Pamphlet book (rough draft)

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abstract This pamphlet will explain the principles of landscape urbanism and how residential infrastructure has an impact in f Landscape Urbanism. The pamphlet will include illustrations that will hlep visually aid with the understanding of the impact of the infrastructure. The populatiion of people in the United states is expected to hit the 60 million habitatants by the year 2025.

Landscape Urbanisim (sub) urbanism Richard weller

Landscape (Sub) Urbanism by Richard Weller, describes the different principles of Landscape Urbanism and how they apply to the urban realm. It is insanely to think that by the year 2025 we will have 60 million people living in the United States and 12 million homes built by then. Where are these people going to live? Suburban sprawl is the answer to most developers. Developers don’t see what is actually happening to the ecology, they only see the dollar signs. As we grow in population people tend to spread towards the suburbs or developers tend to build these enormous buildings to accommodate the population growth. This is a problem that people would need to face in the future. As suburbia begins its inclination, it begins to remove that habitats of native animals and plants. Giving a helping hand to global warming as we see climate, ecology and wildlife fluctuations.

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Landscapes of infrastructure Elizabeth massop

Urban connectors Elizabeth massop

The Highline, chelsea new york James corner

Central park new york fredrick law olmstead

lecture 1 leher v melbourne

lecture 2

lexicon readings

landscape urbanism compresses the polarisation between design and planning in an effort to combine the strengths of each. It shifts the landscape architectural project from an art (or craft) of making beautiful landscapes to one of interdisciplinary negotiation and the seeding of strategic, development processes. -Richard Weller -

Green urbanisim has been defined as the practice of creating communities beneficial to human and the environment. According to Beatley It is an attempt to shape more sustainable places, communities and lifestyles. and consume less of the world’s resources..

https://sapiens.revues. org/1057

new urbanism Views disinvestment in central cities, the spread of placels sprawl, increasing separation by race and income, envronmental deterioration, loss of agricultural lands , wilderness and erosion of society’s built heritage as one of interrelated community -building challenge. -Richard Weller-

suburban sprawl The unplanned, uncontrolled spreading of urban development into areas adjoining the edge of a city. suburban+sprawl

nostalgia a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition.


urbanization a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition.


infrastructure The physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of society or enterprise.


fractal Endlessly repeating patterns which are self-similar across scales.


posit To put forth an idea or position.


identity The qualities, beliefs, etc., that make a particular person or group different from others.


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