood of Barcelona. The structure consists of a set of wooden irregular arches supported by steel beams that are laid on a group of steel pillars. The original facade is maintained and the natural light comes in through the openings on the previous wall.

Figure 17.3 Transversal section.


Retail space


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Public space

Main circulation space

Figure 17.4 Inside airport Source: http://www. Figure 17.5 Outside airport Source: http://www.

Zaragoza Airport Airports and big transport hubs are also considered as spaces where the activities can be developed inside in many different ways, the geometry and the structure of these spaces should allow for this. Therefore, another example of this type of heterogeneous spaces could be the Zaragoza airport. This building is characterized by its flexibility, due to the modular structure that allows for a growth by phases. Also the natural light has been an important input, skylights have been placed where the passengers stay. The vertical gaps between different strips are utilized to place large glass surfaces where the light comes through. The straight-forward and easy geometry optimizes the inside spatial distribution and extensive use of natural light.

Figure17.6 Transversal section.


Outdoor space

Indoor space


DOMAIN REFERENCES P. 32 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. P. 34 1. 2. 3. 4. P. 36 1.



INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

METHOD This design project deals mostly with an urban system. Therefore, it is not related to a minimal scale or material aspects, so the experimentation on physics tests is practically irrelevant. For a clear understanding and development of this system the methods used have been carried out using computational tools. These digital techniques have been used from the analysis of solar exposure on the first buildings designs to the evaluation of the network and cells distribution on the patch for the design proposal.


Computational techniques | Figure 18.1 Darwin’s finches Source: Wikipedia

A traditional way for architectural design has been to design by drawing, a technique as well known as an additive process with no relations between elements.1 Two limits of this additive logic are firstly, the fact that the act of drawing differs from a parametric paradigm in that it works through adding information rather than establishing interrelations. Secondly, the traditional process of drawing could not include real physical information such as external forces or modify the design or form after a feedback is given. In the past ten years, Form- finding techniques have became a significant strategy through parametric design. This process aims an optimized form by organizing heterogeneous data such as dynamic force, environment, social data, etc. Parametric design has been brought up and many designers and architects realized that it could manage complexity beyond human capabilities due to it relies on programming languages which express instructions called Algorithm.

This procedure can not rearrange such as you can not eat a cookie before you spread it in a pan. Nonetheless, some may argues that it is not purely algorithm since the instruction has not well-defined what are the ingredients as Algorithm is an unambiguous set of properly defined instructions.




Algorithm Algorithm follows the human aptitude of splitting an issue into a set of steps. They are highly associated to computer. However, it could be defined as a simple procedure such as baking a cookie by introducing a step by step instruction:2 0. Mix Ingredients. 1. Spread in pan. 2. Bake a cookie in oven. 3. Remove a cookie from oven. 4. Eat. 68

INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design



Figure 18.2 Genetic Algorithm Source:gemo vas by studio integrate

Genetic Algorithms

Multi-Objective optimization

A genetic algorithm is a class of adaptive optimization mimicking the natural selection. 3 The GA is commonly used to create optimized generations of designs. A criteria set, previously defined, marks the objective pursued during this process. The iterations start with the development of a population, or generation zero, of candidate solutions to an optimization problem that can be continually evolved towards better solutions according to a single or multiple fitness criteria. It is an evolutionary process where the first population is created from random values of genes and it is then implemented pursuing the desired conditions.4

Genetic algorithms involving more than one criteria simultaneously may produce different solutions with each set optimized according to different fitness criteria.6 The multiobjective optimization algorithm allow for the option to assess the advantages and trades-off between different design morphologies comprised of mutually concurrent and often conflicting criteria.7 Utilizing multi-objective genetic algorithms in the development of an urban system allow for the investigation on environmental and cultural performances in a complex way. They will be used to decide the best orientation in order to get maximum exposure on surfaces of buildings or to define the location of the main nodes within the primary network.

The GA creations are commonly known as individuals that acquire their shapes, properties and characteristics by managing a group of parameters. These parameters, or genes, can be modified, mutated or altered throughout the process. During this iterative process, a mutation rate can be established in order to define the degree of control over the process and ease of tracking the genes. For each generation, the values of each individual are evaluated and ranked. The individuals that scored best from each generation are selected and theirs characteristics are recombined to create the subsequent generation. The process terminates when a user-defined number of generations has been reached or the population have an established satisfactory fitness level for the optimization criteria.5


Figure 18.3 Solar Radiation Source: httpauworkshop.autodesk. comsitesdefaultfilesstyleslargepublicgallery-inserted-imageswind_analysis. pngitok=uagDWdKm

Figure 18.4 Sunlight Source: httpswww. food4rhino.comcdnfarfuture9uaTdcU9EQ8LmRqXSjw 4rVjAPbzlZeD7sQVAOyGdZUmtime%3A1392613330sitesdefaultfiles03_radiation-rose.jpg

Solar Analysis

Sunlight hours

Sunlight refers to direct sunshine throughout the day and experiences changes in intensity at different latitudes and times of year.8 At urban scale, it is an important factor to evaluate and test. From these experiments, some design decisions are taken in order to either obscure a specific area or let light in at some other zones.

Another important action of the sun on the Earth is the hours of sunlight on a determined surface. This project deals with the integration of industrialized agriculture and residential areas. For the industrialized areas, in this case produced within greenhouse the sunlight hours are a crucial factor. The studied greenhouse type needs 6 sunlight hours daily for a good performance.

Radiation The power per unit area produced by the sun on a determined surface is known as radiation. This energy, measured in Kilowatts heats up the space next to the surface. At urban scale, this factor becomes a relevant measurement of the increment of temperature at a given space due to the radiation of the surface. The albedo index for the material studied is necessary to know the radiation value. Once this index and the surface area of the material is known, the radiation can be found out. Therefore, the effect on the adjacent space temperature will be used as an aspect to control during the design of surfaces and streets. This system is to be tested on cities along Mediterranean basin. The reduction of the heat on the streets, particularly in summer months is one of the main ambitions of the project carried out in this dissertation.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

A set of daily solar vectors is defined according to the site latitude and given the surfaces dedicated to greenhouses and the occlusion between them and the source, the hours that this ray hits the surfaces can be known.

Figure 18.5 Graph theory Source: httpcdn.

Figure 18.6 Minimum spanning tree Source: httpswho. rocq.inria.frNicolas. Broutingallery.html

Graph theory

Minimum spanning tree

In maths and computer sciences graph theory is the study of mathematical structures used to model relationship between entities.9 Many practical problems can be represented by graphs to demonstrate pairwise relations among objects and to process dynamics in physical, biological, social and information systems.10 A graph consists of nodes, as objects, and edges as the connections between them. In this project graph theory has been used for area tessellation, subdivision and networks distribution.

From a given set of connected points in a graph, Minimum spanning true of that graph is created by connecting these points with the shortest length of edges and without closed loops.11 A single graph can have several minimum spanning tree and the minimal spanning tree is found by summing the lengths of each edge and comparing them to one another.12

Shortest path In graph theory, Dijkstra’s algorithm is utilized to find out the shortest path between nodes. With a given set of nodes this algorithm will find the edges between nodes so as to the sum of the lengths of its constituent is minimized. These edges can represent physical entities on a map and its length can be considered as the proper distance of a road. This subset is used in some experiments of this dissertation to define the location of main collection points or nodes. Aiming to serve the same number of cells for each collection node, the cells centroid will be connected to a collection point via the shortest path.


METHOD REFERENCES 1. Tedeschi, Arturo. (2014). ALGORITHMS AIDED DESIGN. 2. Ibid 3. Rowland, T. et. al. “Genetic Algorithm” From Mathworld—A Wolfram Web Resource. 4. Menges, A. (2011) COMPUTATIONAL DESIGN THINKING. 5. Mitchell, M. (1999) AN INTRODUCTION TO GENETIC ALGORITHMS. 6. Koumutsakos, P. (2000). MULTIOBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION USING EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS. 7. Zuluaga, M. (2012). ACTIVE LEARNING FOR MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION. 8. Byran. H. (2012). LIGHTING/DAYLIGHTING ANALYSIS: A COMPARISON. 9. Weisstein, E. W. “Graph” from Mathworld – Wolfram Web Resource. http://mathworld. 10. Pirzada, S. (2007). APPLICATION OF GRAPH THEORY. Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vol 11. 11. Weisstein, E. W. “Minimum spanning tree” from Mathworld – Wolfram Web Resource. 12. Sedgewick, R. (2013) ALGORITHMS.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT Exploring of some possibilities which are able to give some set of potential combinations. These strategies later on will be used to pursue the objective of the project. The research is done specifically for the desired region in this case Mediterranean basin that has special condition such as extreme climate change and high sunlight hours. Therefore by limiting the region area, this research become more not too board and able to focus on the current situation of the determined site.


Open space analysis |

Madrid, Rome and Lisbon

Figure 19.1 Madrid, Spain Source: Google Earth

Coverage area = 858,246 m2

Figure 19.2 Rome, Italy Source: Google Earth

Coverage area = 841,326 m2

Figure 19.3 Lisbon, Portugal Source: Google Earth

Coverage area = 917,390 m2


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Madrid, Spain


Road Width

4 m - 35 m

Built up area

426,975 m2

Population Density

5304 people/km2

Public Space / 1 km2 94,752 m2 (9%) Public Space / person

17 m2/person

Public Space coverage area (200 m)

858,246 m2

Rome, Italy Road Width

5 m -20 m

Built up area

341,317 m2

Population Density

2,232 people/km2

Many major cities in the world offer high quality urban space. However, not only that ratio makes the public space better but also the walking distance to a public square or park. Any residential unit should have a maximum limit of walking distance to a public park which can vary from a small pocket park in the corner of the block to a large public park. Analysis of 3 cities has been take place focusing on Mediterranean countries. Madrid Rome and Lisbon have a different area of public space compare to each other, still the area within a walking distance is similar at approximately 850,000 m2. Having different population density, 5304 people/ km2 for Madrid and 2,232 people/km2 for Rome and 6,458 people/km2 for Lisbon. It has been observed that the total area of public parks is not quite in relation to population density number. To conclude, Average percentage of public space per 1 km2 that will be carry on with the system design is 12%. Although having such a decent ratio of public space per person in the example of Madrid Rome and Lisbon, the urban quality should also be achieved by integrated and connected distribution of public spaces reachable for every resident in the site. Also different size of publiic space should have a different influence coverage area which will be tackle in the system design. Further step will be to measure the temperature quality of public space for this particular climate area by quantifying amount of sunlight hour per day.

Public Space / 1 km2 157,143 m2 (16%) Public Space / person

70 m2/person

Public Space coverage area (200 m)

841,326 m2

Lisbon, Portugal Road Width

4 m - 15 m

Built up area

422,785 m2

Population Density

6,458 people/km2

Public Space / 1 km2 117,610 m2 (12%) Public Space / person

18 m2/person

Public Space coverage area (200 m)

917,390 m2


Solar exposure on open space |

Comparison between greenhouses and developed cities

Figure 20.1 Madrid Public park area in green Source: Writers Figure 20.2 Solar analysis on open space Source: Writers

Daily Sunlight Hours >8 6.00 5.50 < 3.00

Figure 20.3 Urban view of Madrid city Source: Google Earth


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Madrid, Spain Total Footprint area

1,000,000 m2

Average Building Height

25 m

Un-Built area

585,161 m2

Area that has > 6hrs of sunlight

80,200 m2

Ratio of the effected area over total area


Figure 20.4 Rome Public park area in green Source: Writers Figure 20.5 Solar analysis on open space Source: Writers

Daily Sunlight Hours >8 6.00 5.50 < 3.00

Rome, Italy

Figure 20.6

Total Footprint area

1,000,000 m2

Urban view of Rome city

Average Building Height

25 m

Source: Google Earth

Un-Built area

608,233 m2

Area that has > 6hrs of sunlight

116,700 m2

Ratio of the effected area over total area



Figure 20.7 Lisbon urban fabric Source: Writers

Figure 20.7 Solar analysis on open space Source: Writers

Daily Sunlight Hours >8 6.00 5.50 < 3.00

Figure 20.8 Urban view of Lisbon Source: Google Earth


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Lisbon Total Footprint area

1,000,000 m2

Average Building Height

20 m

Un-Built area

650,556 m2

Area that has > 6hrs of sunlight

222,500 m2

Ratio of the effected area over total area


Conclusion Analysing the differences between major cities in Mediterranean such as Madrid or Rome and comparing these with the existed “Greenhouses city� fabric in Almeria, it has been observed that due to hot and arid area of the Mediterranean, for people to live in liveable condition the urban patch needs shading. In the building itself if there are sufficient thickness of wall or has eaves, people are able to gain comfort condition. However, on the public area outside buildings the control of shading is achieved by appropriate streets widths and buildings heights. Building height is one of the elements that have a relevant effect to the public space. The heights have a direct influence on streets shading. From the Arabic influence, streets N-S are wider street than those with E-W orientation since the buildings beside can block the sunlight through out the day except at noon. E-W street may need narrower street since it may not benefit from building much. After analysing, one thing should be mentioned is that Rome and Madrid have the same average height of building at approximately 25 metres height, according to Google Earth data, and in the Almeria greenhouses area, the height is around 3 metres. By that circumstance, the street exposed area in both cities is almost the same. In Almeria’s greenhouses, it raised to 61 %. Also by having greenhouses on ground level, the Polyethylene plastic reflects sun light and, in summer, when the temperature in greenhouse rises up to 50oc, the heat can transfer from greenhouses to outside area which will be explained further in the next chapter.


Solar exposure on site | Figure 21.1 Almeria site Source: Writers

Hours 9 <= 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 <=0

Overview The site is of particular interest because of its climate. One crucial decision in the study of the current situation is the solar analysis carried out for the studied site. From the overall map, on top of these lines, it is possible to see how the solar exposure is less at the pedestrian height. This fact is a consequence of the narrow streets and tall buildings. The ratio buildings height over streets width is studied and tackled later in this dissertation. Also from this overall view, it is clear that in the urban side, the streets seem fresh and not extremely hot while the rest of the space is completely exposed to the solar radiation, as it happens in the rural side. To proceed further with this analysis and aiming for better and more understandable data and results, the scope has turned into the analysis at smaller scale. Then, 3 different patches have been selected to carry out this evaluation. The selection of them has been based on different sizes with the aim of getting a heterogeneous and distributed set of results. The criteria was to select a large space, larger than 50,000 m2, a medium space with longitudinal character and a small space whose area was under 15,000 m2. These spaces should be taken from both the urban and rural side. Once the spaces are chosen, the analysis was carried out.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

The main objective of this evaluation was to identify the potential area where the greenhouse could be located. As the greenhouse needs sunlight for the crops, the scenario was fixed in the worst situation of the harvest season, i.e. 21st of December, where the sunlight hours are the least in the year. Looking at the results, the area in red shows the area with maximum sunlight hours in that specified date, whereas the blue area shows the least number of hours. This analysis at this scale emphasizes the observation previously mentioned, where it was pointed out that the urban fabric does influence in the shading of the empty spaces or public areas at the ground level. Due to that fact the location of the covered spaces dedicated to greenhouse at this side will have to be profoundly studied and detailed when placing them. On the other hand, the practically in existence of built up elements at the rural side makes the analysis for this side completely irrelevant. The empty spaces are here vast extension of land with the same sunlight exposure, without protected areas. The strategy will be then to introduce buildings, residential ones.


Tested void area : 54,603 m2



Tested void area : 101,979 m2

Total 5 ≥ : 54,603 m2

Total 5 ≥ : 99,972 m

Total < 5 : 0 m2

Total < 5 : 2,007 m2



Hours 9 <= 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 <=0

R2 Tested void area : 23,805 m2

Tested void area : 25,713 m2

Total 5 ≥ : 23,328 m2

Total 5 ≥ : 25,713 m2

Total < 5 : 477 m2

Total < 5 : 0 m2


R3 Tested void area : 7,398 m2

Tested void area : 16,425 km2

Total 5 ≥ : 4,005 m2

Total 5 ≥ : 16,398 m2

Total < 5 : 3,393 m2

Total < 5 : 27 m2


Greenhouses reflection |

Temperature, heat transfer, solar radiation

Figure 22.1 Reflection at “The Walkie talkie Building“ Source: http://

Figure22.2 Radiation analysis on greenhouses surface envelope Source: Writers

While having greenhouses in the land can optimised overall temperature to decreasing. However, with the massive amount of greenhouses area, it can bring climatic drawback in micro scale. In this specific site, the analysis has been take for the area that has greenhouses the most to evaluate the climatic condition whether to extract the advantages or filter the disadvantages out in the design further. Take a look on the Figure on the left, colour gradient shows the total solar radiation on the greenhouse side-surface within one year period. This result then calculated to find out how much it will effect the surrounding environment temperature.

High Radiation

Low Radiation


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Temperature Average Record 34o

Figure 22.3



Almeria average temperature







25o 24o

22o 21o

19o 16o






22o 20o




11o 8o





13o 10o

22o 19o


Source: http://









The solar radiation on the Almeria existing urban morphology was measured using computational experiment, with the help of data sources from Energy Plus as the input. The patch has been divided into a grid with cells of 200mx200mx4m, total solar radiation from every month in a year could be evaluated. For experiment purpose, high radiation, medium radiation, and low radiation cells were identified. By knowing the albedo factor of greenhouse material, polyethylene, the total amount of reflected solar radiation energy was calculated. This reflected energy is then added to the thermal flux radiation and convection that comes from the greenhouse itself. To do that, the greenhouse interior temperature is estimated as 27 degrees Celsius, as it is actually kept. However this hypothesis only worked when the outside temperature is lower than temperature inside the greenhouse.







Based on the research of human thermal comfort, the human body is able to adapt until 5 oC temperature change for static activities, i.e. sleeping, sitting, etcetera. However for dynamic activity such as working, walking, etcetera the thermal comfort range is increased depending on the intention that is to be achieved. For all of this and since this project sits on a region with extreme climate, the control and adjustment of the temperature on the urban space by specific design of surfaces and dimensions will be one of the main ambitions through this dissertation. This approach is also introduced later on for the local scale development, where the integration between greenhouse with inhabitable is studied and developed.

All calculations are made without considering the cell-to-cell heat transmission, which means there is no air velocity and other external factors through the analyzed patch. Due to frequent changes of the climate, calculations at bigger scale than this grid would be unnecessary. This energy value is utilized through using the basic energy equation to find out how much the temperature will change within the cell volume.


Temperature Calculation

High Radiation patch

Medium Radiation patch

Low Radiation patch

Figure 22.4 Different density of greenhouses comparison of surface area Source: Writers

Calculating surface Uncalculating surface Affected area

Highest Radiation on 555,158.1 kWh Greenhouse surface (July)

Highest Radiation on 382,442.1 kWh Greenhouse surface (July)

Highest Radiation on 171,334.1 kWh Greenhouse surface (July)

Highest Reflected Radiation

155,444.2 kWh

Highest Reflected Radiation

107,083.7 kWh

Highest Reflected Radiation

47,973.5 kWh

Total Radiated Surface

7,627.2 m2

Total Radiated Surface

5,467.53 m2

Total Radiated Surface

2,167.33 m2

Greenhouse Volume 81,656.58 m3

Greenhouse Volume 49,650.17 m3

Greenhouse Volume 23,363.23 m3

Highest Heat Transfer Conv+Rad

Highest Heat Transfer Conv+Rad

Highest Heat Transfer Conv+Rad

16,026 kWh

Highest Temperature 10.1 oC Change

11,488 kWh

Highest Temperature 4.6 oC Change

4,553 kWh

Highest Temperature 1.4 oC Change

Figure22.5 Radiation of greenhouse

Current situation for greenhouse in Almeria

Source: Writers

27 oC


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

The greenhouse in Almeria mostly used polyethylene as the building envelope. The climate in Almeria mostly has temperature between 8oC to 42oC. The ideal scenario will be to keep the temperature inside the greenhouse 27oC. In winter season, greenhouse in Almeria still able to produce food because the temperature does not drop insignificantly. However, during the summer season there is an issue needed to be tackle. Even though introducing ventilation system probably modulated temperature, it will not drastically changed. Therefore in Almeria, during summer season, the greenhouse will be emptied, which mean no cropping times. This condition is seen as potential for the public space to accommodate the greenhouse area during summer.

Solar Radiation on Greenhouse Surface 6.00E+05

Total solar radiation in here was calculated only at greenhouse surface on the side without including the roof surface seeing that the radiation on the top part will not effect the temperature changes in horizontal direction.


5.00E+05 4.00E+05 3.00E+05

High Radiation Medium Radiation Low Radiation

2.00E+05 1.00E+05 0.00E+00













Greenhouse Thermal Convection + Radiation 1.80E+04

Considering the temperature change in Almeria is vary from 8oC - 42oC, and also understanding that the corps need right temperature to be cultivated, this experiment assume that the temperature inside greenhouse is always 27oC means that when the temperature outside lower, this greenhouse act as heat sources that transfer the thermal by conviction and radiation. The total amount of thermal transfered by conviction and radiation were shown on the graph.


1.60E+04 1.40E+04 1.20E+04 1.00E+04 8.00E+03 6.00E+03 4.00E+03 2.00E+03 0.00E+00













Temperature Changes C


12o 10o 8o 6o 4o 2o 0o





This radiation then multiply by albedo factor of the polyethylene to get the approximate radiation that has been reflected.









As the result of the calculation, we manage to calculate the temperature change that caused by 2 causes of energy transfer. The highest is at July (summer) because the energy from solar radiation contributed huge amount of energy, however during summer season there is no cultivation inside the greenhouse. By comparing and evaluating these 3 distinct morphologies, some relation are conclude.


Street width |

Sun exposure in Summer and Winter

Figure23.1 Analysis of the building and street width that effected to the street Source : Writers


Overview The streets width has an important effect on the quality of the public spaces and streets. This, together with the buildings height will be the parameter to make shaded areas on the street where in different location will give a different results due to the angle of the sun travel. By using the environmental analysis tools (Grasshopper+Ladybug). We able to know the sun exposed that effect to the street where having buildings as a input context.

Experiment The Experiment take place by having a different parameters of street width together with building height. Variation of 3 /6/9 buildings height and 6/12/18 street width has been set . Another setting is the orientation of the street. As the sun that travel from East to west with the southern angle on this area. The setting to experimented is one with the North-South and East-West orientated street and Secondly, with the NW-SE and NE-SW oriented street.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

By such setting of parameters, The result aimed to know what properties of street suitable for inhabitants walk and which kind of street that suitable for using vehicle to transport people and agricultural products which will purposed to developed the existing streets in further development. (By introducing trees or street furniture etc.)

Summer Condition

Summer Legend (Hour)

The first example experiment is the iteration which has the width of the street at 18 m and the height of buildings at 6 m.

9 <= 8 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 2 <=2

In Summer condition, The result shows that the street effected most of the day sunshine on E-W street where the N-S street has less sunlight hours at 2-3 hours


Sunlight Hours for North - South street 2-3 hours Sunlight Hours for East- West street >6 hours 6m 18 m

Winter Legend (Hour)

Winter Condition

9 <= 8 7 6 5 5 4 3 2 1 <=0

On the other hand, winter condition has considerably different result, the E-W street effected by sunshine at about 1 hour or less where the N-S street has even less sunlight hours at 0.5 - 1 hours. N

One thing to be pointed out is the east side of the N-S street has no effected by sunshine all day. Sunlight Hours for North - South street 0.5-1 hours Sunlight Hours for East- West street <1 hours

6m 18 m

18m 2



6m 3m West side

East side


Summer Condition Summer Legend (Hour)

The another example is the diagonal oriented. Showing on the left is the iteration which has the maximum width of the street at 18 m and also maximum height of buildings at 6 m.

9 <= 8 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 2 <=2

In Summer condition, The result shows that the street effected most of the day sunshine on NE-SW street where the NW-SE street has slightly less sunlight at 4 - 5 hours N

Sunlight Hours for NW - SE street 4 - 5 hours Sunlight Hours for NE- SW street 5 - 6 hours

6m 12 m

Winter Condition

Winter Legend (Hour)

Take a look on winter condition, it has considerably different result, the NE-SW street effected by sunshine at about 0.5-1 hour where the NW-SE street has slightly more sunshine at approximately 1 hour

9 <= 8 7 6 5 5 4 3 2 1 <=0

One thing to be pointed out is almost entire NE-SW street has no effected by sunshine all day.

Sunlight Hours for NW - SE street


1 hours Sunlight Hours for NE- SW street 0.5 - 1 hours 6m 12 m

12m 3.5



4.5 m 90

SW side

NE side


Figure 23.2 Shading provided by trees Source: http://azul.

Conclusion Overall experiment is not to choose the optimum ratio to replace the entire network However, some iteration could be introduced to develop the essential streets to improve the whole system. From the experiment, it can be stated that the crucial condition is the summer period as the city will not affect by sun in winter where the temperature is lower and the shading are more than summer period. Narrower street provide more shaded area which is essential for city in this particular climate. However, narrow street is suitable for inhabitants use where transportation would consider wider street. In this case, People is in the car or truck and the time used on this street would be less as the vehicle travel faster than people walk. The other criteria is the orientation of the street. The experiment shows that the N-S street provide more shade for most of the iteration where the diagonal orientation give roughly the same result for both NW-SE and NE-SW street which has mainly unwanted results. To conclude, if possible, N-S street could be developed to be used by inhabitants where introduction of NE-SW streets should be avoid. However, NW-SE street is acceptable. The optional propose is to have trees where the sun exposed which could extend the shaded area and also modulate the micro climate of the area.


Street Hierarchy |

Urban Network and Logistic Network

Figure24.1 Differentiation of network

Production Netw ork


ba n

Ne tw


Source : Writers


Figure 24.2 Differentiation of network with area of section Source : Writers

Once these existing roads are maintained for the new development one of these roads is considered as the main artery within the new patch. This road does not follow the grid orientation and distribute the rest of the primary network in a branching pattern. This artery will also host the collection points for production.

Considering the site will be accommodated with 2 different functions. The hierarchy of the network is created based on the function requirement.

For the rest of the network levels, a grid is plotted on the site, based on the cell dimension 150x150m. Cells are separated creating streets that could be 12m or 6m wide.

The productive network which will be used for transporting products from every cell to collection points, will have 12m wide.

The 12m streets will be the ones dedicated to the production transport and will connect the cells to the collection points. This level of the network tend to cover the most area possible on site, meaning that all the cells should have at least one side facing this road. The rest of the streets are 6m wide which determined as urban network and also will be related to pedestrian use. Introducing the gaps between building in clusters are also 6m wide. This network will be able to access by pedestrian and also allow to use chart and trolley in terms of transporting products. Network that has hierarchy order will be able to perform effectively and also optimum.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

The artery network which will accommodate large lorry and refrigerate truck needs the widest dimension 18m.

The last one is urban network, which will be used for urban transport and circulation, in order to provide good quality for pedestrian, this network need to be shaded on partial part, 6m road wide is defined as the result.

Main production Network

18m 10



6m 3m East side

West side

Production normal Network

12m 2



9m 6m

South side

North side

Pedestrian street

12m 3.5



4.5 m


NE side

SW side

Pedestrian street

6m 1.5



3m West side

East side 93


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

DESIGN DEVELOPMENT On the basis of data and strategy which were obtained from research experiments, the design strategy able to be developed further. The priority of this stage is to set up the base for design proposal such as : proposing an integrated system from the combination of urban and agriculture, developing network which functioned for both urban and agriculture needs, population and production distribution strategy which has most benefits, and also the plot subdivision creation. All of these developments are evaluated and analysed in sequence to provide symbiotic relation.


System Application | Figure 25.1 Site in Almeria

4.90 km

Source: Google Earth

13.50 km² 3.4 km

Mediterranean basin region has specific conditions in terms of sun light hours, temperature average, rain regime and has been chosen to be the site application for the system. Among the Mediterranean cities, the southern Spanish city of Almeria is of interest due to the fact that hosts the largest concentration of greenhouses in the world, on an infertile soil, desertification issues and extreme climate. The current situation of this area has been analyzed and prospective figures have been estimated according to future expectations and own ambitions. Furthermore, as it happens in many Mediterranean cities, there is a presence of an unidentified territory between the urban and rural area without any particular use. This fact creates network and urban problems at this Peri-urban area and adjacent areas. The location of the chosen site is of particular interest due to the sea next to one side.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Almeria Parameters

On-site Comparison Year 2050

Almeria City Area

296.21 km2

Almeria City Population


Almeria greenhouse area

420 km2

Almeria greenhouse production

3.4 Million Tonnes


Current Projection DWELLING AREA

Current Projection

Propose System Parameters

3,850 people 14,000 people

100,560 m2 504,000 m2


Site Area

13.5 km2

Site residential area

50 %

Total Products

12,960,000 kg/year

Product for inhabitants

1,296,000 kg/year

Public Space Area

73,000 m2

Current Projection

12,095,000 kg/year 22,960,000 kg/year

Inhabitant Daily Needs


Dwellings area Public space Water consumption Electric consumption Product consumption

36 m2 12 m2 137 litres / day 20.25 kWh / day 0.5 Kg / day


Design strategy |

Identify the empty area for system to occupy

Figure 26.1 Void identification by size Source: Google Earth

Void Characteristics

Existing Void

Large void (>20,000 m )

Empty areas throughout an urban fabric presents different patterns in cities and greenhouses.

Stripe void

It can be observed that in the consolidated city, the closer to the centre, the more compact the fabric, which means the lesser available spots. Whereas in the greenhouse area, a zone developed without any predefined plan or pattern, the voids are more regularly distributed.


Small void (<20,000 m2)

Looking at the city growth it can be observed how history has changed the city, growing from the main centre, with a development mainly ruled by environment, protection and land morphology, and expanding outwards over the time until a contemporary patch planned for other interests and purposes much more complex, i.e. economy, politics, hygiene etc.


INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Urban Strategy Identify the current situation and identify empty spaces within the land. As a result, different area will be determined to proceed further in choosing the most efficient patches with the require number of public space area and also network development to increase the function of the street in transportation purpose.

Area classification Within the patches selected, the area chosen for urban side and rural side will be experimented. Due to diverse situation in both side. The application to each side may have different rules and utilities. These distinct rules will be applied to patches in both side differently.

System design The system to purpose will consist of 2 parts; housing and covered space system. The housing will be studied along with the traditional Mediterranean house to create the number of unit required by using CA rule. While the another focus is the creation of the covered public space where it require to provide shading the public spaces in summer period but allow sunlight pass through in almost the whole year.


Open public space distribution | Proposed Scenario

Figure 27.1 Total empty areas Source: Writers

Urban area

Rural area

Site area: 4.1km2= 100%

Site area: 5.2 km2= 100%

Empty spaces: 0.65 km2= 16%

Empty spaces: 0.83 km2= 16%

Existing public spaces. Empty spaces

Urban area Open public space/ Total Area:

Madrid Lisbon Rome

9% 12% 16%

Existing Empty space Existing Public space

4.8% 16%

TARGET 12.5%

UA 1

The study of the current situation shows that the potential ratio of the existing plots is 16% for both sides, larger than the set target. In order to reach the desired ratio, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) is run for selecting the group of spaces that accomplish the target. This selected group also should achieve a second criteria that is the maximum influenced area, using the value extracted from study mentioned previously. Every empty space is given an identity or number in a list. The parameters managed by the algorithm correspond to the numbers of that list and the amount of spaces selected for every

UA 2

UA 3

Open public space/Total Area:

Open public space/Total Area:

Open public space/Total Area:




Area of influence:

Area of influence:

Area of influence:




100 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

As the system developed throughout this dissertation is to be applied on the current empty spaces within the urban fabric and the empty spaces in the industrialized agricultural patch, a deep study of them should be carried out. Working paralytically at the urban area and the agricultural one. The empty spaces have been selected and the ratio of their area over the total area of the studied site is calculated.

12.5 %. Not only the area of them should be taken into consideration but also the influenced area due to their presence. The influence area taken has been 1km2. This area is extracted from the research done in the effect of a neighborhood market in cities such as Barcelona and Bangkok. This research can be revisited also in the domain chapter of this book.

Paralytically, a comparison with other cases of compact cities at similar latitude in terms of area of open public space over total area has been studied. These cases can be visited in the domain chapter of this book. The average of these 3 cases has been chosen as the target ratio. This fact means that the new proportion of open public space over total area should reach

Rural area Open public space/ Total Area: 9%

Madrid Lisbon Rome

12% 16%

Existing Empty space Existing Public space TARGET

0.2% 16%


RA 1

iteration. The values measured are the ratio over total area of the site and the influenced area of the selected spaces. From the results achieved, related to the urban area, the one that shows a closer ratio to the target has been chosen to proceed forward. For the rural side, the largest influenced area is the selected one for further development. This case has been extracted from the group of maximum ratios of public space over total area. Furthermore, this case shows a higher heterogeneity in terms of spaces sizes, not seen in other individuals.

RA 2

RA 3

Open public space/Total Area:

Open public space/Total Area:

Open public space/Total Area:




Area of influence:

Area of influence:

Area of influence:



91% 101

Figure 27.2 Large empty areas Source: Writers Selected empty spaces.




u.4 u.5


Area of influence

u.1 : 647 people u.2:

425 people u.3:

818 people u.4:

1794 people u.5:

170 people TOTAL: 3854 people

102 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

As explained in the ambitions pages, the main difference between rural and urban side is the lack of inhabitants in the rural. The people in the city will be used as a value to quantify and dimension the new covered public space. Then, taking only the large spaces from the option number 2 at the previous experiment and applying the area of influence of a market in Barcelona, i.e. around 1km2, the people who would reach that space walking is counted. These spaces are not only meant to be markets, but rather gathering spaces and public facilities.

Figure 27.2 Large empty areas with clustered small areas Source: Writers

Selected empty spaces.


u.2 u.4

N u.5


u.7 u.6 u.1

Area of influence

u.1: 547 people u.2: 425 people u.3: 803 people u.4: 990 people

u.5: 149 people

u.6: 326 people u.7: 948 people u.8: 2481 people

As the largest spaces left an uninfluenced gap between them, the strategy has been to take into consideration also small spaces, clustering them by proximity, forming sets larger than 10.000 m2. The influenced population has been increased and at the same time these spaces have taken people than before belonged to the larger ones.

TOTAL: 6669 people


Network Development |

Connecting Urban and Agriculture Territory

Figure 28.1 Existing Network with Integration analysis Source : Writers

Legend: Network Integration : High Integration 1

Low integration 0.1

Overview One of the first objectives in this project is not only to develop the network base on integration but also have to concern the connectivity of the new public spaces distributed. To do this, an integration analysis has been done on the existing networks. The red colour shows the most integrated line in network. Therefore, the more blue the line the less integrated in the whole system. The analysis has shown how there is only 2 connection between rural and urban areas. This fact, together with the lack of different uses, creates not only connectivity issues but also social and economical problems as mentioned in the urban borders exploration at the chapter of case studies. Also the lack of accessibilities to the new public spaces which could cause the area to be left desolated. It should be highlighted how the basic addition of a line bridging the gap through the patch modifies the entire network even in the farthest nodes. 104 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Several rules has been introduced to frame the network development as below

Criteria - Link the Urban side with Rural side - Create street to pass new public areas.

Rules set : - Redundant street will be remove (Closer than 50 meters) - Not allow more than 5 streets junction - Mainly introduce horizontal line

Network Evaluation Experiment 1 Total additional line : 6 lines Total delete line : 1 line Total Length : 3,034 - 718 = 2,316 m

Experiment 2

Total additional line : 7 lines Total delete line : 3 lines Total Length : 5,060 - 1,743 = 3,317 m

Experiment 3

Total additional line : 4 lines Total delete line : 4 lines Total Length : 4,498 - 2,720 = 1,778 m


Network Evaluation Experiment 4

Total additional line : 5 lines Total delete line : 8 lines Total Length : 3,168 - 2,531 = 637 m

Experiment 5

Total additional line : 9 lines Total delete line : 4 lines Total Length : 6,436 - 2,668 = 3,768 m

Experiment 6

Total additional line : 6 lines Total delete line : 5 lines Total Length : 5,461 - 5,984 = - 523 m

106 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Conclusion From a set of different proposed options of networks through the patch, the most effective as well as the shortest part of network is chosen to be the primary network in the new inhabitable and productive patch. However, to serve the system that emerge from the public space, streets that has been introduced need to pass the new public space as well. After carrying out this studies has been observed. Experiment 4 has been chosen to continue further as it introduced few streets and cut few streets and lastly this experiment can access most of the public spaces introduced. Furthermore, after this network development, identify the different uses of productive network (for mainly transport products from greenhouses) and inhabitable network (mainly use for people.) will detailed the network and allow the street width development to modulated the micro climate of the area.


Local condition |

Identify the specific conditions

Figure 29.1 Local public spaces as cafeteria Source: http://urbaning100.blogspot. urban-regeneration-concert-square. html

Overview As we have studied the open public spaces and network in large scale, There is a relationship of them that we have to study further how they related. Look in the more closer to each public spaces selected for observe. Selected by different size of each as large, stripe and small. The observation main target is to relate the network condition to the site to clarify the uses and its impact to the area in larger scale. For instance, in some area that is next to the street but the network integration shows in blue colour, it is mean that even the site is next to the street, still there may have low percentage of people will go to the area while the area that is next to the street shows that it is highly integrated, there is more potential of the site that people will tend to go to that area more. Depending on the size of the site, the percentage of 3 different area will be describe however one criteria is to fulfil the market needs for the influenced area.

108 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Another top-down rule set is that the system in urban area will host the covered space area and plants only while in rural side there will be covered space area, plants and also housing to be introduced. The system needs to related to the existing in order to develop the micro area that will effect in large scale onwards.

Observation - Next to the Mediterranean sea - Street pass by - High chance of public use where it next to the beach - Low integrated network

Harvest season

No Harvest season

- Productive Garden

- Leisure area (60%) - Auditorium (20%) - Bar (20%)

Observation - Next to high rise housing - Street pass by and cut across the area - High chance of public use where it surround by buldings - High integrated network pass at east area

Harvest season

No Harvest season

- Agriculture cultivation

- Leisure area (50%)

- Productive garden

- Auditorium (10%) - Bar (20%) - Market (20%)

Observation - Surrounded by buildings - Next to junction - High chance of public use where it surround by buldings - Medium integrated network

Harvest season

No Harvest season

- Agriculture cultivation

- Leisure area (40%)

- Productive garden

- Market (40%) - Bar (20%)


Observation - Surrounded by greenhouses - Street pass by - Medium integrated network, possibility of collection point use

Harvest season

No Harvest season

- Agriculture cultivation

- Leisure area (100%)

- Collection point

- Auditorium (100%)

- Housings

- Market (100%) - Bar (100%)

Observation - Surrounded by greenhouses - No street pass, however if delete one patch it could be use as shortcut to water way. - Low integrated network

Harvest season

No Harvest season

- Collection point

- Leisure area (100%)

- Housings

- Market (100%) - Bar (100%)

Observation - Surrounded by greenhouses - Street cut across, possibility to be use as short cut - Medium integrated network, possibility of collection point use

Harvest season

No Harvest season

- Collection point

- Leisure area (100%)

- Housings

- Market (100%) - Bar (100%)

110 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Conclusion As the percentage of markets has been set to fulfil the requirement of influenced people, the area of the market will be the conductor of the rest of the area as it will follows the market. Also considered the location within the site, the covered space area will locate close to the street for access purpose and depend on each site that will tells the allocation of the function inside covered spaces. Also the covered space area can not be lower than area needed for person in 1 km of influence however, it can be larger than required area. The rest of the space will occupied by productive trees become public park where shading needed to be considered and will proceed in later chapter.,


Urban Regional strategy | U1 - Introduction of public space and covered space area - Next to the Mediterranean sea - Next to street - Low integrated street - High chance of public use where it next to the beach

Harvest season

No Harvest season

- Greenhouse area

- Leisure area

- Production trees

- Amphitheatre - Bar

The space selected is of interest because of its proximity to the sea. For the location and size of the covered public space, the network condition is studied. For logistical purposes, the future greenhouse ruled to located near the road, with its opposite sides facing and configuring the open public space, that will be designed using productive trees and landscape work. The area of this space has been determined taking into account influenced population that corresponds to this space. Giving the value of 12 m2 per person. As during the non harvest season, this space will host different public uses and it is meant to be ventilated and providing shading, the heights will not be the same. Three different values for heights will differentiate the uses. Subsequently, 3m. will mean temporary retail spaces, 5 m. height will be for market and the highest, 7 m. for auditorium and other public uses. Also, the overlap between the heights will facilitate the ventilation openings.

6m. 7 m. 5 m. 3 m.


112 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design



Rural Regional strategy | R1 - Introduction of public space and covered space area - Middle of the greenhouses - Next to street - Low integrated street - Public space to mainly serve people within the patch

Harvest season

No Harvest season

- Collection point

- Leisure area

- Production trees

- Market - Commercial

For the rural patch, The difference with the urban side is that there is no population influenced by the public space. Here, the strategy is to introduce population, bringing urban character to an entirely industrialized agricultural patch. The empty spaces here will host residential as well as public spaces, working as collection point in the harvest season, when there is no tourism in this area and the population will decrease. The houses will face the roads for ease of access and will enclose the public space. There are also some geometrical operations to make the plots similar to context and to allow the network continuity. Splitting the surface, it is also possible to let the road go through.

6m. 7 m. 5 m. 3 m.






Integration strategy | Figure 31.1 Barcelona Blocks Source: Google Earth

Figure 31.2 Greenhouses Source:

Urban grid in Barcelona

Homogeneous grid of Greenhouse

Integration of the system is the main proposal of the project as it increase the efficiency of the system as a whole whether cultivation, dwelling, transportation purpose. The system purposed needs to be adaptable to different spaces. How to integrate is the question then. The system needs to be able to place in different situation from low density area to high density area. To extend, to able to integrate in whether large isolated area and also narrow area like the empty space between buildings.

In smaller scale, looking to Cerda’s plan of Barcelona and the greenhouses grid in Almeria, we can observe that the idea of rectangular grid is convenient the integration for it’s maximum usage of space and the relation to existed urban fabric. As having both building and covered space area, introducing the grid system with the same dimension could benefit the integration of both systems. However instead of taking the same scale of Cerda’s , the system will instead introduce 6x6 m grid in which it taken from usual size of greenhouse. Also, the grid system are capable of integrate to the existing urban and rural area as it could go to smaller space to make the most of the area to be used.

In addition, during winter season, the covered space area need to be heat where it is means that it needs sunlight. While in Summer, as the temperature will rise up to 45 oc the covered space area need to protect sunlight for public use. To sum up, It should be locate in the sun exposed area but needs to provide shading for the area below in only summer period. The idea above together with low density area of Almeria give the solution of placing covered space area, buildings, and productive trees. Buildings should provide shading for public space area consequently, Productive trees need to be able to reach the sunlight above the shading which from that will provide shading to the covered space area. (Buildings --> Trees --> Covered space area)

114 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

In further development, the idea of grid could develop in to higher dense area in which the grid of covered space and building will be integrated more as the requirement of space used in higher dense area. Subsequently, in high density area, it need to considerate the opportunity to put the greenhouses on the buildings which still easy to access for transport goods and the greenhouses can access sunlight whether it will be among a group of building.

Global Integration techniques Example of existing situation where the urban use and rural use are currently separated.

Initial idea in the first phase. Introducing the hybrid zone where housing and greenhouse area are combine. Lately, this idea has come to the realisation that the area is only the thicker separation line, working isolated but not globally function.

The idea of putting the distinct functions into the opposite side to blur the discrimination line has been in consideration.

Proposal By creating a proper driver, possibility of integration is increased by the fact that the driver, as introduced, benefit the use of both living and greenhouses area.

Regional grid integration techniques Proposal In low density land like Almeria, the proposal included the low level of integration. The distinct area of housing and the introduced system are still isolated however, has benefit to each other as symbiosis behaviour.

Medium density land will has higher integrated level as the needs of using more space.

High density land will need the most use of the land. As a consequence, the introduction of using land on upper level might be necessary.


Covered space differentiation | 3 m area

5 m area

7 m area

Figure 32.1 Experiment patch in rural area


Source: Writers

Total area: 12024 m2

When the system is applied on the rural plot, the scope now has turned to the distribution of the different public functions inside the covered public space. Since it is possible to know the population affected by this public space, i.e. new population in the residential buildings, there is a direct step to the areas distribution for different uses inside. To decide where to exactly place different heights, i.e. different public uses, a Genetic Algorithm experiment is run taking as criteria the minimum solar exposure in summer,covering the maximum space. The parameter managed by the GA is the location and the number of units every height takes. In these 3 different results shown in this page, the area dedicated to the market use, i.e. the tallest space, is fixed, covering a space of 3,888 m2. Unlike the number of units, the location of them is left for the algorithm to propose. The same decision has been made for the lowest space, at 3 m. In this case the area has been fixed at 4,140 m2. The amount of units and location of them for the medium height space is for the GA to manage with the criteria of maximizing the shaded area. Apart from the obvious conclusion of that the higher number of units, the larger shaded area, the main outcome from this experiment is the fact that the lowest units should be allocated along the south edge to create the biggest shaded area in summer.

116 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Market area (7 m) : 3888 m2 (5m) : 3240 m2 Retail area (3m) : 4140 m2 Area <2 h sunlight: 10168 m2

Large tree area: 3888 m2 area under 5m.: 3240 m2 Retail area (3m) : 4140 m2

hours of sunlight > 4.2 N


3.6 1.8 < 0.6

Market area (7 m) : 3888 m2 area under 5m.: 3240 m2 area under 3m.: 4140 m2

Market area (7 m) : 3888 m2 area under 5m.: 3744 m2 area under 3m.: 4140 m2

Area <2 h sunlight: 9884 m2

Area <2 h sunlight: 10512 m2


Covered public space |

To accommodated agricultural and Public uses

Adaptable to site

Figure 33.1

Slope at 25-30

Covered space requirements Source: Writers


Common element Cultivation area Covered space

Empty spaces


Public area

Multilayer surface Height


Rain water

Growth system Required slope for Photosynthesis Less layer for cultivating More layer for public uses Spatial quality for public use Able to store rain water

Light quality Diffuse

To improve light uniformity and decrease light interception by crop


To give comfort condition for public use

Harvest season No harvest season

Wind flow Keep warm Release warm

Conventional greenhouse structure


Figure 33.2

Umbrella structure

Branching structure

To get the cultivable temperature To have the comfortable condition for public uses

Grid shell structure

Harvest season No harvest season

Space truss


Precedents study of different type of structures Source: Writers


Adaptable to site

Common element

Multilayer capability Rain water collection

Diffuse sunlight

Light quality Shaded


Keep warm Release warm

The aim of creating greenhouse within the site is to develop the current urban situation and initiate urban growth on rural area. Series of requirements has been list considered having seasonal character within the system. For harvesting period, keeping warm inside and indirect sunlight for equally photosynthesis of plants inside is the main requirement needed to be served while in No harvest season, the area meant to use as shaded space for people to gathering while using surrounded open public space. Moreover, existed material will be considered as it must be achievable with the local construction technique and method. The modular configuration is considered as ambition of integration between covered space area and introduced housing generation which will explain further in this book.

118 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Existed Structural systems has been studied to proceed of adaptation to the idea mentioned in earlier pages, 5 structural system has been selected through achievability of material resources of Steel tube, polypropylene plastic sheet, timber etc. Complexity of the system is another issue needed to be criticise, capable of achieving complex structure to modify with the context is not a goal. However, learning from conventional greenhouses with adaptation of suitable existed structure is essential considering the main purposed is to integrate the uses housing with greenhouses.

Column reduction

18 m

18 m

The initial approach is to reduce the uses of column of greenhouses while still retain the ordering of it as it needs for cultivation purposed. Precedents studies has been considered and the umbrella structure idea with possibility of maintain the order or column while reduce form 4 columns to 1 has been chosen to continue further with the design.

18 m

18 m

- Conventional greenhouse span are 6 m and 12 m - Use unit of 6 m - Move column to centre - Using umbrella structure base

Unit size and Roof angle 6 m

6 m

As the conventional greenhouse use the unit of 6 meters as main unit with middle column structured as frame. Maintain this is convenient for cultivation needed of trays alignment and truck uses. The aim is to keep the unit of 6 meters as basic unit which also contribute as unit of housing further.

3 m

3 m

1 m 3/5/7 m

-6x6m - Aluminium tube - Stand alone unit - Slope at 20 -30 o

3/5/7 m

Roof Height Roof height idea has been introduced in relation with the idea of converted greenhouse use to become public space. While normal greenhouses main requirement is to keeps temperature with small opening for ventilation. Introducing different height will emphasise the public use of variety of spaces needed and also allow ventilation to modulate the temperature of the area.

3 m 5 m 7 m

- Different heights create different space uses - Ventilation


Pattern creation | After having the system to continue further as the umbrella system, the precedent of umbrella structure such as Repsol gas station by Foster + partners has been studied; it contain a modular canopy system with the shape of an inverted pyramid. The elements are factory made and easily transported

and installed on site. These advantage of this Repsol station structure will be extracted and developed further along with others case studies and the requirement of greenhouse and public space.

Pattern 1

The first pattern is basically, inverted pyramid with the angle of 30, the aggregation will be the same every units to use as the initiate pattern to studied and compare.

Pattern 2

This pattern take the same unit from the first pattern but align differently with one next to other flipped. The edge of each unit will not be on the same level to create the ventilated flow and also create the different spatial quality every 6 meters

+ Pattern 3

Pattern 3 Initially, align with up and down pyramid, the rectangular frame placed next to each other. After that, has one side of the umbrella open for ventilation purpose and can be closed in cultivation period.


120 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design


As aggregation of the system will be in grid, we could have design of the umbrella structure as pattern by plays with variety of opening and pattern such as weaving or repetition. 6 patterns have been created considering the flow of the wind and the

capability of aggregated. These 6 patterns then will be test with wind flow and solar shading analysis and will be weigh up the most suitable pattern to develop further.

Pattern 4

Weaving pattern has been extracted where each side of the umbrella will continuous as weaving to the next unit.



Pattern 5

Pattern 5 has flip pattern where introduction of the above pattern emphasize the use of the area and to make the space expandable in higher level.

Pattern 6

This pattern has the same logic of the previous pattern but has the original flip pyramid alignment with extended frame on top for a possibility of expansion.



Wind flow analysis | Figure 35.1 Wind tunnel visualization Source: https:// Wind_tunnel

Airflow quality is one of the main attribute for human comfort. It make people feel cooler and modulated the overall temperature of the area. Natural ventilation is the main strategy for passive cooling which is the key feature in designing the covered space system in such city of Almeria. The ambition of this experiment is to have an area the people can enjoy appropraitely covered outdoor spaces. For the wind-flow analysis, 6 patterns that has been create are used to test. Initially, The flow has been set to coming from one side on the model, at 40 c while the temperature inside has been set at 30 c as we require to calculate the scenario of summer period which the system will be used as public space.

122 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

From the experiment, knowing the result will give us a clue that which models are appropriate to become a liveable covered space. However, the experiment is lack of context information such as trees, walls , landscaping which needed to be considered when proposed as the final system.

Velocity Magnitute ft/sec

Temperature C

Total surface Total structure Total land area area that has temperature > 35 oc area that has temperature < 35 oc

: 341 m2 : 264 m : 690 m2 : 528.5 m2 : 160.4 m2

Total surface Total structure Total land area area that has temperature > 35 oc area that has temperature < 35 oc

: 341 m2 : 529 m : 690 m2 : 413.63 m2 : 274.4 m2

Total surface Total structure Total land area area that has temperature > 35 oc area that has temperature < 35 oc

: 341 m2 : 515 m : 690 m2 : 528.2 m2 : 162.7 m2


Shading analysis | Figure 36.1 Shaded public park Source: https:// Wind_tunnel

The second environmental factor evaluated for these different aggregation patterns is the solar exposure of the underneath space. Again, since this space requires shaded area during the summer season, the criteria is to maximize the shaded area underneath.

According to the shaded area results, the 1st pattern is the most appropriate for obvious reasons; it does not have any change in its height. It is closed and flat surface. On the other hand, this pattern shows an important drawback,, it is practically invalid for the ventilation purposes explained before.

The same 3 patterns selected for the wind flow analysis shown in the previous pages have been the ones where the solar analysis is carried out. The experiment setup corresponds to the worst scenario in the year, when the sunlight hours in a day is more than 10. The date chosen has been 21st of July.

Subsequently, the selected pattern to proceed forward with the development of this system is the second one, pattern 2. This presents a slight reduction in the shaded area but the benefits from ventilation are significant, as shown previously. So, in an overall ranking, the pattern chosen allows for good ventilation inside the spaces as well as good shading effect for the space underneath.

The predefined criteria is the maximum area receiving less than 2 hours of sunlight in a day. The most critical hours are during the noon, between 12 and 3, when staying outside is extremely hot.

124 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Sunlight hour/ day > 4.2 3.6 1.8 < 0.6

Total surface Total land area

: 341 m2 : 324 m2

Area that has < 2 hrs of sunlight : 218.1 m2 Area that has > 2 hrs of sunlight : 105.9 m2

Total surface Total land area

: 341 m2 : 324 m2

Area that has< 2 hrs of sunlight : 208.6 m2 Area that has> 2 hrs of sunlight : 115.4 m2

Total surface Total land area

: 341 m2 : 324 m2

Area that has < 2 hrs of sunlight : 197.8 m2 Area that has > 2 hrs of sunlight : 126.2 m2 125

Covered surface design | The ETFE triangular cushion consists of a 3 layers of this plastic material. The bottom layer is a single ETFE layer, the middle and top ones are printed layers. On these ones a pattern out of opaque circles is printed on them. The curvature of these two layers is controlled by inflating the etfe bag. This cushion is composed of 2 chambers, separated by an active ETFE printed layer. By inserting air in the top chamber, and removing the present air in the bottom chamber Figure 37.1

the active layer will be turned into a convex surface. It will become concave if the inverse process is done. The location of this circles is shifted from one layer to another, therefore, should both layers had the same curvature, the light transmittance would be minimum, as the circles cover nearly the whole area and block the solar vector. On the other hand, are further away from each other, the higher transmittance through the cushion. Top chamber

ETFE top printed layer

ETFE active printed layer

Closed position Source:Writers

Air valves

ETFE bottom layer

Bottom chamber

Closed/Summer position In summer, the solar vector in summer is closer to the vertical position. Then the bottom chamber is filled with air and printed layers are together so that the circles arrangement obstruct the solar vector. The analysis for this situation has been carried out in the worst scenario of the summer season. The criteria is to maximize the area under 2 hours of sunlight to allow for a comfortable and fresh public utilization. This case corresponds to the 21st of July, when there are more than 10 hours of sunlight at the project location. Sunlight hour/ day > 4.2 3.6 1.8 < 0.6

A=144m2 July 11.00-18.00 A under 2 hours: 100 m2

126 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Top chamber

ETFE top printed layer

ETFE active printed layer Figure 37.2 Open position Source: Writers

Air valves

ETFE bottom layer

Bottom chamber

Open/Harvest position On the contrary, in winter, the criteria is to maximize the natural light inside to facilitate the crops growth. During this season the vector is closer to the horizontal position, then the top chamber is inflated, subsequently the layers become separated, and the bottom layer circles are moved and nearly overlap the top ones. They barely obstruct the solar vector. The analysis for this situation has been carried out in the worst scenario of the winter season. The criteria is to maximize the area exposed to sunlight. This case corresponds to the 21st of December, when hours of sunlight are the least at the project location.

Sunlight hour/ day > 4.2 3.6 1.8 < 0.6

A=144m2 December 9.00-17.00 A under 2 hours: 50 m2


Housing expansion in rural side |

Large patch strategy

1. For the rural patch, The difference with the urban side is that there is no population influenced by the public space. Here, the strategy is to introduce population, bringing urban character to an entirely industrialized agricultural patch. The site is divided into a 6x6 grid starting from the southern corner of the plot. The grid is no longer orthogonal but it takes the direction of the two edges encountered at that corner. 4 rows are utilized for CA-based organization. After running the CA, units are clustered to form individual houses typologies based on the existing model in the site. These typologies will be studied deeper afterwards. 1. Total Area: 95,304 m2


2. Population: 453 people. Covered public space requirements: 5,436 m2

128 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

2. First and early strategy is about distributing the residential part of the program along the southern edges of the site. The area inside the space will host both, covered public space and tree area. If the scope was turned to a larger view, looking at the site within its context, no relation between the projected space and the existing blocks would be highlighted. To avoid that lack of connection between new design and current situation, the strategy is to split the empty space and to turn it into a set of smaller divisions.

3. The current ownership distribution or the standard size of the plot will determine the splitting or dividing lines through which the site will be divided. Therefore, the strategy to divide might be carried out taking into consideration the current ownership situation, using the limit between properties as dividing lines. Furthermore, the covered public space will be placed in the best connected area to the network for logistical purposes.

3. Population: 710 people. Covered public space requirements: 8,520 m2


4. Population: 710 people Residential: 75 houses. Covered public space achieved: 9,468 m2

4. After achieving the partitions, the largest and best connected one will host the covered public space while the rest of the partitions will be developed as small size sites. The small parts will host residential part on the southern edges while the rest of the space is considered as public spaces with trees scattered to offer shades as well as pedestrian passage. The different set of units achieved by the CA distribution will form a typology within that box. These typologies will consist of built up areas of a maximum of 3 stories plus open areas that are considered the traditional courtyard. The covered part of the program will be then further developed taking into consideration different functions inside.


Housing expansion in rural side |

Small patches strategy

1. After selecting a set of small open spaces in the agricultural patch, the 6x6 grid is spread on them, starting from the southern corner of the plot. The grid is not orthogonal but it takes the direction of the two edges encountered at that corner.

Total Area: 92,089 m2

2. The strategy to act on these sites is first applied equally to any open space from the set. The first four rows, starting from the southern edge, are utilized for CA-based organization. After running the CA, units are clustered to form individual courtyardhouses typologies based on the existing model in the site.

Population: 494 people. Covered public space requirements: 5,928 m2

130 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

3. Analyzing the first option it has been observed that some houses are left separately from any other residential patch when dealing with a small plot. Furthermore, the connectivity of this residential part would lack of proper integration and relation with its neighboring elements, causing other future problems. To avoid that situation, only plots whose area is larger than 4000 m2 will host houses.

Population: 294 people. Covered public space requirements: 3,528 m2


Residential: 21 houses. Covered public space achieved: 3,600 m2

4. The largest and most central plot will host the covered public space while the rest of the partitions will be developed with either houses and trees area or only trees and pedestrian passage.. The covered part of the program will be then further developed taking into consideration different functions inside. The rest of large plots will be developed hosting residential part on the southern edges. The different set of units achieved by the CA distribution will form a typology within that box. These typologies will consist of built up areas of a maximum of 3 stories plus open areas that are considered the traditional courtyard. The rest of the space between covered and houses will be considered as public spaces with trees scattered to offer shades as well as pedestrian passage.


House type creation | Figure 40.1 House type requirements

Empty spaces

Covered space

Workers residence Housing


Different surface area

Required for different families configurations.

Courtyard area

Exterior private space according to traditional configurations.

Courtyard House Tourists accommodation

Source: Writers

Location Southern location

To act as an occluding object for the subsequent public square shading effect.


6 m.

m .

1. The house plot takes 2x4 cells grid, each grid is 6x6 m. The location of the patio on the grid is one parameter used for this Genetic Algorithm-based experiment. After the study of the courtyard-house typology, the value for the ratio courtyard area/ over built up area is 2 cells, i.e. 72 m2.

Double size courtyard N-S direction.

2. The 2 cells chosen for placing the courtyard could be at any of the 8 in the grid. As a result, then, 3 different main combinations could be achieved. Two of them form a single courtyard, whereas another option deals with a configuration of 2 patios in the same house. All of these ones present different performance in terms on shadows and sunlight exposure. Double size courtyard E-W direction.

As the shaded area is one criteria to be maximized in this experiment, the courtyard orientation will determine the shadings. The case where they are in the East-West direction presents the best results in shadings, as long as they are not in the first row, facing south without any occluding object. The two courtyards configuration lead to a more complex situation in advance. With this configuration variable shaded area could be achieved. Each courtyard performs as an independent item.

Figure 13.3

Two separate courtyards.

Elevation view

Street elevation.

132 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

3. The second parameter is the number of stories of the built up cells. With this value, it is possible to determine the inhabitable area, subsequently the number of inhabitants will be specified. The number of people for one story is set at 4 members, occupying an area of 216 m2, meaning 54 m2 per person. 6 m.

4. Once the houses have the defined number of stories, the row of residences is evaluated in terms of sunlight exposure, aiming for the maximum shaded area on the courtyard spaces. Obviously, the neighboring houses area fundamental occluding objects in this analysis, the taller the adjacent house the larger the shaded area. As the evaluated set of houses is disposed along the E-W axis, the performance of each of them is similar. Another row of houses along the N-S axis should be evaluated in s same way to check out different behaviors.


Housing creation | Figure 41.1 CA rules for housing Source: Writers

0 1










1 0



0 1



1 1



0 0






2nd Level



1st Level










2nd Level









1st Level





Figure 41.2 Initial units Source: Writers

Residential units:40 Courtyard units:18

Residential units:38 Courtyard units:20

Rule 01









To proceed further with the generation of a building that accommodates private courtyards and inhabitable space, an algorithm based on CA is written to generate different morphologies. In this test, a row of 8 units is established as the basic unit for initial state. Each cell can be either 0, if productive, or 1, if household. Therefore, the range of possible solutions reaches 28= 256 different initial states.

134 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Residential units:34 Courtyard units:23

Rule 02









The cell above the group of three indicates the value for the middle cell of the next level in relation to its neighbors underneath. Setting eight different cases of possible neighboring relations creates a total of 28 = 256 different combinations. A total number of 65,536 buildings has been generated.

Rule 03









The buildings at this experiment have a maximum height of 8 floors. In the 2 first examples shown in this page, the Cellular Automata system is dead after the fifth level, in the first case, or after the sixth in the second case. This fact means that after these levels the units take only one state.W

Rear row Central core

Front row


Slab building generated by CA. Flats: 33. Each flat. 2x3=6 units.(4 built up+ 2 courtyard)

Aiming for different typologies, still with a reminiscence with the existing ones on site, a residential slab building has been developed. The strategy followed has been basically stacking courtyard houses in vertical. In this case, a house or property corresponds to 2x3=6 units, all in the same floor. For the application of the CA experiment on site, the number of cells at the initial row has been increased to 22.

Furthermore, instead of applying the system on only one row of units, this is going to be applied on two parallel rows. They are separated by another row of units which is used as the central core. To prevent the formation of enclosed courtyard, that does not make sense, this core will be entirely built up. The heights of this buildings is in a range from 3 to 5 floors as we have seen from the experiment that after these levels the algorithm may start to be homogeneous and without variety of uses for the space.



1. Single height buildings. Flats: 123


2. Variable height buildings. Flats: 129 The previous distribution of single houses, using the perimeter of the area left a blank space between the residential and the covered public zone. To avoid that, the decision of filling up that space by placing more residential buildings has been made. The number of inhabitants at this zone is, obviously, increased.

136 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

The new slab buildings are placed creating a pedestrian roads network that connects the residential area with the public space. Furthermore, to respond in a efficient way and protect the streets, the heights have been modified in this stage. The zones closer to the West and South are taller(2 more stories) aiming for larger shaded are at the bottom level. A precise solar analysis of this situation should be carried out to defined properly the configuration of the flats at the top floor.


3. Variable height and geometry buildings. Flats: 85


4. Variable height and geometry buildings. Flats: 156 Continuing with geometrical operations for an efficient response to the solar exposure, at this stage, the slab buildings is turned into U-shape and L-shape blocks. This situation also allows for inner yards that could be considered as semi-public or only for residents spaces. As the previous one, a more precise solar analysis and evaluation of the pedestrian network should be carried out as further development.


138 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

DESIGN PROPOSAL The design proposal is appeared as the result from integrating the most potential possibility and tangible result from design development stage into the desired site which is Almeria. In this stage, small changes to optimized the overall performance were introduced and also to provide more articulated final design plan. Emerging behaviour can be seen in this stage, some of the locations such as productive intersection, urban intersection, high populated cell appeared to have different condition between each other. The more detailed visualisation will be show in this stage.


140 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design


Section | The heights not only rules the type of space or function but also the crop type for that area. Subsequently we categorize plants according to their size. Small, Medium and Hydroponics systems and Large or productive trees. They will occupy 3m., 5 m and 7 m spaces respectively. Finally, we can see the different atmospheres created along the year, the benefits of having a courtyard house and how it enriches the inner space. It is also visible the cohesion space in between residential and covered public space which has also important environmental consequences due to the location of the other two. The treatment of this space, together with the location of outdoor productive trees and landscape work will be considered as a possible of further development of this dissertation.

System cross section during harvest season.

Pedestrian open space

System cross section during summer.

Houses width Private courtyard

142 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Grey water collection

The proposal also includes the installation of water collection networks, with end points at the center of every concave “umbrella� unit as well as at every private courtyard. This rain water is conducted and stored for reusing as irrigation water during the harvest season. The gray water coming from kitchen and toilets will be conducted and treated. The possibility of reusing this recycled water is considered as another opportunity in further developments of this dissertation.

Large crops

Rain water collection

Medium crops & Hydroponics

Covered public space

Small crops

Air inlet/outlet


144 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design


Covered space |

Greenhouse space October-May

The seasonal character of this space requires some modification along the year. The harvest season requires an enclosed space where the heat can be kept inside, subsequently, during this season the space will be enclosed by light polyethylene panels on 1.5m wide frames. As the distance from ground to the units edge is not constant, these panels will be assembled with different lengths or heights due to the variable heights of the units. Only one polyethylene layer ill be attached to the aluminum frame, making these elements extraordinary light for manipulation. Space transformation isometric view.

146 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design


Covered public space June-September.

Twice a year, during two days, end of May and end of September, the labour consists of removing the panels, loading them in a truck via forklift works and store them in a nearby spot. Another change that is to be carried out is the transformation of the floor. The crops need a soft ground for all the activities taking place at that space, whereas the public use will require a different ground, mainly hard. This hard ground will stay underneath the soft one used to place the trays and pots utilized for harvesting. This first layer of ground is to be removed by the action of a small bulldozer. Once that is removed, the space is prepared to be used as a covered public space.

148 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

The action of the ground removal has been in the design decisions board until the last moments of this dissertation. For a better performance of this system it may be considered a different strategy. Instead of removing the soft ground, the opposite action could be done. The ground used for harvesting could be covered up instead of removed. Subsequently, the public use will have place on top of the ground used for agricultural use. Further study and research on the proper floor material for each function should be done to specifically determined whether or not the ground could be the same for the whole year.


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154 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Conclusion This dissertation deals with the idea of introducing agriculture into the urban fabric in a settlement with a very strict threshold between urban and rural patches. When one deals with agriculture, it is necessary to be aware of what that practice means. The term refers to the production of food and other products by growing crops. These products need to be quantified to be able to track the results and achieve an efficient production. Under our point of view, this science has been deeply studied in very different cases but it does not tackle a production-based working system. The sizes and ratios utilized for the system development are too generic and not detailed. When it comes to the search of a solution that should be able to adapt itself to very different spaces and uses, the additive architecture concepts are appropriate. The term additive architecture was first explained by Jorn Utzon when he was looking for a simple method to build by prefabrication works. The decision of taking these concepts to develop this project was a key step in the process. When proposing this hybrid systems the designer found a vast amount of problems searching for concepts that could function properly at both residential and public scenarios. Choosing a modular system allows for adaptation to different spaces and ability to host different uses.

Once the additive system is studied, defined and evaluated, the application to the site also presents problems. The vast extension of space to be covered makes the previous test seem irrelevant. Although the pattern is still working for the environmental purpose, the proposal does not show a proper hybridization in a overall view. Nevertheless, the part related to the covered public space offers a rich, complex and varied character with two distinct uses changing throughout the year. To conclude, we have developed an idea of what can be generally called urban farming, urban agricultural or hybrid cities. It is also understood that this project needs deeper exploration in terms of roof element design. But the important thing is that we have been able to investigate and discover how a problematic situation where a settlement is facing a vast industrialized agricultural patch can become a probably successful model of cohesion and integration by managing different spaces and times, using public space as a driver to affect hugely to the current situation with small interventions. And this Inhabitable Productive Land is the first step for more aware and responsible cities.


System overview | 4.90 km

13.50 km² 3.4 km

Site selection The first step for the development of this system is the election of a specific site. The site chosen is of interest due to strict boundary between an urban compact patch and an industrialized agriculture area. There are two very distinct uses. The site is located in the south of Spain, in the city of Almeria. It is also very remarkable the correlation between the season when there is no harvest and the tourism high season, i.e. summer. This fact is going to be an important factor to take into account for the mix of uses and spaces throughout the year.

Empty spaces identification The strategy to insert the system on place has been to select the current empty spaces in the urban fabric. During this stage it has been observed how there is an approximately regular pattern in the urban patch, decreasing the amount and size of empty spaces as it moves to the city centre. Whereas in the rural patch, the distribution of these spaces responds to an ownership arrangement without distinguishable pattern.

Local condition. Network Once the empty spaces are selected, as these ones will host either greenhouses or collection points, the logistic plays an important role. Subsequently the situation related to the overall network is analyzed. The result of this study will point out where to place the productive areas or collection points. On the contrary, the further this roads are, the better location for residential and pedestrian spaces.

156 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Local condition Solar exposure As these spaces will also host greenhouses, it is essential for the crops growth to receive direct sunlight. The solar analysis is carried out to find out how the surroundings constructions obstruct the solar vectors towards these spaces during the harvest season. The area that receives more than a determined amount of sunlight hours will host the greenhouses. At the same time, the shaded or protected areas will be ideal for public spaces.

Design strategy The strategy in the spaces varies from the urban patch to the rural one. As in the urban the only use to host is public space during summer and greenhouse during harvest, the network and solar conditions will mark where the greenhouse will be. For the rural side, the residential buildings will be disposed in a way the offer shadow for the public space. Subsequently they will be placed in the southern and western edges. The network condition also will indicate where to place the collection point.

Houses creation The courtyard house is the typology base for the creation of the new residential building. To generate different typologies, a new slab building is created by stacking vertically several courtyard houses. The groups of them will fill up the space dedicated to residential creating different in-between spaces from the most private part to the covered public space. The design of these houses is something that needs to be explored further and categorize. It needs also a deeper and more detailed development of the buildings as much as the spaces created between blocks need to be better defined.


System design For the design of this complex system that has to respond to varied uses and different spaces at different times, the additive architecture has been an important source of inspiration. Working with a module it will enable the system adaption to different forms and spaces. Furthermore, a sensitive and careful work in the aggregation of different units will allow for different environmental responses and spatial configurations.

Patterns development Cross ventilation inside the space and the shaded areas are fundamental to maintain a fresh covered public space in summer. In order to achieve that the patterns created have been tested in terms of wind flow and shading effect obtaining very different results from one individual to another.

Uses distribution During the summer, the covered space will host different public uses, these will have different spatial qualities, such as height. To determine where every space will be a shading analysis is carried out. The GA experiment manages the location of the uses,i.e. different heights, and the area correspondent to each use as parameters The criteria is to maximize the shaded area.

158 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Adaptive system The system should respond efficiently to very different requirements. Sunlight inside is needed during the harvest season as much as shaded areas are required for summer. The module is then a multilayer element out of printed ETFE sheets. By inflating either top or bottom chamber the curvature of them is modified blocking or letting the light in.

Integrated system To conclude, the system creates a wide range of different spaces according to the time of the year. At the same time the houses are hugely benefited by the presence of the courtyard. The space between residential and covered public spaces opens an opportunity to explore and study further how the overall system may become more integrated.


160 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design


Streets width Housing Wind analysis Courtyard houses GH definition for action on rural empty space GH definition for uses distribution Python script for CA applied to buildings generation

MsC Synthesis


Street width Appendix | Summer Condition

Summer Condition Road Width 6 m

Road Width 12 m

Road Width 18 m

2 storey

Sunlight Hours North - South 1-2 hours East - West >6 hours

Sunlight Hours North - South 4-5 hours East - West >6 hours

Sunlight Hours North - South >6 hours East - West >6 hours

Sunlight Hours North - South <1 hours East - West 5-6 hours

Sunlight Hours North - South 2-3 hours East - West >6 hours

Sunlight Hours North - South 4-5 hours East - West >6 hours

Sunlight Hours North - South <1 hours East - West 5-6 hours

Sunlight Hours North - South 1-2 hours East - West >6 hours

Sunlight Hours North - South 3-4 hours East - West >6 hours

3 storey

4 storey

162 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Winter Condition

Winter Condition Road Width 6 m

Road Width 12 m

Road Width 18 m

2 storey

Sunlight Hours North - South <1 hours East - West <1 hours

Sunlight Hours North - South 1-2 hours East - West <1 hours

Sunlight Hours North - South 2-3 hours East - West 1-2 hours

3 storey

Sunlight Hours North - South <1 hours East - West <1 hours

Sunlight Hours North - South 0.5-1 hours East - West <1 hours

Sunlight Hours North - South 1-2 hours East - West <1 hours

4 storey

Sunlight Hours North - South <1 hours East - West <1 hours

Sunlight Hours North - South <1 hours East - West <1 hours

Sunlight Hours North - South 0.5-1 hours East - West <1 hours 163

Summer Condition

Summer Condition Road Width 6 m

Road Width 12 m

Road Width 18 m

2 storey

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : 0.5-1 hours

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : 5-6 hours

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : >6 hours

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : <1 hours

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : 3-5 hours

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : >6 hours

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : <1 hours

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : 1-2 hours

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : 5-6 hours

3 storey

4 storey

164 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Winter Condition

Winter Condition Road Width 6 m

Road Width 12 m

Road Width 18 m

2 storey

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : <1 hours

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : 1-2 hours

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : 2-4 hours

3 storey

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : <1 hours

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : 0.5-1 hours

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : 1-2 hours

4 storey

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : <1 hours

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : <1 hours

Sunlight Hours Diagonal Direction : 0.5-1 hours


Housing Appendix |

T.1.1. Inhabitants: 4 people Courtyard Shaded Area:15.8 sq m. Built up area:216 sq m.

T.2.4. Inhabitants: 6 people Courtyard Shaded Area:28.8 sq m. Built up area:432 sq m.

T.3.7. Inhabitants: 8 people Courtyard Shaded Area:31.7sq m. Built up area:648 sq m.

166 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Different types.

T.1.2. Inhabitants: 4 people Courtyard Shaded Area:8.6 sq m. Built up area:216 sq m.

T.2.1. Inhabitants: 6 people Courtyard Shaded Area:7.2 sq m. Built up area:432 sq m.

T.3.8. Inhabitants: 8 people Courtyard Shaded Area:28.8sq m. Built up area:648 sq m.

T.1.3. Inhabitants: 4 people Courtyard Shaded Area:14.4 sq m. Built up area:216 sq m.

T.2.2. Inhabitants: 6 people Courtyard Shaded Area:23.0 sq m. Built up area:432 sq m.

T.3.2. Inhabitants: 8 people Courtyard Shaded Area:30.2 sq m. Built up area:648 sq m.

T.1.4. Inhabitants: 4 people Courtyard Shaded Area:10.1 sq m. Built up area:216 sq m.

T.2.5. Inhabitants: 6 people Courtyard Shaded Area:33.1 sq m. Built up area:432 sq m.

T.2.6. Inhabitants: 6 people Courtyard Shaded Area:25.9 sq m. Built up area:648 sq m.

T.2.3. Inhabitants: 6 people Courtyard Shaded Area:21.6 sq m. Built up area:432 sq m.

T.3.1. Inhabitants: 8 people Courtyard Shaded Area:40.32 sq m. Built up area:648 sq m.

T.3.9. Inhabitants: 8 people Courtyard Shaded Area:28.8 sq m. Built up area:648 sq m.

T.3.3. Inhabitants: 8 people Courtyard Shaded Area:41.8 sq m. Built up area:648 sq m.

T.3.5. Inhabitants: 8 people Courtyard Shaded Area:31.7 sq m. Built up area:648 sq m.

T.3.6. Inhabitants: 8 people Courtyard Shaded Area:7.2 sq m. Built up area:648 sq m.


Wind analysis appendix | Velocity Magnitute ft/sec

Temperature C

Total surface Total structure Total land area area that has temperature > 35 oc area that has temperature < 35 oc

: 341 m2 : 264 m : 690 m2 : 528.5 m2 : 160.4 m2

Total surface Total structure Total land area area that has temperature > 35 oc area that has temperature < 35 oc

: 341 m2 : 529 m : 690 m2 : 413.63 m2 : 274.4 m2

Total surface Total structure Total land area area that has temperature > 35 oc area that has temperature < 35 oc

: 341 m2 : 526 m : 690 m2 : 448.5 m2 : 241.2 m2

168 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Velocity Magnitute ft/sec

Temperature C

Total surface Total structure Total land area area that has temperature > 35 oc area that has temperature < 35 oc

: 341 m2 : 515 m : 690 m2 : 528.2 m2 : 162.7 m2

Total surface Total structure Total land area area that has temperature > 35 oc area that has temperature < 35 oc

: 455 m2 : 706 m : 690 m2 : 528.2 m2 : 162.7 m2

Total surface Total structure Total land area area that has temperature > 35 oc area that has temperature < 35 oc

: 455 m2 : 793 m : 690 m2 : 489.0 m2 : 200.7 m2 169

GH definition for action on rural empty space |

170 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design


GH definition for uses distribution |

172 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design


Python script for CA to building generation |

174 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design


MSc synthesis: Permaculture | Image1. Permaculture theory


Source: http://www. peakprosperity. com/sites/default/ files/content/article/ header-media-background-image/permaculture-flower.jpg

Water, Earth, Landscape, Climate, Plants



People, Culture, Trade,

Harmonious integration of

Finance, Social Provision

landscape and people

ENERGY COMPONENTS Technologies, Connections, Structures,Sources


Permaculture is the systematic method framed in 1978 by two Australians (Bill Mollison and David Holmgren) as an integrated approach to designing healthy, productive, wildlife friendly, places and communities in-away this system also create sustainable architecture that able to maintain the habitat by itself. This system working side by side with natural ecosystems without interrupting them, even make the existing condition become more productive because permaculture is emphasizing the landscape patterns, the function of the land, and the relationship how each element is placed in coherency with each other. In the end a high level of synerWgy come out as the result with maximal benefits that able to produce big amount of food with least input and no waste. This permaculture is developed from several disciplines, some of them include organic agriculture, agroforestry, integrated agriculture, sustainable development, ecology study. The word “Permaculture” formerly referred to “permanent agriculture” but was expanded to stand also for “permanent culture,” as it was seen that social aspects were integral to a truly sustainable system as inspired by Masanobu Fukuoka’s natural farming philosophy. The three core principles of permaculture are: Care for the earth: Provision for all life systems to continue and multiply. This is the first principle, because without a healthy earth, humans cannot flourish. Care for the people: Provision for people to access those resources necessary for their existence. 176 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Return of surplus: Reinvesting surpluses back into the system to provide for the first two ethics. This includes returning waste back into the system to recycle into usefulness. The third ethic is sometimes referred to as Fair Share to reflect that each of us should take no more than what we need before we reinvest the surplus. In Architectural approach, the settlement can be integrated into the ecology of the site. To meet key human needs of food, water, energy and shelter in a way that also enhances the natural environment. By understanding how biological systems work in nature and applying them to human settlement design, these principles can be harnessed for productive and biodiversity environments that are low-maintenance and self-perpetuating.

“Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless labour; and of looking at plants and animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single product system.


-Bill Mollison



< 1700m3/capita Regular Water Stress


< 1700m3/capita Chronic Water Scarcity 625


Lybian Arab Jamahibiya Maldives United Arab Emirates Malta

Qatar Bahrain Singapore Lebanon

Yemen Jordan

Barbados Israel

Algeria St Kitts Nevis Tunisia Oman

Egypt Belgium Cyprus South Africa Lebanon Morocco Kenya Rwanda Cape Verde Burundi Djibouti

Poland Antigua Barbuda


< 1700m3/capita Absolute Water Scarcity

Uzbekistan India Mauritius Malawi Comoros Haiti Somalia Ethiopia Zimbabwe Burkina Faso Rep. of Korea



Denmark Afghanistan China Germany China Iran Eritrea UK

Figure1. Available fresh water in the World

Annual Renewable Freshwater Availability (m3/capital)

MSc synthesis: Water Management |

Water Scarcity

Irrigation techniques

Management of water is the dominant issue to this element. Nearly one fifth of the world population is already facing water shortages on a daily basis. 500 million people in water stressed areas and almost one quarter of the population living in countries that lack the necessary infrastructure to take water from natural sources.2

Morrocan Techniques

The water scarcity is a phenomenon caused both naturally and man-made. The water is distributed unevenly, a huge part of it is wasted, polluted or sustainability managed. When we talk about fresh water, this is not only the water used for drinking and domestic use, also agricultural irrigation and industrial processes should be taken into consideration.

Two largest canals come directly from the river as the main ditches, taking the waters and distributing them among other second biggest channels then the second canal ditches, branching out into other successively smaller channels (Hijuelas) and will be ditches again to smaller channels which called “Armbands and Showers�. These are the last capillaries of the intricate and gigantic circulatory system responsible for driving the liquid element to each of the terraces to irrigate crops.

Water consumption has been growing at more than twice times faster than the population increase rate in the last century. By 2030, the population in the world will reach 10 billion people. Moreover, one fifth of these will live in areas affected by desertification. This fact comes along the difficulty to access to a water source. In most of the cases, the solution carried out has been an expensive desalination plant. One possibility to tackle this issue is by having desalination tank which it will converts seawater into fresh water by applying a reverse osmosis process. This process is only viable where there is no other option at isolated areas or the water networks will signify an extremely high cost of construction. In this design system, not only the elements are the designed items, but also the connections and relations between them. In addition, the effort is put in an efficient recycling cycle of fossil fuel, energy and water. As previously mentioned, water could be used for either drinking, irrigation or industrial processes.

178 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

One of the most promising techniques from the ancient time using by most traditional farmer in Mediterranean is Moroccan techniques. Invented by Arabs in the sixteenth century, The irrigation system of ditches and drainages is a reflection of the circulatory system of the human body.

The system also works for another important function which operating the other way around. In this second system, the surplus of water after having watered terraces and farmland, will be lead back to be exploited again. By discharging it into the river or the veins so that farmers on riverbed or located below, also able to gather water for irrigation necessities.

Water Recycle Used

Figure2. Water management Diagram


Source: Writers









Image1. Dripping method Source: http://www. pd/8575279/Farm_ Drip_Irrigation_System_Equipment.html


Image2. Hydroponic Method




Source: http:// hydroponic-gardening-in-the-greenhouse/


Hydroponics is the way to grow plants in soil-less medium, or a water based system. By using mineral nutrient solution combine with water, it give plants only nutrient they needed with zero runoff waste.

Dripping is an irrigation method which save water usage and also clean. By allow water to drip slowly on the soil to reach the root. It is done through narrow tubes that deliver water directly to the base of the plant.

Using hydroponic system are no longer limited by climate or by season as the plants can grow al year round by using a right amount of nutritions where temperature condition has to be considered as it may be to cold or to hot for plants to grow.

Nowadays, dripping method has been developed and become most innovative irrigation method in agriculture after the massive impact of sprinkler in 30’s.In this particular system, pump and valves may be manually or automatically operated by a controller. Micro-spray head has been used to pray water in a certain area instead of dripping emitters. Tree and vine crops which has widen root are basically used by this method. Subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) is other dripping technique which buried dropper line or tape below the plants roots. It is becoming prominent method in areas where water supplies are limited. Relevant factor such as land topography, type of soil,climate need to be analyse to match with the most suitable dripping system.

Water loses is one of the major concerned. Tradition soil cultivation waste an amount of water in farming where in Hydroponic method are able to reuse water in the system and have zero run off which possibly effect the surrounding ecosystem. Hydroponic and Aquaponic seems to share the same features of soil-less cultivation with close loop water management. There are slightly different in many way. Firstly, Hydroponic need to be controlled by human where Aquaponic is the symbiosis system where it required less maintenance. Despite a long start up time of Aquaponic system, If able to provide an area for aquarium tank for fish, using this system require less work and could provide more benefits in a long run.

By using a proper dripping system to the conditions above,water conservation could be achieve but also by design a newer system by reducing evaporation and deep drainage when compared to other types of irrigation such as flood or overhead sprinklers since water can be more precisely applied to the plant roots. Moreover,many diseases can be eliminated by using this dripping method because it require small amount of time to contact with air. Finally,in some regions where there is water scarce, arid regions or on dry soils, water needed to be carefully used and as slow as possible to avoid waste.


MSc synthesis: System Application | Image1. Site in Almeria Source: Google Earth

Mediterranean basin region has specific conditions in terms of sun light hours, temperature average, rain regime and has been chosen to be the site application for the system. Among the Mediterranean cities, the southern Spanish city of Almeria is of interest due to the fact that hosts the largest concentration of greenhouses in the world, on an infertile soil, desertification issues and extreme climate. The current situation of this area has been analysed and prospective figures have been estimated according to future expectations and own ambitions. Furthermore, as it happens in many Mediterranean cities, there is a presence of an unidentified territory between the urban and rural area without any particular use. This fact creates network and urban problems at this peri-urban area and adjacent areas. The location of the chosen site is of particular interest due to the sea next to one side.

180 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Almeria Parameters

On-site Comparison

Almeria province Area

8774.87 km

Almeria province Population


Almeria greenhouse area

420 km2

Almeria greenhouse production

3.4 Million Tonnes


Propose System Parameters Site Area

3.20 km2

Site Population


Site residential area

504,000 m2

Total Products

12,960,000 kg/year

Product for inhabitants

1,296,000 kg/year

Solar Panel Area

45,676 m2

Public Space Area

73,000 m2

POPULATION Current Projection

300 people 14,000 people

DENSITY Current Projection

95 people/km2 4,375 people/km2

DWELLING AREA Current Projection

10,800 m2 504,000 m2

PRODUCTION RATES Current Projection

8,095,000 kg/year 12,960,000 kg/year

Inhabitant Daily Needs x1

Dwellings area Public space Water consumption Electric consumption Product consumption

36 m2 12 m2 137 litres / day 20.25 kWh / day 0.5 Kg / day


MSc synthesis: Distribution Strategies | Figure1. Distribution axonometric Source : Writers

Legend: Cell ‘1’ Cell ‘2’ Cell ‘3’ Cell ‘A’ Cell ‘B’ Cell ‘C’

Figure2. Resulting network from experiment chapter Source : Writers

Legend: Cell ‘1’ Cell ‘2’ Cell ‘3’ Cell ‘A’ Cell ‘B’ Cell ‘C’

Overview Cells distribution is generated as the result of overlaying the distribution from population and production distribution gradient. Since this project is dealing with integration of two different functions, it is also necessary to specify the importance of the products management. Once the urban network has already begun to be developed. The local production requires places where products are stored, prepared and distributed. After studied the existing cooperatives and preparation center, it is necessary to have at least two collection points to serve the proposed site area. These 2 collection points are located on the main artery, in a reachable place to avoid future logistics issues. By managing the influenced distance from the defined attractor line and points, the distribution of cell types is controlled. In this case, using the distances influence from the peri-urban border line and those others from the collection points. Density Distribution Through the previous population growth, the starting point will be the peri-urban area, it grows to the rural area where the available spaces are located. Therefore, the distribution will be started from the previous peri-urban border and also both of the collection points as the attractors, the area where the highest population cell will be located. Production Distribution As for the production area distribution, the cell with the highest production rates will be placed close to the collection points due to the logistics purposes. These cells with highest production rates also will be placed along the border of agriculture territory considering the growth tend to start from the previous area.

182 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

Area 3,2 km2


1 1 1
















2 2












































Total Cells by Type : Cell ‘A’ : 38 Cell ‘B’ : 31 Cell ‘C’ : 26



Cell ‘A’ Cell ‘B’ Cell ‘C’

Figure4. Productive area distribution gradation Source : Writers



























Influenced distance from perimeter boundaries and collection points : Cell ‘A’ : <300m Cell ‘B’ : 300 to 600m Cell ‘C’ : >600m


Cell ‘3’

Total Population : 14,228 Inhabitants


Area 3,2 km2 A

Cell ‘1’ Cell ‘2’









Population by Cells Type : Cell ‘1’ : 6,956 inhabitants Cell ‘2’ : 5,640 inhabitants Cell ‘3’ : 1,632 inhabitants



2 2






















Total Cells by Type : Cell ‘1’ : 35 Cell ‘2’ : 40 Cell ‘3’ : 20


2 2






Source : Writers









1 1

2 2






2 2







Influenced distance from perimeter boundaries and collection points : Cell ‘1’ : <300m Cell ‘2’ : 300 to 600m Cell ‘3’ : >600m


1 1

Figure3. Density distribution gradation







Population by Cells Type : Cell ‘A’ : 6,382,000 kg Cell ‘B’ : 3,685,000 kg Cell ‘C’ : 2, 776,000 kg

Cell ‘1’ Cell ‘2’ Cell ‘3’ Cell ‘A’ Cell ‘B’ Cell ‘C’



Total Production : 12,843,000 kg



Figure1. Patch containing cell identity Source : Writers




1A 1B

Cell ‘1’ Cell ‘2’ Cell ‘3’


Cell ‘A’ Cell ‘B’ Cell ‘C’

Area 3,2 km2 Total Cells by Type : 1A = 13 1B = 6 1C = 15 2A = 14 2B = 18 2C = 7

2A 1B



1A 1A 2A


1A 2A 2A

2B 1C 2A 2B 2C 1C 3A 2B 1C 3A 3B 2C 1C 3A 2B 1C 3A 3B 2C 1C 2A 2B 1C 1C 2A 2B 2B 1C 2A 2A 2B 2B 1C 2A 1A 1A 1B 2A 1A 1A 1B 1C 2A 1A 1A 1B 2A 1A 1A 2B 1C 2A 2B 2B 1B 3A 2B 2B 2B 1C 3A 2B 2C 1C 3A 3B 3C 2C 3A 3B 2C 3B 3C 2C 3B 3B 3C 3B 3C

3A = 7 3B = 38 3C = 4 The system application at the global scale is a 2 layers system as mentioned before, merging production and population gradient, the cell identity content is found.

Expected Total Population : 14,228 inhabitants Expected Total Production : 12,843,000 kg

By managing the influenced distances from the attractor lines and points, the distribution of cell types is controlled. In this case, the distance influenced that has been used for both population and production rates distribution are : High Population Cells and High Production Cells are distributed within the distance less than 300 m from attractor line and points. Medium Population Cells and and Medium Production Cells are distributed within the distance range from 300 to 600 m from the attractor line and points And Low Population Cells and Low Production Cells are distributed at the range further than 600m from attractor line and points. By using this influenced distance the total production and population meets the target number that has been set on previously.

184 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design


MSc synthesis: Overview | Network Development. From a set of different proposed network options through the patch, the most effective in terms of overall integration and shortest path criteria is chosen to be the primary level of the network. In other words, as the main criteria for developing further these results is the most improvement on the existing area with the shortest overall distance within the site.

Productive Network According to the network experiment, the diagonal grid provides benefits to the thermal action on the site. As a consequence, for an appropriate distribution of the products, the production has to be transported towards the main communication network in an efficient way. Therefore, the productive network consists of diagonal lines created to connecting perimeter border nodes with the main artery and collection points. Greenhouses area will orientated to face these lines.

Urban Network The urban network is also composed of diagonal lines, subdividing the patch in 150x150 meters cells. These cells will have a specific identity after the distribution strategy is carried out.These lines are supposed to cover most of the cells, meaning that every cell has direct access to one of these roads.

186 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design


1 1

1 2

1 1 1

1 1 1


1 1 1

2 2







3 3



3 C




















































2 2

2 2








2 1 1










With the purpose of distribution, the cells come from a diagonal grid and the method followed will be based on attractor points. For the population distribution, the attractor points will be located on the urban edge and also in two collection points previously set with the network. Therefore, the closer to the perimeter or to the collection points, the higher the population.

































2 2









2 3

2 2










2 2






Density and Production distribution











As for the production area distribution, the cell with the highest production rates will be placed close to the collection points and the rural edge. Not only the logistics purposes have been the driver for this distribution but it is also considered that the productive cells growth will start the closest possible to the existing agricultural area.


Cells content distribution 2A


1A 1A 1A 1A 2A 1A 1A 1B 2A 2A 2B 1C 2A 2B 1C 2A 2B 2C 1C 3A 2B 1C 3A 3B 2C 1C 3A 2B 1C 3A 3B 2C 1C 2A 2B 1C 1C 2A 2B 2B 1C 2A 2A 2B 2B 1C 2A 1A 1A 1B 2A 1A 1A 1C 1B 2A 1A 1A 1B 2A 1A 1A 2B 1C 2A 2B 2B 1B 3A 2B 2B 2B 1C 3A 2B 2C 1C 3A 3B 3C 2C 3A 3B 2C 3B 3C 2C 3B 3B 3C 3B 3C 1B

The system application, at an urban scale, is then a 2 layers system that merges production and population gradients. By managing the influenced distances from the attractors set, the distribution of types is controlled and the target numbers previously established are finally met.

Plotting distribution on site. As the diagonal grid does not thoroughly match with the network on site, a merging rules set is defined for the grid to finally be adjusted to the patch. Whenever the cell total area is smaller than 50% of total area of the original(150mx150m), this cell is merged to the neighbouring one.

2A 2A 1A 1A 1B 1B

1A 1A







1C 1C


































1C 1C





1C 1C







2B 1C




2C 1C














3B 3B




3C 3C







Steps strategy The productive area is located in zones that receive more than 6 hours of sunlight daily. When self-shading occur due to the blocks location, the step strategy is introduced. It consists of lifting up the shaded area so it gets more sunlight during the day and consequently, able to access the roof area and use it as greenhouse area also. Another additive variation of this strategy is to allocate taller species on this zone, therefore thier leaves reach sunlight in above level while the ground is still shaded area.

Cluster creation Each cell in the system contains a cluster of 4 buildings. Solar analysis carried out on the cluster will leads to the emergence of steps. The combination of 2 layers merged from cell distribution stage has developed 9 conditions to match the cell identities from the distribution process. That means 1,2 and 3 from highest population to lowest and A,B and C from highest production to lowest.

Cluster application As each cells consists now of 4 buildings, when they are applied to the site another fact has to be taken into account; the location of productive or urban network. Once one cell is chosen to place a cluster, together with its identity, the urban context is evaluated. By analysing identification of the streets that surrounding that cell, it is possible to know which specific cluster that meets this condition could be chosen from the library generated

188 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design

MSc. conclusion As a conclusion, the system developed throughout this dissertation tackles complex urban issues at a global scale as well as tend to deal with architectural symbiosis between two quite different functions. Therefore it faces a wide range of problems at different scales. The experiments carried out to inform all these designs have been a crucial element during the process, without them there would have been almost impossible to take such relevant design decisions as seen throughout this presentation. The authors also consider that a wider range of experiments would improve in an important manner the result of this design project. These to-do experiments could be related to the creation of networks and its evaluation in a deeper way, making use of others computational techniques.

The focus now is going to a more profound level into the architectural scale and the clear resolution of the integration greenhouse-residential uses. The concept of using existing greenhouses cover material has been chosen but deeper investigation must take place to verify the hypothesis of multi-use area between greenhouses and public space. Moreover, increasing number of unit that can be benefit from greenhouse temperature must be take forward in relation with differentiation of units. At the same time another scope is put on a more detailed combination of public spaces, roads, and amenities to adjust and refine this new inhabitable and productive settlement as our little contribution for more sustainable and responsible future cities design systems.

It has been observed that integrating the 2 distinct functions is not the only way to create decent territory for people to live. In addition to that, by introducing highly integrated network and providing public facilities and amenities on the appropriate locations would increase the quality of the urban space. In certain parts, the system integration needs to be investigated in terms of mutability and more flexibility.


190 INHABITABLE PRODUCTIVE LAND Emergent Technologies and Design



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